Do-it-yourself pvc wall cladding with panels. How to sheathe walls with PVC panels: construction, installation, slopes. Calculation of materials for mounting strips - how not to spend too much

Wall decoration with plastic panels is a popular way to decorate a variety of rooms. This popular material today allows you to create unusual interiors that meet the needs of people with different tastes.

Plastic panels - what are the advantages of facing products?

The products in question are a versatile finishing material made from polyvinyl chloride by extrusion technology. Its essence is simple. On special units, a thick molten mass of raw materials is squeezed out through special holes. The latter are completely identical in shape to the manufactured panel. The product thus obtained is cooled and then cut to size.

The geometric parameters of PVC panels are standardized. Their height is 26, 27 and 30 cm, the width is in the range of 20–37 cm. By thickness, such products are divided into two categories - 8–10 mm and 5 mm. Wall decoration with plastic panels has many advantages:

  • a rich selection of decor options;
  • long service life;
  • easy DIY installation using conventional tools;
  • absence of dirt and dust during the installation of products;
  • the ability to mount on any surface due to the arrangement of the lathing;
  • affordable cost of panels;
  • good thermal insulation qualities provided by the cellular internal structure of PVC products (in addition, you can additionally insulate the surface to be finished by mounting a layer of the appropriate material under the panels);
  • simple care that does not involve the use of any special detergents.

Plastic panels for walls

It is also worth noting that polyvinyl chloride panels are resistant to abrasion and other types of mechanical stress. They are characterized by increased sound insulation, fire and moisture resistance, the absence of substances harmful to humans in the composition of products. The described performance advantages explain why wall decoration with PVC panels is so popular these days. Installation of plastic sheathing is not recommended in places that are intended for people to leave houses from buildings in the event of a fire (staircases and openings). This limitation is due to the fact that when PVC burns, it emits strong suffocating smoke and corrosive compounds into the atmosphere.

PVC products for wall cladding - choose according to your taste

The panels of interest to us may have special properties, which makes it possible to choose the optimal finishing material for different rooms in the house. Experts advise installing plastic panels on balconies and loggias of residential buildings that are highly resistant to mechanical stress and seasonal temperature fluctuations. But the bathrooms are characterized by a high level of moisture resistance, they have a minimum of protruding elements (sometimes their complete absence) and at the same time have high strength.

Balcony finished with PVC panels

These rooms, as a rule, have a small area, which increases the risk of a person colliding with the cladding parts. If it is not strong enough, you will have to constantly repair or replace panels. The materials described for finishing work differ from each other by the type of their coating. From this point of view, panels are:

  1. Offset printed on the surface. Such products are resistant to chemicals and physical attack, as well as moisture. At first, some kind of ornament or pattern is applied to offset panels using paints, and then they are treated with a special varnish with antistatic properties.
  2. Laminated. In this case, a special protective film is glued to the surface of the facing material. In most cases, it imitates natural leather, stone, wood. Such plastic panels not only have a chic appearance, but also have a long service life due to the special qualities of the film used (it is resistant to abrasion, is not afraid of sunlight and water).
  3. With thermal printing on the surface. These products are manufactured using sophisticated technology, therefore, they have a fairly high cost. First, a pattern is applied to the surface of the blanks - a thermal film is applied and pressed down with a silicone press heated to 170–180 ° C. As a result of this effect, the paint goes to the panels, which are wound on coils in a continuous roll. Thermal printed products have an unusual decor and a very rich color. They are UV resistant. Note that such products are not subject to additional varnishing. That is unnecessary. They look great anyway.

A priori, high-quality PVC products cannot be cheap. Do not try to save money on finishing materials. If you buy cheap panels, you will absolutely have to change the skin after a couple of years of its operation.

Calculation of materials for mounting strips - how not to spend too much?

Wall cladding with plastic panels is performed either directly on the surface to be faced (in this case, a special adhesive is used) or on a pre-assembled lathing. The second technique is used more often. It allows you to do-it-yourself installation of PVC products even on very uneven surfaces. We will describe in detail the process of installing PVC panels using both methods. But first, let's talk about how to correctly calculate the required number of plastic products, fasteners and profiles for assembling the battens. With proper calculations, you will not have to buy unnecessary materials.

Installation of PVC panels

Determining the number of racks is easy. Here you need to know that the battens are always installed in relation to the products used for wall decoration perpendicularly. With the vertical arrangement of PVC panels, the slats are fixed horizontally, with the horizontal - vice versa. The recommended distance between the individual profiles is 0.3–0.5 m. Having decided how you will mount the panels, you can start calculating. Let's say you are satisfied with the vertical installation of the battens. You need to find out the number of racks needed to equip it. Measure the length of the wall to be lined and divide this value by the distance between the individual posts, and then add another support element to the result obtained (for the outermost profile).

If the wall has a length of 400 cm and a height of 300 cm, you divide 400 by 50 (the maximum distance between the supports), add one and get the number 9. It says that in order to arrange the lathing you need to buy 9 racks from the hardware store (there are the length will be 300 cm). We also need to add two more guides. This is due to the fact that the lathing is installed along the entire perimeter of the wall surface. The length of the guides must be equal to the dimensions of the wall to be faced. If you want to position the battens horizontally, the calculation principle remains the same. But in this case, you need to focus not on the length of the wall, but on the height of the ceilings.

