Apply for a credit card with instant results. Making a card online. Is it possible to improve credit conditions for the unemployed?

Our website contains up-to-date information about credit cards. Thanks to a convenient search system, visitors to the page have the opportunity to quickly select a card with acceptable conditions for themselves. The list of available proposals includes sections that describe both advantages and disadvantages.

The site's easy-to-follow navigation makes it easy to navigate the list of credit cards offered and make informed decisions. Having decided on the choice of product, potential borrowers will be able to send a request for a card directly from our website! The service provides an opportunity to save time and get a credit card remotely.

The purpose of our resource is to provide potential customers with detailed information about the most profitable loan programs of banks. For each of its types, the minimum / maximum limit, the cost of annual maintenance, the duration of the grace period, the interest rate after its end, etc. are indicated. A well-compiled list with easy-to-understand explanations allows you to make the right choice. Having chosen a card, it is enough to use a special menu item and order a credit card without leaving the current page. It will be delivered to the address indicated by the client via Russian post or by courier.

What are they needed for?

The purpose of a credit card is to pay for goods and services without the possibility of storing your own funds on it. However, offers from some banks stipulate conditions that allow you to use a credit card at the same time as a debit card. Interest on the balance of personal money is not charged.

One of the main advantages of any credit card is the possibility of interest-free use of money for a certain period (grace period). Each bank sets a different period: from 30 to 55 days, rarely up to 100 days in the first two months of use. "Borrowing" without interest is convenient and profitable. This is especially true in situations where a small amount of money is not enough, for example, until the next salary.

The grace period applies only to non-cash transactions. It does not work when cashing out. Many banks charge a fee for withdrawing money from an ATM.

Applying for credit cards online

Credit card offers without the need to verify your income are not uncommon today. But promptly obtaining a credit card with minimal requirements implies a low limit and a high interest rate. "Urgent" programs are designed for clients who are in dire need of money today and do not have time to collect personal documents. To apply for a credit card online, a potential borrower only needs to have a valid passport.

Credit cards are a relatively new product on the Russian banking market. But people are increasingly using them because of the obvious advantages over standard consumer loans.

Banks offer hundreds of offers, among which each client will surely find what he needs. Using our website, potential borrowers have the opportunity to quickly understand the conditions and become the owner of a credit card in the shortest possible time.

For many of our fellow citizens, the question of which bank would be easiest to get a credit card is an urgent question? What organizations do people apply to most often? We will answer these questions next.

How are credits processed?

We note right away that the conditions for issuing cards with a certain limit are approximately the same for all banks - you need to send an application online or immediately at the office, wait for its approval, come to the office with documents, sign an agreement and get your hands on "plastic".

The differences will be very small - in terms of the lending itself, as well as in the number of papers that you will need to provide. It is for this reason that there is no mythical bank where everyone approves loans - each company is interested in increasing its customer base, just some borrowers fit and immediately receive approval, while others do not.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 11.5%Checkout
Tinkoff credit card0% for 55 daysApplication
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 12%Checkout
Alfa-bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Sovcombank quick responseFrom 12%Checkout
SKB-BankFrom 19.9%Checkout
UBRDFrom 15%Checkout

Who will be approved?

The ideal borrower looks like this:

  • have Russian citizenship and permanent registration in the region of applying to the bank,
  • have official employment, experience of 6 months,
  • official income is at least 10,000-15,000 rubles per month,
  • no other credit obligations,
  • positive credit history.

If you have delays, fines, a lot of other loans or loans, then no one will approve a credit card for you. Therefore, you must first close all debts, and only after that look for a bank where you can issue a card with a limit.

For starters, we recommend that you contact the banking organization where you have already opened an account, taken a loan, opened a deposit, or where you receive wages, for such clients they usually offer the most favorable conditions. If this option does not suit you, read on for our tips for borrowers.

How to choose the best credit card?

So, if you decide to issue such a card for yourself, then you should understand that this type of lending has certain features:

  1. Firstly, easier registration and receipt than other options. As a rule, banking companies require a minimum of documents from the borrower, most often 2 - a passport and an additional one of your personal choice. This may be a certificate of income, a copy of a work book, a document confirming that you own real estate or a car, title, SNILS, etc.;
  2. Secondly: the card does not have a strictly defined period for which you must pay off the debt. You can pay it as much as you consider convenient, there is only one thing: it exists, which must be paid monthly and is mandatory;
  3. Thirdly, credit cards have such a service as, during which interest is not charged for the use of borrowed funds. If you repay the debt within this period, then you do not overpay;
  4. Fourthly, almost all cards have a certain service cost - until you pay it, you cannot use the credit limit.

