Corridor repair samples. Budget renovation of a small corridor. Modern renovation in the corridor ideas photo useful tips. Hallway lighting

Home renovation is always considered a responsible event. Each room needs to update the wall decoration, decorate the ceiling, block the flooring and fill the room with new stylish furniture.

At the same time, the owners of the apartments often leave repairs in the hallway for later, as a final "dessert". This is due to the fact that this room is, in fact, a "walk-through", therefore, all construction waste in the process of work is placed here.

But this does not mean that the design of the hallway does not need to be given due attention, since this room is considered "Face" of housing, on which the first impression of the owners of the house and their tastes will depend.


In addition, the constant opening of the entrance doors provokes the penetration of cold air, from which humidity can increase and condensation can appear.

In order to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold, repairs in the hallway must be carried out efficiently, adhering to a clear plan and sequence, select a good building material.

Typically, a corridor update should consist of the following steps:

  • lighting installations;
  • rational distribution of space;
  • finishes of all types of surfaces;
  • laying flooring;
  • furnishings.

It is worth noting that the repair technology directly depends on the layout of the hallway, its shape and size. Today there are such types of hallways: compartment, box, corridor, "burrow with a snorkel".

A small "box" room is found in brick buildings, which are called "Khrushchevs", its area does not exceed 4 m2. Indoor doors can lead directly to living areas or a bathroom. There are also "boxes" in "stalinkas". Repair is not difficult here, the only problem can be the arrangement of furniture.

There is a corridor-type entrance hall in panel houses, it is a narrow and long room. Finishing work in the corridor is easy, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the correct way of organizing the space. The "burrow with a snorkel" looks the same, it is difficult to give a new look to such a room.

The narrow and cramped space does not allow for chic acceleration in the finish. The most important thing in this type of hallway is to install good lighting sources.

As for the compartment rooms, they are a small square room with an adjoining corridor, they can have a winding or stepped appearance. Such hallways are included in the layout of both new buildings and old buildings.

The main point in their repair is considered to be a high-quality surface finish and rational use of space.

Types of finishing works

Any hallway, regardless of its shape and size, can become a beautiful and stylish room, for this you just need to give it a second wind and make cosmetic repairs.

Before starting work, finishing materials and tools are selected, the old surface is dismantled and the room is cleared of debris. If you plan to renovate, then you should worry about the availability design project and professional craftsmen.

The process of renovating the hallway must necessarily consist of such types of work.

Wall decoration

Traditionally, wallpapering is used for this. First, they dismantle the old canvases, if necessary, replace the wiring and other communications, install new doors. Then the surface of the walls is leveled and all defects and flaws are eliminated. Vinyl wallpapers are considered an excellent choice for the corridor, they are easy to clean and serve for a long time, are resistant to the appearance of fungi and mold.

A good option for a hallway is also cork wallpaper, which is made from a thin layer of cork applied to paper.

So that the decoration in the room does not turn out to be monochromatic, this material is recommended to be combined with various colored inserts.

The cork surface is easy to clean, does not collect dust and is safe for human health. It is not advisable to use this material to decorate dark rooms, as it takes a lot of light.

Many people prefer to choose plastic or wall panels for the walls of the corridor, they are quickly attached, they are not expensive, but they reduce the space by 2 centimeters. Therefore, liquid wallpaper is considered a good alternative to them, resembling something in between ordinary canvases and plaster.

Products are presented in a wide selection and are produced in the form of a dry mix, which includes paper, silk and linen flakes.

It is not difficult to cover the walls with liquid wallpaper, it is enough, according to the instructions, to dilute the mixture with water, wait for the impregnation and apply the material with a spatula. Their thickness should not exceed 2 mm.

Decorative plaster also looks original in the hallway. Its main advantage is the huge presence of textures and colors. Thanks to this, beautiful paintings and unusual compositions can be laid out on the walls of the room.

The coating is considered durable and is suitable for both apartments and private houses. Such walls are easy to clean if their surface is additionally varnished.

Laying the floor covering

The main requirement for the floor in the hallway is its ease of cleaning, since dirt and dust constantly accumulate in this room. Recently, in the design of corridors, laminate or tiles have been used as flooring. If a ceramic surface is chosen, it must be glossy and resistant to chemicals.

As for the colors of the tiles, it is best to get dark shades, they will not show wear and tear, light colors, on the contrary, will help make the room wider and more spacious.

The laminate in the hallway should be thick and durable. A practical option for a corridor will be an adhesive laminate, it is quickly dismantled and amenable to restoration. Linoleum is an economical material for the floor in the hallway.

The material easily tolerates moisture and pollution, has a long service life and is characterized by high thermal insulation.

Ceiling decoration

Its design depends on the height and overall interior of the room. In the event that the hallway is small, but its ceilings are high, it is recommended to make niches under them and solve the problem of storing things. To do this, the resulting structure can be simply painted.

If the corridor is high, then panels, slats or drywall are suitable for decoration. In miniature passers-by, hinged compositions also look beautiful, they have no joints and allow you to achieve a mirror effect.

In addition, the ceilings in such rooms can be covered with wallpaper. For this, canvases on a non-woven or vinyl base are suitable, paper products are not recommended, because they cannot be painted and they will not last long.

The cheapest option for the ceiling in the corridor is the installation of expanded polystyrene plates or painting it. The base for this is carefully prepared, leveled, primed and covered with water-based dye mixtures.

After all the surfaces in the room have been updated, all that remains is to worry about installing the lighting. Chandeliers and sconces should be positioned in such a way that the light in the hallway is as close to natural as possible. It will depend on this not only the visual size of the space, but also the general atmosphere in the room.


The appearance of the hallway is determined by the style of its decoration. Recently, minimalism has become very popular in modern design, in which furniture is characterized by simplicity, the absence of luxury elements.

In the decoration of walls and ceilings, complex color palettes are not used; in order to decorate the corridor in this direction, it is enough to choose two or three shades correctly. For many, such an interior may seem everyday and boring, so designers recommend such styles as well.

Art Deco

The entrance hall is filled with unusual objects, and its space amazes with the beauty of smooth lines with abstract shapes and transitions. In such a room, the ancient and modern worlds are harmoniously combined. Expensive ceramics, polished silver and mahogany are considered the main components of this decor.

The walls are covered with wallpaper in a monochromatic palette; some bright details may be present on them. Wallpaper with large compositions is often used for decoration.

