Educational portal. Game, play activity

Play activities as a learning tool
Author Kuznetsova V.I. - Chemistry teacher, secondary school № 33, Tomsk
“Play is an opportunity to find yourself in society,

yourself in humanity, yourself in the Universe "

Ya Korchak.

The pedagogical process is a set of lessons of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work carried out by the pedagogical and student collective according to one plan. In training, mainly lessons-seminars, practical and laboratory work are used, in which various methods and means are used.

The increase in mental load in the classroom makes you think about how to keep students interested in the material being studied, their activity throughout the lesson. We have to look for effective teaching methods and such methodological techniques that would activate the thought of schoolchildren, would stimulate them to acquire knowledge on their own. It is necessary to make sure that the student works actively and enthusiastically in the lessons, use this as a starting point for the emergence and development of curiosity, deep cognitive interest. An important role here can be assigned to didactic games.
Game-creativity, game-work. In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, a desire for knowledge. A variety of play actions, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, maintains and enhances children's interest in the subject.

A broad understanding of the term "entertaining" comes from NI Lobachevsky, he believed that entertaining is a necessary means to arouse and maintain attention, without it teaching cannot be successful. Modern didactics, referring to the game forms of teaching in the classroom, rightly sees in them the possibility of effectively organizing the interaction of the teacher and students, a productive form of their communication with the elements of competition inherent in them, of genuine interest.

Professor S. A. Shmakov in his work "Students' Games - a Phenomenon of Culture" (1994) sets a task for teachers: to create a game educational system, game programs in all academic subjects, including chemistry. I am trying to solve it by creating a game system for studying chemistry in school. Experience shows, no matter how well-prepared the teacher is, no matter how he knows the subject, students still prefer a good game to explaining it, where they will learn about the world themselves, they will mutually learn. They will gladly accept and assimilate the information of an adult mentor, but certainly, as a participant in their game, that is, a real carrier of information, the teacher must learn to play.
Play activities in the learning process.
Play is the most accessible type of activity, a way of processing impressions received from the surrounding world. In the game, the peculiarities of the student's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, developing the need for communication are clearly manifested. An interesting game increases the child's mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in a regular class. But this does not mean that classes should take place only in the form of a game. Play is just one of the methods, and it gives good results only when combined with others: observation, conversation, independent work. While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. Play is an independent activity in which children interact with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, and common experiences. Play experiences leave a deep imprint on the mind of a child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and skills of collective life. Play is of great importance, it is closely related to learning in the classroom, with observations of everyday life.

She teaches you to independently solve game problems, find the best way to implement your plans, use your knowledge, and express them in words. Quite often the game serves as a pretext for communicating new knowledge, for broadening one's horizons. Thus, play activity is an urgent problem of the learning process.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the methodology of game activity in the learning process.

Tasks: to determine the purpose of play activities in the educational process, the methodology for organizing play activities in the classroom. Determine how often games are used in the organization of the educational process and how effective it is.

The above tasks determined the range of methods of pedagogical research: conversation, questioning, observation.

A wide variety of functions are attributed to the game, both purely educational and educational, therefore, it becomes necessary to more accurately determine the influence of the game on the development of the student and find its place in the education and training system. It is most accurate to determine those aspects of the child's mental development and personality formation that mainly develop in play or experience only limited impact in other types of activity.

The study of the significance of play for mental development and personality formation is very difficult. A pure experiment is impossible here, simply because it is impossible to remove play activity from the lives of children and see how the development process will proceed. The most important thing is the importance of play for the motivational and needs sphere of the child. According to the works of D.B. Elkonin (8; p. 274), the problem of motives and needs is brought to the fore. An indication of the motives is insufficient, it is necessary to find the mental mechanism through which the motives can exert an impact.

Play is important for the formation of a friendly team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude to work. All these educational effects are based on the influence that has on the mental development of the child, on the formation of his personality. The game process allows you to form the qualities of an active participant in the game process, learns to find and make decisions. To develop abilities that can be found in other conditions and situations, to learn consciousness, non-ordinary behavior, the ability to adapt in the existing conditions set by the game. Learn the ability to communicate, establish contacts, enjoy communicating with partners, learn to create a special emotional environment that is attractive to students. Game forms can be used in both main and high school, as well as used in non-traditional lessons. Despite the general recognition of the positive influence of games on the development of cognitive activity and independence of students, they have not yet found a sufficiently deep and thorough solution in the methods of teaching subjects. Most teachers, methodologists, the game, which is carried out in the learning process, is called didactic.

The technology of game forms of education is aimed at teaching students to be aware of the motives of their learning, their behavior in the game and in life. To form goals and programs of their own, as a rule, deeply hidden in an ordinary setting, independent activity and to anticipate its immediate results.

There are four organizational forms of play activity: individual, pair, single, collective, mass. * Individual forms include the play of one person with himself or with various objects and signs.

* A single form is the activity of one player in a system of simulation models with direct and feedback from the results of achieving the desired goal set by them.

* Pair form is a game of one person with another person, usually in a competitive or rivalry environment.

* Group form is a game of three or more opponents pursuing the same goal in a competitive environment.

* The collective form is a group game in which competition between individual players is replaced by opposing teams.

* The mass form of the game is a replicated single-player game with direct and feedback from a common goal, which is simultaneously pursued by many people

The technology of educational games is the practical implementation of pedagogical theory and the receipt of pre-planned results in the pedagogical process. The technology of the game is based and worked out on the basis of a wide application of pedagogical ideas, principles, concepts, rules. The specific and immediate goal of gaming technology is the spontaneously directed development of the personality of the playing student. This is a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of the concepts of innovative processes in education, pre-designed processes in education. Designed in advance on the basis of those ideas that are recognized in the world as highly significant values \u200b\u200bof the individual and society. It should be noted that an educational game is a creative repetition of a specific human activity on a deeply personal level with elements of original novelty, usefulness and significance in conditions of independence or competition with an opponent. During the game, associative, mechanical, visual and other types of memory are triggered at the request of the game situation, and not at the request of the teacher. To win the game - competition, you need to remember a lot, comprehend in a short period of time. In other words, the game in the lesson is a complex information carrier.

The pedagogical axiom is the provision according to which the development of intellectual abilities, independence and initiative, efficiency and responsibility of schoolchildren can only lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bgenuine freedom of communication. Involving them in such activities, in which they would not only understand and check what they are offered as an object of assimilation, but also became convinced in practice that their successes in self-development, their fate as a specialist initially depends on their own efforts and solutions.
The place of igrosistema in the chemistry course.
The game takes 1/5 of the time, without displacing practical activity. The student is taught by influencing his organs of vision: demonstration of experiments, reading material (50% of what is observed, 30% of read remains in memory), the organ of hearing is a teacher's monologue, dialogue with a teacher, with classmates (10% of what is heard remains in memory), practical activity the student himself, independent work (90% of what he has done himself remains in his memory). The student can either be forced or interested to learn the necessary material. The game involves the participation of all participants to the extent that they are capable of. The educational material in the game is assimilated through all the organs of receiving information, and this is done naturally, as if by itself, while the student's activity is of a creative nature. There is a 100% revitalization of students' activities in the classroom. Moreover, intellectually developed children occupy a leading position, teaching the laggards in team play. It is known that the word of a peer carries more weight for a teenager than the word of a teacher. Competitiveness in work, the opportunity to confer, an acute shortage of time - all these game elements intensify the educational activity of students, form an interest in the subject.
Psychological and pedagogical tasks of the game system.
1. Study of new material, formation of skills and abilities, generalization and control of knowledge.

2. Uncovering the creative possibilities of students.

3. Education of collectivism and mutual assistance in solving difficult problems.

4. Peer learning. Many games involve a deliberative process. In a group where strong and weak students are gathered, there is a process of mutual enrichment with information and skills.

