Apron decoration in the kitchen. What to make an apron in the kitchen: a review of materials, modern ideas. Glass apron for the kitchen. Ceramic tile for apron

In the process of kitchen renovation, few people pay attention to trifles, nuances and details. Often they think globally, taking care of the correct waterproofing, sewage and the choice of the color of future furniture. Without this, of course, nowhere, but negligence in relation to trifles can turn into dire consequences.

Kitchen aprons are often referred to as such "optional" things. This is not a wardrobe item that the hostess ties over clothes so as not to get dirty. It will be about the space between the lower and upper tiers of kitchen furniture.

This area of ​​the wall is often "forgotten" to improve with materials that are resistant to temperatures and moisture, because of which the plaster can simply crack and crumble. Often everything is limited to decorative plaster, wallpaper or paint.

Kitchen apron materials

It is worth remembering that the kitchen is not a decorative room. Everything here should be as functional as possible. Splashes of juice from a bottle, grease from a frying pan, and water from a sink are common. The same can be said for the increased temperature from the hob.

One way or another, the operation is partially "reflected" in the space of the apron in the form of splashes, stains and other far from aesthetic elements that are extremely difficult to remove by conventional means.

The main property of the apron is resistance, hygiene and durability. So you will secure the wall and save on further repairs. In addition, the apron can be given almost any texture using various building materials, which we will talk about.

Elements such as are often used:

  1. tile / tile
  2. mosaic
  3. steel
  4. glass
  5. a natural stone
  6. fake diamond
  7. wood
  8. plastic

Remember that for MDF, plastic, tiles and mosaics, you should additionally purchase a special skirting board that is attached between the wall and the countertop. So you will protect yourself from moisture and dirt getting into the cracks of the surfaces.

MDF panels

Perhaps the cheapest and most economical way to decorate a wall. Some manufacturers offer ready-made kitchens, the design of which is initially supplemented with protective plates of the required dimensions.

Even if you order the panels separately, they will not really affect your condition. The advantages of the material are obvious: cheapness, imitation of any texture, a variety of colors and more. They are not demanding to install, so it will not be difficult to mount such an apron.

It is believed that MDF is resistant to mechanical stress and aggressive cleaning with household chemicals. But in fact, the decorative laminated coating quickly loses its presentation, even in a gentle mode.

Tiles and tiles

Another representative from the classic "collection" of materials. This method of finishing requires careful preliminary preparation of the wall for installation.

The installation process is the same as for ordinary tiles, but the quadrature is limited to a verified area that needs to be closed.

The tile is practical in all respects, because it is not afraid of temperatures, liquids or chemicals. It looks much more expensive than MDF, and you can play with the design.

Some tile manufacturers even create individual landscapes that look great in almost any room. The main thing is that such a move does not stand out from the general ensemble of the room.

Separately, it is worth mentioning and mosaic, as a subspecies of tiles. These are small tiles 1.5-2 cm in diameter glued to a mesh base. Due to their structure, they can "adjust" to any wall texture, but most often it is mounted on a flat, prepared in advance.

The process is quite laborious, since after laying it is required to carefully seal and rub the seams so that moisture and debris do not get into them.



If you want a loft or high-tech kitchen, or are trying to recreate a nautical design, then steel will help you like no other. The main thing is that it must be pre-hardened and, of course, not rusty.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • hygiene;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • firmness;
  • ease of installation.

There are also disadvantages. In particular, steel aprons will be inappropriate in small rooms, because the air gap between the panel and the wall will resonate well, causing an annoying "metallic" sound. Any preparation will be reflected by increased hum and thump.

It is more appropriate to use it pointwise, to protect the wall near the stove and sink. All other surfaces are easier to decorate with the same tiles. The only exception is the initially conceived "steel" concept, but this is a matter of taste.


This material became popular not so long ago as everyone else, but quickly caught on and won its own niche. Such kitchen glass is called skinali.

It is a sandwich panel with a thin film between the layers. The second name is triplex.

They can be both transparent and textured, from drawings. To do this, the print is initially applied to the film, after which it is pressed with two sheets of tempered glass.

The finished picture looks very beautiful and unusual.

Often skins are mounted on an unplastered wall in order to imitate rough brickwork or sloppy plaster, only without the characteristic drawbacks.

As for the cons. Despite the heat-resistant surface, washing this pleasure is quite problematic, since stains are common for glass. Treat the cleaning of the triplex in the same way as to washing the windows, there is no other way.

A natural stone

Those who can afford such material will certainly not be exchanged for tiles and MDF. The same goes for ecology lovers, as well as admirers of Provence, boho and the modern Middle Ages.

The advantages of agglomerates do not need to be scrutinized. It is enough that in terms of strength the minerals are not much inferior to precious stones like emerald, and the service life of the surface is calculated in decades.

It is enough to recall the marble fireplaces of the 18th-19th centuries to understand what is in front of us.

Heat resistance and water resistance are also out of the question. The surface of the same marble and granite has its own hydrophobicity, however, experts additionally open the stone with a special glue, which seeps into the pores, preventing moisture from "pulling".

Perhaps this is the only type of aprons for which you need to select the color and texture of all furniture, as well as decor. The finished ensemble looks extremely impressive.

For reading 8 min.

A kitchen apron is noted by designers as a rather complex element, which, if chosen incorrectly, can ruin the look of the most stylish facade, and if it is chosen successfully, it will make even the simplest set effective.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing an apron, designers usually collect pieces of materials used in kitchen decoration (wallpaper, flooring, countertops) and only on their basis begin to select an apron. Today the construction market offers a huge selection of building materials for making a kitchen apron. Therefore, it is very difficult to figure out which type of apron to choose.

Designers pay a lot of attention to this topic and consider the most amazing options for choosing an apron. Therefore, we will devote this article to the choice of apron material and the nuances that affect its selection.

What you need to know when choosing an apron?

Before you start choosing an apron, you should decide on its size and height. As a rule, the height of the apron is made 60 cm. This height is the best option, as it suits people with both high and medium height.

But if the owners of the apartment are not tall, the apron is made 45 - 55 cm in height. Designers also advise to lower the height of the apron if the top doors in the headset open upwards.

If there are no wall cabinets in the headset (or there are not many of them), then the apron can be made standard in height, or it can be made inflated. So, its height can in some cases reach the ceiling or occupy ¾ of the wall.

If desired, the apron area can be raised above the hood. If a niche is arranged in the area of ​​the working area, then it must be revetted.

The choice of an apron is carried out taking into account the following nuances

1. The apron should harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen.

2. Excessive brightness is not desirable, eyes get tired of it. Therefore, it is better to give preference to moderate tones.

3. To enhance the saturation, you can resort to a glossy finish, as a matte surface will make the apron paler.

4. Choosing an apron with a print, you should remember that large images in small rooms look cumbersome, and in overly spacious kitchens will turn out to be inconspicuous.

5. In order for the apron to visually expand the kitchen, it should be done with horizontal lines.

6. You can visually enlarge the kitchen space with a mirror and glass apron. But here it should be remembered that stains and any kind of pollution are strongly visible on it.

7. Choosing a tile for an apron, you should give preference to square tiles (10x10; 20x20). Its appearance is more aesthetic, although its installation is somewhat more expensive than rectangular tiles.

9. Tiles for the apron should be bought with a margin (it should be bought 10% more than actually needed).

10. It is easiest to care for an apron with a smooth surface without embossing, as any irregularities in the apron will collect dirt.

What material can you make an apron for the kitchen?