The floor is usually decorated with glossy tiles, the doorway is decorated with an arch, and the ceilings are decorated with cornices or stucco moldings. The furniture in the hallway looks unusual and artistic. In the room, lamps decorated with crystal and metal play a huge role. Also in such rooms you can find voluminous statuettes of animals and expensive paintings.


Fills the space with notes of nature and rustic beauty. Wall and ceiling finishes are characterized by a rough surface. For walls, panels made of natural wood are most often used, textured plaster and natural stone can also be found in the design, the floor is covered with solid beams.

Furniture is selected in olive and cream colors. Various textiles with flower patterns and ceramic items are used in the design.


The walls are beige and light. As a rule, they are covered with plaster or wallpaper for painting. There may be inserts made of fabrics and wood on the ceiling and walls.

The floor is marbled or laminated. In the room, the main emphasis is on furniture; it must be symmetrical and regular in shape.

High tech

Perfectly smooth surface of walls and ceilings. Both natural and artificial materials are used in their decoration. The floor is made as self-leveling or using plain ceramic tiles.

Stretch ceilings or suspended ceilings with spotlights are most common. As for the color scheme, green, blue, white and gray shades prevail in such passers-by.

How to renovate in style?

Many people understand by the word "repair" gluing wallpaper and buying a new cabinet. This option is not suitable for a hallway, since it is the main place in the house where relatives and guests meet. Therefore, this room requires a special approach to design. To make the "business card" of housing truly stylish and modern, you need to put a lot of effort into its layout, for example:

  • Use unusual inserts and combinations in compositions.
  • Install a ceiling made of plasterboard or a curtain structure of the original shape.
  • Attach backlit niches and shelves. You can use mirrors instead of their back walls, which will help visually expand the area.
  • Decorate the walls with decorative stone. Wooden parts and colored plaster also look beautiful on the surface.
  • Complement the room with decorative panels, photographs, paintings and fashionable lamps.

In the event that the repair will be done by hand in a very small hallway, first of all, you need to draw up a sketch of the room and choose the right material. For small rooms, as a rule, pastel and light colors are used in decoration. A narrow corridor needs a visual expansion, so the lines of its walls should be directed towards the finishing of the ceiling and flooring.

In a square hallway, you can experiment with zoning and apply smooth transitions to living rooms. In a long room it is not recommended to use a lot of furniture, as it will be a cramped and gloomy space.

Sometimes in the usual layout there are large corridors. They are considered great design options. In a two-room apartment, instead of interior doors, you can make an original transition from the hallway to the living room with the help of an arch, in a one-room apartment you cannot accelerate much, therefore, as an option, original curtains in the form of threads or beads are suitable.

In houses of different types

The technology for performing repair work directly depends on the construction of the building. Houses built in the 70s of the last century are characterized by narrow rooms, while the entrance hall is miniature. The main disadvantage of old housing is the presence of ventilation ducts in the corridor, this can be found in the "Khrushchev" or "Brezhnevka". Therefore, decorating this room for a modern interior, you will have to perform a complete redevelopment and hide all visible flaws.

You will also need to lay good sound and thermal insulation, change the electrical wiring in the hallway, and level the walls with plaster. The installation of a new floor covering will also be an important moment in the renovation of the corridor. As for the ceilings, the old stucco elements present on them can not be removed, but simply restored.

In the panel house, the entrance hall has undergone certain changes; it has a good finish on the walls and ceiling. Therefore, it is a little easier to carry out repairs here. It is necessary to think over the design of the room, choose the style of the interior and update everything.

For floors in such a corridor, both laminate and decorative tiles are suitable. The walls can be pasted over with wallpaper, but as for the ceiling, in order to hide its defects between the ceilings, it is best to install a curtain structure.

A budget option

In a small hallway, the design of the repair will be inexpensive if you independently create an individual design project and do the finishing yourself. For this, a sketch of the room is initially drawn and all ideas for future work are outlined on it. In addition, you will need to make calculations of the area of ​​the room, taking into account the shape and layout of the corridor.

Economy class renovation includes all types of finishing works, but materials for this are purchased without stock and at an affordable price.

Materials (edit)

Often, the hallway is repaired last, so there is no money left for the purchase of good material. This is wrong because the appearance of this room will judge the financial well-being of the homeowners. Besides, this room is considered the most demanding for decoration.

Therefore, to make the hallway stylish and cozy, it is necessary to use the following materials for its design:

  • For walls - decorative plaster, wallpaper, microcement, artificial stone. Often their surface is decorated with plastic or MDF panels. If oil paints were applied to the old surface, their remnants are removed with a drill and the base is leveled, and then primed. In the hallway, acrylic or latex paints are usually used for painting.

  • For the floor - ceramic tiles, linoleum, laminate.
  • On the ceiling - wallpaper, paint, whitewash, drywall.
  • All finishing products must be durable, wash well and not get dirty.


Any renovation must have a beautiful finish. Therefore, the decoration of the walls, ceiling and flooring is considered only the basis for the transformation of the hallway, the decor will become the main touch of all these works. To decorate the corridor and eliminate monotony in it, it is recommended to use a relief. This room should not have smooth walls. Moldings, cornices and stucco moldings look unusual in the hallway.

Since this room regularly accumulates dirt, you should worry about its flooring and choose materials that retain dust. Both an ordinary carpet runner and a carpet can cope with this task.

It is advisable to purchase products in dark shades with designer compositions. They complement the room in a special way and simplify the cleaning process.

Corridors require good lighting, so these rooms are recommended to be decorated with modern models of lamps, which are not mounted on the ceiling, but along the walls. You can make additional light sources near the hanger, above the mirror, or in front of the front door. Objects of art, panels, ethnic figurines also look good in the hallway. If the area of ​​the room allows, then fresh flowers can be beautifully and originally placed in it.

How to equip?

After the repair work has come to an end, the main issue will remain the acquisition of furniture, which will help to comfortably equip the hallway and fill it with home warmth. It is worth noting that all modules must be selected in advance, before the walls are finished, because you will have to make holes for them or install niches. The main piece of furniture for the corridor is the wall. It should be versatile and stylish. If the room is small, then a small wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a cabinet with a mirror are quite suitable for furnishing.

As for open shelves and hangers, this is not the best option for a corridor, as this type of furniture will create a mess. Therefore, the correct solution would be to install closed structures. For example, a sliding wardrobe looks original in a room, it can replace many individual modules and save space. It is advisable to purchase furniture from natural wood species, it will not only serve for a long time, but also give the room an aesthetically attractive look.

