The official name of Bulgaria. Pirin National Park. Natural attractions of Bulgaria

The request "NRB" is redirected here, see also "NRB (disambiguation)" The People's Republic of Bulgaria The People's Republic of Bulgaria is a sovereign socialist state ... Wikipedia

See Bulgaria ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

IV.7.7. People's Republic of Bulgaria (party democracy) (09/15/1946 - 11/5/1991) - ⇑ ... Rulers of the World

IV.7.8. Republic of Bulgaria (from 5.11.1991) - ⇑ ... Rulers of the World

Republic of Bulgaria, state in the south of Europe. The name Bulgaria (България) is derived from the name of the inhabitants of the Bulgarians. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 ... Geographical encyclopedia

Republic of Bulgaria, a state in Eastern Europe. Bulgaria is located in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It borders in the north with Romania along the Danube, in the south with Greece and Turkey, in the west with Yugoslavia and Macedonia. In the east it is washed by ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

History of Bulgaria ... Wikipedia

BULGARIA - REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA A country in southeastern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula (from 1946 to 1990 it was called the People's Republic of Bulgaria). In the north it borders with Romania, in the south with Turkey and Greece, in the west with Serbia and the former ... ... Cities and countries

BULGARIA - (Republic of Bulgaria; Bulgarian Republic of Bulgaria), state on the Balkan Peninsula. Territory: 110994 sq. km. Capital: Sofia (1310 thousand people 2002). Largest cities: Varna, Plovdiv, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Pleven, Shumen, Ruse. State language: Bulgarian. ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia


  • The Institutional Context of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Comparing Students' Perceptions in Nine Countries, R.B. In this study, the authors compared and contrasted the perceptions of the institutional environment for entrepreneurship development by university students in nine emerging economies of three ... eBook
  • A pebble with a hole, Marcel Salimov. It happens like this: a master of laughter, known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders, laureate of the international literary awards "Aleko" (Bulgaria), named after Sergei Mikhalkov (Russia) and ...

Bulgaria located in the southeast of Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. In the north, it borders with Romania, in the west - with Serbia and Macedonia, in the south - with Greece and Turkey. In the east it is washed by the Black Sea.

The country got its name from the ethnonym of the people - Bulgarians.

Official name: Bulgarian Republic

Capital: Sofia

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 110.9 thousand sq. Km

Total population: 7.2 million people

Administrative division: Consists of 8 areas that include communities. The city of Sofia also has regional status.

Form of government: Parliamentary republic.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 85,% - Bulgarians, 10% - Turks, 4% - Roma, 1% - Macedonians

Official language: bulgarian

Religion: 82.6% are Orthodox Christians, 1.7% are Catholics, 1.6% are Protestants. 12.2% of Bulgarians are Muslim, 0.8% - Judaism

Internet domain: .bg

Mains voltage: ~ 220 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +359

Country barcode: 380


Mountain systems of significant area, significant differences in elevation and other factors determine noticeable regional climatic differences. The northern part of the country is characterized by a moderate continental climate; The Lower Danube Plain is open to northern winds in winter. The Stara Planina Mountains, on the one hand, impede the movement of these winds in a southerly direction, and on the other hand, they serve as an obstacle to the Mediterranean air currents, which form the climate in the south of the country. In the Maritsa Valley, winters are quite cold, but the Mediterranean influence is already noticeable. As you get closer to the Black Sea, the climate becomes milder, in fact Mediterranean.

Average January temperatures in the Maritsa Valley and on the Black Sea coast are approx. + 4 ° C, and to the north of the Stara Planina mountains they drop to –4 ° C. In the mountains, winter temperatures are even lower, and there is snow for several months. Summers are hot (with the exception of the mountains), in most of the low plains the average July temperature is approx. 21 ° C. The duration of the frost-free period ranges from 180 to 260 days. Droughts often occur on the plains, and in the mountains there is a lot of precipitation (up to 1900 mm per year), mainly in the form of snow. The amount of atmospheric precipitation is closely related to the features of the relief: the plains and intermountain valleys protected by mountains rarely receive more than 600 mm per year.


Bulgaria is located in the south-east of Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 111.0 thousand sq. Km. Its neighbors are the countries: Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south. In the east, Bulgaria is washed by the Black Sea.

Almost a third of the territory of Bulgaria is occupied by mountains, but they are not high and for the most part are accessible to tourists. The Stara Planina ridge or the Balkan ridge, which gave the name to the peninsula, stretches across the country for 555 km. The highest point of this ridge - Mount Boteva - rises to a height of 2376 m. Parallel to Stara Planina is the Srednyaya Gora. The Rila, Pirin and Rhodope mountain ranges are located in the southwest and west of the country. The highest peak of Rila, Mount Musala (2925 m), is also the highest point of the entire Balkan Peninsula.

There are many rivers in Bulgaria, but they are shallow. The middle reaches of the Danube, the largest river in central and southeastern Europe, is located in the country. Starting in the Black Forest mountains, it flows through 9 countries. Since the Danube is an international river, navigation has always been developed on it. The average water temperature in July is from +17 to +24. Cruises are organized along the river. The second largest river is the Maritsa. She carries her waters to the Aegean Sea. Also Struma and Mesta flow into the Aegean Sea. Kamchia, Veleka and Ropotamo flow into the Black Sea.

The Danube Plain is located between the Stara Planina ridge and the Danube, which is the granary of the whole country. The southeastern plain is bounded by the Middle Mountain from the north and the Rhodope Mountains from the southwest. It is often called Upper Trakia.

Bulgaria is famous for its wide beaches that gently slope down to the sea. The Black Sea is favorable for swimming - it is not very salty, and the bottom is sandy.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The main types of natural vegetation in Bulgaria are forest and steppe temperate zones and Mediterranean forests. Typical steppes are common on the Dobrudzha plateau in the northeastern part of the country. The same vegetation is found in the Lower Danube lowland, although the steppes there are interspersed with forests. Deciduous forests grow in the foothills and the lower altitude belt of the Stara Planina mountains, coniferous forests are widespread above, and alpine meadows in the uppermost belt.

In the southeast of the country, in the Maritsa valley, there are rigid-leaved forest formations of the Mediterranean type. The climate here is favorable for the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, mulberry trees, grapes and vegetables. In the border regions with Turkey and Greece, typical Mediterranean fruits are cultivated - citrus fruits and figs.

Forests in 1987 occupied 3.8 million hectares, or approx. 30% of the country's area. Of these, about 31% are conifers, and the rest are deciduous with a predominance of beech, oak, ash and hornbeam. Only 15% of forest plantations are of industrial importance, and the rest are mostly low-productive or perform water-protective and soil-protective functions.

