Wallpaper for painting - design ideas for creating a stylish interior (112 photos). Wallpaper for painting which is better: recommendations, which non-woven wallpaper for painting which is better to choose Wallpaper for painting without a pattern

This article discusses such a type of finishing material as wallpaper for painting in the interior: photo examples that clearly display the features of popular types of products, their technical and operational characteristics, prices. The text contains recommendations for choosing the best ones, advice on surface preparation, as well as a description of the technology for gluing and painting walls and ceilings with this finish.

Many apartment and country house owners consider paintable wallpaper as the optimal finish for walls and ceilings. But not every type of coating is suitable for these purposes. Modern catalogs of wallpaper for painting are ready to offer customers hundreds of options for this material, which has a smooth or embossed, pronounced texture and moisture resistance.

There are several types of paintable wallpaper:

  1. Non-woven.
  2. Paper.
  3. Fiberglass.

These types of wallpaper differ not only in material, but also in manufacturing techniques, as well as gluing to wall or ceiling surfaces.

Wallpaper for painting in the interior: photo of products on a paper basis

Paper-backed finishes are suitable for creating bold designs in living rooms. The coating can be repeatedly colored (3 times, in some cases up to 5 times), while maintaining an attractive appearance. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to repeatedly change the color of the room without the need to re-glue the wallpaper.

Wallpaper on a paper basis can add color to the room, so these products are very popular. Such wallpapers have a dense structure. Manufacturers treat the coating with water-repellent impregnations, which makes it possible to use them in rooms with high levels of humidity.

There are hundreds of samples on sale with a variety of textures. There are also paper-based coarse fiber materials. For the manufacture of their relief structure, sawdust is used, located on the canvas in layers in a chaotic manner. This type of finish is suitable for use as paintable wallpaper on ceilings and walls. In addition, it is considered one of the safest and most environmentally friendly.

Helpful advice! With the help of textured wallpaper, you can successfully mask all the errors and irregularities of the walls and ceilings. The embossed finish will hide all defects.

Characteristics of vinyl wallpaper for painting: photo-catalog of products on a non-woven basis

On the basis of non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, you can create an original design of a room, both residential and office. This material is notable for its practicality and a rather high level of strength, which is provided by a two-layer structure. As a basis for manufacturing, a hygroscopic non-woven material is used, which is covered with a layer of foamed polyvinyl.

Advantages of paintable vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • high level of strength;
  • Fire safety;
  • original appearance;
  • extensive offer of textured solutions.

Vinyl wallpaper can last for several years, retaining its attractiveness throughout the entire period of operation.

Features of fiberglass wallpaper for painting: photo examples of products in the interior

Fiberglass wallpapers are used exclusively for interior wall decoration. They are distinguished from other varieties by the presence of such an advantageous characteristic as refractoriness. The glass cloth finish is low maintenance and retains its attractive appearance as its surface is antistatic. These wallpapers do not attract dust particles and do not retain dirt.

The average lifespan of fiberglass wall cladding material is about 25 years. High-quality canvases can be repainted up to 15 times. The procedure is allowed to be performed almost every year, if necessary.

On sale you can find fiberglass wallpaper with various patterns. The most common design options are textures in the form of matting, Christmas trees, rhombuses, but the range of the modern market of textured wallpaper for painting is not limited to this.

Wallpaper prices for painting, photos and technical parameters

Most wallpaper designed for painting is white or light in neutral colors. Such a base is easier to color and does not require multi-layer application of the dye composition to obtain a primary uniform color.

These types of wallpaper are made on the basis of different materials using special technologies, therefore, in each case, the finish receives certain properties. The characteristics of a particular type of product determine both the decorative effect on the walls and the tasks that are solved with the help of it. For this reason, the price per roll of wallpaper for painting of a certain type, as well as its technical parameters, are individual. The most important technical indicator is the density of the canvas, which also affects the price of products.

Average prices for the main types of wallpaper:

Finishing type Density of the web, g / m2 Price per roll, rub.
Paper 95-130 450-900
Non-woven 100-150 700-1250
Glass cloth 115-260 800-2000

Interesting fact! After dyeing, the strength characteristics of the wallpaper increase significantly.

The presence in the catalogs of manufacturers of smooth wallpaper for painting without a pattern is not uncommon, which cannot be said about coatings with a glossy surface. The fact is that semi-matte and matte textures with fine grain improve the adhesive properties of the dye composition. And when combined with gloss, it is difficult to achieve a long-lasting finish. Therefore, in most cases, these wallpapers have a relief surface.

Related article:

Types of wallpaper. How to choose wallpaper for apartment rooms: living room, bedroom, nursery. Photo catalog and prices for various types of wallpaper.