Considering the fact that the apron area is the most visible and the fastest contaminated surface, very high demands are always made on it.
The apron should be well washed, withstand temperature extremes, and be resistant to chemical care products. Consider below what materials the modern market offers us for the apron device.

Ceramic tile

This is the most practical finishing material that is easy to clean, resistant to water, chemicals and temperature extremes. Ceramic tiles are fire-resistant and durable, it is especially recommended to lay them in those kitchens where there is a gas stove.

Also, the advantage of tiles is the ability to apply photo printing to it. The variety of colors, decors and different panels allows you to create unique combinations.

The disadvantages include the complexity of its installation and the costs of accompanying work: surface preparation, gluing and grouting tiles. In comparison with the device for finishing MDF and plastic, finishing the wall with an apron made of ceramic tiles will cost the owner of the kitchen much more expensive.

When choosing a ceramic tile for an apron, you should know that light-colored seams get dirty quickly, so it is better to choose a darkened grout. It is also important to remember that smooth matte tiles are easier to clean than glossy ones.

To make the joints look attractive longer, you should use a waterproof grout.


This is a fairly rich and effective finish. With the right selection, you can make unique combinations of mosaics with floors and walls, match them to furniture and any item in the interior.

Its characteristics are similar to those of ceramic tiles. A mosaic apron is good because it will last for many years.

The negative sides of the mosaic finish include the complexity of its arrangement and the large number of seams. In a kitchen, seams can quickly become dirty, darken and poorly washed. Therefore, experts recommend using epoxy grout.

The device of a mosaic apron, in comparison with a ceramic one, will cost more. To reduce the cost of the project, you can use the tiles "under the mosaic".


The glass apron is a new design trend that has gained popularity due to its originality. An important feature of such an apron is the ability to apply a variety of images under the glass.

The disadvantage of glass is that it does not suit every interior. In addition, water splashes and grease stains are clearly visible on the glass. Therefore, the hostess will have to devote a lot of time to washing the apron. The price will not please either. It is much higher than ceramic tiles and MDF panels.


The apron made of plastic panels is one of the cheapest options, it is installed quickly and easily. But compared to other options, plastic can easily catch fire from fire, deform from chemical cleaning agents and temperature extremes.

It can also be easily scratched under mechanical stress. Some types of plastics can release toxic substances into the atmosphere.

A double-sided plastic panel is on sale today. It is installed in special profiles, which makes it possible to replace it yourself at any time.

MDF panels

The MDF apron is one of the cheapest finishes. It installs quickly and easily. Many stores offer free installation when buying kitchens and MDF panels.

At the same time, the fastening of the panels is not difficult, so the installation can even be done independently.

An important advantage of MDF panels is their easy dismantling and easy selection. As a rule, the color of such an apron is chosen to match the color of the countertop.

The negative side of the MDF apron is its instability to water and household chemicals. The apron made of MDF is highly flammable and emits harmful substances during a fire. Connoisseurs of expensive kitchen interiors will hardly appreciate this finish.

What color to choose an apron for the kitchen?

There are a number of principles for choosing the color of an apron, we will consider them in detail. The color of the apron itself is not oriented towards anything and looks like an independent element. This option is possible in a monochrome kitchen. For example, against the background of a white headset and white walls, the apron is made in bright colors in a combination of red, white, yellow, blue tones.

Partial combination with the facade of the kitchen unit

This maneuver looks beautiful when the cooking zone in the area of ​​the hood is highlighted with the color of the facade. In this case, the rest of the apron will be made in a neutral color.

Principle of opposites

For example, a kitchen background is formed of two colors: white and black, matte and glossy. In this case, a black glossy apron is matched to a white matte headset. At the same time, the ceiling is made in white, and the walls and floor are made in a dark color.

Combination with furniture

Kitchen furnishings always benefit when a combination of objects is observed. For example: the blue color of the kitchen backsplash echoes the blue upholstery of the chairs (or a blue vase).

Combination with flooring

Against the background of a calm tone, the headset, the combination of an apron with a tiled floor, will bring its accent to the interior of the kitchen. Curtains can also be connected to the tone of the given combination.

In the same tone with the walls

This technique can be used in a studio apartment, where the walls of the living room remain the main area.

In the same color as the kitchen set

This option allows you to give the headset the appearance of integrity and lightness. But if the walls will be executed in a certain tone, then it is worth including this tone in the color of the apron. For example, the seams are rubbed in the color of the walls.

There are two colors in the kitchen

If the kitchen is two-tone, then the apron should be made in an intermediate shade between the floor and the walls. That is, it needs to be made lighter than the floor, but darker than the walls.

Transfer the color of the floor to the wall (apron)

The floor, backsplash and table top, made in the same color, look like a holistic composition.

Apron to match the countertop

This is an ideal option for which you no longer need to select anything.

How to choose an apron for a small kitchen?

Considering different options for kitchen aprons, you should highlight some points that should be considered when choosing an apron for a small kitchen.

Considering that space in a small kitchen is limited, for its visual expansion it is necessary to use light colors, where a light set will give a complete picture with a light apron.

Mirror surfaces will also help to visually expand the space. However, it should be remembered here that the presence of small objects reflected in the mirror surface can create a feeling of clutter.

You should not arrange an apron with large drawings, patterns and photo printing in a small space. Such elements will make the design of the room heavier. At the same time, a small, unobtrusive pattern will be harmonious. An apron containing horizontal stripes in the pattern will visually lengthen the room.

A combination of two contrasting colors (for example, white and black) is not acceptable for a small space. This combination will visually reduce the space of the kitchen and make it cluttered.

In a house or apartment, good owners practically do not have "secondary" premises, that is, those that can be finished without paying special attention. For example, the kitchen, although it does not belong to the living area, is still trying to be designed in such a way that it would be pleasant to be in it. And besides, in our tradition, the kitchen often becomes a "home club" or a place to receive the closest friends and girlfriends. So, special attention is always paid to the decoration of this room.

One of the most problematic areas in kitchen finishes is the wall along the countertop, above the stove and sink. Most often, it is designed with a so-called apron, which can be made from a variety of materials. When determining the parameters of this zone and choosing a material, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. Therefore, when planning the holding, many owners of houses and apartments often ask themselves the question of what is the best way to make an apron in the kitchen so that it fits well into the interior and is practical to use. Let's try to understand this problem.

Criteria for choosing a material for a kitchen apron

It is no secret that the finishing of the lower part of the wall along the work surface, sinks and stoves has various negative influences. These include high temperatures from the hob, steam, splashing water, fat, juices from vegetables and fruits. Mechanical influences are not excluded. And this suggests that the material for arranging the apron must meet a number of requirements.

These requirements include the following:

  • Resistant to high temperatures, since the apron also runs along the hob or stove where food is cooked. Therefore, the heat comes not only from the stove itself, but also from the heated dishes.
  • Moisture resistance of the material. Steam from cooking food, high humidity and direct splashing of water along the kitchen sink - these factors should not be intimidating to the finish covering the wall.
  • Easy to clean the surface of the finishing material. As you know, the working area in the kitchen gets dirty very quickly, so you have to wash it quite often. So that the cleaning process does not take much time and does not require much effort, it is necessary to choose a lining that will not absorb any substances, from fat to natural colors of vegetables and fruits. In addition, it is easier to remove dirt and grease from the smooth surface of the cladding than from the one that has a raised pattern, so this also needs to be thought about in advance.
  • Hygienic cladding... This criterion includes both the environmental qualities of the material and the above-mentioned ease of cleaning and the absence of the possibility of accumulation of greasy and dirty deposits. The trouble is that these layers become a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microflora, including pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous to human health.
  • Decorative finishing- this is also an important criterion for evaluating the material for the apron, since it sets the design solution for the entire room. The first thing you pay attention to when entering the kitchen is the apron, since it takes quite large the area of ​​the wall located approximately at eye level. It is very important to think over the optimal color of the finish - it should not strain the eyes, and the pattern on it, which will be pleasant first of all to the hostess, who spends time in the kitchen more than all other family members.

