Wall decoration in the bedroom: extraordinary solutions. Accent wall in the bedroom, various finishes How to decorate the walls in the bedroom modern design

Properly selected decor can transform the interior. The range of beautiful and original details today is greater than ever. You can choose the right decorative additions for any room, whether it be a living room, a nursery, a kitchen or a bedroom. The design of the latter is worth analyzing in more detail.


With the help of well-chosen decor, you can revive even the most boring room, made in gloomy colors. There are an incredible number of options for decorating residential premises. These can be beautiful wall paintings of different sizes and subjects, decorative vases or plates, original photo frames of non-standard shapes, multi-colored panels and other attractive items.

You can decorate the bedroom not only with such original elements, but also with high-quality textiles. For example, if you choose spectacular and luxurious curtains, aristocratic bedding and an elegant canopy, you will get a chic and rich interior in an ordinary average apartment. So, with the help of seemingly simple components that are present in every bedroom, you can give the atmosphere a special chic and brilliance.

It should also be noted that interior decoration is provided in all stylistic directions, from classic to hi-tech. Without the right decorations, a room can feel unfinished and even dull.


wall decor

There are many ways to decorate the walls in the bedroom. Consider the most interesting and attractive options.

  • Many owners turn to the original decoration of empty walls with frescoes. For a beautiful and harmonious ensemble, you need to choose a picture that would fit the main style of the bedroom interior. This method will require additional preparatory work. Before applying the fresco, the wall must be puttied and covered with a primer. It will take a lot of time, cost and effort, but the end result is worth it! With the help of a beautiful fresco, you can give the room a slight touch of sophistication and originality.
  • You can apply a stencil pattern to one of the walls in the bedroom. But it is necessary to apply such images only on a previously prepared and well-dried surface. Such decor should have a contrasting color that will stand out against the general background. A stencil pattern, the shade of which resembles a wall finish, will dissolve against the general background and there will be no sense in it.
  • You can add an accent wall to the interior. As a rule, such elements of the room are painted in contrasting colors. For example, one of the walls in a white bedroom can be decorated with soft purple paint and placed near the wall with a double bed. Often, with the help of such a simple technique, zoning of space is carried out. So, using a contrasting wall, you can highlight the recreation area or workspace in the bedroom. The accent wall can be finished with beautiful wallpaper with patterned prints. This design solution looks very stylish and fresh.

  • You can update the interior of the bedroom with decorative plaster. Using such a finishing material, you can trim a niche above the bed. Work with decorative plaster should be entrusted to an experienced master. The services of specialists are not cheap, but the end result will surely please you and will not make you regret the extra expenses.
  • To decorate the walls, you can turn to the relief panels. Such things are made of different materials, but the most common are panels made of reinforced gypsum and plastic. Slightly less common are eco-friendly plant-based options. Such materials are installed with glue. Their surface can be painted in any color.
  • In interiors in a modern style, decorative brickwork looks spectacular. Most often, the owners of loft-style bedrooms turn to such decoration options. Experts recommend decorating only one of the walls in this way.
  • One of the walls can be decorated not only with brickwork, but also with decorative stone or panels made of various types of wood. Such design techniques look very attractive and modern. Often, the installation of such materials can be done by hand, without much effort.


Curtains not only protect the space from noise, dust and aggressive sunlight and provide comfort, but also perform a decorative function. These details can match the shade of the wall or furniture. Often curtains play the role of bright accents in the interior of the bedroom and have a rich contrasting color. Details such as pelmets, heavy tassels, elegant ties and laces look attractive in the bedroom. With the help of such details, you can create an aristocratic and solid image of the room.

You can draw attention to large and high windows using luxurious curtains to the floor. Such decorative elements can visually stretch the room and make it more spacious. Long curtains can be decorated with a flirty curly assembly or playful braid. Dark curtains against the background of light walls will look most attractive and bright, and vice versa. It is worth choosing the right products based on your own taste preferences, as well as the style and color design of the interior.


Other design elements

There are many more ways to decorate a bedroom.

The most popular decorative elements are wall paintings. Images on them can be made in neutral or catchy colors. Today in stores you can find a huge variety of paintings with a variety of subjects.


Images of flowers will look harmonious and attractive in the bedroom. You should be careful with pictures in which predators are present. If you still decide to decorate the room with such details, then it is recommended to choose options with calmer plots. For example, it can be wolves against the backdrop of a winter landscape, or dormant lions.

It is worth abandoning paintings with images of unpleasant insects, as such interior items can cause negative emotions. Refuse paintings with sad and gloomy images. This also applies to paintings depicting natural disasters and disasters. Such decoration options will have a negative impact on the emotional state of the owners of the home.

Wall and table photos will harmoniously look in the bedroom. It is recommended to insert such things into frames, the color of which would match the furniture in the room. So, the decor and interior elements will overlap with each other, creating an organic ensemble.

