Air purifier with ionizer and uv lamp. Ultraviolet air purifier Air purifier with ionizer and uv lamp

In autumn and winter, many families face frequent ARVI and ARI illnesses. Everyone knows that a huge number of viruses, bacteria and germs are found in the air of the home, as well as on furniture and electrical appliances. A cleaner with an ionizer and a UV lamp helps to clean it and make it healthier.

The principle of operation and design features of the air cleaner with UV and ionizer

The action of this device is based on the ultraviolet radiation of a quartz lamp, which destroys disease-causing microorganisms.

The device is located in a plastic case, under which there is an electrically conductive plate. Bacteria, dust, pollution in the air, under the influence of negative ions, are directed to the plate and stick to special dust collectors. Thanks to this, all dust is collected inside the cleaner, and does not accumulate on the surfaces of furniture and appliances. The air is purified, fresh and odorless.

An air purifier with a built-in UV lamp spreads ultraviolet radiation around the house. It can neutralize viruses and bacteria that cause colds, as well as fungi and mold. Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA of microorganisms as they pass through the dust collector. Therefore, the air in such a room is sterilized.


Advantages of modern ultraviolet cleaners:

  • Easy management. The device is connected to an electric power supply, a timer is set and after that the air purification process begins.
  • Inexpensive service. The filters in this device are not replaceable, so the device does not need expensive maintenance.
  • Light weight and small size. The device does not consist of complex mechanisms.
  • High-quality air purification from organic pollution.
  • Low energy consumption.

Ultraviolet air purifiers are absolutely safe for both people and pets. Modern devices use soft ultraviolet lamps.

Safety Precautions When Using UV Ion Air Purifier

UV cleaners have been found to be non-hazardous for residential use, but safety precautions must still be followed.

  • Do not remove the casing of the device while the UV lamp is operating to avoid burns to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • While the device is connected to the power supply, it is strictly forbidden to open and disassemble it.
  • It is necessary to clean the device from dirt at least once a month.
  • Do not place objects near the air purifier that easily and quickly ignite, because the lamp generates a lot of heat.

IMPORTANT! Purchase ultraviolet air purifiers only with documents that confirm the safety of the device, and from trusted manufacturers whose brand is trusted.

Models on the market

In Russia, you can purchase models of UV cleaners such as:

  • Ultraviolet air purifier with ionization AIC XJ-2100. This device serves a room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to twenty-five square meters. The built-in ionizer helps the device remove dust and pollen from the air, and also helps to cope with organic pollution. This purifier does not have replaceable filters, therefore it works in a short-term and continuous mode. If you leave the device in short-term mode, it will turn on every three minutes for thirty seconds. In this mode, a small amount of ozone will be released.

  • UV cleaner Air Comfort XJ-2200. The device efficiently serves a room up to eighteen square meters and is the most functional of all climatic equipment on the Russian market. In addition to the ultraviolet lamp, the device has the following filters: coarse cleaning, photocatalytic, carbon element and HEPA. With these filters, the device is able to clean ninety-nine percent of all air pollution and eliminate many unpleasant odors.

REFERENCE! Before purchasing a device for purifying the air with ultraviolet radiation, be sure to consult a specialist.

To date, various products are produced that help create a more pleasant and clean microclimate in the room. Ultraviolet air purifiers are in great demand and can effectively eliminate any organic air contamination. In hospitals and enterprises that produce and process food, this sterilization technology has been successfully used for more than a dozen years.

For the fight against pathogens, an ultraviolet air purifier has long been successfully used, which, despite its simple design, can effectively destroy most of the known bacteria and microbes at the level of their DNA structure.

Principle of operation and design of ultraviolet cleaners

Sterilization of premises under the influence of ultraviolet light radiation has been known and widely used in practice for a long time. The principle by which an air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp works is based on the decomposition of organic tissue under the influence of UV radiation into components that are harmless to humans.

As a result of air processing, all organic components of atmospheric air decompose into ordinary water and carbon dioxide. Depending on the modification of the purifier, the cleaning efficiency is 90-97%.

The simplest purifiers are a combination of an ultraviolet lamp and a fan, which are housed in a closed case. Unlike sterilization under the influence of quartz lamps of old generations, a modern purifier is safe for humans, so you do not need to leave the room during processing.