Varieties of materials for a kitchen apron

Not so long ago, there was simply a special variety of materials for decorating the wall of the kitchen working area. As a rule, paint, wallpaper or, at best, monochrome ceramic tiles, which were in great shortage, were chosen for this purpose. Today, the range of finishing materials is so diverse that, having come to a specialized store, you can get confused choosing the best option. Therefore, it is worth considering different types of finishes and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles have long been a traditional option for kitchen backsplashes. It has not lost its popularity today, especially since the range of tiles in specialized stores is constantly growing. The demand for this material is explained by its characteristics, which fully meet the criteria for choosing a cladding for a kitchen wall.

The practicality of ceramic cladding is undeniable, as it has many advantages, which include the following:

  • Moisture resistance ... Ceramic has low porosity, so its structure practically does not absorb moisture - this explains the inertness of the material to the effects of water and steam. If moisture is not retained inside the material, then there is no favorable environment for the multiplication of various bacteria harmful to the human body.
  • Easy to clean ... The glossy surface of this finish does not retain dirt, the material does not absorb odors, grease, natural dyes contained in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is quite easy to wipe off drops of various substances that have fallen on the surface with using an ordinary damp kitchen sponges. As a last resort, household chemicals can be used to clean the surface. The only substance that can damage the surface of ceramic tiles is hydrofluoric acid.
  • Ceramic tile weight ... The manufacturer calculates the weight of the wall tiles so that they can easily adhere to a vertical surface on a special tile adhesive. Therefore, the process of laying the material is not particularly difficult, and even female hands can do it.
  • Duration of operation ... Ceramic tiles can only be scratched or chipped with a lot of effort. This material will collapse only with a sharp mechanical impact, for example, from a strong accentuated blow with a metal object.
  • Inertness to high temperatures ... Ceramic tiles do not melt or burn when exposed to high temperatures, which is especially important for positioning them along the hob.
  • Environmental friendliness ... Even when heated, the material does not emit vapors hazardous to humans and the environment.
  • Variety in color, pattern and linear dimensions ... Today on sale you can find tiles in different sizes. Moreover, if you take the exact parameters from the wall surface, then you can choose the cladding in such a way that the amount of waste is minimal. In addition to sizes, you can easily choose the desired color, as well as the pattern and texture on the surface. As you know, tiles can be absolutely smooth or have a certain relief, but with relief, everyday care is much more difficult.
  • Variety of style solutions ... Modern ceramic tiles are produced for masonry in rooms decorated in various styles. So pick her up by this criterion is also not difficult.

The material itself has few drawbacks, of course, if it is made in compliance with all technological requirements. But improperly sealed seams between the tiles of the apron can cause moisture to penetrate under the cladding, which can lead to its delamination from the vertical surface. In addition, a poorly executed one will become a "haven" for numerous bacteria, mold and fungi.

Therefore, when finishing, it is necessary to seriously approach not only laying tiles on the wall, but also to close up all the seams between it as efficiently as possible.

Now, having dealt with the merits of the material, it is worth considering some of the nuances. This is best done using the example of ready-made aprons, equipped in different styles and from tiles of different sizes and colors.

Prices for ceramic tiles

ceramic tile

  • An apron decorated with one-color ceramic tiles is a rather popular option, as it gives the surface a neatness, does not require pattern adjustment and is suitable for any style of kitchen. Therefore, if you want to change the wallpaper or kitchen furniture, the apron lining can be left intact if it matches the color scheme for the new design. Colors such as white, beige and black usually go with any color of furniture and other wall finishes in the kitchen.

The disadvantage of a one-color apron is its soiling, that is, even very slight contamination immediately appears on it. It will have to be wiped every day after cooking is complete, as every drop will be visible on such a surface.

If a tile of the same color is chosen, then it is better if its surface is smooth, otherwise, over time, it will accumulate in the recesses of the relief pattern difficult to wash mud mixed with grease.

  • The use of several tile colors in the design of the apron is an equally popular option. However, in this case, the task is complicated by the fact that the shades of the composition must be in harmony with each other. On tiles of light colors, as well as on a one-color apron, all drops that have fallen on the finish during cooking or washing dishes will be visible. If you do not immediately clean the surface of the apron, then the drops will darken and dry, and subsequently the lining will look sloppy, and it will be more difficult to clean it.

  • The tile, which has a pattern traditional for stove tiles, is perfect for those housewives who prefer to clean the apron once or twice a week, since small dirt on such a finish will be almost invisible. However, this type of tile can have a smooth surface or an embossed version. The smooth surface will stay clean longer and will be easier to clean.

Tiles decorated in this way will bring a special comfortable atmosphere to the kitchen room, but visually make the space smaller. Therefore, you will have to choose between a feeling of comfort and optical "expansion" of the space.

  • In recent years, mosaic tiles have become an increasingly popular finish for kitchen backsplashes as well as bathrooms. This type of tile can be one-color, two-color or multi-color, and cubes of different colors are usually located almost randomly on the surface of the canvas.

The popularity of this finish lies not only in its neat appearance, but also in the relative ease of installation. The fact is that, unlike traditional ones, mosaic panels have a certain flexibility, since small fragments are fixed on a fiberglass mesh or fiberglass. Therefore, the material is glued quickly enough, and can be carried out not only on flat, but also on curved surfaces, as well as on uneven walls, somewhat hiding their flaws.

The advantage of this version of the tile can be called the fact that it does not have to be cut, resorting to some special tools. It is enough to have ordinary scissors at hand, since they are easy to cut off a fragment of the required size from the main canvas, because you will not have to cut the tile itself, but the base on which it is fixed.

After the mosaic tiles are glued to the wall, you must wait until the glue dries. After that, the joints between the mosaic elements are filled with a grout of the selected color.

The mosaic version can be used to decorate the entire space of the apron, or in combination with ordinary tiles, as a framing of the composition, or interspersed with fragments of different sizes and shapes.

The obvious disadvantages of this type of finish include a large number of seams, the filling material of which becomes dirty quite quickly and is difficult to clean. When laying large tiles, this disadvantage is minimized.

Mosaic tile prices

mosaic tiles

  • Finishing an apron with ceramic tiles with the installation of a thematic panel between them, one or more, always looks elegant. The main thing is that in color, pattern and relief, the composition fits well into the overall design of the kitchen.

In specialized stores, you can find various options for such panels and tiles that come with them in the complex. It is much easier to lay the cladding purchased in the kit, since the manufacturer provides all sizes of the necessary parts, so you do not have to cut the whole tile, adjusting it to frame the artistic insert. It is important to choose an option that will be in harmony with the chosen style for, only in this case, such a finish will look harmonious.

The panel and tiles for it can have both smooth and embossed surfaces. When choosing a relief, you must be prepared for daily cleaning from grease and dirt.

If you are thinking about just such a design option for an apron, then you need to inquire in advance about the prices for such artistic inserts. Very often they even exceed the cost of the rest of the wall cladding.

