Bare wire ends should be insulated. Wire insulation: all methods and materials required. The procedure for using insulating tape

Insulating wires is an important process that needs to be done well. Otherwise, you risk getting a lock in your house and then all your property and the health of your loved ones will be in danger. Mistakes are actually very easy to make and can lead to dire consequences. In this article, I decided to tell you a few basic methods that everyone can apply without any extra effort.

Wire insulation: precautions

Before you decide to insulate electrical wires, you must clearly understand that they must be disconnected from the network. It is best to switch off the voltage with a circuit breaker. Next, you must make sure there is no voltage at all.

Pay your attention to the materials you are going to use, this is very important. If it can catch fire, it will lead to an accident. Read on for my review of insulation materials. Immediately, I note that you cannot insulate a wire underground.

Wire Insulation Tool

Today, the following materials can be distinguished for insulating wires and cables:

Wire insulation: basic methods

And how to insulate the wire. Now we come to the main stage in our article. So, as above, I have collected several materials for insulation for you, I will tell you how to apply them all.

Insulation of wires with electrical tape

Initially, you must twist all the wires well together, read about how to do this in the article: connecting wires. If you have a wire with a lot of cores, it is better to solder them together.

Initially, we take the electrical tape and begin to unwind it, then we begin to slowly wind the entire wire, as shown in the photo below.

Remember that you should get two layers, in no case should you allow some of the wire to remain uninsulated, because this can lead to a short circuit. An interesting feature of the ABS cable.

Heat shrink wire insulation

Insulating a wire this way is a pleasure. But remember, the tube must be put on until the moment when you connect all the wires to each other. Insulating copper wires in this case will not take much time.

We proceed to the isolation process itself. When you have completed the steps above, put on the cap.

Next, we need to heat it up. It is optimal to use a building hair dryer, if you do not have one at hand, try to gently warm this place with a lighter. However, make sure that the heat-laying shrinks completely on the wire, because the insulation resistance of the wire does not forgive mistakes.

This method is best used when you are going to use the cable in water, in the ground or in other wet areas.

Here we are with you and sorted out all the ways to insulate wires. We hope this information was useful to you, ask questions. If you did not find the answer in this article, tell us, we will definitely make it for you.

Wire insulation: video


In the modern world, there are many ways to transmit something wirelessly, but wiring is still used today, and quite often. So, after reading the article, you will learn everything you need to know about wire insulation.

Materials used to insulate wires

There are two types of wire insulation materials. The first is PVC and the second is rubber insulated. Both have their pros and cons.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) insulation

Another name is vinyl. This material is widely used in wiring insulation, because it is resistant to alkali and acid, no current passes through it, and it does not dissolve in water. These properties guarantee good protection of the wiring from external influences.

PVC is used to create a sheath for both wiring and cables. At the moment, they even produce a special PVC tape for insulating individual parts of the wire.

The price of PVC insulation can be considered a plus. Another advantage of this type of casing is that the polymer does not burn and does not react to sudden changes in temperature.

Even during the production of this material, plasticizers can be added to it. Because of them, the resistance to alkali and various acids decreases, however, thanks to them, the wire sheath becomes more elastic, and also resistance to ultraviolet appears.

Rubber insulation

Rubber sheaths are used in industrial applications. She has many advantages, which include:

  • This type of casing is moisture resistant.
  • Insulation with rubber has significant elasticity.
  • If you measure the insulation resistance, you can see that it is quite high.
  • This shell does not respond to high temperatures.

In the production of rubber casing, both natural and artificial, synthetic materials are used. The latter serve for a long time, are resistant to various chemicals and high freezing temperatures.

Another advantage of this material is its elasticity, thanks to which you can run rubber-sheathed cables anywhere. After a while, the rubber will begin to age, as a result of which the shell cracks. This means that you can easily get an electric shock.

If the sheath will be exposed to high temperatures, it is recommended to use vulcanized rubber for insulation. Most often, wiring with this type of shell is used because of its elasticity. That is, where it is needed.

Wire insulation methods

There are several ways to insulate wires. Today we will talk about the most common, there are only four of them:

  • Insulation with special tape.
  • PVC sheath type
  • Sheath for wiring with heat shrink tubing.
  • Insulation with terminals.