Characteristics of anti-vandal paintable wallpaper

The anti-vandal wallpaper is distinguished from standard materials for painting by its increased resistance to moderate mechanical stress, as well as to abrasion.

The properties of these products will come in handy in the following cases:

  1. Decorating a children's room. The coating retains its integrity in case of minor blows, allows you to paint over drawings on the walls left by children with pens, paints and felt-tip pens, as well as remove plates with a stiff brush.
  2. Renovation in the hallway. This type of room is characterized by high traffic and wall loads.
  3. Kitchen decoration. The surface allows you to remove grease and stains from the walls using alkaline and acid based chemicals.
  4. Pasting walls in a house where animals live. Vandal-resistant wallpapers are not afraid of cat claws and are less affected by dog ​​teeth than conventional material options.

This category of materials includes glass cloth and vinyl wallpaper with anti-vandal properties. The latter are characterized by a high density - up to 500 g / m². German brands are especially popular in the market. The paintable wallpaper manufacturer Marburg produces all types of materials, including anti-vandal. The average cost of such wallpaper varies between 150-1500 rubles / m². Optimum coverage can be achieved by purchasing material in the price range of 180-700 rubles / m².

Helpful advice! Strengthen the strength of the anti-vandal coating using the reinforcement effect. For this, artificial and natural fibers are used, and the outer layer of such a finish is made of a material that is resistant to wear. These wallpapers include Vescom Color Choice 138.064. These vinyls are set on a cotton backing and covered with a thin Teflon backing for superior protection.

Buying wallpaper for painting: which materials are better to choose for repair

When choosing wallpaper with a certain texture, one should take into account the style of the future interior in the room, as well as the purpose of the room itself. If the design is supposed to be austere or classic, it is better to stay on smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting. It is desirable that the material has no pattern or its presence is minimal.

Large textured decor on the wallpaper is more pronounced and noticeable. When arranging small rooms or corridors, it is better to refuse to use such finishes. In this case, the choice of smooth materials or decorated with small patterns will be preferable. If you intend to use wallpaper for painting under a plaster with a pronounced texture, it is not recommended to use glossy compositions. Semi-matt and matt paints are suitable for this finish.

In the setting, coverings decorated with a geometric or chaotic pattern will look beneficial. It is allowed to use wallpaper with a 3D effect that realistically imitates volumetric decorative elements. Chaotic patterns are appropriate in small rooms; materials with a large pattern are suitable for spacious living rooms.

The bedroom should be comfortable. Non-woven or paper wallpaper is sufficient for wall decoration in recreational areas. They are safe, breathable well, so they are suitable even for a nursery. The entrance hall, like the kitchen, needs a finish that can withstand loads perfectly, has a washable and moisture-repellent surface. For these rooms, it is advisable to select materials that have all these properties.

How to glue wallpaper for painting and apply a tinting composition

Each type of wallpaper has its own nuances of gluing and coloring. Regardless of the material chosen, at the first stage of work, you should take care of the availability of the necessary tools and devices, as well as select the optimal dye, taking into account the developed design.

It is recommended to apply the coloring composition in two layers to ensure a high-quality result. When working with cheap coatings, this procedure may have to be performed three times. As a tool for applying dye, a roller with a fur coat made of sheepskin or velor with a medium pile length is ideal. You will also need a brush for cornering and hard-to-reach areas.

Important! It is not recommended to use foam rollers to cover wallpaper for painting. Using this tool for coloring is fraught with the appearance of small air bubbles and deformation of the upper layer of wallpaper.

Finish type Recommended dyes
Paper Water-based (matte and glossy)
Glass cloth Polymer (acrylic and latex (water-dispersive))

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper for painting

Non-woven or vinyl wallpapers are made from textile and cellulose particles. This type of finish has a small thickness, but this does not affect the strength characteristics. The material is not subject to fading under the influence of high temperature and deformation changes. It is not necessary to carefully level the walls before gluing such wallpaper.

For work, you will need an adhesive composition. Before purchasing, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions or consult with the seller in order to choose a material suitable for its properties. You will need a roller to apply the glue.

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper, the surface of the walls should be cleaned and dried. The procedure does not provide for the need to process the canvases with an adhesive. It should only be applied to wall surfaces. Fixing the wallpaper is carried out with freshly applied glue, so you need to prepare everything you need in advance and cut the roll into pieces of the appropriate size with an additional margin of 6-8 cm.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. An adhesive composition is applied to the wall.
  2. A strip of wallpaper is applied to the treated surface.
  3. The material is pressed gently. The wallpaper should be aligned from the center to the edges.
  4. With the help of a plastic spatula, all the air is expelled from under the canvas.

You need to act as quickly and accurately as possible. It is not allowed to get glue on the front of the wallpaper, since after the composition has dried, it is extremely difficult to remove it. If this happens, you need to wipe off the contamination immediately. Before you start staining, you need to wait at least a day.