There are needle-leaved forests in Bulgaria - pine, spruce, white spruce and others. Broad-leaved forests, primarily oak and beech, and then hornbeam, ash, linden, hazel prevail in Stara Planina, Sredna Gora and Strandzha. Wild chestnut is found in Stara Planina (near Berkovitsa) and in Belasitsa, and the best varieties of tobacco grow here.

In the mountainous area up to a height of 1000 m, broad-leaved forests grow, the most common species of which are oak, beech, hornbeam, ash, linden, hazel. Above 1000 m there is a zone of coniferous forests.

Animal world

The fauna of the country has suffered greatly due to the reduction in forested areas. Bear, wild boar, deer, chamois are still found in the forests. Ferret, weasel, wolf, fox, badger, jackal are also widespread; from rodents - squirrel, European hare, dormouse. In the 1970s, packs of wolves became a real disaster, which attacked villages on winter nights in search of sheep or calves, but in recent years the number of these predators has significantly decreased.


The country is known throughout Europe for its picturesque landscapes, seaside resorts on the Black Sea coast, an abundance of historical monuments and colorful folk rituals.

Banks and currency

Bulgarian lev (BGL), equal to 100 stotinki. In circulation there are coins and banknotes in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 leva, as well as banknotes of 10, 20, 50 leva. Since July 1, 1997, the lev is firmly pegged to the euro at a ratio of 1.95 leva to one euro.

Open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00, break - from 12.00 to 13.00. Banks are closed on weekends and holidays.

It is more profitable to exchange currency at exchange offices (Change, Exchange) than at banks or in hotels. In resort areas, the exchange rate is also somewhat underestimated. Preference is given to euros or US dollars (you can even pay with them in some small shops, as well as for services on the beach). Some exchange offices (most often near markets) accept Russian rubles, but the rate is very unprofitable.

Be careful - the exchange office can offer a good exchange rate with a commission of 1% of the amount, which will be indicated by the inscription in this "exchanger". However, the adjacent inscription (usually small and illegible) may indicate that at this rate it is possible to change money, starting only from a certain amount (usually quite large), and smaller amounts change at a different rate with 15% -20% of the amount exchange.

Credit cards, traveler's checks and Euro checks are not yet widespread and are accepted only in banks and large hotels. Payment is usually made in cash.

Useful information for tourists

In the warm season, besides windsurfing, guests can enjoy water skiing and sailing, scuba diving and catamarans, rowing and all kinds of regattas. In the spring and autumn, some luxury hotels have heated seawater pools. Long boat trips along the shores of Golden Sands have a magical appeal, especially for children.

Speed \u200b\u200blimits: 50 km / h in built-up areas, 90 km / h outside and 120 km / h on highways.

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Country Description

An attractive tourist country with beautiful nature and hospitable people. Bright sun, azure sea, beautiful beaches, a wide selection of hotels, an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Bulgaria is a small (compared to Russia, of course), but popular with tourists southern country, with beautiful nature, inhabited by hospitable people. People of all ages and with different income levels can afford to spend their holidays in this wonderful corner of the world. It will appeal to both young people who prefer places where they can relax and lead a mostly nocturnal lifestyle, and those who prefer a quiet, but at the same time, not boring vacation.


Bulgaria is a relatively small state (111 thousand km2), located in the south of Europe, in the north-east of the Balkan Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. A country in southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula (from 1946 to 1990 it was called the People's Republic of Bulgaria). Bulgaria has a common border with five countries. In the north, along the Danube, lies the border with Romania, in the south with Turkey and Greece, in the west with Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The area of \u200b\u200bBulgaria is 110,912 sq. Km. More than half of the country's territory is mountainous or hilly: the Balkan Mountains cross the country from the northwest to the Black Sea and form a divide between the Danube River and the Aegean Sea. In the south lie the Rhodope Mountains, along which the border with Greece passes. In the south-west of Bulgaria lies the Rila Mountains, where the highest point of the country is located - Mount Musala (2925 m). Closer to the east there are several valleys, including the Thracian one. The main river in Bulgaria is the Danube, the tributaries of which are Iskir and Yantra.


Time in Bulgaria is 1 hour behind Moscow time.


Most of the territory of Bulgaria is dominated by a temperate continental climate with clearly defined four seasons. On the Black Sea coast and in the southern regions, the climate is close to the Mediterranean. In the country, the average temperature of the coldest month - January - ranges from -2 to + 2oС. In the mountains, the thermometer can drop to -10 ... - 15 degrees. The average temperature of the warmest month - July - ranges from + 18oС to + 24oС in the northern regions to +28 in the southern and on the Black Sea coast, while it rarely exceeds 30 degrees. The annual precipitation is 670 mm, and in the mountains it is 800 - 1000 mm. In northern Bulgaria and the Black Sea region, the wettest months are May - June, the driest - February. In southern Bulgaria, the maximum precipitation occurs in November - December, and the minimum in August. The water in the Black Sea warms up to + 25oС. The climate in Bulgaria is favorable for recreation, especially for the inhabitants of the middle zone.


The official language is Bulgarian, which is so close to Russian that Russian-speaking tourists have practically no language problems. Service staff at resorts, hotels and restaurants, as a rule, speak Russian, English, German and French.


The state guarantees freedom of religion. Religious institutions are separate from the state. The traditional religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity (85% of the population). Orthodox Christianity from the 9th century is the main religion of the country. Today it is professed by 82.6% of the population. Throughout the history of Bulgaria, it has played an important role in the formation of the nation. During the times of foreign domination, thanks to the Orthodox Church, the Bulgarians managed to preserve their native language, and in many respects their culture. The church is autocephalous (administratively independent). It is run by the Bulgarian patriarch. Services are conducted in Bulgarian.


The population of Bulgaria is about 9 million people, of which 85% are Bulgarians, 9.7% are Turks and 5% are Roma. The population of Bulgaria over the past 20 years has decreased by almost a million people - and now the country is home to about 7.7 million citizens. Bulgarian experts cite several reasons for such an unpleasant trend: a drop in the birth rate, as well as a high level of emigration. According to some forecasts, if the current demographic situation does not change, then in a few decades the population of Bulgaria may decline by one third. The population is declining in many European countries, but in Bulgaria this process is aggravated by the extremely low standard of living.


The voltage in the power grid is 220 volts throughout the country.

Emergency telephones

Ambulance phone in Bulgaria - 150
Fire service telephone in Bulgaria - 160
Police phone in Bulgaria - 166
Traffic police telephone in Bulgaria - 165
Road service in Bulgaria - 146


Telephone communication: you can call another country or city from any pay phone using Mobika telephone cards (blue cards and devices) and Bulfon (orange cards and devices), which are sold in post offices, newsstands , small shops and hotels. The consumption of conventional units on the card is indicated on the phone display. A call from the post office will cost a little less than from a hotel. Bulgaria code - 359. To call Bulgaria you need to dial - 8 - 10 - 359 - city code - the number of the called subscriber. To dial an international call from Bulgaria: 00 (dial tone) - country and city code - called subscriber number. When calling from Russia to Bulgaria to cell phones, you should dial the country code (359) - the subscriber's cell phone number. In this case, the area code does not matter.

