One of the healthiest fruits is the orange! Citruses The thicker the orange, the sweeter

. Botanical description

Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis risso) is an evergreen tree that belongs to the genus citrus. These fruits have been known for a long time, and they were prized for their healing properties. And in translation from German this fruit is called - "Chinese apple".

Its leaves are leathery, whole, tightly articulated with petioles. The flowers are regular, five-petalled, white, single or in small inflorescences. The fruit of an orange is an orange, it is spherical or oval in shape, bright yellow or almost red in color, very juicy, aromatic and tasty.

It is covered with a dense rind that is rich in essential oils. The pulp is represented by limited slices, which are interconnected, and quite easily separated from each other.

The most common are four types of this juicy fruit. Kings - they are small in size, very sweet, their flesh is blood-red in color. Ordinary - have a large number of seeds.

Umbilical - their flesh is orange. Jaffa oranges are very large oranges, their skin is bumpy and thick, while they are sweet, aromatic and juicy.

. Is orange a fruit or a berry?

According to TSB - fruits are juicy and edible fruits of wild and cultivated plants. The fruit of the orange (an evergreen fruit tree of the genus citrus from the rutaceae family) is a multi-celled berry. So it turns out that both fruit and berry.

. A bit of history

Medieval doctors used orange for medicinal purposes, for example, Domenic Papareli prescribed them for intestinal diseases, and Ronseus - for kidney diseases, Dr. Lobb used this fruit juice for urolithiasis.

The peel was used as a remedy to stop hemoptysis. In Italy, water was prepared from orange flowers, which had a diaphoretic effect on the body.

. Spread

Southeast Asia is considered the homeland of the orange. But it is also grown as a fruit plant in Russia, for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

. Growing

This is a rather tall tree, it reaches a height of up to two meters in indoor conditions. It takes a lot of heat to ripen the fruit. The plant is notable for its shade tolerance, it is difficult to cut by cuttings.

It is grown by flower growers and for decorative purposes, as a house pot plant. Bitter orange is often cultivated, the Arabs call this variety of orange naranj, and there is one more name for it - bigaradia.

It is grown indoors, and is a slender miniature tree. It looks very impressive, its flowers are fragrant, rather large, white with a pink tint.

Against the background of its green leaves, bright fruits look very elegant, which adorn the plant for ten months a year.

The fruits of this orange are very fragrant, taste bitter-sour, their peel is thick orange-red in color, and in unripe fruits it is dark green. At home, the plant looks very beautiful and fits well into any interior.

. Part used

For therapeutic purposes, orange peel and fruits are used, which contain sugar, organic acids, pectin and dyes, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, provitamin A.

In the peel of oranges there are several types of essential oils that are used to flavor fruit drinks, they are actively used in perfumery, as well as in alcoholic beverage production.

. Choosing an orange

In order to choose the right delicious fruit, you just need to hold it in your hands. And the heavier the orange, therefore, the juicier and tastier it is. Small to medium sized fruits often taste much sweeter when harvested in late November or early December.

. Application

Scientists have found that drinking orange juice or its fresh pulp improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestion. It is recommended to eat them or drink juice for people suffering from chronic constipation, in this case they should be consumed on an empty stomach or before bedtime.

Due to their vitamin composition, as well as the presence of potassium in them, their use helps to improve well-being in hypertension, hepatitis, obesity, atherosclerosis.

Orange juice is an excellent thirst quencher, and due to the presence of a large amount of phytoncides, it can be used as an antiseptic to treat wounds or ulcers that have arisen.

The use of oranges is also effective for vitamin deficiencies. Healers use the peel of the fruit as an anti-febrile remedy, and it also has a hemostatic effect, for example, with excessive menstruation, as well as uterine bleeding.

These fruits are very much appreciated in cooking, they are used to prepare delicious candied fruits, jams, and they are also actively used to flavor all kinds of confectionery.

. Contraindications

Oranges are contraindicated to eat with stomach ulcer, with hyperacid gastritis, with exacerbations of any inflammatory bowel disease. With this pathology, you can drink freshly squeezed juice, but it must first be diluted with water, about half.


Of course, this fruit has earned unprecedented popularity among the population, oranges are loved by both adults and children, eat them, and replenish the supply of vitamins and trace elements in your body.

22.01.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we continue to talk about citrus fruits. And the topic of our conversation today will be an orange comrade - an orange. After this article, you will always know how to choose the right delicious and juicy oranges.

