Wallpaper for the children's room lol. What wallpaper is better to choose for the children's room: positive in design and plot. Examples of registration of children's rooms for girls of different ages

And from what should be repelled?

What criteria determine the choice

In order for your child while in his room, it felt comfortable, reliably and protected, when choosing a wall covering, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • environmental friendliness (materials should be not toxic and completely safe for the health of the child);
  • the coating should "breathe";
  • the choice of color must correspond to the age and preferences of the child;
  • wall coating should be comfortable and easy to care

To all of the above, you can add another item - if children of preschool age, the coating should not be expensive, because Children tend to creatively develop on the walls, leaving traces of their creativity there.

Color gamut and color

The choice of color for wallpapers in the children's room is unusually important, because According to the statements of psychologists, the psycho-emotional development of the baby is extremely dependent. In this regard, it is advisable to avoid especially bright colors. For example, for girls, the best option will be delicate pastel colors, such as, pale pink, beige and green.

If this is a room for a boy, in this case will be the most suitable: blue, green, yellow and brown shades.

In addition to color, it is worth paying attention to the invoice, as well as the color of the wallpaper. The versatile pattern is considered a floral or vegetable ornament.

Also appropriate images of animals or heroes from favorite cartoons. The main thing is to avoid - these are abstraction, because Similar drawings are oriented towards more adults. Also unwanted too clear patterns that are able to quickly tire the child. In general, Ideally do this: Place an image on one wall, while others simply leave one-photo.

Although, standard, wallpapers for girls in most cases are produced in white, pink or lilac shades, exciting the imagination of the little princesses representing themselves in the palace. For boys, the most common is the blue palette, contributing to the creation in the sea style room. There are also beige-green combinations of colors, associated with the kid with the jungle.

Existing types of wallpaper for children's room

To date, there is a wide variety in choosing wallpapers for children. At the same time, they all have their own texture, their material and design. But the most common current species:

  • paper wallpaper;
  • (resemble decorative plaster with mineral or vegetable fibers);
  • - and (allow you to put any photo image on the wall, right up to your own portrait);
  • washable

It is categorically not recommended to use vinyl (phliseline) wallpaper, because They "do not breathe" and deprive the air room, affecting the microclimate. From velor wallpaper, so fashionable and popular now, it is also best to refuse, because They will collect dust.

Now we will make the division of children into age groups

Wallpaper in the children's room, first of all, must correspond to the age of the child, as well as the floor. In this regard, for each age group, a specific type of wallpaper with defined texture and color is suitable. Consider the age groups in more detail:

  • newborns - This group includes children with age from 0 to 2 years old, in other words, the main occupation for which is a dream, in connection with which the ideal solution for the baby will be the coating of walls having delicate, soothing pastel shades, promoting relaxation ;

  • the second group includes children aged 2 to 5 years, in which the circle of interest is already becoming much wider, in this case, brighter wallpapers are suitable, for example, photo walls with cartoon heroes, especially if the baby has a calm character, in case the baby has a calm character in case The child is too active and movable, on the contrary it is better to choose shades quieter;

  • the third group includes children with age from 3 to 8 years old, already possessing their hobby, and everyone has different, someone has drawing, someone with plasticine, etc., for this group of children Especially popular use "Educational" wallpaper with the image of plants, animals or alphabet

The child who has reached the age of eight years old can safely take the hand and lead to the store to pick up the wallpaper in the nursery with him, because At this age, the decisive will be its opinion, because it is to be in this room most of the time.

What other ideas can be used

For example, a very good option will be the mixture of wallpapers of different types and colors. Also in some cases, monophonic wallpapers do not lose in the fact that with a pattern, and look very stylish.
And you can make a combined option from such geometry: to harmoniously connect together polka dots, squares, striped, hatching and cage.

By the way, it is not necessary to avoid black in the interior of the children's room. After all, black is considered to personify night, sleep and peace. Also, this color contributes to curable diseases, such as colds, as well as low blood pressure.

But, of course, it is necessary to use this color in reasonable limits so that it does not have an inhibitory and overwhelming effect.

