Separation of applications. Definition of standalone applications

§one. Isolation. General concept

Isolation- a way of semantic highlighting or clarification. Only minor members of the sentence are separated. Usually, isolations allow you to present information in more detail and draw attention to it. Compared with ordinary, non-separate members, the isolation proposals have greater independence.

Separations are different. Separate definitions, circumstances and additions differ. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

  1. Separate definition: The boy, who fell asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.
  2. An isolated circumstance: Sasha was sitting on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and dangling his legs.
  3. Standalone addition: I heard nothing but the ticking of an alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Separate members of the sentence stand out in speech intonation, and in writing - punctuation.

§2. Separate definitions

Separate definitions are divided into:

  • agreed
  • inconsistent

The child who fell asleep in my arms suddenly woke up.

(agreed isolated definition, expressed by participial turnover)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed stand-alone definition is expressed as:

  • participial turnover: The child, who was sleeping in my arms, woke up.
  • two or more adjectives or participles: The child, full and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by nominal phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples:

How did you, with your mind, not understand her intention?

Olga, in her wedding dress, was extraordinarily pretty.

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined.
If the inconsistent definition refers to the word being defined, expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition can be different. Differ:

  • single definition: excited girl;
  • two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;
  • a common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl, excited by the news received, ...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun:

She was agitated and could not sleep.

(single isolated definition after the defined word expressed by the pronoun)

Excited, she could not sleep.

(single isolated definition before the defined word, expressed by the pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they come after the word being defined, expressed by the noun:

The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member:

Excited and happy, she could not sleep for a long time.

(separation of several single definitions before the defined word - pronoun)

3. A common definition, expressed by a phrase, is isolated if it refers to the word being defined, expressed by a noun, and stands after it:

The girl, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

(a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover, is after the defined word, expressed by a noun)

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position both after and before the word being defined:

Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time.

She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with an additional adverbial value

The definitions that precede the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.
These can be both common and single definitions, standing directly before the noun being defined, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.). In such cases, the attributive turnover is easily replaced by the subordinate clause of the reason with the union because, a subordinate clause of a condition with a union if, a clause assignment with a union although.
To check for the presence of a circumstantial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is isolated. For example:

Seriously ill, her mother could not go to work.

(additional reason value)

Even when she was ill, her mother went to work.

(additional concession value)

Thus, various factors are important for isolation:

1) by what part of speech the defined word is expressed,
2) what is the structure of the definition,
3) how the definition is expressed,
4) whether it expresses additional adverbial meanings.

§3. Standalone Applications

Appendix- this is a special kind of attribute expressed by a noun in the same case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: dragonfly jumper, beauty girl. The application can be:

1) single: Bear, fidget, tortured everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

The application, both single and common, is isolated if it refers to the word being defined, expressed by the pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the word being defined:

He is a great doctor and helped me a lot.

Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it comes after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-spread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words:

He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application stands apart if it stands after its own name:

Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is separated if it serves to clarify or clarify:

And the neighbor's son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, set a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if an additional adverbial meaning is expressed.

An architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union as is isolated if the connotation of the cause is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications after the word being defined, which are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation, are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka-neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized in the voice and is highlighted with a pause.

Soon the New Year is the favorite holiday of the children.

§4. Standalone add-ons

The additions expressed by nouns with prepositions are separated: except for, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with. They are passed inclusion-exclusion or substitution values. For example:

Nobody but Ivan knew the answer to the teacher's question.

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§6. Isolation of comparative turnovers

Comparative turnovers are separated:

1) with unions: as, like, exactly, as if, what, how, than etc., if they matter:

  • comparison: The rain poured, as if from a sieve.
  • Similarities: Her teeth were like pearls.

2) with union like:

Masha, like everyone else, prepared well for the exam.

Comparative turnovers are not isolated, if:

1. are phraseological in nature:

Stuck like a bath leaf. The rain poured like a bucket.

2. the circumstances of the course of action matter (comparative turnover answers the question as?, often it can be replaced by an adverb or a noun in Etc.:

We are going around in circles.