The number of panels is determined as follows. Measure the length of the surface and divide this value by the width of the PVC panel used. If you purchased 20 cm wide strips, you will need 20 plastic pieces to finish the wall. Moreover, their height must be the same as the ceiling height in the room. When installing the products under consideration without lathing, it will be correct to calculate the required amount by square meters. Calculate the squaring of the wall and decide on the required number of panels. The calculation of fasteners also does not cause any particular problems for home craftsmen who are used to doing different types of repairs with their own hands. Remember - for every half meter of the length of the surface to be faced, 1 dowel-nail should be installed. This is quite enough for a reliable fastening of the crate.

In cases where installation is carried out with clamps, pay attention to the following advice. The lathing will hold firmly if you use about 20 fasteners per square of surface.

We make the crate and mount the panels - how to create beauty?

The frame for the installation of the finishing material is arranged on surfaces that have significant irregularities and height differences. In addition, what is important, there is an opportunity to lay a layer of insulation under the crate. The frame can be made by hand from metal or plastic guides (profiles) or from wooden slats. There is no significant difference between them. The specified products differ only in the method of fixing the panels on the created crate. If you are making a metal skeleton (using aluminum guides), first of all you need to put a starting U-shaped profile. It is mounted under the ceiling.

Lathing for installing panels

The second step is to install the same profile on the floor surface. After that, slats are placed in the mounted profiles. The latter are used directly for fixing plastic panels. The profiles are fastened to the base with self-tapping screws or dowels. The step of their installation is 0.8–0.9 m. Wooden guides are made of bars with a cross section of 2.5–4x4 cm. The left and right guides (vertical) are installed first. And then between them you will need to mount additional horizontal slats. Fastening of wood elements is most often done with universal screws, stainless screws or staples.

Plastic frames are considered the most modern. Fungus does not appear on them, they do not rot. But the plastic crate can be mounted on relatively flat walls. If the surface has significant elevation differences, it is better to equip an aluminum or wooden skeleton. Plastic profiles have special fasteners. With their help, you can quickly fix the panel without using screws, dowels, screws. This is very convenient, especially when the home craftsman performs the wall cladding with his own hands. If necessary, panels with fasteners can be easily dismantled. Moreover, they do not have any defects. This means that the design can be reused.

The direct process of installing PVC panels on the crate is as follows:

  1. Place the very first plastic product in the corner on the finishing profile or on the corner special element. The panel should be well fixed (with self-tapping screws, staples, screws, depending on the type of frame).
  2. Take the second socket, connect the tongue and groove, and install it.
  3. Dock all other PVC products in the same way.

You made the cladding yourself! Now you need to take care of giving the finish a completely finished look. For these purposes, floor and ceiling skirting boards are used, which are usually supplied with decorative plugs, and moldings. Sometimes the joints between individual plastic strips are treated with a sealant.

Wall decoration without the construction of a frame - this is also possible

If the walls in your home are flat, you do not need to equip the crate. In such cases, the cladding is mounted immediately on the surface to be trimmed using liquid nails or other special ones. An important point! Choose a solvent-free adhesive.

Using adhesive to install panels

Wall decoration without the construction of a frame is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Thoroughly clean the wall surface. Remove remnants of old paint, wallpaper, and other materials. Putty the wall, treat it with a primer. It is desirable that it contains antifungal additives.
  2. After drying the surface, proceed with the installation of the panels. Dilute the adhesive, apply it with a notched trowel, paint brush or roller to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.
  3. Put the corner panel first, press it as tightly as possible and wait a while until the glue sets well.
  4. Install the rest of the plastic products in the same way.

Do not forget to install decorative parts and additionally seal the gaps between the panels with sealant.

Today, polyvinyl chloride has managed to establish itself as a reliable and high-quality material that deserves to be used in various repair and construction areas. This is confirmed by the use of PVC panels not only for the exterior, but also for the interior decoration of premises, which, as you know, implies a much more stringent selection of suitable material.

In such cases, enormous attention is paid not only to the technical characteristics of the raw materials used, but also to its aesthetic features. From this point of view, plastic panels turn out to be a suitable option for various purposes. Among other things, PVC paneling of the bathroom is gaining popularity.

Plastic lining for wall surface finishing in the bathroom is considered the most optimal solution for a number of reasons. The material has a wide range of possibilities and a long list of advantages.

Disadvantages of plastic lining

PVC paneling tools

In order for the bathroom renovation to do without unpleasant surprises, you must immediately stock up on the necessary set of suitable tools and accessories, which include:

  • moldings;
  • lathing;
  • self-tapping screws (alternative - glue);
  • ruler and level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails (dowel-nails);
  • joint protection sealant.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing with PVC panels

In order to completely change the appearance of the bathroom and make the room comfortable and functional, it takes quite a lot of effort, however, they will all be rewarded with a long service life of PVC panels and pleasant emotions obtained from being in the room.

Installation of panels using self-tapping screws

Usually, craftsmen are invited to decorate the surface of the walls with plastic clapboard, but the ease of installation makes it possible to try your hand and make repairs yourself.

The first step is to choose a fastening method. There are two main options - glue and self-tapping screws. The disadvantages of the "glue" method are that if it is necessary to "tear" the panels from the walls, it will be extremely difficult to implement the idea, but the installation will be quick and hassle-free.

