Rites of pagan Russia in the spring. Ancient rites dedicated to the forces of nature. Ancient rituals of different peoples of the world

Do you want Slavic conspiracies forever change your life for the better? To do this, you need to understand how they work. It is about the magical technique of ancient Slavs will be speech in this article.


Conspirs are called small folklore texts, with the help of which people are trying to achieve the desired in the producing, protective, medical and other rites. They are distinguished by the originality of semantics, language and structures. Execution of conspiracies is purely personal. In functional and genre attitude, they are close to folk prayers and spells.

Technique execution

Conspiracy Slavic first is pronounced with a snatch voice, and then with a whisper (especially therapeutic). The practice of priming healing conspiracy with the use of "Gorel singing" technology, which is usually used by shamans. Adherents of this reception state that it is this tone of a human voice that divine powers capture.

In the northern customs, the skill of "sinking" of conspiracies is practiced. That is why Rounic shamans should have had a sonorous voice, developed hearing and talent exhortation. The latter does not apply to oratorical art, but rather is an integral part of the charisma, natural charm, magnetism.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies are famous for their tradition of imposing curses (Magia Maleficio), which in his voice suggests a certain ominous tonality that highlights the magician among others. This sound is similar to a ungually and hoarse howl, causing heard his feeling of emotional depression and impressive discomfort.

Cosmogony and cosmology

As a rule, the conspiracies of Slavic recently recreate the components of the archaic reproduction of the Universe, including the details of the cosmogonic and cosmological representations - the center of the subway and its axis, the horizontal and vertical model of the universe, the earthly solid among the sea, the fidelled tree and heavenly shine, the rebirth and the decay of nature and so Further. In addition, they reproduce the elements of the legend of the sea king, the snake, personalized images of the lower and higher worlds, as well as the ideas about a man-microcosm (ailment, as a cosmic disaster and healing, as the restoration of the order of earthly yudoli), about his physiology and bodily substance, About his relationships with other creatures, details and much more.

Slavic conspiracies also show the main features of promoting the ancient mythological and real Christian models of the Universe.


Slavic paganism is called the system of pre-Christian concepts about a person and a subway, based on magic and legends. It is reconstructed according to language, rituals, folklore, beliefs and customs of Slavs. Such paganism can be perceived not only as the historical stage of the Mirosozenia Praslavan before the adoption of Christianity, but also as a special civilization model, the forms of which, mechanisms and semantic categories continued their existence and after the establishment of Orthodoxy.

Wedding rites and customs

Slavic rites and conspiracies were used by different tribes. Wedding customs differed depending on the type of marriage. The pagan Slavic marriage could sometimes be polygamy. The story allocates two types of marriage and wedding rituals in Slavic tribes, which are symbolically called "matriarchny" and "patriarchals".

Patriarchal marriage

Conspiracy Slavic Breed the minds of many people. Back in the 6th century, the Byzantine writer Mauritius described the morals of Polyan. He told that the decency of their women was at the highest level. Its written in his written that most of the wives thought their husband's death with her own end and voluntarily suffered themselves, not wanting to be in widowing the rest of his life.

For Varyagov-Russia, polyournalism and patriarchal marriage were characterized. In ancient Russia, the bride was taken by a fee called "Vine". The wedding ceremony was called "the groom's intention." In the chronicles, it is indicated that the bride has always been "brought."

Matriarchal marriage

Most data on pre-Christian customs and rites can be led from church instructions aimed against paganism. They say that during the wedding idolaters bride led to the river, in honor of the demons drank the bowl, and then the belts and rings into the water were added. And in these works it is told that the pagans were fought at the sleeps and fathers, they did not have weddings, since they touched the Melodia to themselves, claiming them. Very often these people had two or three wives.

The tradition of marriage in the water (well, lake) is confirmed by the late ethnographic facts - popular beliefs and ritual, which after the reforms of Nikon was reconstructed from some Old Believers.

Fallic ritual

It is absolutely clear that a certain wedding phallic rite really had in stock. Undoubtedly, the phallus was used as a Vedovo sign: he had to give the earth fertility, and the newlyweds fertility. The facts of this morality also assures archeology - men's advantages, carved from wood, were repeatedly found in the ancient Russian villages.

It is necessary to assume the old-Russian (and probably Slavic) wedding accompanied multiple manifestations of sexuality, with which people tried to cause fertility and fertility. Known by Berchinsky Novgorod grades, in which the Swachy notifies the marriage in pegless words: maybe they are associated with the cult of Mother Earth with which they compared the bride. In the same literacy, the old (XII century) is a wedding rite "train".

In Slavic marriage, unusual demonstrations of sexuality remained until recently in the form of "intense" chastushki. Apparently, the Russian mat goes its roots to the mythological archaic reservoir and was a ritual for a long time.

Love Slavic conspiracies were also met among the Novgorod Berevyaniy: with their help, the young men and the girls tried to attract the attention of the chosen one. So they tried to change their destiny.


Slavic prayers and conspiracies even hundreds of years ago were used by our ancestors. Already in those days the power and strength of the word were known, and the magic rites were constant companions of people. Many years have passed, but the spells and prayers of our great-grandparents are popular today. Many consider them very efficient and powerful. After all, centuries-old experience helped the most improvement of rituals.

Slavic magic, conspiracies were very popular among men and women. They often appeal to them for help. Different prayers were aimed at victory in the battle, mutual love, attracting good luck, successful trade, good harvest, good health and other areas of life.

Of course, the Slavic rites and conspiracies suggested following the basic rules: before the realization of any ritual, it was necessary to observe the strictest post. The man should have abandoned alcohol, meat dishes and tobacco.

It is known that the ancient Slavs spells are read by a whisper so that no one can hear the text, as it can adversely affect the effectiveness of the ceremony. Only a completely healthy person could carry out the rite. It was believed that if the sharpened performer would read the spell, he can get sick even more. Naturally, the effectiveness of the ritual in this case can be forgotten.

Slavs paid a lot of attention to the state of the teeth of the magician. If he had no front two teeth, they argued that he could not make strong conspiracies and spells. When a rite was made for someone, it was forbidden to pay for money. As a rule, the Slavs as a gratitude used food, which from the pure heart was given after the magic words began to act. Slavic prayers and conspiracies of a positive orientation were read on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday. These days were considered lungs.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies, having a negative promise, always raised on Mondays and Fridays. A person who performed such rites should have believing without reasoning to believe in the effectiveness of the witchcraft impact and in his forces. Slavs believed in the Fortress of Char and resorted to the deputy in a wide variety of situations. For them, prayers and spells were a productive way of influencing personal life, tribesmen and the result of activity.