Pay attention to all the information written in small print. Very often, all kinds of commissions are prescribed there, as well as mandatory insurance, which can make using the card extremely unprofitable.

It is important to choose a card with a long grace period, it is desirable that it extends not only to non-cash transactions, but also to cash withdrawals from an ATM. There is such a service, for example,.

Instant credit cards

If you are striving to get it as soon as possible and easily, then we recommend that you choose instant issuance cards. As a rule, 15-20 minutes are enough to receive them, as well as the presentation of a passport, additional documents are not required.

Note that for such proposals, as a rule, small amounts of no more than 150 thousand rubles are approved, while the interest rate starts from 25-30% per annum and higher. Similar offers are available at:

  1. - here you can get a Momentum card only if you are an active client of this company, and there is a pre-approved offer in your name. If you meet these requirements, you will be offered: an individual credit limit of up to 600,000 rubles at a percentage of 23.9% per annum. You will be able to enjoy a grace period of up to 50 days, the service will be free.
  2. (former Leto-Bank), where the Postal Express program operates. According to it, you will be able to independently choose a limit that will be “affordable” for you - 5,000, 10,000 or 15,0000 rubles. There is no interest here, you need to make a minimum monthly payment every month, and with no debt, you do not need to pay any % or maintenance.
  3. Recently, a service has appeared that allows you to get an activated credit card on the day of your application in just 40 minutes. You are assigned an individual amount, which you can use without accruing % up to 60 or up to 100 days of the grace period. For registration, you need to contact the office and provide documents: a passport and one more to choose from (passport, TIN, insurance certificate, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy), to reduce the rate, you can bring another document, for example, about your property.
  4. Bank Let's Go! - this company has an "Instant" card. It offers a small loan in the amount of up to 30 thousand rubles at a fixed 29% per annum. There is no grace period and no issuance or maintenance fees.
  5. - here you can also apply for a credit card with an online solution in 15 minutes. The interest starts from 11.5% per annum (valid for the first 3 months), the limit is up to 300 thousand, there is an interest-free period of up to 56 days for non-cash purchases. Issuance on the same day.
  6. At the bank, you can apply for a Visa Platinum and Visa Gold card with the “Benefit” program, which will be free for registration and maintenance. The renewable limit is up to 300 thousand. There is a grace period of up to 51 days, monthly you need to make a payment of 5% of the amount of the debt (at least 1000 rubles).
Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

As you can see, there are many financial and credit companies that are ready to offer their customers the most attractive programs and card products. You can learn more information in this article.

credit card by mail

If you want to receive a card with home delivery, then it is best to apply to Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. This company is the leader in terms of the number of credit cards issued to Russian citizens; about 5 million of our compatriots have already received it.

Here you do not need to collect certificates, involve a guarantor or provide a pledge, the data that you provide is enough, as well as a scan of two required documents. The shipment takes no more than 7 days, the receipt can be ordered to the address of your residence or place of work, the service is free.

Let's talk about the main conditions of lending:

  • the limit is set individually, the maximum amount will be 300 thousand rubles;
  • the interest rate on non-cash purchases can vary from 14.9 to 34.9% per annum;
  • there is a grace period without accruing interest up to 55 days only for non-cash purchases;
  • interest rate for cash withdrawal - from 32.9 to 49.9% per annum + a commission of 2.9% of the amount + 290 rubles is charged;
  • the minimum monthly payment is 8% of the debt amount;
  • the cost of annual maintenance is 590 rubles.

An application for issuing a card is filled out on the Tinkoff Bank website. It is necessary to indicate your contact and passport details, as well as information about employment. All necessary documents are sent in the form of electronic scans.

Every year the popularity of credit cards among the economically active population is certainly growing. There are several reasons for this, but the main ones are the growth of financial literacy of the population and the improvement of conditions on the part of banks. Great competition among banks for potential customers makes them come up with new card products that would be interesting not only for the bank, but also beneficial for customers. And in this situation, people have a question: “ In which bank to open a profitable credit card? and “What is the best credit card?”.