The color of the structures should be in harmony with the overall style of the hallway. It is not recommended to place furniture in too bright colors. As a rule, brown, beige and gray colors are well suited for the arrangement of this room. If desired, wooden modules can be decorated with carvings or cornices, which are a smooth continuation of the walls and floor.

In addition, we must not forget about the mirror, it is hung as a separate element of decor on the wall, and arranged on the cabinet door.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

Today, there are many design tricks, thanks to which even the smallest hallway after renovation will turn into a chic room. In order to visually expand the boundaries of the room, it is necessary to paste over the walls with light wallpaper. Canvases with small patterns will also give a sense of space, and wallpaper with vertical stripes is well suited for low corridors, they will "stretch" the ceilings.

The hallway in the apartment can be designed for every taste. For example, cover the walls with a beautiful embossed plaster with glitter. Such a surface in beige and pastel colors will look original. One of the walls can be made lighter, thus expanding the boundaries of the room.

If the dimensions of the room allow, then it is best to replace the interior doors with an arch, it will hide the real boundaries between rooms and play the role of zoning.

Natural materials such as laminate or tiles work well as flooring. The color of the floor should not be too dark, but not too bright. As for the ceiling, a hinged structure with various inserts will be the right solution for it. Ceilings with solid wood decor look original.

In a private house, as a rule, the size of the hallways pleases and open up ample opportunities for creating a modern interior. For such premises, it is important to maintain the correct color scheme. The corridor can be of one color - blue, green or light brown, but the rest of the design details and surface finishes should stand out in contrast against the general background. To make the room spacious and "homey", it is supplemented with objects of painting.

Date: 25.07.2016

Repair of the hallway of a small apartment, pictured examples of successful arrangement are presented, it is worth starting with the layout of the space. Due to the limited square meters, experts recommend increasing the useful footage at the expense of unused niches, adjacent rooms. This will allow the walls of the corridor to move apart for the convenience of residents. It is possible to take this advice as a rule in the event that the bedroom or living room is allowed to take up space or there are premises "for household needs." Due to everyday realities, such opportunities are absent, but you can do otherwise - leave the partitions alone, expanding the space with the help of visual effects.

Light small hallway

What can a small hallway

The functional load of the corridor cannot be compared with its area. The entrance hall is not only a "intermediate room" "from the living room to the kitchen", but also a place where they undress when they come home from the street, hang up jackets or coats, store outerwear and shoes, keys, umbrellas, mail, shoe care products …. And what is even more important - they meet and see off the guests. Therefore, the room should not only be functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.

In a small hallway, you need to take care of a functional headset for outerwear, shoes and little things

Advice:For the improvement of the hallway, you need to use all the possibilities, using the maximum space.

So, designers advise to choose cabinets up to the ceiling, and replace swing doors with an arch or sliding structure. If in the arrangement of the corridor, the advice of designers and custom-made furniture are priority, then the repair of the space is the work of the owners of the home themselves.

For a small hallway, a narrow wardrobe can save space.

Attention:For narrow hallways, you can make a small podium at the entrance. This solution will successfully delimit the space.

Hallway design in a small apartment

Narrow hallway with high ceilings

To give such an environment a "down-to-earth" look, you need to use in the repair options with a multilevel plaster ceiling or paint the surface with a darker paint than the walls. Gloss gives depth, so it's best to opt for a calm matte paint. Wallpaper with a vertical pattern is contraindicated for rooms that "sin" with the height of the ceilings. It is better to paste over the hallway with wallpaper with horizontal ornaments, which will reduce the height and add volume to the corridor. You cannot use the "unity effect" in repairs - when the wallpaper is glued back to back to the ceiling without a ceiling plinth.

A multi-level plasterboard ceiling will help to make the room a high and narrow corridor more mundane.

A black stretch ceiling in the corridor will add depth to the room

To slightly visually expand the space of a narrow corridor, they often use horizontal striped wallpaper or horizontal print.

Low ceilings

If you got an apartment with low ceilings, then it is better to paint the surface in cold shades of white. You should not get carried away with fashionable innovations, such as a stretch or plaster ceiling, as the structure “eats up” at least ten centimeters.
The walls will thank you if you leave the choice on wallpaper with a vertical pattern, moreover, only in light colors.

Low ceiling in the hallway of a small apartment

  1. To visually increase the space, you can paint or paste over the room with light wallpaper - beige, blue, light green, pink.
  2. Wallpaper should not be three-dimensional! Minor patterns, small flowers or a solid color coating will not stand out and catch the eye.
  3. The thresholds can be dismantled to make the floor look like a single structure without boundaries.
  4. It is recommended to choose linoleum or tiles for the role of flooring. Laminate and parquet flooring must not be exposed to high humidity.
  5. Wall panels, artificial stone and other design delights are not suitable for a small corridor, as they hide the space due to the frame.

Visually increase the space of the corridor will help decorate the walls and ceiling in light colors.

For a small hallway, you should choose wallpaper with a small print.

Advice:Shades of paint and wallpaper should be matte.

The finishing materials market offers ample opportunities for creative individuals. Innovation and development will not leave indifferent even the most discerning customer. But not all "new items" are suitable for such a space as a corridor. And the point here is not only in the aesthetic sense - the operational component is much more important. It's no secret that the hallway is exposed to the most intense stress. It is here that the most dirt accumulates, and the walls quickly lose their former aesthetics. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a coating not only in appearance, but also in its characteristics.

An interesting option for a small hallway will be its loft-style design, the brick coating is durable, and also has a predominantly horizontal pattern

What should be the wall covering for the corridor:

  • Washable;
  • Practical;
  • Long lasting;
  • "Anti-vandal".

The type of wallpaper is always indicated on the labels.

Glass fiber
They are one of the most reliable finishing materials on the market. The wallpaper is textured, imposing, stylish and unusual. They imply subsequent staining in the desired color. It is better to choose a paint that is washable and resistant to physical stress - latex. Walls can be repainted several times in different colors.

Glass fiber is often chosen so that later it can be painted in a suitable color.

