Registration of the doorway without a door. Separate the doorway with laminate and other materials are very easy how to improve the opening of the entrance door from the inside

The iron entrance door ceased to be a sign of prosperity and became the norm. Today, several classes of the iron door are divided, guided by the characteristics of the armor, the quality of fittings, finishes and the presence of additional functions and elements. The issue of finding the entrance door gets up in two cases: if you want to give a presentable exterior view of the old door or if you have saved on aesthetics at one time and bought a new one, but a completely unsolved iron entrance door.

Options for Iron Door Outdoor

View of the door outside - a business card of your apartment or at home. By the door, people immediately develop an opinion about the tenants of the house. Therefore, to the question of its external finishing, it is necessary to treat particularly responsible.

Powder spraying

Powder spraying the outer side of the iron entrance door is performed in industrial conditions. Do not even try to do it yourself. From ordinary staining, this method is distinguished by extremely high quality. Painting integrity is preserved for 20 years (guaranteed). Particularly durable particles do not lose brightness, resistant to minor mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet rays. The surface can be washed with chemical compositions, without fearing its damage. A more durable and aesthetic staining of the iron door has not yet come up.

MDF covering

MDF panels are lightweight, beautiful and practical material. They are much easier than the array, but perfectly imitate the natural beauty of the tree. The trimming of this material can be both factory and home. If you saved and your door is devoid of finishes, you can additionally use the services of the wizard or perform the work on your own. But it is better to immediately buy a complete version of the entrance door and not spend time and money on this question.

How to detect the outer side of the MDF panel door

This process requires the presence of a basic set of tools, skill and courage. Compass the screwdriver, bolts or liquid nails, MDF panels of the desired color and size. The main complexity consists in the selection of a suitable MDF-panel width. It is difficult to find a holistic cloth, and the joints in the homemade version will turn out to be rude. So, how to see the door with your own hands:

  • To begin with, remove the door with the loops, smoothly lifting it up;
  • Remove all accessories: lock, handles, loops, riglia, eyes;
  • Lay the door to a horizontal position;
  • Gently measure the unified MDF sheet in the size of the door web (if possible);
  • At the ends of the door, install special angular rails in the color of the main trim material;
  • It is best to fix the panels on liquid nails, especially delicately related to the shakes and the ends;
  • Screw back all the door accessories;
  • Install the door back;
  • Check closing ease.

Independent coloring

A quick way to enjoy the outside of the input iron door - to paint it yourself. It is best for these purposes that can be satellites with universal paint, or acrylic-based paint. They are persistent, have bright colors and are applied evenly. From the brush you risk getting traces of a pile throughout the surface of the door canvase, paint it unevenly. The most popular such colors like bronze, gold and silver. You can also use paints with a "highlight". For example, paint, which artistically cracks when dried. To apply the dye, it is not necessary to remove the door with the loops. It is enough to remove all the accessories and protect the unwanted to dye the surface with a painting film.

Additional decorative elements

People who value comfort love extra decor. This is especially true for owners of private houses and cottages, where the entrance is in the open space. The door may look quite trivial, but to be supplemented with additional decorative elements. It can be festive wreaths, exquisite call design. Instead of the call, it is still like to install wrought-iron handles with a knock function. Mounted street lights and other decor. It all depends only on the borders of the imagination of the owner of the house.

Options for internal finishing of iron entrance doors

The inner side of the entrance door should be cozy and respond to the functional requirements of households. Not everyone loves standard design solutions. Therefore, today we will talk about several versions of the inner covering of the input iron door.

MDF panels

The inner covering of MDF panels differs little from the external, which we described above. However, there are differences. In addition to aesthetic function, it can also serve additional sound and thermal insulation. To do this, before fixing the MDF-web itself, it is necessary to install an intermediate soft layer. It can consist of several layers of noise insulating sheets and a furniture foambed layer. It is also possible to use insulation used in construction.

In order to fix the intermediate layer, its sheets will need to be cut by a stationery knife in size of recesses in the door. As a rule, metal partitions that divide it are installed on the canvas in the inside of the canvas. It is in them that we will place the insulation. Fixation of the insulation can be made on any kind of liquid nails, which is at hand. Even liquid nails based on PVA are suitable.

After you safely dismissed the door with insulation, go to the decorative part of the question. To do this, you can use the instruction above, only liquid nails in this case are mandatory replaced by the bolts.