5. Fostering a sense of empathy for each other.

6. Formation of practical skills.

Types of games in the system.
According to the form of activity, games can be divided into individual, paired, group, general class.

On educational tasks for games, learning new material, forming skills and abilities, many games of a general nature, repetition and control of knowledge

By types: cognitive, role-playing, business, complex.

By the form of holding: games - auctions, defense. Travel through the stations, press conferences, games - research.

Recently, a large role has been assigned to electronic test and computer games in learning. Testing is becoming a ubiquitous form of knowledge testing, and a game form is used here. From 7 to 11 grades, the difficulty of the games increases.

Game criteria.

1. The game should be designed for one lesson.

2. The game shouldn't be difficult to understand their rules.

3. The game should not become obsolete.

4. The game should be massive, covering all students.

5. Grades should be easy, students should understand how the final grade came about.

6. The game must be dynamic to maintain interest in it.

Positive emotions that arise in students in the process of playing help prevent their overload, provide the formation of communicative and intellectual skills. Play is a good tool for instilling in students responsibility for the assigned task, the ability to work collectively and independently. It promotes the activation of cognitive activity, the identification of organizational and other abilities.
Requirements for conducting didactic games.

1.Conformity of the theme of the game to the topic and the purpose of the lesson

2. Clarity and definiteness of the goal and direction of the game.

3. The significance of the game result for the participants and organizers of the game.

4. Compliance of the content of the game with the nature of the problem being solved.

5. The strength of the game actions used in the game by their types, nature of complexity. 6. Comprehensibility and accessibility of the game participant's intention, simplicity of the game plot.

7. The stimulating nature of the game.

8. Accuracy and unambiguity of game rules and restrictions.

9. Objective criteria for assessing the success of the game activity of schoolchildren.

11.Favorable psychological climate of relations

12. Space for personal activity and creativity.

13. An obligatory element of competition between the participants in the game.
Exercise lessons are carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular educational work. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of students, are a good tool for developing cognitive interests, comprehending and consolidating educational material, and applying it in new situations. These are a variety of quizzes, crosswords, rebuses, teawords, charades, puzzles, riddles.

Travel Games ... They can be carried out both directly in the classroom and in the process of extracurricular activities. They mainly serve the purpose of deepening, comprehending and consolidating the educational material. The activation of students in games - travel is expressed in oral stories, questions, answers, in their personal experiences and judgments.

Subject (role-playing) game. It differs from exercise games and travel games in that the conditions of an imaginary situation are staged, and the students play certain roles. While traditional teaching and learning methods - such as lecture, discussion, and writing - can be successful in helping learners acquire knowledge of factual material and critical theoretical positions within which future experiences can fit, these methods are imperfect in at least two ways. Role play is one of those unique experiential learning techniques that helps the student cope with uncertainty and challenging situations in life. A second area where traditional methods need to be supplemented is the area of \u200b\u200btransferable interpersonal and communication skills. No matter how much a student reads and observes, these skills can only be fully developed by applying them in real-life interpersonal interactions. The interplay of verbal and non-verbal behavior is too complex to be reduced to a few simple rules. Interpreting and responding to responses from other people holds the key to effective interpersonal communication.

Benefits of role-playing (according to Chesler and Fox)

1. Helps the student to express hidden feelings.

2. Helps the student to feel the feelings of others and understand their motivation.

3. Provides the opportunity to practice different types of behavior.

4. Highlights general social problems and dynamics of group interaction, formal and informal.

5. Allows you to vividly and directly present academic descriptive material.

6. Is motivating and effective because it involves action.

7. Provides feedback to both student and mentor.

8. The group can control content and pace.

9. Bridges the gap between learning and real life situations.

10.Changes settings.

11. Teaches to control feelings and emotions.
Game - competition may include all of the above types of didactic games or their individual elements. To conduct this type of game, students are divided into groups, teams, between which there is a competition. An essential feature of the game - competition is the presence of competitive struggle and cooperation in it. Elements of competition take the leading place in the basic game actions, and cooperation is determined by specific circumstances and tasks. Game - competition allows the teacher, depending on the content of the material, to introduce into the game not just entertaining material, but very complex questions of the curriculum. This is its main pedagogical value and advantage over other types of didactic games.

In the real practice of teaching, all types of games can act both as independent ones and as mutually complementary ones. The use of each type of games and their various combinations is determined by the characteristics of the educational material, the age of the students and other pedagogical factors.

Play is the most active form of human activity. It is rare to find a child (and an adult) who does not participate at a certain moment in any game. A flexible system of educational games allows you to learn with interest, and this interest only increases from the choice of games. This training model is more promising in comparison with the traditional one. Conducted according to the student-teacher-student scheme, it allows students to independently choose their path of development (education), perhaps doing it unconsciously, intuitively, and the teacher plays the role of a catalyst: his skills and knowledge help the student to develop faster. Lessons using the game methodology significantly increase the interest of students in the subject, allow them to better remember the formulations, definitions, liberate the student, his thinking.

The stages of the game include:

1.Preliminary preparation: the class is divided into teams, approximately equal in abilities, homework is given to the teams.

2. The game.

3. Conclusion on the lesson: conclusions about the work of the participants in the game and the assignment of marks.
To study play activity in the learning process, I used the methods of scientific and pedagogical research, and to study the practical side, I turned to the methods of studying experience. Methods were used: conversation, questioning, interviewing.

Research on the use of play activities took place at school # 33. To clarify the goals and objectives of the game as a teaching method, in what cases and at what stages it is carried out, a survey was conducted with the school teachers. An analysis of the questionnaire survey of subject teachers showed that only 4 out of 12 constantly use didactic games in the educational process. The following responses were received from subject teachers who had never used didactic games:

* some believe that their subject is one of the most difficult subjects in the school curriculum and therefore, it is inappropriate to use games to master the educational material;

* others believe that they have already worked out their teaching methods and there is no need to change them;

* Still others believe that organizing the learning process using didactic games is rather difficult and more acceptable to organize the pedagogical process in the form of a lesson and use established teaching methods.

From the experience of organizing the game activity of a specific subject teacher. This is a teacher of mathematics in grades 5-11, work experience at school for 26 years. She uses didactic games and is quite successful. In the classroom, she uses various forms of games: individual, group, collective. The choice of the form depends on the goals and objectives of the lesson. The goal is chosen depending on the result to be achieved. In her opinion, it is preferable to use the game at the stage of checking and consolidating educational material. An analysis of the results of the games conducted shows that knowledge is consolidated and improved, psychological qualities are developed, students are taught speech, the ability to express their thoughts correctly and logically, the development of the ability to find optimal solutions, etc. Based on her pedagogical experience, the teacher believes that children love to play in the lesson, but do not always follow the rules. Most often this happens in a group game, where children try to help each other. In this case, it does not stop the gameplay, but makes the rules of the game stricter. In her opinion, the game cannot be used in the following cases: if the game does not correspond to the level of development of students, that is, even with a clear explanation of the rules, it causes a certain difficulty in their implementation. In her opinion, this does not correspond to the consolidation of knowledge, but scatters attention to solving problems abstracted from the topic.

If the kids don't want to play.

If the game is new, new games should be checked. Throughout the entire process of playing in the lesson, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that a conflict situation does not arise between the children and the relationship in the class does not deteriorate. If she noticed this, she interfered with the course of the game and distracted the children's attention to solving other problems in the game itself. The teacher believes that the game helps students to develop personally, this is the ability to cooperate with peers, the ability

listen to and accept the opinions of others.

In order to understand how to make the use of games more effective for teaching and educating students, how to use games and at what stages it is preferable, research was carried out among students. Analysis of the answers gave the following results:

1. Games in the classroom are liked by everyone, without exception.

2. Most students would like to play in every lesson, but if only this game is interesting to them.

4. The first place in games is taken by a history lesson, where the teacher allows children to stage various historical events, offers to come up with their own course of events, etc.