Special tape for insulation

Another name is electrical tape. Every home has it. If you do not have electrical tape in your household, it will not be difficult to acquire it, because it is inexpensive.

It is usually used to partially insulate a wire. Often in some place the shell bends or cracks by itself, for example, due to old age. Today we will not talk about how to strip the wires from insulation, but consider cases of spontaneous damage to the wire sheath.

I want to note that it is necessary to wind the electrical tape at an angle, first in one direction and then in the other direction. To understand how to do this correctly, it is worth looking at a photo of wire insulation using electrical tape.

With a lot of heating, the tape will begin to melt, although this minus has a plus in the form of moisture resistance. Also, the thickness of the wire insulation in this place will be greater.

There is a cotton tape to create a wiring sheath. On the contrary, it can withstand high temperatures, but does not have moisture resistance.

Heat shrink tubing

The material from which these tubes are made is polymer. Note that it is best to use this type of shell on low-voltage equipment, when the voltage is not higher than 1 kV.

In order to use this method of creating a sheath for electrical wiring, you need to follow several steps:

  • First you need to prepare a piece of shrink-type tube. To do this, measure the bare section of the electrical wire, after turning off the electricity. Cut off a piece of the tube, it is better if it is a little larger than necessary. Somewhere by 2-3 centimeters.
  • Next, we take a piece of the tube and put it on the end of one of the wires.
  • After completing the second point, you need to twist the wiring.
  • The last step is to transfer the heat-shrinkable tube to the wiring connection and using a hair dryer, we fix the result.

After the steps taken, the heat shrink tube will firmly press against the wiring. In the absence of a construction hair dryer, a lighter is quite suitable. It should be carefully kept at a small distance from the wire connection.

This type of insulation is more convenient than duct tape. It also adheres better to electrical wiring. However, if you need to remove the heat shrink tubing, you will have to peel it off.

There are different pipes. It all depends on the desired temperature that the tube must withstand, as well as on the voltage. To find out the characteristics of the tube, you need to look at the markings that the manufacturers put on at the factory for the manufacture of these products.

There are tubes of various diameters, colors, and also for certain cable cross-sections. This plus allows you to choose the most suitable heat shrink tubing.

Insulating wiring with terminals

To create the shell, terminals are used - these are small-sized clips that are widely used, including for connecting wiring. Terminals can and should be used to insulate wiring in a junction box.

It is best not to use the terminals together with aluminum wiring with screws, because due to the strong pressure on the wire, this metal will begin to leak. Eventually a short circuit can occur, due to weakening of the connection and increasing resistance. If you do insulate with terminal blocks, be sure to inspect the wiring connection at least once a year.

It is strictly forbidden to twist wiring made of materials such as copper and aluminum. Due to the incompatibility of these metals, at least a short circuit will occur, as a maximum fire. This will pose a threat to your life.

Important! After finishing, be sure to check the insulation of the wires.

So, today you learned everything there is to know about the insulation of electrical wiring. We have examined the materials and methods for creating a wire sheath. I hope that after reading this article, you have decided which wire insulation is best for you.

Photo of the wire insulation process

Insulation of wires must be carried out efficiently and in good faith. There is a risk of short-circuiting, putting property and the lives of people around you in danger. Making a mistake in connecting wires is possible for anyone with dire consequences. There are several different ways to insulate wires that even a beginner can handle.


Before starting the insulation of electrical wires, it is necessary to turn off the voltage in the house with automatic switches. Materials and tools for work should be prepared, focusing on their quality and integrity.

The following types of insulation materials are distinguished:

  • insulating tape (PVC, HB);
  • heat-shrink tubing;
  • special terminals.

Electrical tapes are moisture resistant. They do not sag and do not peel off for a long time. Compared to PVC, HB insulating tape is more resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. It is used to connect electrical wires in cars.

Although thermotubes are considered the best material. They are used universally because they hold insulation underwater or in the ground. And the service life can last for decades. Special terminals are used very rarely and only in a specialized direction: strand insulation. But in terms of technical characteristics, they are similar to a heat shrink tube.