You can decorate the bedroom with vases. Today, such items are made from different materials. The most inexpensive and lightest are plastic vases. However, such things look too simple and cheap. If you want to complement the interior with more attractive and sophisticated options, then you should turn to vases made of ceramics, painted glass, clay or porcelain. You can place real or artificial flowers, branches of unusual shapes and other similar items in a vase.

The main decorative elements of the bedroom are pillows and bedding. With these details you can dilute any interior.

For example, against the background of a peach accent wall in a pale pink bedroom, you can place a light double bed with a bright purple blanket. Such a rich detail will dilute calm tones and become a bright accent of a delicate interior.

And you can dilute the peach walls, white floor and white bed with dark chocolate linens and pillows, complemented by contrasting patterns.

The bedroom should have details that soften the interior. For example, it can be a cozy rug with a high pile. The color of these things should also be calm and gentle.

  • DIY bedroom decor should be aimed at creating a friendly and comfortable atmosphere. Do not decorate such a room with aggressive and sharp details.
  • Don't overload the space lots of decor.
  • If you decide to decorate the room with wall paintings, then it is recommended to take one of the walls under them. It is best to choose canvases whose plot is in harmony with each other.
  • Most often, paintings are hung over the head of the bed.. It is desirable to have one large picture in such areas, rather than several small ones. A large number of paintings above the bed will look strange and ridiculous.

  • A good way to decorate are mobile partitions.. With the help of these items, you can not only decorate the interior, but also carry out zoning in the bedroom. However, it is not recommended to resort to partitions and screens if the room is small in size.
  • Try to stick to soft textures. They should be traced not only in furniture, but also in decorations. So, in the conditions of a bedroom, a fluffy floor carpet and accessories such as plump soft pillows will look harmonious.
  • Decorative items can be made from improvised materials. When creating interesting and attractive things, it is necessary to take into account the basic style of the bedroom interior and not go beyond it.

Beautiful examples of bedroom design

If you like bright colors, then you will like the following bedroom design:

  • Decorate one of the walls in the white room with accent red and decorate it with a white stencil image of a sakura branch. Opposite the red wall, you can place a red bed with a high beige headboard and linens made in scarlet and white. Complete the bed with cream bedside tables with yellow lamps. If the room has windows, then they can be decorated with simple straight white curtains with contrasting burgundy colors.

Modern people have become more serious about the design of residential premises. Through access to information, many have learned that the interior can help create the right atmosphere for different occasions.

This is especially true for the bedroom. It turns out that due to the high-quality decoration of the walls of this room, you can achieve incredible effects that allow you to have a great rest.

In this room, people, first of all, want to rest, relax and gain strength for the next day. And due to the excellent wall decoration for the bedroom, you can create the conditions for all this.

Now we will understand the choice of color palettes, textures and their successful combinations.

Creating an accent on one of the walls is now fashionable!

Modern designers have learned how to create a bedroom interior around the selection of one wall by applying a great shade of color scheme, wallpaper pattern or other methods.

An accent on one of the walls is created using:

  • A panel, preferably created by one's own efforts, this usually looks nicer
  • Moldings for use on bedroom walls
  • Photo wallpaper or other options for finishing materials.

Designers have noticed that small bedrooms are not a good place to apply wallpaper based on active patterns to all walls at the same time.

This approach will only help to visually reduce the already modest room even more. However, if one of the walls is singled out, it is possible to diversify the interior, based on a monochromatic finish.

It is more profitable to highlight the wall above the head of the bed, since it itself takes center stage in the bedroom. This can be seen in the photographs.

The correct wallpaper color for an accent wall is usually created by a symbiosis of the shade of the wallpaper in the headboard area and the color scheme of the textiles used for the sleeping elements:

  • Various bedspreads for a sleeping set
  • Bed linen set.

With the help of the union of the color scheme of the curtains and the carpet covering.

Are there any features of the accent design of the wall?

Due to it, it becomes possible to lay a kind of invisible bridge, allowing you to connect the white finish of the surfaces with the dark version of the tone of the bed and, possibly, its textile part.

And the use of blue-based wallpapers for this purpose, combined with access to natural light, allows you to provide freshness and unsurpassed lightness to the room.

Designers believe that the accent wall does not always have to be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe headboard.

Sometimes the bedroom interior suggests the need to use another wall for this purpose. This may be the area near window or door openings.

And it is also necessary to build on the personal preferences of the owners of the premises.

How to decide on the choice of color for painting the walls in the bedroom?

Designers in the process of working in this direction have developed some rules:

If you are creating a bedroom for the newlyweds, then you need to rely on several colors. This approach will help create a living room filled with energy.

The decoration style for this purpose can be light or dark, depending on the location of the room.

In the case of working with the bedroom of a couple in a long-term relationship, the coloring should be done in several tones to dilute everything familiar.

The bedroom for an intellectual should be distinguished by softness and the predominant use of cold tones.

It is most advantageous to use a blue tint based on a pastel tone. Because such people see the world differently, and they stand out for their restraint.

It is better for workers who give a lot of physical strength at work to create walls based on green shades.

The children's version of the bedroom looks better on the basis of pastel or any matching colors.