Glass fiber always has an interesting texture that can be played well

Wall moulders

Decorative plaster
You probably paid attention to the aesthetic and attractive facades of buildings, which are plastered in an interesting way, or rather, using the original plaster "fur coat", "bark beetle", "lamb". But such a stylistic solution can also be used to repair the hallway. The advantages of the finishing material are undeniable: it is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, has increased resistance to damage, can be repainted and is not washed off with water. If a house of a decade plastered in this way does not lose its attractiveness, what can we say about a closed room! The only drawback of this coating is the impossibility of frequent color changes, since the texture pattern can be painted over. This is necessary, because if the plaster can withstand showers and hail for years, then in a dry place any wet cleaning will seem like a joke to her.

It is better to choose a mixture for decorative plaster in light shades.

A budget option for decorative plaster. It is a polymer-cement mortar with dyes. It has the advantages of its counterpart, it can be applied to different types of old wall coverings (be it tiles or drywall), withstands many wet cleaning cycles, and is commensurate with the strength of a stone.

Decorating the walls of the corridor with microcement is perfect for loft and minimalism

Flexible stone
Belongs to the category of natural materials for walls and facades of buildings. It has all the benefits of a mineral and is unpretentious in maintenance. It looks original and is rarely found as a material for arranging corridors.

Decorative stone in a small hallway

Fake diamond
A cheaper analogue of natural stone. A distinctive feature is its light weight (compared to eco-minerals). Easily evens out minor wall faults. Differs in high cost, like natural stone.

In a small hallway, you should not decorate the entire space with artificial stone to emphasize the accent, one wall will be enough

Cork Wallpaper
Eco-friendly wall covering that does not emit toxins into the environment. Suitable for arranging large hallways, as it "eats" a lot of light. Not very scratch resistant, but minor damage is almost invisible.

Minor damages are not visible on the cork wallpaper in the hallway

Quartz wallpaper
A new generation of moisture and cleaning resistant wallpapers. Models represent a paper or non-woven base, on which a layer of sand is applied. They can be in the form of frescoes, painted in the desired color. This is one of the safest and most durable wallpapers that are not afraid of pets' claws. This coating can be washed with a stiff brush.

Beautiful wallpaper in the hallway

Metallic wallpaper
This type of finishing materials is nothing more than a base + a layer of foil. Wallpaper perfectly reflects light and any electromagnetic radiation. Reliable enough, often have a variety of textures.

This type of wallpaper can only be pasted on an absolutely flat surface.

Metallic wallpaper has a beautiful shimmer

The liquid wallpaper
They are a dry cellulose mixture, which is diluted with water and applied to the walls with a spatula. In the future, the surface can be painted. The advantage is that you do not need to pre-align the walls.

Liquid wallpaper is great for uneven hallway walls

Ceramic tile
All the advantages of ceramic tiles are known to the domestic consumer to the smallest detail. The disadvantage of using a cover for the corridor is an unaesthetic appearance that tacitly resembles a bathroom or a toilet.

Ceramic tile

What is not suitable for a small hallway

When choosing certain finishing materials, many of which have perfect performance characteristics, it is worth remembering that the installation of drywall, PVC panels is not the most thoughtful decision, since such a structure requires a frame. The frame conceals up to 20 cm of usable area.

Sliding wardrobes for a small hallway are best selected with a mirror surface of the doors, this will visually increase the space

Vases and pots with indoor flowers are inappropriate for the corridor. And corner hallways must be equipped with appropriate furniture - a corner wardrobe. Don't forget about lighting! The lighting should be bright. The chandelier can be located in the center of the corridor. Optimal options for a point, directional light with a dimmer. Furniture and walls of conflicting colors will leave nothing behind except dislike. Even the most expensive porcelain tiles will turn a corridor into an operating room.

For lighting in a small corridor, it is better to use spotlights, they do not take up much space

Competent repair of the hallway in the apartment: photo small-sized corridors

Beautiful doesn't always mean what's right. This concerns, first of all, the repair of such a problem area as a narrow or small hallway. Often the user is "led" by emotions, preferring stylish wallpaper with a large floral print. In fact, a small hallway space will seem even smaller. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of finishing materials, you need to seek help from designers. They will create an author's project for the arrangement and repair of the corridor and suggest which materials are better to use in the decoration.

Design ideas must match the size and space of the room

Modern hallway design

Renovation of the hallway in the apartment 40 photo ideas:

The hallway is being repaired last. The main reason is that all construction waste and dirt during the repair of all other premises will pass through it. Something in her will wake up, fall away, smear, and what will the face of the house turn into? So with more or less serious repairs in the apartment, you should definitely think about repairing the hallway, especially since repairing the hallway with your own hands is not a technically difficult task, and professional high-quality inexpensive repair of the hallway is a fairly common service.

Of course, the owners choose, independently or not. But keep in mind that due to the small volume and surface area of ​​the room, the cost of work will in no way be less than 50% of the total, i.e. when repairing the hallway by masters from the outside, half of the payment will go to them for work. So look at your skill and budget capabilities. If you take it on your own, then you need to first of all know the features of the room.

What do you need to consider?

Hallways are known to be mostly small and cramped, with no sources of natural light. Mud is brought into the hallway; people walk on the floor in stiletto heels, or even on skates. Weights are placed on the floor, sometimes hard and angular. On the walls in the hallway, spray from umbrellas, clothes, shaking off pets is flying.

A wave of cold air from the opened door can break into the hallway, and the relative humidity in it immediately jumps above the dew point. Condensation may not be noticeable to the eye, but it will remain in the cracks and pores of the finish, and will slowly do its destructive work: rot, mold, any infection.

But you want to have even a small corridor clean, light, cozy, and not a dark gloomy passage that immediately spoils the mood for yourself and your guests. This is quite possible if the repair work is carried out according to a clear plan, in a certain sequence and with full knowledge of the matter, especially with regard to the choice of materials.


The general sequence for planning the repair of the hallway, according to the degree of importance of the stages, is as follows:

  1. Lighting;
  2. Organization of space;
  3. Surface finishing;
  4. Flooring;
  5. Furnishings.

The repair options for the hallway depend primarily on its original layout with explication - calculating the volume of the room, the area of ​​the ceiling, walls and floor separately and the type of layout. The latter largely determines the choice of the nature of lighting, volumetric and surface design, and on them, in turn, the technological features of the work performed depend. Therefore, it is advisable to tie the description of the repair to the most common types of hallways.

Varieties of hallways

In typical houses, the layout of the hallways can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  • Box;
  • The corridor;
  • "Burrow with a snorkel";
  • Coupe.

