Oceans of the world: map, names, description, area, depth, plants and animals. Traditional geography taught that there are four oceans in the world - the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian

The second name for the Earth, "blue planet", did not appear by chance. When the first astronauts saw the planet from space, it appeared in front of them in that color. Why did the planet appear blue and not green? Because 3/4 of the Earth's surface is the blue waters of the World Ocean.

World Ocean

The World Ocean is the watery shell of the Earth that surrounds continents and islands. Its largest parts are called oceans. There are only four oceans: , , , .

And more recently, they began to allocate more and.

The average depth of the water column in the World Ocean is 3700 meters. The deepest point is in the Mariana Trench - 11,022 meters.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean, the largest of all four, got its name due to the fact that at the time when sailors under the leadership of F. Magellan crossed it, it was surprisingly quiet. The second name of the Pacific Ocean is Great. It is really great - it accounts for 1/2 of the waters of the World Ocean, the Pacific Ocean occupies 2/3 of the earth's surface.

Pacific coast near Kamchatka (Russia)

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are amazingly clear and transparent, most often dark blue, but also green. The salinity of the water is medium. Most of the time the ocean is calm and calm, with a moderate wind blowing over it. There are almost no hurricanes here. Above the Great and Quiet there is always a clear starry sky.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean - the second largest after the Quiet. The origin of its name still raises questions among scientists around the world. According to one version, the Atlantic Ocean was named after the titan Atlas, a representative of Greek mythology. Supporters of the second hypothesis claim that it owes its name to the Atlas Mountains located in Africa. Representatives of the "youngest", third version, believe that the Atlantic Ocean is named after the mysterious disappeared continent Atlantis.

The Gulf Stream on the map of the Atlantic Ocean.

The salinity of ocean waters is the highest. Flora and fauna are the richest, scientists still find interesting specimens unknown to science. Its cold part is inhabited by such interesting fauna as whales and pinnipeds. Sperm whales and seals can be found in warm waters.

The uniqueness of the Atlantic Ocean is that it is he, more precisely, its warm current, the Gulf Stream, jokingly called the main European "firebox", "responsible" for the climate of the entire Earth.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean, where you can find many rare specimens of flora and fauna, is the third largest. In it, according to researchers, navigation began about 6 thousand years ago. The first navigators were the Arabs, they also made the first maps. It was investigated in due time by Vasco de Gama, James Cook.

The underwater world of the Indian Ocean attracts divers from all over the world.

The waters of the Indian Ocean, clean, transparent and surprisingly beautiful due to the fact that few rivers flow into it, can be dark blue and even azure.

Arctic Ocean

The smallest, coldest and least studied of all five parts of the World Ocean is located in the Arctic. They began to explore the ocean only since the 16th century, when navigators wanted to find the shortest route to the rich eastern countries. The average depth of ocean waters is 1225 meters. The maximum depth is 5527 meters.

The consequences of global warming are the melting of glaciers in the Arctic. The warm current carries away a layer of ice with polar bears to the Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean is of great interest to Russia, Denmark, Norway, Canada, since its waters are rich in fish, and the bowels are rich in natural resources. Seals live here, and noisy "bird colonies" are arranged on the banks of the river. A characteristic feature of the Arctic Ocean is that ice floes and icebergs drift on its surface.

South ocean

In 2000, scientists were able to prove that there is a fifth of the world's oceans. It is called the Southern Ocean and includes the southern parts of all those oceans, except for the Arctic, which wash the shores of Antarctica. This is one of the most unpredictable parts of the world's oceans. The Southern Ocean is characterized by changeable weather, strong winds, and cyclones.

The name "South Arctic Ocean" has been found on maps since the 18th century, but modern maps began to mark the Southern Ocean only in this century - only fifteen years ago.

The oceans are huge, many of its riddles have not yet been solved, and who knows, maybe you will solve some of them?