Rite for health

Consider the famous Slavic conspiracies. Protection received with them is no doubt. The rite of health is a magical conspiracy, which is an effective means of different ailments and poor well-being in general. Ancient Slavs this prayer was used to combat different diseases. They read it with a whisper: "In the distant side, the white stone is on the island over the sea. Near the fuel stone is a man, father three sons, the sovereign. It takes out his sharp knife, cuts them all the ailments, dry dry lobs. So let it (the person's name), he is all the hands of the disease will cut off, put on the stone and closes the key. That key will throw in the sea, forever. My words are strong, they will be able to overcome only one who will express the stone to the teeth. Yes, it will be so! "Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can not miss a single day. Usually, a person begins to recover after two witchcraft sessions.

Prayer for happiness

Slavic brought to people happiness and well-being. If the evil rock pursued a man, he resorted to the help of a spell to correct the situation. This prayer is effective if his words are pronounced at dawn: "Oh, you, oh you, Mother's prechile, Lada Matushka! Do not leave, do not leave us without love and happiness! We left our grace, Icho Slavs and honor you! Tako be, Taco Budi, Takso, so far, Yaril's sun shines for us! " This text is read seven times in a row. If unhappiness and troubles do not disappear, in fourteen days you can repeat the ritual.

Spell on a strong baby

Slavic rituals, conspiracies and stoves very often used for the birth of healthy babies. The appearance of a new soul at all times was considered almost a magical process. Therefore, for the birth of a strong baby and today Prayer is read today: "Sister's sister, mother of the city, you hear our prayers, our words. Acceptance of the gifts bloodless Yes Give a healthy offspring to the woman in labor (the name of the woman). So you never interrupted our thread. Glory to chant you yes in the choir we invite you. From the circle to the circle, now and dream! Wood so! "

This prayer needs to be repeated three times. This ritual helps a woman to give birth to a strong child and makes childbirth quick.

Prayer from insomnia

Conspuses and spells were used to treat insomnia, which was considered a serious illness. At midnight, a man who had a dream problem was reading a prayer, putting his hand on his head: "Tuk-Tuk, a dream will come, and the ailments will go away. Firmly rest - see dreams. Get out thoughts, pass by passing by! Sweet to rest - healthy to be! Sleep (human name)! "

The words of the spell were repeated three times, after which the man fell asleep.

Wanted housing

Another antique Slavs, the defense of his own home was considered the main occupation. And in those days, there were a large number of different conspiracies and prayers on the champion of the house. The most productive was considered the messages to the houses. People thought that if he was pleased, he would surely defend the accommodation. This conspiracy was read in the evening: "The house, grandfather, you will not sleep, after the house, watch people evil by side, thieves ran away! We go to the dispenser, all keep! "

These words were repeated three times, after which the houses necessarily had a treat to abruptly.

Ritual to protect the life of a warrior

And conspiracies for fighters? The following lines have the following lines to save the life of the warrior: "Koval Esi you brother! Tin You yourself, and the Warfish Your Heart, your clay legs are yours, from the ground to heaven, I do not Kousai, Pupina - Otay! From the Earth, both of us! If I brought your brother's eyes on the cast, then you are fighting your heart allotment and your legs will boil. You don't bore my breast, but to plow the earth, you can not cut the chapters, but to scare flies. Well, Pasha Earth and Merry Grove Emptiness and Airspace! "


Slavs from time immemorials used spells and rites, some of which we never reproduce. But we know those conspiracies that people remembered and retelling each other. They are effective, powerful, harmonize with the forces of nature, because our ancestors received energy from there. Enchant love, find a lost, bring liar into clean water, attract wealth - all this and much more is possible if the old-Russian authority is correct.

Today, some stores sell the book of Slavic conspiracy. It is in it that the magic of the Magi, who devoted themselves to interactions with spirits, working with the forces of nature. It is known that strong conspiracies need to be pronounced with the mind, as they contain huge power, which can be curly. If you use the magic experience of the ancestors, you can open truth.

History silent about the fact that Slavs used powerful spells. Previously, there were strong magic - soothsters of the future. They prayed their own gods, made bloody sacrifices, knew how to manage the forces of nature. Their vorozhba was based on secret rituals. Magi lived away from human villages, since they prevented a worldly bustle.

Where did they draw strength? The energy of the Sun is considered the most powerful of natural. The victims were brought to this star, prayers were raised. When the clouds were absent in the sky, the Magi directly received the energy used in different purposes. Thunder and lightning are natural phenomena carrying terrible crushing force. They were able to curb only an experienced, old magician.

The land is considered the beginning and end of everything. Magi went barefoot to indifferently feel with the mother of the whole related relationship. They knew that all the Frameless Molves of the Earth would be heard.

Wind and water

Today, wind energy is often used by people, but in the current world the number of open spaces decreases, and Sukhov is clamped into the vice of megalopolises, buildings. In ancient times, vortices without obstacles walked along the ground, their energy could be delivered to anything anymotect.

It is known that the soft force of water can heal the ailments, carry the messages, wash off the curses, carry unfortunate love. Magitis kept their rites in the strictest mystery. If a random person saw a ritual, he could pay for it his life.

Ride in Ruses

The solido is the subject of home utensils, embodying the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth and fertility. It is connected with the motifs of the rain, the sun and the sky. This item is used in rituals as a keeper of gifts, is an integral part of miracles and reasonable. In folk traditional medicine, he plays the role of the Oberega, and in the divination - oracle.

Blood in rituals

In people's ideas, the blood is considered the focus of life, the soul inhabitant, a substance of vitality. It has diverse magic-ritual functions, first of all generating. Blood is the basis for central social concepts and institutions (blood revenge (kinship, sacrifice)). Conditional substituents of this fluid (mainly on the basis of color) protrude threads, viburnum, wine, canvas and other items. This substance relates to the concept of kinship and kind.


Many people ask: "What are the Vedas of conspiracy? Slavic plots - what is it? " represent a circle of ancient documents of the Aryan and Slavic peoples. They include both authorship and clearly dated Vedas and those transmitted orally and recorded relatively recently popular legends, epics, legends and the like.

In general, Russian Scriptures contain deep knowledge of nature and reflect human history on Earth over the past few hundred thousand years. They also contain predictions about the upcoming events for 40,176 years old, that is, before our time and another 167 years.

Milk in rituals

Milk at the Slavs was one of the main types of food (along with bread), the object of mythological beliefs, protection and maternal secret as a genetic product was vested with a sacred value. Dairy kinship was guarded by the usual right, along with other types of artificial (ritual) kinship (pedigree).

Without a doubt, using the technique of ancient Slavs, you can turn your life in a fairy tale.

From this article you will learn:

    What is Slavic paganism

    What stages were the Slavic paganism

    What characteristic features has Slavic paganism

    What is the essence of Slavic mythology

    What gods worshiped in Slavic paganism

    What rites are key in Slavic paganism

The system of religious beliefs in the ancient Slavs developed for many centuries. As a result, two cults were formed: reverence of ancestors and endowment of the Divine forces of natural phenomena. All this can be called one term: "Slavic paganism". Our forecasts did not have a single God, since the Slavic tribes did not seek to unite into political and economic unions. Only common traits of beliefs received widespread distribution: funeral rite, family-generic and agricultural cults. Most of all points of contact between various tribes are observed in the Old Slavic Pantheon. To date, only a few customs and rites remain unchanged, but they are noticeable by the imprint of modernity.