The hallway-box is typical for brick Khrushchev: from a small (about 4 sq. M.) Kennel, doors lead to the bathroom and living rooms; perhaps also to the kitchen, if the house was originally built for the "comrades" of the nomenklatura, ie. superior. There are "boxes" both in Stalin-era buildings and in modern houses. Repairing a small hallway of this type is easiest; most of all, furniture is a hassle - because of the doors on all walls, it is very difficult to put a typical wardrobe.

Hallway-corridor is most often found in a panel house. The corridor is often narrow and long, so its decoration is of particular importance as a way of organizing the space. Renovation of a simple corridor - medium difficulty. Hallway boxes and corridor are shown in the figure.

"Nora with a otnork" - an indispensable accessory of the block Khrushchev: a narrow corridor past the nursery to the living room (hall) with a branch past the bathroom to the kitchen. Repair by design is quite difficult: narrow, cramped, how to organize the space, if there is a little bit of it? It is still possible to do decently, if we take into account the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points, see the corresponding section.

Note: they began to call the living room a hall just during the second wave of Khrushchev's housing construction, marked by the fight against architectural excesses and the appearance of panel boxes with ceilings of 2.5 m and a total area of ​​up to 11 sq. m / person .. Etymology - black humor of new settlers.

It is extremely important to make the hallway in the house functional and comfortable. The design of this room should be in harmony with the style in which the entire apartment is decorated. However, this is a non-residential space, so you can allow the use of richer colors and bold combinations in it. In this case, it is important to proceed from the layout and size of the hallway: it should be convenient from a practical point of view, the situation should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Hallway types

In an apartment, the entrance hall usually takes up a minimum of space, has passages to all other rooms. The furnishings of the small hallway differ significantly from the design project of the large hall. What kind of house you live in also matters. For example, in a panel house, the floor should be additionally insulated. In a private house, the entrance hall is often combined with a vestibule, so it is better to put two doors here in order to provide warmth and exclude drafts. Consider the main types of hallways and the best ways to furnish them, as well as finishes.


The repair in the small hallway of the Khrushchev should be approached especially carefully. In a small room, you cannot overload the space with unnecessary details. To begin with, think about how it is convenient for you to go in, take off your shoes, fold things. The mirror should be located as far as possible from the opposite wall so that you can step back and look at yourself in full growth in a small space. In the hallway, we often store a lot of things, a tall wardrobe and a mezzanine will allow you to competently dispose of the available space in a small hallway.


Brezhnevka hallways are usually medium in size and have a comfortable rectangular shape. In such a hallway, it is worth placing cabinets and shelves along one of the walls so that nothing interferes with the passage. Finishing should be done in a single color or a combination of two or three similar colors. Too contrasting and variegated options may look inappropriate. In such a hallway, you can fit a lot of objects. To further save space, consider a chest bench for storing things and a handy corner cabinet.


In a spacious hallway, you can think not only about functionality, but also about interesting and stylish design elements. If there is a lot of free space in it, it is important that it looks cozy and habitable. Small bright accessories, beautiful ottomans, unusual shelves and carpets will help you with this. It is now fashionable to leave one wall unfurnished. It is worth placing large abstract paintings, favorite photographs or interestingly designed mirrors on it.


An ordinary square hallway can be decorated conveniently and beautifully, regardless of the footage of the room. It is easy to make rectangular from a square area by placing cabinets along two opposite walls. This arrangement is considered the most successful from a visual and practical point of view. In the space, you can add bright accents, located asymmetrically: this will allow you to harmoniously decorate the space.


Difficulties usually arise with the arrangement of a narrow long hallway. If you want to visually make the space wider, elongated walls can be decorated with wallpaper with vertical stripes or divided into several vertical zones using staining. Square floor tiles will work for you. As for the arrangement of furniture, it is worth taking a closer look at corner cabinets, round and square ottomans, hanging shelves. It is better to place the main pieces of furniture diagonally.


The layout of the hallway should be thought out in accordance with your needs, the characteristics of the room and the latest trends in interior design. Often there are not many opportunities for redevelopment in finished apartments, so attention should be paid to individual details. With the help of lighting, colors of finishes and various textures, you can always interestingly zone a room without resorting to a radical change in the layout. Much will depend on the arrangement of large-sized furniture in the hall space.

If this is a spacious hallway in a private house, you should separate the space with a small vestibule. This will make the living space warmer, allocate a separate place for storing things and household items. The tambour should be decorated in the same style as the hallway. This separation will make the home more comfortable. If the hallway is very small, you should refrain from such redevelopment.

Usually from the hallway, several doors lead to different rooms. It is important that these doors are made in the same style. For traditional interiors, doors with glass inserts will be an interesting solution. It can be corrugated glass, stained glass, which will become an unusual design element of the decor. The most open spaces are now popular. Therefore, many often refuse the doors between the rooms and the hallway at all.

A variety of gypsum, wood or metal arches can be an excellent option. They can stand out or be almost invisible. In a small room, such a solution will make the space visually more spacious and harmonious. If you have a large hallway, it can be divided into zones.

More often, two zones are distinguished in the hall:

  • space with a mirror and an ottoman to put on shoes and dress;
  • space with a small wardrobe, shelves and a table for storing various things you need in everyday life.

It is easier to separate functional areas with two-tone wall and floor finishes. For example, the entrance area can be darker or brighter, and the area with shelves and cabinets can be decorated in light shades. Two light sources can be used. Sometimes a hallway without interior doors is visually divided into zones depending on which rooms are nearby. The design of this space with elements of different styles looks unusual.

In modern apartments, hallways are often combined with the living room. In spacious halls, many people prefer to allocate space for a small office or exercise equipment.

In this case, the space can be divided in more noticeable ways:

  • put an additional arch;
  • install a beam, a column;
  • Place a stylish screen.

Such options will help to use the wide space of the hall as functional as possible. Disadvantages of the layout can be hidden with the correct arrangement of furniture. The required set of pieces of furniture will depend on the size of your hallway. Any lobby needs a wardrobe, you can't do without a shelf for shoes, hooks for clothes, an ottoman or a bench. In a large room, you can place a coffee table, hanging shelves and a chest of drawers. The most harmonious shape for the hallway is wide and rectangular. If you have a square or overly narrow hallway, try to use furniture to reduce it to a comfortable rectangular shape.