Our planet Earth is 70% water. Most of the water resources are 4 oceans. Let's describe the existing oceans, their location, underwater inhabitants and entertaining information.

1) Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the most significant in area and also in depth. Its dimensions are 169.2 million sq. Km. The maximum depth is 11022 meters. Despite the name, he is considered the most violent since. 80% of tsunamis originate here, due to the many underwater volcanoes. The commercial importance of the ocean is significant - more than half of the world's fish catch is caught in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the ocean contains 40% of oil and gas reserves. The Pacific Ocean contains over 950 species of algae, as well as over 120 thousand representatives of the animal world.

Interesting information:

  • There are about 25 thousand people in the Pacific Ocean. islands
  • On one of the islands of the ocean, they found very interesting objects of monetary calculation - rings of stone more than two meters high and weighing 15 tons.
  • This ocean has the highest waves, which is very popular with surfers.
  • Ocean water is capable of enveloping the entire surface of the Earth and the thickness of the water cover will exceed 2500 meters.
  • The average speed of movement of crushing waves during a tsunami is 750 km / h
  • In case all the water in the ocean suddenly evaporated, a 65-meter-thick layer of salt would remain at the bottom.

2) Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the next largest ocean on the planet. Its dimensions reach 91, 6 million square kilometers. The maximum depth reaches 8742 meters. All climatic zones exist over the vast Atlantic Ocean. The ocean provides two-fifths of the world's fish catch. It is enriched with mineral resources - there is oil, gas, iron ore, barite, limestone. The inhabitants of the ocean are very diverse - whales, fur seals, seals, sea urchins, parrot fish, sharks, surgeon fish, etc. The ocean is home to many dolphins.

Interesting information:

  • The warm Gulf Stream flows across the Atlantic Ocean, giving a warm climate to European countries with access to the ocean.
  • Among the inhabitants, a special place is occupied by delicacies: oysters, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, etc.
  • In the ocean there is a sea without coastal boundaries - Sargassovo.
  • In the Atlantic is the mystery of mankind - the Bermuda Triangle. This is an area in the Bermuda section where a large number of aircraft and ships have disappeared.
  • Also, the ocean became famous for the sunken ship - "Titanic". Research at the bottom is still going on.

3) Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the 3rd largest ocean on the planet. Its dimensions reach 73.55 million sq. Km. The maximum depth is 7725 meters. It is considered the warmest and youngest ocean. Very numerous tuna and different types of sharks are undoubtedly the inhabitants of the ocean. IN fewer there are several different species of sea turtles, sea snakes, whales, sperm whales, dolphins. The flora is represented mainly by brown and green algae. Minerals include natural gas, oil, rutile, titanite, zirconium, phosphorite. Pearls and mother-of-pearl are mined in the ocean. Fishing accounts for five percent of the world's catch.

Interesting information:

  1. The Indian Ocean is home to the most popular holiday islands such as Sri Lanka, Bali, Mauritius, Maldives.
  2. The ocean contains the second salty sea on Earth - the Red Sea. The sea is crystal clear as no rivers flow into it.
  3. The largest sea corals were found at the bottom.
  4. The most dangerous poisoner lives here - blue-ringed octopus. Its magnitude barely reaches a golf ball, and the poison kills in less than two hours.
  5. One of the main mysteries of the ocean is the disappearance of people. Several times floating ships were found without the slightest damage, but not a single person was present on it.

4) Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean on Earth. Its dimensions are 14, 75 million square kilometers. The maximum depth is 5527 meters. The fauna of the ocean is scarce due to the harsh climate. Commercial fish such as herring, salmon, cod, and flounder predominate among fish. Walruses and whales are found in large numbers.

Interesting Facts :

  1. The phenomenon of "dead water" - due to the appearance of internal waves, the ship stopsdespite the fact that all engines are functioning.
  2. The iceberg that destroyed the "Titanic" sailed from the Arctic Ocean.
  3. The largest species of seals live in the Arctic, weighing about 200 kilograms.
  4. The most polluted ocean. At the bottom and on the surface there are a considerable number of bottles and bags.
  5. Based on the melting ice throughout the year, ocean salinity can vary.