The main stages and features of Slavic paganism

Every people worshiped their gods. Like the Greeks or Romans, the Slavs also had their own pantheon. The gods and goddess attended it in it are the most different: good and evil, strengths and weak, main and minor.

Religion, when people are worshiped by several gods at the same time, are called multibium or politicalism. The term has occurred from the connection of two Greek words: "Poly" - a lot and "Teos" - God. We had such a religion to be called paganism - from the Old Slavonic word "language", i.e., ingenic peoples who did not accept Christianity.

In Slavic paganism there were several magical holidays, and such rites were conducted strictly on schedule. Our ancestors necessarily met and spent the seasons and agricultural seasons. For example, in December, the Slavs celebrated the arrival of the strides - the harsh god of winter. New Year, which was celebrated on January 1, was considered the best day for spells of well-being ahead.

Spring's arrival began "sunny" holidays. The sun symbolized pancakes in the carnival, as well as the scenario and burned on a high pole wheel. Simultaneously behind the outskirts of the village, the straw stuffed winter was grew. After spring, summer came, and his first week was devoted to the patrons of love - Lada and Lelo. These days were made singing funny songs and handle weddings.

In Slavic paganism, an important place was an important place to worship the gods of the elements, as well as those from the deities, who patronized a certain type of human activity. The images of the gods were decorated with urban areas, the whole temples were erected, followed by Magi, Whales and Priests-Kudesniki. In Slavic paganism there are their own myths about the life and acts of the gods. Especially the forefathers were grateful to the God of the Sun, who taught people of the former business and established the arch of family rules.

Today, much of the Slavic paganism, unfortunately, is forgotten. And therefore, modern scientists interpret the religious and mythological ideas of our ancestors.

If we talk about the periodization of the Slavic paganism, then most often allocated four main stages of religion development:

Cult of Gups and Beregin

People who lived in the Stone Age, all the phenomena of nature endowed the spiritual start. The existing spirits could be tuned to a person both hostile and benevolently. The most ancient cult is considered to be a worship of Buregin. For the Slavs, they were keepers of life and patrons of a homely hearth.

But a special place among them was held by Bereginy-Earth. Neighborhoods were depicted by the rite of serving this goddess: the hands of Bereginy raised, and over her head - several solar discs. In the Slavic paganism, the Great Goddess was inseparable from other symbols of life - flowers and trees. No wonder the sacred tree of our ancestors is called "Birch" - in a word, similar to the sound with the name of the goddess.

The cult of "kind" and "Rozhanitsa"

In the Slavic paganism, Makosh and Lada (Rozhanitsa) appeared earlier than the kind, even during the time of the matriarch. These goddess of cult fertility were responsible for female fertility. But the matriarchy was changed by Patriarchate, and at the head of the Pantheon rose, also symbolizing fertility, but already male. The formation of a monotheistic religion, where the genus is the main, refer to VIII - IX centuries.

Cult Perun.

In the second century, Kievan Rus was founded, and the Supreme Divine of Slavic Panuton became Perun. Initially, it was God of thunderstorms, lightning and thunder, but after some time, Perun began to be considered a patron of war, warriors and princes. Kiev Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in 979-980. Commanded to collect various Slavic gods in one place and to arrange the chapter, in the center of which to set the image of Perun. The Supreme Divine was surrounded by other gods:

    Dazhibogog. - Gunner of the Heavenly Goods and God of Light;

    Svaloga - Father of Dazhbog, the deity of the Upper Tarus of the Heaven and the Universe;

    Horse - the deity of the solar disk;

    Makosh - an ancient goddess of land;

    Simargl - portrayed in the form of a winged dog and answered the seeds, roots and sprouts.

Time after making Christianity

Many Rusichi, even being baptized, at the same time continued to worship their gods. This is the so-called dual period in Slavic paganism. Starting from the X century, Christianity gradually takes the top of the pagan culture, and the times of ancient beliefs end. But so you can speak only in a formal sense. In fact, the vintage cults did not disappear completely. They lost their initial magical significance, but still remained in oral folk art, their echoes are present in decorative and applied arts.

Myths of Slavic paternalism

The Slavic belief system is no less interesting than any other. It is simultaneously similar, and does not look like Greek or Scandinavian myths. Having certain common features with them, Slavic pagan mythology contains many unique elements. Knowledge, legends and legends of our ancestors, the order of the world's device is not repeated in the epos of any other people.

Mythology, which was inherited from the times of Slavic pagan, reached our days not only in a strongly trimmed, but also recycled. The fact is that the writing from the Slavs appeared much later than the Greeks - already at the very end of the pagan history. But, despite the diversity of ethnic groups and religions, the Slavs managed to maintain the ideas characteristic of distant ancestors. For example, it is not necessary to go far, it is enough to remember the tradition of burning the stuffed winter on the carnival.

Of particular interest is the most ancient our mythology. The system of gods in Slavic paganism looks like this:

    The inhabitants of the highest level were the gods, personified all living things. For example, the weld was identified with the sky. At the same level there was an earth and her with the welw kids - Perun, fire and Dazhbog.

    The average level, according to the myths of Slavic paganism, settled the Divities responsible for the economy, as well as for the development of certain tribes - Chur, Rod and many others.

    At the lowest level, essentially lived, or otherwise associated with the environment - the debt and mermaids, houses and gaps.

The cult of ancestors was very important in the Slavic paganism: the legendary plants were respected and read in every way. No less attention to the Slavs was given to the issues of origin and development of the world.

Scientists believe that the Slavic pagan mythology has developed even before the formation of individual tribes. Therefore, there was no need for some special rituals, the priesthood did not manage to develop widely.

The main feature of Slavic paganism was that the real world was closely related to the beings of the lowest level. Moreover, they could help how to harm people. Our ancestors believed in the houses and ledgers, Beregin and Gupy. Based on this, the ordinary life was full of riddles, and any unusual phenomenon could be explained from the point of view of the intervention of these spirits.

If with small entities, it was still possible to somehow agree or overcome them, then the will of the middle and higher gods should be performed unquestioned. Ancient Slavs experienced fear of nature forces and anger ancestors. Delivering Divine Essences Our forecasts tried with the help of festive rites, some of which are known today.

The gods of Slavic paganism and worship them

At the heart of Slavic paganism lies a huge life experience of our ancestors. People not only knew the world around themselves, but also tried to understand their own essence. The number of Slavic gods was very large, and it is not surprising that the names of many of them are now forgotten.