In this review, we will look at the most profitable credit cards in 2019.

To begin with, let's define the main criteria by which a credit card can be considered profitable:

  1. Annual card maintenance- this is the main parameter when choosing a profitable card. “By default”, everyone would like to have a card without annual service, but it happens that a card with paid annual service can still be profitable and interesting, provided that certain conditions apply to the card, which easily make it possible to recoup the cost of service.
  2. Cashback accrual. Now it is difficult to imagine bank cards for which the bank would not set the cashback function, but the size of the cashback and the conditions for receiving it differ in each bank.
  3. Grace period. For credit cards, an important role is played by the grace period, which can be "fair" or "dishonest", extending to cash withdrawals or not, as well as an important parameter - the duration of the grace period. The longer the grace period, the more profitable the card.
  4. Cash withdrawal fee. A profitable card is mainly sought by those who plan to withdraw cash, because such a parameter as a commission for withdrawing funds plays a very important role and is quite costly when using a credit card to withdraw cash.
  5. Commission for additional services. Additional services include SMS informing, card replenishment from another bank, transfers to other banks, including from card to card, and so on. In some banks, these services are absolutely free, while in others they may charge a fee for this.

The most profitable credit cards of 2019

Below is a list-ranking of the TOP 8 bank credit cards, which are the most profitable credit cards in 2019. The selection of credit cards was carried out on the basis of current tariffs, personal experience and reviews on the Internet. This selection will help you choose the most advantageous offer for yourself and get an answer to the question: “Which credit card is the most profitable?”.

Tinkoff Platinum - the most popular and profitable credit card in Russia

The Tinkoff Bank credit card is one of the most popular credit cards in Russia. This is due to the fact that you can order it via the Internet and without references from the place of work. Unlike other cards, you will receive a Tinkoff Bank card in 2-3 days by courier to your home.

But besides the convenience of issuing a card, the card has several undoubted advantages that make it the most profitable credit card for all categories of users: students, working citizens and pensioners.

Firstly, this is the Bravo bonus program, which allows you to receive bonuses for your purchases up to 30% on special offers that can be seen on the Internet and mobile banking. These are, for example, large online stores, well-known chains of cafes and restaurants, popular services for ordering air and railway tickets, and much more. For any other purchases, the cashback will be 1%.

Secondly, if you have a credit card debt in another bank, and you decide to issue a card in Tinkoff, then you can transfer your debt from another bank to Tinkoff. The service is called "Balance transfer". When transferring debt from another bank, you will receive a grace period of 120 days for this transferred debt. That is, no interest will be charged for 4 months. This is a unique service that is available only in Tinkoff Bank.

Credit card "Platinum" from Russian Standard for cash withdrawal without commission

Russian Standard Bank has become more active in the credit card market since last year. One of the main cards in this bank is the Platinum credit card. The card favorably differs from all other and previous cards of this bank.

The main benefits of credit cards are as follows:

  • No commission for withdrawing cash credit money from the card.
  • The cost of annual maintenance is 499 rubles.
  • Low rate from 21.9%
  • Cashback 15% from bank partners and 5% in selected categories. Standard 1% on all other purchases.

"Alfa-Bank - 100 days without interest" - a profitable credit card for cash withdrawals and purchases

A credit card from the largest private bank in Russia stands out from others in that it has a grace period of 100 days. Alfa-Bank was one of the first banks to start issuing cards with a grace period in excess of the traditional hitherto 55-60 days.

This card will be beneficial for those who are used to using the grace period for medium and large purchases, as well as for those who often withdraw cash from a credit card (The grace period on the Alfa-Bank card also applies to cash withdrawals). That is why the Alfa-Bank card can be considered one of the most profitable credit cards for withdrawing cash from ATMs.

Installment credit cards "Conscience" and "Halva" for profitable purchases

Have you ever shopped in installments? For instance. for a promotion in M.Video or Eldorado. When applying for such installments, which are issued through a bank, very often loan specialists “push” supposedly compulsory life insurance .. That is, it is almost impossible to issue a “naked” installment plan. There will still be an overpayment.

And in 2016, credit cards appeared that allow you to buy goods and pay for services from card partners in installments up to 12 months. For example, to buy a refrigerator in a household appliance store in installments, you do not need a loan officer. You simply choose a product, go to the cashier and pay with your installment card there. And then pay in installments to the card. Without any imposed insurance and the like. The savings here are significant, since if you had issued the goods in a standard way, you would have paid a tidy sum for the imposed bank insurance. In Russia, now only 2 banks issue such profitable installment credit cards.