Materials (edit)

Modern materials for repairs allow you to easily bring to life any design idea. It is worth picking up everything that is required for finishing in advance to make sure that the color and texture of all materials are combined with each other. In large repair hypermarkets or online stores, you can find everything you need for finishing. The rich assortment is designed for any buyer's budget.


A wide variety of wallpapers can be used to decorate the walls of your hallway. Wallpaper can be smooth or textured, made from paper, vinyl or textiles. A variety of shades, prints and textures will allow you to create a unique interior with your own hands: you can glue the wallpaper yourself. In the hallway, modern photo wallpapers can look interesting if you have a free wall under them.


Oil paint is suitable for painting walls after plastering or can be used over wallpaper for painting. It can be put in a thin layer, give the walls an additional texture, spraying the coloring composition with small splashes, large drops, applying with strokes. Painted walls look stylish. You can combine multiple colors as you like.

MDF and plastic

Sometimes plastic and MDF panels are used for wall decoration, which make the design interesting and unusual. Similar panels can be used to lay out walls from below, make decorative vertical and horizontal inserts. This finishing option will allow you to hide small flaws that were allowed in the rough finish (if there are cracks or irregularities on the walls, they can be hidden behind fashionable and beautiful panels). Plastic products are suitable for classic and modern interiors. With the help of MDF panels imitating wood, you can decorate a room in a country or modern style.


The tile is perfect for wall or floor decoration. Now you can find interesting options for this facing raw materials, imitating brick or masonry, painted tiles and sets for making mosaics from tiles of different shapes and sizes. The only drawback of this option is the fact that the tiles are cold enough as a floor covering. However, this does not matter for the hallway, you can combine the tiles with other flooring materials.


Wall molding is a popular solution for classic interiors and many others: the options for modern molding are varied. These interior details are purely decorative; they should not be used in small hallways with a simple design. If you have a spacious empty space, these design elements will significantly diversify and refresh the interior.


This is a fairly expensive floor covering, but it is the most durable, environmentally friendly and pleasant to look at. You can count boards of different colors or lay out the entire floor in solid colors. It should be borne in mind that parquet requires special care: it should be protected from prolonged exposure to moisture and from scratches. The options for laying parquet are varied and can radically change the perception of the hallway space.


Laminate is often used as a floor covering. It can be made in the form of wooden planks or be multi-colored, decorated with an interesting print. This coating combines a relatively low price, good quality and an interesting appearance.


Linoleum will be the most economical flooring for your hallway. In appearance, it is inferior to parquet, laminate or tiles. It is worth considering that linoleum has its own classification, the budget varieties of which cannot be called durable. After a few years, they may deform and require replacement.

Stretch ceiling

These structures are performed on a frame and without it, using a film or textiles in the work. Not every owner of the house can afford such a ceiling, especially if the product is made on the basis of satin and decorated with a pattern of a certain size and theme. The width of the film is usually about 3.5 m - this is enough for finishing the ceiling of small hallways. Textile varieties have a large thickness, which reaches 5 m. Photo printing is applied to the material using a special technology. In this case, the drawing can be absolutely anything.

Ceiling tiles

This finish is suitable for hallway ceilings. It can be called a budget one, although if you use a variety of wood or metal tiles with mirror inserts in your work, the cladding will cost more. The material can be classic or seamless with wavy edges. An interesting nuance of this finishing raw material is the fact that in some varieties it provides for painting.

DIY finishing and decor

You can stylishly renovate the hall in the house yourself. If you are not planning a large-scale redevelopment and installation of complex design structures, renovation and redecoration can be done with your own hands. It's good if your apartment has a high-quality rough finish. All you have to do is choose coatings for the floor, walls and ceiling, decorate it all in the same style and decorate the room with interesting accessories.


The repair should begin with the decoration of the walls, since they are more striking. It is for wallpaper or paint that you should select suitable options for finishing the floor and ceiling. In order to successfully decorate the walls, it is worth determining what kind of materials you want to use, what color scheme you prefer for the hallway, what effect you want to achieve in the room.

For a small hallway, it is worth using beige and light gray tones of the palette in the decoration. It is important to pay attention to the size of the print: it should not be large or too colorful. This approach will make the room feel cluttered. Do not overload a small hallway with catchy colors: blue, wine and black create a negative perception of space, which is completely unacceptable.

It is undesirable to overload a spacious room with a complex pattern: we will force this technique to minimize the number of furniture items and accessories in the hallway. A simple textured pattern or an embossed pattern looks much more interesting on the walls of the hallway. This makes the space aesthetically pleasing and premium, and indicates the sense of taste of the owners of the house. You should not decorate the walls with liquid wallpaper: they are unstable to moisture. For practical purposes, it is worth decorating the surfaces with fiberglass or other varieties for painting.

Wall painting is worth considering for small spaces, in which it is better to avoid an abundance of small details. Solid colors in pastel or dark shades look great in any hallway. Such finishes are recommended for most modern interiors, in which simplicity and conciseness are appreciated. You can make the finish more interesting by creating texture on the walls: you can do this with your own hands using special nozzles for spraying paint or using a textured roller.

In the future, pots with flowers, paintings, photographs, shelves, wall clocks or moldings can be placed on the walls.

It is interesting to look at the finishing with tiles in the hallway. Most often, tiles that imitate a wild stone are chosen for this. Similar options can be found in a wide variety of colors. However, it is not recommended to use tiles on all walls in your room. You can trim a part of the wall with this cladding, or alternate individual elements of tiles with a single-colored wall painting.

The combination of walls with plastic skirting boards and MDF panels looks interesting. In this case, monochromatic materials of white or light gray color are used for decoration. In this case, these panels soften the contrasting pattern of the wallpaper. Moreover, they are often placed vertically, masking the junction with the wallpaper by means of molding.


Finishing the floor in the hallway is important from a practical point of view: you enter the house with shoes from the street, so the surface will inevitably get dirty every day. To make the floor easy to clean, you should take a closer look at glossy surfaces: tiles or lacquered parquet. In the hallway, you can use all possible materials, except for carpet. In this case, the material is selected in such a way that its class is designed for high permeability.

Hall tiles are the most practical option. A floor like this can be really beautiful: laying can be done straight, diagonally (diamond), staggered, using the "well" technique or the mosaic method. The complexity of the pattern depends on the skill of the handler. If you wish, you can choose material of different sizes with numbers, which will make the coating bright and memorable. Of the popular shades, you can use the dark and light tones of wenge oak: today they are the focus of hallway design.