Self-tapping screws eliminate the difficulty of dismantling, however, installing them requires drilling a large number of holes in the wall. This is reflected in the amount of time spent on repairs. In this case, you need to make a decision based on your personal considerations.

Stage 1. In the event that the choice has settled on the frame method, you must first take care of creating a special metal structure. In order to make a frame from a metal profile, the first step is to mark the wall surface with a level and mark the upper and lower points.

Stage 2. The profiles that belong to the main frame are fixed perpendicular to the plastic panels. Further actions depend on how the PVC panels will be attached. If the elements are arranged vertically, then the next step will be the direct installation of the plastic lining. The horizontal arrangement, on the other hand, requires additional efforts, since it is necessary to make jumpers in the metal frame. For this mounting method, among other things, additional profiles will have to be made to secure the inner corner.

The fastening clip snaps into the “groove” part of the profile, pressing the panel with the wide part of the clip.

Stage 3. In some cases, a decision is made to use the so-called combined technology, in which plastic panels are fixed both vertically and horizontally. In this case, the vertical panels must be fastened to the horizontal frame, and the rest of the elements - by means of a lintel. This is especially true for the joint line.

Stage 4. At this stage, you can proceed directly to finishing the wall with purchased panels. First, using a level, we fix the ceiling plinth and the inner corner, and then we measure the desired height of the lining (based on the distance between the upper and lower points), cut off the remains and insert the panel into the inner corner. It is important that the upper part of the part fits into the skirting board.

PVC panels - trim strips (moldings)

Stage 5. We fix the panel to the frame using self-tapping screws. They are screwed in from the side of the wide mounting shelf.

Stage 6. We prepare a new panel, we fasten it by inserting a narrow shelf of the element into the groove of the previous one until there is no joint, we fix it by analogy with the previous step.

Step 7. The last panel must be cut so that the size of the part matches the size of the resulting gap. The width of the panel should be about 1 centimeter less than the distance from the last plastic lining to the inner corner. We insert the PVC panel so that it is securely fixed between the finishing element and the previous panel.

Installation by gluing

Liquid nails are most often used for gluing PVC panels. However, this option is relevant only if the wall surface does not differ in numerous defects and irregularities.

Step 1. Prepare the wall before finishing - remove old plaster, paint, wallpaper and other residual materials from the surface.

Step 2. After that, we prime the wall with a special adhesive primer.

Step 3. We use the technology described for the frame method, but instead of self-tapping screws, we use liquid nails to fix the elements.

If the work is done with due attention, then there should be no problems during operation. Plastic panels are an excellent opportunity to quickly and effectively transform the aesthetic and functional parameters of the bathroom, make it high-tech, comfortable and pleasant. PVC panels are also used for finishing loggias and balconies. The finishing technology of these premises is actually no different from the basic installation algorithm presented above.

Also read about DIY installation of PVC windows.

Video - Decorating the bathroom with PVC panels

Video - All about PVC panels in the bathroom

Today, plastic panels are considered a universal material for decorating wall surfaces. Such a finish can be installed in almost any room - with high humidity, low temperatures, high traffic, etc., the choice of mounting locations is huge. Moreover, every time there is an opportunity to create an absolutely unique interior, thanks to the widest range of this product. The article will talk about decorating walls with plastic with your own hands.

Plastic wall panels are extrusion products made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The process consists in the fact that the molten dense mass of the substance is squeezed out with the help of special equipment through profiled holes that correspond in shape to the panel being produced. Then the workpieces are cooled at a certain temperature and cut to size.

  • There are two standard panel thicknesses - 5mm and 8-10mm. The second size option, although it differs by several millimeters from each other, is still considered the same, since the same components are made for it, in particular moldings.
  • The width of plastic sheet for wall decoration can vary from 20 to 37 cm.The standard height of products is 260, 270 and 300 cm.There is also such a variety as plastic lining, the size of which is 10x300 cm, sheet version, up to 120 cm wide and up to 245 high cm and panels in the form of square or rectangular tiles, with dimensions of 30x30 cm, 30x60 cm or 90x90 cm.

Selection of plastic panels

Before proceeding to the direct installation of products, they must be purchased, firstly, in the required quantity, and secondly, in a decent quality. In order to make the right choice, you should take into account the features of different types of plastic panels.

  • So, for example, when planning the decoration of walls with plastic in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the corridor, it is worth giving preference to moisture-resistant products, with a high degree of strength and without protruding elements or ornaments.
  • For balconies, panels are suitable that are immune to sudden temperature changes, as well as resistant to mechanical stress, since due to the small space, frequent collisions with the plastic surface cannot be avoided.


  • long service life;
  • good moisture resistance, and due to the reliable connection of the panels to each other, water also does not get between the seams;
  • the material has increased soundproofing qualities;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion;
  • there are heat-insulating properties due to the internal cellular structure, in addition, it is possible to install an additional layer of insulation under the panel;
  • variety of design solutions, including imitation of various surfaces (wood, ceramics, leather);
  • easy installation, which does not require special equipment and special knowledge, in addition, when working with products, dust and dirt are practically not formed;
  • simple care, it is enough to wipe the decorated walls with a damp cloth or a cleaning cloth once a month, and in case of severe pollution, rinse with warm soapy water, do not use abrasive detergents or solvents;
  • it is possible to install it on any surface, regardless of the degree of its evenness and smoothness (due to the installation of a frame lathing), it also practically does not matter what kind of facing was used before;
  • it is allowed to use as decoration in unheated rooms (for example, on loggias or balconies), as well as in rooms with high temperatures (interior decoration of baths, saunas);
  • increased fire resistance (withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees);
  • during operation they do not emit harmful substances;
  • low price of plastic for wall decoration.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, and the most important is the ban on the use in places intended for the evacuation of people in cases of fire, since plastic emits corrosive substances and strong smoke during combustion. These places mainly include stairways and landings.