Laminate clamping

Laminate is a unique finishing material. They can be seen anything: floor, walls, slopes and even the door canvas itself. This makes it a versatile material, which especially love designers. With the help of laminate, it is easy to achieve harmonicity of color transitions in the interior.

Unlike MDF panels, the laminate has an additional feature of the structure that makes it difficult to work quickly and pleasant. Namely - castles. After you removed and insulated the door as we described in instructions for finishing MDF panels, you can go directly to the trim:

  • Remove the door leaf and accessories;
  • Heat the door from the inside;
  • Collect one whole shield from Laminate sheets (follow no cracks);
  • Cut the shield exactly in terms of the inside of the door;
  • Install the side corners on the door ends in the color of the laminate;
  • Lock the shield with screws or bolts (for this it is better to use a screwdriver);
  • Cut holes under the castle, eyes and handles;
  • Install back accessories;
  • Install the door on the loop;
  • Adjust closing.

Outlook by an array of tree

This option is suitable in two cases: if you plan to sew the iron door with eurry chart or install the finished door leaf from the wood array. I want to warn in advance that work with a natural tree is a very responsible process, the errors in which can be notable to hit the wallet. The Gardian catalog contains several thousand types of entrance doors with a trim from a natural tree. It is in this case that it is better not to save.

Fastening a wooden door leaf to the entrance door

This "Soviet" method is relevant for you if you have a beautiful wooden interior door of a suitable size, and you do not know where else can be installed. Agree, a rare case. Wooden canvas possesses a significant thickness and mass. Therefore, it is often necessary to cut the inner iron partitions of the iron door and skip the stage of its insulation. Moreover, the wooden door canvas must be additionally processed to look aesthetically and not to issue an unnecessary wood.

Installing a mirror on the door leaf

How can you get out of the house without making sure that you look great? This is not understood by anyone, especially the beautiful half of humanity. The mirror on the inner part of the inlet door refers to additional decorative elements, but is only a functional character. This element is especially relevant for small vessels, in which everyone will not immediately fit and have to save space.

The factory execution in this case is more aesthetically: instead of heavy glass, a film or lighter material is used, the mirror is almost cast the door element, nothing weighs. It is even installed in the door eye - it is so sustainable for mechanical damage. Home execution of the idea will look much rougher and for money can come out somewhat more expensive. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Catalog of the Gardian company, before you decide to independently install the mirror on the door leaf.

Soft sheath

Another option of the internal finishing of the iron door is the sheathing sheathing, dermatin or vinyl web. This process combines decorative and practical components. You will warm the door at the same time and make it similar to a soft leather sofa. The sheathing of the iron door Dermantine consists of several stages:

  • Preparatory stage (remove the door and accessories);
  • Insulation. At this stage, we laid the insulation in the recess, as well as install an additional single sheet from above;
  • Testing door with a substitute for the skin;
  • Installation of fittings and doors;
  • Check the quality of work.

In more detail about this method, you can read in our previous articles.

Internal finish of the entrance door: video

If your entrance door is pretty crammed with time, simply left the fashion or does not harmonize with the interior of the hallway, but it remains strong and able to protect the accommodation, you can perform a new finish and give a new life to the canvas.

The easiest way is to correct the wooden door leaf, but also iron doors can be put in order. Consider in detail how you can use the doors from the inside and outside.

The entrance door from the inside: how to improve

Options are really a lot:

  • lining;
  • artificial leather;
  • PVC panels;
  • veneer of various varieties of wood;
  • father Pallets and many other options.

In fact, the inside of the canvas can be separated by anything, the main thing is that the material is practical, not marking and corresponded to the entrance hall. For example, you should not mix modern eco-class materials with a classic or eco-style, and, on the contrary, use an expensive array of luxury wood for the hallway, plastic. The door can be the main accent of the hallway or, on the contrary, to merge with the walls in the "Invizable" box, the main thing - harmony and the combination of materials.

Learn more about how to shelter the door to the most common material - artificial leather - look at the video.

How and how to reflect the old entrance door outside

For an external finish of both wooden and metal doors, suitable

  • artificial leather;
  • wood veneer;
  • putty + paint;
  • decorative film, etc. Options.

It is worth noting that even the simplest and standard materials can be played with new paints, if you move away from the events, use the non-traditional decor.

How to ennoble the entrance door with fittings

The market is filled with a mass of fittings of various types: handles, locks, calls, eyes and more today can be found in any stylistic variation. Of course, the price of the issue fluctuates depending on the quality of products, their functionality and design on a simple scheme: the product is better, the more expensive it is.