Card "Conscience" from Qiwi Bank allows you to purchase more than 20,000 thousand goods and services from partners of Qiwi Bank in installments up to 12 months. Card with a credit limit from 5 to 300 thousand rubles without annual maintenance and issue fees. For registration, you only need to leave an online application, and after approval, the card will be brought to your home.

Similar "Halva" card from Sovcombank. "Halva", as well as a card from Qiwi Bank, is absolutely free. In addition, to receive a card, it is enough to fill out an online application form and, after approval, receive a card at any branch of Sovcombank or by courier. The card is not registered and is issued immediately. For registration, you only need a passport. You can use both debit and credit. The card provides cashback up to 20 percent! Everyone, including pensioners, will be able to feel the benefits and advantages of the card. Details in map overview.

CASHBACK credit card with favorable conditions from Vostochny Bank

Among the most profitable credit cards of 2019, one can single out a credit card from Vostochny Bank, which is simply called "CashBack". It allows you to receive a refund for purchases in the amount of 5% in categories that the bank sets every three months. Now there are categories Pharmacies; Clothing and Footwear; Products for children. For all other purchases, the traditional 1% cashback.

The card is serviced free of charge during the entire period. But for the release you will have to pay 1000 rubles. But this fee will pay off in the first month of using the card. The credit limit on the card is provided from 55 to 400 thousand rubles, a grace period of up to 56 days, and for keeping own funds on the card 4% per annum.

Also, Vostochny Bank has a credit card where, instead of interest on a loan, a daily commission is charged - a “Prosto” card and a credit card called “Seasonal” with instant issuance, a grace period of up to 56 days and a low rate of 11.5% per annum in the first 3 months.

To apply for one of these cards, just leave an application at the link below and wait for a call from a bank specialist who will announce the decision and help you choose the best and most profitable credit card for you, depending on your needs.

Credit card with a favorable grace period of 120 days from UBRIR bank

In the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, you can order a credit card with a large grace period, which is equal to 120 days for all purchases. Such a long grace period automatically makes the card very profitable for making both large and small purchases wherever cards are accepted. But in addition to 120 days without interest, the bank gives another 1% cashback for any purchase.

Other nuances of the card:

  • Credit limit from 30 to 300 thousand. To get the maximum limit, you can provide 2-personal income tax at will. And so in general, only a passport is enough.
  • Maintenance of the card costs 1500 rubles per year. But if you spent more than 100 thousand rubles during the year, the bank is guaranteed to return the service fee back to the card account.
  • Age for registration from 21 to 75 years. That is, both young people and pensioners can issue a card.

To issue a card, you must also receive a ready-made card at the nearest bank branch or delivery to a convenient address.

Card Credit Plus - the most profitable credit card with instant cashback

Credit Europe Bank has a credit card that stands out for its favorable conditions - the Card Credit Plus card. This card product has the following advantages:

  • Instant card issue when ordering online.
  • Credit limit up to 600 thousand rubles. For a limit of up to 350 thousand, only a passport is needed!
  • Grace period up to 55 days. Installment plan with bank partners from 2 to 11 months.
  • Free cash withdrawal abroad.
  • Free service for purchases from 15 thousand rubles, otherwise 79 rubles.
  • Well, the most interesting - cashback 5% percent in 4 categories of purchases(Clothes and footwear; Beauty and health; Entertainment; Cafes and Restaurants). All other purchases earn 1% cashback. Cashback is credited in the form of points that can be used to pay for any purchase in any store in the world (the purchase is deducted from the bonus account, not in cash).
  • Moreover, unlike other similar credit cards, cashback on this card is credited instantly!
  • Almost every month, the bank launches new promotions for this card, which allow you to receive additional cashback up to 15-20%. For example, 7 days before the birthday and 7 days after it, an increased cashback of 10% is provided for cafes, restaurants and entertainment.

Any purchases are profitable with the card #ALL AT ONCE from Raiffeisenbank

At Raiffeisenbank, you can get a credit card with a cashback on all purchases and a limit of up to 600,000 rubles. According to the terms of the card, for each completed payment transaction for 50 rubles, you will receive 1 point, which in the future, in your personal account, can be profitably exchanged for certificates of well-known retail chains or real money (cash back). The conversion rate depends on the number of points. That is, if you actively use the card and accumulate a large number of them, then they can be exchanged on more favorable terms. The best conversion rate means 5% cashback on everything!