The absence of a variety of aggressive colors is important, since children do not like them. Soft pink, blue and other similar colors will do, creating a calm atmosphere.

It is advisable to limit the use of brown, as it accelerates the aging process.

To reduce sexual activity, a salad shade is best suited.

Thin people suffering from a lack of appetite will be helped by walls trimmed with orange.

The white trim option will help ensure that the couple understands each other, as it is one of the most lively color options.

Purple wall decoration will help create a sense of spirituality in the bedroom. Sometimes you need additional decoration for the walls in the bedroom.

Many people have the skills for quality wallpapering and painting walls. However, not everyone manages to decorate them competently and you have to resort to the advice of the masters.

Pictures help create an interesting interior for the bedroom, however, it is important to consider compatibility with the rest of the design in style and even color.

This wall decoration can be created by your own efforts. In this matter, it is necessary to rely on a sense of proportion and taste preferences of the owners of the home.

Wall murals will help create a special atmosphere, as they usually rely on the natural image of natural landscapes.

A set of mirrors helps to create a visual expansion for a room by repeating its interior multiple times.

With the help of the clock, you can fill the space of the bedroom.

It is important to remember that for the design of the walls, one should rely on modern materials that are suitable for the owner in terms of character and taste preferences.

Bedroom wall design photo

Many people are interested in what can be hung in the bedroom above the bed. This way of decorating will help to make the room more comfortable and unusual. Due to the well-chosen style and interior elements located above the head of the bed, you can decorate your apartment.


Most couples decide to decorate the walls with paintings. When choosing this decor method, you should familiarize yourself with some features:

  • the chosen picture should please both spouses and evoke positive emotions;
  • refuse images with an aggressive and hostile message;
  • if you like canvases with hieroglyphs, check out their decoding. Choosing a picture with a secret meaning is considered a risky undertaking;
  • do not decorate the walls with images of dead people.

In addition to paintings, you can choose other decorative elements. A rationalist will like the design of the walls using a night light, which, according to Feng Shui, will be responsible for strengthening family relationships or attracting the opposite sex (if you are single). If we talk about the features of this element, then choose paired lamps. They will give the bedroom more light, as well as double the positive energy.

Design options

There are many options from which you can choose what can be hung above the bed in the bedroom. Based on your personal preferences and capabilities, you can make a choice in favor of a particular subject. Panels, frescoes, various inscriptions and even screens are popular. Photo printing is considered a popular option for decorating walls above the bed. As a rule, designers resort to this option. The choice of photo wallpaper is considered more expensive than the option that uses a simple poster. The advantage of photo printing is as follows:

  • you can get any drawing;
  • the image is obtained without joints;
  • Wallpapers are made from high quality materials.

You can also decorate the wall with a mirror. Such an attribute will only perform the function of decoration, because it is not very convenient to look at such a reflection. The mirror belongs to the neutral component of the room, because it does not complement the room with colors and color nuances, compared to photo wallpapers and painting elements. If you correctly choose a frame under the mirror, it can emphasize the style of the room. With the help of mirrors, you can visually correct the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom.

If you are looking for original bedroom decor, look no further than wall panels. They fit perfectly in the interior. Soft and wooden volumetric panels are suitable for the bedroom.

Some people additionally trim them with leather or textiles. However, such decor is considered quite expensive, so only the head of the bed is decorated with it.

Feng Shui culture, as well as psychologists, recommend placing different designs above the bed. The easiest way to create a box of plasterboard, which is very simple in terms of finishing work and installation. A similar method is suitable if you have a small area and do not have enough space to store things. The inscription or individual letters fall into the category of new and inexpensive ways to decorate headboards. With the help of such a decor, you will prove yourself in design, as well as be able to demonstrate and preserve all the most intimate. A canopy or curtain is preferred by romantic personalities. This decision is a manifestation of comfort and coziness. The decoration is worthy of a place in the interiors of spacious bedrooms and will give you tender dreams, softening the geometric angles of furniture pieces.

Combination with the interior

The design of the headboard in the bedroom must be combined with the overall style of the room. Make sure that your décor is appropriate and does not speak of the ridiculous taste of its owner. To date, designers offer various color options that you can choose based on the interior of the room:

  • Classic interior and baroque. In these areas, images with portraits, paintings with family scenes, stucco, frescoes, pictures with pets and other options of a similar nature are welcome. Don't forget the ceiling. In the bedroom, this element should be flat.

  • Loft. Such bedrooms are chosen by creative people. In such an interior, the placement of the canvas above the sleeping bed is not provided, because abstract and unusual materials are acceptable in the style. Pay attention to products made of fabric, leather or metal.

  • High tech. In a modern interior, you can combine, diluting the design with a city landscape, a view of a bridge, a park and skyscrapers. Many designers recommend paying attention to macro photography characters, in which there are enlarged dew drops, snowflakes, petals, leaves. Hi-tech, as well as modern, suggests that such decorative elements will be located directly above the sleeping bed. If you're a fan of these styles, opt for abstract paintings to hang over a wood headboard.