Finishing vinyl wallpaper for painting on the wall: how to paint canvases

As a top coat for vinyl wallpaper, water-based and acrylic dyes are suitable. Oil-based formulations are not allowed. They contain a solvent that can damage the material. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to cut off a small piece of wallpaper and make a test painting. This will allow you to evaluate the consistency of the coloring composition and understand how to work with it.

Note! To fully evaluate the result of staining, as well as the saturation and depth of color, you must definitely wait until the tested section is completely dry. When dry, the coating becomes lighter.

For staining, the roller must be dipped into the composition and wait until the tool is saturated with paint. The material is applied to the canvases for painting walls with vertical movements. You need to act smoothly, without strong pressure. If, after drying, poorly painted areas remain on the surface, reapply. It will hide all the flaws. The second layer is applied only after the surface is completely dry.

Gluing fiberglass wallpaper for painting: how to prepare walls for finishing

Fiberglass finishing is made on the basis of glass yarns and is most often presented for sale with photo wallpaper. Environmentally friendly materials are used for the production of the coating: dolomite, lime, soda, quartz sand. Then the threads are integrated into the paper base. The process of gluing fiberglass wallpaper is quite simple, although it is not complete without some nuances. At the same time, it is very important to follow the technology, because it is very difficult to tear the canvas off the wall.

The procedure for gluing glass cloth wallpaper is carried out in several stages. First you need to get rid of the old coating. This type of work will require some effort and specific knowledge. It is not allowed to use cheap, low quality glue. Wallpaper has a rather high price and requires high-quality fixation.

The gluing procedure is performed as described earlier. The wallpaper sheets remain dry, and the glue is applied only to the surface of the walls, as is the case with non-woven material. When working, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of ultraviolet radiation on the fiberglass. The material is very fragile, so clothes should be as closed as possible. Skin contact with fiberglass particles may cause irritation.

Finishing of fiberglass wallpaper for painting

The staining procedure is started only after the material has completely dried. Fiberglass wallpaper requires at least two days. The processing of the room should be started from the corner zones. You can use a small roller or paint brush to apply the coloring composition.

Experts do not recommend trying to cover the entire perimeter during the staining process. It is better to apply the composition in small pieces. For work, it is preferable to use an acrylic-based dye. Wallpaper for painting with a light glossy finish looks good in the interior. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it with the density of the composition and the number of interlayers, otherwise the entire embossed pattern will clog.

Helpful advice! Before applying the paint, the glass cloth must be treated with a primer. Due to this, the particles of the material are kept inside, and the coating becomes safe for human health.

These wallpapers open up a wide range of creative possibilities. In the process of staining, you can use any available means and materials to achieve the desired effect, for example, stencils or. They can be made independently or purchased ready-made at any of the hardware stores.

How to glue paper-based wallpaper for painting

Most often, paper-based wallpapers are decorated with a pattern, they can also be used to decorate the ceiling. This type of material belongs to the budget options for products, which is accompanied by certain disadvantages: in the process of gluing the canvases, folds or bubbles may form. But this in no way affects the strength, because many paper wallpapers have a two-layer structure.

Unlike vinyl and fiberglass materials, these wallpapers are also treated with glue that is applied to the walls. After that, the segment must be gently applied to the surface and, slowly moving with the help of a roller, smooth it evenly. To eliminate the appearance of bubbles and large accumulations of air under the canvas, a spatula can be used instead of a roller.

If it is intended to use smooth wallpaper for painting, the surface of the walls should be carefully prepared. Otherwise, all defects will be clearly visible.

The preparation of the walls involves the following procedures:

  • removal of paint and old coatings;
  • applying plaster for leveling;
  • priming treatment.

Helpful advice! If there are large cracks and holes on the surface, they should be repaired with a putty compound.

Cloths of paper wallpaper are glued end-to-end, without fitting. It takes about a day for complete drying.

Finishing of paper wallpaper for painting: how to paint two-layer canvases

For the finishing of paper webs, it is better to use a water-based composition or an acrylic-based paint. It is better to take a roller or spray gun as a tool for applying it, although a spray gun is still an ideal option.

When the canvases are fully dry after gluing, the dye must be applied in two layers. Between them, breaks in work should be taken to allow the coating to dry out. Experienced craftsmen perform three-layer staining. At the same time, painters fix the top coat using a special varnishing composition that provides water resistance.

Three-layer painting should be resorted to only if you have the appropriate skills and knowledge, since this method has drawbacks - if the work is performed poorly, all errors will be clearly visible on the surface.

There are many ways to paint the wallpaper for painting: from using special techniques for applying the composition, for example, combined, monochromatic or staining with a gradient effect, ending with a choice of colors and patterns that create a certain mood.