Types of plastic panels for wall cladding

The top layer of PVC panels can be done in one of three main ways.

  • Lamination... The method involves gluing a special film on the surface of plastic panels using two-component glue, which, due to its special texture, can imitate many natural materials - wood, marble, leather. The film is resistant to moisture, light and abrasion, due to which, even after long-term use, the products look like new.

  • Offset printing... A two-stage printer is used to apply the image. The first stage involves printing the pattern using inks, and in the second stage, the panels are coated with an antistatic varnish. Most often, by this method, drawings are applied that imitate a marble surface. The main advantage of the offset method is that the resulting product is moisture resistant, resistant to physical stress and chemical agents.
  • Thermal transfer / thermal printing. Transferring patterns and patterns to the surface from a thermal film, which is pressed against the panel, and then rolled with a hot silicone roller. The temperature at which the process takes place is in the range of 150-180 degrees, under the influence of heat, the varnish and paint on the films are transferred to the PVC blank. The film becomes transparent and is wound onto spools for later use. This method does not provide for an additional protective layer of varnish. At the same time, the resulting surface is resistant to external influences, UV rays, has a rich color and original design.

Accessories for plastic panels

  • starting bar;
  • finishing bar;
  • profile for the inner corner;
  • profile for the outer corner;
  • connecting strip;
  • ceiling and floor skirting boards;
  • F-profile;
  • universal soft corner (for inner and outer corner).

In order to install the moldings (accessories), use galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. At least 5 mm are removed from the edge of the element. Buy accessories to match the color of the panels. Such elements are easily cut with a conventional construction cutter. External accessories are simply glued to the lined surface, while you should not press the products too hard against each other, as you can damage the plastic and form a dent that is almost impossible to remove.

What to look for when buying plastic panels

  • Product appearance... It is best to purchase products from the same batch and, if possible, check products from different boxes for color matching. The paint should be applied in an even, uninterrupted layer and the surface should be smooth and free from damage.
  • Condition of stiffeners and their number... The more partitions inside the product, the stronger it is, while the stiffening ribs should not be deformed or damaged, in a quality product they are even and often located. If it is difficult to visually determine the number of internal partitions, then you can rely on the weight of one panel - it should be large enough, but not too heavy.

  • Lock connection... The ridge and groove must match exactly and must not form gaps or irregularities when connected, and also easily connect without applying super forces.
  • Price range... You should not purchase products at the lowest price, you will definitely not be able to achieve high quality from it, which means that in the near future it will need to be replaced and, as a result, overpayment of funds. You should not give preference to a product that is too expensive, most likely the cost includes a surcharge for the brand. Most of the panels produced by lesser known European manufacturers have a decent price / quality ratio.
  • Raw materials. If possible, find out the content of chalk in the product produced, so if there is too much of it, then when the product is bent, there will be a noticeable mark, and sometimes dents.

Calculation of the amount of material

In order for the repair to be minimally problematic, the required material should be purchased based on the calculations made.

Calculation of the profile for the lathing

  • Calculations can be made in several ways, the simplest is considered on the example of a wall with a height of 245 cm and a length of 400 cm.The optimal distance between the installed profiles is 30-50 cm.It should be borne in mind that the battens are fixed perpendicular to the panels, that is, with the horizontal arrangement of the panels, the panels are installed vertically and vice versa.
  • Having decided on the position of the cladding, you can calculate the required number of profiles. To find out how many racks are needed with the vertical arrangement of the crate, divide the length of the wall by the distance between the racks and add one extreme profile, that is, 400/50 + 1 \u003d 9. This means that you need to purchase 9 racks 2.45 m long.
  • Do not forget that the lathing is done around the perimeter, respectively, we add at least two guides, the length of which corresponds to the length of the surface to be decorated. Thus, you can find out the total length of the required profiles. To this figure, be sure to add 5-10% to take into account all undercuts or errors.
  • With the horizontal arrangement of the lathing, calculations are made based on the height of the ceilings. In addition, you need to take into account door and window openings, if any, their area is subtracted from the resulting figure.

Calculation of fasteners

  • When installing the lathing on concrete or brick walls, you will need to calculate the number of dowel-nails. The calculation is based on the total length of the wall. For every 50 cm, 1 dowel-nail is consumed. You should also add a few percent in reserve.
  • If the installation is carried out using clamps, it is recommended to use 20 pieces of fasteners per 1 m2, as a rule, manufacturers supply them in packs of 100 or 200 pieces.

Calculation of PVC panels

  • To begin with, the length of the wall is determined (in the example 400 cm), and then the resulting figure is divided by the width of the plank (for example, 20 cm), that is, 400/20 \u003d 20 pieces, the height of which corresponds to the height of the ceiling. This amount of material will be needed for wall cladding, mounting the panels vertically.
  • When installing panels in the form of individual tiles, it is easier to calculate by square meters, not forgetting to add 5-10% to the amount of material each time. The calculation around windows and doorways is best done separately, subtracting this value from the total figure.