(We walk(as?) like in a circle. You can replace the noun. in T.p.: around)

3) turnover with union as expresses the meaning "as":

It's not about qualifications: I don't like him as a person.

4) turnover from as is part of a compound nominal predicate or is closely related to the predicate in meaning:

The garden was like a forest.

He wrote about feelings as something very important to him.

§7. Separate clarifying members of the sentence

Refinement members refer to the word being qualified and answers the same question, for example: where exactly? when exactly? Who exactly? which one? etc. Most often, the clarification is conveyed by isolated circumstances of place and time, but there may be other cases. Clarifying members can refer to the addition, definition or main members of the sentence. Clarifying members are isolated, standing out in speech intonation, and in writing - with commas, brackets or dashes. Example:

We stayed up late into the night.

Below, in the valley that stretched out before us, the stream rustled.

The qualifying member usually comes after the qualifying member. They are tonally connected.

Clarifying members can be introduced into a complicated sentence:

1) with the help of unions: that is, namely:

I am preparing for the task of the Unified State Examination C1, that is, for the composition.

2) also words: especially, even, in particular, especially For example:

Everywhere, especially in the living room, was clean and beautiful.

test of strength

Find out how you understood the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that isolation is a way of semantic highlighting or clarification?

  2. Is it true that only minor members of the sentence are separated?

  3. What are separate definitions?

    • common and uncommon
    • agreed and inconsistent
  4. Are isolated definitions always expressed by participial turnover?

  5. In what case are the definitions standing before the defined word separated?

    • if an additional adverbial value is expressed
    • if no additional adverbial value is expressed
  6. Is it correct to think that an application is a special kind of attribute expressed by a noun in the same case and number as the noun or pronoun it defines?

  7. What prepositions are used in prepositional case combinations that are separate objects?

    • o, in, on, to, before, behind, under, over, before
    • except for, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with
  8. Is it necessary to separate adverbs and participles?

  9. Is it necessary to isolate circumstances with a preposition in spite of?

  10. In contact with

    Appendix- this is a definition expressed by a noun, which gives another name that characterizes the subject.

    The application is in the same case as the word being defined.

    The application has grammatical meanings: various qualities of the subject, an emotionally expressive assessment ( villainess-trap, nightingale-singer); nationality ( french teacher); age, relationship (old watchman, aunt Dasha); profession, social class (women navigators, orphan soldiers); denominations denoting the names of newspapers, magazines, businesses, works of art, etc. . (newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda"); proper name (Neva River).

    Of the two words - common noun and own - the application is:

    1. common noun, if a person names a proper name (doctor Aibolit)

    2. own, if it names an object (city Moscow)

    Applications are consistent and inconsistent. In consistent applications, the case form changes when the main word changes (seagulls-fishermen-gull-fishermen)

    In inconsistent applications, the case form does not change when the main word changes (the story "Snowstorm" - in the story "Snowstorm").

    1.A common application is isolated, expressed by a common noun with dependent words and related to a common noun (most often such an application comes after the word being defined): The old woman, Grishka's mother, had died, but the old men, father and father-in-law, were still alive.

    2. Single Application, standing after a common noun, is isolated if the noun being defined has explanatory words with it: One girl, a polka, took care of me.

    Less commonly, an uncommon application is isolated with a single defined noun in order to strengthen the semantic role of the application, to prevent it from merge intonation with the word being defined: And the enemies, fools, think that we are afraid of death.

    Note! Application is written with a hyphen.

    1.Single Application usually joins to a definable common noun by means of a hyphen: hero city, winter sorceress.

    If there is an explanatory word in the application, two punctuation is possible:

    The lecture will be read by a well-known professor-chemist. The lecture will be read by a famous professor, chemist.

    2. Hyphen spelled after own name(most often - a geographical name that acts as an application for a generic name): Moscow river. But without the hyphen, the appendix is ​​written in reverse word order: Moskva river.(Expressions like Mother Russia, Mother Earth are stable expressions).

    3. The hyphen is not written:

    a) if the preceding one-word application can be equated in meaning to an adjectival definition : handsome man (handsome man), old father (old father), giant factory (but giant factory), poor shoemaker, predatory wolf, skilled cook.

    b) if in a combination of two common nouns the first of them denotes a generic concept, and the second is specific: chrysanthemum flower, boletus mushroom. But if such a combination forms a scientific term, the hyphen is written: hare, stag beetle, field mouse, general practitioner, landscape painter.