Just a question. Did you know that good oranges contain more vitamin C than even the best lemons? Yes, that's the way it is. Moreover, you can eat more oranges than lemons. Polya and I this week mostly eat fruit.

And what and how many citrus fruits do you, dear friend, usually eat at a time? Write below in the comments, I'm interested in which of them you can give more information about in future articles.

I think you know that you can buy an orange in the market and in the supermarket both in winter and in summer. In winter, we have them the most delicious when it is in season in the places where they are grown.

But in the summer, I do not recommend buying acitrus fruits, they are dry and there it was not without enhanced chemistry treatment. And why do you need them in the summer when there are plenty of other fresh fruits? Therefore, I will show you how and which oranges to choose in the winter season.

How do you choose sweet oranges?

I am sure that everyone wants to buy exactly sweet oranges, and not the bitter sourness that makes you want to make a face. The most useful are citrus fruits with a sweetish flavor, not sour ones. Even the same lemons, the best are sweetish, not sour. But we will talk about lemons and their choice separately.

Why are oranges generally sour or sour-bitter? Much depends on the soil in which the orange tree grows. Also, oranges are often picked too green, and then chemically treated to give an orange color. Do you need these citrus fruits? I think no.

Remember, you only want the sweet-sour orange fruits. Sour ones are immature greens.

1. Our orange season starts from late December to mid-March. It is better not to buy earlier and later, so as not to run into chemistry.

2. Oranges most often on sale can be found from Turkey, Egypt, Spain, South Africa and Peru. The most delicious from Spain. From Turkey and Egypt there are also cool, if not plucked green. Do not take from South Africa and Peru, they always pick them unripe and stuff them with chemistry.

3. When buying, feel each fruit. If it is soft and dull, it starts to deteriorate or dry on the inside. If the fruit is too hard, it also tastes bad. You don't need those.

4. When I buy oranges, I do the following test for each fruit. Weigh it in my hand. The fruit should be heavy. If it is light, it means dry inside.

5. When buying, smell the fruit. A good ripe orange always smells good. Of course, when I buy on the street or in the pavilion in winter, they are usually cold and therefore do not smell. After lying at my house, they begin to smell good.

6. The normal peel color of an orange can be orange-yellow or bright orange. The peel should be more or less smooth, without excessive tuberosity. Here's something like this:

Too orange, bumpy peel or with yellow spots indicates that the fruit was picked green and treated with chemistry to give the fruit a beautiful color. It is also best to avoid oranges with a small label attached to each fruit. What do you think it says about?

7. Sweet oranges can be either thick-skinned or thin-skinned. If the orange has a thick skin, this is an additional protection against chemical processing on the outside. But if the crust is too thick and all lumpy, this is a bad fruit, do not take it.

By the way, it is more difficult to clean the slender ones than the thick ones. I chew oranges as well as pomelo. Very fast and convenient. You can see how this is done.

8. The most delicious oranges are with a navel. That is, at the place of the ovary of the flower (the reverse side of the green stalk), there should be a thickening and a small protruding tubercle.

And when you peel the fruit, there is this notch inside. Here I cut one orange to show her:

9. There is a misconception that the larger the orange, the better. This is far from the case.

  • Firstly, a large fruit contains more water, less nutrients and does not have the best taste.
  • Secondly, such a fruit is more likely to be grown using chemistry.

In general, overgrown ones do not need to be bought. I take medium and small fruits. Little oranges, by the way, are sweet like honey. Of course, try it personally, because there are different varieties.

10. If you come across sour oranges, know that they are picked green. You should not wait until they are ripe, for example, as can be done with bananas. If they are sour, they will stay that way. Do not eat them, give them to someone who prepares cooked food, let them bake for themselves.

It can be difficult to pick tasty fruits at first. But by experimenting, you will quickly get your hands on it. Buy a few different oranges and have them taste tested. Fine! Now you know how to choose oranges?

How to store oranges?

I don't store oranges for a long time. I buy 5 kg, no more. Because an orange is a juicy fruit, you can't eat much of it in winter. In any case, I can always go to the market and buy more. So, I keep oranges for no more than a week separately from other fruits at room temperature. It is better not to store in the refrigerator, so as not to eat cold fruits later.

Make sure the fruit doesn't start to rot. If soft spots appear, the orange will soon start to rot. Therefore, you should not buy a lot, and then bother. Better to go to the market once again and choose fresh and tasty ones. What do you think?

By the way, good oranges, unlike tangerines, can sometimes be bought even in supermarkets. They are brought to us from the same countries. The main thing is to look at the factors that I listed above when buying and not to take chemistry.