You can, of course, use parquet, if the budget allows. With proper care, parquet will remain in its original form for decades. You can choose a plain light or dark parquet, combine boards of different types of wood and even lay out interesting patterns from them. Such solutions will look especially good in spacious hallways. If you choose parquet for the hallway, it is imperative to place a rug at the door in order to avoid frequent moisture from the umbrella or shoes on the parquet. It is strictly forbidden to move furniture on the parquet, so as not to scratch it.

If you want to lay a laminate, you can pay attention to the anti-slip coating and the texture of noble wood. Choose a matte material option. However, in order to use the coating practically, it is worth playing with the finish by combining laminate and anti-slip tiles. Finish shades may differ, while they should be of the same related scale. You cannot combine a warm and cold tone: this will visually introduce an imbalance into the interior of the hallway.

Grayish and whitish shades are popular: they will look stylish, especially in modern types of interiors. In addition, you can pick up a bright, multi-colored laminate or even options with different prints. A simple drawing in the form of plant elements on a beige and brownish background looks beautiful. Do not choose a color to match the doorways: it is better if the shade is slightly different.

The easiest way is to lay linoleum on the floor of the hallway. In this case, select an abrasion-resistant and anti-skid coating. This surface is rough. Pay attention to the top layer in the cut: the thicker the protection, the more weight the linoleum will withstand. Do not take the household option for the floor of the hallway: such a coating is impractical. It makes sense to buy a semi-commercial variety.


Ceiling decoration is almost not immediately evident, but it is important. The successful design of the ceiling will give the interior a complete look. Colored ceilings or options with images, ornaments are too extravagant for most interiors, therefore, it is worth considering mainly the option of the usual white color. However, if the dwelling is open plan, the ceiling can follow the overall design concept.

The easiest finishing option is to whitewash the ceiling. This is a cheap and uncomplicated method that you can implement yourself. Often it is these ceilings that look the most stylish. At the same time, it is important that the rough finish in the house is really high quality.

If your ceilings are initially uneven, you should consider other finishes.

Stretch options are suitable for owners of high ceilings. They can hide defects in the rough finish, and will make it possible to successfully arrange lighting around the entire perimeter of the hallway. It should be borne in mind that their installation is mainly trusted by specialists. You can install them yourself using the instructions, but this will take a lot of time and effort. By means of partial inserts, you can make the hallway space special, giving it an unobtrusive organization.

If it is not easy to install the stretch ceiling with your own hands, everyone can glue the surface with plastic panels. The panels are predominantly pastel or white, they can be absolutely smooth or with an unpretentious embossed pattern. These products are inexpensive and easy to handle, even if you have never done a repair job. In addition, with their help, you can hide any defects.

Moldings are used to decorate ceilings mainly in classic interiors. Usually, these are plastic decorative elements in the form of frames, which may contain embossed ornaments or imitation of stucco molding. With the help of such options, you can select a chandelier, divide the hallway into zones, or it is just interesting to diversify the situation. Sometimes they are used to embed LED strip lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Beams are perfect for country style. Lightweight false beams, specially designed for decoration, can be fixed to the ceiling by yourself. They can be suitable for spacious halls, spaces combined with a kitchen, living room or study. You can visually divide the room into zones using one false beam or place them over the entire area.

Design ideas

In order to correctly choose the finishing options for the hall, you should think over the style of the entire apartment and decide what will suit you. If you plan to make rooms that will differ in style, the hallway should be their connecting link: you need to combine different elements together. Consider successful real-world designs.

In a classic-style hallway, the shades of decoration should be light and solemn. It is better not to make the walls white, but choose another version of a monochromatic coloring (for example, olive tones are now in vogue). When choosing furniture, white should be preferred: such a solution will look appropriate, stylish and sophisticated everywhere.

For a stylish country-style hallway, you should prefer natural wood furniture. If the room is spacious, you can combine several types of wood of different shades. If the hall is small, try to purchase furniture in one set. At the same time, it is better to choose parquet or laminate for finishing the floor; textured painting can be preferred for the walls. Planters with flowers, dried branches in vases and patchwork textiles will create a special atmosphere in the room.

If you are going to furnish an apartment in high-tech style, the hallway should have an appropriate design. For decoration, a dark color scheme is often chosen: for example, in modern interiors, warm shades of gray are now actively used. The decoration should be as simple as possible, and the furniture should be laconic and almost invisible. At the same time, one cannot do without bright accents, their number will depend on the area of ​​the room. A small color cabinet will do, a picture in rich colors is appropriate, a bright vase and a carpet will look good.

You can find out even more tips for hallway design in the following video.

After the laborious finishing of housing, the repair of the hallway often no longer has the strength, patience, and finances are running out. But it is this part of the house that makes the first impression on the incoming person, forming an opinion about the owners. Moreover, the place should be as comfortable and as spacious as possible.

Correctly renovated entrance hall - light, comfortable, lined with practical materials.

Basic requirements for the premises

It is clear that it is impractical to start repairs from the hallway. Building materials and furniture are brought in through it, garbage is taken out, constant movements will not benefit the new finish. That is why, before making repairs in the hallway, any owner tries to complete the work in the remaining rooms to the maximum.

In order to "fit in", including in terms of money, you should follow a few rules:

  1. It is recommended to think over the design of the room to the smallest detail. In addition, you need to decide what needs to be dismantled, what to move and what to completely redo.
  2. Buy materials, but if this is not possible, set aside money for repairs.
  3. It should be especially noted that it is desirable to design the space at the entrance not only aesthetically attractive. Wall and floor decoration should be well washed, because this place will have to be cleaned quite often.

There is no need to skimp on useful accessories, they create additional convenience.
Hanger, mirror, shoe racks are required.
Also consider storage space for clothes, hats, keys, umbrellas, and bags.

  1. It is good if you have planned DIY repair of the hallway, in this case it is easier to take into account all the requirements and preferences of family members. Try to achieve the most simple yet effective result.
  2. It is unnecessary to clutter up an already small space. It is better to write in exclusively necessary things, busting with decor often interferes than helps.
  3. Gather a family council and try to find a compromise in terms of decorating the hallway. The more free space you win, the more ease of use you get.

Often, the owners expand the hall by combining the bathroom.
In this case, a small table with armchairs or chairs can fit at the entrance.
Now it is not necessary to invite official visitors (couriers, inspectors, etc.) to the apartment.

