Painting of wooden facades - preparatory measures and work technology. Paint for the facade of a wooden house: which one to choose Special paint for the facade of a wooden house

Paint is a popular finishing material for building facades. If you correctly approach the choice of this or that composition, then a cottage, a country house or a small summer cottage will look aesthetically pleasing, attractive and will retain their external charm for a long time.

Modern manufacturers offer several varieties of facade paints. Today we'll talk about how to find the perfect option for outdoor woodwork.


Facade paint is a finishing material that should not only be attractive, but also durable. On the modern construction market there are high-quality coloring mixtures for the design of wooden bases.

The distinctive characteristics of outdoor paints are the following parameters:

  • They prevent water and moisture from being absorbed into the wood. Thanks to this characteristic, the noble material does not swell and does not lose its shape if it comes into contact with water.

  • By choosing a high-quality facade paint, you will protect wooden bases from premature aging.
  • In addition, most facade paints on wood prevent the formation of mold or mildew on it, which adversely affects not only the appearance of the house, but also the structure of the natural material. Also, using a reliable coloring composition, you will protect wood from pests, which, as a rule, are not so easy to get rid of.

  • Facade paint is designed to protect the wooden base from the negative effects of sunlight. Without such a finish, the tree can quickly dry out and crack under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • If you want to achieve a unique design effect, then you should choose a facade paint that will accentuate the attractive structure of the wood. Due to this characteristic, such compositions are very popular with buyers.
  • Wood finished with high-quality and beautiful paint will not suffer from climatic changes.

  • The painted facade is not afraid of abrasion.
  • Facade paints, as a rule, are frost-resistant and are not afraid of temperature jumps.

Currently, in stores you can find facade paints of absolutely any color.

The rich assortment of these products allows consumers to choose the option they like without much difficulty and long searches.

Types and characteristics

Today, there are several varieties of paints intended for exterior decoration. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics. Let's get to know them better.


Acrylic paints for wood are water-based. They have good performance characteristics. They can easily decorate the facade of a building by yourself, without involving professionals.

As for the composition of such mixtures themselves, in addition to water, they also contain coloring pigments and special additives that make them more wear-resistant and durable. The connecting element in this case is acrylic.

These paint enamels can be thinned and applied to wooden walls with a spray gun. In addition, they are perfect for both outdoor and indoor finishing work.

Ideally, acrylic paints fit evenly on substrates made of a material such as MDF. Also, you can safely refer to such compositions in the decoration of concrete walls. If your house is built of aerated concrete, then it is advisable to opt for a light primer and apply it with a spray gun.

Many consumers opt for acrylic dye mixtures, since their color can be changed... For example, ordinary white enamel can be diluted with colored enamel. In such cases, the color scheme can change beyond recognition. Also, for a cleaner and more attractive design, it is necessary to apply acrylic paint in several layers, otherwise the unpainted areas will be conspicuous and spoil the appearance of the building as a whole.

Acrylic facade paints are durable and durable. However, they are quite expensive, so many consumers refuse to buy them in favor of alternative options.


These paints also belong to the category of water-based paints. They are just as popular as the common acrylic options. Such compositions have the following positive qualities:

  • are not afraid of abrasion;
  • are not afraid of exposure to sunlight: they do not fade or crack when under their influence;
  • have a fairly elastic layer.

These dye mixtures contain special acrylic resins. These components expand the list of performance characteristics of paints.

In addition, latex water-based mixtures have various synthetic additives, due to which the appearance of the wooden surface painted with them acquires a very neat and slightly rough appearance.

Often, not only facades are decorated with such paints, but also windows, doors, gates and fences around residential buildings.


Alkyd paint is perfect for a wooden facade. Such compositions have been used for a long time, because they look beautiful, attracting attention with a discreet shine. Also, the popularity and fame of these mixtures is due to their quick drying, which does not have to wait too long.

The following elements are present in the composition of alkyd paints:

  • film former latex and resin;
  • solvent;
  • titanium dioxide acts as a pigment;
  • special fillers;
  • additives to impart durability, durability and elasticity to the composition.

As a rule, alkyd paints have a fairly even and rich color scheme. After being applied to the wall, these mixtures form a thin but durable protective film that protects the wood from dampness, moisture, sunlight and other negative environmental factors.