In 2000, International hydrographic the organization decided to allocate the 5th ocean washing Antarctica - the South. But already in 2010 it was decided to remove the 5th ocean and leave 4.

Our Earth from space looks like a blue planet. This is because ¾ of the earth's surface is occupied by the World Ocean. He is one, although he is strongly divided.

The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe entire World Ocean is 361 million square meters. km.

The oceans of our planet

The ocean is the watery shell of the earth, the most important component of the hydrosphere. The continents divide the oceans into parts.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish five oceans:

. - the largest and oldest on our planet. Its surface area is 178.6 million square meters. km. It occupies 1/3 of the Earth and makes up almost half of the World Ocean. To imagine this value, it is enough to say that all continents and islands taken together can easily be located in the Pacific Ocean. This is probably why it is often called the Great Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean owes its name to F. Magellan, who, during his round-the-world voyage, crossed the ocean under favorable conditions.

The ocean has an oval shape, its widest part is located in the equator.

The southern part of the ocean is an area of \u200b\u200bcalm, light winds and a stable atmosphere. To the west of the Tuamotu Islands, the picture changes dramatically - there is an area of \u200b\u200bstorms and squall winds, turning into fierce hurricanes.

In the tropics, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are clear, transparent and have a deep blue color. A favorable climate has formed near the equator. The air temperature here is + 25ºC and practically does not change throughout the year. Winds of moderate strength, calm often sets in.

The northern part of the ocean is similar to the southern, as if in a mirror image: in the west, unstable weather with frequent storms and typhoons, in the east - calm and quiet.

The Pacific Ocean is the richest in the number of species of animals and plants. More than 100 thousand species of animals live in its waters. Almost half of the world's fish catch is caught here. The most important sea routes have been laid across this ocean, linking 4 continents at once.

. covers an area of \u200b\u200b92 million square meters. km. This ocean, like a huge strait, connects the two poles of our planet. In the center of the ocean runs the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, famous for the instability of the earth's crust. Individual peaks of this ridge rise above the water and form islands, the largest of which is Iceland.

The southern part of the ocean is affected by the trade winds. There are no cyclones here, so the water here is calm, clean and transparent. Closer to the equator, the Atlantic changes completely. The waters are muddy here, especially along the coast. This is due to the fact that large rivers flow into the ocean in this part.

The northern tropical belt of the Atlantic is famous for its hurricanes. The two largest currents meet here - the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador stream.

The northern latitudes of the Atlantic are the most picturesque area with huge icebergs and powerful ice tongues protruding from the waters. This area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean is dangerous for shipping.

. (76 million sq. Km) - the region of the most ancient civilizations. Seafaring began to develop here much earlier than in other oceans. The average depth of the ocean is 3700 meters. The coastline is weakly indented, with the exception of the northern part, where most of the seas and bays are located.

The waters of the Indian Ocean are saltier than others, as far fewer rivers flow into it. But, thanks to this, they are famous for their amazing transparency and rich azure and blue colors.

The northern part of the ocean is a monsoon region, typhoons are often formed in autumn and spring. Closer to the south, the water temperature is lower due to the influence of Antarctica.

. (15 million sq. Km) is located in the Arctic and occupies vast areas around the North Pole. The maximum depth is 5527m.

The central part of the bottom is a continuous intersection of mountain ranges, between which there is a huge depression. The coastline is heavily cut by seas and bays, and in terms of the number of islands and archipelagoes, the Arctic is second only to such a giant as the Pacific Ocean.

The most characteristic part of this ocean is the presence of ice. The Arctic Ocean remains by far the least explored, as research is hampered by the fact that most of the ocean is hidden under ice cover.