5. Students may not like the game, if the interests of the students are not taken into account when organizing the game, the content of the game does not correspond to the topic of the lesson or the hobbies of the students.

6. The desire of students to participate in the game very often depends on their relationship with the teacher, as a result of which the teacher needs to think through their actions, track the students' reactions to these actions and draw conclusions.

7. Most children like to win the game. This drive to win ensures that learners learn and develop in play.

Thus, the analysis of the work of the subject teacher and the study of the game activity of students in the classroom allowed us to reveal the negative sides in the use of games in the learning process:

* Firstly, often explaining the rules and demonstrating the game takes a lot of time (especially for teachers with little experience in organizing games). This often leads to the fact that children do not have time to study or consolidate the material in the remaining time.

* secondly, the game mechanism is often disrupted, i.e. the strict order of performing game actions is violated. Most often this is observed in group and collective forms of games, which leads to confusion, and most importantly, to dubious results;

* thirdly, after the games (especially the middle classes), it can be difficult to restore discipline in the classroom, which teachers who come to the next lesson complain about.

* fourthly, when conducting paired, group and collective forms of play, competition between children sometimes develops into unhealthy competition, which teachers do not always notice, let alone prevent. This leads to spoiled relationships between children outside the game.

An analysis of the observation of game activity and its results revealed that the use of game forms of training is not always an effective method for strengthening or expanding knowledge.

For teachers who use games in educational activities, the following recommendations have been developed:

1. When choosing game forms of learning, one cannot rush and act alone,

2 .. You should never accept other people's games on faith without proper verification.

3. It is necessary to convince yourself of the effectiveness and attractiveness of the game by playing with colleagues and well-played children.

4. Developed games should not be carried to class immediately. It often happens that the game stops at the most interesting place and no recovery can return the previous course of the game. To avoid this, you need to work with colleagues again, see what difficulties were, especially in collective games, and check once again which of the students can be the main assistant in the game.

5. Nowhere, never and no one can be forced to play. All people are equal before the arbiter and everything should be built on voluntary cooperation.

6. Do not allow yourself to play down with children or follow their lead. At the same time, no matter how funny and fun it is in the game, you must observe all the signs of rigor and trouble-free exactingness.

List of references:

1. Manuleiko ZV "Changing the child's motor skills depending on conditions and motives", M.-69;

2. Pidkasisty P.I., Khaidarov Zh.S. "Game technology in learning and development", M.96.

3.Heizinga I. "The Man Playing", M.92;

4.Shmakov S.A. "Her Majesty the Game", M.92;

5.Elkonin D.V. "Psychology of the game", M.78 .;

6.Pavlova N.S. “Educational games in chemistry lessons. Chemistry at school ", 6,2000, p. 35;


Questionnaire for teachers.

1. Do you use games in the teaching process?

2. What forms of play do you consider the most successful in the educational process?

3.When do you use the game?

4. At what stages of the lesson is it preferable to use the game or its elements?

5. What goal do you most often pursue using a didactic game?

6. Do you find it appropriate to use the game in the lesson?

7. What results do you most often want to achieve, and can you do it?

8. Do children like to play in the classroom?

9. Do children comply with all the rules of the game?

10. In what cases is it not necessary to use games?

11. What psychological qualities of a child does play develop?

12. Is it advisable to use the game to develop the qualities of the student’s personality?

Questionnaire for students.

1.Do you like it when the teacher uses the game in the lesson?

2. How often would you like the game to be used in class?

3. What form of play do you like more: individual, group or pair?

4. What lessons do you like to play (list)

5. Are there times when you do not like to play and why?

6. Does your desire depend on the teacher using the games?

7. What do you like most about the game?
Lesson - game "Russian Lotto"
Game conditions: five teams participate in the game. Each team receives a card with the numbers of ten questions. The teacher or the presenter takes out a barrel with numbers from the bag. The team, which has this number on the card, gets the right to answer. If the answer is correct, then the team gets the keg and puts it on the corresponding number on the card. If the team could not answer the question correctly, then the keg remains with the leader and the other team gets the right to answer, which receives a token for the correct answer. For this token, you can buy the keg that was taken out of the bag, but remained with the lead. The first team to place kegs on all card numbers wins. This activity can be done during generalized revision lessons or throughout the course.
Lesson - the game "Auction".
Tasks on a topic are submitted to the auction, and the teacher negotiates with the children in advance about the topic of the game. The game involves 3 - 5 teams. With the help of an overhead projector, lot 1 is projected onto the screen - five tasks on this topic (you can write tasks in advance on a board, on a poster, or use ready-made, printed texts) The first team chooses a task and assigns a price from 1 to 5 points. If the price of this team is higher than those given by others, she receives the task and performs it. Other tasks should be bought by other teams. If the task is solved correctly, the team gets points (or part of them) are removed. The advantages of this simple game are that when choosing a problem, students compare all five problems and mentally replay the progress of their solution.
Lesson - the game "Labyrinth".

(view knowledge on the topic, section, etc.)

The class is divided into 3 - 5 teams, and each team is created from guys of different abilities, so that the teams are equal in strength. There are tables in the classroom, the number of which depends on the number of topics selected. On the tables are the numbers of the tables, tasks for each player on different topics, and the tasks are 3-level according to the abilities of the students, the tasks in the envelope are numbered and each student knows his task number. (You can do assignments to do assignments for 3-level tests, lay out the printed tests on the tables and announce in advance the tasks of which level he is solving).

The guys draw lots, who from what table, on what topic begins to work, in what order. An expert sits at each table (he can be a strong student of a given class or a high school student who checks the correctness of the solution to the problem.) Each expert should have a control card with the solution of the problems at each table, assigns the number of points for each solved problem in individual cards to each student, setting your list and points to the team fund, putting them on the team card. The team that scores the most points wins and each student is given an average rating in the journal for their individual cards.

Lesson - the game "Own game"
Organization of the lesson: two teams take part in the game. Each team chooses one or more main players (you can play as a team), all the rest are fans. The game takes place in three rounds.

1 round - 15 minutes.

The facilitator names two categories of questions that will be played out. Each category contains 5 questions of varying difficulty.

For the correct answer, teams can receive from 10 to 50 points. The main player chooses the category and the cost of the question, the moderator reads out the question, the time for reflection is 1 - 2 minutes. The right to answer goes to the player who first raised his hand. If he gave the correct answer and was able to substantiate it, then the cost of the question is added to the team. If the main player gave the wrong answer, then the cost of the question is deducted from the team's account. If none of the main players gave the correct answer, then the question goes to the fans. They can bring the team half the cost of the question if the answer is correct.

2 - round - 15 minutes.

3rd round - 5 minutes. The facilitator announces the topic on which the question will be asked. The main players assign the cost of the question (any, but not more than the number of points that the team has). After that, the question is read out and 5 minutes are given for reflection. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is awarded.
The lesson is the Domino game.
For the game, cards are prepared, each of which is divided into two parts. In these parts tasks and answers are placed. The cards are distributed to the participants of the game. The players take turns placing the cards so that each next card is logically connected with the previous one. In this case, it is necessary to theoretically substantiate the fact that is written on the player's card. If the student misplaced the card or failed to explain the reason for its presentation, then he skips the move. The player can use the referee's help, but he loses 100 points.

The one who first put all the cards wins.

Guidelines for the organization of the lesson:

The game is held in the lesson as one of the stages of group work to repeat and consolidate knowledge on the whole topic or on several topics. Several sets of games are expected to energize students.

Each group must have an orbiter who will assess the correctness of the answer. This may be the most successful student in the class.

Pedagogical conditions and means of child development in play activities

Informational support of the topic:The game occupies an important place in the life of the child, is the predominant type of his independent activity. In Russian psychology and pedagogy, play is viewed as an activity that is of great importance for the development of a preschool child: actions in representation, orientation in relations between people, initial skills of cooperation are developed in it (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, L.A. Wenger, A.P. Usova).