Accordingly, when there are several types of materials for work, various methods of insulating wiring are used. And what kind of wire insulation will seem better can only be understood after familiarization with all the methods.

Stripping insulation

During the installation process, an important step is considered to be cleaning the wires from insulation in order to renew it. It is necessary to properly strip the wires from insulation, since in the event of an error, the technical properties of the electric current can decrease significantly.

When removing the insulation with a knife, the blade must be moved almost parallel to the cable line. Do not hold the knife upright. There is a high probability of making notches on the wires, that is, damaging the wire. After cutting, we simply move the insulation to the side and remove it.

There is a thermal method for removing insulation with a soldering iron. We heat the sting and carry it around the site. When the material is melted, it can be removed. This method is considered the most effective for old wiring.

Insulation with electrical tape

At the beginning, all bare conductors must be twisted securely and carefully soldered. We take the tape and wrap the entire electrical wire with a double layer for reliability. You need to move at an angle from the standard insulation to the end of the beam.

Next, bend the twist to the side and wrap it with tape again, but towards the standard insulation. Cut off all excess electrical tape. The most important thing in this process is not to miss gaps that can lead to short circuits.

This method is great for insulating wires in a junction box, home appliance, or moving an outlet. And after applying plaster to the insulated area, the connection will not be damaged and will serve an even longer period. Moreover, the tape costs a penny, and you can find it in any hardware store.

Thermal insulation

This method is slightly different from the previous one. Here we initially pull the tube to one of the ends, and after that we connect the wires together. Since after twisting the conductors, the heat shrinkage cannot be pulled over the site.

Before tightening, the thermotube must be cut so that it completely covers the bare cores with an allowance of 1 cm on both sides. Now you can put the cut piece on one end and twist the wires together.

Next, we pull the thermotube onto the twist so that the open veins are not visible. Now we take a building hair dryer or an ordinary lighter. We heat the area, alternately from both ends, gradually moving to the middle. The end result is a one-piece, well-protected junction.

Also, the tube effectively hides the thickness of the wire insulation. It is also worth remembering that after heating the tube it will not be possible to remove it and use it again, so you need to immediately complete the entire algorithm of actions without errors.

Well-done wire insulation greatly affects the reliability of the electrical network and, accordingly, the devices connected to it. Therefore, it is always necessary to check the insulation of the wires before using the devices. The check can be carried out using a special device - a megohmmeter, although it can only be performed by a specially trained specialist who will have to be called at home.

Photo of ways to insulate wires

Although more and more wireless devices appear every day, wires are still the main means of transmitting electric current.
Various types of insulation are used in the production of wires and cables. Each type of wire insulation determines the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of certain cable products.
In the process of installing wires or cables, it becomes necessary to isolate their connection points or connect to electrical appliances. How can this be done?

Previously, paper was used to insulate cables, but now, with a huge amount of modern materials, it is rarely used. The paper was wound in several layers, impregnated with oil and rosin. This helped to resist the effects of moisture.
In production conditions, they make reliable insulation from fluoroplastic. PTFE tapes are wound on wires and baked. A shell is formed that is not afraid of not only chemical or thermal, but also mechanical stress.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is also called vinyl insulation. Polyvinyl chloride is resistant to alkalis and acids, does not conduct electricity, does not dissolve in water, therefore it is widely used in the manufacture of insulating materials. It is used for the manufacture of insulation of wires and cables. They also make PVC insulating tape to insulate the connection of wires.
One of the advantages of PVC insulation is its low cost. Polymer insulation is quite elastic and resistant to temperature extremes, does not burn in air. In the production of PVC materials, plasticizers can be added, they slightly worsen the insulating properties and resistance to chemicals, but increase the elasticity and resistance to ultraviolet rays.

If the jumper cable uses vinyl sheathing covering the wires, then. It can consist of 2-5 aluminum or copper conductors. The casing can be vinyl or rubber.
The service life of PVA cables exceeds 6 years. During all this time, they do not require replacement. They are resistant to corrosion and mold, withstand frost down to -40 ° and heat up to + 40 °. Their working resistance is about 270 Ohm per 1 km.
Cables with PVC sheath and aluminum conductors are used in urban electrical networks, to supply electricity in production and in apartment buildings. PVA cables with copper conductors have become widespread when almost all household appliances and other low-power equipment are connected to the network; they are used for wiring in private houses and apartments.