Calculation of components and accessories

  • As a rule, the length of most components corresponds to 3 m. If corner profiles are used during installation, then it is necessary to count the angles found on the surface to be decorated, and this is the number of components that should be purchased.
  • The calculation of the ceiling and floor skirting boards is based on the perimeter of the room, the size of which is divided by the length of the skirting board (3 m) and rounded up.
  • Also, do not forget about the connecting inner and outer corners for skirting boards, which are calculated based on the number of corners.

Methods for mounting plastic panels

Almost no construction process is complete without the use of certain tools, the installation of plastic panels will be no exception.

Materials and tools:

  • pVC panels;
  • solid crate or frame (depending on the option chosen, you may need: wooden blocks, slats, metal profiles, chipboard or fiberboard);
  • accessories for plastic panels;
  • insulating material (if it is planned to arrange an additional layer of heat and sound insulation);
  • glue, screws, nails or staples (depending on the chosen fastening method);
  • sealant;
  • measuring tape, building level; ruler, pencil;
  • screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • screwdriver, puncher, construction stapler.

There are several different ways to install plastic panels. Each of them has its own advantages and features. In some cases, you can choose the simplest and least laborious, in other cases there is no such choice and the products can be mounted only by one specific method.

Installation on crate

Preparatory stage

  • This stage involves taking measurements and applying marks for the subsequent fastening of the crate. You also need to make sure that all the required materials are available in the right amount. You can prepare profiles for the frame, but each strip should be numbered, since the height or length of the walls may not always be the same in each specific place. If the plastic panels have just been purchased, then you must let them rest for 12 hours unopened.
  • When installing panels on profiles or wooden planks, it is not supposed to clean the wall, but if there is serious damage on the surface, mold or mildew, then it must be treated properly.

  • If you plan to install a wooden frame in wet rooms, then all parts should be treated with special compounds that prevent the development of bacteria and rotting of the tree.

Installation of the lathing

Lathing is necessary when the wall has large differences in height and irregularities, and an additional layer of insulation can also be laid between the wall and the panels. It can be carried out in three main versions: from wooden slats, from plastic profiles and from metal guides. In general, the difference between them is only in the way of fixing the facing on them.

Advice: when fixing the panels in the vertical plane, the lathing is performed in the horizontal direction. The smaller the distance between the guides, the stronger the whole structure. A step of 30-50 cm is considered optimal.

Wooden lathing

  • For the installation of a wooden frame, bars with a section of 4x4 cm or 4x2.5 cm are used. The slats to the base can be attached to screws or dowels.
  • When installing the panels vertically, the installation of the battens begins with the installation of the right and left guide. Then horizontal cross-members are installed between them, observing one distance between them.
  • For greater rigidity of the structure, additional vertical posts can be mounted. Each installed bar is checked with a level so that the location of the entire crate is in the same plane.

Metal crate

  • This type of lathing is somewhat more expensive than wood, but it is considered the most reliable and durable. The profiles are made of aluminum.
  • The first is the U-shaped starting profile under the ceiling, then the same is installed at the floor. Perforated guides are fixed in them, on which the panels will be attached.
  • The guides are attached to the base with dowels or self-tapping screws with a pitch of no more than 90 cm.It is allowed to increase the pitch of the frame lathing to 80 cm.
  • To save money, you can recommend a combination of aluminum profiles and wood (metal perimeter and wood posts).

Plastic crate

  • This is a modern type of frame, a little more expensive than wood and more demanding on the flatness of the surface. Due to the fact that the plastic does not rot, mold or mildew does not form on it, and also due to the special method of fastening, the panels are installed in record time, this type of lathing is increasingly gaining popularity among consumers.
  • The plastic guides have special fasteners that snap the panel and hold it securely, this also allows for quick dismantling of the cladding and reuse of the panels, since they are not damaged by staples or screws.
  • When installing a plastic profile, special attention should be paid to the location of the racks in a single plane, since even a small deviation leads to the fact that the clips simply do not snap into place. Most often, this design is used for wall decoration with plastic in the kitchen, bathroom or sauna.

Installation of panels

  • Installation of panels starts from the corner, where a special corner element (or finishing profile) is installed into which the panel is tightly inserted and screwed with self-tapping screws or fixed with a construction stapler on staples to a wooden crate and with clamps to a metal frame. Then, precisely connecting the groove and the ridge, the second panel is docked and so on to the end of the wall or corner.

  • When completing the installation or passing through the corner to the next wall, you should install special accessories so that the lined surface looks as harmonious as possible.
  • The last panel is not attached to the batten, but snaps into place on the finishing piece that holds it securely. If there are switches or sockets on the wall, then the plastic is simply cut through and a box is installed on top of it.
  • The installation is completed with the installation of accessories, such as ceiling and floor skirting boards and caps for them, as well as corner elements that are glued to the surface of plastic panels. If necessary, the joints between the panels can be treated with a sealant.

Wall decoration with plastic video

Installation directly on the wall with adhesive

If there are flat walls, you can install PVC panels directly on the base. It is allowed to fix the cladding on liquid nails. It should be remembered that the composition of the glue for plastic should not contain solvents.