Despite their popularity and excellent performance, alkyd mixtures have their own weaknesses, which include:

  • low vapor permeability;
  • minimum frost resistance;
  • an unpleasant and pungent odor that does not disappear even after the paint dries.


A wooden house can be painted with oil paint. The composition of these finishing materials contains special binders, as well as a colored pigment. Linseed oil, as a rule, acts as a binder in such mixtures.

As for the coloring pigment, its function is performed by a finely dispersed mineral powder, which does not undergo dissolution in the binder component.

In this case, the pigment is heavier than the binder, so a rather dense sediment can often be seen on the bottom of the paint package. Before you start working with the dye mixture, you need to mix it well.

The main characteristics of oil facade paints are the following parameters:

  • Good adhesion to wood substrates.
  • Poor resistance to sunlight. It is because of this that a surface painted with oil paint can quickly fade in the sun and lose its beautiful shine. Experts recommend choosing coloring mixtures of lighter colors for facade work, since burnout on them will be less noticeable.

  • Unpleasant and rather persistent smell. For this reason, it can be difficult to work with her. Some home craftsmen note that in the process of finishing work, they were very sick and even dizzy. Unfortunately, these odors do not disappear soon.
  • It dries for a very long time, therefore it is recommended to apply it on a wooden facade only in dry and calm weather, otherwise dust and other contaminants will adhere to the base.
  • It can last only 6-7 years. If the facade is in unfavorable climatic conditions, then this period can be much shorter.


As a rule, the consumption of the dye mixture per 1 m2 is indicated in liters or kilograms directly on the package or box. However, it should be borne in mind that this indicator can be indicated in a fairly wide range.

Experts say that in the case of planed wood, the consumption of the coloring composition will be much less. If the facade was painted before, then the amount of the mixture used is reduced even more.

If you plan to apply paint in several layers (this is especially important when it comes to acrylic mixture), then each next layer will differ in less consumption than the previous one. If you need to calculate the total consumption of the dye, then for this you need to calculate it as the ratio of the area of ​​the facade to the consumption per 1 sq. M. It is recommended to leave a small reserve (about 5%).


Currently, the market of finishing materials is literally overflowing with well-known and little-known manufacturers that produce paints for outdoor use. Let's take a closer look at the most popular and high-quality firms.


The range of this manufacturer includes high quality paints for indoor and outdoor use. An attractive and reliable mixture can be selected for the facade of the building, as well as for the fence, gazebo, terrace and even garden furniture.

The main advantage of Osmo products is their environmentally friendly composition.... With the help of such paints and varnishes, you can make the facade of the house not only attractive and aesthetic, but also more wear-resistant and durable. Wood finished with Osmo exterior paint is protected from sun fading and moisture / moisture penetration.


Yaroslavl paints "Yarko" form a breathable coating on wooden walls, which is very easy to apply and is quite even. It is also worth noting the durability of the coloring mixtures of this company and the possibility of tinting according to the color catalog.

Front paints "Bright" do not have a strong smell and are not afraid of temperature changes or negative atmospheric influences.

A few words about TIKKURILA Vinh paint, see below in the video.


Facade paints from this manufacturer are produced not only for ordinary private houses and summer cottages, but also for buildings with a high operational load. The assortment of the company includes acrylic and organic mixtures. However, water-based formulations are considered the most popular, since they are environmentally friendly, breathable and wear-resistant.

You will learn a few words about the popular Tikkurila paint from the following video.

The main options for the exterior decoration of a wooden house include: painting, siding - PVC or metal panels, blockhouse cladding - a wooden planed semicircular board, brick cladding and finishing with porcelain stoneware slabs (so-called ventilated facades).

Each of the options has its own pros and cons. We have collected the main ones in the table below.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting a wooden house compared to other types of exterior decoration

Finishing type




  • easy to apply: no special tools and skills required
  • cheapest finish option
  • not

Siding cladding

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 20 years
  • masks flaws in the design of the house
  • resistant to moisture
  • does not rot or mold
  • plastic siding does not increase the load on the foundation, suitable for any home
  • plastic siding is poorly resistant to mechanical stress
  • metal siding significantly loads the foundation, not suitable for every home
  • complex installation: you need a special tool and work skills
  • more expensive than painting

Blockhouse cladding

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 10 years
  • the finished surface repeats the appearance of a log house
  • masks flaws in the design of the house
  • the wooden surface of the blockhouse still requires special treatment or painting
  • complex installation
  • more expensive than siding

Brick cladding

  • prevents fire
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • requires a separate foundation
  • the most expensive type of finish (together with porcelain stoneware)
  • it is necessary to have a large overhang of the roof (from 35 cm)

Porcelain stoneware finishing

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 50 years
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • prevents fire
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • very difficult installation: professional builders will be required
  • the most expensive type of decoration (including brick)

Painting a wooden house is the cheapest type of exterior decoration for a wooden house. And it does not require special knowledge and skills.