The variety of ceramic tile options that can be found on sale does not allow the description to cover all options. Therefore, the design decision is usually chosen by the hostess of the house. Well, the ease of use and cleaning, as well as all the "pros" and "cons" of this popular material - were mentioned above.

Natural and artificial stone

Some homeowners, when planning kitchen decoration, prefer natural or artificial stone to ordinary ceramic tiles. This category of materials includes porcelain stoneware slabs, polished blocks of natural rocks, gypsum or concrete tiles that imitate the texture and color scheme of natural stone. It should be noted that some of the options used for arranging the apron perform their functions perfectly, but some materials are not recommended to be used.

For example, porcelain stoneware, large pebbles polished in natural conditions, as well as clinker tiles, have a number of positive qualities, fully meeting the requirements for materials for arranging an apron:

  • Resistance to high temperatures, as well as to their changes.
  • Moisture resistance - an indicator moisture absorption makes up porcelain stoneware, 0.05%, clinker tiles 0.2 ÷ 0.3%. Therefore, natural stone, as well as fired and glazed clay, are not afraid of steam or water.
  • The hygiene of the material, since it is easily cleaned, does not create favorable conditions for the development of colonies of pathogenic bacteria.
  • The durability of the stone finish - it will serve exactly as long as the hostess does not get bored.
  • The aesthetic appearance allows these materials to be used in various styles.
  • Ecological purity of natural materials.

The few, but important "disadvantages" include the high price of these finishing materials, low maintainability, as well as rather complicated installation of stone cladding.

But marble slabs, on the contrary, are not recommended to be used to decorate a kitchen apron, despite their visual appeal. The external impression is deceiving, and marble is a very porous material, so it will absorb moisture, kitchen dirt, and odors. Under the influence of a complex of negative influences, the facing stone begins to deteriorate, and its appearance loses its presentability.

Prices for porcelain stoneware slabs

porcelain stoneware

  • Porcelain stoneware is an artificially created material from natural components with the use of some additives, due to which its strength is several times higher than this parameter of natural granite. For facing the apron, porcelain stoneware is rarely used, since the price for it is quite high. In addition, slabs made from it have a very solid mass, which greatly complicates their laying on vertical surfaces. Therefore, most often, when choosing this particular material for finishing, in the absence of experience, independent cladding is not carried out - they trust its laying to experienced craftsmen.

  • A material such as large pebbles that does not have sharp corners looks very interesting on the wall. If such a cladding is used, then the owners have the opportunity to hide the unevenness of the wall surface, since the stones are embedded in a concrete solution or an adhesive composition made on the basis of cement. Technology arrangement of an apron made of a round stone of this size- is quite simple, and it may well be done with your own hands.

The process includes several stages:

- Cleaning the wall from the old cladding.

- Application of notches to the cleaned surface - so that the solution has increased adhesion to the surface.

- Treatment, which will create good adhesion for materials, and protect the wall from fungal infection.

- Application, on the wall of the solution. It is best to use a ready-made adhesive that is used for laying tiles. The layer thickness should be about 10 mm.

- Stones are pressed into the mortar applied to a small section of the wall, so that only one side of the laid fragment remains on the surface.

- Stones are stacked tightly to each other.

- At the beginning of the setting of the solution, its excess must be removed from the visible side of the stones with a damp sponge. The seams between them can be smoothed out with a rubber gloved hand moistened with water.

- After the glue has completely hardened, the stone apron must be primed again.

- Then the apron is covered with a heat-resistant transparent or black varnish, which is used for painting metal stoves.

- The varnish applied to the pebbles will make its color more juicy, and also significantly reduce the time it takes to clean it from trapped grease and kitchen fumes.

It should be noted that natural stone can have different color shades, but they all go well with each other. Due to this harmony, the apron will look aesthetically pleasing and original.

If desired, tiles imitating natural stone can be used for facing the apron. This material is most often made from gypsum, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, when using such a material and striving to keep it in its original form for the longest possible period, it is recommended to impregnate the tiles with a primer and then varnish. In addition, it is best to protect the masonry from the hob with heat-resistant glass, which will be much easier to clean from greasy drops and fumes than artificial stone.

Glass kitchen aprons

A quality kitchen apron is often made of heat and impact resistant glass, which has big enough thickness. In recent years, glass has become more and more popular for the design of the entire kitchen interior and apron in particular. And this can be easily explained by the fact that this type of finish combines all the qualities that are necessary for the specifics of the kitchen area.

The advantages of glass cladding include the following qualities:

  • Absolute moisture resistance of the material.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Inertness to temperature extremes.
  • Elegant and effective appearance.
  • Variety of patterns and colors.
  • Hygienic material - it absolutely does not absorb odors, grease and dirt.
  • The ability to use the material in any from existing styles of kitchen interior decoration.
  • The durability of the material, spruce to protect it from a concentrated shock load.

The disadvantages of this material include its high cost and rather large weight, which greatly complicates the installation of the glass panel. In order for the work to be done correctly, and the apron was not damaged during its installation, it is recommended to entrust this process to specialists.

In addition, panels are most often made to order. In this case, the master should be provided with the most accurate parameters of the product, as well as information about what material the wall of the house is built from - this is necessary to determine the type and places of attachment of the apron. In the absence of correct data, during the installation work on the installation of the glass panel, considerable difficulties may arise.

Due to the fact that the aprons offered for sale are made of ordinary and tempered glass, this factor must be taken into account when choosing it. Products made from ordinary thick glass are less reliable, since the material can burst when heated to high temperatures. Tempered glass is designed specifically for high heating.

To ensure complete safety of the working area, the glass apron is most often made from a single piece of glass, which also requires some skill during installation work.

Prices for kitchen aprons

kitchen apron

There are several different types of glass aprons by design:

  • Clear glass ... This version of the backsplash is protective and is used to cover the decorative wall decoration along the worktop. Thus, the wall cladding will be clearly visible, but protected from dirt. Glass, which has the necessary tempering, can be easily cleaned of any contaminants, except for burnt sugar. Using this version of a glass apron, the wall can be decorated with any material, even your favorite paper wallpaper.

The advantage of the transparent glass panel is that the cladding behind the screen can be changed during the following cosmetic repairs, changing the style of the kitchen interior. To do this, the apron is temporarily dismantled, removing the fasteners, the wall is cleaned of the old coating, then the surface is revetted with new material. After which the glass apron is returned to its place. And again - it is best to entrust the temporary dismantling and return of the panel to the place by professionals.

If there is no desire or opportunity to install a glass transparent apron along the entire tabletop, then you can fix it only near the hob, since most of the greasy stains and vapors fall on the vertical surface of the wall during heat treatment. You can do the same in the area with a kitchen sink.

  • Apron made of frosted glass , which is often called satin, can also be used in combination with wall cladding. But the basic finish with this approach should have a bright color so that the outlines of its drawings appear through the glass surface. The outlines will be indistinctly visible, and thus the effect of soft blurring of the lines of objects depicted on the cladding will be created.

Such a kitchen apron looks quite original and aesthetically pleasing, therefore it is able to decorate any kitchen option by design.

If the space formed between the glass and the wall allows, then small elements with a bright color can be placed in it, for example, artificial flowers or branches with bright green or yellow leaves. Discreet illumination, which is able to highlight the contours of decorative objects, will also be useful in this case.

It is best to turn the frosted side of the glass towards the wall, as it is very difficult to remove stains and drops of any origin from it.

The cost of frosted glass is about twice the price of its transparent version.