In fact, this is the main element of housing protection, so it, first of all, should be reliable, preferably, with the maximum number of degrees of protection. The easiest way to choose a hidden model, almost imperceptible on the door canvase. So you can and provide a decent look, and sleep peacefully.

If you want to regit, you can install the castle "Under the Starin" - a unique appearance of the entrance door is provided.


The main requirement for this accessory is harmony in the holistic image of the portal. Do not choose an elegant door handle for the door in the style of loft or minimalism, although for most styles bent or wrought-iron handle will fit perfectly.

An excellent option is a backlit handle, the flashlight of which is directed to the hole of the castle. Its style can be anyhow, but the convenience of the device will be assessed by you repeatedly.


The eye can be both modest, barely noticeable and become the main decoration of the entrance door, and maybe there is no one at all. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy expensive accessories in this case. For example, a minimalist modern design will be perfectly combined with painting or cool sticker.

The finishing of the doorway is performed by various materials, each of which has a number of features. It is important to take into account the presence or absence of the door canvase, which will affect the order of work and the installation method. Due to the variety of finishing materials, you can pick up those that harmoniously fit into the room design.

The finishing of door openings without doors is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Standard. In this case, the installation of various materials perform, without changing the design of the opening.
  2. Arched. Completely or partially change the configuration of the opening, and then make cladding.

It is easiest to finish a rectangular passage. This is a classic option that is suitable for any housing design. The arches require the creation of broken or smoothly moving into each other forms. They are created mainly in spacious premises.

As a facing material, the following is chosen:

  • plastic;
  • laminate;
  • wood;
  • a rock;
  • plaster;
  • moldings;
  • tile et al.

Plastic or laminate

The most popular is the finishing of the door opening with plastic panels. This is due to the high strength of the material, a variety of forms and color of the product, the ability to mimic various textures, available prices for products. The plastic is quite practical, because dust and dirt and dirt are not sedired on its surface, and the water washed with plastic easily. Installation of panels is simple, and it can be done on your own.

Laminate has high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage. He is also protected from ultraviolet, which prevents the material from burning, if it is on the way of sunlight. The strength of the material allows you to mount various decorative elements on it, and the surface is easy to clean. The main condition is the selection of laminate to the tone of the interior.

Installing goodness

Dobra are boards of MDF or wood of various widths. This indicator varies within 10-20 cm, which allows you to install the product to various doorways. Dobors can be simple or adjustable. The first resumes in the L-shaped neckline in the door frame, and the second is connected by entering the rubber stake. Adjustable dotruits allow you to accurately adjust the protrusion after removing measurements. Connections make the installation process rapid and allow you to speed up the process of marking.

Facing tiles

The trim of door openings tile requires the surface to be as smooth as possible. Otherwise, the design will have an unattractive appearance. A wide range of products on the market allows you to choose a material for any design room, and the ease of installation will not require the involvement of specialists for laying tiles.

The material is well combined with a stone and plaster, which allows you to use it in the residential premises made in the style of Loft.


In the finishing of the interroom, natural or artificial stone is increasingly used. It is a stylish decor and allows the room an unusual appearance. The cost of material is high, but the design gives respect to the room. The stone has the following advantages:

  1. spectacular view;
  2. strength;
  3. ease of operation;
  4. combination with other materials.

In order not to overload the interior, the middle or small stone is used. The edges at the same time are specifically made uneven.


If you plan to paint or pasting wallpapers on the doorway slopes, plaster is used. It prepares the foundation and lines the wall. You can also use decorative plaster, which creates an unusual relief or drawing. The advantage of this method of finishing is that if desired, it can be repainted by retaining the previous structure.


To make the interior of the room special, the owners rewind rectangular interior passes to arched. In this case, the finishing of door openings without doors is best done by plasterboard, since it is easier to create curved forms with it. Due to the frame, any bend can be made, and the filling material has a smooth smooth surface. This allows you to paint the opening or wake it with wallpaper.

Step-by-step instructions for each type of finish

Installation of all the materials listed earlier can be made with their own hands. This will require some tools and basic construction skills. The finish of door openings without doors plastic can be made of ready-made sandwich panels or PVC. The first product is trimmed in width and height, exhibit in terms of the level, fixed with spacers, and then fasten to the mounting foam.

To install PVC, you need to create a frame from the profile. To this end, you can use aluminum guides for drywall. A frame is made around the perimeter of the passage, then the face of the opening is performed. Fixed plastic with self-draws, and the angles are closed with special PVC corners, which are attached to the glue.