What color to paint a wooden house outside

Before painting a wooden house outside, you should decide on the color scheme. The color for the facade of the house should look harmoniously with the color of the roof, creating a coherent and elegant ensemble.

Roof color
Blue Dark-
Brown Chocolate Orange Red Cherry Dark-

Wall color

Light blue

+ ++ - ++ ++ -- - ++ ++
-- -- -- ++ -- -- -- + +
Light green
- - - ++ ++ - ++ + +


++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Beige ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Pink + ++ ++ - ++ -- -- ++ ++
Pearl gray + + -- + - - + ++ +
White ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

"++ "- Great combination" + " - Good combination " - "- Not a very good combination" -- "- Bad combination

When choosing a future color for the facade, explore options for a successful combination of shades.

What paint to paint a wooden house outside

The modern variety of paints for the facade of a wooden house allows you to choose the most suitable option in terms of characteristics and price.

According to the composition, the following types of paint are distinguished: oil and acrylic paints, alkyd enamels and antiseptics.

Oil paint

The most affordable type of paint. After application, it is perfectly absorbed by the surface of the wood and creates a durable coating that is resistant to the effects of the atmosphere.

Not suitable for painting on sunny sides of the house, as it quickly fade in the sun and loses its appearance.

Service life before renewal is up to 6 years.

Alkyd enamel

The main feature of alkyd enamels is the ability to create, when dry, a waterproof film that protects the wood from moisture.

On the other hand, due to rapid drying, such paint does not have time to be deeply absorbed by the surface of the wood and therefore has a low durability.

Alkyd paint is also characterized by increased frost resistance and is capable of tolerating frosts with temperatures below 30 ° C. Therefore, it is great for homes located in the northern regions of the country.

Service life before renewal is up to 7 years.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint, like oil paint, creates a weather-resistant coating that, moreover, does not fade from sunlight.

The elastic film of dried acrylic paint does not crack over time and allows the tree to breathe, retaining all the charm of living in a wooden house.

In Europe today it is this type of paint that has become almost the standard in the processing of facades of wooden buildings - more than 80% of houses are painted with acrylic paints.


Antiseptics are able to penetrate deeply - up to 7 mm - into the surface of a tree. Thanks to this, the wood is reliably protected from the effects of the atmosphere, rotting and fungus.

Antiseptics are cover and glaze. Coating antiseptics create an opaque finish that preserves the texture of the wood. Glazing antiseptics create a transparent finish that preserves and enhances the natural color of the wood.

Interesting fact. In the course of the competition with the Finnish company Sadolin, which produces the popular Pinotex antiseptic, the German concern Meffert AG Farbwerke came up with a new name for its transparent impregnations - azure. Which later was assigned to the family of glazing antiseptics.

Service life before renewal is up to 10 years.

Select the paint composition based on your requirements for the degree of wood protection and the durability of the coating.

How to calculate paint consumption when painting a wooden house

The base paint consumption is usually indicated directly by the manufacturer. But, depending on the type of wooden house, the actual consumption may differ significantly from the indicated one.

The table below shows the approximate consumption of different types of paint for the three main types of wooden houses when painted in one coat.

Basic consumption, g / m2

Painting of a frame house, g / m2

Painting a house from a bar, g / m2 *

Painting of a log house, g / m2 *

* The table takes into account all the irregularities of the timber and protruding ends. It is not necessary to add their area when calculating the paint consumption.

If the topcoat is applied in several coats, then the consumption increases in proportion to the number of coats. It should also be borne in mind that the consumption also depends on the choice of the tool - when painting with a brush, more paint will be spent than when using a spray gun.