There are general rules that apply to all types of wallpaper. For hallways and large rooms, it is better to use matte dyes, while for small rooms, a semi-matt finish is suitable. With the help of light colors, you can visually expand the space, and the use of staining with a vertical stripe allows you to "raise" the walls. In this case, fantasy is practically unlimited, especially when it comes to smooth wallpaper, which can even be decorated with painting.

With alon wall-paper "site" offers the largest selection of fashionable wall-paper for an apartment from leading European and Russian manufacturers. Here you will find more than 1000 models of paper, vinyl, textile and non-woven wallpaper for walls for every taste and budget.

The convenient catalog of our online store will allow you to easily pick up wall wallpapers for a room, kitchen, nursery, bathroom or corridor, as well as evaluate how they will look in your interior, and find a good solution for your home decor.

Italian wallpaper

There are about 40 wallpaper factories in Italy. The most popular of them are Limonta (Domus Parati), Andrea Rossi, Sirpi and Zambaiti. The main advantages of Italian wallpaper are design, durability and environmental friendliness of materials. Italian wallpapers make up the bulk of our assortment. Our managers will tell you in detail about the discount program for wallpaper from Italy.

The construction market offers a huge variety of different finishing materials. But wallpapers, despite the abundance of other interesting options, are in no hurry to “give up positions” in the popularity category. Among the wide range of such finishes presented, it is quite possible to choose the option most suitable for a particular interior - according to the pattern, texture, color.

For those who want to save money on future repairs, wallpapers that are designed for subsequent painting are perfect. Thus, the pasted canvases become a kind of "blank canvas" that opens up the possibility of further artistic self-expression of the designers. But the choice of such material also has its own tricks. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the question - which wallpaper for painting is better? Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of such wallpapers made from different materials, compare their practicality and decorativeness.

In addition, the appendix to the publication will provide practical recommendations for determining the required number of rolls of wallpaper - a handy calculator with a detailed description of the calculation procedure is provided.

The main varieties of wallpaper for painting

I must say that in recent years, the overwhelming majority of professional designers prefer wallpaper for coloring. The fact is that with their help it is much easier to give the interior the desired color style by applying on the walls different shades of the same color or combinations of colors in the intended harmony.

In addition, if desired, the surfaces can be repainted without problems, which is much easier to do than to remove the old wallpaper, to prepare the walls for a new coating. It should be noted that some variants of canvases with a pronounced relief can be painted in different shades, moreover so that it will be impossible to distinguish them from ordinary colored wallpapers with rich design. However, this way of transforming the walls of a room requires patience and well-developed artistic skills.

The service life of the wallpaper and its durability, the ability to “survive” this or that number of repaints, depend on the material from which the canvases are made. That is why, in order to decide on the choice of wallpaper, you need to know their main characteristics.

Most of the canvases intended for painting are produced in white and have a certain relief, although there may be exceptions to this rule.

So, the following types of wallpaper for painting are on sale:

  • Paper canvases.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Non-woven wallpaper.
  • Linkrust wallpaper.

Each of the groups has its own "internal" subdivision. The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various species of this numerous "family" will be discussed further.

Paintable paper wallpaper

General information

Do not think that paintable paper wallpaper is the same as ordinary thin paper wallpaper, which was previously the most widespread and were used for pasting walls in almost every home. Nowadays, technologies have gone far ahead - at the choice of the consumer, paper wallpapers of various types are produced, which are seriously different from each other both in characteristics and in price.

On sale there are two main types of paper wallpaper for painting - two- and three-layer canvases.

Prices for paintable wallpaper

wallpaper for painting

  • Two-layer wallpaper consists of two paper layers glued together. As a rule, this type of canvases has a shallow or uniform relief that does not require pattern alignment.

Wallpaper is widely used and with a deeper embossed voluminoussystematized a pattern that requires careful adjustment when joining the canvases on the wall.

Deep relief allows you to create complex stains using one, two or even more colors, which are applied in succession. The application of several paints is carried out using different techniques, depending on what effect is planned to be obtained as a result.

A volumetric pattern is applied to two-layer wallpaper by embossing. The manufacturing technology consists in the fact that two paper canvases glued together are passed through special rollers with a relief applied to them, which leaves its imprint on the paper. The outer side of the wallpaper has a protruding relief, while the seamy side of the pattern is concave.

  • Three-layer paper wallpaper, at first sight, are no different from two-layer, but they are noticeably heavier in weight. This type of canvases is equipped with a third, smooth seamy layer of paper, which covers the curvature of the embossed pattern. Such a back layer is intended to improve the adhesion of the webs to the wall surface, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the adhesion of the material. In addition, the relief is practically not wrinkled when smoothing the canvases. More layers of paint can be applied to three-layer wallpaper. They are more securely held on the wall and look very presentable.