Currency exchange

In use are coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki and banknotes of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 leva (BGN). Since July 1, 1999, the country has been denominated local currency similar to the Russian, when each denomination was reduced by three zeros. The old money was in circulation until the end of 1999. But even now the tourist can slip the money out of circulation. The exchange rate of the Bulgarian lev is firmly linked to the German mark: 1 lev. \u003d DM1. In turn, $ 1 is equal to approximately DM2. (As of June 2000). In general, in big cities the rate is better than in resorts. Banks work with clients from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00. Banks are closed on Sundays and public holidays.


Citizens of Russia and the CIS need a visa to visit Bulgaria, for which it is necessary to apply to the Visa Application Centers in Bulgaria or to the visa departments of the Embassy or Consulates General of Bulgaria on the territory of the Russian Federation Types of visas: 1) a short-term stay visa (entry visa) - issued to persons whose purpose of travel is tourism, visiting relatives or friends; 2) group visa - issued to persons who are citizens of one state and have formed a group before applying for a visa. Group tourist visas entitle you to a single entry and stay for a maximum of 30 days. Group single-entry or double-entry transit visas give the right to a single or double entry through the territory of Bulgaria. The composition and size of the group during the stay and travel outside Bulgaria should not change; 3) transit visa - issued to persons whose purpose of visit is to transit through the territory of Bulgaria to third countries within 24 hours. This visa gives the right to leave the airport and stay in the country within the specified period. Russian citizens do not need a transit visa if they arrive in Bulgaria for the purpose of a stopover or transfer to another flight and do not leave the controlled area of \u200b\u200bthe airport; 4) visa for long-term stay (immigration visa) - issued to persons wishing to obtain a long-term (1 year) or permanent residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Customs regulations

It is necessary to declare: jewelry, professional photography, cinema and video equipment, which must then be taken out of the country. There is a limit on the import of some items, over which you need to pay a duty: cigarettes - 200 pcs. (or other tobacco products - 250 g), wine - 2 l, spirits - 1 l, coffee - 500 g, tea - 100 g, perfume - 50 ml, cologne or other perfumery products - 250 ml; personal items, photo and video equipment, sports and hunting accessories (you must fill out a declaration with an obligation to take them back). Duty-free export of antiques and works of art is permitted with a permit. It is prohibited to import: gas-cylinder installations; meat and meat products, beans, sugar; children's clothing and footwear, cotton fabrics, household electrical appliances.

Holidays and non-working days

January 1 - New Year
March 3 - Day of the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke
April - Good Friday
April - Easter Monday
April - May - Easter (dates of these holidays change according to the church calendar)
May 1 - Labor Day
May 6 - St. George the Victorious Day, the official holiday of the armed forces of Bulgaria
May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin
September 6 - Day of the Unification of Bulgaria
September 22 - Independence Day
November 1 - All Saints Day
December 6 - Constitution Day
December 8 - Immaculate Conception
December 25, 26 - Christmas


There are buses, trolleybuses and trams in the cities. The cost of a single ticket varies within 0.25 BGL in different cities (0.4 BGL in the Sofia metro). A double ticket (valid for an hour) costs 0.4 BGL, a five-day pass - 4.4 BGL, for a month - 21 BGL. At some resorts there are also intercity single tickets of different frequency. In many settlements and resorts, affordable route taxis are common.

The capital has a subway. The cost of a single pass is 0.4 BGL .. Taxis are yellow with traditional "checkers", a price list with prices must be fixed on the side window, in most taxis you can even get a check. Day and night (22.00-06.00) rates apply. Basic prices (day / night rate) - landing - 0.29 \\ 0.39 BGL, 1 km. mileage - 0.48 \\ 0.58 BGL, one minute of waiting - 0.16 \\ 0.19 BGL, additional piece of baggage - 5 BGL. In resorts, taxi drivers often offer "negotiated prices", in which case you can and should bargain.

Rail transport in Bulgaria is relatively inexpensive and convenient. Trains are divided into "express" (express) and "patnici" (passenger). When traveling to resort areas, it is recommended to book tickets in advance.


Tipping is usually 5-8% in a restaurant (in high-category restaurants - 10%), a cafe and a bar, if the guest was satisfied. In a taxi "for tea" they usually leave 5% of the amount according to the counter or rounding to the nearest whole number (the main payment is strictly according to the counter).

The shops

The largest and busiest market in Sofia, the so-called women's market, Zhenski Pazar. In addition to fruits and vegetables, in the market you can buy meat, cheeses, seasonings and spices, dishes, clothes, shoes, metal products, etc. The covered market (KHALI) is located opposite the mosque, on the bul. Book. Maria Louise. The Big Sofia Market is an example of architecture of the early 20th century. It was built in 1910-1911. Today this market is the main selling point for fresh products in Sofia.

The Slivek Square in the city center is the most visited place in the city. Here you can find a varied number of shops, as well as a book market that sells works in all possible languages \u200b\u200bat very attractive prices.

Fashion stores are located in the central part of Sofia. Here you can find all the most famous brands (Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Marlboro Classics). You will find them if you go up Vi-Tosha Boulevard. There are also trendy shops on st. Tsar Shishman and Count Ignatiev.

Typical Bulgarian souvenirs - rose oil, wines and rakia, carpets and ceramics, silverware. Souvenir shop next to the Alexander Nevsky Church. Antiques dealers (musical instruments, cameras, paintings, icons, etc.) can be found in the park opposite the Alexander Nevsky Church. The icons are copies of the most beautiful icons kept in Bulgarian monasteries.

National cuisine

The dishes are really tasty - spicy seasonings, an abundance of vegetables, a piquant taste. One of its main features is the simultaneous heat treatment of products over low heat. This allows you to preserve nutritional properties, achieve a pleasant aroma of dishes, original flavor combinations. This is also facilitated by the use of a variety of products, seasonings, vegetable and animal fats.

It all starts with salads: traditional shop, mixed (tomatoes with cucumbers and feta cheese), Russian "Olivier", "Snezhanka" (fresh cucumbers, walnuts, squeezed Bulgarian "jelly mlyako"). Cold "presentations" cannot be ignored either: roll or ham cocktail, mushroom cocktail, dry lukanka sausage, tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms or feta cheese.