Painting technology of a wooden house outside

Painting a wooden house outside consists of several main stages:

  • Wood surface cleaning. Before painting, all surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, foci of mold.
  • Priming of metal parts. All metal parts - heads of nails and screws, hinges, brackets, bolts, latches, etc. - must be primed with special compounds to protect against corrosion.
  • Drying wood. The wooden surfaces of the house, cleaned from dirt, should dry thoroughly. On average, drying takes up to two weeks. It is better to cover the wood with a film during precipitation.
  • Knotting. The dried wood is covered with one layer of antiseptic. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the logs and beams - these are the most vulnerable spots of a wooden house.
  • Finish coating. After the primer layer is dry, a top coat of paint is applied. To create a durable and protected surface, as a rule, it is required to apply 2-3 coats of paint. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.


Finish painting is best done early in the morning or in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight. This will allow the paint to dry evenly.

Painting a wooden house from the inside

In addition to painting the facades of a wooden house, the use of paints and varnishes is also advisable for the interior decoration of the home.

Among the options for interior decoration, several main ones can be distinguished: a clean log house, clapboard cladding, painting, stone decoration, modern decoration.

Pros and cons of painting compared to other types of interior decoration of a wooden house

Finishing type



Clean log house

  • no costs for wall decoration
  • the surface of the tree is not protected in any way
  • house design flaws are not masked
  • short-lived: over time it fades and loses its beautiful appearance
  • fire hazard

Clapboard sheathing

  • the most popular type of finish
  • masks flaws in the design of the house
  • without a special coating, it also fades and loses its beautiful appearance


  • keeps the surface and texture of the wood open
  • simplicity and speed: no special tools and skills needed
  • the most affordable type of finish
  • requires updating at intervals of 6 to 10 years

Stone / brick finishing

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 50 years
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • prevents fire
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • the most expensive type of finishing

Modern finishes for painting, wallpaper or decorative plaster

  • from the inside, the house looks like a modern apartment
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • closes the texture of the tree
  • complex installation: it is necessary to contact professionals

Painting a wooden house inside is one of the most affordable types of finishes that does not require special knowledge and skills.

What paints to use inside the house

Water-based acrylic paint

This type of paint is most often used for painting the interior surfaces of wooden houses. It dries quickly and is practically odorless.

An important advantage of the water emulsion is its composition, which is not considered "chemical". Therefore, the paint is not harmful to health.

In addition, such paint is extremely easy to work with. You can tint the paint yourself by adding various pigments. The tool is quickly washed from such paint with plain water, accidental drips and drops without a trace are removed with a damp cloth.

Alkyd enamel

The basis of alkyd enamels is alkyd resin, thanks to which this type of paint is excellent for both outdoor and indoor use.

Alkyd paints create a bright and durable finish that is resistant to UV, moisture, temperature and dirt. Therefore, they are especially relevant when painting walls in the kitchen.

Polyurethane paint

The main advantage of this type of paint is its increased resistance to water. It creates a waterproof coating and is therefore best suited for damp rooms.

However, this paint is rarely used due to its relatively high cost.

For interior work, water-based and alkyd paints are best suited.

What colors to use inside the house

It is better to paint narrow rooms like a hallway or a corridor with light paint. To visually expand the space, you can paint the walls in vertical stripes.

Soft and calm colors - beige, gray and pale pink - will be a good solution for living rooms and living rooms.

Light shades of warm colors look good in the kitchen. For small kitchens, you can use bright and rich colors - yellow, green or red.

For a children's room, you should choose one of the bright colors - yellow, orange, green or blue. Shades should not be too saturated - this can affect the child's fatigue. A good solution would be to cover one of the walls with a thematic photo wallpaper.

To create a relaxing atmosphere, the bedroom is recommended to be painted in warm light soothing colors - beige, light yellow or light green.

If there is a place for an office in the house, then it is better to paint its walls in strict colors that adjust to the working mood. Such as gray or brown.

Traditional options for bathrooms are shades ranging from white and pale blue to light blue. For those who are not alien to experimentation, you can try rich dark colors, against which white sanitary ware will look especially contrasting.

The choice of light colors and their shades will become a universal option for the color scheme for the premises of the house.


What is the best tool for painting a wooden house outside?

You can paint a house with three main tools: a brush, a roller, and a spray gun.

Despite the primitiveness of the tool and the complexity of the work, the brush is the best choice when painting a wooden house.

Brushes are best for painting a wooden house.

Where to start painting a multi-storey wooden house?

Painting a two- or three-story wooden house should be done from top to bottom, starting from the junction of the walls and roof. This will help to avoid paint drips, which, after drying, will spoil the appearance of the house.