. ... The waters surrounding Antarctica combine features. Allowing to highlight them in a separate ocean. But there are still debates about what to consider as boundaries. If from the south the borders are marked by the continent, then the northern borders are most often drawn at 40-50º south latitude. Within such limits, the ocean area is 86 million square meters. km.

The bottom relief is cut by underwater canyons, ridges and hollows. The fauna of the Southern Ocean is rich, with the largest number of endemic animals and plants.

Characteristics of the oceans

The world's oceans are already several billion years old. Its prototype is the ancient ocean of Panthalassa, which existed when all continents were still a single whole. Until recently, it was assumed that the bottom of the oceans is flat. But it turned out that the bottom, like the land, has a complex relief, with its own mountains and plains.

Properties of the world's oceans

The Russian scientist A. Voyekov called the World Ocean "a huge heating battery" of our planet. The fact is that the average water temperature in the oceans is + 17ºC, and the average air temperature is + 14ºC. Water heats up much longer, but it also consumes heat more slowly than air, while possessing high heat capacity.

But not all the water column in the oceans is at the same temperature. Under the sun, only surface water heats up, and the temperature drops with depth. It is known that at the bottom of the oceans the average temperature is only + 3ºC. And it remains so because of the high density of water.

It should be remembered that the water in the oceans is salty, and therefore it freezes not at 0ºC, but at -2ºC.

The degree of salinity of waters varies depending on geographical latitude: in temperate latitudes the waters are less salty than, for example, in the tropics. In the north, the waters are also less salty due to the melting of glaciers, which greatly desalinates the water.

The waters of the ocean are not the same in terms of transparency. At the equator, the water is more transparent. As the distance from the equator increases, the water becomes saturated with oxygen faster, which means more microorganisms appear. But near the poles, due to low temperatures, the waters again become more transparent. So, the waters of the Weddell Sea near Antarctica are considered the most transparent. The second place belongs to the waters of the Sargasso Sea.

The difference between the ocean and the sea

The main difference between the sea and the ocean is in size. The oceans are much larger, and the seas are often only part of the oceans. The seas also differ from the ocean to which they belong to the basin, in a unique hydrological regime (water temperature, salinity, transparency, distinctive flora and fauna compositions).

Oceans climate

Pacific climate infinitely diverse, as the ocean is located in almost all climatic zones: from equatorial to subarctic in the north and Antarctic in the south. 5 warm currents and 4 cold currents circulate in the Pacific Ocean.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the equatorial zone. The amount of precipitation exceeds the fraction of water evaporation, so the water in the Pacific Ocean is less salty than in others.

Atlantic climate determined by its great length from north to south. The equator zone is the narrowest part of the ocean, so the water temperature is lower here than in the Pacific or Indian.

The Atlantic is conventionally divided into northern and southern, drawing the border along the equator, and the southern part is much colder due to its proximity to Antarctica. Many areas of this ocean are characterized by dense fogs and powerful cyclones. They are most powerful near the southern tip of North America and in the Caribbean.

To form indian Ocean climate the proximity of two continents - Eurasia and Antarctica has a huge impact. Eurasia actively participates in the annual change of seasons, bringing dry air in winter and filling the atmosphere with excess moisture in summer.

The proximity of Antarctica leads to a decrease in water temperature in the southern part of the ocean. Frequent hurricanes and storms occur north and south of the equator.

Formation the Arctic Ocean climate due to its geographic location. Arctic air masses dominate here. Average air temperature: -20 ºC to -40 ºC, even in summer the temperature rarely rises above 0ºC. But ocean waters are warmer due to constant contact with the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Therefore, the Arctic Ocean heats a significant part of the land.

Strong winds are rare, but fogs are frequent in summer. Precipitation falls mainly in the form of snow.

It is influenced by the proximity of Antarctica, the presence of ice and the absence of warm currents. It is dominated by the Antarctic climate with low temperatures, cloudy weather and mild winds. Snow falls throughout the year. A distinctive feature of the Southern Ocean climate is the high activity of cyclones.