Investigating the significance of children's games S.A. Shmakov, identified the following functions: the sociocultural purpose of the game, the function of interethnic communication, the function of self-realization of the child in the game as a testing ground for human practice, the communicative function of the game, the diagnostic function of the game, the game therapy function of the game, the function of correction in the game, the entertainment function of the game.

The essence of the phenomenon of the game consists in the following provisions (S.A. Shmakov):

  • The game is performing independent species developing activities of children of different ages, the principle and method of their life, the method of cognition of the child and the way of organizing his life and non-play activities;
  • Play means activity, rest, entertainment, fun, fun, joy, competition, exercise, training, in the process of which the educational requirements of adults for children become their requirements for themselves, which meansan active means of education and self-education;
  • Game is the main sphere of communication children; it solves the problems of interpersonal relations, compatibility, partnership, friendship, camaraderie. In play, the social experience of human relationships is learned and acquired;
  • Game enjoying synthetic property, absorbs many aspects of other types of activity, appears in a child's life as a multifaceted phenomenon;
  • The game is a need a growing child: his psyche, intellect, biological foundation. Play is a specific, purely childish world of a child's life. The game is a practice of development. Children play because they develop, and develop because they play;
  • Play is a way for a child to find himself incollectives partners, in the whole society, humanity, in the Universe, access to social experience, culture of the past, present, future;
  • A game - freedom of self-disclosure, self-development based on the subconscious, mind and creativity. The product of the game is the enjoyment of its process, the end result is the development of the abilities realized in it.

It is now generally accepted that play is the leading activity of a preschool child. A.N. Leontyev considered the leading activity to be one that has a particular effect on the development of the child for a given age period. He highlighted the main provisions, thanks to which the game is called the leading activity of the preschooler:

  • She meets the basic needs of the child

The desire for independence, active participation in adult life;

The need for knowledge of the surrounding world;

The need for active movements;

The need for communication.

  • In games, other types of activity arise and differentiate:

Educational activities:

Labor activity.

  • The game contributes to:

The formation of neoplasms of the child, the development of his mental processes;

Development of children's imagination;

The development of the ability to transfer the functions of one subject to another, not possessing these functions.

There are many definitions of play in pedagogy. “The game ... what they play and what they play: fun established according to the rules, and things that serve this purpose (V. Dal“ Explanatory Dictionaryliving Russian language). « Play is an occupation that has no practical purpose and serves for amusement or amusement, as well as the application in practice of some arts (“Great Encyclopedia). “We call a game a series of successive additional transactions with a clearly defined and predictable outcome ... but with hidden motivation; in short, this is a series of moves containing a trap, some kind of catch (E. Bern).

Gaming activity is a special area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals, except for pleasure, pleasure from the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces (O.S. Gazman).

As noted in the pedagogical literature, children's games are a heterogeneous phenomenon, which allowed scientists to make repeated attempts to study and describe each type of game, taking into account its functions, to give a classification of games.

F. Frebel based the classification on the principle of the differential impact of games on the development of the mind (mental games), external senses (sensory games), movements (motor games).

According to the pedagogical value, K. Gros classified the games: moving, mental, sensory, developing will games - “games of ordinary functions”; family games, hunting games, courtship - “special function games”.

The modern classification of games was made by S.L. Novoselova. She identified as the basis for the classification the initiative of the child:

  • Games initiated by children:

Amateur games - experimentation;

Amateur story games (plot-mapping, plot-role-playing, directorial, theatrical);

  • Games initiated by an adult:

Educational (didactic, subject-didactic, mobile);

Leisure (fun games, entertainment games, intellectual, festive and carnival, theatrical and staging);

  • Games determined by the initiative of the ethnic group: ritual, leisure, training.

N. A. Korotkova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko classifies games on the basis of freedom of action: creative (role-playing, theatrical, directorial) and games with rules (games for physical competence, mental competence, games for luck). ON THE. Korotkova highlights the specific features of games with rules and creative games.

Games with rules

Creative games

  1. The basis is a set of formalized rules that are binding on all participants.

These rules are impersonal, the same for everyone, and stable throughout the game.

2 .The actions are real and unambiguous.

3.Always a joint venture.

4. The final result is. This is the result of the actions of each player, correlated with the results of other children. The result is a win. The moment when the game ends is determined by the winning criteria.

5. The process of activity is cyclical, each type of game ends with a win and resumes again.

6. Type of relationship of the players - the relationship of competition

1. Basis - an imaginary situation that manifests itself in conditional, substitute actions.

All actions have a personal meaning, each player has his own understanding of the imaginary situation.

2. Conditional substitution actions are outwardly ambiguous.

3. The game can be both individual and joint.

4. The process of the game has no final result, the moment of its completion is determined by the desire of others.

5. The process of activity is characterized by a progressive nature, an imaginary situation develops all the time.

6. The type of relationship of the players - the relationship of complementarity and involvement.

Studying different approaches to the classification of children's games, it is possible to draw up a basic scheme of play activity.

Classification signs


Types of games

Subject. Role-playing. Plot role-playing. Didactic. Theatrical. Movable. Experimentation. Fun and entertainment.

Game functions

Cognition. Experimentation. An exercise. Study. Forecasting. Modeling. Self-knowledge. Recreation. Fun. Display. Relaxation. Compensation. Realization of needs.

Initiative in the origin of the game

From a child. From an adult. From other children

Game subject

Ready-made toys. Deputies. Imaginary objects and images. Word. Picture. Computer program. Natural materials and phenomena.

By the number of players

Individual. Beside. Microgroup. Collective. Massive.

By dynamics

Static. Inactive. Movable.

By way of solving game problems

Intelligent. Social. Motor.

Game tricks

Competition. Dramatization.

By the degree and nature of creation

Ready. Reproductive. Creative. Improvised.

At the place of development

Indoors: game card, table, sheet of paper, screen, podium, group space. Outdoors: playing field, playground, entire area. In imagination

By the time of creation and development

Archaic. Traditional. Modern. Situational. Long lasting. Fixed time.

All studies of creative games (D.B.

Assessment of play as a powerful means of education, the formation of a child's personality, the development of its various content sides;

Understanding that play is a child's life, his joy, an activity necessary for him;

The idea of \u200b\u200bplay as a social activity. In the game, the preschooler assimilates public experience, but does not copy the surrounding life, expresses his attitude to what he saw, heard, and this is due to the development of creative imagination

Understanding the specifics of role-playing games, which consists in the fact that the child is in a special way independent in it, he is free to choose the theme of the game, plot, role, in a certain change in the content, direction of the game, in the choice of playmates, play materials, determining the beginning and ending the game.

Role-playing games

Throughout preschool age, the most characteristic type of activity is the role-playing game.

Games in which, on the basis of life or artistic impressions, independently or with the help of adults, social relations or material objects are creatively reproduced by children are called plot-role games (O.S. Gazman).

As noted by N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko free story game is the most attractive activity for preschool children. Its attractiveness is explained by the fact that in the game the child experiences an internal subjective feeling of freedom, subject to him things, actions, relationships. But besides the momentary subjective feeling of permissiveness, emotional comfort, the plot game is of great importance for the mental development of the child, so to speak, a long-term effect. It is the exceptional combination of the objective developmental meaning of play and the subjective feeling of the child's inner freedom in it that makes it play an important role in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

The role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

  • The plot of the game - it is a sphere of reality that is reproduced by children, a reflection of certain actions, events from the life and activities of others.
  • Game Content -this is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic moment of activity and relations between adults in their everyday and social activities.
  • Role - playing position, the child identifies himself with any character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character.