For the same reason, top-down painting is also relevant for one-story houses.

The painting of the house should be started from the top from the junction of the walls and the roof.

How to paint an old house?

The technology of painting an old wooden house differs from painting a new one only in that at the start of work, a procedure for removing the old paint layer is added.

In order for a new layer of paint to turn out to be durable and to be able to serve the entire period laid down by the manufacturer, it is required to remove the old paint completely, to the surface of the wood. This is a rather laborious and time-consuming process.

After that, you can proceed with the primer and finishing painting.

Do I need to apply a primer before painting?

To create a strong and durable coating, most manufacturers of paints and varnishes recommend the use of priming antiseptics.

Regardless of what kind of wooden house you have - a log, frame or timber - the use of soil before applying the topcoat allows you to reliably protect the tree from moisture, mold and rot.

Painting wood without preliminary priming reduces the service life of the coating by an average of half.

Before painting, the surface of the tree must be primed with special antiseptics.

What paints are suitable for painting walls

It is best to paint the walls in the house with acrylic paints. They have good elasticity, moisture resistance and look great.

What paints are suitable for painting the floor

Floor paint should provide a strong and durable finish. A similar result can be achieved using latex-based water-based paints. Some samples from leading manufacturers can serve up to 10 years.

What paints are suitable for painting the ceiling

Latex paints are suitable for painting the ceiling. They do not smell, they are easily applied with a brush, roller and spray gun. Due to their elasticity, latex paints are able to close small cracks.

What paints are suitable for painting stairs

It is best to cover a wooden staircase with transparent materials that preserve the texture and natural color of the wood. Alcohol-based varnishes are a good option. After painting, it is recommended to treat the ladder with a special compound - polish - it will give additional shine and increase the service life of the coating.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and comfortable housing, which is characterized by durability and reliability, aesthetic appeal and a cozy atmosphere inside the building.

But do not forget that wood is a living natural material. Therefore, it is susceptible to negative environmental influences. These are high humidity and dampness, ultraviolet rays and insects, temperature extremes and other harmful factors. During operation, the wood gradually ages, darkens or turns yellow and loses its original appearance.

Special protective and decorative compositions for wall treatment will help to save wood. In this article, we will look at how to paint a wooden house from the outside. Painting the exterior walls of a wooden house is a mandatory stage in the construction and decoration of a suburban log house!

It is necessary to paint a house not only after construction and shrinkage, but also during operation. Experts recommend painting wooden buildings every 5-8 years, depending on the type of paint and varnish materials, and it is advisable to process the old house more often.

What means for painting to choose

Today, manufacturers offer a variety of paints and varnishes. For external processing of wood, stable and coarse compounds are suitable. Let's take a look at which ones are best to use for a log house.

Antiseptic varnishes are glaze (transparent) and topcoat (opaque). The first type retains its natural color and emphasizes the texture of the wood, while the second will help to achieve the desired shade and shine. Such products penetrate deep into the wood and protect the material from decay and mold, the negative effects of water and moisture. When choosing, please note that the coating compounds will last 6-7 years, but the glazing varnish will have to be renewed every 4-5 years.

Acrylic (acrylant) paints are the most demanded products among the owners of country houses. They are best suited for natural wood, as they are completely safe. Such paints allow the wood to “breathe” and guarantee good air exchange. The acrylic compound creates an elastic, dense coating that protects the wood from moisture, cracking and fungus.

Acrylic paints are expensive, but they also provide a durable, durable finish that will last for a long time. You will not have to renew the painting more often than once every 8-10 years!

Oil paints are well absorbed and penetrate deep into the wood structure. They effectively protect log walls from dirt and moisture. But today, such products are losing popularity, as they dry for a long time. In addition, over time, painted wood changes color and shade, yellow spots appear on the surface. To avoid this, you will have to repaint more often than every four years.

Yacht varnish is best suited for regions with high rainfall and high humidity. It provides reliable protection against temperature extremes and moisture. This varnish does not fade and prevents the appearance of yellowness on the surface. The product is durable, but it emits an unpleasant odor when painted.

Using wax or wood stain is an old proven method of painting your home. Wax is a natural and safe product that will not compromise the environmental friendliness of a wooden structure. It absorbs deeply into the material and effectively protects the log walls from dirt and moisture. After waxing, the surface will become translucent with a matte sheen.