Dobors are installed according to the following algorithm:

  • Make accurate measurements of the opening with the help of a square or ruler.
  • Electrolovka or saw cut off the boards. It is advisable to do this with power tools using high motor turns. This will avoid chipping.
  • In places of fasteners make counted holes for hats of self-tapping and guides. It is necessary to keep the drill of strictly perpendicular to the floor so that the recesses turned out to be smooth. Holes must correspond to the length of the screws.
  • First set vertical dobors, then horizontal. There should be no gaps between the boards.
  • Fixation is made on the mounting foam. To prevent the bending of the good, set the struts.
  • After a day, the excess foam is removed and the platbands are mounted.

So you can make not only the passage without partition, but also with the door.

To finish with tiles, you need to follow such items:

  1. clean and shook the walls;
  2. prepare glue or liquid nails;
  3. apply glue with a spatula or comb on the back side of the tile, distribute it over the surface and remove the extra;
  4. tightly press the material to the wall and press for a few seconds with an effort.

Stone finishing is carried out in the same way as tiles.

For plaster, cement-sandy solution is used. Cement must be taken the brands not lower than m 300. On 1 it takes 3 parts of the sand and mixed with water. It is necessary to achieve a consistency of thick cream. After removing all the protruding elements from the surface of the wall, the plaster is applied with a wide spatula. Equality is checked by a building level or rule. The angles are formed by metal corners.

The use of drywall is a solution for arched opening. First, around the perimeter of the passage make a hard frame of an aluminum profile. UW and CW guides are used. Then the plasterboard is displaced and fixed with special self-draws. At the end of the installation of the material in the opening, all the joints are jammed with a sickle ribbon or shut off with a putty. The surface is ground.

Design solutions

When you find the doorway, various design solutions can be applied. You can change the form, combine finishing materials, complement the existing solid decorative elements. Everything is limited only by the fantasy of the artist or customer.

Thanks to the doorway, you can get a stylish and harmonious design of the premises. Therefore, various options for its finishing are distinguished. Depending on the presence or absence of the door web, the sequence of measures necessary to obtain the desired effect is determined.

Facing without door canvases

The finishing of interroom openings If there is no door, it is carried out in two main options:

  1. Standard. It assumes the facing by various materials, the design does not change.
  2. Arched. The method is to change the configuration of the proof to one degree or another.

Each of these methods involves compliance with the rules and accuracy in actions.

Materials for standard finishing

The finish of the doorway without the door involves the use of materials with various technological features. It can be PVC panel. It is counted to the category of the most popular. It has good features and is available at a price. Often for laying such a panel is installed on glue. You can use for the facing of slopes, but the other parts of the doorway are desirable to be separated by other materials.

Algorithm of actions:

The design is left for a while not to dismiss elements. After that, the disadvantages are eliminated. If they are closed with plastic corners, as it happens when the windows are lined up, it may not be quite an attractive effect. It is better to smear these sections with putty. After that, the subsequent finish is allowed. For this suitable fabrication with wallpaper or staining. There are plastic platbands that are well combined with PVC panels, but it is very difficult to cut them. To do this, it is necessary to customize the elements at right angles.

It is best to replace PVC MDF panels. The finishing of the openings is superbly combined with other products. If it is necessary to build the structures in this way, you will have to resort to lamination to eliminate the formation of visible joints.

Application of stucco

Today I found the use of stucco, made of polyurethane. Unlike gypsum options, it has a small weight. You can mount it without using additional devices. It is also amenable to subsequent processing: it can be painted in different colors.

There is a special scheme according to which you can put the doorway with your own hands using the specified material:

The joints appear after cladding. They can be hidden by putty, which is watched by sandpaper after drying. A special approach requires finishing between rooms, because it is necessary to provide for the location of the details on both sides.

Most of all the doorway refrigerated is suitable for premises with high ceilings. If you have to work with small rooms, it is better to think through the position of the elements in advance.. If not paying enough attention to this, the room will be overloaded, and the interior will lose attractiveness.

Fake diamond

The use of artificial stone is a good solution to help create modern and stylish design. In comparison with similar products This option is more preferable. This is explained by the fact that it is available in a large range of decorative decorations. Suppose clinker tiles can be used, including for the facing of the specified structures, but its choice is limited.

Application of decorative stone has a number of advantages. Here are the key advantages of the material:

  • excellent appearance, indigeting solidity;
  • the possibility of combination with other finishing materials;
  • the ability to persist to carry any mechanical impact;
  • long service life. Artificial stone is durable, and therefore can save all its characteristics for decades.