The genesis of play activity is revealed in the works of D.B. Elkonin:

1.The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives:

2-3 years - the choice of the game is determined by the toy, not thought out in advance;

3-4 years - they independently set game tasks, but they cannot always understand each other, they need the help of an adult;

4-5 years - the embodiment of the idea occurs by solving several game problems, the ways of solving them become more complicated, they themselves agree before the start of the game;

5-6 years - the ideas of the games are stable, developing, they jointly discuss the concept of the game, consistency and planning is combined with improvisation, take into account the point of view of the partner, reach a common solution, a long-term perspective of the game appears.

2-3 years - the main content is action with objects;

3-4 years - plot-reflective turns into plot-role, reflect not only the purpose of objects, but also relationships;

4-5 years - reflect various relationships between people, actions with objects are relegated to the background;

5-6 years - create models of various relationships between people.

3. The plot of the game

2-3 years - household plots, few, monotonous, unstable;

3-4 years - everyday stories prevail, but they are less static, more often they use episodes from well-known fairy tales;

4-5 years old - the plots are developed and varied, social plots appear, children combine episodes from fairy tales and real life;

5-6 years old - episodes from fairy tales, social life take a significant place, children combine knowledge gained from observations, fairy tales, films in games, the ability to jointly build and creatively develop a plot is improved.

3. Role fulfillment and interaction in the game

2-3 years - they begin to denote the role with a word, children talk with toys as with play partners, gradually the role of partners is transferred to their peers, they move on to games together;

3-4 years - take on a role, but do not call themselves roles respectively, emotionally convey role-playing behavior, develop role dialogue, gravitate to joint games, which become longer;

4-5 years - role dialogue, role interaction is longer and more meaningful, various means of expression are used;

5-6 years - role interaction is meaningful, expressive, there are favorite roles, there are many roles, the essence of role relationships is revealed through speech.

4. \\ Game actions, game items

2-3 years - perform actions with substitute objects, imaginary objects, replace actions with a word, move to generalized actions, the convention of the game is available, gradually the functions of the players are divided;

3-4 years - use a variety of objective methods of reproducing reality, come up with various substitutions, have a good command of plot-shaped toys, imaginary objects, substitute objects;

4-5 years old - they independently choose substitute objects, imaginary objects, easily give them verbal designations;

5-6 years - the game action is replaced by a word, auxiliary material is widely used, during the game, items are selected or replaced.

5. Rules of the game

2-3 years - children are attracted by the action itself, the rules do not fulfill the function of a regulator;

3-4 years - the rules regulate the sequence of actions;

4-5 years - the rules regulate role relationships, children follow the rules in accordance with their role, monitor the implementation of the rules of the game by other children;

5-6 years old - children realize that following the rules is a condition for fulfilling a role.

S.L. Novoselova in her works defines the stages of the development of the role-playing game:

  • The first stage is an introductory game.An adult organizes the child's subject-play activity using a variety of toys and objects
  • The second stage is a display game. The child’s actions are aimed at identifying the specific properties of the subject and at achieving with it a certain effect
  • The third stage is plot and display game. Children actively reflect the impressions they get in everyday life.

In the role-playing games, favorable conditions are formed for the formation of relationships between children (A.P. Usova):

  • Level of unorganized behaviorwhich leads to the destruction of other children's games
  • Singles level. The child does not interact with other children, but does not interfere with their play.
  • The level of games is nearby. Children can play together, but each acts in accordance with its play goal.
  • Level of short-term communication. The child submits his actions to the general plan for some time.
  • Level of long communication - interactions based on interest in the content of the game
  • Continuous interaction level based on common interests, selective sympathies

L.S. Analyzing play activity, Vygotsky singled out the paradoxes of play, thanks to which it ensures the development of the child:

The child enjoys the game, i.e. acts along the line of least resistance, but learns to act along the line of greatest resistance. Play is a school of will.

Game is a school of morality. Usually a child experiences submission to the rule as a situation of giving up what he wants, and in the game submission to the rule is the way to maximum pleasure.

The child enjoys substitution of objects, but he also likes natural objects.

The interaction of real and gaming relationships.

Play is a creative activity, but developmentthe game assumes its leadership.

Thus, L.S. Vygotsky formulated the basic law of the game: "The game evolves from a previously open playing role, an imaginary situation and a hidden rule to an open rule and a hidden imaginary situation and role."

One of the most important problems of pedagogy is the problem of managing role-playing games. Currently, there are several technologies for managing and facilitating role-playing games in kindergarten.

Game technology - a certain sequence of actions of the teacher for the selection, development, preparation of games, the inclusion of children in play activities, the implementation of the game itself, summing up the results and results of play activities.

Technology play activities R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya is represented by three directions of leadership: enrichment of children's ideas, the formation of play activities, the education of friendly relations and personal qualities. According to the authors, the main way to influence the game is to influence its content, i.e. on the choice of topics, plot development, distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. The educator must enter the game by taking on one role as a partner.

Technology integrated governance game (E.V. Zvorygina, S.L. Novoselova). This method is a set of interrelated stages and pedagogical components. The stage of providing pedagogical conditions for the development of play is represented by the following components: enrichment of children with knowledge and experience of activity, transfer of play culture to the child. The stage of pedagogical support of amateur games consists of components: a developing object-game environment, activation of problematic communication between an adult and children. All components of comprehensive guidance for the development of play are interrelated and equally important when working with children of different ages. O. A. Skorolupova, L.V. Loginov proposed a methodological accompaniment to children's games, which will help in systematizing the material in the methodological room, according to the components of the method.

  • Systematic enrichment of knowledge and experience

Full Texts of Reading Fiction

Options for cognitive conversations with children

Options for the teacher's stories about what he saw or heard, interesting stories

Possible teacher stories about how he played the same game when he was little

  • Transfer of game culture to the child

Didactic games on a selected topic

Options for entering and exiting the game

Options for the gradual self-elimination of the adult, transferring the role of the leader to the child

The list of roles that may be involved in the game

List of actions that can be performed in the game

  • Educational game environment

Decoration of play corners

List of possible attributes for the game

  • Activation of problem communication between adults and children

Sample scenarios of the course of the game

Didactic exercises

Complicating stories with the help of satellite games

Problem situations

Technology formation of gaming skills developed by N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko. They singled outp educational principles of the organization of gaming activities:

The teacher must:

Play with the children;

At each stage, open to children a more complex way of building a game;

Orient the child to the implementation and explanation of the meaning of the game action to partners.

Starting work on the formation of a plot game, the teacher should proceed not only from the passport age of the children, but also take into account the general level of development of the child, his experience of life in kindergarten, as well as the game experience acquired in the family.

The technology presents the following stages of game development. Stageformation of conditional game actions make up the conditions: creation of situations of subject interaction; creation of a gaming environment; formation of conditioned actions with toys; use of game situations. At this stage, the teacher's task is to form in the child the ability to deploy conditional actions with a plot toy, a substitute object and an imaginary object, link two or three play actions into a semantic chain, verbally designate them, continue the meaning of the action begun by the adult partner, and then and peer. Stageformation of role behavior make up: appropriate selection of roles; the minimum number of toys; phone games; games based on fairy tales; the use of multi-character plots; more roles than game participants. The task of the teacher is to develop role-playing behavior in the game, to form the ability to change it in accordance with the different roles of partners, the ability to change the playing role and designate their new role for partners in the process of deploying the game. Stage of plot formation make up the conditions: joint fantasy game with an adult. The teacher's task isto form the child’s skills to build new sequences of events, combine events in a common plot during the game, use different context roles.

At each age stage, the pedagogical process of organizing the game should be of a two-part nature, including the moments of the formation of game skills in a joint game of a teacher with children and the creation of conditions for independent children's play.