Some news

1. Guys, I have a little news for you. I am currently actively working on updating the compatibility table. So, I want to say that the tables will not work ... Because we are already getting a whole guide to compatible nutrition on a raw food diet. How do you like this option?

I want to cover in as much detail as possible not only the compatibility of raw products, but also very important topics that are directly related to compatibility. This information has not yet been on the blog, and in general, rarely anyone even casually talks about it, and this is incredibly important for the formation of the right microflora on a raw food diet.

In the manual, I described everything in detail, but without water, specifically and to the point. I just have to issue it. I'll find a couple of hours on the weekend. This tutorial is just a bomb! Wait, it will be soon!

2. Yesterday we had almost waist-deep snow. There have been no such snowy winters for a long time. The frost also hit. But fun, real winter!

What about you? How is the weather, friends? Write in the comments how you are doing: how much snow fell and what is the temperature on the thermometer. Do you remember such snowy winters when they were in your memory?

ZY Subscribe to blog updates - there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

Such a popular fruit as an orange has long ceased to be exotic. Everyone loves him, regardless of age, gender, religion and social status. This citrus is well stocked in grocery stores, especially in supermarkets. To choose the best quality orange, use the tips below.

Look at the peel - the color should be uniform and bright (a sign of ripeness). The peel of a good sweet orange is smooth and slightly reddish in color.

The porosity of the orange peel is a clear sign of thick skin. But a thick peel is not yet proof that the fruit will be savory or, on the contrary, sweet. The disadvantage of thick skin is that they add extra weight to the fetus, and the advantage is that they are easy to clean.

When buying an orange either in the supermarket or in the market, always probe carefully - the fruit should not be soft, loose or deformed. Also check the storage conditions (more on this below).

Delicious and sweet oranges should be juicy and therefore weighty - choose heavier fruits. Be sure to smell - ripe fruits have a distinct aroma.

If you find oranges with a pronounced navel (the top of the fruit), then surely such a fruit will be delicious and sweet. After the cut, you will be able to see another small fruit at this top.

Don't buy oversized oranges - they usually don't taste good.

If you plan to use the peel for cooking or medicinal purposes, be sure to rinse it thoroughly to remove any preservative chemicals. Typically, this skin looks polished and shiny. Be careful.

How should oranges be stored?

Under normal household conditions at normal temperatures, an orange can last for a week. The fruits can be kept in the refrigerator even longer - several weeks, depending on maturity. Can also be stored in dry, cold rooms such as a cellar.

Monitor the condition of the fruit from time to time. If soft spots appear, you can no longer store it. Make sure that moisture and condensation do not form - wipe the fruits with a towel in this case.

Optimal storage conditions and shelf life depend on the orange variety. Temperature ranges from 3-8 degrees Celsius, humidity 90-95%. And the term can reach 2 months.

Orange is the oldest hybrid derived from and pomelo. China and India are considered the homeland. This subtropical fruit came to Europe through Portugal in the 16th century.

Although oranges are native to China, the best and sweetest fruits are grown in the Mediterranean (especially Spain) and the United States.

Orange is a very healthy fruit, many associate it with the sun.

It contains many vitamins and minerals. It has healing properties.

An orange has "arrived" in our country, just like in many others from China.

In Europe, the first fruits appeared on the shelves in the fifteenth century, after which they gained immense popularity.

There are several varieties of this amazing fruit in the world:

  1. Ordinary ... There are a lot of seeds in them. The pulp is bright yellow.
  2. Jaffa ... The fruit has a thick rind and is very sweet.
  3. Korolki - flesh is red-orange, sweet.
  4. Navel oranges - orange pulp, also sweet.

Orange - useful properties

There are many vitamins in an orange: groups B, P, A. It also contains trace elements: calcium, copper, boron, potassium, cobalt and magnesium. This fruit is rich in vitamin C - more 50% daily allowance for an adult. Sugar content - about 12% .

100g products contain: 85 gr.water, 1 gr.squirrel, 8 gr. carbohydrates, 1.3 gr. acids and 0.25 gr.fat.

Daily consumption of one orange after a meal reduces the risk of viral diseases, and in combination with other fruits, the effect is enhanced.

Oranges. Benefit and harm

Oranges help in the treatment of people who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Fruits have a positive effect on bone tissue, it begins to regenerate faster. But with chronic weakness and anemia, vitamin C helps.

The largest accumulation of this vitamin is in the peel, not in the pulp. However, many throw it away without even thinking about its beneficial properties. But surely many remember how often our parents brewed orange peels. They can even be used for cooking compote or jelly.