Since this type of material is thicker, more complex relief patterns can be reproduced on it, requiring alignment when gluing them.

A very interesting option for three-layer paper wallpaper is canvases, inside of which there are small wood shavings, which just gives the surface a relief pattern. The shape of these "foreign inclusions" will determine the design of the wallpaper.

In the manufacture of this original material, sawdust is applied to the glue, spread over the surface of the lower layer of wallpaper, then covered with an outer cloth and pressed between the paper layers. Such wallpapers have a chaotic pattern, therefore, they do not require adjustment, which allows using the entire roll with almost no residue.

The advantage of this type of material is its ability to very well hide small flaws in the walls. However, it is still much more difficult to glue such canvases, since they differ from the usual options in greater massiveness. Therefore, in order to securely hold them on vertical wall surfaces, it is necessary to use glue with increased adhesion properties.

Erfurt paintable paper wallpaper - material advantages

The main supplier of paper wallpaper for painting to the Russian market is the German company Erfurt, which produces various versions of the material, both in terms of structural characteristics and their decorative qualities. Interestingly, the corporation has been working in this area for more than 90 years.

The advantages of this manufacturer's paper wallpaper include the following qualities:

  • Absolute environmental friendliness of materials, since they are made only from natural materials, and some options - with the addition of wood fibers or sawdust. The quality of the products of this manufacturer is confirmed by the "Blue Angel" mark, given to companies that produce exclusively environmentally friendly products. Due to the fact that the material does not contain any toxic and other harmful substances, it passes the strictest fungistatic and bacteriological control, it can be freely used to decorate the walls of rooms where people live or are being treated, even with a very pronounced predisposition to allergic reactions.
  • High resistance of materials to external influences - when pressed on the relief, it retains its shape, and the surface is difficult to scratch or damage by friction. Therefore, the material can be safely used for wall decoration in rooms with increased traffic intensity.
  • Paper wallpaper is a "breathable" coating, as it has high vapor permeability and the ability to maintain optimal humidity in the room atmosphere. And this creates the most favorable microclimate for living, and prevents the risk of mold formation. This quality allows the use of canvases for finishing rooms with high humidity, it becomes an excellent solution for bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • The wallpaper is distinguished by its high durability even when wet. Therefore, the finish will be durable even when water gets on it, if it is used for the walls in the bathroom.
  • The materials, although they have a paper base, are classified as hardly flammable and self-extinguishing. They do not melt or fall off during combustion, therefore they are certified both in Germany and in Russia as fireproof products.
  • Erfurt paper wallpaper can withstand up to eight repaints.

The cost of high-quality paper wallpaper "Erfurt" for painting can range from 950 to 5500 rubles per roll, depending on the specific poppy, the length and width of the canvas in a roll.

Fiberglass paintable wallpaper

What are fiberglass-based wallpapers?

One more is enough popular a variety are cullets. They are also called fiberglass or fiberglass.

Such wallpaper is made from fiberglass drawn from molten glass breakage or quartz sand. Then the fibers are collected into threads, from which some types of fiberglass cloths are woven. Other versions of glass wallpaper are formed from randomly stacked and glued together glass fibers.

Prices for wallpaper painted "Erfurt"

wallpaper painted "Erfurt"

In the production of these wallpapers, only natural high-quality raw materials are used, which results in an environmentally friendly product with high durability. The composition of the material, in addition to quartz sand, includes soda, lime and dolomite, and modified starch is used as an adhesive or impregnation.

Do not confuse fiberglass wallpaper with technical fiberglass used to insulate pipes for heating mains, which is unsuitable for use as wall decoration. Glass fiber, on the other hand, has characteristics that are different from the technical material and are safe for use in residential environments.

Glass fiber can be divided according to their texture into embossed and smooth.

  • Embossed glass wallpaper can have patterns of different volume and complexity. The simplest of them reproduce various weaves of common fabrics, and they are made on almost the same looms and according to the same principle.

More complex options have on their surface reliefs of plants, geometric shapes, or ornaments that outwardly resemble stucco molding. They are considered elite material, and in certain cases are even made to order.

Unlike ordinary glass wallpaper, those intended for painting have a higher density and a more pronounced texture, which can be perfectly used for applying multi-color finishing.

Fiberglass wallpaper goes on sale not only in white, but also in tinted form. Therefore, you can choose the option that is most suitable for the decorated interior, with the expectation that during the next repair, the walls can be "refreshed" with paint of the same or a different color.

  • Smooth fiberglass wallpaper is intended for leveling and strengthening damaged wall surfaces - this material is called "painting fiberglass" or "cobweb". These canvases are glued in the event that it is necessary to obtain an almost smooth surface with a barely noticeable relief of randomly interwoven fibers.