    C) if the first element of the combination are words comrade, citizen, sir, our brother, your brother: comrade teacher.

    2. The application is isolated referring to a proper name, if it comes after the noun it defines : The suitcase was brought in by the coachman Selifan, a short man in a sheepskin coat, and the footman Petrushka, a young man of thirteen. Sergei Nikanorovich, the barman, poured out five glasses of tea.

    Before a proper name, an application is isolated only if it has an additional adverbial meaning: Stubborn in everything, Ilya remained stubborn in teaching(cause). A renowned scout, Travkin remained the same quiet and modest young man that he was at the first meeting.(concessionary meaning). BUT!lieutenant royal army Vasily Dibich made his way from German captivity to his homeland(without additional adverbial value).

    3. The proper name of a person or the name of an animal acts as a stand-alone application, if it explains or clarifies a common noun (before such an application, you can insert the words "namely", "that is" without changing the meaning): The daughter of Darya Mikhailovna, Natalya, might not like it at first sight. And the brothers Anya, Petya and Andryusha, schoolboys, tugged at his tailcoat from behind.

    4.Separate application can join union as(with additional cause value), as well as the words by name, by surname, by nickname, by birth and etc.: Ilyusha sometimes, like a frisky boy, just wants to rush and redo everything himself. As an old gunner, I despise this kind of cold decoration. This student, named Mikhail, an enthusiast and a poet, sincerely fell in love with Lavretsky. Yermolai had a cop dog, nicknamed Valet.

    BUT! If union as has the meaning as, then the turnover attached to it is not isolated: The received answer is considered as consent.

    Not isolated also an application with union as, describing an object from one side : The reading public managed to get used to Chekhov as a comedian.

    5. The application is always isolated with a personal pronoun: Should he, a dwarf, compete with a giant?

    6. A separate application may refer to a word missing in this sentence, if the latter is suggested by the context: You hold him, hold him, otherwise he will leave, anathema! (meaning burbot)

    7. Instead of a comma, when separating applications, use dash in the following cases:

    a) if before the application it is possible to insert words without changing the meaning namely: She drew ancient lamps with the coat of arms of the city of Olbia - an eagle soaring over dolphins.

    b) before a widespread or single application at the end of a sentence, if independence is emphasized or an explanation of such an application is given: My path went past the settlement - the refuge of Pugachevsky.

    c) to highlight applications on both sides that are explanatory in nature: The overseer of the rooming house, a retired soldier, followed the owner. Light spasms - a sign of strong feelings - ran across his wide lips.

    d) if the application refers to one of the homogeneous members of the proposal: At the table sat the mistress of the house, her sister - a friend of my wife, two faces unfamiliar to me, my wife and I.

    e) to separate homogeneous applications from the word being defined before the word being defined: Our greatest poet, the founder of the Russian literary language, the largest representative of national literature - Pushkin rightfully occupies one of the first places in the history of Russia's development.

    e) if the application explains another application: All of us, educators - teachers and counselors - must take into account age characteristics in working with children.

    Separate circumstances

    Participle constructions

    1. The adverbial turnover or single adverb is isolated, which preserves the meaning of verbality, regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the verb-predicate: A match struck, for a second illuminating the hanging nets, hay, and the old man.

    The shepherd walked, singing, behind a flock of greedy sheep. After taking a breath, he prepared to leave. Mother, puzzled, smiled. He. smiling, squinting from the light. Out of breath, I jumped over the ditches.

    2. Participial turnover, standing after the union, separates From him comma: Our father was from the cantonists, but, having served the rank of officer, he left us a hereditary nobility and estate. It became audible how, counting the seconds with the accuracy of a metronome, water dripped from the tap.

    Exception are those cases where a gerund or a single gerund is worth after an adversative union a: An urgent decision must be made, and once it is made, it must be implemented.. However when contrasting homogeneous members connected by a union a, a comma is placed after it: Do not stand still, but, overcoming one difficulty after another, always strive forward.