Application of rubber insulation

In industrial applications, rubber sheathing is often used to insulate cables. Its positive qualities include:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Elasticity.
  • High resistance.
  • Resistant to high temperatures.

Rubber insulation is made from natural and synthetic materials. A high-quality synthetic braid has the best performance - it ages longer, withstands exposure to aggressive chemicals and negative temperatures. The rubber bends easily, so the wires can be laid in any conditions. But over time, the rubber insulation ages, cracks and begins to pass current. In high temperature conditions, vulcanized rubber is recommended for insulation. Rubber insulated cables are most often used where cable flexibility is required. These are supply cables for cranes, descents to control panels of crane girders. Connection of welding transformers, both on the supply side and on the low voltage side, to the electrode “holder” and neutral wire.

Wire insulation methods

Insulation of electrical wires is mainly designed to prevent leakage currents. For this reason, it is made from non-conductive (insulating) materials. Depending on the operating conditions and design features of cables or wires, the type of insulation is selected. For electrical work, the following types are used.

  • Insulating tape.
  • PVC tube.

Insulating tape

Insulation of electrical wires with electrical tape does not lose its relevance. Insulation tape is inexpensive and sold in a wide variety of hardware stores.

It must be wound at an angle, starting from the edge of the wire's native insulation. With a parallel connection at the end of the twist, an empty winding tube is made, bent and continued in the opposite direction.

Common PVC insulating tape melts when heated, but does not allow moisture to pass through. Cotton tape, on the other hand, can withstand high temperatures, but dries over time, and may come off when wet.

PVC is also used to make cambric - tubes for insulating wires and cables. In order for the tube to fit tightly, it is necessary to select the correct tube diameter.

How to properly insulate the twisting of wires is better to watch the video:

Heat shrink tubing

Heat shrinkable tubes are made from polymers (PVDF, PET, silicone and others). They are used mainly on low-voltage equipment when the DC voltage does not exceed 1 kV.

If you want to use heat shrink for wires, then you need to perform a number of actions.

  1. Cut off a piece of heat shrink tubing that completely covers the bare section of the wire (connection point), with a margin of about 2 cm.
  2. Then you need to put a tube on one of the ends of the wires to be connected.
  3. Twist the conductors.
  4. After that, the tube is moved to a twist and heated with a building hair dryer.

As a result of heat shrinkage, the insulation is tightly pressed against the wires. If you don't have a hair dryer, you can use the lighter by gently holding it at a short distance.
This is done when isolating the twisting of series-connected wires. If the connection of the wires is parallel (the so-called bunch of wires), then first twist, and then put on the tube.
In most cases, heat shrink tubing is more convenient to use than electrical tape. The tube can be quickly put on, it fits more tightly around the wire connection and does not unwind. But removing it if necessary is more difficult. You just have to peel it off or cut it off.
Manufacturers put markings on the tubes that show what temperature it can withstand and for what voltage it is suitable. Tubes of different diameters and colors are produced, therefore, for various brands and cross-sections of cables, it is always possible to select the appropriate insulation and mark them in color.
How to properly insulate wires using a heat shrink tube, watch the video:

Terminal Applications

They are used as insulation in a dielectric sheath. The terminals are sold in the form of caps or strips that clamp the wires. If you want to insulate the wires in a junction box, then the choice of terminals is one of the connection options.

But a lot depends on the load. At a high load, it is better to use soldering for the connection, and put on an insulating tube from above.
Tightening the aluminum wire with screw terminals is not recommended as the aluminum starts to flow under constant pressure. As a result, the connection is weakened, resistance increases and a short circuit occurs. If you already decided to connect aluminum wires with screw terminals, then at least once a year you need to do an audit.
The connection of copper and aluminum wires by twisting is unacceptable. When current passes between metals, an electric potential arises, the wires heat up, which can cause a short circuit or, even worse, a fire.
Nevertheless, in one case, twisting can be done - if the copper wire is covered with tin-lead solder (tinned). But more often, terminal blocks or (screw, nut and washer) are used to connect both aluminum and copper.