The "gossamer" perfectly masks small flaws in the form of drops or depressions, creating a solid surface that is quite resistant to mechanical stress. This type of wallpaper does not have the correct pattern, therefore does not require adjustment when gluing, and is the most affordable of all fiberglass decorative materials.

Glass wallpaper prices

glass wallpaper

Painting fiberglass can have different thicknesses, depending on its purpose. For example, for gluing the ceiling, the thinnest option is chosen, and for walls where mechanical influences on the surface are possible, it is more dense and durable.

Why do we need a painting glass canvas - "cobweb"?

This material makes it possible in many cases to greatly simplify labor-intensive finishing operations. For more information about its purpose, varieties, characteristics and gluing technology, read a special article on our portal.

Advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass-based wallpaper

If we talk about the general characteristics for all fiberglass, the following can be distinguished:

  • The manufacturer has defined the lifespan of glass cloth wallpaper at 30 years or more, of course, with high-quality gluing.
  • Glass fiber can be repainted up to 20 times.
  • Average density values ​​of the material vary in the range of 110 ÷ 250 g / m².

Now a few words must be said about the positive and negative qualities of fiberglass wallpaper. To decide on the purchase of this rather expensive material, such information is necessary.

TO advantages fiberglass wallpaper includes the following qualities:

  • Fiberglass wallpaper belongs to environmentally friendly materials, as it is made exclusively from natural raw materials. They do not emit hazardous substances into the environment, and they are also "breathable" material, which minimizes the likelihood of mold or mildew on the walls.
  • High strength characteristics are one of the most important advantages of finishing, since it is quite difficult to damage the surface of high-quality glass wallpapers. Therefore, they can be used to paste over the hallway, children's room, kitchen and other rooms with high traffic intensity and with a high probability of accidental mechanical impact on the walls.
  • Glass fiber is a non-combustible material, therefore they are lined with premises of escape routes in case of fire hazard in public buildings. Wallpaper is resistant to open flames, does not support combustion, and does not emit toxic decomposition products when heated.

  • Moisture resistance of glass wallpaper makes it possible to use them for cladding the walls of the bathroom.
  • Fiberglass does not attract and does not accumulate dust, is resistant to chemicals, so they can be wet cleaned using household chemicals. In addition, high-quality wallpapers are hypoallergenic, which allows them to be used in any living space.
  • The material is resistant to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so it can be used to decorate rooms with windows facing the sunny side. Glass fiber does not lose its original qualities during the entire period of operation.

TO disadvantages fiberglass material include the following qualities:

  • High enough the cost of wallpaper. However, judging by the abundance of the clearly expressed advantages of this finish, the high price for them is fully justified.

  • For gluing fiberglass, a special glue is required, the price of which can significantly exceed the cost of ordinary wallpaper glue. And his consumption is also considerable.
  • The difficulty of dismantling old fiberglass wallpaper from the walls, if you want to change the decoration of the room. Due to the fact that the fibers are impregnated with modified starch, it, when combined with the adhesive mass and the dye composition, creates a high adhesion capacity of the material and gives the surface high strength.
  • When cutting and pasting wallpaper on walls, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment in the form of a respirator and rubber gloves. The fact is that when cutting the canvases, microscopic particles of glass fibers are formed, which can cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and on open areas of the skin. After correct adhesion, such emission of microscopic debris becomes impossible.

On the Russian market, glass wallpaper for painting is represented by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The most popular of them are the brands Wellton, Oscar, Nortex, Optima, Vitrulan and others. Wallpapers are presented in a rich assortment of external textures, relief patterns, in various shades. Detailed characteristics can be found in online stores selling similar products.

Video: the best choice of wallpaper for painting - materials based on fiberglass

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

What is non-woven wallpaper

Another type of finishing material for painting is non-woven wallpaper. They are very popular because they have a very affordable price and have a number of excellent performance characteristics.

Nonwoven is a non-woven material made from specially prepared cellulose fibers, laid in several layers and pressed together. Non-woven material is a very durable material. Suffice it to say that it is used by tailors to reinforce and shape the sides and cuffs of jackets and coats.

This group of paintable wallpapers can be divided into two types:

  • Fully non-woven fabrics, where one material acts as a base and a decorative layer.
  • The combined version - the base is non-woven, and the decorative surface

Non-woven wallpaper for painting is most often produced in white or yellowish versions. However, there are other options on sale that have the original tint. That is, the wallpaper is matched in color to the selected room design, and when it changes, or if the color is simply bored, the pasted walls can be easily repainted.

Non-woven wallpaper can be divided according to the texture of their surface - into smooth and embossed canvases.