    3. Two adverbial turnovers, connected by a non-repeating union and, are not separated by a comma, like other homogeneous members in such cases: I sat on the wood, swaying slightly and continuing my song.

    Adverbial phrases are not isolated:

    a) if the turnover (with the meaning of the circumstance of the mode of action) is closely related in content to the predicate and forms the semantic center of the statement: She sat with her head tilted back a little.. (it is not important that she "sat", it is important " sat with her head thrown back»). We lived without meeting anyone(it is important that we lived "Without dating»). This exercise is done standing on outstretched toes.

    b) if the turnover is phraseological unit: And day and night through the snowy desert I rush to you headlong.

    c) if the adverbial phrase is preceded by amplifying particle and: You can live without bragging about the mind. You can leave without waiting for an answer.

    d) if the gerund has an allied word as a dependent word which as part of a subordinate attributive clause: To the right was a door, through which you can get into the corridor.

    e) if the gerund has lost its verbal meaning: The post office is less than a hundred meters from here. I'll be home beginning with seven o'clock in the evening.

    But the turnover with words beginning with is isolated if it is in the nature of a clarification, a passing explanation or is not related to the concept of time: This is confirmed by the history of many countries, starting with India and Egypt. Prizes for the best athletes have been awarded since the 19th century in Los Angeles.

    Turnover with words based(in meaning "based") not included in the adverbial construction and does not separate: The table is compiled based on the information received.

    But the turnover with words based on separates, if semantically refers to the producer of the action, which can "come from something"»: The calculator made a calculation based on the established tariff rates.

    Turnover with words according to(in meaning "depending on something", "in accordance with something"), acting as a complex preposition and not having the meaning of a gerund, does not separate: We will act according to the circumstances. But if the turnover is refinement value or accession, then he separates: I had to act carefully, depending on the circumstances (clarification).

    4. Two single gerunds are separated, acting as homogeneous circumstances: The mists, swirling and wriggling, crawled along the wrinkles of the rocks.

    BUT ! At that very moment the old woman came in singing and dancing.(close connection with the predicate) My coachman tears silently and slowly (the gerund has turned into an adverb, similar to words such as lying, sitting, standing, slowly).

    Examples of non-isolated single circumstances:

    Cranes usually sleep standing up. The girl ran into the room crying. He lived with his grief without hiding. He hid the money in his wallet without counting. The trolley passed without stopping. Sergei sat leaning over. The mountain road was winding. They left without saying goodbye. I took the book without looking. Shot without aiming.

    5. Separation and non-isolation of a single gerund may depend on the place it occupies in relation to the verb-predicate: the same word at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence can be isolated, but not at the end: He stammered. He added, stammering, a few words of his own. She walked slowly - On the way, slowly, they picked berries.

    6. The isolation of a single gerund may be influenced by its type: more often, gerunds of an imperfect form (on -a, -z) are not isolated, because usually they express the circumstance of the course of action. Whereas the perfective participles (on -v, -shi) have other shades of meaning (time, reasons, conditions, concessions), which often leads to their isolation: Listened without interrupting. By refusing, he will miss his chance.

    7. A single gerund with the meaning of the mode of action, standing at the end of the sentence, is isolated if it has the meaning of clarification: He walked without looking back (without looking back) - He walked hurriedly without looking back. The machine gun chirped non-stop (non-stop) - The machine gun chirped continuously, non-stop.

    The term "application" is commonly understood as a definition that is expressed by a noun. It is consistent with the main word, that is, it is always put in the form of the same case.

    By their nature, the structures have a number of specific features. They can convey various qualities of a person, characterize a profession or occupation, convey, clarify information about the age, nationality and other qualities of a person or any object, and also help to spread the offer. In a sentence, it is necessary to learn to distinguish an application from an inconsistent definition, which can also be expressed by a noun.

    Application isolation

    The role of a separate application is played by common constructions expressed by common nouns with dependent words. An important condition is the fact, which separates applications related to proper nouns.

    The isolation of examples depends on a number of specific factors:

    The application is isolated if the main word is a pronoun. Example: "Here it is, explanation"(L.N. Tolstoy).