The cold Bulgarian soup "tarator" is very unusual (finely chopped cucumbers, dill, garlic and walnuts are covered with diluted Bulgarian "jelly mlyako"). Lamb soup (agneshka kurban chorba) and lentil soup (bream chorba) have a peculiar taste. Bulgaria is famous for its pyrzhol (a piece of meat fried on a wire rack) and kebapchets (oblong minced meat patties fried on a wire rack).

Popular dishes are: kavarma (meat or vegetable roll), sarma fraction (lamb chop with rice and egg), sarmi (stuffed grape leaves), kebab (meat on a spit), Rhodope banitsa, lamb (baked right in front of you on the coals) , trout, Melnik-style kebap, bansky old man, sujuk, chomlek (beef stew), pumpkin kebab (cooked over low heat, so that all the taste qualities of the products used are preserved).

Bulgaria is among the top five wine producers, both red (Cabernet, Mavrud, Merlot, Otel, Trakia, etc.) and white (Chardonnay, Galatea, Misket, Riesling, Tamyanka).


Rila Monastery - The holy place in Bulgaria. The monastery is recognized as a shrine not only for the Orthodox, but for the entire Christian church. The Rila Monastery (officially the Monastery of St. John of Rilski) is the largest and most famous Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria, in the northwest of the Rila Mountains, 117 km south of Sofia in the Rilskaya river valley, at an altitude of over 1000 m above sea level. Through the centuries, he has preserved the pride, national consciousness, honor and hope of the Bulgarian people. The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the followers of the hermit Saint Ivan Rilski, whose relics are kept here to this day.

Rozhen Monastery is located in the south of the country, 6 km from the city-museum Melnik at the foot of the Pirin Mountain and is almost 100 years older than the Rila Monastery. In its present form, the monastery (erected by the ruler of Melnitsk Slav at the turn of the 12th - 13th centuries) has survived as it was in the 16th century. The monastery's heyday reached its climax in the 19th century, when it became a regional spiritual center and had numerous estates in the surrounding areas. This is the only one of the monasteries restored in the first centuries of the Ottoman yoke, which later was lucky to survive. At the beginning of the 17th century, it was destroyed by fire, and in the 18th century it was rebuilt with donations from Bulgarian patrons.

One of the most interesting sights of the capital is the red brick built on the site of the Roman rotunda. church of St. George - the oldest temple in Sofia. On the inner side of the dome, frescoes have been preserved, the earliest of which date back to the 10th century, and outside the remains of the streets of ancient Serdica (the Roman name of the city) are preserved. The most beautiful boulevard in the city - Boulevard Vitosha, going from the Cathedral of St. Nedelya, past numerous underground shopping galleries, to the square of the Palace of Culture with a monument to the 1300th anniversary of Bulgaria. The nearby building of the Palace of Justice (1936) houses the National Museum of History - one of the largest historical museums in the Balkans.

The reserve city of Veliko Tarnovo, the ancient capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185 - 1393), is definitely worth a visit to see the Tsar's Palace, the picturesque Patriarch's and Balduin's towers in fortress Tsarevets on the hill of the same name, near which the show "Sound and Light" is regularly held, which tells about the history of the city. The picturesque quarter of Varusha, the monastery of St. Peter and Paul (XIII century) and Kapinovsky, as well as the churches of St. Dimitar Thessalonica (XI century, the oldest in the city) and St. Forty great martyrs (1230) are interesting.

In Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second largest city, a must see Trimontium ("three hills", the old city) - the Roman forum, a theater for 3 thousand seats and the gate of Hisar Kapia (II century AD), as well as jumaya mosque (XV century) and Imaret (1445), cathedral of Constantine and Helena (1832) with a beautiful gallery of icons, the ruins of the Thracian city of Eumolpias (II century BC), amphitheater of Philip II of Macedonas well as unique churches - St. Nedelya, St. Dimitar and St. Marina (1854). Plovdiv Archaeological Museum is considered one of the best in the country, the Ethnographic Museum in the Koyumjoglu house with an excellent collection of national costumes, an art gallery in the Baklanov House and the Museum of National Revival are also good.

The center of Varna is cathedral of the Holy Dormition of the Virgin ("Catedrala", 1880 - 1910), famous for its frescoes and unique wood carvings in the design of the patriarchal throne and iconostases. The Museum of History and Art (Archaeological) is located on an area of \u200b\u200b2000 sq. m. in a beautiful building of the former Maiden's gymnasium, and is considered the largest museum in the city. Its unique exposition contains more than 55 thousand exhibits, from the early Paleolithic era to the late Middle Ages, including a unique gold collection of the 5th - 6th millennia BC. e.

The town of Nessebar is famous for its many small churches, among which the most attractive st. Stephen's Church (XI century) and famous for its miraculous icon church of the Holy Mother of Godas well as a charming old mill, narrow cobblestone streets, gentle sea, quaint white cliffs and wide sandy beaches fringed by sand dunes.


Beach resorts: Rusalka, Albena, Kranevo, Zlatni-Pyasytsi, Riviera, Slynchev-Den, Sveti-Constantine and Elena, Obzor, Slynchev-Bryag, Duni... The fourth largest Bulgarian city Burgas located in the southeastern part of the country, on the shores of the deep gulf of Foros. The climate here is moderately continental with a strong influence of the sea. Burgas is a large industrial center. Rather, it is not a beach area, but a key point on the way to large seaside resorts like Slynchev-Bryaga - it is at the Burgas airport that many international flights land.

Stunning ancient city Nessebar located 20 km north of Bourgas, on a narrow peninsula protruding far into the sea. South of the modern neighborhoods, in the southern part of the bay, there are two good beach areas.

Small town Pomorie is located on a narrow rocky peninsula protruding into the sea for 3.5 km, 20 km north-east of Burgas. Pomorie was founded by Greek colonists in the 4th century BC. e., and already at that time was famous for its salt lakes, many of which had the status of sacred. Now the city is famous for the production of excellent cognacs and wines, the extraction of sea salt and healing mud. Here is one of the largest and most modern wine cellars in Bulgaria, as well as a domed Thracian tomb (3rd century) and the monastery of St. George (1856). Vacationers come here for the amazing beauty of the views and the unique microclimate. The beaches are gentle, sandy, stretching along the sea for 4.2 km.

Town Varna located on the northern shore of the Varna Bay and is a popular seaside resort. This is the third most populous city in Bulgaria (after Sofia and Plovdiv), considered the sea capital of the country and famous for its extensive sandy beaches. In July-August, the number of hours of sunshine per day here reaches 10-11. The sea is surprisingly calm and safe at any time of the year.

Ski resorts: Vitosha-Aleko; Pirin, Kulinoto, Dobrinishte, Bansko; Rila, Semkovo, Panichishte, Malevitsa, Borovets; Rhodope, Chepelare, Pamporovo; Uzana... Complex Vitosha-Aleko is located on the southern outskirts of Sofia and is one of the highest ski resorts in the country. More than 29 km of slopes at altitudes of 1650-2290 m are served by 12 lifts. For cross-country skiing, 11 km of flat trails are prepared. The disadvantages include quite often and dramatically changing weather.

To the mountain complex Pirin (Pirin), declared by UNESCO a natural and cultural heritage reserve, includes 87 steep peaks and 150 lakes, as well as an old town Bansko, lying about 160 km from Sofia, at an altitude of 930 meters above sea level.

The largest and oldest ski resort in Bulgaria Borovets is located at an altitude of 1350 m above sea level on the northern slopes of Mount Rila, at the foot of the highest peak in the Balkan Peninsula, Musala (2925 m). The duration of the ski season is from December to April. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is + 4 ° С.

The most famous is the southernmost ski center in Bulgaria - the resort Pamporovo (260 km from Sofia, 80 km from Plovdiv), on the lands of which, according to myths, the legendary singer Orpheus lived. Pamporovo is located in the Rhodope Mountains. Height above sea level - 1650 m. The most famous peaks: Snejanka (1925 m) and Murgavets (Mourgavets, 1858 m). Many hot springs gushing out of the ground gave rise to the opening of several therapeutic balneological centers in Pamporovo. The temperature in winter does not drop below - 7 C. The number of "snow" days per year is 150-200, the thickness of the snow cover is 140-150 cm.

Uzana is a real discovery, a wonderful gem in the mountain crown of the Balkans. Located among centuries-old oak forests at an altitude of 1300 m, the resort is part of the Bulgarka natural park. The season here lasts from mid-December to early April. The total length of the tracks is 3 km. The professional (and longest) track here is 1300 m. Beginners ride eight shorter tracks. Here you can also go kiting and ride a motorized sled. The famous town of Gabrovo is located 22 km from the resort.

Balneological resorts: Hisarya, Sandanski, Devin, Velingrad, Byankya, Troyan, Kyustendil.

Resort Hisarya is located at an altitude of 360 meters in the Sredna Gora mountain range, 42 km north of Plovdiv and 140 km east of Sofia. There are 22 mineral springs with water temperatures ranging from 37 ° C to 52 ° C. Winters are warm, mild and almost snowless. The sun shines 280 days a year. Industrial production in these places is not developed, so the ecology is close to ideal.

Resort Devin is located in the Rhodope Mountains, at an altitude of 684 meters, 220 km from Sofia, 100 km from Plovdiv and 45 km from Smolyan. The mountains have about 285 sunny days a year. In winter, temperatures drop to freezing and snow falls, but the environment is usually comfortable. It is almost never hot in summer. There are many natural attractions in these parts: various waterfalls, caves, rocks and reserves. The ski resort of Pamporovo is nearby.

Resort Sandanski located in the Pirin mountains, 160 km from Sofia and 80 km from Blagoevgrad. Sandanski is surrounded by the Pirin National Park and ruins from ancient settlements. The resort is famous for its mineral springs (their temperature is from 33 ° C to 83 ° C) combined with wonderful healing mountain air. Bronchial and asthmatic diseases are cured in Sandanski in most patients. You can relax here at any time of the year, since the winter is mild and the summer is not hot.

In the region Trojanlocated 160 km from Sofia and 300 km from the Black Sea, there are two balneology centers - Shipkovo and Chiflik... These places are famous for centuries-old forests, crystal clear air and mineral springs. Outdoor pools with mineral water, the temperature of which is about 34 ° C, are especially popular here. In the spa centers, clients are offered jacuzzis, saunas, massages, aromatherapy and thalassotherapy.

It is located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula and has an extensive Black Sea coast. Bulgaria is famous for its Black Sea and ski resorts. This is a country that is ready to receive tourists all year round.

In summer, vacationers have at their disposal luxurious beaches with golden sand and landscaped grounds, in winter - ski resorts with slopes of varying difficulty and a lot of opportunities for active pastime. Thanks to the refreshing wind from the sea, holidays in Bulgaria in summer will not be a heat test for you: the air temperature in the summer months ranges from 23 to 30 degrees. Clean and wide sandy beaches, smooth and evenly lowering seabed, the absence of dangerous sea inhabitants in the water - these are the advantages of the Bulgarian resorts.

Compared to European ones, hotels in Bulgaria are distinguished by affordable prices and at the same time demonstrate first-class service and cuisine. The resorts of Bulgaria have always attracted fans of summer and winter holidays.

Square: 110 993.6 sq. km.
Capital: Sofia.

Population: 9 million people (except for the bulk of the population of Bulgarians - 85%, ethnic Turks - 10%, Armenians, Greeks and representatives of other nationalities live here).

Time: lags behind Moscow time by 1 hour.

Currency: Bulgarian lev (BGL); 1 lev \u003d 100 stotinki. Currently, there are coins in circulation in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 stotinki, 1 lev and notes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 leva.

The Bulgarian lev can be exchanged for all freely convertible currencies, however, it is preferable to take with you euros or US dollars. (1 euro ~ 1.93 leva; 1 $ ~ 1.45 leva).

It is best to make an exchange at banks or exchange offices located directly in hotels. Banks work, as a rule, from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00, on weekdays. Some bank branches in the resorts are open until 21.00-22.00, as well as on weekends.

Tongue: official - Bulgarian. The spelling is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. The staff of resorts, tourist centers and hotels speaks Russian, English, German, French.

Religion: dominated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church - 87%, Islam - 12%.

Tip: the size of a tip to waiters in restaurants and bars is 10% of the total order amount (unless, of course, the service surcharge was included in your bill), to porters at the hotel or at the airport - 1-2 leva, taxi drivers round the bill up. Bargaining is quite appropriate in souvenir shops and public markets. All payments in Bulgaria are made only in local currency.

Holidays: January 1 - New Year; March 3 - Day of the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke; May 1 - Labor Day; May 6 - Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army; May 24 - Day of Bulgarian Written Language and Culture; September 6 - Day of the Unification of Bulgaria; September 22 - Independence Day of Bulgaria; December 25, 26 - Nativity of Christ.

Visa (required documents): passport with the personal signature of the owner, valid for three months after the end of the trip; a photocopy of the first page of the passport; a single color photo 3.5 × 4.5 cm on a light background; a questionnaire with the tourist's personal signature.

For children - a photocopy of a birth certificate. Children under 6 years old can get a visa free of charge. Children under 18 traveling with one parent (without parents) will need a copy of the notarized permission from the other parent (s) for the embassy.

The processing time for a regular visa is 5-7 working days, for an urgent one - 3 working days. Registration is carried out through our company.
Transport: buses, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis run in the cities of the country, and in Sofia trams are the main mode of transport. The cost of a single ticket varies within 2 BGL per day, a ticket for a week costs about 10 BGL, for a month - 37 BGL. Tickets can be bought at kiosks or from the driver.

Taxis in Bulgaria are yellow with traditional "checkers", a price list with prices must be fixed on the side window, often you can even get a check from the driver.

Rent a car: you can rent a car in Bulgaria if you have an international driving license. The driver must be at least 23 years old, with a driving experience of at least 2 years.

Climate: most of the country has a temperate continental climate, mild and suitable for travel in all seasons. To the south, it becomes Mediterranean. In the spring-summer and autumn months, the resorts of Bulgaria are characterized by warm mild weather with a long swimming season from May to October. The average air temperature in May is + 20 ° С, in June and September - + 25 ° С, in July and August - + 26-28 ° С.

Hotels: these are the best hotels on the Black Sea coast. First-class service, great pools, casinos, restaurants and gyms.

Beaches: in Bulgaria the beaches are free and owned by the city, however, umbrellas and sun loungers are paid additionally. The approximate cost of renting an umbrella per day is 6-10 euros and renting a sunbed per day - 2-5 euros, depending on the resort.

The ski season in Bulgaria lasts from early December to mid-April. It attracts tourists with a high level of piste preparation, a modern system of lifts and ski schools with attentive, Russian-speaking instructors.

The main, most famous and popular ski resorts in Bulgaria are Bansko, Borovets, Pamporovo.

In the ski resorts of Bulgaria, the hotel base and mountain infrastructure are constantly being updated. New tracks are being built, modern lifts manufactured by Western firms are being installed. Compared to the ski resorts in Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, the ski resorts in Bulgaria have a smaller total length of pistes, slopes of medium and low difficulty prevail,
which is suitable for beginner skiers and snowboarders, for intermediate skiers.

Treatment in Bulgaria: the combination of rest and treatment is preferred. Inexpensive and effective treatment in Bulgaria will make you feel great for the next year.

Bulgaria is famous for its balneological resorts. There are more than two hundred and fifty hydrothermal deposits here, and the number of mineral water springs is close to a thousand.

The use of sea and mineral waters, therapeutic mud, seaweed, medicinal plants can successfully treat diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous system, diseases of the gynecological nature, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system and so on.

National cuisine: one of the distinctive features of Bulgaria is its national cuisine. This is a paradise for those people who are "on a diet". And all because fruits and vegetables in various types of preparation prevail here. However, gourmets will not have to starve here either. Excellent meat dishes, seafood and fermented milk products always find their consumers here.

The predominant method of heat treatment is quenching. It is customary to flavor food in Bulgarian cuisine with various spices and seasonings, so vinegar, hot tomato sauces, red and black pepper are served separately.

From the first courses, chicken broth with egg yolk, vegetable soup with pasta, zucchini soup, pork soup with apples, chorba, lamb soup, kharcho soup, pickle soup, mashed soups from various vegetables and meat products and tarators are very popular (cold soups with sour milk).

From the second courses, lamb, veal and pork with cabbage, pork chops, lula kebabs, steaks, fillets, kebabs and lamb ragout are widespread, gyuvechi - dishes of meat, rice and vegetables, plakia - dishes from vegetables, onions, garlic, etc. spices, stewed with vegetable oil, yahnii - stew with vegetables and onions or only vegetables with onions, kebabs - pieces of meat fried on a spit, and of course, kebapchets - short sausages made from minced meat fried on a wire rack over hot deciduous coals trees, cabbage rolls, stuffed tomatoes and zucchini, omelettes.

Salads (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, paprika, green beans, green salad) are served separately for the second meat dishes. A significant place in Bulgarian cuisine is given to vegetable salads from potatoes, tomatoes, onions, paprika, eggplant, green beans, white and red beans, cauliflower, celery and apples, brains, snails, lamb and veal legs. Simple and tasty egg snacks, as well as labor-intensive snacks from fish, poultry and game, meat products, are very popular in Bulgaria. All kinds of pickles, canned vegetables and fruits are also traditional snacks.

Telephone communications: you can call another country or city from any pay phone using telephone cards, which are sold at post offices, newsagents and in large hotels. Calls from the post office will be cheaper than from the hotel.

Customs: import and export of foreign currency is not limited (declaration is required), import and export of national currency is prohibited. Unspent leva can be exchanged before leaving the country. To do this, you must submit a certificate of the initial exchange from the exchange office. Allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 250 g of tobacco products, 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine, 50 g of coffee, 100 g of tea, 50 ml of perfume, 250 ml of cologne or other perfumery products. The import of non-canned food is prohibited. Objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value cannot be imported and exported without a special permit. Jewelry, video cameras, computers and other expensive items must be declared.

Ambulance 150
Police 166

Representation of the Russian Federation: Embassy of Russia - Sofia, bul. Dragan Tsangov, 28 - tel. (359-2) 9634458, 9630912, 9634021, fax (359-2) 9634116.

The variety of climatic conditions and geographic zones has made Bulgaria one of the best holiday destinations. On a relatively small territory of the state, you can find more than 50 resorts, while the tourism business in the country continues to develop actively.

Summer vacation in Bulgaria

The length of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is about 415 km, of which 130 are beaches luring with warm sand. All-inclusive holiday lovers should consider the following resorts: Albena, Golden Sands, Sunny Day, Sunny Beach, St. Constantine and Helena, Elenite, Nessebar, Riviera, Sozopol, Duni (for fans of windsurfing and other active recreation), Obzor , Mermaid.

For those who prefer an economical and quiet family vacation, spending time in Kranevo, Pomorie, Chaika and Byala is perfect. And for connoisseurs of "wild" and contrasting rest, Bulgaria has prepared two small resort towns - Balchik and Primorsko, where the mountains descend directly to the sea. It should be borne in mind that you will have to look for equipped beaches here, and accommodation is mainly represented by three-star hotels, but for little money.

Winter holidays in Bulgaria

The presence in the country of two mountain ranges at once - Pirinsky and Rilla-Rhodope - determines a wide choice of ski resorts for every taste. The average length of the season is about 120 days, from December to April. Snow in the mountains of Bulgaria is quite enough - the average thickness of the cover is 1-2 m. And the mild and relatively warm winters (the average winter temperature in the mountainous regions does not exceed 9 degrees below zero) provide a comfortable rest and the possibility of a long stay in the fresh air.

The main ski resorts near Sofia - Vitosha and Borovets - allow you to fully enjoy all the delights of rest in the mountains: modern lifts, steep and not so slopes, breathtaking landscapes. Travelers visiting Plovdiv can go sledging or skiing in Pamporovo, Banya or Chepelare. Such resorts as Semkovo and Razlog are also in demand among experienced tourists.

Wellness holiday in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is famous for its hot (thermal) mineral springs, appreciated by the most ancient inhabitants of Europe. In combination with clean air - mountain or sea, water gushing out of the ground can not only have a healing and prophylactic effect, but is also an excellent addition to the treatment of many diseases.

The springs of Bulgaria have the maximum healing effect on the musculoskeletal system. You can improve your health in any sanatorium in the country, but Chiflik, Hisar, Troyan, Devin, Kyustendil, Pavel Banya, Varshets are recognized as the best.

Holidays in Bulgaria

The International Festival Surva (Survaki), which is annually held in the city of Pernik, near Sofia, on the last Saturday and Sunday of January, is popular with tourists. Surva is a variety of fairs, theatrical performances, folk games and festivities, ending with a crowded costume parade. In recent years, this event is rapidly gaining popularity not only among European tourists: more than 6,000 guests from all over the world come to take part in traditional rituals.

In the small town of Yambol in late February and early March, there is an annual colorful festival with a masquerade procession - Kukerlandia. It is believed that reincarnations in the images of evil spirits scare away evil spirits. Whether it is true or not is unknown, but an unforgettable experience for tourists is guaranteed.

The arrival of spring in Bulgaria is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. Interesting folk traditions are dedicated to this event: on March 1, as a sign of good wishes and protection from misfortunes, everyone ties symbolic red and white ribbons to each other - martenitsa.

May is also rich in all kinds of cultural events. From the 8th to the 13th, the largest fair in the country is annually organized in Plovdiv, which attracts craftsmen from all over the country. On May 18, Bulgaria celebrates the International Day of Museums, in honor of which the doors of the exhibition halls are open to visitors all day long. Also within the framework of the event, numerous theatrical performances and open-air concerts are organized. The last week of May is famous for the beginning of the Rose Festival (every year the dates of its holding change slightly), which is organized in the city of Kazanlak in even years, and in Karlovo in odd years.

Along with the careful preservation of traditions, Bulgarians are open to everything new. So, on July 1, on the Black Sea coast, Julai is noisily celebrated - a holiday that arose in the 80s of the 20th century thanks to the hippie movement and named after the song "July morning", which was performed by the then popular group Uriah Heep. Dzhulay is celebrated with dances, fun games, and, of course, endless listening to your favorite song.

Day of the Bulgarian Navy (the second Sunday in August) is magnificently celebrated in all coastal cities, accompanied by ship parades and the solemn oath of allegiance to the Motherland by sailors. The entire previous week, which is called "Marine", was full of concerts, performances and other festive events.

On September 1, the city of Sozopol becomes the center of the cultural life of Bulgaria, where Apollonia starts on that day. All 10 days of the international festival are accompanied by art exhibitions, performances by musicians of all kinds of genres, dance competitions and literary evenings.

National cuisine of Bulgaria

Bulgarians are fond of a wide variety of meats, vegetables and herbs, and their favorite cooking methods are long cooking and stewing. You need to be prepared for the fact that traditional dishes of this cuisine are spicy and quite fatty. Those who want to get to know the local culinary traditions better should definitely taste:

  • gyuvech - meat stewed with vegetables in a clay pot;
  • meat or fish cooked on skara (Bulgarian grill);
  • sach - fried assorted meat, vegetables or their combination;
  • chorbu - rich, thick soups made from different ingredients.

Special attention should be paid to the Bulgarian national fermented milk products - feta cheese (siren) and, in fact, sour milk (kiselo mlyako). Cheese is added to almost all national dishes, especially salads, stewed or baked vegetables, meat and fish. Kiselo mlyako is a dressing for salads, a base for sauces or an independent drink, a glass of which will come in handy more than ever after a day full of impressions.

Bulgaria is a country of vineyards, so you can taste local wine in any restaurant. Also in almost any similar establishment you can try rakia - fruit vodka based on apples, grapes, apricots or peaches, or mastic - aniseed vodka.

Money of the Republic of Bulgaria

The official monetary unit of the state is the Bulgarian lev (BNG), which consists of 100 stotinka - an analogue of our kopecks. Within the framework of the Monetary Council, the lev quotes are inextricably linked with the euro rate (1 € \u003d 1.95 BNG), which minimizes possible speculation at exchange offices. In mid-February 2016, 1 Bulgarian lev cost about 44 rubles, but before traveling to the country, the course will have to be clarified. In everyday life, in addition to the lev, American dollars and euros are also often found, but they are not accepted everywhere, so a sensible tourist should always have some national banknotes with him. Cashless payments are widespread only in large cities, which again indicates the need to always have cash with you.

Currency exchange is best done at the United Bank of Bulgaria and other official offices, but in no case use the services of the money changer, as there is a very high probability of being deceived. Rubles are not accepted at all points, so the best option is to stock up on the necessary minimum of levs or euros in advance. At the same time, it is not worth exchanging too much money, because it is problematic for Bulgarian banks to change levs back to dollars, this can be done only with a limited amount when leaving the country, moreover, at an unfavorable exchange rate.


It is not difficult to issue documents for visiting Bulgaria and, in comparison with other EU states, inexpensive. Free entry into the country is allowed for holders of multiple Schengen or those who have a national visa to Romania or Cyprus. If there are none, you will have to collect a simple package of papers and spend from 3 (urgent) to 7 (regular) days for issuing a national visa to Bulgaria. Self-registration of documents through the consulate in Moscow until recently cost about 55 €, of which 35 € - consular fee, about 20 € - service fee, but since January 1, 2016 the amount of consular fee has been reduced to 10 €. For children under 16, a visa is issued free of charge.

A detailed list of documents and the cost of their registration can be found on the official website of the Bulgarian Embassy in Moscow or by contacting the consulate by phone +7 499 143 62 30 (Monday-Friday from 15.00 to 17.00). Also, when processing entry documents, you can use the help of travel agencies.

Accommodation in Bulgaria

A wide selection of good cheap hotels has long been one of the main advantages of Bulgaria in the tourism sector. Bargain hunters do not have to look for a room at a low price for a long time, while lovers of a more comfortable stay will not be disappointed either: first-class hotels in cities and beach resorts offer no less amenities than in any other country in the world.

When planning a trip to Bulgaria or any other country, it is important to take care of accommodation in advance. You can try to rent a room or apartment directly from the owners yourself. But you should think about it in advance, at least a couple of months before the planned trip: there is a crazy demand for housing in Bulgaria, especially during the season. The choice of hotels is wide in almost all cities of the country: for every taste and wallet size.

Overall, it is one of the cheapest tourist destinations in Europe. A double room in hotels in small resort towns such as Kranevo or Pomorie will cost an average of 30 leva per day (about 15 euros). Accommodation in hotels of more popular resorts depends on the number of stars, for example, a double room in 4-star hotels will cost about 200 leva per day. The price of a detached house on the seashore ranges from 60-80 levs. When looking for accommodation in Bulgaria, you can use the services of trusted travel agencies or our website, this will help to avoid fraud and guarantee acceptable living conditions.