Non-woven wallpaper prices

non-woven wallpaper

  • Embossed non-woven wallpaper intended for coloring usually does not have deep volumetric patterns. Most often it is an imitation of fabric weaving, decorative plaster, tree bark structure, snake skin texture, geometric patterns and more.

This embossed version of the wallpaper allows you to diversify the use of paint. That yes you can paint not the entire relief in one color, but apply one or two shades, visually increasing the volume of the picture.

  • The smooth type of wallpaper is called repair or painting non-woven - this is a thin single-layer cloth made of cellulose fibers. This material is subdivided according to its density, which can vary from 65 to 160 g / m². The masking quality of the material depends on this parameter, so the higher the density of the canvases, the more opportunities it has to mask small surface flaws.

This version of wallpaper is easy to stick and paint, and at the same time it can be repainted up to 10 times. However, if the embossed wallpaper is able to hide rather serious flaws in the wall, as well as its color, then the repair canvases are almost translucent, and the base surface will be clearly visible through them, so it will have to be well prepared before gluing them. This quality, by the way, is skillfully used by some experienced craftsmen to create a kind of "internally tinted backlight" effect.

Well-prepared walls, pasted over with this material, and then painted with the chosen paint, look quite impressive. In addition, we note that such pasting is perfect for leveling walls for further artistic painting or for creating a panel.

  • Combined wallpapers, in which a vinyl decorative layer is applied to the non-woven base, are distinguished by a very wide variety of textured patterns.

The relief of this type of wallpaper often also allows for multi-color coloring and giving them a 3D effect. True, to carry out such a decoration, you must have certain artistic skills.

This variety also has a significant "minus". If the non-woven material is vapor permeable material, vinyl no longer possesses this quality. And this, in turn, means that the overall vapor permeability is significantly reduced. This circumstance can lead to the creation of a favorable environment on the walls for the appearance of mold, which will quickly destroy the finish.

In addition, the vinyl layer is not resistant to mechanical stress even after painting. Therefore, such wallpapers are not recommended to be pasted in rooms with high traffic intensity or in the event that playful pets live in an apartment or house, which can “test the finish for durability” with their claws.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper for painting

It makes sense to consider the "pros" and "cons" of non-woven fabrics for painting, as you need to know what to expect from them when gluing and during operation.

Disadvantages This type of wall covering can be called the following:

  • Wallpaper - enough heavy, therefore, when pasting walls using wide rolls (more than 1000 mm), it is often very difficult to do without an assistant.
  • Non-woven fabric has a pronounced porous structure, therefore it loses some of its qualities after the second ÷ third staining.
  • Wallpaper does not accumulate dust in its structure, but it is well attracted to the surface of the relief.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting is most often left on sale in rolls, having a width of 530 or 1060 mm, and a length of 10.06 and 25 m. However, other options are quite possible. The cost of the material varies in a very wide range, from 790 to 3500 rubles - it depends on the manufacturer, quality, specific collection, dimensional parameters of the roll, etc.

On the Russian market, both domestic and foreign manufacturers represent their products - these are Marburg and Rasch (Germany), ART, Loymina, Elysium and Palitra (Russia), Estro (Italy ) and many others.

A very special variety - linkrust-type wallpaper

What it is?

Linkrust-type wallpapers are canvases with a pronounced decorative, most often vegetative relief, which imitates the stucco molding that previously decorated walls and ceilings. With the advent of simpler finishing options, the stucco molding, due to the complexity of its creation, was gradually "pushed to the sidelines." But with the advent of linkrust wallpaper, this trend was given a "second wind".

Stucco molding is traditionally used in classic interiors and gives the room a luxurious appearance. Therefore, in recent years, interest in linkrust wallpapers has returned, and they are increasingly used in interior design.

This type of material is made exclusively from environmentally friendly raw materials, and all manufacturers adhere to the classical technology of making canvases.

The basis for the linkrust wallpaper is thick paper, and the volumetric pattern, which is a decorative outer layer, is created from a mixture of wood flour, rosin, wax, chalk, linseed oil and other natural ingredients. The mass made from the specified components is applied to the prepared paper base, and then the canvases are rolled with die rollers with a certain relief. The next stage is the cutting of canvases to standard sizes, after which the material is sent for drying, the duration of which can be up to two months.

Due to the peculiarities of raw materials and manufacturing technology, the canvases acquire high strength, and after gluing them to the wall, this quality only increases over time. Therefore, the durability of such a finishing material is quite large. For example, many English houses still use trim that was glued to the walls more than a hundred years ago.

With the right choice of paint and proper application to the embossed surface, this process can be carried out countless times. Thus, the appearance of the room, due to the change in the color of the embossed details, can be changed to suit the new design.

This wallpaper, as a rule, does not cover all the walls of the room. Usually they are used as a decorative panel, placed in separate areas, or placed in the form of a wide border framing the decoration with other materials.