    If the word being defined is a noun, then one of two conditions must be met. The constructions that refer to a proper noun and stand after it are separated. Example: "Ignat Petrovich, barman poured five glasses of tea for the guest.

    In some cases, the combinations standing before the proper noun are isolated. In this situation, the application can be replaced subordinate clause with subordinating conjunctions although or as. Example: " Stubborn in everything, Ivan Sergeevich remained stubborn in teaching" - "Since Ivan Sergeyevich was stubborn in everything, he remained stubborn in teaching."

    A proper name, that is, the name of a person or the nickname of a pet, can act as an application. It stands at the main common noun. The design is isolated if the application is located immediately after the word being defined and carries some explanatory meaning, clarifies the thought, that is, words can be placed before it and his name is, namely, i.e. Example: “Aunt Machine is participating in the conversation, Xenia Ivanovna Sidorova"-" Machine aunt participates in the conversation, and her name is Ksenia Ivanovna Sidorova.

    In some individual cases, double punctuation is possible. Punctuation depends on the presence or absence of an explanation, as well as the appropriate intonation when reading.

    Regardless of the position in relation to the word being defined, common combinations are isolated, which are expressed by nouns with dependent words. Usually such constructions are placed after the main noun. Example: "The old woman, Vaska's mother, died, but the old people, father and father-in-law are still alive."

    Separation of a non-spread application is allowed only in the situation when the author seeks to significantly strengthen the semantic role of the construction. The word itself is expressed by a common noun. It is located at a single defined word, which is expressed by a common noun. Example: "Father, drunkard, fed from an early age and herself. ” (M. Gorky)

    In the texts you can find a combination with the union as, which, as a rule, carries an additional meaning of causality. In this situation, the construction can be transformed by the subordinate clause of the reason with subordinating conjunctions because, as, insofar as or a turnover with the word being. The design is usually isolated.

    Example: " Like an old gunner, I do not recognize this type of weapon" - "Being an old artilleryman, I do not recognize this type of weapon" - "I despise this type of weapon, since I am an old artilleryman." If the union as can be replaced with a combination as, then separation of the connecting turnover is not required. Example: "His gesture was accepted like approval"“His gesture was taken as an endorsement.”

    Combinations that include turnovers by the name, by last name, nicknamed, are isolated in the event that they are pronounced with the intonation of isolation. Example: “Peter had a little dog, nicknamed "Sharik"- "The teacher nicknamed Trumpet almost no one liked it."

    Using a dash instead of a comma

    In some situations, a dash is used instead of a comma when separating:

    In some cases, it becomes possible to omit the second dash:

    Non-Standalone Applications

    This role is often played by proper names, which are combined with nouns. Common nouns, which immediately follow proper names, can also act as non-isolated constructions. Many applications with the union are not isolated as, which convey the characteristics of the object from any one side. Example: "The reading public is accustomed to Chekhov like a comedian».

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    Punctuation marks for standalone applications

    1. Common applications that appear after the word being defined - a noun or a pronoun, as well as those separated from them by other members of the sentence or related to the missing member of the sentence, are separated by commas.

    For example: Volodya, a youth of seventeen, ugly, sickly and timid, sat in the gazebo(Ch.); I remember a little girl niece of Spira (Shuksh.); In "Deadline" the old woman Anna left us like this, in "Farewell to Matyora" - Matyora, island on the Angara river (Hall.); There she is predator of the underwater world splashing on spring ice(Ast.); They are, mother and both daughters, were at home(Ch.); They are very different, these lines, they oppose each other(Hall.); He thought all that night Vershinin Sr. (Hall.); He was bitter and spiritual, this winged, steppe, east wind (Shol.); ... But the "base" was exactly the same as in Veisk, decrepit legacy of old Russian cities (Ast.); She did not know how to caress her father, nor her mother. The child herself, in the crowd of children, did not want to play and jump ...(P.).

    2. Along with commas, common applications can be distinguished by dashes:

    a) if the application has the meaning of clarification or explanation.

    For example: Ryazantsev and Zoya - his wife - were from the same class(Hall.); And now two paternal uncles and Ivan Markovich - mother's uncle - solve the problem(Ch.);

    b) if the application is widespread enough.