In the Slavic pagan religion, all the gods stood on a particular stage of the hierarchical staircase. And in different tribes, various deities could use the greatest wrench.

The most ancient male deity is considered Rank. This God of the sky, thunderstorms and fertility worshiped all the nations without exception. According to the mythology of Slavic paganism, the genus moved on the cloud, sprinkled the earth with rain, and thanks to this, children were born. The genus was the Creator of the whole and at the same time His Lord.

If we talk about the etymology of Slavic words, many of them are just the root of "genus". Words with such a root have a lot of meanings: kinship and birth, water (spring) and profits (harvest). Everyone knows the concepts of the Motherland and the People. "Rod" can mean red and zipper (the ball is called "Rhodium"). The number of words formed by this root is unusually large, which once again confirms the greatness of the kind as God.

Svaloga It is the first embodiment of the genus on earth. This is the uniform deity of the Universe and at the same time god-blacksman, who presented the secrets of working with the metal. Svaty symbols are hammer and anvil, and any forge is the chap. The meaning of the Slavic root of "weld" is something shining and burning. In many northern dialects, the word "var" and today means heat or burning.

Regarding the god of the Sun in the Slavic paganism, the opinions of scientists disagree. Some are leaning towards Dazhbogu, others are convinced that it was Yarilo, according to the third - Lights. But no one denies that the Sun of Slava (especially southeastern, where no one has ever complained about the lack of sunlight) Horse.

The roots "Honor" and "Kolo" in antiquity meant a circle and a solar sign of the sun. Speaking "choirs", ancestors meant a circular building of the yard. And the words "dance" and "Wheel" are not even considered outdated.

Two large holidays are devoted to this god in Slavic pagan culture. One of them is celebrated on the day of the summer solstice, the other - winter. In June, our ancestors from the mountain to the river were sure to roll the TV wheel, implying the sun to roll back for the winter. In December, he was honored, Yaril, and others.

Word Kolyadait happened from Kolo. The latter meant the "Sun-Baby". He was represented in the form of a child - and no matter, a boy or a girl. When the child is very small, the floor does not matter, and the word "sun" itself at the Slavs of the middle kind. His birth, the Divine is obliged to justice the winter solstice: on this day the sun was born next year.

The carriage is a rather protracted holiday, which celebrated several days, from December 25 (Christmas Eve) on January 6 (Velezov Day). Strong frosts and snow blizzards usually fell on the wheelchade. At the same time, unclean strength and evil witch, fortifying months and stars walked along the ground.

Dazhbog.Most of all was honored by East Slavic tribes. The task of the Dazhbog is to keep their own genus and give people the earthly benefits. This deity is responsible for all the main phenomena of nature: light, heat and movement. Under the latter it is understood as the alternation of the seasons, the change of day and night, etc. Perhaps in Slavic paganism, the role of Dazhbog was even a significant role of the Sun God, although they coincided with something. Under Dazhibogogov understood the whole white light.

Belbog In Slavic paganism was God of good luck and happiness, the keeper of good and justice. We have reached the statue of Belbog, holding a piece of iron in her hand. In antiquity to restore justice, the test was practiced. If a person was suspected of any crime, he was forced to squeeze in his hand a hot piece of metal and pass so at least ten steps. If there was no trace of burn, the charges were filmed. Man, branded iron, was doomed to eternal shame. Based on this, it can be concluded that Belbog was also responsible for justice. However, other supreme gods in Slavic palace also carried this function, being the highest judges and jeques of justice. They punishable and guarded the genus from the loss of morality.

Perun- the pagan god of thunder and zipper. He had a lot of relatives and assistants. In his check, in addition to thunder and lightning were rain and hail, mermaids and water, as well as four winds corresponding to the parties of light. That is why the day of Perun is considered Thursday. Although in some traditions of the Slavic pagan winds there were seven, ten, twelve or just a great set. Those who considered sacred forests and rivers were dedicated to Perun.

Veles.One of the most ancient pagan gods, who worshiped Eastern Slavs. Initially, was the patron saint of hunters. There was a taboo on the deified beast, so God was called "Wolly", "Hair" and "Veles". Under this name, the spirit of the murdered beast was meant. The root "led" in the ancient Slavs had the meaning of the "dead". It was measured to be pressed for our ancestors, to join the soul to their heavenly ancestors, leaving the earth's body.

Also in the Slavic paganism there was a tradition after the harvest to leave "the jum of the hair of the hair on a beard". Slavs were confident that the ancestors resting in the land helps to become more fertile. Worship Veleza as a pagan born to God was at the same time a tribute to the ancestors, was associated not only with a rich harvest, but also with the well-being of the genus. No wonder in the Slavic pagan tradition of herbs and flowers, bushes and trees were called "hair of the earth."

The goddess women who worshiped the Slavs came from the ancient pagan cult of rolling. One of the main goddesses of East Slavic tribes - Makosh. In this name, two parts. "MA" means "mother", and "Kosh" is a basket or a walker. It turns out that Makos is a mother of full baskets, the goddess of a good harvest. It is not necessary to confuse it from the pagan goddess of fertility, because Makakos, as opposed to her, however, the results of the agricultural season will bring the results of the agricultural season, gives people the relevant benefits.

The harvest can not be the same from year to year, sometime it is more, but sometime less. Slavic paganism meant faith in fate. It was from her that it was on how to give a year - successful or not. Therefore, Makos was at the same time the goddess of fate. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, pagan Mankos was transformed into Orthodox Paraskeva Friday, as well as the Slavic goddess, patroness of marriage and family happiness.

One of the most beloved Slavs goddesses was Ladaresponsible for love, charm and beauty. As soon as spring comes, the time of pagan) holidays occurred, time to play burners. The word "burn" had and meaning to "love." And the love itself was often compared with red, fire and even a fire.

In the Slavic pavement, the root of "LAD" was distributed in words having a marriage value. For example, the matchmaker was called a ladyl, a wedding song - cute, beloved - Freak. In modern language there are such words as "Lady" (living in harmony) and "rude" (beautiful).

The Lada had a child named Lel. His task is to encourage nature to fertilization, to associate people with marriages. There is also a female hyposta of this pagan deity, called Lelle, Lelia or Lyalya.

The second son of Goddess Lada in Slavic paganism Polel.The god of marriage depicted dressed in a simple white shirt and with a terns crown on her head. The second one wedge stretched his wife. The task was to bless lovers to a thorny family life.

Slavic pagan traditions are associated with switches and God named Znier with his fire, heat and sacred flame of love.

Light gods in Slavic paganism oppose the gods dark. One of them - Chernobog, which is the ruler of the underground world. Such concepts as the "Black Soul", "Black Day" are associated with this deity.