Preparatory stage

  • This stage involves cleaning the wall surface from the existing cladding (wallpaper, painting). After that, the walls are putty with antibacterial putty or additionally covered with a layer of primer, which contain protective components against mold and mildew.

Panel mounting

  • After the wall has been properly prepared and dried, you can start decorating the walls with plastic. The adhesive is diluted clearly according to the instructions. The solution is applied to the wall using a roller, brush or notched trowel (depending on the structure of the adhesive). Tile glue or liquid nails are used as an adhesive.
  • It is undesirable to apply the product at a time over a large area, it is enough to cover an area equal to 1-2 panels with glue.

  • First of all, the corner elements are installed, then the first panel is inserted into them and tightly pressed against the wall, for a time sufficient for the glue to set. Further, all subsequent strips are installed. The installation ends with a finishing element.
  • If the plastic panels are fixed on a plasterboard base, then they can be mounted on small galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.
  • At the final stage, decorative elements are installed and, if necessary, the seams are coated with a special sealant.

In addition to the basic fastening methods, there are several less popular methods. So, professionals use a method in which the panels are not attached directly to the crate. Finishing or corner elements are mounted on self-tapping screws to the frame and all panels are tightly inserted between them. Then the ceiling and floor skirting boards are mounted, which also press the panels against the battens. This installation takes a maximum of 2 hours in a 45-50 m2 room. Of course, this method is more suitable for office buildings than for walls in a bathroom or kitchen.

Summing up, we can say that self-assembly of plastic panels is quite simple, the main effort has to be made when installing the battens. Observing all the basic requirements and rules, the cladding takes place in record time and with minimal costs.

For budget repairs - the option is just perfect. They look beautiful, and they are not too difficult to install. Sheathe a room with them on your own will not be difficult. Of course, wall decoration with plastic panels should be carried out in compliance with all the required technologies.

How to choose plastic panels

You can buy this material at any hardware store. When choosing, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. You should not buy the cheapest option, especially the Chinese one. Most of these panels are made from low-quality raw materials with the use of poor glue and varnish. Subsequently, they will probably begin to emit substances harmful to health. In addition, cheap material fades very quickly.

A much more successful solution would be to sheathe the kitchen, hallway, bathroom or walls in the toilet with plastic panels of domestic or European production. Among other things, when buying, you should pay attention to:

  • The thickness of the front of the panel. The higher this parameter, the better.
  • Appearance. The color of the panel should be uniform.
  • The number of stiffeners. The more there are, the stronger the material.

When buying, be sure to try to insert the shelf of one panel into the groove of the other. The mount should be as rigid as possible. Also, several panels need to be inspected by turning them at an angle. On the front surface, protruding tubercles from stiffeners should not be visible.

Material calculation

The width of a standard plastic panel is 25-27 cm, the height is 2.6-2.7 m. In order to find out exactly how many elements are needed, you should measure and add the length of all walls. The result is divided by 25 (27). It is worth purchasing panels with a small margin.

Installation features

Wall decoration with plastic panels can be done using two technologies: with and without a frame. In the first case, a wooden bar is pre-packed on the surface to be finished, or a metal or PVC profile is attached. In the second - the panels are glued directly to the wall using This method is less expensive.

The frame must be used when the walls in the room are not too flat. In this case, thin boards or pieces of plywood are placed under it in the right places. This allows you to correct blockage in the wall. Fastening by gluing is performed only on pre-leveled surfaces.

Assembling the timber frame

Most often, when performing such an operation as decorating walls with plastic panels, lathing is used from This is a cheap and very easy material to install. You can fix it to the walls, for example, using self-tapping screws with plastic dowels. The timber is fixed on the surfaces perpendicular to the intended position of the panels. To mount a wooden frame, you will need a screwdriver, a building level, a plumb line, a tape measure and a hacksaw. The timber itself must first be thoroughly smeared with an antiseptic. It is also advisable to treat it with a fire retardant.

Installation of panels on liquid nails

Fastening of plastic panels to the wall is done as follows:

  • The adhesive is applied to each of the four corners of the panel and along its entire length in a zigzag pattern.
  • The element is firmly pressed against the wall surface and held for several seconds.
  • In the same way, they coat the next panel and, inserting it with a short shelf into the groove of the previous one, press it tightly against the wall.
  • The last element is cut to length and snapped into the finishing strip.

Sometimes it can be difficult to stick plastic panels to the wall. They adhere very poorly, for example, on surfaces finished with lime or water-dispersion paint. In this case, the use of self-tapping screws is allowed. Under them, holes are pre-drilled in the wall into which dowels are inserted. The two methods can be combined as appropriate. That is, on very flat surfaces, glue the panel, in the same place where there are small bumps or pits or the material of the walls does not have very good adhesive properties, use self-tapping screws.

Plastic is exactly the same. If the walls are uneven, it is usually installed on a PVC profile, and glued to flat surfaces using liquid nails.

Features of installation in the bathroom

Bathroom - a room with high humidity. And therefore, it is highly discouraged to use timber for assembling the frame. The tree is distinguished by its ability to absorb excess moisture from the air. Therefore, the crate from it can begin to swell and deform. As a result, your new plastic paneling will simply lead. Extremely unaesthetic gaps will appear between the elements.