The influence of the ocean on the Earth's climate

The ocean has a tremendous impact on the formation of the climate. It accumulates huge reserves of heat. Thanks to the oceans, the climate on our planet is becoming milder and warmer, since the temperature of the waters in the oceans does not change as sharply and quickly as the air temperature over land.

The oceans promote better air circulation. And such an important natural phenomenon as the water cycle provides the land with a sufficient amount of moisture.

World Ocean - the main part of the hydrosphere, a continuous, but not continuous, water shell of the Earth, surrounding continents and islands and characterized by a common salt composition. The World Ocean is a heat regulator. The world's oceans are rich in food, mineral and energy resources. Although the World Ocean is a single whole, for the convenience of research, its individual parts have been given different names: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans.

Ocean and atmosphere. The world's oceans, the average depth of which is approx. 4 km, contains 1350 million km3 of water. The atmosphere, enveloping the entire Earth in a layer several hundred kilometers thick, with a much larger base than the World Ocean, can be considered as a "shell". Both the ocean and the atmosphere are fluids in which life exists; their properties determine the habitat of organisms. The ocean determines the basic properties of the atmosphere and is a source of energy for many processes occurring in the atmosphere. The circulation of water in the ocean is influenced by winds, the rotation of the Earth, and land barriers.

Ocean and climate. It is well known that the temperature regime and other climatic characteristics of an area at any latitude can vary significantly in the direction from the ocean coast to the interior of the continent. Compared to land, the ocean heats up more slowly in summer and cools more slowly in winter, smoothing out temperature fluctuations on the adjacent land.

Composition of sea water. The ocean water is salty. The salty taste comes from the 3.5% dissolved minerals it contains - mainly sodium and chlorine compounds - the main ingredients of table salt. Magnesium is next in quantity, followed by sulfur; all common metals are also present. Of the non-metallic components, calcium and silicon are especially important, since they are the ones involved in the structure of the skeletons and shells of many marine animals. Due to the fact that the water in the ocean is constantly mixed by waves and currents, its composition is almost the same in all oceans.

Properties of sea water. The density of seawater (at a temperature of 20 ° C and a salinity of about 3.5%) is about 1.03, that is, slightly higher than the density of fresh water (1.0). The density of ocean water changes with depth due to the pressure of the overlying layers, as well as depending on temperature and salinity. In the deepest parts of the ocean, the waters are usually saltier and colder. The most dense masses of water in the ocean can remain at depth and remain at a lower temperature for more than 1000 years.

Sea water is much less transparent to visible light than air, but more transparent than most other substances. The penetration of sunlight into the ocean to a depth of 700 m was recorded. Radio waves penetrate into the water column only to a shallow depth, but sound waves can propagate thousands of kilometers under water. The speed of sound propagation in seawater fluctuates, averaging 1,500 meters per second.

However, more recently….

… In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization united the southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, creating the fifth addition to the list, the Southern Ocean. And this is not a volitional decision: this region has a special structure of currents, its own rules of weather formation, etc. The arguments in favor of such a decision are as follows: in the southern part of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, the borders between them are very arbitrary, at the same time the waters adjacent to Antarctica, have their own specifics, and are also united by the Antarctic circumpolar current.

The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Its area is 178.7 million km 2. ...

The Atlantic Ocean stretches for 91.6 million km 2.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean is 76.2 million km 2.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Antarctic (Southern) Ocean is 20.327 million km 2.

The Arctic Ocean covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 14.75 million km 2.

Pacific Ocean, the largest on Earth. He was named so by the famous navigator Magellan. This traveler, the first of the Europeans, managed to safely cross the ocean. But Magellan was just very lucky. Terrible storms often happen here.

The Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the Atlantic Ocean. It occupies 165 million square meters. km, which is almost half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire World Ocean. It contains more than half of all water on our planet. In one place, this ocean stretches 17 thousand km wide, stretching for almost half of the globe. Despite its name, this vast ocean is not only blue, beautiful and serene. Heavy storms or underwater earthquakes infuriate him. Indeed, there are large zones of seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean.