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Every parent wants to make a children's room for his child cozy and functional, and its interior design is thoughtful and original. In order for the children's room to meet the specified requirements, in the process of its arrangement it is important to pay attention not only to the selection of furniture and decor, but also materials for wall decoration. The most relevant materials for finishing walls in the children's room are wallpaper, from the quality and pattern of which the harmonious stylistic interior concept depends. Psychologists argue that when choosing wallpaper for children's room, it is important to take into account the age and psychological features of the child, since in this room the baby learns, rests, growing and improving. In this room, its worldview and moral principles are formed, that is, it is formed as a person. In order for these processes to occur as efficiently as possible, the surrounding setting should fully contribute to them. In addition to the age and psychological characteristics of the child, when choosing wallpaper for the children's room, it is important to ensure that they meet the requirements of hygiene. In this regard, the decoration of the children's room is often associated with many difficulties, as the child grows rapidly, and often the need to replace wallpaper. However, manufacturers try to make it easier to facilitate the fate of parents as much as possible when choosing wallpaper for the children's room, offering a huge variety of textures, color solutions and drawings for every taste. In this article, we will look at how to choose a wallpaper for children's rooms of various sexual agents and ages.

Types of wallpapers for the children's room: what to pay attention to?

Wallpapers are the most popular material for finishing walls in the children's room, and the main condition when choosing wallpaper for children - the use of only natural materials. In order not to make a mistake when the wallpaper is selected and make sure of their quality, when buying a material, require the seller from the seller documents confirming the quality of the wallpaper, which states that the paper and coloring components used to produce wallpaper data meet the quality standards.

Varieties of wallpapers used to design a nursery:

  • Vinyl wallpapersWith a lot of advantages, one side of which is a vinyl coating, and the second is represented by paper or phlizelin. This type of wallpaper is easily glued, hides the irregularities of the wall and does not change the color with constant ultraviolet rays;
  • Paper wallpaper No less in demand than the previous option. Their cost is one of the most democratic, which allows you to change the wallpaper when moving a child to a new age group. If your family is growing up a small artist, loving to draw masterpieces on the walls, choosing paper wallpaper, you minimize material losses. In the process of production of paper wallpapers, synthetic components are not used;
  • Fliselinova wallpaper - More durable, unlike paper wallpaper. They are characterized by plasticity, in connection with which, easily glued. In the composition of flieslinic wallpaper there are no harmful components, they are easily clean and are peculiar air conductions;
  • Photo wallpaper - A good option for diversity lovers. The most popular are photo wallpapers for children's rooms with the image of the heroes of cartoon films, thanks to which the child can feel himself in a fairy tale;

  • Liquid wallpaper - One of the most expensive options, as a result of which it is characterized by less demand, compared with other varieties of wallpaper. Its main advantage is that over time you can easily paint all the arts of your Chad;
  • Corkscrews - Environmentally friendly material, providing efficient sound insulation and protection against noisy neighbors.

Wallpaper in a nursery photo

Children's wallpaper selection rules: General requirements

1. Wallpapers in the children's room should be made of environmentally friendly hypoallergenic materials of natural origin. This requirements are fully answered by paper, phlizelin and for those who have large means, textile wallpapers. Liquid wallpapers can also be used to design a children's room, but from vinyl wallpaper, despite the fact that they are practical material, experts recommend refusing. If you choose a wallpaper, consult sellers and make sure that it is painted water based. As for the choice of glue, then experts recommend to give preference to a special adhesive for children's rooms offered by manufacturers such as Pufas, Henkel, etc. If your child is allergy or asthmatic, refuse wallpaper with deep relief structure.

Important! An ideal option for the children's room will be quite expensive, but high-quality liquid wallpapers that do not form the joints. They have not only high aesthetic characteristics, but also efficient heat and sound insulation properties. When buying liquid wallpapers, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the raw materials used for their manufacture.

2. The choice of wallpaper pattern for the children's room must correspond to the child's age. Psychologists believe that it is better to use a neutral one-time coating to design a child to one and a half years, whereas for a child from one and a half to three years - a variety of patterns and ornaments. After three years - the psyche of the child is ready to perceive the training drawings and plots, and you can safely choose a wallpaper with cartoon characters;

3. Be careful with the choice of the plot. Experts are not recommended to "settle" fabulous characters on all walls in the children's room. This is due to the rapid change in the tastes of adheating children who are most likely the heroes of Disney cartoons chosen a year ago. In addition, they can act exciting to the child's rapid psyche. In this regard, try to keep your choice on neutral coating;