Most often, the decoration of the bathroom walls with plastic panels is made using a PVC profile. For heavily heaped walls, it is better to take aluminum strips.

Alignment of the walls in the event that the panels are supposed to be glued, is done using moisture-resistant plaster. Such mixtures are usually made on the basis of cement. Alabaster does not tolerate high humidity very well.

Kitchen: wall decoration with plastic panels

The humidity in this room is also slightly elevated. But not as much as in the bathroom. Therefore, it is possible to mount a crate from a bar here.

Plastic is a combustible material. Therefore, you should not glue it over the wall gap between the lower and upper cabinets of the kitchen set. Tiles are usually mounted here. A particularly unfortunate solution would be to use a material such as plastic panels for wall decoration in the immediate vicinity of the slab.

Installation in other rooms

Living rooms, nurseries, offices and bedrooms are rarely finished with this material. Usually it is chosen only for wall cladding of living rooms of small brick or concrete country houses. In this case, the main attention should also be paid to the choice of material for the lathing. If the cottage is not heated, it is not recommended to use the timber. The panels themselves are not afraid of temperature extremes or high humidity and will last a long time in such a house. The cobbled frame will crack and warp much earlier. For a summer residence, PVC or aluminum profile can also be an ideal option.

Very often, using this material, the walls of the toilet are also decorated. Plastic panels can be used to sheathe a toilet in a city apartment or in a private house. Installation in this case is allowed to be done on any kind of lathing.

As you can see, installing plastic panels is a fairly simple procedure. All that is needed for high-quality plating is the ability to hold a screwdriver in your hands.

More and more people are choosing not only beautiful, but also practical materials for interior decoration of the house. These materials include PVC panels, which are becoming more and more popular every year. The panels are PVC sheets with a decorative coating. They are lightweight and durable. The renovation, in which the walls are finished with PVC panels, will be durable and after years will not lose their appearance.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Features of PVC wall panels

PVC sheets are a modern finishing material that has a number of advantages. That is why they are often preferred to other types of decorative coatings. The positive aspects of using PVC include:

Despite the obvious advantages, PVC panels are not a panacea for repairs and have a number of disadvantages that do not allow them to be used in residential premises. These include:

Types of PVC panels for wall decoration

PVC panels have different species differences and design solutions. Consider the main types of material:

  • PVC plastic lining

The lining is a long rectangular sheet. Their length reaches 12 meters. The minimum length starts from 3 meters. The width of the sheet varies from 10 to 50 cm with a thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm. The panel consists of two superimposed sheets, connected inside by thin partitions. The gaps formed by partitions are through. The lining is intended for finishing walls and ceilings. Mounted on a metal or wood wall grille. Almost never decorated with a stone.

  • Plastic panels

The panels have the same structure as the lining, but differ in size. The most common sheets are 12.2 * 24.4 * 0.32 cm. The front side of the panels is an imitation of a tile. Also a very popular pattern is natural stone.

The tile is in the shape of a square and is available in sizes 30 * 30 cm or 100 * 100 cm.

Types of panels by the method of drawing a picture on the front side

Despite the fact that the panels are made of the same material, the way they are decorated is different. The way the drawing is applied depends on its brightness and durability. Let's take a closer look at these methods:

  • Thermal transfer drawing

The drawing is bright, able to maintain clarity for many years. The image is transferred to the panel using a stencil film, which remains on it due to thermal action. After transferring the image, the plastic is varnished.

  • Offset printing

The drawing is created using a roller on which the image elements protrude. After the drawing is applied, the PVC is covered with a transparent varnish. Two coats are applied for better protection.

  • Lamination

With the help of lamination, a three-dimensional pattern is created on the panel and gives it any texture. This is achieved by gluing the film. Laminated PVC panels are moisture resistant, capable of withstanding steam exposure without loss of quality. Laminated PVC panels imitate stone very realistically.

PVC panels also differ in the type of joints between the panels and are made in three versions:

  • Seamless PVC

After installation, such panels form a single, even canvas, in which the joints are practically invisible. To obtain such a surface, the sheets must be carefully selected, excluding panels with bent or uneven edges from the installation. In this case, the crate should be flat and should not have drops.

  • Embossed lining

In this case, panel sheets are joined in relief. Used in rooms subject to deformation. For example, in new homes that need to shrink.

  • Rustic panels

The main difference between such panels is the bevel, which is present at the end of the sheet.

How to choose plastic panels for home wall decoration?

There are several general criteria that apply when choosing any building material. However, when choosing PVC panels for interior decoration, you need to know some material properties. This will help you make the right choice that will not bring disappointment. These criteria include:

  • No external defects on the front side of the panel.
  • Choose panels that have more stiffeners. The heavier the weight of the PVC panel, the better quality it will be during operation.
  • The edges of the panels should be flat, as they directly affect the appearance of PVC in the interior decoration of the interior.
  • There should be no imprinted traces of stiffeners on the front side.
  • The sheet of the plastic panel should be completely painted over, there should be no gaps in the drawings. In the event that the panel imitates a stone, its texture should be convex, without inclusions.
  • When bending the sheet, the panel should return to its initial state without traces of deformation.
  • Distinguish between ceiling and wall panels. Ceiling PVC panels are less durable and have a length of 6-12 meters, wall panels - 2.7-3 m and a thickness of 1 cm.
  • Do not purchase panels with a contrasting pattern to decorate the entire room - after a few years, PVC design will cause a negative. Give preference to panels decorated in the form of natural stone.
  • The best PVC panels are white.
  • The plastic sheets on which the image is applied must be taken with a margin, since later the image will have to be joined. This is especially true for panels that imitate stone.
  • Matte, glossy or semi-gloss PVC models have the same qualities.