  1. Try to get light-colored materials for finishing. This will visually increase the space, make the hallway larger and tidier.
  2. Do not try to clutter the beginning of the apartment with unnecessary furniture, things, strollers and bicycles. Otherwise, everyone will stumble and drop objects, the place for which is more likely on the balcony or in the pantry.

Space expansion techniques

To make the repair in the hallway with your own hands pleased with the result, try to apply the most popular and effective design techniques:

  1. Do not use dark wallpaper or cladding... Light colors are most beneficial here.
  2. Don't skimp on lighting... If it is not possible to place several lamps in zones, install one, but bright, in the most convenient place for you.
  3. Wardrobes with a mirror on the outer surface are very helpful., to look into which before leaving it will not hurt. Things will get a comfortable storage space.

  1. Place as many mirrors as possible if possible, even better - on opposite walls. Then the space will visually become several times larger.
  2. It is advisable to lay the floor covering diagonally, this is another plus in favor of increasing the area.
  3. Stretch ceilings with a slight gloss are beneficial... They reflect and enhance light and are easy to care for. Multilevel structures give a good effect. In this case, you can vary the lighting to your liking.
  4. As the school of renovation teaches - the hallway is equivalent to the business card of the owners... A laconic design and a minimum of unnecessary items will inform the visitor about the owner's good taste and neatness.

What materials to use

For each room in the house there is a set of its own, the most functional materials. So, the decoration of the living room or bedroom is noticeably different from the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. The task ahead is to make it both beautiful and hygienic, because the main dirt from the street collects at the entrance.

Wall covering

The walls get dirty in much the same way as the floor, especially their lower half and if the corridor is narrow.

Therefore, the repair of the hallway in the apartment should be carried out, if possible, with washable materials:

  1. Vinyl wallpaper. They are perfectly cleaned of dirt with a sponge or brush with household detergent. You can buy rolls with antifungal impregnation, then you are not afraid of mold from dampness.
  2. PVC cover. Also suitable for these purposes. The original design is protected by a thin waterproof film. The surfaces can also be washed, they are not afraid of fungi and do not get wet from moisture.
  3. Structural (foamed) vinyl. It has a relief surface, it is dense and durable. Easy to clean, resistant to mechanical damage.
  4. Silk-screened vinyl wallpaper. They have an expensive appearance, a nice silk shine. You can pick up both smooth and with a relief structure.
  5. There is a lot of controversy among designers about cork finishing materials. They are suitable for most of the characteristics, but in appearance they often lose. The monotony of the pattern and dark shades will seem boring to many. But you can pick up interesting ideas for repairing the hallway with this particular type, diluting the monotony with interesting inserts.

  1. The liquid wallpaper. A fairly new and demanded tool. Installation will please you with the absence of rolls spread throughout the house, you purchase a dry mixture and dilute with water in the proportions indicated in the instructions. After swelling, the mass is applied with a spatula in a thin (2-3 mm) layer and leveled.

Ready-made walls with liquid wallpaper will last a very long time.
But it will be quite difficult to clean off the layer for the next repair.

  1. Often there are options for repairing the hallway, made with decorative plaster. Here the scope for creativity is not limited. You can perform a lot of relief options and patterns. At the same time, the walls can not be leveled, which adds advantages.
  2. Finishing with laminated chipboard has not yet lost its relevance. But installation requires skill and accuracy, and lovers of frequent alterations will have to upset, it will be a pity to tear off solid panels.
  3. Ceramic tiles also have a right to exist in the hallway, but then the interior will look more like a bathroom or kitchen. Therefore, you can combine the tile with wallpaper, installing it only at the bottom of the walls, in places of greatest pollution.

  1. Siding or eurolining feel great in the hallways. But here it is important to combine the style of the entrance with the concept of the rest of the premises. It is advisable to varnish the wood, so it will last much longer.

It is undesirable to use a paper covering, it will quickly tear and get dirty.
If the walls are also not aligned, any, even a shallow fossa or bump will be noticeable.

Ceiling decoration

The height of the ceilings is of particular importance here. If you are lucky and you have a supply of space at the top, you can combine it in the hallway with the installation of mezzanines.

In this case, the problem of storing many things that are not often in demand will disappear:

  1. Stretch ceilings are almost ideal for most. Installed in a matter of hours, washed, reflect light well. True, one cannot do without masters here.

  1. Plasterboard is optimal for high-ceilinged apartments, then you can also build an original structure in several tiers. It will be easier to place the fixtures, and all the irregularities will close.
  2. Plastic panels. They are inexpensive, hygienic and look good. But a frame is needed for them, and its installation often confuses many owners.
  3. For a budget option, consider wallpapering or painting. But the process is not very pleasant, especially if you have to prepare the surface.

What to choose for floors

A careful approach to the coating will save you from possible troubles.

It is important to choose a durable and safe material so as not to start a rework soon:

  1. Tile. It is recommended to choose a dark, slightly rough surface. It is much safer and less likely to slip. On too light ceramics, dirt is immediately noticeable, on black - even small scratches are visible. All shades of brown or gray look best.
  2. There are often examples of hallway renovation using laminate flooring. Choose not the thinnest one, especially if someone in your family wears heels. Lay it on glue or using lock joints. In the second case, if desired, the coating can be easily disassembled. With a huge selection of varieties, colors and textures, you are sure to find the perfect option.

  1. Thrifty homeowners often choose linoleum for their entryway. It is extremely easy to maintain cleanliness, but the life of the material is not as long as we would like. A good solution is considered to be a variety for increased cross-country ability or on a foam base.

You can combine coatings, it is both cheaper and more effective.
For example, the area near the door is covered with tiles, then a material is used that matches the style of the interior.
At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the harmony of colors, identical shades are desirable.

The order of work

As in any other room, steps should be followed in the hallway.

In this case, the process will be accelerated and there will be no unplanned delays:

  1. The room is emptied and cleaned of old coatings.
  2. Ceiling and lighting are being installed.
  3. Fasteners for furniture are equipped, frames are mounted, walls are revetted.
  4. In the last turn, the flooring and skirting boards are laid.


To quickly complete the repair of the hallway and forget about problems for a long time, choose only the right materials. Do not work in a chaotic manner and do not postpone some of the actions until later. Only then can you fully enjoy the cleanliness of the house and celebrate the completion of the renovation. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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