Recently, more and more popular combined purifiers, which allow you to perform air treatment in several stages. Modern models are equipped with ionizers, ozonizers, photocatalytic filters, due to which not only organic organisms are cleaned, but also dust, smoke components (including tobacco).

The cost of units can vary significantly. Basically, the price depends on the number of cleaning stages and the performance of the device.

Benefits of modern UV cleaners

Experts are unanimous in their assessment that a modern air purifier with a UV lamp can be classified as an absolutely safe device for humans.

Consumers, first of all, note the following advantages of such installations:

  • Ease of management and maintenance. Anyone who has read the operating instructions can adjust the required operating mode and clean the filters in the structure.
  • The operation of the purifier is not accompanied by noise, it does not create discomfort, even a person falling asleep will not feel any inconvenience.
  • Another advantage of the ultraviolet purifier is its portability. Small dimensions and weight allow the unit to be carried in any room. Devices of this type are widely used in medical and laboratory premises, residential and office buildings, places of large gathering of people.
  • In addition, for rooms with high humidity, the appearance of mold is characteristic, the cause of which is the spores of microorganisms in the air. Using a UV cleaner can effectively deal with this problem.
  • Modern appliances of this type operate on a household power supply. However, they do not consume a significant amount of electricity (which is typical for outdated quartz lamps).

Although the instruments comply with safety requirements, basic safety precautions must be followed when operating equipment with UV emitters.

Basic safety measures when working with UV cleaners

Only compliance with certain rules will make the UV air purifier a safe and durable device.

Manufacturers advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Do not remove the protective casing and other elements of the case when the device is in operation. Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation can adversely affect the condition of the retina and skin. For comparison, we can recall the effects of an electric welding arc on the human organs of vision.
  • The purifier should not be turned on and installed in the immediate vicinity of open fire sources (including stoves, hot water heaters, fireplaces). It is not recommended to use UV cleaners in the bathroom, in addition, you should not use the devices outside the building.
  • No foreign objects are allowed to enter the structure. Contact with the heated lamp surface may ignite the device.
  • Do not allow children to operate the cleaner, careless handling can lead to failure of the device.
  • The device must be cleaned at least once every 4 months, this will ensure a substantial working life of the cleaner and maintain its efficiency. Disconnect the devices from the mains before carrying out any maintenance work.
  • Disposal of faulty lamps must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is forbidden to dispose of cleaner elements in the trash can

Modern modifications of UV cleaners

Most often, the following models of ultraviolet air purifiers can be found on sale:

When choosing an air purifier with a UV lamp, consult with a specialist who can assess the characteristics of the room and select the most optimal model for specific operating conditions.

Choosing an air purifier for your home - which filter is better?
Choosing the best air purifier with ionizer for your apartment
Choosing an air purifier with a photocatalytic filter

Autumn-winter period for most families marks the beginning of frequent. It is no secret that most viruses, microbes and bacteria are found in the air of home premises, on the surface of furniture and electrical appliances. Unfortunately, during epidemics, chopped onions or garlic help little. An air purifier with an ionizer and a UV lamp will help stop the spread of infection, purify and heal the air.

How does an ionizer-air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp work?

An electrically conductive plate is located under the plastic housing of the device. Under the influence of negatively charged ions, various particles in the air (bacteria, pollen, wool, dust, pollution, etc.) rush to the plate and stick to special dust collectors. As a result, dust does not collect on the surfaces of appliances and furniture, but inside an air purifier with an ionizer for the home. The air becomes clean and fresh, no odors are present in it.

But that's not all. Home air purifiers with a built-in UV lamp spread UV radiation around the room, which neutralizes disease-causing viruses and bacteria that often cause disease. When these microorganisms pass through the lumens of the dust collector, UV light destroys their DNA. This makes the air sterilized.

How to choose a UV ionizer cleaner?

The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing an air purifier-ionizer for an apartment or house is noiseless operation. If the appliance hums, an unpleasant sound will interfere with rest or work.

The second aspect of the choice is the maximum area that the device can serve. It is usually indicated on the box or in the technical data sheet of the air purifier. The above figure is largely dependent on power devices. The higher it is, the faster the room is serviced. And, accordingly, more electricity consumption.

It is better to choose a device with a built-in UV lamp from models in which the ionization and UV radiation modes can be switched on independently of each other.

Electronic control, display, backlight - such additional options are optional. It is clear that the price for air purifiers with these functions is higher than for devices without them.