Regardless of the chosen interior, remember that the bed is not recommended to be placed near the window.

According to Feng Shui, this is not a very good solution. If you can’t arrange the bed differently, use heavy and opaque curtains. They will be optimal for any interior and will be able to help in decorating the room.

DIY decor creation

Beds that do not have a back are very popular. Most people know that when such furniture is located close to the wall, greasy wallpaper can be obtained over time. To avoid such embarrassment, you can create a headboard with your own hands. You can decorate the wall with the help of different materials, of which there are a lot at the moment.

DIY decor ideas:

  • with the help of a decorative cornice or rod you can decorate the interior of your bedroom. To create them, you will need to sew flat or lush pillows. 2-4 pieces will be enough. You will also need to take care of removable pillowcases. You need to hang pillows on the cornice with the help of ties, which are located on pillowcases or loops. If you wish, you can build several pairs of sets of pillowcases that will be identical to the style of bed linen or plaid;

  • headboard panel. To create it, you will need a sheet of plywood or chipboard. Cut it according to the dimensions of the bed, choosing the appropriate height. You can install the sheet on the wall, and then proceed to the decor. Many people like the finish in fabric or leather. Leather substitute is also suitable for these purposes. Puffs, pre-fastened with decorative buttons, will help to give the panel a finished look;

  • some people prefer to leave the panel smooth or not to use foam rubber. As a substitute, you can use parquet and other types of decorative fittings. Luminaires with shelves mounted on panels are popular;

  • screen. It is created by assembling a wooden frame, in which there are more than three sections. After creating the frame, you will need to tighten it with textiles. If you are using medium-sized sections, they should be the same size as the width of the bed. The sections that are located on the sides should be slightly larger than the middle ones. With the help of a screen, you will protect your sleep from bright sunlight and provide additional comfort in the room;

  • a fabric drapery that takes up the entire wall would also look great at the head of the bed. To create such a decor, you will need to select a fabric with the desired parameters and attach it under the ceiling and near the floor using horizontal fasteners;

  • the panel belongs to the category of fashionable ways of decorating walls. Before decorating the walls, consider the placement of the panels to avoid chaos. This type of decor is popular because it can be created from any material at hand. To create, you will need fabric of different sizes, a foam frame, a tool for gluing components, a stapler, decorative strips and molding. The most optimal background for a decorative panel is a plain wall;

  • you can decorate the head of the bed with a baguette, molding or wallpaper remnants. You will need to stick pieces of wallpaper on the wall, marking the boundaries with decorative strips. Such frames are also suitable for decorating stencil drawings, photographs, mirrors and even compositions made from dry flowers.

The options described above will help you design your own headboard and amaze your friends with your original ideas.

The head of the bed began to decorate several centuries ago. Only the poorest families left the wall above the bed empty. To date, the paintings above the bed are considered the main decoration of the room. Many designers offer their own decor ideas, and some of them are able to amaze anyone with their flight of fancy. However, there are certain unspoken rules that should be followed when choosing a decor.

  • when choosing an image palette, make sure that it is not a sharp contrast compared to the main tone of the bedroom. It is best to select images in which there will be a repetition of several color solutions;
  • make sure that the theme and technique of the image is common. For example, the abstractness of elements will not look good with sketches, and a framed photo looks inharmonious with watercolors;
  • It is best to place the picture at the level of your eyes. The style and type of drawing should be organically combined with the interior of the bedroom. For example, a design that is made in the Baroque style does not include a canvas depicting a metropolis, and high-tech portraits with the royal family, as well as frescoes or scenes with medieval hunting, are out of place; If you plan to hang several paintings over your headboard, make sure they are the same shape and size;
  • small details should not be present in the bedroom. This is due to the fact that a person belongs to the category of inquisitive creatures and, instead of sleeping, wants to consider all the small details. This happens on a subconscious level, so be aware of this moment. Large works of art are only suitable for spacious rooms;
  • a mirror is a decor that individuals with special courage can afford. You can enclose it in a beautiful frame, use it as a mirror panel, or place the product along the entire wall, which will visually increase the area of ​​​​the room. When placing a mirror, keep in mind that it should be located at a height of at least 40 centimeters from the level of the mattress. This distance is considered safe and fully complies with all Feng Shui laws;

  • finishing with mosaics and tiles will help spice up your bedroom. Choose décor with whimsical patterns to create an interesting accent in the room. Such materials do not require special care, so they are very easy to use;
  • With the help of pillows, you can create an original decor for the head of the bed. You can hang multi-colored items or products with the same pattern all over the wall instead of the headboard. The number of pillows depends only on your imagination;
  • murals, vinyl stickers, unusual wallpapers and photo wallpapers will help you to harmoniously create the interior of your bedroom. Pay attention to interesting and unobtrusive stories that will suit any style. Many people choose this decor method because it is unique;
  • the presence of shelves and niches above the bed will add functionality and practicality to your room. This option is suitable for lovers of reading before going to bed in bed, as well as fans of watching programs on TV. Make sure that the shelves are located at a convenient height for you. You should not hit them with your head when you sit on the bed. Calculate the required depth of niches with shelves so that things do not fall out on your head;
  • many designers recommend doing lighting in niches. Such equipment will help you find the necessary things in the dark;
  • keep in mind that creating niches involves building walls, which entails a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom.