Today, unfortunately, a lot has changed, very often fruits are stuffed with pesticides and treated with chemical solutions. All this calls into question the use of the peel as a health-improving agent.

If you are looking for bioflavonoids and pectin, then you should not remove the white partitions from the orange. There are most of these chemical compounds.


Pectin is a polysaccharide, a building block of building tissues. It is very important for the body. There is a lot of this element in the orange peel. It has a particular effect on the work of the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin also contributes to quick satiety, and given its low calorie content, this fruit is an excellent weight loss aid.


Orange peel contains a lot of citric and pectic acids, as well as various vitamins. Acids are on the list of antibiotics. In ancient times, it was these fruits that were used to treat many patients. For many years, oranges have been considered a means of preventing and treating vitamin deficiency, eliminating constipation and increasing acidity in orgasm.

Pectin is an excellent laxative that induces rapid bowel movement before food stagnates.

Oranges lower blood cholesterol by several orders of magnitude and help prevent diseases such as heart attack.

Help with oncology

Folic acid and limonoids can slow the growth of cancer cells! This was revealed by scientists during laboratory research.


Folic acid is very beneficial for pregnant women. It prevents the development of congenital defects in the unborn child.

Orange juice

Probably not everyone knows that an orange loses many beneficial properties and vitamins after it turns into juice. And all because most of the vitamins and minerals are contained in the peel, which is consumed. But a lot of sugar remains in the juice, up to 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Harm and contraindications

Orange has more than just "positive qualities." They are not recommended for people who have stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet oranges, and not only them, are natural allergens. They are not often recommended to be given to young children; they may develop a rash and other dysfunctions. Moreover, it is often undesirable for adults to use the fruit.

Calorie orange

One hundred grams of orange contains 36 kilocalories... Weigh an orange on a scale, and you will understand how many calories are in one fruit. .

You can understand that the orange is already ripe and has a pleasant taste by its weight and aroma. Large fruits are the most savory. Fruits that were harvested from November to December are also considered sweet, and they are also stored for the longest time.

It is advisable to buy oranges brought from the Mediterranean or America, although there are very few American oranges in stores.

It's just that these places have a more favorable climate, and gardeners grow fruits according to certain rules, taking into account traditions, which affects the taste.

Don't assume a thick rind is a sign of sweetness. Thin-skinned oranges are much sweeter; however, thick-skinned fruits are easier to peel.

Color does not affect the taste of the fruit. Even a greenish peel can hide juicy fruit underneath. In order not to make a mistake, it is advisable, as mentioned earlier, to pay attention to the aroma and weight of the fruit. The more aromatic and heavier it is, the better.

How to store an orange properly so that it does not lose its beneficial properties?

Oranges can be stored in and out of the refrigerator, preferably in a dark, unlit place. When storing fruit in the refrigerator, set the temperature not too low, otherwise they may start to rot. The most comfortable temperature is 5-10 degrees. It is not necessary to store oranges in packaging, it is also undesirable to place them next to other fruits.

Oranges, like other fruits, are very healthy, so when you go to the store, don't forget to buy a couple of juicy oranges using our instructions.

One to two fruits a day will reduce the risk of disease and improve mood, but also do not forget about contraindications.


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Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. She specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. She is engaged in classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.

Orange is a fruit that many associate with the sun. Orange, due to its beneficial properties, gives people energy, improves health and is a very important product that every person must have in their diet.

Quite often, in the market or in the store, poor quality fruits are sold. Which either did not ripen, or overripe, or were simply stored in the wrong conditions. In order for you to always be able to determine where the tasty, juicy, ripe fruits are, we will tell you how to choose an orange.


One of the factors in choosing an orange is the country of origin of the fruit. Citrus fruits ripen for a long time, about 8 months. Moreover, depending on the season, they change color - in summer they turn green, and in winter they acquire a pleasant yellow color, gradually increasing in size. Most often, the fruits are not given the opportunity to ripen properly - there are standards in the industry that producers must adhere to. The oranges are picked early to bring them whole from Perutili South Africa to us. Another thing is Spanish oranges. They are given the opportunity to mature properly. In general, oranges from the neighboring regions - the Mediterranean countries - are famous for the best taste. Oranges grown in the USA are also delicious. And it's not only about the climate, but about the long tradition of citrus cultivation and the exact observance of agricultural technologies.