As a goddess of death, the Slavs performed Mara (MA). The words "die", "dead" and others have occurred, probably from her behalf. You can also remember the pagan goddesses of death Jelly"Parentine words" regret ", pity," and Karnu., from which the expressions "Obeda" went, "Fixed Kara", etc. In other tribes of these deities, embodying the infinite compassion, called Jebla and Crucian.In Slavic paganism it was believed that a person could relieve his soul and prevent many misfortunes, only uttered these names. It is not at all by chance that the Slavic pagan folklore is filled with different kind of crying and inhibitory.

Key skills of Slavic paganism

In addition to its own system of gods in Slavic paganism there were various rituals and rites. They accompanied the person throughout his life, being the symbols of the next natural cycle or a life stage. The very essence of the Slavic paganism lies in the pursuit of a person to connect with nature, and therefore with the gods. Each ritual had his deep meaning, no rite was carried out just like that. Belief in natural forces in the ancient Slavs was infinite.

Rite name

He was conducted by pagan priests, and only after a person did the Slavic faith. During the years of his life, the name could change several times, then much depended on the kind of human activity, its abilities and inclinations. Features of Slavic paganism are that in different communities such a rite could be carried out in different ways, and very much depended on the priests. But the essence always remained alone: \u200b\u200ba person was supposed to gain his native Slavic name, connecting him with the genus in the energy information plan.

The named connected to the generic energy field and received the protection of the Slavic gods. Those who else at birth called the native name, in such a rite no longer needed. According to essays on Slavic paganism, the further fate of a person depended from the choice of name. The one who took the new name, as if reborn and stagned on a completely new, unknown path. This man could no longer be the same.

The name for Slavs was the key to generic memory. Volkhv, making a commander of the name (and sometimes the name itself) had to "hear" the name in the spirit and then pronounce it out loud, thereby connecting the world of the Spirit and the World of Javi. The choice of name has never followed. At first, a person had to accurately determine the direction of his way - or to know the Divine Will. The name was to be born from the gods, and not from the worldly mud.

Wedding ritual

Truly, the wedding is the evasive Treka Roda, creative in the turn of his every kind of Russian, from the tribe of Slavyansky, the soul of soul and the body in the health dwell. Truly, the Slavs will not take his wife - it is equal that the wife of Slavic children does not give birth - it is equal that the case of the ancestors does not continue - it is equal to the gods to the gods to the gods, they do not fulfill them. The opposite is to create - it is equal that the grains into the lot of rubble - according to the rules of God to live - the debt to fulfill - to renew the fathers. For the debt of every person on Earth is to save and continue its own, the debt of every Rusich and Slavyanina is to continue the genus Russian and Slavic. The generation chain should continue and be inseparable.

This rite is in Slavic paganism, like the birth of a person, and the introduction of him in the genus, and the burial was considered in life a very important event. On this occasion, not even intramey, but general-time pagan festivals were satisfied. After all, the connection of the young with the goal to live further life together is the case of not only close people, and the whole thing, and both earthly (relatives) and heavenly (ancestors), and even the genus of the Most High.

The wedding in Slavic pavement was just ended. It all started with the matchmaking, followed by looting and collusion. During the last side, they were finally solved, the bride will be dowred. After that, there was a wedding and other pagan acts, for example, with mutual agreement, the bride could steal. If this happened, the groom was obliged to pay the father of the bride of the Vine - ransom. When a day or two remained before the wedding, a special ritual loaf, decorated with fertility signs. In addition to him, he was preparing a jury - cake with chicken, who had to personify happiness and prosperity in the future family.

Rite new school

One of the holidays in Slavic paganism was considered a housewarming. Even when the house was just beginning to be built, our ancestors spent many rituals against the beams of unclean strength. But the most dangerous moment was believed to move to a new home. It was believed that evil spirits would always try to prevent a happy and prosperous life for the owners. In order to avoid the evil influence of the unclean strength and held a pagan coastal rite of the Novoseli, and in many regions of the country, such a practice remained up to the middle of the nineteenth century.

According to Slavic pagan traditions, before the construction of the house, it was necessary to choose the plot and building materials suitable for him. To search for a better place used various stags. A good sign, for example, it was considered that if left on the cast iron with a spider, the latter began to weave the web. Sometimes it was used for the same purpose, a poverty filled with honey. If there were ants in it in search of food, the plot was considered happy. Another pagan way of determining a good place for construction was to be released on a bug of the Earth. Where she went to bed, and began to erect the house.

In the Slavic paganism there were special conspiracies that help in choosing a place for housing. A person who started to put a new hut was supposed to collect the stone from different fields and decompose them on the studied plot in the form of a quadrangle. Inside it was necessary to put a hat and read a special pagan plot. After three days of waiting, it was necessary to look at the stones again. If they lay in their place intact - the plot of pagan beliefs was defined as successful.

Belarusians still believe that it is impossible to build a house on controversial land. The person who lost a litigation can send a curse on the host of the housing, and happiness from that forever will turn away. According to the traditions of Slavic paganism, the hut was impossible to put on the site where human bones were found. Even if someone cut her hand or leg at this place, the site for construction should have selected another.

Bath rit

Even today, this rite of Slavic paganism is completely forgotten. It is assumed that a person who crossed the threshold of the bath should greet her host - a banner. This greeting is simultaneously a certain pagan plot of the space in which the ritual of ablution will be carried out. With the help of special words, the environment is adjusted to a certain way. Moreover, these words can be prepared in advance and pronounce spontaneously, entering the pair.

After reading this pagan conspiracy, it is necessary to splash onto the hot water from the bucket and the circular movements of the broom to distribute the rising steam throughout the bath. Instead of a broom, it is not forbidden to use a towel. This is how easy pairs are created. The secret is that pairs indoors are usually divided into several layers. Below, these layers are wet and cold, but the higher, the more dry and hot air becomes. Couple, which does not mix accordingly, is "heavy".

A person in such a bath is not too comfortable, because his legs are cooled, and the head, on the contrary, heats up. If you do not create a single temperature on temperature and humidity, the body will be in completely different layers of steam, and to get any pleasure from the procedure becomes problematic. Because of the feeling of some kind of disunity, it will not be easy to do.

Kalinov Bridge (funeral rite)

The funeral rite adopted in the Slavic pavement has even its own name, and not one. He is called Kalinov Bridge or Star Bridge. He binds among himself to the Jaw and Nava, the world of living and the world of the dead. It is passing on this bridge that the man's soul turns out to be on that light. The pagan legends of the ancient Slavs mention the magic bridge, and only the souls of those people can be distinguished to be distinguished by kindness and courage, honesty and justice.

This bridge can be seen in clear nights at the sky, and the name is the Milky Way. The righteous people are those who live on the covenants of the gods, according to Rules and Pravdam - can easily cross this bridge and be in bright Irie. People are unrighteous - all sorts of deceivers and envious, rapists and murderers - from the star bridge fall and get straight to the lower world Navave. By the way, under the murderers there are people who have come to a crime of corrosive and evil intents, and not at all those who committed this act, protecting the nature of Slavic. If a person in life had a lot of good actions and a lot of bad, he would have to pass tests - and for everyone they will be.