A nice bonus will be the accrual of welcome points after the first purchase, for a birthday and for the New Year.

Maintenance of the card will cost only about 125 rubles per month. If you compare this with the benefits that can be obtained with the help of it, then the amount of annual maintenance seems to be quite small.

Where to open a profitable credit card, everyone will decide on their own, but I hope this review will help you make the right choice. If you already use one of the cards, then leave your feedback about it under this post.

Issuing credit cards is one of the directions, thanks to which you can conveniently manage money, paying in stores, making online purchases, etc. Moreover, getting a credit card is much faster due to the minimum package of documents and the possibility of obtaining a card directly to your home. As a rule, in order to apply for a credit card in Russian banks, you must have a stable income, a good credit reputation, and be over 21 years old (in some cases, 18 years old).

What kind of credit card can you get?

There are several types of credit cards issued:

  • with revolving credit. This means that after repayment of the spent loan amount, within the established limit, the money can be used again;
  • "disposable" cards. The credit card can no longer be used after the loan has been repaid.

Best of all, during which you can use money for free. It can be defined for 30,50, and 100 days. If the money on the card is returned on time, then you do not need to pay anything, and you can use the entire limit on the card again. If the payment is overdue by several days, then the interest is paid differently. Some banks count them for the entire period of use, others only for days that are not included in the grace period. You can buy such a card in almost every bank.

Conditions for obtaining credit cards?

The requirements for customers wishing to apply for a credit card are the same as for obtaining a loan. These include:

  • registration in the area where the bank is located;
  • solvency;
  • employment;
  • good credit history.

You can apply for and receive a credit card using your passport and application form. References are not required for all credit programs. Banks offer issuance of an urgent card according to two documents. Not all cards are issued free of charge. There are products for which there is a small card processing fee. In a number of banks you can buy a card with an individual design.

How to get a credit card?

You can choose a suitable card on this portal. The list of banks and the basis of the loan parameters are presented in a table:

  • bid;
  • payment per month;
  • payment for the entire period.

The "online application" window redirects to the bank's website to fill it out.

To choose the right option for a credit card, you need to mark the amount and term of the loan in the credit card calculator. You can order a card without references and/or without collateral by ticking the corresponding options. The amount available for crediting to the card and the period of use of the card may depend on these parameters.

The terms of issuance, the currency of the loan, the rate on the loan to the card and other lending conditions can be seen by activating the name of the bank or the name of the credit card in the table.

The demand for credit cards is related to the convenience of issuing and using them. The client can get a credit card with delivery without visiting the bank office, the card eliminates the need to carry cash, it is possible to receive bonus points when making non-cash purchases.

If you want to fill out an application online and get a credit card, but do not know how and where to do it, we advise you to read this article. Here you can learn about which companies make the most advantageous offers for their customers and how to take advantage of them.

How can I get a credit card with an online application?

To date, there are dozens of offers from banks that offer their customers to fill out an application for a credit card remotely and receive it in a few days at the nearest branch, or at home or in the office.

In other words, online you can only fill out a questionnaire and send it for consideration to one or another banking organization. The bank reviews your application, conducts a scoring assessment, and if you pass it, then your application will be .

You can apply for a credit card right now. But remember!!! Before you take out a credit card, think 10 times and apply once. Read the terms of the contract carefully. Also read the note: When can I take a loan, and when can I not take it? , it will help you not to make serious mistakes! At the moment we can offer you cards of the following banks.

How is the procedure?

If we consider getting a credit card step by step, it will look like this:

  1. You choose the bank in which you want to be served,
  2. Go to its official website, find the "Credit Cards" section,
  3. Browse the available card options, choose the one that suits you best,
  4. Click on the name of the card, read the full description of the product, as well as the requirements for borrowers,
  5. If everything suits you, look for the “Order online” or “Fill out the form” button,
  6. Specify all the necessary data in the online form that appears, and send it for consideration,
  7. A bank employee contacts you, clarifies the information from the questionnaire and then announces the terms for the production of "plastic". As a rule, it takes from 3 to 10 days.
  8. After this time, you are invited to the nearest branch of the bank in order to sign an agreement and receive a credit card.