Everything in the bedroom should be perfect, from beautiful furniture to attractive wall decoration. Modern consumers have a wide range of finishing materials of different colors and textures. You can choose a decent option for a room of any size and layout. It is worth considering in more detail how to design the walls in the bedroom.

Layout features

Wall decoration should be chosen in accordance with the location and layout of the bedroom. Far from the last role is played by the personal preferences of the owners.

Recently, such a design solution as an accent wall has become very popular. With its help, you can not only give the interior an interesting twist and emphasize individuality, but also highlight certain areas of the room.

Most often, an accented wall is made out behind a berth. So you can select a recreation area. It can be an elegant wall, pasted over with light wallpaper with a contrasting pattern in black, surrounded by beige plain walls.

Often, natural materials are chosen to finish the accent wall. It can be panels made of precious woods of different shades. Similar details in the interior of the bedroom look "expensive" and original. However, it should be borne in mind that most wood panels require regular maintenance. They must be treated with special substances and impregnations that protect the natural material from drying out, fading, cracking and reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Particularly relevant are accent walls in a studio apartment, devoid of partitions separating rooms. To highlight the sleeping area in such conditions, various screens, movable partitions, and bright accent walls are often used. As a rule, such a surface remains empty or is decorated with a couple of paintings above the head of the bed (if located behind the bed).

If the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with bright materials with contrasting prints, it should not be weighed down with a large number of decorative elements. They simply “dissolve” against such a background and lose all meaning.

Walls with windows can be designed in different ways. Today, it is very popular and common to finish such surfaces with dark materials. Against the backdrop of windows, dark wallpaper or plaster does not look gloomy or boring, as they are surrounded by natural light. Particular attention should be paid to the curtains on the windows in the bedroom. If the window openings are located on the same wall, there is a small distance between them, then you can turn to light and simple curtains, devoid of any decorative elements.

Often the windows in the bedroom are located on the area of ​​adjacent walls. They should be decorated with air curtains, unobtrusive blinds, as well as fashionable roller or Japanese curtains.

In rooms with two windows on different walls, a dark finish will look especially impressive and stylish. As a rule, such an arrangement of window openings is typical for spacious rooms. Two windows on different walls can be decorated with light translucent curtains that do not weigh down the interior.

In private homes, bedrooms are often located in the attic or attic. The result is an interesting and cozy bedroom with a sloping wall. Such spaces are not recommended to be decorated in dark colors, as in this case they look cramped.

Do not be afraid of the visual effect of the "eaten" area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with a sloping wall. If you choose a light wall finish and correctly select and arrange furniture, then the room will not seem too small.

Properly selected finishing materials of suitable colors can transform and decorate rooms of any shape and layout. It can be a cozy space both in a city apartment and in a wooden country house.

Color selection

The interior of the bedroom largely depends on the color of the walls:

  • Dark walls in bedrooms are very popular these days. Many people are afraid of these palettes because of their gloom and depth. However, one should not beware of dark colors, as their depressiveness is easily diluted with bright accents in the interior, contrasting furniture and exquisite glossy surfaces. Do not forget about sufficient lighting in such a bedroom. As a rule, against the background of dark walls, lighting fixtures of several levels are placed at once. These can be ceiling, built-in, table and spotlights. Do not choose a dark wall finish if little natural light enters the room. It should be abandoned altogether if the bedroom is deaf and has no windows at all.

It is not recommended to refer to such a finish if the bedroom is small. Dark walls will visually reduce the space. Such a design solution is suitable only for spacious rooms of a large area.

  • The situation is a little easier with light wall decoration. This design looks harmonious in both spacious and small rooms. However, the interior can turn out to be too boring and unfinished if it is not decorated with bright accents, decor and accessories.

  • The trend of recent years are bedrooms in which there are light beige or white walls and contrasting furniture black, dark blue or dark brown. Such contrasting interiors look interesting and fashionable.

  • Ideal for wall decoration in the bedroom natural green, olive or pistachio shades. Such colors have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person and his mood. Walls of such colors will contribute to quick and easy falling asleep, as well as good rest and healthy sleep.

Against the backdrop of green walls, pieces of furniture made of different materials look attractive. It can be expensive natural wood, light plastic or metal. With the help of calm natural colors, it is possible to create interiors of various styles - from classic to high-tech.

  • Gray walls will look beautiful in the bedroom. However, if you do not beat this neutral color with rich details, then the interior can turn out to be dull and boring.

Gray color harmonizes with many shades. They can be neutral, pastel or contrasting.

  • Turquoise color is very popular lately. It is rich in shades. Turquoise bedroom will look bright and original. This design is ideal not only for a youth room, but also for a bedroom belonging to people of a more mature age.