Stain is the cheapest and most affordable option for treating a house, both outside and inside. It will also protect the tree from pests and fungi, while preserving the pattern and color of the logs. But after staining, it is imperative to apply varnish in order to enhance the properties and increase the service life of the material.

In addition to the type of paint or varnish, it is important to choose the right color. You can choose transparent compounds to preserve the structure and color of the log, choose a darker or lighter shade, matte or glossy shine. In addition, today there are tools for painting a wooden house with a color that has nothing to do with the color of the wood.

You can paint your home purple, green, red, and any other color you like. It all depends on your preference. Designers recommend using warm colors in northern latitudes and cold regions of the country. And in warm areas, on the contrary, apply cold colors.

If you cannot find the materials you need, ask the professionals for help! Experienced experts of the company "MariSrub" will select high-quality products and calculate the amount of paint, reliably and promptly paint a wooden house, bathhouse or gazebo. Let's find out how to paint a wooden house correctly.

The best facade paints for wood

Brand Description Advantages Price
Tikkurila (Finland) The most popular tools that have collected positive reviews from both professional craftsmen and ordinary owners of wooden houses High water-repellent properties; wide range of; good frost resistance from 600 rubles for 0.9 l
Senezh (Russia) High-class antiseptic and renewing compositions are suitable for baths, houses and gazebos, with a large selection of colors (16 colors and shades) Difficult to wash out and formulations with a service life of 10 years; protection not only from moisture and pests, but also from the spread of fire in a fire from 240 rubles for 0.9 kg
Drevoplast (Russia) A durable acrylic emulsion that creates a durable decorative coating on the wall surface and gives the effect of "liquid plastic" High resistance to precipitation and moisture, easy application, long-lasting protection from 350 rubles for 0.9 kg
Tex (Russia) A versatile, inexpensive outdoor paint that creates a durable plastic film on wall surfaces High vapor permeability, resistance to light and ultraviolet, fits well on walls from 300 rubles for 0.9 kg
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based decorative products for exterior painting of the facade of a house, a gazebo or a bathhouse, fences and fences, wooden canopies Protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes from 490 rubles per 1 liter
Olympus (Russia) Flexible emulsion based on linseed oil for new and old surfaces, suitable for wooden facades, garden furniture, ceilings and indoor floors Versatility;

strengthens wood and does not crack, protects against moisture and insects, mold and mildew

from 200 rubles for 0.9 kg

How to paint a house

  • The initial stage is the preparation of the walls. Remove dust and dirt from the logs, level the surface if necessary;
    Then a primer is applied to the surface. It will protect the walls from mold, blue stain and mildew. Without a primer, the house will have to be painted again in two years;
  • After complete drying of the primer, proceed to painting. Remember that you can only paint dry wood and in dry weather! If you are using oil paints that dry for a long time, it is advisable that there will be no rain in the coming days. Therefore, before the procedure, check the weather forecast;
  • It is better to paint with a roller and a brush, since when using a spray gun it is difficult to get a perfectly even, smooth and painted coating, especially if you have little experience in painting;
  • Stir the paint thoroughly before coating;
  • The paint is applied with a roller evenly in two to three layers. A brush is best used for painting hard-to-reach places. Some firms produce special paints with a reinforced protective composition for ends and corners, since these places are most susceptible to the negative effects of moisture;
  • Apply each new layer only on the dried previous layer. This takes 3-4 hours; Stir the composition of the paint and varnish periodically;
  • The last layer of paint is applied from top to bottom in a thin layer;
  • Finally, the paint can be covered with clear varnish. This will strengthen the result, increase the life of the coating and better protect the wood. But you can do with just one paint.

How to paint an old house

Remember to renew the paint as often as possible depending on the type of paint or varnish. Before painting, it is important to carefully prepare the old house for the procedure. When repainting, experts recommend using the same type of product that was previously used.

After purchasing the necessary materials, the old paint coating is removed from the surface of the logs and the dirt is removed. The mold is removed with a special solution and the damaged areas are additionally treated with an alkaline detergent. It is better to replace old, crooked and rotten boards with new ones.

Sand the walls if necessary. How to properly sand the walls, read the link After the preparatory work, painting is carried out in the same way as painting a new wooden house. If you have any problems while painting your house, please contact MariSrub!

