Wallpaper with a stone pattern for the hallway. Wallpaper in the corridor: the choice of type, color, combination. Finishing the hallway with decorative stone: types of coating

The hallway is an important part of the house. Everyone who visits it must pass through it, whether it be a simple plumber or a dear guest.

It is this room that a neighbor will see when he passes by the open door of your house. She is, as it were, the "face" of the house, by which he will be met, therefore, in the design of the hallway, it is important to show taste and design talents!

Another factor that is very important when decorating the hallway is that dirt from the street is brought into it.

That is why it is necessary to find a compromise with making the room not only pleasing to the eye, but also resistant to pollution. That is why stone decoration of the hallway is often used, which we will talk about today.

Which stone to choose?

Any stone, natural or artificial, will look presentable and neat in any hallway (make sure of this by reading the photo of the hallway with stone), but here we consider the aspect of practicality of both materials.

Advice! Natural - almost always good, but not in the decoration of the hallway, we suggest considering the advantages of artificial stone over natural:

  • resistant to direct sunlight, does not fade, does not lose its original lively appearance
  • temperature changes do not affect the strength and appearance of the stone
  • artificial stone is many times stronger than natural, it does not crumble, does not crumble, it is easier to work with it
  • the price of artificial stone is an order of magnitude lower than the rival, for some this may be a decisive factor

More information about interior design can be found on the website of our friends.

Proper location of the stone in the room

Stone is a wonderful material for decorating a hallway, providing a sense of reliability, comfort and security.

If you want to lay the floor under the stone, then there are no questions - you need to fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, otherwise the design will look unfinished.

Finishing the wall in the hallway with stone is a little more complicated - it is important not to overdo it, because oversaturation of the space with stone will be inappropriate.

Remember one golden rule! Completely stone walls will look good in the palace, basement. Designers advise filling the wall only partially, for example:

  • filling only part of the wall. At the same time, it is important to evaluate how harmoniously the stone will look on this fragment.

How to choose the right material?

Today, stores offer a huge selection of facing materials, including for finishing with artificial stone.

Specialists use many techniques when designing hallways using stone, because this material can do anything with the interior: add elegance and luxurious antiquity or make it ultra-new and fashionable.

The stone will perfectly complement the following styles: country, eco, provence, minimalism, modern. An important factor is the lighting, which can both pleasantly set off the charm and luxury of the stone, or vice versa, add brightness and liveliness to it.

The rule of light colors also works here - beige, calm shades will help visually make the space larger and freer, which is especially appreciated in small hallways.

Dark, heavy shades will help focus on individual details.

There are several options for stone cladding:

  • constituent elements of small pieces of stone
  • brickwork emphasizing romance
  • chaotic pieces of stone of different sizes that create the effect of elegant negligence

Design Tip! You should not place several types of stone in the same room, especially if they are strikingly different from each other.

If you plan to decorate both the walls and the floor with stone at once, then this option has the right to life, but the combination of two types of stones is practically unacceptable or acceptable with great care, or better, with the help of a designer.

  • how much space in square meters do you plan to finish
  • what plane is planned to be designed (wall, corner, floor)
  • desired material (there are many of them - brick, limestone, marble. You need to choose exactly what will suit the overall interior)

Photo ideas for decorating the hallway with stone

It is not easy to arrange the corridor and the hallway correctly: the areas are usually small, and the functionality should be wide. Moreover, both of these rooms are a link that unites all the rooms into a single whole. Therefore, it is not easy to choose wallpaper for the corridor.

What wallpaper to choose in the corridor

Since the room is a walk-through, with a heavy load, there are increased requirements for finishing in terms of strength characteristics, and all materials must be well washed and cleaned. From these points of view, you need to choose the type of wallpaper, and then talk about colors, patterns and combinations.


Vinyl coating (polyvinyl chloride or PVC) creates a very dense and durable film on the surface. Such wallpapers are also called detergents - for their ability to normally tolerate cleaning with a rag with detergents.

The basis for vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. It is easier to glue non-woven. You simply apply glue to the surface of the wall and apply the cut-to-size canvas. Such wallpaper for the corridor can also be glued to slightly uneven walls.

Paper-based wallpaper must first be smeared with glue and folded so that the smeared surface is inside. At this time, it is necessary to smear the wall, and then glue a slightly softened canvas. This is where the danger lies: soaked paper is easy to stretch, which will cause distortions, folds and other troubles to appear on the wall. So it is easier to work with a non-woven base, especially since they better hide surface imperfections and there is no need to carefully level the walls. However, there is one “but” - are they more expensive than paper-based ones? and the difference is about 40%.

In addition to the different bases, vinyl wallpapers also differ in the way they are applied.

Any type of vinyl wallpaper will work well in a hallway. They are highly durable, fade resistant, wash well. The average service life is about 7-10 years. Vanillin wallpaper for the corridor is good for everyone, except that some of them are difficult to join, but this can be dealt with by gluing a special tape at the junction.

Glass fiber

This type of wallpaper is paintable. The canvas has a certain relief, most often medium-sized. The relief of the pattern allows you to hide flaws in the processing of the wall. You can paint from 3 to 8 times - depending on the type (and price) of the paintings. well pass air, are vapor-permeable, do not emit harmful substances. All in all, a good choice if you like painted walls.

Liquid formulations

Is it a mixture of cellulose, cotton, and sometimes chemical? fibers with a coloring pigment and an adhesive composition. There are two forms of release: ready-to-use in the Vedas or in bags for dilution with water. Apply with spatulas to the prepared surface. It should not be ideally even: the layer thickness can be up to 5 mm, but too much consumption is financially unprofitable.

The composition is applied with a spatula. Some craftsmen use plastic plexiglass, some use ordinary stainless steel, and someone generally works with “trowels”. There are many techniques, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

According to the characteristics of the surface, liquid wallpaper for the corridor is a good option. Since the compositions are painted to the full depth, scratches are not visible, many of them can be washed not just with a rag, but also with a brush. But before buying, check all the performance characteristics and features. They may have significant differences.


There is also a group of wallpapers, in the manufacture of which natural materials are used. On the base, most often fabric or interlining, cork chips or bamboo are glued. They look great - the surface is natural. However, they have their own characteristics. The cork is torn off, which can be a problem in families with children. Some types of bamboo sheets need to be varnished, and they also need to be glued to a special glue. Although I must say that bamboo wallpaper for an oriental-style corridor is a godsend: they look magical.

Bamboo wallpaper for an oriental style corridor is a great choice

Cork look no worse with the right approach. An example can be seen in the photo. Above - wallpaper from bamboo, below - from cork.

How to glue: the choice of color and design

The color design of the corridor often has to be matched to the existing decor of other rooms in the apartment or house. And this means that you have to stick to the same range or choose from matching colors. Moreover, the choice of color is complicated by the presence of a large number of doors. It is impossible to ignore them.

The best option is if you are planning multi-color wallpaper for the corridor, and you can find those in which there is a color similar to the color of the doors.

In the corridor with light doors, light shades look more organic.

If the color is too dark - wenge, for example, then you will have to beat it with a plinth and / or decorative elements, and the walls in such a corridor are definitely better than light ones: against their background, dark doorways look like decoration.

If we talk about colors in general, then you can use any. Even the dark ones. But they look good in spacious rooms with plenty of light (). And one condition: it is better to avoid variegation and small drawings. They make the room even smaller. If your corridor is small and narrow, then you will have to choose from light, neutral tones, and with a soft pattern.

In general, narrow corridors are a separate conversation. With the help of some tricks, you can achieve the effect of expanding space. For example, with a sufficient ceiling height, in a narrow corridor, approximately in the middle of the wall, you can make a strip of a different color. This technique allows you to "destroy" the walls to the sides. The effect is increased if there is a large mirror or mirrored cabinet doors on the opposite wall.

You can use striped wallpaper in a narrow corridor. But you need to look for wide bands. Narrow ones will create a variegated effect. If none are found, you can combine two colors of the same type (). If the ceilings are high, you can place the stripes horizontally, if not - vertically.

In order not to overload a small space with color alternation, the stripes are placed in fragments, the rest is glued with plain wallpaper. This, by the way, is one of the methods of combining in the interior.

One wall is striped - the rest are plain painted

How to combine wallpaper in the hallway

If desired, you can combine a strip with a large floral ornament. But it is extremely difficult to choose wallpapers from different collections without the appropriate skills. In this case, it is easier to use a single collection. Many manufacturers produce canvases with different patterns, which are combined with each other. An example of a combination of striped and floral wallpaper in the corridor is in the photo below.

By the way, pay attention, the color of the door almost exactly matches one of the stripes, and the jambs - on the other. Perhaps that is why this option looks beautiful.

There is a classic combination option: when 1/3 of the walls at the top or bottom are covered with other wallpapers. The lower part, as a rule, is made darker, the upper part is lighter. This technique visually "lowers" the ceiling, which is useful if the room is narrow and high.

The lower third is darker - one way to combine

Moreover, the lower part is not necessarily monophonic. It can be a medium-sized pattern, a strip, sometimes a monogram. It all depends on the style of the apartment or house.

Another version of the same technique is in the photo below. In this case, the darker part occupies 2/3 of the walls, and so that the room does not seem gloomy, a large floral pattern is chosen.

Wall mural

Modern technologies allow you to transfer any images to paper. With the advent of high-quality large-format photo printing, it became possible not to assemble an image from pieces, but to glue it as a continuous sheet. This looks much better. Wall murals are also used in the corridor.

But, with such a design of the walls, one condition must be observed: everything else is very calm, almost monochrome. The main focus is photography. Otherwise, something incomprehensible will turn out.

Flowers, plants, nature - the second popular motif

Wallpaper for the corridor: photo ideas

A bit of gold on the walls - new in the wallpaper design of the last season

Poppies on the wall - cheerfully

Blue wallpaper - a rarity in the hallway

Different patterns and textures in the same range - a great combination

striped corridor

For a classic interior, a classic pattern is suitable

A combination of smooth and foamed vinyl, backlighting does the trick

Below - bamboo wallpaper, above - smooth

One accent wall is lilac, the rest are neutral

Different wallpapers of the same collection

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Nowadays, there are quite a lot of materials used in interior design. But the most interesting of them, by right, can be called a decorative stone. It can be used alone or in combination with other coatings. The decoration of the hallway with decorative stone and wallpaper (the photos in the article will clearly show this) is very original. However, it should be understood that it will not be so easy to complete it. Today we will try to figure out what difficulties you may encounter when doing this work, what materials to use and how to correctly combine a decorative stone with others.

Decorative stone in the interior looks very chic

Modern finishing material of this kind is quite practical. He is not afraid of washing, even with the use of various means. But it should be understood that decorative artificial stone can be varied. We will definitely talk about its types a little lower.

He has a lot of positive qualities:

  • It is an environmentally friendly material, which allows it to be used in or on;
  • Quite a long (many argue that eternal) life of its service;
  • Such panels are relatively inexpensive, which saves the family budget;
  • The range of colors and textures is quite large, which means that everyone will be able to choose exactly what he needs;
  • Decorative stone tiles for interior decoration can also be used in rooms with high humidity, such as;
  • With some skills, laying can be done independently, which means that there is no need to pay a specialist for this work;
  • Such interior decoration allows you to hide the irregularities of the wall.

As for the shortcomings, they are so insignificant that it is not worth dwelling on them.

Types of decorative stone and their features

There are a lot of types of decorative stone, and each of them has its own characteristics. For example, gypsum material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, while natural is quite applicable both in and in. The cost of the panels also depends on this parameter, and the appearance should not be discounted. Let's analyze the main types of such a finishing material.

Gypsum decorative stone and its features

Gypsum stone for interior decoration is very convenient. It is easy to process, has a low weight, and also a fairly low cost. Most often it is sold unpainted, and this allows you to choose any desired shade.

But it is impossible not to note some disadvantages. The hygroscopic material does not allow washing with large amounts of water. Also, do not rub it too hard - you can ruin the coating. Although it can be protected from external influences by varnishing. Another alternative is a polymer-coated gypsum decorative stone. But it costs a little more. We offer our dear reader a few photos of wall decoration with decorative gypsum stone:

Natural stone: advantages and disadvantages

Wall decoration with natural material is the most expensive, but at the same time its durability is higher than that of other materials. However, it is worth considering that, despite the apparent ecological purity, some agglomerates can emit various toxins or even radiation.

Installation of natural stone is somewhat more complicated than artificial. This is due to the rather large weight. But it does not matter what the humidity in the room is. It is suitable even for outdoor decoration. It also does not require any special care, it easily tolerates cleaning with various means, including aggressive ones. A photo of the interior decoration with facing stone in the interior can be seen below:

Decorative brick: features of finishing with similar material

It can be called the most convenient in laying. Quite lightweight yet durable. However, it will not always be appropriate. It is not customary to line them with bathrooms and bathrooms. But for the living room, decorated in the style of "loft" it will be most welcome.

Good to know! In the absence of funds for the purchase of decorative bricks, it may well be replaced by vinyl textured wallpaper with a characteristic pattern. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve an ideal similarity, but the overall picture will be quite good.

We offer you to see a photo laid by home craftsmen:

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In this material, we will consider what it is, types of material, how to make it with your own hands, useful tips and recommendations from specialists.

Wallpaper "under the stone": photo in the interior

Below are photos of finishing the kitchen with decorative stone and, as well as together with two materials:

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Our review presents interesting design solutions. You will find out for which interiors brickwork can be used, and in which rooms it will look perfect.

How to correctly calculate the number of panels for walls

There should be no difficulty in resolving this issue. The main task here is the correct measurements of the wall. It is necessary to add 12-15% to the calculated area. This number of tiles or panels will go into fitting when laying.

If it is not planned to lay the stone along the entire wall, then only the area supposed to be pasted is calculated. Below you can see examples of finishes in the photo examples:

Tool required for laying decorative stone

It is clear that without the necessary tools, laying decorative stone is impossible. That is why now we will figure out what is required for work, as well as what is needed for what.

A photoName of tool or materialHis appointment
BulgarianIf you plan to lay natural stone or cement-based artificial stone, you will need a diamond blade. For plaster, you can use a regular hacksaw
Spatulas (plain and notched)Everything here is based on the principle of laying tiles. With a simple spatula, the adhesive mixture is applied to the toothed one, and already with it it is applied to the wall
FileIt is used to trim the edges of a tile or panel
Mounting levelThis tool allows you to finish the wall perfectly even.
PrimerPreparing the wall before laying is necessary for greater adhesion. It is best to use a deep penetrating primer
Brush or roller, ruler, pencilA brush or roller is needed to apply a primer to the wall. Ruler, pencil - for measuring tiles

Decorating the hallway with decorative stone: photo solutions for proper lighting

It should be understood that if insufficient, a darker finish will look gloomy and “heavy”. Particular attention should be paid to the illumination of doorways and.

Important! Properly placed lamps will favorably emphasize the beauty and aesthetics of the finishing material.

Below are examples of decorative stone trim in an apartment with the right lighting:

Features of the choice of color, size and texture

Here everything will depend on which one is chosen for the interior. For example, if you plan to finish in a classic style, then calm, pastel colors are more suitable. In any case, the decision is made by the home master, based on the wishes and preferences.

Useful information! You should not decorate the hallway in dark colors - this will narrow the already small space. But for the bedroom, on the contrary, you can choose something darker.

Also, the size and texture will depend on which surface the material will be laid on. If textured tiles are quite suitable for the walls, then the flooring should be chosen smooth.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway: photo of flooring

Floor covering made of natural or artificial stone looks no worse than wall covering. However, there are some nuances of choice. For the floor, you should purchase a smooth, or better, completely polished coating. We offer several examples of finishing the corridor with decorative stone.

In the photo with a decorative stone, you can see that such a finish looks really rich.

Features of finishing doorways, arches and niches with similar material

Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway, like any other room, will not look normal if you do not pay due attention to the corners. If the home master decides to do all the work with his own hands, then this will be the most difficult. But there is an easier way. With a fairly rich assortment of products of this kind on the shelves of the construction markets these days, you can pick up ready-made corners that are very easy to install. The same applies to arches and openings.

Such a finishing material as a flexible stone is very interesting and convenient. Photos of the interior can be seen below:

As can be understood from the photo examples presented by us today, there are a huge number of ideas for such a finish. Here everything is limited only by the imagination of the home master.

Good to know! If gypsum is chosen for finishing, then such panels can also be attached to adhesives (“liquid nails”). But for such installation, perfect alignment of the walls is required.

Photo examples of decorating the hallway with decorative stone

Solutions for such interiors can be countless. The conversation here is not so much about colors and textures, but more about various combinations of various materials that can be used. And it doesn't have to be just one. Often the best result can be achieved by combining, for example, stone and wallpaper. It is very interesting how to fit such a tile into various styles. It is quite difficult for a person without design education to do such work, but subject to certain rules, this is quite possible.

How to combine decorative stone with classic style

Often, home craftsmen doubt whether it is possible to combine such a “wild” material as stone with a sublime classical style. In fact, it can not only be combined with the classics, but also add charm to it. The main thing here is to avoid piling up. After all, everything is good in moderation.

Classicism implies moderation, which means it is better not to have too much stone. Heaping here will lead to the opposite result. A parallel can be drawn with roses. After all, it will be completely unusual to look at such a flower if there is not one bud on the stem, but, for example, five or six. In order to make it easier for the dear reader to understand, we offer several photos of artificial stone decoration in the interior of the apartment hallway in combination with the classical style:

Nowadays, loft-style decoration has become quite popular in houses. We, too, cannot ignore this direction.

How decorative stone is combined with the loft style

If we talk about combining, then three main color options are suitable for the “loft” style - these are:

ImageNameHueSize, cmSuitable styles
Luxembourg 15sandy brown24x7Modern, country, loft
Mistral 1Light beige19x5x1Modern, loft
Nordic 3Beige with a golden sheen23.8x6.9x1.3Modern, country, loft

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In the article, we will consider in more detail the features of the interior in this style, how to create it and what materials are best to use, as well as evaluate photos of the best loft studios or apartments.

How to combine artificial stone with the Provence style

To create a style such as "Provence" most often use decorative stone in the interior of the kitchen. In this case, the colors are selected lighter, and the texture is noticeably uneven. The more irregularities there will be on the surface of the panels or tiles, the brighter the line of the “Provence” will be expressed.

Recently, this style is gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that home craftsmen like the finish under the old French chalets. However, it should be understood that such material is more difficult to clean. After all, the more irregularities on the surface and the deeper they are, the more difficult it is to wash out the dirt or grease that has got there, which is inherent in the kitchen. But home craftsmen are ready to make such sacrifices, for the sake of aesthetics and beauty. Below you can see examples of combining this durable material with the Provence style:

How to lay a decorative stone: step by step instructions

Laying such material has some nuances, which we will now discuss in more detail.

IllustrationAction to take
Ready-made solutions are often used for gluing surfaces, but they are quite expensive. In our case, we took water-heat-resistant dry glue, which is kneaded with a mixer.
The adhesive is applied to the primed surface in a thin layer, after which the excess is removed with a notched trowel. At the same time, if the surface is well prepared and leveled, then the installation level will not need to be used during installation, although the horizontals, nevertheless, should be checked
Before starting work, the tiles must be laid out on the floor as they will be glued. This will allow you to imagine the future "drawing" on the wall
Laying starts from the bottom, in horizontal rows. In order for the openings between the tiles to be even, wooden or plastic wedges of the same size are used. They are easy to find at any hardware store.
Thus, the entire wall is laid out. It remains to fill the seams. The characteristics of our glue make it possible to use it for this purpose.
To do this, you need a regular bag with a cut off corner, which is filled with an adhesive mixture. This procedure is quite simple
Good to know! If there are doubts that the home master will be able to do all the work with his own hands with high quality, then it is better to seek help from professionals. Unevenly laid tiles will spoil the mood with their appearance. At the same time, the family budget will also suffer. Replacing the same tile is unlikely to succeed.

We offer you to look at several more options for artificial stone in the interior of the hallway:

The cost of decorative material in the Russian markets

The range of prices for such material is quite large. It all depends on the type of tile or panel, as well as on the region of sale. Let's try to summarize the averaged data:

BrandCollectionTextureTile size in a package, m2Cost, rub./m2
CAMELOTManhattanBrick1 700
CAMELOTAlteaBrick0,8 950
WHITE HILLSDorset LandRock0,33 1000
CAMELOTDixonRock0,48 1150
CAMELOTNarvaStone0,55 1100
WHITE HILLSMontebelloRock0,43 600

Approximately this is the cost of a similar product in online stores. However, it should be understood that prices can be higher on ordinary shelves.


Despite all the difficulties of installation or the high cost of some models, decorative stone today can be called, perhaps, the best finishing material. Of course, provided that the hands of the master are not crooked and grow from the right place. The result can exceed even the wildest expectations.

How is the decoration of the corridor with stone and wallpaper carried out today? A photo of finished interior options confirms the amazing resemblance to natural materials. With the help of this design option for the corridor with decorative stone-like wallpaper, you can make a real work of interior art out of an ordinary city hallway.

Given the peculiarities of the corridor, its decoration with artificial stone should be carried out taking into account the general style chosen for decorating a house or apartment.

Let's start with the fact that it is the corridor that is the first room that your guests will get acquainted with. The corridor should not be bright, so artificial stone trim is considered the best option. In the photo - a variant of finishing the corridor with stone and wallpaper.

Advantages of finishing the hallway with stone

To begin with, we will identify the positive parameters of artificial stone, which made it a sought-after material for interior designers. The material is characterized by high strength, elasticity of the resulting coatings, their flexibility. Wallpaper "under the stone" can decorate any surface, regardless of its condition.

Such materials are environmentally friendly, resistant to temperature extremes, high humidity. Such materials can be used not only for decorating window and door openings, but also for gluing ledges and niches present in the hallway. In the photo - finished stone finishing of the walls of the corridor.

Attention! For gluing such materials on the walls, you must follow the instructions supplied with the materials by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the risk of obtaining a negative result is high.

Ready-made decoration of the corridor with artificial stone and wallpaper, photos of finished samples, gluing options, and other interesting and useful tips you can find in the video fragment

The walls of the hallway, decorated with stone, have excellent heat and sound insulation. The walls in the corridor after finishing acquire a unique appearance.

Advice! Among the advantages of choosing for finishing the hallway, we highlight their excellent compatibility with all finishing materials: ceramic tiles, other wallpapers, natural wood. In the photo - a variant of decorating the walls of the hallway.

Hallway color options

Finishing the corridor with materials "under the stone" involves the use of certain color shades. Among the most common options we will name gray, white, brown colors. In the photo - finishing the corridor with decorative wallpaper "under the artificial stone."

Unusual and original look have decorative materials in the hallway burgundy, sand, black. As exotic shades, interior professionals call the use of gold and silver tones in combination with black in the corridor.

Attention! Owners of narrow small hallways need to be careful when choosing the color of stone-like finishing materials. Dark shades will visually reduce the size of the room, make it even more squat and dark.

If not enough natural light enters the room, it's not worth the risk. It is better to immediately choose light materials "under the artificial stone", so that later you do not waste time and money on wallpapering.

Basically, in a modern interior, imitation of limestone, marble, quartz, sandstone, pebbles, granite is used. Such a finish is possible when choosing liquid wallpaper for decorating walls. In the photo - an interesting solution for decorating a hallway in a small city apartment. To soften the created image, warm-colored textiles can be used in the hallway.

Advice! In order to prevent color distortion after the repair is completed, it is better to choose gypsum coatings.

If you follow some tips offered by professionals, you can get the desired result, become the happy owner of a beautiful and stylish hallway.

For example, if dark furniture is installed in the corridor, then you can purchase wallpaper in light shades: yellow, white, milky, cream, peach.

The use of contrasts is inappropriate in such a small room as a corridor.

Advice! To create a balanced design, it is better to choose stone-like wallpapers in natural light shades.

When using artificial white stone, it is best to combine such materials with wallpaper that has a similar shade.

Combination options

Among the common combination options, we highlight the horizontal method. A similar principle of pasting involves pasting the upper part of the wall with plain vinyl, paper or non-woven wallpaper, and for the lower part, select canvases with imitation of artificial stone.

When using this option of combining several finishing materials, you can visually stretch the room, balance the color scheme in the corridor. Professionals recommend a similar method for decorating small and narrow hallways that need to be expanded.

When choosing a vertical method of combining various finishing materials of the hallway, you can decorate window openings. They can advantageously emphasize the verticality of dark furniture elements. This combination method is optimal for visually increasing the ceilings in the corridor.

When selecting the selection of an accent wall in the corridor, you can choose the most functional part of this room. In the case of a classic long corridor, you can choose the wall opposite the entrance as an accent.

If the parameters of this wall are too large, in this case, only its separate fragment can be decorated. Otherwise, you risk making the hallway interior massive and inharmonious.

The photo shows a variant of the accent wall, which has niches, ledges, in the hallway.

A similar method of gluing finishing materials will be used to highlight some part of the wall in the corridor. With the right selection, you can repeat the outlines of the furniture, harmoniously distributing the space into small components.

Combination rules

In small hallways, light-colored wallpapers will be appropriate. The use of dark canvases will visually narrow the room. This option is not suitable for rooms that have poor lighting.

Decorative stone of natural colors cannot be combined with rich and bright tones of wallpaper. Otherwise, you risk getting complete bad taste in your hallway.

The stone texture is not combined with patterned finishing materials. Ornament lovers should be especially careful, pay attention to the combination of colors. Small floral natural ornaments can be selected as wallpaper inserts or used to decorate a separate fragment of the hallway wall.


When choosing new finishing materials “under artificial stone” for your hallway in a city apartment, do not forget that you can use ceramic tiles and natural wood as an addition. Such a finish will have an aesthetic appearance if you choose the transitions between individual types of finishing materials. Canvases "under the stone" need neutral and warm shades, so we do not recommend purchasing bright and colorful materials for the hallway.

Decorative quality stone is one of the most popular and impeccable materials used for finishing modern home interiors. It elegantly fits into absolutely any stylistic decision of the hallway and, in addition to excellent aesthetic qualities, is easy to care for. Stone inlays at the outer corners in the hallway give the room a sophisticated look. The manufacturing technology of a specialized decorative stone makes it possible to create the most diverse elements in terms of texture, shape and color.

Finishing a modern hallway with decorative stone will help give the room a stylish and original look.

Decorative stone is different:

  • Excellent aesthetic qualities;
  • Ease of care;
  • Resistant to mechanical and chemical damage.

Such a product is easy to process, therefore, due to its low weight and excellent resistance to various kinds of mechanical damage, it provides reliability and durability of the finish. However, the most important thing in such material is its versatility. It can be combined with any other type of decor, such as wall paper, ceramic tiles or plaster mouldings.

Wallpapers are universal finishing materials that allow you to create a certain type of interior. The most interesting options are considered to be wallpapers made under a stone.

When choosing wallpaper for a hallway under a stone, you need to dwell on lighter options, because rooms of this type do not have natural light. At the same time, such a solution will visually increase the size of the room, especially in conjunction with additional interior items. Wallpaper in the hallway under the stone are used as certain fragments that form a complete picture.

In addition, you need to try to create certain simple forms that would imitate:

  • columns;
  • Racks;
  • Framework.

If you need to install such a coating completely, throughout the hallway, then in this case it is better to use photo wallpaper under a stone. They will look great even in a small room, creating a rather original appearance. The imitation of red or white brick looks very nice. In addition, natural light-colored stone looks interesting, as well as wallpaper with decorative pebbles. Plank floors, heavy massive furniture in combination with modern household appliances will look very interesting with such wallpapers.

Exquisite brick wallpaper in the hallway

The use of wallpaper imitating brickwork is typical for most modern interiors. This technique helps to emphasize the gloss and sophistication created inside the space of the room, which greatly simplifies the process of decorating. The refined design of such materials allows them to be used in absolutely any room.

Brick-like wallpaper is a unique opportunity to emphasize certain areas of the room, designate expressive effects, and transform the interior based on the most fashionable trends.

One of the leading advantages of carrying out such a finish is the possibility of selecting the optimal shapes and shades for interiors of absolutely any style. Any direction in the design of the room will look harmonious even if the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is pasted with brick-like wallpaper.

The artificial stone is unlimited possibilities for exclusive design. How to turn your dream into reality, you will learn on the site:

It is the embossed wallpapers made to look like brickwork that look quite interesting. They accurately convey all the bumps and curves of natural materials, through the use of crumbs. The best option is vinyl wallpaper, which is particularly durable. They are resistant to light, moisture and chemicals, which greatly facilitates the care of such surfaces.

How to choose the right brick wallpaper for the hallway

Equipping the hallway, many people think about what kind of wallpaper is best to choose in order to create an excellent interesting interior. Particularly noteworthy are decorative bricks and various variations of such material. Brick-like wallpapers are in great demand, because this is the most versatile option that has an excellent appearance and fits perfectly into the interior of absolutely any room.

Due to the special properties of brick wallpaper, you can create a durable and durable coating that will perfectly decorate any room, regardless of its type.

Now there is a huge amount of such finishing material, so everyone can choose the right texture and express the preferences of the owner of the house, emphasizing the interior design feature and its individuality.

Wallpaper of this type can be combined with any finishing materials. With such wallpaper, you can paste over the lower part of the walls, put them on as beautiful vertical stripes, or paste them over niches and ledges. In addition, the accent wall with brick wallpaper looks interesting. Such material helps to realize several interesting design decisions at once. In addition, they look interesting when combined with wooden or metal wall panels.

Stylish stone wallpaper in the hallway: wall decoration

For the arrangement of the hallway, it is necessary to be able to correctly select finishing materials. The imitation of a stone surface looks very beautiful and original. With such wallpapers, even the smallest hallway will look very stylish and become more comfortable.

For a small room, it is very important to choose colors in such a way that they do not visually reduce the space and emphasize all the elegance of the room. Wallpaper for a small room is best to choose light colors, because in this way you can visually expand the space.

Bright colors can take the edge off the size of a room, so they are best used in fragments or combined with calmer, lighter hues. Dark colors make the room smaller, but at the same time, various kinds of pollution are less visible on them. To make the room more spacious, it is worth using a lot of additional lighting.

Dark colors are well combined with light shades, which will achieve an excellent effect. In addition, such a technique will help to hide all the irregularities of the walls.

Stone decoration of the hallway (video)

Stone wallpapers are a good alternative to natural stone because they are based on a gypsum base and provide ease of installation and ease of use.

Stone and wallpaper in the hallway (photo)