  • Turquoise looks great in combination with chocolate, dark brown, white and pale blue colors. In a room decorated in soft turquoise, you can place an accent wall decorated with wallpaper in a more saturated shade with a small white geometric print. Against this background, a cozy double bed with a white headboard, chocolate pillows and a brown-turquoise blanket will find its place.

  • For decorating the walls in the bedroom, blue color is suitable. It also promotes easy falling asleep and has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Most often, blue paints are diluted with refreshing whites, which results in a very pleasant and “airy” tandem.

  • The bedroom will look beautiful and original, the walls of which are finished with a “sweet” pink color. In one room, several shades of pink can be present at once - from saturated to pale. They can be diluted with purple, classic white or beige so that the interior does not resemble a dollhouse.

  • Warm peach color is ideal for decorating the walls in the bedroom. Against its background, interior items of both pastel and contrasting dark colors will harmoniously look. This design looks especially impressive in rooms with good natural light.

It is also fashionable to turn to peach tones for decorating a room located on the north side. So the room will turn out more "warm".

Finish options

To decorate the walls in the bedroom, you can use a variety of materials. Modern manufacturers offer a large number of different options, with the help of which living quarters are literally transformed, becoming harmonious and stylish.

Consider the main ones:

  • A popular finishing material is decorative plaster.. In hardware stores you can find similar tools in a variety of colors. Many consumers opt for such a finish, as it is wear-resistant, durable and does not require special care.

  • Suitable for wall decoration special tiles. However, this material is most often used to design accent walls. Tiles can be plain or decorated with interesting prints. The bedroom can be finished with such materials as with a glossy or matte surface.

  • If you want to create an original and fashionable interior in the bedroom, then you should take a closer look at the wall decoration with moldings. These details are primarily decorative additions. With their help, you can create a truly unique and cozy interior. Moldings often cover various wall defects. Experts do not recommend using these decorative finishing materials in rooms with low ceilings. If you still decide to complement the decor with such materials, then you should purchase narrow options, the color of which matches the ceiling.

Moldings should be in harmony with the interior of the bedroom. In an environment filled with frilly furniture and complemented by luxurious stucco, this finish will look inharmonious and ridiculous.

A soft wall will look interesting in the bedroom. For this, special panels with different upholstery are most often used:

  • Leather. Wall soft panels with leather trim look luxurious and attractive, but they are not cheap. Such details look especially harmonious against the background of plain wallpaper or decorative plaster.

  • Leatherette. Leatherette panels are cheaper. With their help, you can create a very beautiful interior. Such a surface is easily cleaned of dust and dirt - with the help of an ordinary soap solution and a damp cloth.

  • Fabric. Wall panels with textile upholstery are universal. With their help, you can hide many of the flaws of the walls. Such interior items are cheaper than their leather counterparts, but they look less bright and luxurious.

As a rule, soft elements are used to decorate the space above the head of the bed or to finish the accent wall.

  • Not so long ago, beautiful stretch walls became popular. Many companies today offer interesting options with photo printing. Plots can be very different, from harmonious natural landscapes to city panoramas.


The following materials are perfect for decorating the walls in the bedroom:

  • Wood. This design of the walls in the bedroom will create an incredibly cozy and attractive interior, being in which will bring only positive emotions. With the help of wood, you can decorate one of the walls (accent) or decorate the entire available space in this way. To do this, you can use a popular and inexpensive lining or uncut board. These materials look beautiful in living spaces, but they should be regularly treated with special impregnations - however, like any other panels with a wooden base.

  • Drywall. This material is very popular due to its low cost and ease of use. Drywall easily lends itself to any treatment. It can be painted, wood paneled, recessed lighting installed on its sheets.

  • Another popular and attractive material is decorative stone. It is fireproof and has excellent performance characteristics. The stone on the walls will not require special care from the owners. Dust and dirt from its surface is erased with an ordinary damp cloth. Installation of decorative stone can be done independently.

  • Bamboo. This material is often used in the decoration of residential premises. Especially popular lately are interesting bamboo wallpapers with a unique texture. Similar canvases are made from the outer or inner part of the bamboo trunk.

Do not think that this finish is presented exclusively in natural brown and cream tones. Modern manufacturers offer luxurious bamboo wallpapers in a variety of shades - from classic to bright and saturated.


Today, the walls in the bedrooms are decorated in a variety of ways:

  • One of the most popular decorative elements are paintings.. Designers and psychologists recommend decorating cozy rooms with images of flowers, natural landscapes, city panoramas or kind love scenes.

You should not hang pictures on the walls of the bedroom, the plot of which is sad, dull and depressing. Such elements will have a negative impact on the mood of the owners.

  • Decorative stencil drawings are very popular. The most popular images are sakura, roses and butterflies. As a rule, these compositions are distinguished by contrasting colors that stand out against the main background.

  • A suitable fresco will look attractive in the bedroom. Similar decorative elements can have different sizes. Some frescoes are small and occupy a small section of the wall, while others are located on the entire surface of one of the walls.