During the funeral rite adopted in the Slavic paganism, a plastic team was attended. Under their inclusion, the funeral procession was supposed to go through the symbolic starry bridge, as if without a person's soul to the point of intersection of the two worlds - Yavi and Navi. After that, the body of the deceased was laid on the burial bonfire laid out in the form of a rectangle. The height of the cras (which translated means "sacrificial fire") was supposed to be on the shoulders of an adult or even higher. From the inside the steal was stuffed with dry straw and branches.

Mostvin was manufactured in the form of a rook, which was put on the bonfire to the sunset. There were gifts and a memorial meal. The deceased was closed in white clothes and covered on top with white bedspread. The deceased should have lying his head to the East. The right to light the burial bonfire had either an elder, or the Muck, pre-ending the belt and standing back to the sacrificent fire.


In Slavic paganism there are several dedicated ritual harvests. But among them it is especially important to start the process and its ending, clashes and movies.

Magic rituals and pagan rites were not carried out at a certain day, but were tied to the time of ripening of certain cultures. With the help of Ref (sacrificial rites), our ancestors thanked the land for her harvest. Magic actions were aimed at re-make the soil fertile, capable of going to next year. However, this pagan rite has pursued a purely utilitarian goal: the rebels should have had a little rest from hard work.

According to the traditions of Slavic paganism, for a successful harvest, it was necessary to properly choose the fanitress - employed hardwood, having strength, health and "easy hand". The choice has never fallen on pregnant women. Moreover, they did not even have the right to look at the clashes. Otherwise, the whole future harvest could be "severe."

The firing was chosen at the general meeting. Moreover, the elect thoroughly prepared for the rite: the soap is a home altar, rubbed the shop and table. The tabletop chalived the tablecloth so that the first compressed ears can be put on clean. After that, the fanish washed, dressed in a fresh white shirt and went to Niva in the evening. She was supposed to go fast, without stopping, it was assumed that the speed and success of the harvest depends on it. Having reached the field, the woman threw the upper clothes and began to work without delay.

It was also necessary home to go home. Some Slavic pagan traditions meant the secret clasina. The chosen worker was supposed to go to his Niva. But when she returned from the field, all in the settlement already knew: the case was done, and the next morning you can safely begin to the harvest.

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One of the main customs of the ancient Slavs was that all generations of the family lived under the same roof, as well as somewhere near the house there was a family cemetery, so in the life of the family, the dead ancestors were invisible.

Children in those times were born much more than in our time, i.e. By the number of children in the family of the ancient Slavs and modern families are very different, according to this, the pagans, a man, was not considered to be acknowledged to bring so much wives to their home as he could feed. Those. In such a house, they lived, about the four-five brothers with wives, children, parents, grandparents, grandparents, uncle, aunts, cousins, threefold.

Each person who lived in such a family, considered himself primarily a member of the kind, and not an individual. As well as any Slavs could call his ancestors for several centuries ago and tell detail about each of them. Numerous holidays were associated with the ancestors, many of whom survived to this day (Radunitsa, Parental Day).

Meeting, the ancient Slavs had to mention whose son, grandson and great-grandchildren, without this, people would find that a person who did not call his father and grandfather, which hides. Each family had a definite reputation. In one people were famous for honesty and nobility, there were fraudsters in each other, therefore the representative of this kind was met, followed the elder. The man knew that during the first acquaintance it would be assessed as it deserves his genus. On the other hand, he himself felt responsible for the whole big family.

In those days, everyday clothes of each Slavman represented his full "passport". Everyone's clothing contained a huge number of details of those who talked about its owner: what kind of tribe is what kind of tribe, what kind, etc. Looking at the clothes, it was immediately possible to determine who this is and from where, and therefore, and how to behave with him.

In this kind, never had any forgotten children, nor abandoned old men. Human society took care of every member, worrying about the survival of the genus and society as a whole.

The house, always defended, asylum, in the beliefs was opposed to the rest, someone else's. He was the first concern for any man who decided to stand out from the former family. The place for the construction was chosen very carefully, it covered whether luck would be in the house, happiness and wealth. The place was considered to be the place where the bath had previously stood, a suicide was buried, where the house was burning, etc. On the famous place set water in an open-air water in any vessel. If it retains purity and transparency by the morning, then it was considered a good sign.

Starting work, prayed to the sunrise and drank the "Zaruchnaya" owner. Three things put in the front, "holy" angle: money (coin) - "for wealth", incense - "for holiness", sheep wool - "for heat." From above, under the roof, a carved crest was put on the outstanding figures, for example, a rooster. Like a meaning bird, he was very revered by ancient Slavs. It was believed that the rooster awakens the sun to life, returns light and warmth to the ground. In the case of a rooster, the Slavs personified heavenly fire. He failed a house from a fire and a lightning strike. Moving to a new home made at night, in full moon. He was accompanied by various rites. The owners usually carried a rooster, a cat, icon and bread-salt; Often - pot of porridge, coals from the old oven, garbage from the old house, etc.

The trash in beliefs and the magic of the ancient Slavs is the at home attribute, a service for ancestors. He was transferred with relocation, hoping that, together with him, the spirit would go to the new house - the guardian of the house, luck, wealth and well-being. We used trash in fortune telling and at various magical purposes, for example, fured out the smoke of burning garbage from the evil eye.

One of the sacral centers of the house was a furnace. The furnace prepared food, they slept on it, in some places it was used as a bath; Pretty medicine was connected mainly with her. The oven symbolized a woman who giving birth to a female launo. She was the main faith of the family inside the house. The furnace was given oaths, the furnace pillar concluded a contract; In the tube hid milk teeth of children and cord of newborns; In the sun, the patron of the house was inhabitted - the house.

The subject of special reverence was the table. When selling at home, the table was necessarily transferred to the new owner. It was usually moving only when committing some rites, such as weddings or funerals. Then the ritual traverse of the table was performed, or they decided around it a newborn. The table was both the initial and end point of any path. He was kicked before long dear and on returning home.

Part of the house vested with many symbolic functions - window. It was often used as "Nearby exit from the house" to deceive unclean spirits, illness, etc. For example, if children died in the house, the newborn was transferred through the window so that it remains to live. The windows were often perceived and as a path for something saint, clean. Through the windows were not allowed to do not care, pour out, throw away the garbage, as under them, according to the belief, it is an angel of the Lord.

If the house was a protecting, asylum, then the gate was the symbol of the boundary between their, mastered space and a stranger, the outside world. They were considered a dangerous place where every unclean power lives. The image was performed on the gate, and in the morning, coming out of the house, prayed first to the church, then on the sun, and then on the gate and on all four sides. They were often attached to the wedding candle, they stuck in them the cream's teeth or hung the braid to protect against unclean spirits, stuck in the gate of the gates of prickly plants as a wanted from witches. In the gate from ancient times various magical actions were performed. In their traditionally early spring burned fires, which cleaned the space of the gate, and with him all the space of the yard.