The photographs of the Earth from space show the true dimensions of the Pacific Ocean. This largest ocean in the world covers one third of the planet's surface. Its waters stretch from East Asia and Africa to America. In the shallowest places, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 120 meters. These waters are washed by the so-called continental shelves, which are submerged parts of continental platforms, starting from the coastline and gradually sinking under the water. In general, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 4,000 meters. Depressions in the west connect to the deepest and darkest place in the world - the Mariana Trench - 11,022 m. It used to be thought that there was no life at this depth. But even there, scientists have found living organisms!

Ranges of high seamounts are located on the Pacific Plate, a huge section of the earth's crust. There are many islands of volcanic origin in the Pacific Ocean, for example Hawaii, the largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Hawaii has the highest peak in the world - Mount Mauna Kea. It is an extinct volcano 10,000 meters high from its base at the bottom of the sea. In contrast to volcanic islands, there are low-lying islands formed by coral deposits that have been layered for millennia on the tops of submarine volcanoes. This vast ocean is home to a wide variety of representatives of the underwater world - from the world's largest fish (whale shark) to flying fish, squid and sea lions. The warm shallow waters of coral reefs are home to thousands of species of brightly colored fish and algae. All kinds of fish, marine mammals, molluscs, crustaceans and other creatures swim in the cool deep waters.

Pacific Ocean - People and History

Sea voyages across the Pacific Ocean have been undertaken since ancient times. About 40,000 years ago, Aboriginal people crossed by canoe from New Guinea to Australia. Centuries later, between the 16th century BC. e. and X century A.D. e. Polynesian tribes settled in the Pacific Islands, daring to overcome vast water distances. This is considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of sailing. Using special double-bottomed canoes with woven leaf sails, Polynesian sailors eventually covered almost 20 million square meters. km of ocean space. In the western Pacific Ocean around the 12th century, the Chinese made great advances in the art of maritime navigation. They were the first to use large ships with multiple underwater masts, steering, and compasses.

Europeans began exploring the Pacific in the 17th century, when Dutch captain Abel Janszon Tasman sailed around Australia and New Zealand on his ship. Captain James Cook is considered one of the most famous explorers of the Pacific Ocean. Between 1768 and 1779, he mapped New Zealand, the east coast of Australia, and many of the Pacific Islands. In 1947, the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl sailed on his Kon-Tiki raft from the coast of Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago, which is part of French Polynesia. His expedition proved that the ancient indigenous inhabitants of South America could cross vast sea distances on rafts.

In the twentieth century, the exploration of the Pacific Ocean continued. The depth of the Mariana Trench was determined, and unknown species of marine animals and plants were discovered. Tourism development, pollution and beach development threaten the natural balance of the Pacific. The governments of individual countries and groups of environmentalists are trying to minimize the harm caused by our civilization to the aquatic environment.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean is the third largest on Earth and covers 73 million square meters. km. This is the warmest ocean, the waters of which are rich in various flora and fauna. The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is a depression located south of the island of Java. Its depth is 7450 m. It is interesting that currents in the Indian Ocean reverse direction twice a year. In winter, when monsoons prevail, the current goes to the shores of Africa, and in summer - to the shores of India.

The Indian Ocean stretches from the shores of East Africa to Indonesia and Australia and from the shores of India to Antarctica. This ocean includes the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as the Bengal and Persian Gulfs. The Suez Canal connects the northern part of the Red Sea with the Mediterranean.