    For example: Novelist Beskudnikov - a quiet, decently dressed man with attentive and at the same time elusive eyes- took out the watch(Bulg.);

    c) if the application is at the end of the sentence.

    For example: Finally, a mechanic appeared - a young guy who had not yet taken off his institute badge(rasp.); It smells of rain - a gentle and at the same time pungent smell of moisture, damp garden paths.(Paust.); How strong and kind she was. this short, rather plump woman (Hall.).

    Such applications have great independence, often contain a detailed description of an object or person.

    For example: And yet they were - a boy, white and timid, in an old worn-out gymnasium uniform, with ears tied with a black scarf, and a girl, in a plaid, not large in height, water proof(M.G.);

    d) if the application repeats the same word as the one being defined: But he[fear] has already appeared in a new form - in the form of a dreary The waiting, haunting dread(M. G.).

    3. Common applications that precede the word being defined are separated by commas:

    a) if they have, in addition to the defining meaning, also an adverbial connotation.

    For example: Kind and considerate person, the new teacher quickly won the respect and love of the students.

    If a common application has no adverbial value, then it is not highlighted: Fourth brigade duty foreman Zyryansky took over the column(Poppy.);

    b) if they refer to personal pronouns.

    For example: A tradesman by birth, who learned to read and write in a monastery cell, he, of course, did not read the "secular" books that were in our library ...(St.); Georgian, Prince Shakro Ptadze, one son from his father, a wealthy Kutaisi landowner, he served as a clerk at one of the stations of the Transcaucasian railway and lived with a friend (M. G.).

    4. Non-common applications are isolated or not isolated depending on the location in relation to the word being defined, on the presence or absence of other definitions for the word being defined.

    1) Non-common applications related to proper names are not isolated if they stand before the noun being defined.

    For example: At the noise, the maid Dunyasha came running from the young lady's rooms.(Kupr.).

    2) Applications expressed by proper names and related to common nouns are separated (by dashes or commas). Such appendices are clarifying in nature and are located after the defined words.

    For example: His wife - Alevtina - did not really want to go to the village in the summer(Shuksh.); Both older girls, Katya and Sonya, began to watch the boys closely.(Ch.).

    The same with clarifying applications related to personal pronouns: He, Sasha, received almost no education(Ch.).

    3) Non-common applications expressed by common nouns and standing after a defined word that already has definitions are isolated.

    For example: This man, with a bag on his shoulder, a soldier, stopped(L. T.).

    Less commonly, such applications are isolated with a non-common definitive noun (in order to prevent them from merging with the definitive name).

    For example: And the enemies, fools, think that we are afraid of death(Fad.). Compare: And foolish enemies think...

    When referring to personal pronouns, the place of application does not play a role, it is always isolated: Engineer, he knew his business perfectly; As an engineer, he knew his business very well.

    5. Applications are separated by commas, having with them the words that join them(by name, by surname, by nickname, by origin, by birth, etc.), as well as unionsas(when complicated by causal significance) and or(with explanatory meaning).

    For example: Uncle Nikolai Uspensky had a son - a gymnasium student named Gleb(Chuk.); I have known the chairman of the artel for a long time. It was his peer nicknamed Rudnya a farmer in a neighboring village(Fed.); Soon a young engineer fell in love with Zoska, by the name of Rubshchikov, by the name of Roman (Ast.); Her husband, pan Stac, Polish by origin, worked as a store clerk(Ast.); Him, as a timid and unsociable person, first of all, it was striking that he had never had him, namely, the extraordinary courage of new acquaintances(Ch.); As a official, police officer, Soshnin is used to getting to know different people(Ast.); Lidia, or, as she was called at home, Lida, spoke more with Belokurov than with me(Ch.).

    Applications attached by words by name, surname, nickname, may not be isolated if they have a basic, distinguishing meaning, i.e. are not a clarification or explanation of the word in front of it.

    For example: He got himself a teddy bear named Yasha(Paust.); We are interested in professor by the name of Petrov.

    An application with a union is how to distinguish it from a turnover with the meaning "as".