  • In youth interiors, various murals and inscriptions on the walls harmoniously look. These additions can be distinguished by bright and flashy colors. With the help of such elements, you can refresh the interior and emphasize its individuality.

  • You can make the room truly luxurious with the help of elegant stucco on the walls. This decor looks especially harmonious in the style of rococo, baroque or classic. However, do not overload the walls in the bedroom with a large number of stucco compositions, so that as a result the interior does not turn out to be too pretentious.

  • Photos with various frames will complement the interior of the bedroom. They can be not only wall-mounted, but also desktop. Depending on the color scheme of the interior, you should choose color or black and white photos.

So, here is a beautiful design of several bedrooms:

  • A white bed with a carved high headboard can be placed in a purple bedroom against a brown and white accent wall. The floor in such a room should be finished with a light laminate, and a multi-level ceiling with white plaster. Complete the interior with a white built-in wardrobe, elegant dressing table, purple linens, patterned floor carpet and white bedside tables.

  • Against the backdrop of a window with translucent white curtains, you can put a white bed with linens decorated with contrasting patterns. Decorate the floor with a pale brown or gray laminate, and paste over the walls with coffee wallpaper with geometric prints. You can lay a fleecy carpet on the floor, and place a white chest of drawers with black lamps, an elegant black and white armchair and two low bedside tables near the bed.

  • A dark brown bed with red pillows should be placed in a white bedroom against a red accent wall with a black and white painting. Complement the interior with a tall dark closet with mirrored doors, a dark brown chest of drawers with red vases and a fluffy cream carpet on a milky floor tile.

When decorating the walls of the bedroom, it is better to focus on the environmental friendliness of finishing materials than on their practicality. The bedroom does not have high humidity, splashes of grease and water, as in some other areas of the apartment, but this is a place of relaxation, so materials should be as safe and natural as possible. In addition, due attention should be paid to decorative qualities, as well as colors, because using flashy shades in the bedroom is inappropriate. So what are the best materials?

No. 1. Wallpaper

Wallpaper for decorating bedroom walls is used most often, because they have the proper variety and allow you to create. Almost everyone can handle it, and the range is amazing. On sale, it is easy to find smooth and embossed wallpapers, as well as wallpapers that repeat the texture of wood, stone or other materials. Wallpaper can be plain or patterned, have different densities and differ in some performance qualities: water resistance, ability to withstand washing, etc. For the bedroom, it is not so important that the wallpaper can be washed - it is better to focus on the most natural materials.

  1. They are great for the bedroom, especially if the room is not too sunny, otherwise they will fade quickly. This is an affordable material, presented in a huge variety of colors. Paper wallpapers breathe, providing a healthy microclimate in the room, can be embossed, provide additional heat and sound insulation.
  2. differ in the best performance, but almost all types are not able to pass air, with the exception of wallpaper using hard vinyl, but this is a rather expensive and uncommon type of finish.
  3. A great option for the bedroom -: they are environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to stick, but require a perfectly flat initial surface.
  4. Not bad for the bedroom and suitable: fabric threads are attached to the paper base. The result is an environmentally friendly coating with good heat and sound insulation, which is important for a rest room. In addition, they are pleasant to the touch and are presented in a wide range. However, such material is able to attract dust, so you need to pay attention to wallpaper with special impregnation, and after installation, carefully care for the coating. Similar properties are also characteristic of carpet wallpaper.
  5. There is also wallpaper based on wood veneer. This is a natural finish that increases heat and sound insulation in the room, creates coziness and comfort in the bedroom.
  6. in the bedroom it is better not to use - they do not breathe. The way out is to combine them with other, more environmentally friendly types of finishes.
  7. in the bedroom they are used less often, but in vain: they have excellent performance, they can be repainted several times, they are able to pass air.
  8. They also show themselves well, with which you can create a seamless surface.
  9. , which in terms of naturalness can compete with cork wallpaper.
  10. They are also returning to fashion, which have a relief surface and fit perfectly into classic interiors.
  11. Separately, it is worth noting for which the bedroom is an ideal room. With their help, you can give the room the right atmosphere, and even visually enlarge a small bedroom.

No. 2. Dye

Among the cons the use of paint is worth mentioning the need for careful preparation of the surface of the walls, because they must be perfectly smooth. Not all paints, after drying, form a surface that can be washed, so the need for this property must be taken into account.

Paint can have a matte or glossy surface. Although the gloss is able to slightly mask the defects of the walls, it is not very suitable for the bedroom due to the formation of a lot of glare from. Better choose matte paint calm shades. In a room, you can combine different colors of paint, highlighting, for example, a wall at. This technique allows not only to make the interior more interesting, but also to visually adjust the geometry of the room.

What kind of paint can be used to paint the walls in the bedroom?

To decorate the walls of the bedroom, you can use Not everyone paint types. So, oil is definitely not suitable: although it is not expensive, it has a pungent odor and a high probability of cracking. Great fit acrylic paints, which can be tinted at your discretion, and water-based, which withstand light and infrequent washing. Also performed well water-dispersion and latex paints.