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean are huge areas of the earth's crust - the African Plate, the Antarctic Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Shifts in the earth's crust cause underwater earthquakes, which trigger giant waves called tsunamis. As a result of earthquakes, new mountain ranges appear on the ocean floor. In some places, seamounts protrude above the surface of the water, forming most of the islands scattered in the Indian Ocean. Deep depressions run between the mountain ranges. For example, the Sunda Trench is approximately 7450 meters deep. The waters of the Indian Ocean are home to a variety of wildlife including corals, sharks, whales, turtles and jellyfish. Powerful currents are huge streams of water moving through the warm blue expanses of the Indian Ocean. The Western Australian Current carries cold Antarctic waters north to the tropics.

The equatorial current, located below the equator, circulates warm waters counterclockwise. The northern currents are dependent on the monsoon winds that cause heavy showers, which change their direction depending on the season.

Indian Ocean - people and history

Seafarers and traders sailed the waters of the Indian Ocean centuries ago. The main trade routes were the ships of the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indians. In the early Middle Ages, settlers from India and Sri Lanka crossed over to Southeast Asia. Since ancient times, wooden ships called dhows have sailed in the Arabian Sea, carrying exotic spices, African ivory and fabrics.

In the 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zhen Ho led a large expedition across the Indian Ocean to the shores of India, Sri Lanka, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. In 1497, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa and reach the shores of India. It was followed by English, French and Dutch traders and the era of colonial conquest began. For centuries, new settlers, merchants and pirates have landed on the islands lying in the Indian Ocean. Many species of island animals that did not live anywhere else in the world became extinct. For example, the dodo, a goose-sized flightless pigeon found in Mauritius, was exterminated by the end of the 17th century. The giant tortoises on Rodriguez Island disappeared by the 19th century. Exploration of the Indian Ocean continued in the 19th and 20th centuries. Scientists have done a great job mapping the topography of the seabed. Currently, Earth satellites launched into orbit are taking pictures of the ocean, measuring its depth and transmitting information messages.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and covers an area of \u200b\u200b82 million square meters. km. It is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean, but its size is constantly increasing. A powerful underwater ridge stretches from the island of Iceland to the south in the middle of the ocean. Its peaks are the Azores and Ascension Island. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a large mountain range at the bottom of the ocean, grows about 2.5 cm wider every year. The deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean is a depression located north of the island of Puerto Rico. Its depth is 9218 meters. If 150 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean did not exist yet, then over the next 150 million years, scientists assume, it will occupy more than half of the globe. The Atlantic Ocean greatly influences the climate and weather in Europe.

The Atlantic Ocean began to form 150 million years ago, when crustal displacements separated North and South America from Europe and Africa. This youngest of the oceans is named after the god Atlas, who was worshiped by the ancient Greeks.

Ancient peoples such as the Phoenicians began exploring the Atlantic Ocean around the 8th century BC. e. Nevertheless, only in the 9th century AD. e. the Vikings managed to get from the shores of Europe to Greenland and North America. The beginning of the "golden age" of the exploration of the Atlantic was laid by Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator who was in the service of the Spanish monarchs. In 1492 his small squadron of three ships entered the Caribbean Gulf after a long storm. Columbus believed that he was sailing to East India, but in fact he discovered the so-called New World - America. Other sailors from Portugal, Spain, France and England soon followed. The study of the Atlantic Ocean continues to this day. Scientists are currently using sonar (sound waves) to map the topography of the seabed. Many countries fish in the Atlantic Ocean. Humans have fished in these waters for millennia, but modern trawler fishing has led to a significant decline in fishing schools. The seas surrounding the oceans are being polluted by waste. The Atlantic Ocean continues to play a huge role in international trade. Many important trade sea routes pass through it.

Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean, which lies between Canada and Siberia, is the smallest and smallest in comparison with others. But at the same time it is the most mysterious, as it is almost completely hidden under a huge layer of ice. The Arctic Ocean divides into two basins the Nansen submarine rapids. The Arctic basin is larger in area and contains the deepest ocean. It is 5000 m and is located north of Franz Josef Land. In addition, here, on the Russian coast, there is a vast continental shelf. For this reason, our Arctic seas, namely the Kara, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, and East Siberian seas, are shallow.