4. The zoning of the room is one of the important factors that need to be considered when choosing wallpaper for the children's room. Carefully thought out of the design of the children's room, the wallpaper in which the last role is played, should be developed taking into account the fact that the child spends most of his time. In this regard, in the nursery it is necessary to highlight the game and training zones, a place to relax or sports activities, as well as the sleeping area, which will help the use of monochrome and ornamental finishes. Therefore, the best solution will be the combination of one-photographic coating and wallpaper with a variety of drawings, as well as photo wallpaper and panels;

5. If you prefer the photo writing, remember that you will have to face a number of difficulties with their fit in size. In this case, you will have to or donate part of the plot by cutting it around it at the edges, or to place the canvas in different places, filling the free space of monophonic wallpaper. To be confident in the fact that the size of the photographs will correspond to the size of the walls, you can make them to order;

6. Giving preference to the photo wallpaper, it is important to take into account the location of furniture in the room. If the wall on which a large-scale plot will be located will be closed on half furniture, or at least a piece of the image closes the cabinet or bed, the idea will lose its original design, and the wall will lose its appearance;

7. If in the children's room you found pictures on the walls, do not hurry to scold a child for spoiled wallpapers, and strive to further develop its creative abilities. To do this, you can pick up the wallpaper developing the creative potential of the child, the drawing on which is not completely painted. If you choose such a wallpaper, the child will be able to paint them on their own. Another modern version is the wallpaper appliques, which are separate pieces of bulk mosaic solding with the assembly scheme, glue and tassel. The ability to stick such wallpaper is provided with a small owner of the room.

Wallpaper for the children's room: Choose taking into account the age of the child

In finding a response to the question: "What wallpapers are suitable for the children's room?" Many specialists offer to focus on the age of the child. It is not necessary to count that the wallpaper is enough to go once in a decade - they will have to cross them as the child grows. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that children are often painted on the wallpaper or take pieces from them, leading them into disrepair. Consider the features of the choice of wallpaper in accordance with the age category to which the child belongs:

  • In the process of designing the room for a newborn baby Use wallpaper pastel shades, as bright color combinations can have a negative impact on the psyche of the child and cause its concern. At the same time, it is not recommended to choose a wallpaper with the heroes of cartoons, as they can scare a small family member;
  • For children from year to two years, actively begin to know the world and located to the whole bright, according to psychologists, the most preferred are bright wallpaper with colorful drawings. However, it is not recommended to overload the room with bright colors and blew the most colorful parts of the wallpaper in front of the baby's crib;

  • What wallpaper glued in the nursery child from two to four years old? In this case, designers are recommended to focus on the taste preferences of the child. Most likely, it will be wallpapers with the heroes of cartoons depicted on them, however, a significant part of the wallpaper should be framed in one, preferably a pastel shade, which will make it easily posting pictures of the child in the frames. You can give preference to photo wallpapers with animals or cartoon characters, but the characters themselves should not be larger than the child;
  • Aged 4-6 years Children are becoming even more active, and designers advise not to suppress the creative abilities of the child, but to promote their development. It will be possible if you make the wall so that their top is decorative, and the lower part of the one-color, inexpensive paper wallpaper, where the child can draw completely unpunished. As for the color shade, experts are recommended to give preference to balanced rainbow tones, refusing bright exciting and dark overwhelming shades;

  • After the child will reach the six-year-old age It will begin to actively raise friends, and their active games in the rooms can help damage the wall covering. In this regard, at this age it is better to choose a liquid wallpaper or inexpensive wallpaper for painting, allowing you to paint all the defects in case of their appearance. So that the child concentrates while studying, use the wallpaper of calm muffled shades or striped wallpaper;
  • Beginning from nine yearsThe design of the children's room for the boy and the girl differs. What are the differences - consider further.

Children's room for the boy: how to choose a wallpaper?

The main criterion for which you want to navigate when choosing wallpaper in a children's room for boys should be temperament of a child. If your baby is slow and phlegmatical, stop your choice on calm warm colors and gentle shades. To stir the passive child, often inclined to be lazy, use rich blades of bright shades. The room of hyperactive is best decorated in cold (but not gloomy!) Shades. To make the room warm and cozy, use peach and apricot shades, and if your child has achieved school age, increase the concentration of attention and awaken cravings to knowledge will help yellow.

Thus, the most optimal colors for the design of the boy's bedroom are the following:

  • Purple;
  • Green;
  • Blue;
  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • Brown.

The use of blue wallpaper allows you to embody marine themes in the room, while the combination of green and beige is relevant for those who decided to recreate the atmosphere of the jungle.