    Compare: He, as an engineer, should be a construction manager (as an engineer, must lead; Appendix). - He came to the construction site as an engineer.

    6. Applications are separated by a single dash(the second dash is absorbed by another character or omitted):

    a) if the application refers to one of the homogeneous members of the proposal.

    For example: A mechanic, a tractor driver - my brother, an agronomist and a village teacher spoke at the meeting;

    b) in the presence of a number of homogeneous applications standing in front of the word being defined.

    For example: A contemporary of Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gorky, N. Roerich and Rachmaninoff, a passionate and even biased witness to the turbulent revolutionary events in Russia- Bunin often argued with history, with the century, with contemporaries(L. Kr.);

    c) if the application refers to a number of homogeneous defined words.

    For example: Poets, prose writers and playwrights - Muscovites came to Mikhailovskoye for the Pushkin holiday;

    d) if, according to the conditions of the context, there is a comma after the application.

    For example: Passing along your car - our temporary home, we saw a familiar face in the window(the dash is absorbed by a comma separating the adverbial turnover);

    e) if the application has a more specific meaning in comparison with the meaning of the word being defined.

    For example: The source of strength from the mother - the native land seems to be an important and healing source for everyone.(second dash omitted).

    In the last two cases, comma separation is also possible.

    7. In special cases, applications, common and non-common, can be separated by a dot (when splitting a sentence).

    For example: ... The house squinted modestly and dutifully went into the ground between the blind ends of two panel structures. Attraction, milestone, childhood memory and a good shelter for people (Ast.).

    When combining applications, a combination of characters (commas and dashes) is possible.

    For example: At night, the dog often cried in a dream, nicknamed Funtik - a little red dachshund (Paust.).

    1. Application as a kind of definition

    Appendix it is a definition that is expressed by a noun. An appendix characterizes an object in a new way, gives it a different name, or indicates a degree of relationship, nationality, rank, profession, etc. An appendix is ​​always used in the same case as the noun to which it refers.

    Master(i.p.), harsh man (i.p.), was not happy with either guests or profit(N. Leskov).

    This story belongs to the famous writer science fiction (d.p.).

    Please note: if the application and the word it defines are expressed by common nouns, then a hyphen is placed between them. For example:

    Butterflies- cabbage fluttered over the flower beds.

    If the application or the word being defined is expressed by a proper name, the hyphen is put only if the proper name comes before the common noun. Compare the two applications in the following phrase:

    Moscow began with a small settlement in the place where river Yauza flows into Moscow river (A. N. Tolstoy).

    phrase river Yauza written without a hyphen, since here the proper name comes after the common noun, and the phrase Moscow river written with a hyphen, because in it the proper name is before the common noun.

    2. Separation of applications

    The last topic was devoted to punctuation in sentences with definitions. You learned that a noun adjective only separates when it comes after it, while a personal pronoun adjective always separates, no matter where it is in the sentence. Compare pairs of sentences:

    2) They are, soaked in the rain decided to go to the hotel and Wet in the rain, they decided to go to the hotel.

    As you can see, the definition separation rule consists of two main parts. Now let's turn to the application isolation rule, which is a little more complicated: it will have three points that you need to remember. Please note that all paragraphs refer to common applications (that is, applications consisting of several words).

    1) If the application refers to a common noun, then it is isolated in any case, regardless of the place in the sentence. For example:

    My father, border guard captain, served in the Far East and Frontier Captain, my father served in the Far East.

    2) If the application refers to its own noun, it is isolated only if it comes after it. For example:

    Ivanov, border guard captain, served in the Far East and Frontier Captain Ivanov served in the Far East.

    3) If the application refers to a personal pronoun, then it is isolated in any case, regardless of the place in the sentence. For example:

    He, border guard captain, served in the Far East and Frontier Captain, he served in the Far East.

    This rule has a few notes:

    1. Sometimes an application, which is given great importance in a statement and which is at the end of a sentence, can be isolated with a dash rather than a comma, for example: August came to an end last month of summer .

    2. Sometimes an application may begin with the conjunction HOW. In such cases, you need to try to replace this union with a combination AS. If such a substitution is possible, then commas are not needed. For example: Gas as a fuel is now widely used. In more detail, the rules for putting commas before the union AS will be considered in a separate part of our course.