Camping in Bulgaria is not the best choice, as there are no real amenities for holidaymakers in this way except on the Black Sea coast. Contact the Bulgarian Tourist Office in Sofia (tel: 02-987-97-78) for more information. Wild camping is illegal.


There are many good cheap youth-type hotels in Bulgaria with dormitories for about 20 leva per night or even less. The best ones are busy during the high season, so advance booking is recommended.


Public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams and the country's only metro line located in Sofia. Transport does not run around the clock, so the schedule needs to be clarified immediately before traveling to Bulgaria. Travel documents are sold at bus stops, newsstands or directly from the driver. It is important not to forget to punch the tickets, otherwise you can get caught by the controller and then you will have to pay a fine of 1 lev.

With an international driving license, you can rent a car. It will cost about 30-60 leva per day, but it should be borne in mind that the roads in the provincial towns of the country leave much to be desired.


Bulgarian taxi drivers once had a reputation for being robbers. Now, thanks to legislation, all cars are equipped with meters, and drivers (at least in Sofia) are obliged to issue checks. This does not mean that tourists are never "bred" for extra money; it happens sometimes. But if you stay cool and always use a taxi with the company name ("Yellow Taxi", tel .: 02-911-19; Euro Taxi, tel .: 02-910-33; Sofia Taxi, tel .: 02- 974-47-47; OK Supertrans, Tel .: 02-973-21-21 in Sofia), then travel will be surprisingly cheap. Don't expect the drivers to speak English, but you can ask the hotel concierge or restaurant waiter to call a taxi for you.

The rail network is well developed, tickets are cheap, and trains run on schedule, albeit rather slowly. Even the express trains with the optimistic names InterCity and Expres do not live up to expectations. The fastest of the five daily trains from Sofia to Varna takes eight and a half hours. If you want to travel by rail, it is best to do so at night in an inexpensive sleeping car (spalen). Buying tickets can be a time consuming process: don't expect help from cashiers. It is best to buy tickets at the Wasteels office, to the left of the entrance to Sofiyskiy railway station.

Bus and Taxi

In Bulgaria, an intercity bus service is developed, which is indispensable in small mountain villages and towns remote from busy highways. Traveling by this type of transport will cost a tourist an average of 9 levs per 100 km. A convenient way to travel is a taxi, which in Bulgaria is easy to recognize by the yellow color of the cars and the characteristic checkered pattern.

Having spent an unforgettable vacation, you always want to please your loved ones with cute gifts and take something for yourself as a keepsake of a pleasant vacation. Fortunately, the selection of souvenirs in Bulgaria is very large.

With presents for the beautiful half of humanity, the situation is as easy as shelling pears - be sure to purchase natural Bulgarian cosmetics based on rose extracts. All kinds of creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos and much more can be found not only in the vicinity of Rose Valley, but throughout the country. Elegantly packaged, these gifts will please every woman.

Men will most likely appreciate souvenir alcohol: brandy, brandy or wine, infused according to the best traditional recipes, will allow them to touch the national spirit of this people.

Rose jam is a delicious souvenir from Bulgaria, sold in almost any grocery store. The characteristic pleasant taste will remind you of this hospitable country for a long time to come.

Sharena sol is a favorite seasoning of Bulgarians, which is salt mixed with spices. It perfectly suits any dish, has an unusual and aesthetic appearance.

Tablecloths, napkins, small rugs, woven of the finest sheep's wool and decorated with ethnic embroidery are a great gift that can add a touch of flavor to the interior. But for such souvenirs, you will most likely have to go to small villages at the foot of the mountains.

Handmade wooden and ceramic dishes with ornate patterns will appeal to any housewife, and thick-walled clay pots are suitable for stews and vegetables - perhaps even according to Bulgarian recipes.

Also in Bulgaria, you can buy classic souvenirs at almost every step: magnets, key rings, T-shirts, small figurines, etc. The only advice for tourists - try not to postpone the purchase of gifts until the last day: at airports and train stations, their cost is significantly overpriced, and the choice is limited.

The customs service of Bulgaria is quite loyal, so there are no significant restrictions on the export of goods, except for the standard for all countries ban on the transportation of weapons, illegal drugs or flammable substances, as well as items of historical value.


Bulgarians have little prejudice about dress, but note that local women cover their heads when entering a church or cathedral, although foreigners are not required to do the same. If you are invited to a Bulgarian home, you need to take off your shoes or at least offer to do it.

Bicycles for rent

Cycling is not popular in Bulgaria and there are almost no cyclists in the cities. In ski resorts such as Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets, mountain bikes can be rented from large hotels for about 20 leva per day, leaving a credit card as a deposit. Bicycles are also available for rent in large hotels along the Black Sea coast.

Car rental

In order to see the best in Bulgaria, it is recommended to rent a car for one or two days, but this is a relatively expensive pleasure: prices start from about 120 leva per day. However, gasoline is cheap. All major car rental companies have offices throughout the country, including Varna and Sofia airports, and cars can be rented from most major hotels. Roads in general are in poor condition and night travel can be hazardous.

Another option is to rent a car with a driver. To do this, it is better to go to a taxi driver in a big city, ask if he is free, and then negotiate a price. You are unlikely to be refused, and you can find a common language for about 100 leva per day, plus the cost of gasoline, food and accommodation.


In Bulgaria, right-hand traffic, although in rural areas such rules are ignored at best. If you brought a car to Bulgaria, you need to have a driver's license and proof of international insurance coverage (green card) with you.

Those who forgot to do this can buy insurance at the border. Your passport will be stamped confirming that you arrived by car. If you try to leave the country in any other way, you will have to explain what happened to the car.

Getting around big cities is no worse or better than most other countries, but outside of cities, things are different. There are only two real highways in Bulgaria: Sofia - Plovdiv (partially) and Sofia - Pravets, and both are subject to tolls. Other roads between cities are mostly two- or single-lane. Roads are generally poorly signposted, so stock up on a detailed map or navigator. The road surface is uneven and there is not enough lighting everywhere, so be careful at night. As you drive through villages, watch out for random gypsy carts and unattended animals. The speed limit is 60 km / h in cities, 80 km / h on open roads and 120 km / h on motorways, although Bulgarians pay little attention to this.

Information for the disabled

Bulgaria is making huge strides towards accommodating travelers with disabilities, but travel remains difficult. Sofia is ahead of the rest: simple ramps for wheelchairs are found in many public squares, in museums and other attractions, as well as at metro stations. There are many hotels on the Black Sea coast that can take care of disabled tourists. In mountain resorts and in other cities, things are more complicated.

Health and medical care