Construction is a complex matter. No matter how reliable the walls and roofs are, they need to be brought into aesthetic balance with the exterior finish. This is especially true for wooden buildings. The paint for the facade of such houses must be chosen wisely, taking into account the peculiarities of the wood, the prevailing weather conditions in your area, your own needs and personal taste.

Wood in construction: features of the material, why does it need paint

Wooden houses at some point became obsolete and were ready to be forgotten. However, the changed landmarks of the society gave the wood a new life. Today, timber, boards are actively used in the construction of residential premises as the main, auxiliary and finishing materials. A tree is a sign of environmental friendliness, special comfort, and the proximity of a home to nature. Many conservatively consider it to be the safest for health.

The tree has many advantages. In particular, it is quite strong and durable, and opens up a wide spectrum for design ideas. At the same time, a significant drawback of this material is its instability to a number of external factors and, as a consequence, rapid aging. The technical qualities of wood are negatively affected by:

  • fungus;
  • moisture;
  • Sun rays;
  • insect pests;
  • low temperatures.

Primary signs of damage on untreated building material can be seen in a matter of days in the open air. Heavy rain or snow will cause swelling. The sun will unnecessarily dry out the boards or frame. This will negatively affect the solidity of the structure, provoking the appearance of micro- (and then macro-) cracks, in the depths of which mold and rot appear, as in the photo.

Moisture may not show up in precipitation, but rather a high level of atmospheric humidity. And solar ultraviolet will discolor and darken unpainted wooden walls of the house. For bark beetles, no external factors are needed at all. They live almost everywhere, slowly and surely hitting trees and their products.

Attention! Harmful larvae of bark beetles may not reveal themselves for several years. But they attack quickly and inflict great damage.

Facade paint: features of oil coating

Previously, houses made of logs or other wooden elements were treated with classic oil paint. Its structure does not allow the material to breathe, so the effect of such a finish is minimal or even negative:

  1. The walls are fading. The paint begins to peel over time.
  2. Log structures begin to rot from the inside, collecting moisture from both sides of the structure. The core becomes a habitat for fungi and pests.
  3. Whatever paint you use for the facade of such a house, it takes on an equally unaesthetic gray shade. The appearance of the home is deteriorating.
  4. Wood breaks, crumbles. The building is out of order.

Judging by the reviews, people are increasingly abandoning oil paint when processing wood. But the advantages of coverage remain relevant today:

  • low cost;
  • deep penetration into the material (with a fairly long drying time);
  • good resistance to precipitation.

Attention! Manufacturers of modern oil-based facade paints have improved the product. High-quality (not fake!) Coatings retain their properties and qualities of wood much longer.

Alkyd paints for processing the facade of a house made of wood

Exterior decoration today is fashionable to carry out alkyd compounds. They are solvent based. The ridge of this paint is a high degree of moisture resistance. Alkyds penetrate deeply into the wood.

After drying, it remains covered with a thin film that protects it from moisture penetration. Also, alkyd paints protect against UV rays and temperature extremes. This type of coating is especially popular where it can be very cold (-30 ° C or less). In addition, paint is affordable.

All alkyd paints are intended exclusively for exterior painting of buildings. On sale, they are indicated by numbers. For dry regions, a product with an index of 1 is sufficient. For construction in humid coastal areas, it is better to take 4. Apply paint with an ordinary roller or brush on a clean and putty surface. The wood must be dried before painting.

Attention! The drying time of the alkyd composition is about 12 hours. The protective layer will last up to 7 years.

Acrylic facade paints: advantages and disadvantages

This type of wall covering is in demand due to its eco-friendliness. Acrylic does not penetrate deeply into the structure of the tree, therefore it ages more slowly. The house can not be repainted for 8-10 years. The composition protects the facade well from the harmful penetration of precipitation.

Another plus of acrylic paints is bright and rich shades. To work with them, use a brush, spray gun or roller. Judging by the reviews, there will be no problems with paint tenacity from the inside. But outside, builders are advised to combine acrylic with alkyd compounds as a primer. Also, the disadvantage of paint is its high cost.

Attention! When painting, it is not at all necessary to remove the old coating! It is only important to clean the surface well from dust.

When building a wooden house, it is better and easier to spend money on prevention than on "treatment". The modern market offers to choose the appropriate option from a wide variety of types of paint for decorating and protecting your home. And if you are creative with painting, you will also get an aesthetic design for your home.

Painting the exterior walls of the house: video