Omar Khayyam short quotes. