Wallpaper in purple tones in a modern interior. Purple wallpaper Living room design with lilac wallpaper

Any color is capable of evoking certain emotions and influencing the human condition. That is why it is important to approach the choice of wallpaper color in the interior of housing with all seriousness.

Looking at this color, thoughts come about spring freshness, the first timid flowers, about the time of renewal of nature.

This complex and at the same time simple shade is a symbol of bright memories, fantasies and tenderness. Violet notes give it mystery and significance:

Lilac is a classic interior design. It has been used for wall decor since the days of the strangest and most bizarre, literally, baroque style. Over time, his palette has not lost its popularity, for interior design and wallpaper, including bolder, more intense tones:

Neutral, light shades also continue to be successfully used for the design of residential premises:

In the case of lilac, the truth is confirmed - the new is, sometimes undeservedly, the forgotten old. Today, this color in the wallpaper is used everywhere in the interior. And it is not just included as an additional element, but made the main one in almost any room. An example in the photo.

Lilac wallpaper in the bedroom

The perception of a given color directly depends on its intensity. According to psychological research, bright lilac in large quantities can cause a person to feel anxious. Therefore, experts do not recommend wallpaper in bright colors for bedroom decor. But even a small accent can become a “highlight” for the interior (photo):

More often, designers resort to the use of calm wallpaper colors. Being unobtrusive, they make the bedroom delicate and give the whole interior a personality:

A relevant and modern solution is to decorate the bedside area with wallpaper of a more juicy or deep color. And the lilac gamma is perfect for this:

As for color perception, the delicate lilac pastel on the wallpaper soothes, relaxes and sets in a romantic mood. A small blotch of bright accents adds sensuality and a desire for novelty. Both those and other properties will not interfere in the bedroom of people who love each other.

In order to apply the wallpaper of these colors to decorate the bedroom as successfully as possible, you can use the advice of experts:

To combine the lilac color in the interior of the bedroom, the following shades of wallpaper are perfect:

The combination may turn out to be too neutral, so additional elements may be required, for example, vintage-style furniture:

Using a lilac palette to decorate the walls in the bedroom, it is important to comply with the measure. To avoid the negative influence of color, you can resort to combining wallpapers of different colors, or use several shades of lilac, for example, as in the photo.

It is better to decorate the floor and walls with lighter colors. If the interior turns out to be too pale, rich purple, burgundy accessories and decor elements will help to revive it. An example is in the photo below.

If the flooring material is white or light, then it is better to choose white or silver decorative elements and accessories. Gold, in this case, is suitable when using natural colors in the design of the floor.

Making the ceiling the color of the wallpaper, it is better to choose the traditional option.

Lilac kitchen

What to focus on when choosing a lilac wallpaper for kitchen walls? It should cause appetite, a surge of energy, invigorate, and to achieve this effect, you can use bright and light colors at the same time.

As for the texture, wallpaper with an embossed pattern is perfect for the kitchen. The most successful color combinations can be called a combination of lilac with:

Neutral colors can be broken up with bright accessories - interesting photo wallpapers, dishes, paintings;

Given the abundance of household appliances in the kitchen, it looks quite natural;

But you can also use a more relaxed combination:

Living room in lilac tones

The living room is a universal room where the whole family gathers, meets with relatives and friends, celebrates important events and takes a break from everyday work. How can decorating the walls with lilac wallpaper help make a room suitable for any occasion?

In fact, this color can fit perfectly into the design of the living room and, if everything is done correctly, the room will become lighter, more spacious, an example in the photo.

When choosing a lilac palette for decorating the walls of the living room, you should carefully select companion colors. Successful combinations can be called with the following shades:

  • milky - the tandem turns out to be very gentle, airy, allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the room. It is used to create an interior in the imperial style;

  • white - this color is able to absorb the excessive brightness of lilac, making it more delicate. It also looks great with its light tones;

  • yellow - a dangerous combination that can make the interior of the living room intrusive, flashy. But if you select the colors of wallpaper and furniture based on the brightness of the shades, you can get a modern, fashionable interior (photo):

  • purple - a combination of shades of the same gamut is considered classic. In this case, any of them can become the base one;

  • pink - this color is able to add notes of joy, naivety, carelessness to the design of the room;

Lilac wallpaper can make the interior bright or gentle, aggressive or calm. The most important thing is to correctly combine a large palette of shades with each other.

On the video you can see the design options for living rooms with lilac wallpaper:

Repair is not only troublesome, but also quite informative. In order for the whole interior design to turn out beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to correctly combine all the details.

You can ask for help from professional designers, but you will have to pay extra. And you can independently study all the nuances and recreate a unique design. Consider the main modern trends and types of wallpaper for the living room.

To date, the range of wallpapers is very diverse and large. It seems that choosing the right option is not difficult. But do not be so easy to treat the upcoming purchase. It's so easy to get confused by the options offered.

The main types of wallpaper for the living room can be formed into the following types:

  • With flowers;
  • Striped;
  • Combined;
  • Modern wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper.

1. You should choose only high-quality wallpapers. They are environmentally friendly and will not accumulate dust and quickly fade.
2. Living room - a room for meeting guests. The whole interior should be stylish, and all the details should be in harmony with each other. Therefore, you should buy wallpaper for the general style of the room.
3. You should not choose too dark wallpaper or, conversely, white. Golden shades or green are better suited.
4. Wallpaper must be resistant to fading, as well as prevent the accumulation of dust.

Wallpaper for the living room with flowers

Wallpapers with flowers have always been in fashion. The most relevant now are voluminous flowers with a 3D effect. It is enough to stick such wallpaper only on one wall, and decorate the other walls with plain wallpaper. Get a very powerful effect. Most often, this is how they decorate the wall along which the TV stands.

You can choose a more relaxed option, with small flowers. Then you can paste over all the walls in the living room. But all other interior items should be in a calm style, thereby not distracting attention.


Drawing plays a big role in shaping the visual effect. Since not everyone can boast of large areas of rooms, it is simply necessary to resort to some design tricks to create a cozy atmosphere.

For example, to visually enlarge a small living room, it is recommended to stick wallpaper in light colors with vertical stripes.

If the room has high ceilings, but I would like to expand the width of the room, then horizontal thin stripes would be an excellent option.

It is enough to decorate only one wall with such wallpaper, and visually the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire room will become larger. Striped wallpaper has always been and remains a great option for the living room.

Combined wallpaper

To make the living room look stylish and not tired, designers advise combining wallpapers. A good option would be two or three shades from the main color. This technique also allows you to select different zones in the same room.

The area intended for relaxation is best marked with warm shades, and all other walls can be pasted over with a colder color wallpaper.

It should also be remembered that embossed wallpaper or with a pattern must be combined with smooth ones. It's the perfect combination. It is best to choose wallpapers from one collection or catalog. So there is an opportunity to combine wallpapers as accurately and harmoniously as possible.

Most often, when combining wallpaper, gluing is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Wallpaper inserts;
  • Focus on one wall;
  • Several types of wallpaper are alternately combined.

Modern wallpaper

If we consider the latest trends among wallpaper for the living room, then the most common options are:

Liquid wallpaper. They are cellulose fibers. They tolerate temperature extremes well, do not fade in the sun, are easy to apply to the wall and remove, do not collect dust on themselves.

Glass fiber. Deserved high recognition due to their durability, practicality, the ability to repaint several times. A distinctive feature of such wallpapers will be their high ability to withstand fire. During a fire, they will not burn.

Non-woven. They gained their popularity due to the density of the material, which prevents them from fading. They also tolerate moisture well. Wallpaper material allows them to be repainted several times, thereby changing the style of the interior.

Wall mural

The range of photo wallpapers is currently simply striking in its diversity: glossy, matte, washable, vinyl-based, satin-based, smooth, rough.

If we consider the areas that are most often decorated with photo wallpapers, then a place to relax should be noted here. It is so nice to plunge into the atmosphere of calmness and harmony after a working day.

Drawing can be very different: from animals and plants to landscape sketches. You can also choose oriental motifs, if the whole interior contributes to this.

What wallpaper color to choose

The living room can be decorated in various color shades. Much depends on the chosen style of decoration of the entire room, as well as on the individual wishes of the customer. Consider the most popular color solutions for wallpaper for the living room.

White wallpaper. The white living room will certainly remain in the memory of guests for a long time. However, you should be careful when choosing this color. White wallpaper will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize all the flaws of the walls. Light wallpapers are perfect for small rooms, the interior design of which is made in a minimalist style.

Black wallpaper. Great option to combine with other colors. Black color goes well with everything. The most successful will be combinations with green, golden, white and red colors, as well as their shades.

Black and white wallpaper. Incredible luxury can be obtained by combining white, gold and black colors. Such a living room will create an incredible royal atmosphere. Black and white color is perfect for modern styles: hi-tech, modern.

Brown wallpaper. Some people think that this wallpaper color will be boring, but it is not. The main condition will be correctly combined with other colors. The ideal option for designers is a combination of brown and white colors. Such an interior can be diluted with bright accessories in the form of a lamp or a picture. In general, all brown shades are able to create a soft, relaxing environment.

Gray wallpaper. This color causes ambiguous attitudes from many people. For some, gray is associated only with a dull perception, for others it is the color of sophistication. By default, gray is referred to as luxury and refined rigor. Perfect combination of gray with white and black colors. But for more daring people, designers suggest combining this color with yellow or even purple. As a result, the room will acquire a completely unexpected design option.

Lilac wallpaper. The sensations that this color causes can be compared with awakening nature with the advent of spring. Lilac color evokes calmness and tranquility. But at the same time, they do not cause fatigue, but, on the contrary, they are able to dilute the boring design of the living room. This color can be well combined with white and gray colors.

Beige wallpaper. Classic living room design. It is believed that this is the color of the aristocracy. Beige wallpapers will look great at any time of the day, as they have a very beautiful shade. So that the interior does not look very boring and pale, it is recommended to make bright accents. Most often, a living room in a beige version is preferred by cheerful people. Pairs well with white. Thus, you can highlight upholstered furniture.

Green wallpaper. Difficult color for the living room. Especially it should be carefully combined with other interior items. It is best to choose bright and saturated shades of green. Otherwise, you can create a very relaxed atmosphere that is more suitable for the bedroom. You should also choose the right lighting. Green wallpapers require additional lighting fixtures in addition to the main chandelier.

Yellow wallpaper. They evoke joy and optimism. Therefore, yellow wallpapers are perfect for purposeful people who know how to get what they want from life. Yellow color has many shades: from mustard to bright yellow. A living room with yellow wallpaper will stimulate creative thinking.

Red wallpaper. A color that evokes ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, red is the color of vitality and passion. On the other hand, aggression. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with red shades in the living room.

Ideal combinations with white or golden flowers. A good option would be to glue one wall with red wallpaper, and all the rest with white. If you do not want to glue light wallpapers, then you can combine red wallpapers with others, but always with a large white ornament. If you stick red wallpaper on all the walls, then it is better to diversify this bright monotony with light moldings.

purple wallpaper. Belong to the category of cold colors. Preference should be given to soft shades of purple. So the room will not be soft and comfortable. But be sure that the purple wallpaper in the living room will remain in the memory of any guest for a long time. However, designers still advise making small bright purple accents rather than pasting all the walls with this color.

The combination of wallpaper with other interior items

Of course, when choosing wallpaper, you must respect the whole style of the room. The main task that is pursued when buying wallpaper is to correctly highlight the remaining furniture against their background. Everything is important here: the color of curtains, furniture, small accessories and attributes. Most often, they try to choose the color of the wallpaper in the same shade with upholstered and cabinet furniture.

Some designers combine wallpaper with curtains. In doing so, one must be very careful. You should either choose a wallpaper one or two tones lighter or darker than the curtains, or make a bright contrast.

You can make a bright accent on the wallpaper itself. Then all other items in the living room should be of calm colors so as not to attract attention.

What color of wallpaper for the living room you would not choose, the main thing is that it harmonizes well with the rest of the room's design. It is best to turn to experienced designers who will offer the most suitable design option for your living room.

If the financial situation does not allow spending on specialists, then it is best to familiarize yourself with fashion trends from catalogs in the wallpaper salon or view articles on the Internet on a given topic. The result is a stylish and comfortable living room design.

For a long time, lilac in the interior was treated with caution, considering it too cold, too expensive, too elite. But thanks to interesting combinations with other colors and bold combinations, lilac has grown in popularity. Lilac wallpaper in interior design is preferred by creative, mysterious and creative personalities. They are optimistic about the bright future, but are prone to nostalgia for the past.

The catalog of the Espartos online wallpaper store contains collections with photos of lilac wall-papers and its shades for every taste and purpose.

How does lilac behave in combination with other colors?

A modern fashionable interior is bold and unusual ideas for combining wallpapers of different colors: combinations of delicate, bright, dark and different tones, i.e. emphasis on the contrast of opposites. In the catalog of the Espartos online store, you can choose successful combinations of red wallpapers with other colors. And knowing some of the nuances of combining will help you beautifully transform your room.

  • White gives the lilac color tenderness, calmness, romance. White muffles too bright purple tones and emphasizes pale shades. As additional elements, filigree figurines, frames of mirrors, a fireplace, paintings, tables and shelves with a glass surface will look beautiful.
  • Gray will emphasize the luxury of lilac. Lilac flowers on a gray background, slightly framed in silver, will look especially good. Gray will make the interior of the room richer, more interesting, more aristocratic.
  • Green in tandem with lilac resembles spring and blossoming lilac under the window. All shades of green are suitable for the lilac wallpaper palette: classic, mint, pistachio, tea tree. In this case, it would be appropriate to use similar upholstery of upholstered furniture and curtains. But do not forget, colorful wallpapers require the uniformity of other interior details, and vice versa.
  • Yellow and lilac emphasize and complement each other. Not a single color in this combination turns into a suppressed one. Feel free to use lemon, mustard, pale and other colors, and in rooms with windows to the north - this option will always look profitable, adding positive and energy to the space.
  • Beige will give lilac wallpaper warmth, comfort and lightness. Cream, milk, sand colors can be safely used in the design of any premises: nursery, bedroom, living room, hallway, kitchen. And if the room is not intended for sleeping, then you can add accessories of identical colors, but more saturated shades.
  • Use red and its derivatives carefully in the interior. For example, when gluing walls with red-lilac wallpaper, do not use such combinations anymore, do the rest of the decoration in calmer colors.

Features of Lilac Wallpaper Collection

If you carefully look at the photos of the wallpaper in the catalog, then the look lingers on lilac shades much longer. The secret is that the whole palette, from pale shades to bright purple tones, is pleasant for visual, emotional and psychological perception. Among the copies of the wallpaper collection presented on our website, you can find all shades of lilac in:

  • Numerous floral motifs.
  • Complex and simple geometric patterns.
  • Intricate ornaments.
  • Photoprints.
  • Children's motives.
  • Monochromatic solutions.

Subdued and gentle tones are recommended for decorating girlish bedrooms, as well as for creating minimalism in the interior. Vintage additional accessories in tandem with lilac wallpaper will help create a classic or retro style. Lilac wallpapers visually increase the space, give it lightness and airiness, so they are perfect for decorating small rooms.

When decorating a living room in one color or another, you are primarily guided by your own tastes and preferences. The predominance of any one shade will tell a lot about the owners of the house. And who has lilac color? As a rule, for a creative category of people, it is this shade that is the source of inspiration. Each person relates to the lilac color in different ways. For some, this is too heavy and unbearable color, and for some, it personifies spring freshness and novelty. Consider the main questions that interest you:

  • how to decorate the walls in lilac color;
  • how to combine furniture with lilac wallpaper;
  • what accessories to choose.

Living room interior in lilac tones with natural wood trim

According to psychologists, the lilac color represents:

  • stability;
  • equilibrium;
  • life harmony;
  • philosophical wisdom.

Modern living room interior with gray furniture and pale pink wallpaper

Lilac color was obtained by merging red and blue. Light colors look gentle. They are closer in color to pink. Dark and saturated shades look gloomy. The main thing here is to choose the right companion colors that will balance the color scheme and make it more airy and light. The most successful couples are:

  • lilac and gray;
  • lilac and white.

Light lilac wallpaper with a large floral ornament with a lilac sofa, armchair and coffee table

Red and blue color, from which a lilac shade is obtained, very actively influence a person. The lilac color adopted this quality from them. It has been proven that a person in a living room decorated in lilac feels very good. Therefore, you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

Dark lilac curtains and decorative pillows for the sofa in the design of the living room

The use of lilac wallpaper in the living room

At the sight of lilac in the living room, the first associations are associated with spring flowers. Such a color scheme contributes to the creation of a calm atmosphere in which calmness and bliss are born for a favorable rest. Lilac color is hard to spoil a heavy baroque room. It will still give the impression of peace.

Pale lilac wallpaper with a bright pattern

Most often in stores you can find lilac wallpapers with floral patterns. Less often, but there are also abstract drawings with geometric lines of a surrealist direction. If possible, you can achieve an interesting combination using glossy and matte wallpapers.

Snow-white furniture against a dark lilac wall in the living room

However, in order not to spoil the overall interior, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of design in lilac shades. Remember that even its lightest shade will dominate the room and attract all the attention to itself. But you can’t call the lilac color depressing. The interior of the living room will definitely retain a romantic mood.

Modern living room in lilac tones

  • flower pots;
  • furniture covers.

What colors to combine lilac wallpaper in the living room

Lilac shade is very complex. It contains purple and pink notes. Usually sophisticated personalities prefer this color scheme. To create a harmonious interior, it is important to know which colors blend perfectly. Check out some recommendations:

  • a milky shade in combination with lilac is suitable for the Empire style, the union is able to visually expand the space;
  • white color is used more often in the Scandinavian style, lilac flowers will add lightness and homeliness;
  • yellow is the most dangerous color in combination, it is better to use it in limited quantities in some accessories;
  • purple and lilac - a classic combination in which the second shade will be the main background;
  • a straw shade in combination with lilac will give the interior of the living room lightness;
  • beige is another basic shade, both of them should flow smoothly into each other, creating a unique lightness;
  • golden color is used as a companion only in the presence of expensive furniture and silk textiles, for example, on curtains or decorative pillows;
  • a peach tone will help to create real comfort together with a lilac tint; they use it in a country-style living room;
  • lilac shade together with silver in high-tech style will create rigor and conciseness;
  • for incredible comfort and coziness, an alliance of lilac and chocolate colors is suitable;
  • indigo and lilac are considered the most versatile colors, suitable for decorating rooms in any style;
  • a duet of two shades - lilac and menthol will help create a positive mood.

As a rule, people who love lilac are not limited to the decor of one living room. They prefer to decorate the whole house.

Bad companions for lilac in the interior of the living room

Lilac color is able to get along with any color scheme. There is a group of colors that is better not to use in the design of the living room:

  • burgundy;
  • Red;
  • terracotta;
  • brown brick;
  • swamp green.

Bright living room design with gray walls and pink floor

See also: companion wallpapers in the living room and the rules for choosing them.

Light lilac wallpaper in the interior of the living room

To achieve the lightness of the room and visually adjust its size, light shades are needed, for example, milky or white. Most often, such items are furniture, but you can do it easier and buy light curtains.

Several lilac shades in the design of the living room

Depending on the size of the window, textiles for it are selected according to the following rules:

  • for a small window, you need to hang dark and thick curtains;
  • for a large window, it is better to prefer a translucent tulle.

Saturated lilac wallpaper and furniture imitating natural wood in the interior of the living room

No matter what lilac shade of wallpaper you choose, it will look good only with the right lighting. If there is not enough light, then the interior will not look light. If you do not highlight the dark and empty corners, then the whole room will look depressing and rude, suppressing the psyche of people.

Lilac wallpaper on the wall behind the sofa and two light lilac armchairs

How to decorate the walls and ceiling of the living room in lilac tones

To create a living room in lilac tones, as a rule, it is enough to paste over the walls with wallpaper. This method is the easiest and fastest.

Modular furniture, sofa and curtains in lilac tones in the interior of the living room

If necessary, in the living room you need to highlight one of the zones, use rich lilac wallpaper. For the rest of the walls use light colors. If you prefer bright accessories, then use the following colors:

  • citric;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Lilac-beige gamma in the interior of the living room

The ceiling can be decorated in both snow-white and lilac. You can enhance sophistication with a stretch fabric with a glossy surface. In addition, it will look very modern. Lovers of romance are better off making a luminous ceiling.

Bright lilac colors in the interior of a baroque living room

Furniture for the living room in lilac tones

If you chose dark lilac wallpaper for the living room, then the furniture should be light lilac. Against the background of gray-lilac wallpaper, dark-colored furniture looks advantageous. The lilac-beige wallpaper is in harmony with the sandy furniture, and so that it does not look aloof, place lilac decorative pillows on the sofa and armchairs. Sand curtains will help to complement this color scheme.

A variety of lilac shades in the interior of a modern living room

In the light lilac interior of the living room, be sure to install a dark lilac coffee table, and you can complement it with a pair of armchairs. The main thing is to observe the rule of restraint, otherwise it will turn out very gloomy.

Lilac companion wallpaper for living room decoration

Lilac living room accessories

To achieve a special chic in the interior of the living room, you can use plain brown accessories. It can be:

  • table and floor vases;
  • paintings;
  • figurines.

But even professional designers rarely offer a living room in lilac tones. However, using all the recommendations, you can try to recreate the decor with your own hands.

Lilac color in the living room - photo

Lilac color is amazing in its richness. However, if you have a problem with the independent design of the living room, you can always seek help from professional designers.

To create an unforgettable mysterious atmosphere in the house, filled with charm and luxury, you should choose lilac wallpaper for wall decoration. In the photo of the finished interiors, they look very stylish, romantic, spring-fresh. is associated with harmony, tranquility, but at the same time effectively emphasizes the situation, adds bright colors to it. Lilac, bedroom, nursery or even kitchen and hallway are equally well suited. But you need to choose the right shade and pattern wisely, since the lilac range can affect the psychological state in different ways, and this will largely depend on the situation as a whole and successful color combinations.

The psychology of color

In nature, the lilac color is quite rare, therefore, for a long time, mystical properties were attributed to it, used during rites and rituals to gain a connection with spirits.

This color is associated with sensitivity, determination, creativity and mystery. Shades of lilac range evoke nostalgic emotions. They are chosen by people who are stubborn, patient, restrained, aimed at a brighter future, but not without vanity, rather secretive, distrustful and cautious.

Lilac color in the interior

For a long time, lilac was the favorite color of the European nobility, and it could be seen in richly decorated royal palaces and noble mansions. baroque era. Until now, all shades of purple and lilac are associated with nobility, elegance and sophisticated style. Today they are considered classic, and absolutely everyone can use them when decorating their homes.

Lilac wallpaper in the interior is appropriate both in huge country houses, as well as in typical city ​​apartments. With their help, you can create a noble and elegant living room interior, soothing and neutral atmosphere in the nursery, especially for a hyperactive child or two kids of different sexes. The color scheme is also well suited for decorating the kitchen, dining room and hallway, or workshop.

Advice! Lilac wallpapers will allow you to tune in to a working mood, engage in mental or creative activity for a long time. But it is better to choose such a finish for active, cheerful people, otherwise depression may develop.

Plain, striped lilac wallpaper, with flowers - the photos clearly demonstrate that such a finish perfectly complements the interior, emphasizes its features and serves as an ideal backdrop for the whole environment. Manufacturers offer many options that differ in pattern, texture, shade, which allows you to choose the perfect lilac wallpaper for any design.

Best of all, lilac wallpapers are suitable for, but you should not be limited only to them. Neoclassic, , , , shabby chic, retro, , - it all depends on the shade, texture and pattern on the wallpaper and their combination with furniture.

Color combinations

Lilac can be considered the base color, as it goes well with many different shades, serves as an ideal backdrop for furniture and other interior items. That is why designers often advise choosing wallpapers of this particular range for wall decor, since such a finish will look unobtrusive, interesting and soothing at the same time.

Lilac wallpapers may seem gentle, light, but when pasting walls with them, it often turns out that the color turned out to be too deep, even heavy. There is nothing surprising, because lilac shades are considered dominant, so when using additional colors for interior decoration, one should build on this.

All shades of lilac wallpaper can be divided into three groups:

  1. Light - used for complete wall decoration in rooms, serve as a background, help to visually expand the space.
  2. Dark and saturated - are used to highlight individual zones, as well as to visually reduce space.
  3. Bright - act as accents.

    Among the companion colors for lilac are:

    • White - all shades from cold snowy to warm milky. Depending on the dominant shade of lilac, white decor can act as a bright accent (for light wallpapers) or a spectacular contrast (for dark ones).
    • - lemon, saffron, gold, bronze.
    • - from muted terracotta to rich pumpkin.
    • .
    • Pink - from powdery to.
    • Black.

    With the right combination of lilac wallpaper with interior items, you can achieve a very stylish look, romantic, elegant and creative at the same time.

    Lilac wallpaper for the living room

    For the walls of the living room, it would be appropriate to choose lilac wallpaper in several shades at once or with a different ornament, for example, plain and in a flower. With the help of such a finish, it will be possible to effectively zone the room, make it less oppressive, especially if the room has a small area:

    • The wall on which it is planned to focus attention can be pasted over with plain wallpaper of a rich lilac hue. In this area, it is worth placing decorative elements (or, photo composition, panel, spectacular sconces, ).
    • it will look good and not distract if it is decorated with light lilac wallpaper, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern.
    • The seating area (behind the sofa) can be decorated with lilac wallpaper with a large pattern or with an unusual texture, for example, embossed or combining a glossy and matte surface.

    Advice! When decorating the walls of the living room with plain lilac wallpaper, you should balance them with inserts of contrasting shades, for example,. Such accents can be located on one of the walls, for example, with window or door openings.

    When choosing furniture, focus on the shade of the walls:

    • Light wallpaper will serve as a background for a massive