There are several varieties of oranges. The most common ones are:

Ordinary, which contain a large number of seeds, and the color of the pulp is bright yellow;

Jaffa, sweet oranges with a dense, thick peel covered with tubercles;

Navel oranges, unusually sweet, they have an additional rudimentary fruit, and the flesh is orange;

Korolkiwhich have a very sweet taste and bright red flesh.

The benefits of an orange

It is no secret that citrus fruits are real champions in terms of vitamin C. And in an orange, this figure reaches 65 grams. per 100 gr. product. In addition to vitamin C, the orange is rich in vitamins A, B and P, essential for humans. The phytoncides present in the fruit are natural antibiotics and indicate the benefits of the orange in the fight against many diseases.

Regular consumption of oranges has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Oranges are recommended for vitamin deficiencies, and not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

Orange juice is useful for liver and lung diseases, it also helps with anemia and joint problems.

Potassium and vitamin C, abundantly contained in orange, help with atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity.

The benefits of the orange are also confirmed by nutritionists. Orange is a real find for those who are fighting for a beautiful figure. The calorie content of an orange is 36 kcal. per 100 grams, and the rich nutrient content helps to support the body in a stressful situation associated with losing weight. There are even orange diets widely known in the world of nutrition.

Oranges have a tonic effect, relieve fatigue and reduce sensitivity to cold.

The benefits of orange are obvious in cosmetology, where it is used in various forms to combat dry skin. In addition, masks with orange perfectly saturate the skin with vitamins.

Why orange juice is good for you

The benefits of orange juice have been repeatedly tested, which has the ability to activate the activity of all functions in the human body, and at the same time boasts a low calorie content.

One glass of orange juice contains more benefits than modern vitamin complexes - a glass of orange juice will fully cover the daily dose of vitamin C.

Orange juice is an excellent preventive measure against colds in the autumn-winter period. It boasts excellent anti-carcinogenic, immune-strengthening, tonic properties.

In addition, orange juice also contributes to the qualitative improvement of the blood composition, kills pathogenic bacteria, burns fats, and improves digestion.

Orange harm

For the same reason, oranges do not have a very good effect on the condition of tooth enamel, thinning it, as a result of which the sensitivity of the teeth increases.

It is worth recalling about allergic reactions to citrus fruits, which are extremely common in the modern world.

Can oranges be pregnant

Citrus fruits, orange in particular, contain a huge amount of folic acid, which is called the main female vitamin. During pregnancy, folic acid plays a very important role in preventing the development of birth defects in children.

In addition, vitamin C, which is contained in oranges, will strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother, minimizing the risk of the appearance and development of colds and infectious diseases.

However, the orange, like any other citrus, is a potential allergen, so make sure that you don't have any allergic reactions before diversifying your diet with fresh oranges or juice.

What does a delicious, ripe, juicy orange look like?

Appearance. Standard fruits are fresh, clean, smooth or bumpy. Fruit diameter - at least 50 mm. The quality of the fruit is reduced by damage caused by pests and mechanical damage. Fruits with a brown spotted crust over 2 cm2 are non-standard.

The size. Spring oranges are the largest. Although sometimes you come across smaller varieties - Moroccan and Egyptian. They should be used for fresh juices and other culinary purposes. And luxurious Spanish fruits are better eaten just like that, because they are juicy, sweet and very fragrant, worthy of being a separate dessert.

Peel. A thick orange peel is by no means an indicator of sweetness, as thin-skinned oranges are also unusually sweet. However, a thick-skinned orange is better and more convenient to peel.

Colour. Orange color does not affect its quality and taste. Even a green-tinged fruit that you confidently call unripe can turn out to be juicy, ripe and sweet.

Weight. The best way to buy a delicious orange is to hold it in your hand. If you feel its weight, then there is a lot of juice in the fruit. The heavier the fruit, the more ripe it is, the more fragrant it is, the better.

Aroma. If the oranges are not cold, you can smell, appreciate their aroma. Ripe oranges are more fragrant. Small to medium sized fruits are often sweeter than large ones. Overgrown oranges are usually loose, with a mediocre taste and dryish flesh.

A ripe and tasty orange should be quite heavy, strong and flavorful. The larger the fruit, the less sweet it is. Best stored are those fruits that were harvested between November and December. In addition, they are considered the sweetest.

How oranges are stored

The most optimal storage temperature for oranges is 5-10 ° C. Moreover, they can be stored both in the refrigerator and outside, in a dark and ventilated place. It is not recommended to store oranges next to other foods. Better that they are stored separately.

Happy choice and bon appetit.