Important! In most cases, when choosing a wallpaper for a children's room, parents try to avoid black, which, according to designers, is completely not justified. The personification of black color is peace and night rest, and, according to some paramedics, it even helps to increase blood pressure and helps to avoid colds. If you use a black color in moderate quantities, it will not have an oppressive effect on the psyche of the child. Black color will be perfectly combined with portraits of famous personalities (athletes, actors or musicians) and graffiti used to design a teenage boy.

How to choose drawings on the wallpaper in a children's room for a boy?

Most wallpaper manufacturers demonstrate on their cliffs of an image of cartoon characters, birds and animals. Almost all parents seek to acquire something bright and motley, often forgetting to ask the taste preferences of the room's owner. It is important to remember that if one boy souls the colorful canvas with the image of the cartoon heroes, then a calm one-photon color will have to taste.

But, despite the taste preferences of the child, parents must remember that excessively frequent and motley pictures tire the psyche of the child and will very quickly annoy him. The optimal choice that balancing the psyche of a hyperactive, and a distinguished melancholic child is a single drawings or plot images supported by a common stylistic design of the room. And they simply beat them simply, for example, to emphasize the butterflies depicted on the wallpaper, it is enough to supplement them with a green bedside table, personifying the lawn. Similarly, they come with images of animal or animal heroes.

You must avoid!

  • Abstract drawings, unacceptable for the psyche of the child, as they are focused on the strengthening psyche of an adult;
  • Clear patterns repeated on all the walls, as they will tire the psyche of the child. The most preferred option in this case is the decoration of one wall with wallpaper with drawings, and the design of the rest of the walls in the monophonic palette.

Thematic rooms for boy room design

  • Nature - Wallpaper with the image of the seas, lakes, sun and beaches perfectly complement the teenage boy's room. The use of natural landscapes will be appropriate in the room of a passive and balanced child, inclined to active mental activity;
  • Marine Topics and Pirates, as well as boats, submarine trays and other pirated things - all this will have to taste a small adventure crawler;
  • Historical characters (knights, cowboys and the Indians) will enjoy small romance and lovers of history, with their valiant acts dreaming in the future to conquer the heart of the wonderful lady;
  • Technics - The boyish nature is arranged in such a way that they will always be interested in cars, trains, aircraft and space ships;
  • Sports theme - Another direction that will fall to the taste of a brisk and mischievous fidget, as well as future athletes.

Children's room for girls: how to choose a wallpaper?

With a room for a young lady, things are different. From the earliest childhood, the room of a future woman should be framed in a special way. This is due to the fact that from an early age, girls are brought up as future owners, and the shade selected for the design of the bedroom should emphasize the cozy atmosphere in the room.

Wallpaper Color in Children's Room For Girls

The choice of designer design of the children's room is of great importance, affecting the development of the child and even his well-being, and many specialists are put on one level with environmental friendliness. This is explained by the fact that, looking at the monotonous wall, the child is nothing to focus his eyes. The inverse situation develops, if you took a room with wallpaper with a pattern - looking at them, the child learns to distinguish the shape and colors, trains attentiveness and memory. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to make a children's room for a girl with catchy drawings. Similar to the design of the room for the boy, it is necessary to follow the fundamental rules, relevant and for the room of a small princess. In this regard, experts recommend choosing pink, beige, peach and apricot wallpaper in a children's room for girls. You can use other shades, including:

  • Orange;
  • Turquoise;
  • Digid green and others.

You can give preference to a combination of several colors, with the condition alone so that they are similar to each other. In addition, they must be somewhat muted, which will improve the overall stylistic perception of the room. At the same time, it is important to abandon the dark shades that oppressively acting on the psyche of the child.

Important! If you plan to decorate the walls with accessories - clock, photographs or other cute little things, choose a monophonic wallpaper (or their color combinations), which will be a background for wall accessories.

We draw up a girl's room depending on its age

  • For room registration early girls Choose pastel tones using one-picture wallpaper that can be decorated with vinyl pictures and stickers;
  • For Girls 3-7 years old You can use brighter color solutions, blending the photo wallpaper with the image of your favorite characters of cartoons or animals. The canvas with the image of training drawings - alphabet, numbers, names of countries, etc are also suitable;

  • Room decor teenage girls It is better to trust her. Most likely, she will prefer a romantic style in pastel pink shades.