    An exercise

      Finally, he could not stand it and reported his suspicions to the clerk of the noble guardianship_ Polovinkin (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

      You, who until a few minutes ago were shaking for your lousy life, showed us all a model of desperate courage and unprecedented stupidity. There are no equals among us. With our large collective mind, we could not comprehend why You_hero_ needed to see Ant_robber when, when it appears, it is enough to tremble and subside (E. Klyuev).

      By the way, the owner's family consisted of his wife, mother-in-law and two children_teenagers- a boy and a girl (F. Iskander).

      In the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, in a white cloak with a bloody lining, shuffling with a cavalry gait, the procurator of Judea_ Pontius Pilate (M. Bulgakov) entered the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.

      The senator_ his new owner_ did not press them at all, he even loved the young Tolochanov, but his quarrel with his wife continued; she could not forgive him for deceit and fled from him with another (A. Herzen).

      AT living room_reception_ completely dark (M. Bulgakov).

      Nastya helped her here too: she took a measurement from Lisa's foot, ran to Trofim_ the shepherd and ordered him a pair of bast shoes according to that measure (A. Pushkin).

      By the way, they said that the wife of the headman_ Mavra_ a healthy and not stupid woman_ in her whole life has never been further than her native village ... (A. Chekhov).

      Yes, it’s not far to look, just about two months ago, a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my friend (A. Chekhov) died in our city.

      But on Elena's face at three o'clock in the afternoon, the arrows showed the lowest and most oppressed hour of life - half past six (M. Bulgakov).

      My mother-in-law_ Avdotya Vasilyevna Aksenova_ who was born under serfdom, a simple illiterate "Ryazan woman"_ was distinguished by a deep philosophical mindset ... (E. Ginzburg).

      ... We learned that our crazy grandfather_ Pyotr Kirillich was killed in this house by his illegitimate son Gervaska_ our father's friend and cousin Natalya ... (I. Bunin).

      All around, a kind of sluggish bedlam was going on - such a pause after a stormy Sabbath (V. Shukshin).

      The famous Schiller_ tinsmith in Meshchanskaya Street. Near Schiller stood Hoffmann - not the writer Hoffmann, but a rather good shoemaker from Officerskaya Street - Schiller's great friend (N. Gogol).

      Some kind of bastard cat, made to look like a Siberian tramp, emerged from behind a drainpipe and, despite the blizzard, smelled Krakow (M. Bulgakov).

      ... In the city of Moscow, he_ this man_ suddenly got the right to exist, acquired meaning and even significance (M. Bulgakov).

      The best days of the year have come - the first days of June (I. Turgenev).

      Only she_ this heroic mitten_ is unbearable for people. (P. Bazhov).

      Katya_ Danilova, the bride, remained unmarried (P. Bazhov).

      The wreckage of the Danilushka dope bowl remained, but Katya took care of them (P. Bazhov).

      She cried, looking - at the very foot of the malachite_stone was designated, only it sits all in the ground (P. Bazhov).

      Gatchina and Pavlovsk _ the residences of the Grand Ducal couple _ have remained to this day, despite the new layouts and restructuring, monuments of the era of Paul (G. Chulkov).

      But only parent_deceased_ he was not a fool to let such a place, from which all rafting along the river begins, out of his hands (P. Bazhov).

      I suspect that her husband, the peaceful Abkhazian prince, had to endure more rude forms of manifestation of her despotic temperament (F. Iskander).

      There are no triplets, no riding "Kirghiz", no hounds and greyhounds, no domestics and no owner of all this _ landowner_hunter_, like my late brother-in-law Arseny Semenych (I. Bunin).

      - Prince_ Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, - he answered with complete and immediate readiness (F. Dostoevsky).

      Moreover, her face was similar to her mother, and her mother, by birth some kind of princess with oriental blood, suffered from something like black melancholy (I. Bunin).

      Such sleeves disappeared, time flashed like a spark, the father_professor_ died, everyone grew up, but the clock remained the same and beat with a tower battle (M. Bulgakov).