For decoration it is necessary to choose an artificial stone that is small in size and has a relief surface. Deeper textures will look somewhat cumbersome. Facing is carried out on various technologies. Most often, the laying is made in a way to equip uneven edges. Today, special elements have been developed that are able to cope with the function of the angular lining. They are very comfortable and allow you to do without trimming procedure.

How to separate the doorway of the entrance door using a decorative stone? The algorithm of action is as follows:

Use of plaster

Now this method has significantly decreased popularity. Although 10 years ago, this method was considered the most affordable. In reality, many are underestimated by the stucco. Although it still has shortcomings. For example, it implies significant labor costs when applied, especially if a person has no experience. It is impossible to do without dirt, resorting to plastered surfaces. But choose another such composition, which would be so perfectly combined with other materials, it is still difficult.

Algorithm of action when using plaster:

  1. Prepare the required amount of the mixture. The solution should be so much enough for half an hour of work.
  2. The mixture is thrown onto the surface and recall the construction rule either with a wide spatula.
  3. If necessary, put lighthouses and guides of the perforated profile.
  4. If the layer of the solution exceeds 1.5 cm, it is necessary to put the reinforcing grid.

Ready surface need to be painted. But it is better if the plaster will perform the role of starting lineup. As an finishing finish, it is desirable to apply a textured or decorative putty, it is applied in a certain order. Due to this, it turns out a coating with good decorative properties. Such a doorway is capable of becoming a real interior decoration.

Arch arches

Arch transforms the interior. But it is possible to equip such a construction yourself only if there is a certain experience. There are arches that are standard in size. They are ready to install and require only accurate installation.

Easiest to make archesMade from plasterboard. The work is performed as follows:

You can use more noble materials for the execution of the arch, but more skill will be needed.

Other design methods

It is allowed to use other methods for registration of doorways. They are used to use Shirm or decorative curtains. This method is considered accessible and simple, among other things, it does not require comprehensive work.

It is allowed to use various options:

  • Fabric curtains. They are able to make an excellent addition for any interior. The composition put so that it does not create disharmony with other elements of the interior and combined with window decoration.
  • Bamboo curtains. If the room is made in eco-style, this option will be as impossible by the way.
  • Curtains in the form of threads. Such products are used when they want to give a room an unusual look.


If there is a door canvas, you can resort to several simple options. The difference lies in the location of this design. The easiest and most affordable option can be considered the installation of the box and related components.

Technology Next:

Such a simple option is suitable for the situation when you have to deal with not very wide structures.

You can and more originally arrange the opening, which has a door. Hinged canvas creates certain difficulties in the design of the opening. Finishing products need to be used correctly, otherwise open the door will be problematic.

It can be done so that the doors opened by a sliding way on the principle of the coupe. This is an interesting technological solution that suggests a thorough choice of facing materials. In fact, for finishing, you can use almost everything. The main thing is that the details used do not interfere in the future to fully use the door.

How to ennoble the front door from the inside if its condition does not inspire the delight? The disadvantages of the construction outside are not so scary, like from the side of the room, because each element of the interior should be impeccable, so as not to spoil the overall picture. What to do in this case?

There are several ways to transform the old door

First of all, you need to take care of the completion of all draft works. This is especially true of the newly installed doors, because you need to work to the end and disguise the mounting foam to prevent its destruction under the influence of ultraviolet. You also need to close the gray wall, align its surface and reorganize the opening. It is important to improve both the canvas itself, especially it concerns the unbelief metal and old models. Update the wrapped fittings. Do not forget that interior doors should also be in perfect condition. So, consider in order how to upgrade the entrance door and do it all with your own hands.


First of all, to impart a completed view of the doorway, from the inside, you need to take care of the slopes. This is a prerequisite, regardless of what doors you repair input or interroom. Different materials can be applied to perform slopes:

  • plasterboard;
  • plaster;
  • plastic panels;
  • MDF or tree;
  • metal carcass;
  • laminate.

New slopes will make the door more attractive

How to improve the entrance door with the help of drywall from the inside with their own hands:

  1. Clear the garbage and close all the cracks.
  2. Apply a layer of cement plaster and glue it from the size of plasterboard sheets cut into it. If the irregularities are significant, the metal frame is used for installation.
  3. Slide the joints with putty, additionally using the sickle.
  4. Sprouter surface.
  5. . After you can paint them into any suitable color or planted with wallpaper.