  • Glass apron in one color... The color scheme can vary, be bright or "muted", pastel - these characteristics are selected depending on the wishes of the customer and the intended design solution in the design of the kitchen. A single-color version of the apron, especially if it has a light color, will visually expand the space of the room, since part of its area and interior items will be reflected in its surface.

Color decoration can be done using a film glued to the back of the glass or by painting it. Moreover, painting is carried out using a special technology, which consists in applying special enamel to the glass, after which the panels are exposed to high temperatures, that is, the hardening process takes place. After passing this treatment, the glass becomes stronger and more durable. Colored tempered glass is also called stemalite.

The disadvantage of this material is that all dirty and greasy drops will be clearly visible on it. Therefore, if you plan to maintain perfect cleanliness in the kitchen, then the one-color glass apron will have to be washed almost daily.

  • Backlit glass aprons - This is a spectacular design of the kitchen space. LED devices specially designed for this purpose are used to illuminate the film with the selected pattern or photo collage glued to the back surface of the glass. They are embedded in profiles located at the top and bottom of the panel. Backlighting creates the effect of an expanded space and becomes a decorative element that attracts the eye. At the same time, all other surfaces with kitchen accessories located on them remain in the background and are secondary.
  • In addition, it often creates a particularly comfortable working environment for food preparation by illuminating the countertop.

Naturally, this option, due to the installation of electrical appliances, will have a higher cost.

  • Glass aprons decorated with photo printing NS. This option is one of the most popular, as it has a special aesthetics. And besides, many photos and drawings used for decorating panels are able to visually expand a small space of a kitchen room. The technology for decorating transparent panels consists in sticking the film on the glass from the back, that is, the side facing the wall, on which the selected image is applied using special equipment.

The advantages of this option include a variety of choices of drawings and photographs, as well as the ability to highlight such panels, which will make them even more decorative.

The disadvantage of panels with photo printing is that if they are accidentally damaged, you will have to change the entire composition completely. While when choosing a one-color option in a similar situation, the damaged part of the glass can often be cut out and replaced with a separate fragment of the same color.

  • Mirror glass apron It can be equipped with large panels, mirror mosaic tiles, as well as medium-sized tiles with various shapes. The originality of this design is undeniable, but the mirror surface will have to be cleaned almost daily, just like transparent glass. Any dirt on it also gives a reflection, which aggravates the effect of inaccuracy.

In addition, a reflective surface can be called an "extreme" option, since not every person's psyche is able to withstand a constantly moving image, which will necessarily be noticeable with peripheral vision.

However, thanks to the reflection in the mirror of the entire room, even a cramped kitchen will visually seem much larger than it really is.

Aprons made of plastic panels

Recently, special plastic panels have appeared in hardware stores, designed to create a kitchen apron. They are usually made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Prices for plastic panels

plastic panels

On the market, you can find panels that have one color, with a pattern or photograph applied to them, as well as imitate mosaic tiles. In their original form, the panels look quite attractive, and due to their low price they attract increased attention of consumers. But it should be noted that this is often a deceptive impression, since this material has many disadvantages when applied to kitchen conditions. However, it is quite suitable for those homeowners who are limited in funds or who like to often change the design of the premises of an apartment or house.

Plastic panels are produced in several forms. Firstly, it can be the above-mentioned special sheets specifically for arranging the apron. Secondly, PVC lining can also act in this capacity, which many homeowners also use to decorate the wall of the working area. Whichever option of PVC products is chosen, it must be said that it will show itself over time, most likely not from the best side, simply because of its physical and operational characteristics.

To understand why experts do not advise choosing plastic for installation in the kitchen, and especially in the area of ​​the desktop, stove and sink, it makes sense to take a closer look at their "pros" and "cons".

So, in favor the following arguments can be given for PVC panels:

  • The material has the most affordable price of all the named materials.
  • Plastic panels intended for the design of the apron can be solid, that is, they do not have seams.
  • Installation of PVC cladding is extremely simple, and any novice builder or the homeowner himself can easily cope with it. It couldn't be easier - the cladding is most often glued to the wall on "liquid nails".
  • Plastic can be easily cut with a regular stationery knife with replaceable blades. It will not be difficult, according to the markings made in advance, to cut holes for the outlet or for removing cables and pipes.
  • A damaged panel can be easily replaced with a new one. For this, when purchasing material, it makes sense to buy one extra product, since later you may not find the finish of the required color and pattern. Moreover, the price allows you to even have more than one spare panel - it would only be where to store them ...
  • All material is quite insignificant.
  • Plastic panels will perfectly hide all the irregularities and flaws in the wall. You can even hide an electric cable behind them, securing it in the stab with the same "liquid nails".
  • The pattern and color of the panels are fairly stable, so they can be damp cleaned with soft sponges or cloth.
  • PVC is not afraid of moisture.
  • A variety of shapes and design solutions allow you to choose the option suitable for a specific style.
  • PVC panels are perfectly combined with clear glass, which can be used for protection, installed in the area of ​​the hob, as well as in the sink, so that splashes do not leave marks on the surface of the finish.

To the moments in which PVC panels lose most finishing materials include:

  • Very short service life, which in the best case is no more than five years. Although some manufacturers inform customers about ten years, it must be borne in mind that the appearance of the material after the first few years of operation in the kitchen becomes very unpresentable and differs significantly from the new panels.
  • The material is significantly inferior to "competitors" even in its original state. It should be noted that the panels look much better on photos in advertising brochures than in real life. “As far as they look and cost, they are so durable” - that's what honest sellers of this product often say.
  • It is not recommended to install any PVC panels near the hob without protection with heat-resistant glass. Everything is very simple - when heated above a temperature of 70 ÷ 80 degrees (and this is quite a bit), they simply deform.
  • Plastic is not a strong enough material, and it can be damaged mechanically by simply careless movement.
  • Paint and design can be easily erased if the panels are cleaned with hard brushes or detergents containing abrasive additives.
  • Due to the fact that the panels do not adhere tightly to the wall surface, this gap creates very favorable conditions for the formation of mold colonies, especially in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sink.
  • If individual panels are used for decoration, and not a solid sheet, then when exposed to moisture, their edges may simply begin to peel off the wall.
  • When heated (and in the kitchen it is inevitable), the material can release into the ambient air vapors that are not useful for humans and the environment.
  • Plastic absorbs both odors and greasy vapors. Over time, an unremovable yellowness may appear on it.

Knowing all the "pro" and "contra" arguments regarding PVC panels in terms of their use on a kitchen backsplash, you can easily draw conclusions for yourself whether you personally need such a finish.

Steel kitchen aprons

Arrangement of a kitchen apron with embossed steel sheets is rare. The cost of such a finish is quite high, and, frankly, not all housewives like it. However, it should be noted right away that this apron goes well with the hob and other stainless steel kitchen accessories.

Many people think that steel surfaces are only suitable for modern minimalist, techno or hi-tech styles. This is not entirely true, and the illustration below can serve as a proof of this. Steel panels for aprons can have various relief patterns that can be selected in accordance with the chosen design style of kitchen decoration.

If desired, steel surfaces can be added to different styles by associating them with some furniture and decorative accessories for the interior design. In addition, this material has excellent performance characteristics that fully meet the requirements for finishing in a kitchen environment.

  • The material is not afraid of high temperatures, does not deform and does not burn out.
  • Steel does not absorb any substances that can get on the apron during cooking, does not accumulate odors.
  • The panels are easy to clean with water, with or without household chemicals.
  • The material is inert to moisture. Falling on the apron, the drops simply flow down.
  • Steel sheets are highly durable, so it is quite difficult to damage the cladding by negligence.
  • With regular maintenance, the surface of steel panels will never create a favorable environment for pathogenic bacteria or mold.
  • Perhaps the steel surface, in the opinion of many, cannot be called quite aesthetic, but its appearance cannot be blamed for its inaccuracy.

Disadvantages steel panels include the following factors:

  • Apron, this material cannot be cleaned metal kitchentough washcloths, as you can scratch the surface. It is also not recommended to use abrasive detergents for cleaning polished stainless steel.
  • High price of steel panels.

MDF panels as a kitchen apron

MDF panels are widely used in the design of kitchen interiors. But it is worthwhile to better understand how they are suitable for arranging a kitchen apron.

This type of material imitates natural wood and looks quite presentable on the wall, especially when it is in harmony with other surfaces and room accessories. The panels are suitable for almost any style - it is only important to choose the right color shade.

Like all materials, MDF has its positive and negative sides, which you must definitely know when deciding to design an apron in the kitchen with these panels.

Prices for MDF panels

mdf panel

So to merits of this material, their following qualities are attributed:

  • The strength of the material. It is very difficult to break the integrity of the panel by accident, since they are not afraid of mechanical stress.
  • If the panels are carefully cleaned every day, they will not be cumbersome to maintain.
  • The surface of the material has good moisture resistance.
  • Easy to install panels on the wall.
  • With the correct use of MDF and in the absence of any extraordinary circumstances, the finish will last for many years.

The disadvantages of this cladding can include the following points:

  • MDF panels cannot be called a completely environmentally friendly material, since in its manufacture most manufacturers use formaldehyde resins, which emit fumes throughout the entire period of operation of the finish. Such discharge is especially active when the material is heated, and in the kitchen it is almost impossible to avoid this.
  • MDF boards have a fairly high degree of flammability, therefore, they require additional protection against high temperatures that inevitably occur near the hob.
  • MDF consists of compressed cellulose fibers. Therefore, if moisture gets on the end of the panels unprotected with a special film, the material may begin to warp and delaminate. In addition, in a humid environment of wood, it is quite capable of creating a favorable environment for the appearance of mold or mildew. This often leads to the appearance of whole affected foci, which begin to spread to other areas of decoration.
  • It is not recommended to clean MDF with a hard metal brush, as stripes will necessarily remain on the surface of the material.
  • Acrylic-coated panels are more resistant to external influences, however, and they quickly lose their original appearance.

Find out with a step-by-step guide from our new article on our portal.

Summing up the characteristics of this cladding, we can conclude that it is not the best option for arranging an apron. However, if there is a desire and financial opportunity to change the finish to a more reliable one at any time, then you can try to revet the MDF wall along the working area.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the apron is equipped not only from ready-made panels, tiles or stone. Some craftsmen prefer to approach this process creatively and use the materials at hand. For example, bottle corks made of natural material or ordinary plastic of different colors are used, which are embedded in the solution on the wall. In general, if you want to save money, fantasy is often turned on, and if there are no problems with finances, then the material for the apron can be easily picked up in a hardware store. At the same time, it is important to take into account all the recommendations, take into account the characteristics of the finishing, which must meet the above criteria.

At the end of the publication, we suggest watching an interesting video review with examples of kitchen aprons from various materials. Perhaps this will help you make the right choice.

Video: Kitchen apron - a key area for decorating a room

The backsplash is an essential part of kitchen design. This wall covering not only protects the wall above work surfaces, but is also a significant element of the interior. The area above the work area is constantly exposed to high temperatures and continuous contact with water and moisture. All this suggests that the consideration of the choice of a suitable material must be approached seriously and with all responsibility.

Basic rules for decorating a kitchen apron

The height of the apron, as a rule, is selected so that it is first of all convenient for you to take care of it, and also depending on the location of the headset. That is, for example, if the hostess is short, then the cabinets and the headset are hung lower, therefore, the apron will also be low.

Good to know! Usually the height of the apron varies within sixty centimeters. If you have a gas stove in the kitchen, make an apron so that the distance from the surface of the stove to the hood is at least seventy-five centimeters.

In general, when determining the size of the apron, keep in mind that its upper and lower edges should go slightly under the headset and the tabletop, respectively. Be sure to lay down the skirting board and seal it with a silicone-based sealant to prevent moisture from entering the countertop.

Choosing the best material

You should not choose materials with a porous structure for the manufacture of an apron, as moisture and fat will accumulate in the pores. It will be very difficult to clean such a surface. In addition, the presence of seams on the apron makes the cleaning process much more difficult. It is advisable to treat joints and joints with a silicone-based sealant.

Try not to skimp on an apron if the kitchen interior is generally low-budget. Then it will become exactly the highlight, thanks to which the kitchen design will sparkle with new colors. Conversely, if the overall design is filled with rich colors, choose more neutral apron shades.

The standard color for the apron is. Suitable for almost any interior. And so that a pure white apron does not inspire boredom, dilute it with bright inserts.

Do you want a cheerful variety? Fine. Choose bright colors for your apron or a rich pattern. However, such a bold decision will definitely require a roll-over with the overall design. Therefore, try to match the colors of the apron in the colors of the trim and accessories.

Ceramic apron: time-tested

The most common material for an apron is ceramic tiles or small porcelain stoneware. In terms of cost, this is not the cheapest material, but rather an average price category. But there is a huge selection of colors and tones.

Ceramic tiles have good moisture resistance, but do not choose porous tiles. The best option is a glazed (glossy) surface. A kitchen apron made from this tile is perfectly washed, but you should not use strong detergents. The grout will inevitably darken over time, so choose the highest quality grout materials.

It is difficult to find a material with which ceramic tiles would be difficult to combine, natural wood is no exception.

Photo tile: novelty of the season

Photo tiles are a great alternative to classic ceramic tiles. The installation and maintenance technology is the same as for ordinary ceramics, the differences lie in the production process of its creation, which consists in applying a high-quality, full-color pattern to the prepared surface.

Photo tiles are an original solution that will decorate your interior. The material is moisture resistant and durable, but at a cost more expensive than simple tiles. In addition, if the print of the picture was made by sublimation or to order, then over time the image may fade or crack. Be careful when using cleaning agents.

Photo printing is a new direction in the design of a kitchen apron, which easily found its audience.

Glass apron: practical and beautiful

A particularly attractive design technique is the practical and unusual glass kitchen apron. Glass, as you know, is very easy to clean, it is not afraid of moisture and high temperatures.

The cost is sometimes more expensive than ordinary tiles and other materials. This is due to the complexity of processing the source material. In addition to glass, the installation cost will include: the purchase of fasteners and roof rails, as well as a cutout of holes for sockets.

Installation of a glass apron is a fairly simple process, if you have skill and a little experience. Completely, you can handle it in just a couple of hours. However, you need to be extremely careful, especially if the installation is carried out using fasteners, and not glue, as there is a risk of damage to the apron sheet.

When using special mounts to install the apron, you do not need to perfectly align the wall, since this method leaves a gap between the skin and the wall (you can even hide the old coating). Under the glue, on the contrary, complete cleaning and leveling of the wall will be required.

If you choose a good apron, then it can last long enough, at least ten years. Provided that this is high-quality tempered glass and inkjet printing with special paints using ultraviolet rays, and not cheap plexiglass.

The material has excellent moisture resistance and is easy to clean. Ordinary glass cleaning agents are suitable for daily maintenance. In addition, there is no need to clean the numerous joints, as on the tiles. The only drawback is that dust, dirt and streaks are much more noticeable on the glass surface.

Mirror apron

A very interesting and unusual solution is an apron with a mirrored surface. However, not everyone likes this, so before doing this in your kitchen, make sure that the apron will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

With the help of mirrors, you can easily adjust the space. In addition, such an apron visually expands the space, gives the effect of perspective and, due to the reflection of light, makes the kitchen brighter. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted: soiling, objects that are always reflected in the apron, including the reflection of the hostess of the kitchen herself.

Mosaic for the kitchen on the apron

In a mosaic apron, there is simultaneously brightness, mood, and dynamics in the echo of different color shades. Such an apron perfectly combines with the general interior.

However, the cost of decorative mosaics for the kitchen is quite high, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to fork out for each square.

In addition, a tiled master will have to pay a considerable amount, since you are unlikely to be able to cope with the work yourself. For tiles, you will additionally need glue and grout. An alternative to the mosaic can be its imitation, made of ceramic tiles.

As mentioned above, the process of laying a mosaic is very difficult, long and does not tolerate amateurs. In addition, the grouting process increases significantly. If you nevertheless decide to make an apron yourself, then you can simplify the work by choosing a mosaic on a grid.

Mosaic is an excellent material for finishing curved surfaces, while on a straight surface it will show all errors and flaws. Therefore, the preparation of the walls is required as thorough as under the tiles. In terms of durability, the mosaic is not inferior to tiles, provided that all installation conditions are met (up to twenty-five years). Mosaic is not at all afraid of water, it washes well. The only drawback is the numerous seams. To avoid darkening, purchase a better quality epoxy grout.

Plastic - economical and convenient

Plastic is a kind of economy class material. It can be installed from polycarbonate or plastic-faced fiberboard, chipboard or MDF. Plastic based on MDF is relatively inexpensive, easy to install and maintain, moderate resistance to moisture and mechanical stress.

In addition, the technology of its installation does not require ideally even processing of the wall, since it is not mounted close to each other, but on wood bars. It is easy to dismantle it during the next repair. If the material is of high quality, it will last for many years.

Chipboard-based plastic is even cheaper than the previous version. It is also easy to install, does not require careful processing of the wall, and is easy to maintain. However, such a material is very unstable to moisture and can swell upon prolonged contact with water.

An apron made of polycarbonate, like plastic, is a relatively inexpensive and easy-to-install material that does not require special training. As a rule, it is transparent, which makes it possible to apply a decorative pattern on the film or wallpaper to the back wall.

Of the minuses: unpresentable appearance, over time it loses its transparency.

Artificial stone or metal: comparing pros and cons

A kitchen apron made of artificial stone looks noble and expensive. And expensive in the literal sense. Usually such an apron comes complete with a countertop and looks very harmonious and complete. It is better to entrust the installation of acrylic stone to an experienced craftsman who can guarantee you the quality of the work he has done. Be sure to align the wall.

Artificial stone is a durable and durable material, it is mounted without seams and joints, it tolerates moisture well and is easy to clean. In addition, there is the possibility of restoring the damaged surface.

A panel made of artificial stone is a great option to decorate the interior with a bright and rather attractive element.

A metal apron can be a sheet of stainless steel with a decor applied to it or just a smooth glossy surface, and it can also be metal tiles of various sizes, which are glued to the walls according to the ceramic principle.

Wood and brick: finishing with natural materials

In the event that the interior of your apartment is made in the loft style and you want to focus on this with your kitchen, then an apron made of brick or natural wood, like nothing better will help you create a special atmosphere corresponding to this style.

Of course, do not forget that the brick has a porous structure, so its surface should be reliably, which adversely affects its appearance. To do this, it is enough to cover it with a special varnish on a safe acrylic base.

Wood, unlike brick, is not such a capricious material, but nevertheless it also requires special care. The only thing to worry about is that for a kitchen apron, wood without a special coating is not suitable. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that this material absorbs moisture well, while accumulating dust and unpleasant odors in its structure.

To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully treat with special protective oils on a natural basis, which will prevent not only moisture from getting inside, but will also prevent the material from drying out.

Parquet board is a type of wood flooring that can be applied both on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

In a word, whatever you choose for finishing the apron: decorative plaster or, all these materials will definitely require special protection from moisture, dirt and grease.

We hope that this article will help you decide on such a huge and varied selection of modern materials that are equally successfully used in the design of aprons in the kitchen.

Remember only one thing that the kitchen is made cozy not only by bright colors, beautiful finishing materials and upholstered furniture, but also by the positive mood of the owners, which creates a friendly atmosphere.

One of the most important elements of kitchen decoration is an apron - a part of the working wall between hanging and floor cabinets. This area is most polluted, especially in the area of ​​the sink and stove, therefore, along with aesthetic requirements, stringent requirements for practicality are imposed on materials for finishing. Only then can an apron for the kitchen be considered good, when it is pleasant to look at it and it is easy to care for it.

What are they made of

A few decades ago, the question of what to make an apron in the kitchen did not arise: if you were lucky to find a tile, they did it from it, if not, they just painted it with oil paint. As one of the options, ordinary paper wallpapers were glued, which were varnished. That's the whole choice. Naturally, the tile in this case is the best possible option.

Composite apron for the kitchen - from tiles and mosaics

Today the choice is much wider. There are both traditional tiles and many other materials for the kitchen apron:

  • Ceramic tiles and mosaics.
  • Made of photo-printed tempered glass.
  • Stone and materials based on it (porcelain stoneware, for example).
  • Plastic and plastic panels.
  • Metal.

Despite the abundance of materials, ceramic tiles are still the most popular. And all because it is available in a very wide range of colors and sizes. The second most common apron is made of plastic - it is easy to care for it, and it is also inexpensive. Therefore, it is popular. In third place, perhaps, is a glass kitchen apron. And all because it gives an unusually wide range of design and design options. Its only drawback is its high cost. All other methods of decorating the wall of the working area are not very popular. Some are due to not the best qualities (MDF, for example, does not really like moisture and high temperatures) or the complexity of installation on walls (porcelain stoneware and stone). However, all of these materials can be used.

Dimensions (edit)

As for the length, there are usually no questions: the entire wall or part of it, which is occupied by the kitchen set, requires special care. Therefore, everything is simple with the length. But the width of the lined area should be larger than the open space. That is, the finish should start below the level of the countertops of the floor cabinets and end above the level where the hanging cabinets end. This stock is desirable in the area of ​​5 cm. More or less depends on the size of the finishing material, in particular ceramic tiles.

Since there are no lockers above the stove, the apron in this place is made higher. And again: its width should be such that the cabinets hung from the sides lay on the tile with their side. It is more convenient to clean this way.

Tile apron

The most traditional type of work wall decoration in the kitchen is ceramic tiles. It is good because it is easy to clean and has a long service life. Modern technologies make it possible to make it in different shapes, colors and sizes, which gives ample opportunities for design.

The disadvantage of a tiled apron in the kitchen is the complexity and duration of installation, the high price of the tile itself and the installation work. The disadvantage is the presence of a large number of seams. They are rubbed with special compounds, but it is the seams that get dirty and lose their attractiveness in the first place. We have to remove the old grout and process them again with a new one.

Nevertheless, it is the tile apron that is most often made in kitchens. The tile can be small - a square with a side of 12-15 cm.