PVC panels with stone pattern

Decorating the interior of the room, which uses natural stone, is not cheap. Plastic panels will help solve this issue with a minimum amount of cost. Stone on PVC panels is a popular design solution. It is in high demand in the building materials market.

PVC panels imitating stone are durable. They are able to serve without losing their decorative properties for more than 10 years, while natural stone is subject to destruction and is susceptible to fungal infection.

Tools required for DIY installation of PVC panels

  • Screwdriver
  • Jigsaw
  • Construction stapler
  • Rubber mallet for panel dismantling
  • Putty knife
  • Building level
  • Drill

Materials that make up the frame for mounting PVC panels

The lathing is not sold ready-made; it must be installed independently, based on the parameters of the room. For DIY installation, you need to purchase:

  • Start profile

The profile that is required to create baselines. In the future, the entire lathing will be aligned along them.

  • Finishing profile

A profile that is installed after the installation of the last PVC panel.

  • External corner profile

Profile required to form corners.

  • Internal corner profile

Profile for installation in internal corners.

Helps to lengthen the plastic sheet if necessary. Also used to create mirror mounts.

Fastening PVC panels to a metal frame with your own hands

The most popular way to install PVC panels is to install them on a wood or metal frame. Consider how to make PVC sheathing with your own hands on C-shaped metal profiles.

    • Prepare the walls for the future lathing: remove the decorative covering that currently covers the walls. Treat the surface with an anti-fungal agent.
    • Decide how you plan to place the PVC panels. If their orientation is vertical, then first attach the slats at the top and bottom, parallel to the ceiling and floor. When positioned horizontally, the side rails are mounted perpendicularly.

  • Fasten the lower rail near the plinth attachment point. Use a level to set vertical profiles in the corners of the room. Make sure that the outer surfaces of the battens are flush with the already fixed profiles.
  • Try to fasten the top rail closer to the ceiling, practically eliminating the gap. However, if the top plate of the room is finished with PVC panels, then the distance between the rail and the ceiling should be at least 1.2 cm.
  • In the process of creating the lathing, use a level and a plumb line to control the evenness of the installation of the profiles. If there are gaps between the wall and the profiles, seal them with wooden spacers.

  • Make sure that the inner battens form a “T” with the long side of the boards and are flush with the top and bottom profiles. Observe a step of 0.4-0.6 m.
  • Use a plumb line to draw vertical lines around the corners of the room. Fasten the starting and finishing profiles along the lines with a stapler.
  • Attach a horizontal starter profile to the upper profile, then measure the distance between it and the floor.
  • Insert a suitable PVC sheet into the groove of the first profile and check with a level that the sheets are positioned correctly.
  • If you are satisfied with the result, then secure the PVC panel with a construction stapler. Insert the next panel into the groove of the first one and connect them together. The seam should disappear. Check with a level and secure.
  • Install all available PVC sheets to the end of the wall, except for the last sheet.
  • Attach the finishing profile to the frame. If the last sheet does not fit completely, then cut off the excess, having previously measured the distance between the last sheet and the wall. Bend the last PVC panel slightly and place it in place. Do not secure.
  • If you need to continue wall cladding around the perimeter, then you can do this after installing the corner profile in the corner of the room.

How to fix PVC sheet yourself using double-sided tape

If the wall is pre-prepared, then the plastic sheets of the panels are attached to it using double-sided foam tape.

To create the scotch sheathing, use adhesive tape 0.6 cm wide and 2-4 mm thick. Before starting work, prepare PVC sheets and cut them to the height of the room. On the walls, draw vertical lines with a pencil in those places where you plan to expose the PVC sheets.

Stick the adhesive tape on the back of the panel and attach the sheet to the marks on the wall. Check each attached sheet with a level and correct if necessary. After you finish the wall cladding work, secure the skirting boards and moldings.

Fixing PVC panels with glue on the wall

This method is only suitable for perfectly flat walls. The wall can be plasterboard or leveled with putty. Due to the lack of a frame, the room will not change size.

Use liquid nails and a glue gun to attach the sheets to the wall. Prime the walls before starting work, this will help create adhesion between the adhesive and the surface. Apply an antifungal agent.

Fix the starting profiles on the top and bottom of the walls and install the PVC sheet there. pre-greased with glue. It is important to remember that at least 5 minutes must elapse between applying the glue to the sheet and gluing it to the wall. In order to remove the corners, use plastic corners 0.2 * 0.2 cm.

General recommendations for working with PVC panels

  • Before starting work, let the PVC panels lie in the room for at least 2 hours.
  • Only finish the walls after the floor and ceiling are finished.
  • Make removable panels in places where communications are located.
  • Draw in advance the electrical diagram for the room and prepare the sheets of PVC panels: cut the holes according to the location of the fittings in the diagram.

The use of PVC panels greatly facilitates the time and material costs during the renovation. Plastic sheets can be installed by hand. At the same time, the appearance and quality of work will not be affected: plastic sheets are so easy to install that even a beginner in repair can handle them.