Themed Room Facilities for Girls

Of course, among girls there are active natures, loving equipment, sports, cars and aircraft, however, most of them are more romantic. In childhood, they will taste the following stylistic solutions:

  • Room princessdecorated in light pink colors and abundant locks, hearts and images of fabulous characters;
  • Room Forest FairiesFor which the wallpaper of salad, green shades with the image of flowers, butterflies and animals are suitable.

Important! When choosing wallpaper for the children's room of different children, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, namely, to make a bet on the combination of wallpapers of various subjects, without stopping at some particular direction. Opening your choice on neutral shades, divide the room into the zones, highlight your corner to each child, and allow children to decorate your zone on your own.

The choice of style and interior of the children's room is an important task as they carry direct impact on well-being, mood and vital tone. Wall finishing with wallpaper plays a decisive role in the design of the future room, the overall finishes of the stylistic composition of the room depends on their choice. The color and pattern of wallpapers will help create comfort, add originality and connects a single style different elements of the interior.

Doctors talk about the need to take into account the step of growing up and the psychological attitude of the child when buying wallpaper, because in this room it will spend a lot of time, do homework, rest and learn from a new one.

So that any activity passed with the greatest efficiency, the interior should be selected as correct as possible. Choosing the appropriate wallpaper, one should not forget about the criteria for environmentality and hygiene.

With a loaf on the criteria that need to be considered when choosing wallpaper, parents identify this action with problems. After all, children grow rapidly, their views and tastes are changing, respectively, the desire to change the wallpaper arises quite often. Understanding with what difficulties is facing the older generation, wallpaper manufacturing factories offer in their range a variety of colors, drawings and textures.

In this article you will find information on the choice of color of wallpaper, learn about interesting solutions and see beautiful photos of wallpapers for the children's room.

Tips for choosing wallpapers for baby boy

The main parameter to be taken into account when selecting wallpaper for boys is the character of the kid. If the child basically behaves calmly and loves to spend time behind books - the best choice will be warm, pastel tones. If your goal is to stamp the lazy - choose colorful and bright colors.

Note! Wardrobe in a children's room for a boy and a girl. 100 photos of design options.

For excessively nonsense, it is perfectly suitable for wallpapers in cold shades. The feeling of protectedness and homely atmosphere in the room will increase apricot and peach tones, strengthen the concentration of the schoolchildren will help yellow.

Blue wallpaper is perfectly suitable for the common themes in the style of navigators, and the combination of green and beige perfectly fit into the style of green thickets.

Choice of drawing on the wallpaper in the boy's room

On the stands in the store a huge range of paper cloths with images of super heroes, characters from cartoon, birds and animals. Most parents leaning towards the belief that their child will be delighted with a motley picture on the walls, forgetting to learn the personal preferences of the residents of the room. Children are not very similar to each other, from which is delighted one, from the other that the head can be spinning.

Even if the diet loves colorful and motley drawings, it should be remembered that such a pattern is quickly tired of the psyche of the younger family member. The golden mean, soothing too smart, and encouraging a melancholic child, will be a cloth with infrequent images or one common plot that will fit into the room design.

Extremely simple interior elements are very simple. For example, to emphasize the wallpaper with Winnie Pretch, you can put a piggy bank in the form of a pot with honey. With the help of such minor add-ons, you can beat any drawings.

Tips for choosing Wallpaper for Children's Room Girls

A little differently followed by the search for the girls for girls. From the Small Years, they are trying to bring up as the owners, so the girl's room should be decorated on the basis of this. The wallpaper shade is chosen in warm colors, emphasizing homemade warmth and comfort.

Selection of children's wallpapers plays an important role in the development, creation of mood, formation of attitudes towards others. This conclusion is explained as follows: The monotonous wall does not hold the eye of the child. A direct proportional situation occurs if the walls are placed with images with images - Looking at them, the girl will search for various shades, track lines, and at the same time memory and attention to detail will be strengthened.

The same principles as when making a boy's room, you should be guided by choosing the interior of the room of a future woman. Design professionals advise to stop their choice on beige, pink, apricot and peach shades of wallpaper.

An interesting alternative will be a combination of several colors of wallpaper in the interior of a nursery, just make sure that the shades are in the same gamma.

Another condition of this option is the muffled color - this will provide a correct stylistic understanding of the room. The use of dark colors is very undesirable, as it adversely affects the psyche of the younger family members.