Insulation resistance

Leakage currents can occur between the cable cores and the environment. One of the tasks of isolation is to prevent them from occurring. The value that indicates how well a wire is insulated is called insulation resistance.
The higher the resistance, the more reliably protected the conductors through which the current flows. Each brand of cables has its own value for this indicator. Insulation resistance is established by GOST or technical specifications (TU).
Resistance is measured at a given temperature (about + 20 °) with a special device (megohmmeter). If measurements are taken at negative temperatures, then its value will be underestimated, and in the case of hot conditions - overestimated. After taking the readings, they are entered into the "Measurement of wire insulation" protocol, compared with the normative ones, and conclusions are drawn about whether the cables are suitable or not for further use. Wiring that fails the test must be repaired or replaced. The timing of the frequency of testing the insulation of wires is stipulated by the Rules. Also, the insulation of wires is checked after the end of electrical work, repair work, after the wiring gets wet or overheated.
How to correctly check the insulation resistance of conductors using a megohmmeter, see the video:

In modern life, electrical appliances have become an integral part of a house or apartment. Hence, we often have to deal with wires. In order for household appliances to serve for a long time and be safe for humans, it is important to know how to properly insulate the wires.

It is necessary to insulate the wires when they are connected or provided that the insulating layer has been damaged. After all, wires without insulation are an open source of current and pose a danger to human life and health.

How can you insulate wires

With the help of the corresponding video, as well as detailed text instructions, you can learn the intricacies of wire insulation. When solving this problem, first of all, you need to choose a material for insulation. The following options are now widespread:

  • heat-shrink tubing;
  • special terminals;
  • pVC tube;
  • insulating tape.

Using any of these materials is a good way to insulate wires in an apartment. And insulating tape is still actively used in cases of wire insulation failure.

How to insulate wires with tubes

First you need to purchase a heat shrink tube or PVC tube. Then you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

  • cut the tube so that it is larger than the part of the bare wires on both sides by about one centimeter;
  • twist the wires and put the tube on the twist;
  • use a special hair dryer (if available) or a regular lighter to shrink the insulating material on the wires.

This completes the insulation of the wire with the tube. It is worth remembering that after shrinkage it is no longer possible to remove the tube. Insulate the wires with a PVC tube according to the same algorithm, excluding the last item on the list. If you still have questions regarding the procedure, it is better to watch the video.

How to properly insulate wires with electrical tape

Insulation tape is the most popular option for insulating wires yourself. Such material is available at any hardware store and is relatively inexpensive.

Also, insulating tape will help you if the insulation of the electrical wire has been broken, and now you need to urgently correct the situation.

Study this issue carefully, it is even better to get advice from the seller in the store. The choice of high-quality electrical tape is a guarantee of safety and a long service life of electrical wiring.

You need to insulate the wires yourself with electrical tape as follows:

  • start winding the tape around the twist, moving from the standard insulation to the end of the twist. This should be done at a slight angle;
  • when you have gone beyond the twist, wind an empty tube, the length of which is equal to the width of your electrical tape;
  • fold the empty section of the tape and lay it along the twist;
  • continue winding the tape at an angle, but already towards the standard insulation;
  • cut off excess tape.

You can also see the progress of the process in the video. In this simple way, you can correctly and, most importantly, safely insulate the wires for many years. But if they are in a special electrical box behind the wall, then it is better to use more modern insulation methods.

Isolation with terminals

For this method, special terminals are used, complete with which a dielectric case is sold. No additional insulation is required as the terminal blocks are already well insulated. It is necessary to follow the instructions and watch the video from the manufacturer to properly insulate the wires at home.

The most common types of terminals:

  • terminal blocks, which are produced in the form of a plate with special cells;
  • pPE caps;
  • terminal blocks Wago.

Before starting work

Working with electrical wires is a responsible and dangerous process. Therefore, before starting isolation with your own hands, carefully study this issue and watch the corresponding video.

If you have doubts about whether you can insulate the electrical wires yourself, it is better to entrust this job to a professional. Carefully study the safety precautions when working with electrical wires.