Under the influence of the systematic formation of play skills, the independent play of preschoolers changes. First of all, there is an attitude towards inventing a new, interesting game, the plots become more diverse, many actions with objects are curtailed, moments of speech interaction become more frequent, the number of participants and their initiative increase, the ability to listen to partners develops, to combine their ideas with their own, the number of conflicts in the game decreases ...

Technology facilitating role-playing game N.F. Tarlovskaya is described in the Rainbow educational program.

The first section of the program and technology for promoting role-playing games was called “Playing with the Children” (1 mln group). This section highlights:

1. Play during the adaptation period.

Purpose: To establish trusting relationships with each child, to give the kids minutes of joy, to cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Assistance to games is carried out within the framework of traditional plots: “I go on a visit with gifts” (boxes, candy wrappers, pebbles, toys ...); “Look into my window” (I will show something, I will treat you with something); “They walked, walked, found something (an umbrella, a saucepan, a ball); "Come and visit me" (I will treat you, we will play merrily, we will dance together). The specificity of these stories is that:

  1. All have a ritual beginning.
  2. Games are not long (5-7 minutes) and emotional.
  3. There is an appeal to the child by name.
  4. The same items are used for all.
  5. Game characters are not used, as there is communication with the child.

2. Formation of purposeful activity.

Purpose: To reveal the possibilities of using substitute items, to teach how to perform conditional actions with them, to involve them in an independent search for original ways to achieve gamegoals.

This task is revealed within the plots:

1. Feeding.

2. Travel by transport.

3. On a visit.

The sequence of playing plots is presented in this diagram. It differs from traditional technology in that the teacher's actions are immediately directed at the child, and not at the toy:

1. The playful actions of the educator are aimed at children ("I will feed you"):


2. The playful actions of children are directed at the teacher (you feed me "):


3. Game actions of children are directed to toys ("feed the dog"):

D and

3. Prepare for the role.

Purpose: to shapeability to "turn into another."

The sequence of transformations: 1) Famous animals and birds; 2) Interesting moving objects; 3) Adults whose profession has characteristic external attributes. The technique is a series of sequential, algorithmic actions:

1. The educator identifies himself and enters into the image (appearance, environment, food, habits):

I have; I eat; I live; I like.

2. Encouraging children to accept the image.

3. The belief that the child has adopted the image.

4. The development of the plot.

5. Completion of the plot.

In the 2 younger group in the section "How to play with children" the following lines of assistance for the role-playing game are implemented:

  1. Continue to prepare for the role.

Purpose: demonstration of the social significance of the profession and the system of inherent goals, the ratio of game actions to the role.


  • Organized observation of professional activities of adults:

The specificity and expressiveness of clothing;

Professional action set;

Brightness and expressiveness of the technique of showing professional actions and speech;

The end result of the work;

Attributes for the role play that children will receive at the end of observation.

  • Observation of the teacher for independent games of children:

The use of play techniques that induce you to accept the role;

Encouraging children who have identified their roles with attributes;

Emotional commenting on the child's play actions and correlating them with the name of the role.

2. Enrichment of role behavior.

Purpose: enrichment of role-playing behavior with game goals, transfer of expressive methods of game actions, saturation of the subject-game environment.


  • Adoption of a parallel role by adults:

- observation of the child's independent play, its analysis;

Admiration for the game and clarification of who the child is playing;

Obtaining permission to accept a parallel role;

Duplication of the child's play actions, setting his own goals, different from those that the child realizes in play;

Repeat for a child 1-2 game actions;

The completion of the game.

  • Introducing new attributes into the child's play:


Attributes reflecting external signs.

3. Extension of the range of roles.

Purpose: familiarity with new roles.


  • Joint play of an adult with several children at the same time:

An adult designates his role with some attribute and organizes the simplest play environment;

Invites the game 4-5 children;

Names her role and briefly explains with what play actions it is associated;

Encourages children to engage in joint play;

Helps to take on a new role;

Begins a joint game with play actions known to children;

Invites children to set their own play goal;

Returns children to known gaming activities;

Encourages children to participate in the game.

4. Preparing children for role interaction.

Purpose: familiarization with the forms of role interaction, demonstration of role dialogue patterns.


  • Adult game with children:

Demonstration of samples of meaningful role-playing dialogue, reflecting the social relations of adults on role-playing actions known to children

In the section "Children's Games" in the senior group, the following directions in managing the development of role-playing games are of interest:

  1. Help in organizing the interaction of children in a joint game.

Purpose: to disclose the content, relationships and relationships of the roles played, familiarity with the main points of the organization of the game, the use of the game to improve the position of the child in the peer team.


  • Hidden game control by a teacher as a dispatcher or a sorceress:

Game action prompt;

Prompt for the event side of the game;

Techniques for improving the position of children in the group

  1. Enriching the content of the role-playing game.

Purpose: Introducing and encouraging children to bring new content to games.


  • Enrichment by the teacher of the event side of the game in the role of a dispatcher;
  • Creating conditions for children to independently invent new events through thematic books;
  • Teacher's stories from personal experience of organizing games:
  • Fixing children's attention to the fact that the game has a beginning;
  • A story about how roles were assigned and conflicts were resolved;
  • A story about who and what will do in the game;
  • A story about how the game environment was created;
  • A story about the immediate content of the game;
  • The story of how the game ended.

3. Creating a gaming environment.


  • A toy is a specially made item intended for play
  • Toy - “the material basis of the game” (A. Makarenko)

The subject-gaming environment is a combination of material and social means that functionally model the content.

Criteria related to child safety, protection against negative effects of the toy on the child's health and emotional well-being apply if the toys:

  • provoke the child to aggressive actions;
  • cause the manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the game, in the role of which are playing partners or toys
  • provoke game plots related to immorality and violence;
  • arouse unhealthy interest in sexual issues beyond age-related competence;
  • provoke the child to neglect or negative attitude to racial characteristics and physical disabilities of people
  • game activity (S.L. Novoselova)

Criteria related to the qualities of toys aimed at ensuring the development of the child:

  • multifunctionality, contributing to the development of children's creativity;
  • the possibility of using toys in joint activities;
  • didactic properties of a toy, necessary for the intellectual development of children, enriching them with knowledge;
  • aesthetic value, belonging of the toy to the products of artistic crafts, helping children to discover the world of art, master artistic perception, develop creative abilities
  • Didactic games are educational games that are aimed at the assimilation, consolidation by children of knowledge, skills, development of their mental abilities
  • Self-play
  • Admission Training
  • Special lesson
  • Combination of cognitive content and game form
  • Specificity of the structure of the game
  • - didactic task
  • - game task
  • - game actions
  • - regulations
  • Play relationship between teacher and children
  • Board print games
  • - lotto
  • - dominoes
  • - paired pictures
  • - cut pictures
  • - labyrinths
  • - puzzles
  • Word games
  • Games with objects and toys
  • Board print games
  • - lotto
  • - dominoes
  • - paired pictures
  • - cut pictures
  • - labyrinths
  • - puzzles
  • Word games
  • Musical didactic games
  • Preparing for the didactic game
  • Conducting the game:
  • - motivation for the game
  • - familiarization with the content, with didactic material
  • - explanation of the course and rules
  • - display of game actions
  • - defining the role of the teacher
  • - methods of activation
  • Summing up, analysis

english play) is one of the types of human and animal activity. I. is a form of vital activity of young animals that occurs at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see. Game in animals). Children's I. is a historically emerging type of activity that consists in the reproduction by children of the actions of adults and the relations between them in a special conditional form. I. (as defined by A. N. Leontyev) is the leading activity of a preschooler, that is, such activity, due to which the most important changes in the psyche of the child occur and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child to move to a new, higher stage of his development .

I. is studied by various sciences - the history of culture, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, ethology, etc. A special study of I. animals and humans was first conducted by him. the scientist Karl Groos, who noted the exercise function of I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to the changing conditions of existence. In I. in these animals, preliminary adaptation (prevention) of instincts to future conditions of the struggle for existence takes place.