Please note that a pre-approved application is not yet a guarantee that the card will actually be given to you. Very often, banks require you to provide documents that confirm your solvency, for example,.

And if you do not bring it, the credit card will not be returned to you, and a refusal record will appear in your CI. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you collect information in advance about what requirements and conditions are in the bank where you apply. Perhaps you will be given a card, or perhaps you will need to collect additional papers.

BankLimit amount, rub. Percentage, per annum
Up to 300.00012% -49.9% per annum
Up to 300.000From 16.9% to 32.9%
Up to 300.000From 21.99%
Up to 200.000From 24.9% to 39.9%
Up to 150.000From 27% to 55%

Which banks offer credit cards with online application?

At the moment, almost every financial institution provides a similar service to its customers who value their time and do not want to simply spend it walking around offices and branches. We recommend not to engage in mass mailing, but to choose no more than 1-2 programs so as not to spoil your CI.

We have collected some of the most popular offers, namely:

  1. - in this company you will be able to offer conditions: a rate from 12% to 49.9%, a credit limit from 30,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, a grace period of up to 61 days, a service cost from 0 to 2,750 rubles, a bonus program. equal to 5% of the debt;
  2. Bank Tinkoff Platinum (more details) Service will cost 590 rubles. per year, the available limit is up to 300 thousand rubles. The interest rate will be from 12% per annum, the grace period is 55 days. You can fill out an application online and receive it with home delivery on the official website of the bank;
  3. Citibank - provides its customers with the opportunity to issue a card in the amount of up to 300 thousand. In this case, the minimum rate will be equal to 16.9% per year. There is a grace period that lasts up to 50 days, release and maintenance are free. We offer to learn more in this article;
  4. Alfa-Bank "100 days without%" (more details) is the most popular card due to the long interest-free period of up to 100 days. Annual maintenance will cost the owner 1290 rubles, the credit limit is up to 150 thousand rubles, the percentage starts from 21.99%. The minimum payment is 5%;
  5. At Sberbank of Russia. Its conditions: a credit limit of no more than 600 thousand rubles, a rate of 23.9% per annum, a grace period for non-cash transactions of up to 50 days, maintenance - from 750 rubles a year. More about it
  6. Moscow Credit Bank - it offers its customers a card with an available limit of up to 300,000 rubles, which can be used for 3 years. The minimum rate is 23%, there is an interest-free period of up to 55 days, the cost of service is 850 rubles. annually. You can see other options at this link;
  7. Russian Standard (details). Its annual maintenance will cost the owner 900 rubles, the available credit limit is up to 299 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 27.9% per annum. There is an interest-free period - 55 days, as well as a cashback service in the amount of 1-3%, i.e. you will be refunded part of the amount spent on the card.
Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

How is a credit card issued at Sberbank?

To get a credit card, you need to choose one of the bank options offered above, go to the page of its official website and fill out an application for a credit card. To do this, you will need to fill in passport and contact details, as well as provide information about your employment.

To apply for a card, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website;
  • Find the "Choose a card" section, click on the "Credit cards" category;
  • With the help of the assistant, determine the desired product for yourself, click on its name;
  • On the new page, click on the "Order" link.

If you are an active client of Sberbank of Russia and you have activated the Sberbank Online service, then you can fill out the questionnaire through your Personal Account. At the same time, in the "Credits" section, you can see if you have a pre-approved offer, and, if necessary, use it.

If you have never been served by this company before, and do not have an account or card here with a connected agreement for remote banking services, then in this case you will not be able to send an application via the Internet. You will need to visit the nearest Sberbank branch in person.

Credit cards with online processing and delivery

Not so long ago, credit cards have become very popular in Russia, which can be ordered via the Internet, and at the same time receive them at home. This is very convenient, because saves a lot of time. In addition, this is very important for residents of small towns, where the choice of banks is not so great, and you want to get the most favorable conditions.

If you are interested in cards delivered to your home or office using the postal service, then only Tinkoff Bank will suit you. Previously, there were several other organizations with similar working conditions, in particular, Touch Bank and Interactive Bank, but they closed in 2018.

this link. If you have a bad credit history, and banks refuse you, then you definitely need to read this. If you just want to apply for a loan on favorable terms, then click here.
If you want to apply for a credit card, then follow this link. Look for other posts on this topic.