The classic linkrust wallpaper is originally a light beige color that does not change the shades of the paint applied on top of the canvas. However, today tinted wallpapers are also produced, which do not require initial decoration. Their repainting, if desired, can be done even after a few years.

Linkrust wallpaper prices

linkrust wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of linkrust wallpaper

Like other finishing materials, linkrust wallpaper has its positive and negative qualities, which you need to know about if the question arises of purchasing such a finish.

TO positive sides of this material can be attributed to the following:

  • The ecological purity of the canvases is due to the use of exclusively natural raw materials.
  • Linseed oil, which is part of the decorative layer, acts as a natural antiseptic, preventing the appearance and development of mold.
  • The ability to "breathe" also contributes to the durability of the finish and eliminates the risk of the appearance of biological formations harmful to both the material and humans.
  • Durability, proven by decades of use of the finish.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage, as well as to deformation during shrinkage of the structure or to the appearance of cracks on the walls.
  • The moisture resistance of the canvases allows them to be used for decorating bathrooms.
  • Easy maintenance of the finished surface. It can be carefully vacuumed or the dust can be removed first with a dry and then with a damp soft cloth.
  • The ability to radically change the look of the interior with the help of staining. Moreover, the paint can be applied using several different techniques.
  • Linkrust wallpaper can be used to decorate not only walls, but also ceilings and even furniture.

Disadvantages linkrust can be considered some moments that induce many owners of houses or apartments to refuse to use these wallpapers in interiors:

  • High material cost. So, the price for rolls with a size of 533 × 10000 mm can reach 19 ÷ 20 thousand rubles. And on curbs with a width of 268, 275, 282, 270 and a length of 10,000 mm - up to 14 thousand.
  • The high cost of mounting and painting the decorated surface.
  • High complexity of gluing the material on walls and ceilings and its further decoration. It is extremely difficult to achieve a high-quality result independently, without experience. And this predetermines the high cost of such finishing work performed by professionals.
  • Linkrust instability to low temperatures. With strong cooling, the material becomes brittle and easily damaged even without the strongest mechanical impact.

In the Russian market, linkrust wallpapers are presented by English manufacturers who guarantee the quality and durability of the material. The canvases can be ordered online or purchased from specialized stores in major cities.

What compositions are used to paint wallpaper?

A few words must be said about paints and varnishes that can be used to decorate wallpaper intended for painting. The fact is that by using a type of paint that is not suitable for such work, you can spoil an expensive finishing material, or, “if you’re lucky,” you simply don’t get the desired effect.

For all types of wallpaper, light water-based paints are used - these can be water-dispersion or water-based suspensions. Today, the construction market offers a very wide range of such compositions based on polyvinyl acetate, acrylic or silicone bases. Water-soluble compositions do not contain complex organic aggressive compounds that can not only adversely affect the painted material, but also emit toxic fumes that are harmful to human health.

It is best to use water-resistant slurries after final drying, which allow wet cleaning of surfaces without compromising the aesthetics of the finish and without reducing its durability.

Most often, a white base paint is purchased, and one or more colors are added to it, which will help to achieve the desired color or shade. If such a tinting option is chosen, it is necessary to immediately knead the required amount of paint of the selected color, since if there is a lack of it for the entire surface, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create the exact same tone.

Alkyd or oil paints, which have a viscous dense structure and a pungent unpleasant odor, which indicate the presence of organic solvents in their composition, are not used for painting wallpaper. These types of paintwork materials form a rather thick layer on the surface, overlapping the natural structure of the wallpaper, reducing their decorative effect and impairing the ability to "breathe".

It is recommended, when purchasing wallpaper and compositions for coloring them, to create at least an approximate sketch of their decoration. Moreover, it is better to make several possible options. Such a "draft" will help not only to compare and choose the best of them, but also not to make mistakes when applying paint.

Important information about water-borne topcoats

In order to achieve a positive result in the final painting of the glued surfaces, it is necessary at least in general terms to know the characteristics of the compositions used for this purpose. Detailed information about is contained in a special publication of our portal.


Now, having received information about the varieties of wallpaper for painting, you can decide on their choice, which will directly depend on the financial capabilities, the desired effect and the methods of final decoration. The most affordable option, both in cost and in terms of work, is non-woven or combined (non-woven and vinyl) wallpaper. They are easy to stick, and you can paint them yourself using a regular paint roller.

Remains unclear question- and how much wallpaper will be required to paste over this or that room. Therefore, as promised, we are posting an appendix to the article, in which we will touch upon this problem in more detail.

Find out the available methods from our new article on our portal.

APPENDIX: How many wallpapers do you need to buy per room?

First - an online calculator, and below - the necessary explanations and recommendations for calculating.