Zenet, Ovion-C, AIC, Super-Eco and Maxion are leading among the popular manufacturers of ionizer-purifiers with a UV lamp.

An ultraviolet air purifier is a universal device that allows you to get rid of dust, various allergens and most of the pathogenic microorganisms that can enter the apartment. Cleaning the home atmosphere with such equipment allows you to avoid many respiratory diseases and get rid of allergic attacks.

Selection Criteria for UV Air Purifiers

The UV lamp air purifier is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • power;
  • installation method;
  • equipment.


The performance of ultraviolet air purifiers depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the dimensions of the device and the technical characteristics of the device. The product description indicates the volume of the room for which the air purifier is selected, but there are parameters by which you can calculate the performance of the device yourself. So, for a mechanical type of air purifier with a UV lamp, it is typical, when operating in the most "powerful" mode, to pass through itself a volume of air equal to the volume of the room, in which it is installed three times per hour.


Before purchasing ultraviolet air purifiers, you should decide on a place for it. Modern devices can be:

  • floor-standing;
  • desktop;
  • suspended.

The use of an indoor air purifier depends on the intended purpose. For example, if you need to quickly get rid of cigarette smoke, it is better to choose a pendant model and place it closer to the ceiling. If we are talking about removing microparticles (allergens, bacteria), then a tabletop model or the same hanging model, but located on the wall no higher than a third of the floor, is suitable.

Equipped with UV lamp air purifier

Different types of ultraviolet air purifiers, if the necessary filters are installed on them, can be equipped with additional qualities:

  • wet sink;
  • confection filtration;
  • ionization;

Filters are necessary to trap all suspended particles, ultraviolet lamps - to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Ionization is essential for dust settling and health improvement. Equipping the device with a water tank allows you to get rid of dry air.

Carefully! Among the range of air cleaners, there are models with an atmosphere ozonizer. Do not confuse the pleasant air after rain outside, enriched with ozone, with the same element, but in a significant amount, even indoors. For breathing, the ozonizer is poison.

Shop "Allergodom" helps you to choose and purchase an ultraviolet air purifier of any configuration at an affordable price. Breathe deeply!

Air cleaner "ATMOS-MAXI-205"

Disinfection of air with light

The problem of polluted air is urgent for many inhabitants of the planet. It can be solved with the help of high-tech household appliances, which are air purifiers with ultraviolet lamps. They not only remove up to 90% of mechanical pollution particles from the room, but also disinfect the microclimate from harmful bacteria.

Functioning of the apparatus

The device, designed for the formation of clean and healthy air with a UV lamp, operates on a household power supply. It can be placed in any room, including the nursery, if the child is over 4 years old. The low energy consumption of the UV device allows it to be used with the required regularity.

The cleaner delivers effective results:

  • organic waste and various pollutants are removed from the surrounding atmosphere, including nicotine, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide;
  • the UV lamp destroys pathogens, including seasonal viruses;
  • the air structure becomes similar to mountain air masses;
  • dust and pollen, which are sources of irritation for allergy sufferers, are removed from the gaseous volume;
  • an ultraviolet air purifier helps eliminate unpleasant odors.

The device has several modes of operation, which makes it possible to select the optimal parameters for each room in which it is installed. In operating mode, contaminated portions of gases penetrate through the inlet openings in a continuous flow.

The following elements are used in the design of the UV cleaner:

  • closed plastic case, equipped with inlets and outlets for atmospheric flows;
  • the main space inside is occupied by an ultraviolet lamp that emits light in the required spectral range;
  • an inlet fan providing forced draft for the flow;
  • control panel - mechanical adjustment or automatic electronic systems with the possibility of remote control of the cleaning system.

Positive characteristics

This type of cleaner has many advantages:

  • there are no harmful decomposition products, which allows the device to be installed close to the user;
  • during the operation of the latest generation lamps, ozone is not emitted at all, which in high concentration is a toxic gas;
  • almost silent operation allows the unit to be turned on at night;
  • the device successfully fights the spread of mold spores in the room, providing a healthy microclimate;
  • ease of use, since the device is enough to connect to the power supply and select the fan speed;
  • mobility allows you to include it in any room.

An air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp breaks down microorganisms at the molecular level. The result is harmless compounds of water and carbon dioxide. The procedure takes place almost instantly. An absolutely pure air stream comes out.