If you decide to transform the input with the help of overhead panels, mock the frame in advance. Under the bottom you can pave the insulation. The panels are installed both vertically and horizontally with a rush method.


Since you decided to improve the doors, you need to take care of both their framing. We are talking about platbands on entrance and interior doors. Usually they are included with other parts of the opening. If you have acquired only the canvas and frame, you can easily buy suitable color separately. They can be made of metal, MDF, wood or pressed paper. Depending on the design, fastening methods are distinguished. You can nail them with your own hands on nails without hats, put on liquid nails or mounting foam. The best option is telescopic platbands, which are attached directly to the box by the "Schip-Groove" method, but they are more expensive.

Transform interior will help stylish platbands

If you decide, you should also not forget about the platbands. If desired, they can be made with their own hands using wood blanks. To give them the desired shade, use the simile and varnish or paint. It all depends on the stylistics of the room and the type of door. Typically, the color is selected under the canvas or the plinth tone into the tone, but you can play on the contrast if it is appropriate.

Pollott coating

How to improve the old metal door with your own hands? You can use one of these materials:

  • paint;
  • lacquer enamel;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • laminate;
  • veneer, PVC or ECOCHPON;
  • thin MDF panels.

Before applying the coating, it is necessary to clean the front door from dust, rust and carefully degreased. Then it is advisable to apply soil and only after it is drying to start working on facing. MDF panels are attached to glue or with a frame. Self-tech is very easy to apply with a soft spatula. Painting methods are clear by themselves. But laminate, PVC and veneer must be fixed by hot pressing method. You can only perform such work in the horizontal position of the door.

Options for external door leaf coating

And how to transform old interior doors? To do this, you can use the same methods as for the input, as well as others. For example, decorative inserts. Initially, the surface is processed by one of the above methods. You can then decorate the canvas with glass fragments, color plastic, stained glass windows or mirrors.

Soft upholstery

An old metallic door can be transformed not only visually, but also qualitatively with a soft upholstery. For this purpose, Dermantin is most often used. To create a volume under it lay a layer of substrate substrate from the insulation. Thus, you will be able to kill two hares at once: you and decorate the canvas visually, and provide better heat and sound insulation.

Quick way to transform an old door - spectacular soft upholstery

How to put the coating of the inlet metal door with your own hands:

  1. Remove the cloth with loops and put horizontally.
  2. Measure its dimensions and cut a piece of 15-20 cm from Dermantina on each side.
  3. From the insulation, cut the sheets under the size of the door.
  4. Stick insulation on superclauses. Try not to leave empty joints. You can plant material on the mounting foam.
  5. After everything gets dry, proceed to working with Dermantine. Turn it out of the edges so that there are no sections.
  6. Secure the upholstery with glue, and to add textures to use furniture nails and decorative cord. It is necessary to score them into the substrate material, the poet you can install in advance according to the diagram more dense elements.

This decoration method is used for wooden doors. In this case, things are even easier, because you can use a furniture stapler.

Important moment: as it is about finishing from the inside, the rollers for the seal of the gun is not necessary, because they will not be a sense of them, and they will only spoil appearance.

Interior doors

Interior doors require much more attention. They can be made from various materials that must be considered when they are finished. How to refine newly installed interior doors? To do this, you need to make the same manipulations as for the input. That is, first of all, it is necessary to carry out the final finish of the opening:, platbands, close all the joints and cracks, arrange the slopes. In most cases, you can restrict ourselves to the door package or simply plastering the opening. For more expensive and exquisite repairs, use decorative panels. If the canvas is not new, you need to refresh it slightly.

Doors can be given a flare of antiquities and it will become the most stylish element of the interior

How to refer old interior doors with your own hands:

  • paint;
  • plug by wallpaper or self-adhesive film;
  • covered with versa and varnish;
  • use thermal layers (veneer, PVC, oracal, laminate);
  • cut glass inserts.

You can use special decorative techniques, for example, decoupage or artificial formation. Especially spectacularly, such a decor looks on a wooden door with curly fillets. Another similar reception is cracker. To do this, use paint or varnish with special properties. Initially, the web is revealed by a layer of ordinary composition. After its drying, craklers are applied. When drying, it is covered with cracks, leaning down the bottom layer. It looks very impressive. In order not to be too catchy, you can use this decor method in separate areas, for example, in combination with decoupage.

It does not matter, you transform old doors or add new, the final species depends only on your imagination. Moreover, all this can be done with minimal cost.