There are tiles in size that are more like bricks: rectangular in shape. This tile shape is also called "hog". It is more difficult to lay it - there are more seams, but the apron looks interesting. You can find a brick-like model, or you can make it blue or green. They all look good.

Dark blue tiles in a white kitchen - contrasting and unusual

There are large-format ceramics. It can have dimensions with a side of 60-70 cm. Moreover, it can be either square or rectangular. You can choose such a model that one unit will overlap the entire height of the apron. This is good because such an apron has fewer seams.

Flowers on the walls - pretty

There are collections of tiles of various non-linear shapes, with patterns. They look, of course, great, but it is more difficult to care for: all cracks, irregularities and bends are harder to scrub off than a flat surface. Another disadvantage of such tiles is the high price, much higher than average. If all this does not scare you, keep in mind that you need to order it with a margin of about 10%. Firstly, the inevitable waste during laying, secondly, there is a battle during delivery, and thirdly, if you are a little mistaken in the calculations, you will have to wait a long time again, and it’s not a fact that there will be such a tile. Many collections are produced in very limited quantities. And they simply may not exist. For the same reason, it is always necessary to keep a few pieces in case of repair. After a few years, even mass collections are discontinued.

There is also ceramic mosaic - very small tiles, from which whole panels can be assembled. It is even more difficult to lay it, but the wall is very effective.

There is another type of ceramic tile - with photo printing. Before firing, a drawing is applied to the ceramic surface with special ink. Then it is covered with glaze and set at a high temperature in the oven. Even photographs can be applied using this technology, but fruits or flowers are more often chosen for kitchen aprons.

As you can see, there are already a lot of options for a tiled apron for the kitchen. And there are 5 other materials.

Glass kitchen apron

This type of material began to be used for finishing the work wall in the kitchen relatively recently, but it is quickly gaining popularity. It is even easier to care for a glass apron than for a tiled one - there are almost no seams, the surface is smooth. You can apply almost any pattern - from smooth color to volumetric photography. The technique of applying photographic printing on glass is called “skinned”. It is on aprons in this version that volumetric 3D drawings can be applied.

Floral motifs are one of the most popular in kitchen design. They soften the forced severity of the furniture lines Black and white kitchens - contrasts in everything

How to make your own photo printing on glass

The only drawback of a glass apron is its high cost. This is due to the complex technology of drawing a pattern. But you can do it yourself. The technology is not the same as that used in enterprises, but the craftsmen are the craftsmen to find a way out of any situation.

For the manufacture of a glass apron using the skinning technique at home, two glasses of relatively small thickness are taken. If you find or buy a hardened one, it's great, but the usual, as practice has shown, lasts a long time. Ask the glass workshop to finish the edges and drill holes for the fasteners (or do it yourself, if you can). The two glasses must be exactly the same in size, the holes for the fasteners must also match.

A film with a pattern is glued to one of them. This can be a ready-made self-adhesive translucent film, which is usually sold in wallpaper stores. You can order printing on film of any image in a specialized workshop (perhaps you can be helped by an advertising agency that deals with outdoor advertising).

The glass is cleaned of dust, degreased (a mixture of water and dishwashing detergent or glass detergent), wiped off, then sprayed with water from a spray bottle. The protective layer is removed from the film and glued to the wet glass on one side: it is more convenient to work on it and there is less chance of making an air bubble. Then they take a dense and elastic material with smooth edges (you can use a rubber spatula) and expel excess water from under the film. The main task is to prevent the appearance of air bubbles. The glued film is left to dry for several days, and then holes are made in it for fasteners.

Both pieces of glass are folded and mounted on the wall. The film turns out to be clamped on both sides and is perfectly protected from any influences. So that nothing happens to such an apron over time, the joint around the perimeter must be coated with silicone sealant (not acrylic, it turns yellow after a while). It can be done without a second layer of glass, but then the chances are high that the film will peel off, or dirt will get behind it, which will be visible.

Apron made of MDF and chipboard

If you need to quickly and inexpensively finish the working wall in the kitchen, you can install an apron from panels. You need to choose from moisture-resistant products with a durable coating: you will have to wash often. Therefore, MDF is taken of medium or high density. The higher the density, the better: with a thinner panel, they are more durable, but the denser material is more expensive.

Installed on furniture screws or, if necessary, on dowel-nails. A hole is pre-drilled in the required places. The diameter of the drill is the same as the rod of the hardware or slightly less. To prevent the caps from sticking out, a small depression is made in the panel with a drill of a larger diameter than the size of the cap. In a store that sells furniture fittings, you can find plugs to match the panel. Here, under the leg of the plug, you can select the diameter of the drill: so that it becomes tight.

Before installation, an adhesive is applied to the back surface, then additionally sits on the fasteners. If the apron is obtained from one wall to another, there are no problems, but if there are corners, they must be trimmed somehow. To do this, you can use plastic or aluminum corners - it depends on the style of kitchen furniture (furniture hardware stores).

If we talk about color solutions, that is, monochromatic options of different colors, a fairly wide selection of surfaces that imitate different types of wood, there is an imitation of stone surfaces. There are also exclusive drawings, such as photo printing, flowers, etc.

The drawing is glued to the MDF board. This is a photo-printed film. Since the film must have a high density, such panels are decent.

Made of plastic

Plastic aprons are good because they are inexpensive, easy to install. At the same time, the plastic surface is well washed. For the production of aprons, ABS plastic is used. It is neutral to fats, acids, alkalis, but reacts poorly to contact with alcohol. Therefore, it is impossible to wipe with alcohol and alcohol-containing compounds. Physical properties - tough, durable and at the same time plastic - make it possible to make housings of household appliances from it. Even some parts in the car interior are made of such plastic. Therefore, aprons in the kitchen are only part of its application.

The temperature range at which such a plastic apron can be used is from -40 ° C to + 90 ° C. Its only drawback is that it reacts poorly to ultraviolet light. Therefore, it is undesirable to put it in kitchens in which the working wall is illuminated from the window.

The choice of colors is wide, and the relatively low price and ease of installation allow you to change the finish if you are very tired of it. Any image is applied to the plastic, then it is covered with a double layer of varnish, which protects the design and prevents scratches. If you try, of course, you can scratch it, but accidentally hitting it is unlikely. In general, not a bad option. If we talk about the price, the plastic wall panel, which is used as a kitchen apron, costs from 1.5 to 6 thousand rubles. Panel width 60-80 cm, length 2-3 m. Some examples of plastic aprons are in the photo gallery.

Traditional theme - coffee beans

Wall panels are mounted on a relatively flat surface. Glue of the "liquid nails" type is applied pointwise and plastic is fixed on it. Its density makes it possible to hide minor surface defects.

Of stone and metal

The least common kitchen aprons are made of stone. Firstly, they are expensive, and secondly, it is not easy to clean off plaque from them: the surface, even very well-processed, has open pores, into which fat and soot, inevitable in the kitchen, are clogged.

Apron for the kitchen made of stone. Looks great in some interiors ... but it's hard to clean

Exceptions are stone-based products, in particular, porcelain stoneware. Its surface can be very smooth. But there is one more thing: the large weight of such a finish. Accordingly, complex installation and powerful fastening system.

They decorate the work wall in the kitchen with metal, but this is a very caustic phenomenon. Such an apron will only fit into minimalism and high-tech, and even then you need to try so that the room does not look like a meat cutting workshop ...

As you can see, you can decorate the working wall with different materials. There are options for different tastes and wallets. The main thing is to choose an apron for the kitchen so that the headset and the rest of the furniture become a single ensemble. Then the kitchen will be cozy.