Initiation, funeral and wedding as basic rites


To become a member of the tribe, the child was supposed to go through the initiation rite. She took place in three steps.

The first is directly at birth, when the hanging was covered with a bunch of the tip of the battle boom in the case of a boy or scissors in the case of a girl, and a baby's shoe in a diaper with signs of the genus.

Upon reaching the boy for three years, he passed to Stopsti - that is, he was planted on the horse, she was shued by a sword and three times drove around the courtyard. After that, he was started to learn actually male duties. The girl for the first time was given to the gifted and spinning. The action is also sacral, and the first thread, a sacrificed daughter, the mother washing her on the wedding day to protect against damage. Spinning in all nations has been associated with fate, and from the three-year-old age girls taught the fate of themselves and their home.

In the twelve to thirteen years, upon reaching the marriage, boys and girls led to the male and female houses, where they received a complete set of sacred knowledge necessary for them in life. After that, the girl pushed in a string (the rod of the skirt, carried over the shirt and talked about maturity). The young man after the initiation received the right to wear combat weapons and marry.


The marriages of various Slavic peoples were different. The most common rite was such.

The wedding consisted of worshiping Lada, Triglan and Sign, after which the Volkhv called upon them the blessing, and the newlyweds managed to three times around the sacred tree as usual around the birch), calling for the Witnesses of the Gods and Bereginr of the place where the rite took place.

In mandatory, the wedding preceded the abduction of the bride or conspiracy. In general, the bride was supposed to go to a new family (genus) forcibly, so as not to insult spirits of the guardians of a kind ("I do not give out, under the power lead"). Therefore, the long-term sad, sorrowful songs of the bride and her sobs are connected with it.

There were no newlyweds on the peer, they were forbidden, it was believed that they would be drunk from love. The first night took place on the thirtyati snops, covered with furs (the wish of wealth and many hours).

The funeral

The Slavs had several funeral rites. The first, during the heyday of paganism, was the burnt rite, followed by the mound of Kurgan.

In the second way, buried the so-called "stosed" dead people - dead suspicious, unclean death. The funeral of such dead was expressed in the throwing of the body away in the swamp or ravine, after which this body was born on top of branches. The rite was performed precisely in such a form in order not to desecrate the land and the water "unclean" dead man.

The burial in the ground, habitual in our time, is widely spread only after the adoption of Christianity.

Conclusion: Many traditions, customs and rites existing in the ancient Slavs, reached our time.

Officially, the pagan rites were actively practiced in Eastern Europe until 998, when Christianity was taken. However, it will be naive to believe that with the arrival of the official religion paganism in all its manifestations completely disappeared. In particular, many pagan rituals reached us, although in a somewhat modified form.

In the article:

Paganism involves a whole pantheon of the gods, entities of various sense, forces of nature, elements.

Since ancient times, people communicated with the highest forces in three basic ways. First, it is a verbal appeal, which took the diverse forms: from prayers to conspiracy and encouraging. Secondly, a slight appeal to the deities, spirits, nature forces. The manifestation of this method of contact with the Divine Forces was various ritual dances and dances, magic gestures, rites. The third way to establish contact was the use of symbols - fetish, amulets, talismans ...
Krasnov I. P. "Nazi - Slavic Augers"

At the same time, pagan pantheons do not share strictly gods on "bad" and "good."
Slavs, like any pagans, existed many rites and. They appealed to the forces of nature, for example, in conspiracies, directly to any creature, if they wanted to drop it, to the gods, if they asked for something.

Among the most famous pagan rituals and holidays, you can call Sky, Maslenitsa, Rusalia, Day of Ivan Klapala, Outnaire. Holidays from our ancestors correlated:

  • with agricultural work (for example, Yarilo, Lelnik, Livin Day);
  • with astronomical calendar (the days of solstice and equinox);
  • with the concept of kind and family (Chur, Radonitsa Day);
  • with a change of seasons.

These holidays held pagan rituals of the reverence of the kind, ancestors and gods, which, as a rule, carried out the Muck in a special sacred place - the Kapic. Similar places were located next to each village or settlement. He applied with a greeting for help, asked for protection. The generous gifts were brought, dance was found.
The most famous Slavic rituals practiced to this day are saty fortune telling. It is curious that they almost did not change for so many centuries. First of all, it concerns numerous ways to look into the future and see their narrowed: variations of fortune telling with a mirror, ring, rooster, threads, by shadows, with an egg. All these rituals were held at home. Another large group belongs to ways to learn about the future spouse, going outside. In this case, the name of the first oncoming man asked how many times the dog sneaks, rose boots on the road to learn the direction where the narrowed would come from, eavenned neighbors. There is also a number of conspiracy to call sleep about the narrowed.

As in any other magical tradition, in Slavic magic there were their whites and black magicians. To white attributed to the wiccation, naisa, protective conspiracies, barking fortune telling, the treatment of herbs, signs, protective talismans and charms. Dark was considered love spells, evil eye, damage, as well as rites to appeal to the dark gods and various evil entities.

Interestingly, for centuries the theory, as such, there was no theory of Slavic magicians. All knowledge passed from the mouth to mouth, from the mother to his daughter, from the teacher to the student.

With the advent of Orthodoxy, many Slavic traditions and holidays changed their name, they began to be attached not to natural phenomena or agricultural calendar, but to Orthodox holidays. Slavic gods began to be called the names of the saints. The essence of some rituals lost. However, the main of them remained, and, even if we are modified, but are still celebrated.

The texts of many conspiracies were redone under the influence of Orthodoxy. In rituals there were such elements like holy water, as well as church candles and earth. Nevertheless, they continue to actively use it to this day.

Rituals and rites are only part of the rich Slavic culture that has incorporated the subsequent development of the peoples of Eastern Europe. Scientists still explore the burial preserved to our days. In the last twenty years, the Slavic paganism gained the second life. In particular, this is due to numerous reconstruction communities, which restore not only the life of our ancestors, but also the cultural component.

You can take advantage of the numerous rituals of the ancient Slavs. All of them attract their ease, simplicity and high efficiency.

In contact with

In this article:

In Russia, pagan beliefs were common everywhere. People believed and worshiped various gods, and so continued until 988, when Christianity became official religion in the country. Since then, the pagans were persecuted by the Orthodox Church, which did everything to eradicate ancient beliefs from the heads of Russian people. Nevertheless, Christianity did not manage to completely destroy the Slavic paganism and in the modified form it came to the present day.

Today, the pagan beliefs and associated magic rituals are becoming increasingly popular among ordinary people. The rites of Slavs were very diverse, but they all had the worship of the gods of nature, whom Christianity equated to demon.