An essential addition to this theory was the work of K. Buhler. He believed that the desire for I., the repetition of the same actions is supported by "functional pleasure" received from the activity itself. F. Boy-tendike connected the main features of I. with the characteristic features of behavior inherent in a growing organism: 1) non-directional movements; 2) impulsivity; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) timidity, fearfulness and shyness. These traits of the child's behavior under certain conditions give rise to I. These theories, despite the differences, identify the I. of animals and humans.

I. in animals is a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of the main species-specific acts of behavior are improved in animals. And. In animals is widespread. in higher mammals, especially in predators and primates. In its highest forms, I. is combined with orienting and research behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters of psychoanalysis. In line with this trend, I. is seen as an expression of unconscious tendencies in a symbolic form. It is believed that the development of I. in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the child's psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each stage are necessarily manifested in I. In this regard, play therapy has been developed and widely spread as a form of corrective work with children (the expression of suppressed tendencies and the formation of an adequate system of relations between a child and adults).

The central issue in the theory of children's I. is the question of its historical origin. The need for historical research to construct the theory of I. was noted by E. A. Arkin. D. B. Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, I. role-playing occurs during the historical development of society as a result of a change in the child’s place in the system of social relations. The emergence of I. occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of the division of labor, which made it impossible to include the child in productive labor. With the emergence of role I., a new, preschool period in the development of the child begins (see. Preschool age). In domestic science, the theory of I. in the aspect of clarifying its social nature, internal structure, and significance for the development of the child was developed by L. S. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, and others.

I. is the most important source of the development of a child's consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling by him relations between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles. Having assumed the fulfillment of one or another role, the child is guided by its rules, subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

Motivation I. lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of I. is the role. In addition to the role, the structure of I. includes play action (action to fulfill a role), play use of objects (substitution), and relationships between children. In I., plot and content are also distinguished. The plot is the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. The content is the relations between adults reproduced by the child in I..

I. usually has a group (joint) character. The group of children at play acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle, authorizing and supporting the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relationships between children (between participants in I.) and play relationships (relationships in accordance with the accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, subject I. first appears when the child reproduces the subject actions of adults. Then, the role-playing (including role-playing) I., aimed at reproducing the relationship between adults, comes to the fore. At the end of preschool childhood, I. with rules appears - a transition is made from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role. Mikhailenko identifies 3 gradually becoming more complex ways of I .: 1) the deployment and designation of conditional object-related actions in I .; 2) role behavior - designation and implementation of a conditional game position; 3) plot composition - deployment of a sequence of integral situations, their designation and planning.

Let us give a more detailed description of the different types of I. among preschoolers.

Role I. is the basic form of I. in preschool children, which arises at the border of early and preschool childhood and reaches its peak in the middle of preschool age. Role I. is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a play situation, recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the game situation is the game use of objects, in which the value of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The role of an adult that a child assumes contains hidden rules that regulate the performance of actions with objects, the establishment of relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role-playing evokes in the child deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles being played, the quality of the role played by each child, and those real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective I. in the implementation of its general design. In role imaging, the most important neoplasms of preschool age develop: the development of imagination, the formation of elements of voluntary behavior, and the development of symbolic function.

I. with rules - a type of group or paired I., in which the actions of the participants and their relationships are regulated by pre-formulated rules that are binding on all participants. The transition to I. with the rules is prepared when conducting role I., where they are connected and hidden in the role. The initial forms of I. with the rules are of a plot character, for example, "cat and mouse". I. with rules occupy a large place among school-age children, growing into all kinds of sports I. - motor and mental (football, hockey, chess, etc.). See also Generalized another.

Director I. is a kind of individual I., when a child plays a certain plot with the help of toys. In the director's I., the child performs both the function of a director (retaining I.'s intention) and the function of actors (performing role-playing actions to implement the game intention).

Didactic I. is a type of I. organized by an adult to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. and role-playing, and I. with the rules. Didactic I. are the main form of training for preschool children.

From the beginning. education in school, the role of I. in the mental development of the child decreases, but even at this age a significant place is occupied by various I. with the rules - intellectual and mobile (sports). The role of plot points becomes less, but does not disappear altogether. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

Antonova Ksenia Andreevna,
English teacher GBOU
Lyceum No. 623im. I.P. Pavlova St. Petersburg

Functions of game activity Various types of activity play a huge role in the development of a child. In children of early school age, the main activity is play. This is the age of games. The game requires verbal communication of children, the exchange of thoughts, thus, is a colloquially effective form of activity, contributes to the development of speech and thinking in their unity. Great teacher A.S. Makarenko highly appreciated the play of children and said that it has the same importance as an adult's work, service. (A.S. Makarenko. Works, vol.4 APN RSFSR. 1951, p. 373). Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the role of play in the life of preschoolers when teaching them a foreign language. This will increase interest in the content of the lessons. In the scientific and methodological literature, the development of an effective methodology and organization of teaching a foreign language to children of early school age is carried out mainly on the basis of the widespread use of children's play activities. L.S. Vygodsky and D. B. Elkonin calls play the leading activity of the preschooler, but scientists mean not that it prevails in his practice among other activities, but that it leads the development of the preschooler during this period. It is necessary to consider the functions of gaming activities. Game activity performs the following functions: teaching, educational, entertaining, communicative, relaxation, psychological, developmental. Let's take a closer look at all these functions:

1) The learning function includes the development of memory, attention, perception of information, the development of general educational skills and abilities, and also contributes to the development of foreign language skills. This means that the game is a specially organized activity that requires exerting emotional and mental strength, as well as the ability to make decisions (how to act, what to say, how to win, etc.). The desire to solve these questions exacerbates the mental function, i.e. the game is fraught with rich educational opportunities.

2) The upbringing function is to cultivate such a quality as an attentive, humane attitude towards a play partner; a sense of mutual assistance and mutual support also develops. Students are introduced to phrases - a cliche of speech etiquette for improvising speech to each other in a foreign language, which helps to educate such a quality as politeness.

3) The entertaining function consists in creating a favorable atmosphere in the lesson, turning the lesson into an interesting unusual event, an exciting adventure, and sometimes a fairy-tale world.

4) The communicative function is to create an atmosphere of foreign language communication, to unite the collective of students, to establish new emotional and communicative relations based on a foreign language.

5) Relaxation function - relieving emotional stress caused by stress on the nervous system during intensive learning of a foreign language.

6) The psychological function is to form the skills of preparing one's physiological state for more effective activity, as well as restructuring the psyche to assimilate large amounts of information. It is also worth noting here that psychological training and psychocorrection of various personality manifestations, carried out in game models, are carried out. Which can be close to real situations (in this case, we are talking about a role-playing game).

7) The developmental function is aimed at the harmonious development of personal qualities to activate the reserve capabilities of the individual. When using the game method, the teacher's task is, first of all, to organize the cognitive activity of students, in the process of which their abilities, especially creative ones, would develop.

Play activity takes a very important place in a child's life. The game helps him to adapt to the environment, communicate, think. You need to teach children to play from the first months of life: from the primitive to those that involve the baby’s own thinking. Together with parents, close relatives, friends, as well as kindergarten teachers and teachers at school take part in the upbringing and formation of the child.


Throughout the life path of a person is accompanied by three main types of activity, which replace each other. It is a game, a teaching, and a labor. They differ in terms of motivation, organization and end results.

Labor is the main human activity, the end result of which is the creation of a product that is meaningful to the public. As a result of the game activity, the product is not produced, but it acts as the initial stage in the formation of the personality as a subject of activity. Education is the direct preparation of a person for work, developing mental, physical and aesthetic skills and forming cultural and material values.