No. 3. Plaster

In addition, with the help of decorative plaster it is easier to decorate bedrooms with various ledges and other architectural elements. Of the minuses you can only highlight the high price, but taking into account the durability and uniqueness, the cost is quite justified.

No. 4. Textile

Of the minuses this option - the accumulation of dust with a cloth, which means that the walls will have to be carefully and regularly vacuumed. But finishing with fabric will create an original interior, and the walls will become a little more heat and sound insulated.

No. 5. Decorative rock

Decorative stone has excellent performance, it is strong and durable, does not exude any harmful substances. It is better to use such a finish in combination with paint or plaster, for example. So, with a stone, you can lay out part of the wall above the bed, around the window or other elements in the room, but if you finish all the walls in this way, you won’t be able to create a cozy interior - something like a room in a medieval castle will come out.

No. 6. Wooden lining

If you want to create the most relaxing and comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom, then there is no better material than natural wood. For walls you can. It is made from natural wood: pine is the cheapest option, but at the same time, such material looks great and performs well in operation. The main advantages of wooden lining can be called:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness, which is so important for a rest room. In addition, wood gives a pleasant aroma, creates a unique microclimate, and can maintain an optimal level of humidity;
  • great look. Depending on the chosen color and texture, they may differ: spruce and pine, for example, have a yellow tint, larch - brownish;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability. The service life of such a finish can reach 50 years with proper care;
  • additional heat and sound insulation.

It should be noted that natural wood sensitive to moisture, but there are no sources of it in the bedroom, so this disadvantage can be ignored if you do not live on the top floor right under the roof. In addition, the tree is subject to influence of pests, so it needs to be covered.

It is worth noting that there is budget alternative to wooden lining -. It can repeat the texture of any wood or other material, but it is still undesirable to use it in the bedroom. Firstly, it can hardly be called environmentally friendly, and, secondly, it is not very durable, and even a slight blow can violate its integrity.

No. 7. Laminate

Laminate can be used for more than just flooring. Today this material is widely used and, and. Thanks to the laminate, the walls in the bedroom are beautiful, strong and durable. The main advantages of laminate flooring include:

  • a huge range of patterns and textures, you can choose the material of the desired shade to create the necessary interior;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • no harmful fumes, so this type of finish can be used in the bedroom.

However, laminate susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, but such influences are not observed in the bedroom, so this material is excellent for these conditions. To save money, you can use class 21-31 laminate: it is designed for rooms with a minimum load on the floor, and it is ideal for walls.

No. 8. Cork

The main advantage of this coating is its environmental friendliness. It is made from the bark of a cork tree, and the ones mentioned above are used for wall decoration, as well as sheets and canvases. In addition to naturalness and environmental friendliness, cork has many other benefits:

  • light weight, which makes transportation and installation easier;
  • sound and heat insulation properties;
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • dust does not accumulate on the cork surface, which makes it easier to care for the coating.

Cork has shortcomings such as vulnerability to moisture, abrasive materials, dents from heavy objects remain on it, but the walls of the bedroom are not subject to all these influences. There is only one drawback - the high price, but you have to pay for everything natural.

No. 9. MDF panels

MDF panels are widely used today for finishing various kinds of premises, since they have proven themselves in operation, have an excellent appearance and, at an affordable price, are an analogue for more expensive materials, because they perfectly imitate them. MDF boards are much more environmentally friendly than chipboard, because they are made from very small wood shavings, which, when heated, release lignin, the main binder. Unlike them, in the production of fiberboard, epoxy resins are used as a binder.

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • No. 10. Soft wall panels

    A relatively modern type of wall decoration - which have a characteristic relief. Their surface is made of any type of fabric, leather, eco-leather and other nonwoven materials. The main feature of this type of finish is a soft and slightly convex surface. Typically these panels are made up of three layers: at the base - hard plastic, in the center - soundproofing, and the outer layer - fabric or leather.

    The main advantages of soft wall panels:

    • unique appearance;
    • excellent sound and heat insulation qualities;
    • hide small irregularities of the original surface;
    • relatively simple installation;
    • variety of shapes and colors;
    • pleasant tactile sensations.

    There are also limitations:

    • high price;
    • soft panels are easily damaged, and the damaged element will have to be replaced;
    • soft panels strongly attract dust, and even more accumulates in the relief parts, so careful and regular care is needed.

    A good option is to use soft wall panels for the bedroom: in this case, the cost of finishing will be less, and the room will look cozy and stylish.

    Other options

    Of course, other materials can be used to decorate the walls of the bedroom to implement all conceivable and unthinkable design ideas. Sometimes they can even go into action the most unpredictable materials: wine corks, belts, pebbles, etc. Not bad idea -

    In addition, walls can be decorated, for example, vinyl stickers, creating a certain atmosphere in the bedroom. Applying and removing these stickers is very easy, and the effect of them is amazing.