Our ancestors worshiped nature and basic elements, they sincerely believed in human relationship with animals and gods. Every Slavic community in Russia worshiped his deities. In the pre-Christian world, there was no single idea of \u200b\u200bthe gods and about the higher world as a whole, did not exist and there was no single pantheon of the gods, as it was, for example, in ancient Greece or ancient Rome.

Slavic rituals

Our ancestors with you have existed a huge number of different rites, as they say, for all occasions. But Slavs paid special attention to the burial rite. There were two main burial methods on the territory of Russia: burning and bodybake. With the ritual of the burning, everything is clear, it is also used by people in the form of cremation. Cloaks - the oldest type of burial used by Slavs. He provided for giving the body of the human position of the embryo in the womb.

This rite was associated with faith in the fact that after death a person is experiencing the second birth. This type of burial existed to the Bronze Age, when he was refused due to the emergence of new beliefs that after the death of a man's soul rises to heaven to the gods. To help your soul to free yourself from the corporal shell, our ancestors began to burn the bodies of the dead relatives, and the dust gave the earth, that is, the remains of the human body were returned to where it appeared.

Saty walks

Many Slavic rites were associated with various holidays, which were revered by various communities and tribes. One of the most revered holidays was considered the shinties, at this time people were dressed in animal clothes and attached to dances and fun. Such mascaras continued throughout the entire shield and reached their apogee in early January.

With the arrival of Christianity, the pagan holidays were replaced by Orthodox, however, people did not forget their roots and along with the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin, celebrated and the holiday of all the births.

Paganism and modernity

Paganism never was eradicated from the minds and hearts of Russian people. Today we continue to follow the traditions and beliefs of our ancestors, without even thinking about it. For example, who did not hear the stories about a variety of unclean, which can be found in the forests, rivers and even houses? Did someone forget about Lesheme, about the houses, about mermaids and kyimochi?

All this came to us from the depths of centuries, from the beliefs of our ancestors in pre-Christian times. Even many vintage fairy tales retold by well-known writers are rooted in the beliefs of pagans. Thus, today the mother tells their children all the same instructive stories where generations of the ancient Slavs grew. And with this it is impossible to do anything. So it was, it is, and so will always be in Russia.


Rituals of pagans

Pagan Slavic magical rituals are an integral and very important part of folk traditions. Many witchcraft rites were confined to various holidays, and it was possible to spend them only in a strictly defined time. Magia most often used with housewarming, after the wedding, during the harvest and in other important community moments.

Almost all Slavic magic rituals are based on a call for assistance aimed at the highest forces.

As the highest strength they could act as the gods and the natural spirit, as well as the souls of the pretexts and various mythological creatures. Slavs believed that there are three worlds: the world of Javi, the world of Navi and the world of rules. The world is clear - this is the visible world in which people live. Naviye Mir - the world where spirits live, mythological creatures, the evil spirits and souls of the dead. The world of the rule is the world in which the gods and souls of nice ancestors live. The world of people should be in harmony with other worlds.

Any pagan Slavic ritual is a sacral action in which the service of the gods, the discooling of respect and honor ancestors occupies a special place. That is why the process of conducting a magical rite, a person must approach very seriously, and for this it was necessary to have a special theoretical and practical training. Complex rituals could only carry out the magic, however, there were many rites that were known to each person, among them conspiracy to health and good luck, rituals for love and well-being in the family, and much more. Many such rituals reached our days in primeval form.

Pategorical Love

This magic rite needs to be dark at night during the growing moon or new moon. To carry out the ritual, you need to take from a pure spring, which is far from the places of residence of people a little water. At this time, you need to listen to all sounds from the outside world.

Such phenomena, like a loud rope karking, barking dogs or howl wolf was considered a bad sign, and if such a sign was given, then water could not be taken from the chosen source.

After the water was recruited, you can move to the execution of the ritual. To do this, go with two closest girlfriends to the glade in the forest, raise there a small bonfire and install the bowler on it. In this bowler, you need to boil the water gained from the spring, throw a rowan sheet there, to take up to three and remove it.

After removing the water from the fire, throw any silver object into it and say the word of conspiracy nine times in a whisper:

"I will stand (name), but I'll go to the pure field, the field is wide. I will meet in my way a bright fire, yes the wind is violent. I worship (name), fire and wind. I worship the bottom, to the earth itself. I worship low, let me ask for a tear:
"Joy of Esi, Fire, Waiter, Waist, and the water is fast. Do not pass the meadows of green, do not freeze you ships in the sea blue, but serve me (name) serve. I will serve the service faithful, the service is the Great, you remove from me a gorgeous, dry loaf. Introduce my longing me, but do not lose along the way, carry through the thresholds, but do not fall, carry it through the sea, do not climb. Donate it to my water, and to put me in the water to the water, so that he grieved in her longing and day and night. Let this water burns the chest white, let the heart dry the chart of the Wilder it is spiel. So that he widespread on the one who brings this to him to him. The word is my hard. May it be so".

After that, the water is exhibited for the outlined circle and read the words of the conspiracy for nine times. Only after that, the liquid can be pouring into another vessel for transportation, for example, in a plastic bottle.


Having delivered water home, it should be hidden in a secluded place, and stored there until the full moon. On the night of the full moon, you need to return to the place where the ritual was held, folded the fire on the old place, to count three steps from him, and in a circle from the central fire, there are another 8 fires for another 8 fires. Now you need to collect in the field of dew in three thimbles, pour them into conspiracy, and then walk in a circle (clockwise) and read spell:

"I spell (name), you, the power of mighty, the forces that in tears of the Earth-Mother are hidden. I spell you, the forces that are assembled in the centuries of antiquity. I spell you, the forces that rule over the fate of human. I collect I (name), light lunar, wind whistling, grass whisper, Merzian stars, their love and maternal tenderness. I will put on all the collected in the water this, conspiracted into the water, in the water. I spell (name), you, Dennica, gossip me, Make me two threads of fate in one thread, so that the knot could have a mighty, so that all his life was enough. Tie me a thread not to death, but on the love of a strong maiden and good well done. I spell (name). You are a mother's goddess. My grandmother-feeders, grandmother-rodnitsa will help me, will save me, protected from dangers. No one can make a braided knot. None of one destiny does not make two years ago, besides me alone. I myself am that knot, only him and a shuttle, as I wish. May it be so".

After that, the performer should transmit conspiracy from hand to hand and read the words of the conspiracy eight times. So that the ritual has worked. You need to leave the goddess a good sacrifice, for example, wool wolf and one chicken. Now the performer must pierce their fingers and drop in one drop of blood to the crude ground. Water close the white canvas, repay the fires and, without looking back, return home.

This is a very strong magic rite, which allows you to create a strongest water to the effectiveness. With its help, you can fall in love with a completely nice man, while the goal will not lose its personality.