Game activity of children contributes to their mental development and prepares them for the adult world. The child here himself acts as a subject and adapts to the imitated reality. A feature of gaming activity is its freedom and non-regulation. No one can make a child play the way he wants. The game proposed by an adult should be interesting and entertaining for the child. Learning and labor must have an organizational form. The work begins and ends at the set time for which a person must present its results. Classes of pupils and students also have a clear schedule and plan, which everyone adheres to steadily.

Game activities

According to the most general classification, all games can be classified into one of two large groups. The differences in them are the forms of children's activity and adult participation.

The first group, the name of which is "Independent games", includes such play activities of the child, in the preparation and conduct of which the adult does not directly participate. In the foreground is the activity of children. They must set a goal for the game, develop it and solve it for themselves. Children in such games show initiative, which indicates a certain level of their intellectual development. This group includes cognitive and plot games, the function of which is to develop the child's thinking.

The second group is educational games that involve the presence of an adult. He creates rules and coordinates the work of children until they achieve a result. These games are used for the purpose of training, development, education. This group includes entertainment games, dramatization games, musical, didactic, outdoor games. From a learning-type game, you can smoothly redirect the child's activities to the learning stage. These types of gaming activities summarize it; in them one can distinguish many more subspecies with different scenarios and different goals.

The game and its role in the development of the child

Play is a compulsory activity for a child. She gives him freedom, he plays without coercion, with pleasure. From the very first days of his life, the baby is already trying to play with some kind of rattles and trinkets hanging over his cradle. The play activities of preschool children accustom them to order, and teach them to follow the rules. In the game, the child tries to show all his best qualities (especially if this is a game with peers). He shows enthusiasm, activates his abilities, creates an environment around himself, makes contact, finds friends.

In the game, the kid learns to solve problems, find a way out. The rules teach him to be honest, because their failure to comply is punishable by indignation from other children. In play, the child can show those qualities that are hidden in everyday life. At the same time, games develop competition between children, adapt them for survival by defending their position. The game has a positive effect on the development of thinking, imagination, wit. Playful activity gradually prepares the child to enter adulthood.

Play activities in infancy and early childhood

Games will differ, depending on the age of the child, in their organization, form, and functionality. The main element of early childhood play is the toy. Its multifunctionality allows you to influence mental development, the formation of a system of social relations. The toy is used for entertainment and fun.

Infants manipulate a toy, they develop perception, preferences are formed, orientations for a new one appear, colors and shapes are imprinted in the memory. In infancy, parents play an important role in creating the worldview of the child. They must play with their children, try to speak their language, show them unfamiliar objects.

In early childhood, games for a child are almost all of his free time. He ate, slept, played, and so on all day. It is already recommended that you use games not only with entertainment, but also with a cognitive component. The role of toys is growing, they become small models of the real world (cars, dolls, houses, little animals). Thanks to them, the baby learns to perceive the world, to distinguish colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to give the child only those toys that cannot harm him, because the baby will certainly pull them to his mouth to try on the tooth. At this age, children cannot be left unattended for a long time, toys are not so important to them as the attention of a loved one.

Games for Preschool Children

Preschool age children can be roughly divided into younger and older. In the younger, the play activity of preschoolers is aimed at learning things, connections, properties. In older children, preschoolers have new needs, and they give preference to role-playing games, games among their peers. Interest in collective games is manifested in children in the third year of life. At the preschool age, a significant place is occupied by manipulative, mobile, cognitive games. The child likes to construct both from the designer, and from any materials at hand (sand, furniture in the house, clothes, other items).

Didactic games

The development of children in play is one of the most important purposes of play. To do this, teachers conduct didactic games with children. They are created for the purpose of education and training, with certain rules and the expected result. Didactic play is both playful activity and a form of learning. It consists of a didactic task, game actions, rules and results.

The didactic task is determined by the goal of training and educational impact. An example would be a game in which counting skills are consolidated, the ability to make a word from letters. In a didactic game, the didactic task is realized through the game. The basis of the game are the game actions carried out by the children themselves. The more interesting they are, the more exciting and effective the game will be. The rules of the game are set by the teacher, who controls the behavior of children. Upon completion, it is imperative to take stock. This stage involves determining the winners, those who coped with the task, but also the participation of all the guys should be noted. For an adult, a didactic game is a learning method that will help to make a gradual transition from playing to learning activities.

Gaming activities at DOW

Games accompany the child throughout his childhood. The organization of play activities in preschool institutions plays an important role in the development of children. Play occupies a prominent place in the system of aesthetic, labor, moral, physical and intellectual education of preschool children. It satisfies his social needs and personal interests, increases the vitality of the child, and activates his work.

In kindergartens, play activity should be a complex of games that are aimed at the physical and intellectual development of children. These games include creative ones that allow children to independently determine the purpose, rules and content. They reflect human activities in adulthood. Creative games include role-playing, theatrical, dramatization, and design games. In addition to creative, didactic, mobile, sports, folk games influence the formation of a child's play activity.

An important place in the game is occupied by toys, which should be simple, bright, attractive, interesting, safe. They are divided into three types: ready-made (dolls, airplanes, cars), semi-finished (constructors, pictures, cubes) and materials for creating toys. The latter allow the child to fully reveal their imagination and demonstrate their skills by creating toys on their own.

Game activity functions

Any type of activity has a specific functional purpose. Game activity also performs a number of functions in the development of the child.

The main function of the game is entertaining. It aims to arouse the child's interest, inspire, please, entertain. The communicative function is that during the game the baby learns to find a common language with other children, developing his speech mechanisms. The function of self-realization is to choose a role. If a child chooses those that require additional actions, then this indicates his activity and leadership beginning.

Game-therapeutic function involves children overcoming difficulties of various nature that arise in other activities. The diagnostic function of the game will help the child to know their abilities, and the educator to identify the presence or absence of deviations from normal behavior. Using the game, you can make neatly positive changes in the structure of personal indicators. The peculiarities of play activity also lie in the fact that the child learns to social and cultural norms and assimilates the values \u200b\u200band rules of human society and is included in the system of social relations.

Game and development of the child's speech

To a large extent, play affects the development of speech. In order for a child to successfully engage in a game situation, he needs a certain level of development of communication skills. The development of coherent speech is stimulated by the need to communicate with peers. In the game as a leading activity, the development of the symbolic function of speech is enhanced by replacing one subject with another. Subjects-substitutes act as signs of missing objects. Any element of reality that replaces another can be a sign. Subject-substitute transforms verbal content in a new way, mediating the connection between the word and the absent object.

Play contributes to the child's perception of two types of signs: iconic and individual. The sensory properties of the former are virtually approximated to the object being replaced, while the latter, by their sensory nature, have little to do with the object they designate.

Play also takes part in the formation of reflective thinking. So, for example, a child suffers and cries like a patient when he plays in the hospital, but at the same time he is pleased with himself because of a good performance.

The influence of play activity on the mental development of a child

The development of the play activity of preschoolers is directly related to the development of their mental state. Play helps to shape the personality and mental qualities of the child. It is from the game that other types of activities that take place in the future life of a person come out over time. Play, like nothing else, contributes to the development of attention, memory, because it requires the child to focus on objects in order to successfully enter the play situation. Role-playing games influence the development of imagination. The child learns to take on different roles, to replace some objects with others, to create new situations.

Game activity also affects the formation of a child’s personality. He learns to establish contact with peers, acquires communication skills, gets acquainted with the relationships and behavior of adults. Such activities as designing, drawing are closely merged with the game. They are already preparing the baby for work. He does something himself, with his own hands, while trying and worrying about the result. In such cases, the child must be praised, and this will become an incentive for him to improve.

Play in a child's life is as important as school for a student or work for an adult. This must be understood by both parents and educators. It is necessary to develop the interests of children in every possible way, to encourage their desire for victory, for a better result. As the baby grows up, you need to provide him with toys that affect mental development. Do not forget to play with your child yourself, because at these moments he feels the importance of what he is doing.