Choice of Wallpaper for the room with two diverse children

Often, the wallpaper is chosen into the room where either a girl or a boy will live. We have formed a certain vision, as the bedroom of a child's bedroom should look like a separate floor. Many comments and tips describe exactly such a situation. But there are cases when you have to select the appropriate option for a room in which several guys will live at once.

Not uncommon when it comes to a girl and a boy living in the same room. A similar situation gives rise to the task of choosing wallpaper in a children's room for all-choice children.

The main snag is to create such a design, which is equally suitable for a child of any sex. And the conversation is not about furniture, toys, table lamps, etc., but about the importance of choosing the right style in the interior.

Of course, we know that for girls they choose a pink color more often, and for a boy blue or blue. To solve such a task, a compromise is needed. Bright and cheerful shades are well suited, filling the room with solar heat.

Wallpaper-companions, if used, should also be positive and invigorating. Tints are better to apply in small quantities or to refuse them at all.

Another option in the selection of wallpaper can be the zoning of the room for men and female parts. This will make it possible to pick up similar, but still different wallpapers for each child.

Using this method, you should correctly transition from one zone to another. A separating decorative element can be made from drywall or simply put out furniture accessories, so that it serves a distinctive line.

Photo of wallpapers in the children's room

Many parents are concerned about the question: what is the best way to choose the wallpaper for the children's room for girls - the photo in the network is singing with all sorts of interior design options and make breaking your head. How is the option of choosing the option, perfect suitable daughter? After all, it is precisely the walls of the walls affects the harmonious perception of the room, serves as a background for furniture and other interior items, creating a finished, thoughtful appearance. But the most important thing, the emotional attitude of the girl depends on it and how comfortable to her in the nursery. What you need to know by choosing wallpaper, what color scheme or ornament give preference? Answers to these questions will help create in the children's unique atmosphere of comfort, harmony, security, which will inspire and delight their mistress.

Wallpaper for children's room for girls: Requirements

To the selection of wallpapers for the children's room, the girl should be approached with special attention. After all, the quality of the coating will depend on both the emotional and physical condition of the child. Therefore, it is primarily to be guided by:

  • Safety of material, its naturalness, environmental friendliness, lack of toxic discharges.
  • Practicality, easy care.
  • Compliance with the color gamut, picture of the age and the nature of the girl.

Selection of material

Before selecting a suitable color, it is worth deciding on the wallpaper material that will be optimally suitable for children:

  • Paper - affordable, eco-friendly, universal option. They are presented by the variety of colors and styles, easily glue, but they cannot be washed, so for the girl younger age is not suitable, especially if the artist's skills wake up in it. Paper wallpaper will have to be able to change the hyperactive child in the room.
  • From natural materials, such as rice paper, bamboo - It is worth choosing only if the children is drawn up in the appropriate style. Such wallpapers, though absolutely safe, but fairly expensive, besides, it is unlikely to fully fit into the interior of a small girl room.
  • Fliseline wallpaper under painting - suitable for the room of an active child, because they are easy to update, wash, and for the full change of the color of the room enough to simply repaint them.

What wallpaper is better for the children's room? Unified criterion does not exist: someone prefers quality and wear-resistant materials, more importantly, the aesthetic component is more important.

Try to combine in the material for the walls maximum preferred criteria - and you will get a nursery that will not be perceived with the negative and will be cozy for a child of any age.

Texture and composition of materials

Among the variety of wallpaper options for walls it is better to choose coatings that would withstand the maximum impact of external factors. Children's is the place where the child holds most of the free time: wallpaper in such a room will be contaminated, rushing, deteriorate from paints and pencils.

Do not forget that some materials attract dust, and when moisture gets, not only deform, but also become an environment for the formation of mold and fungus.

So what wallpaper is better to glue in the children's room to reduce a negative impact to a minimum? Let's figure it out.

One of the simplest options is. The undoubted advantages of such materials include lowness of sticking, and low cost.

Although paper wallpapers are not distinguished by high strength and wear resistance, they are perfect for those who plan to update the room design with the growth of the child. And the simplest composition of paper materials does not damage the microclimate of the premises and health of the children.

What wallpaper glued into the children's room is as safe as paper? In second place at the choice of consumers are materials. Despite the fact that wallpaper of this type is not entirely environmentally friendly, they do not cause significant damage to health, but they have higher quality Compared to paper counterparts.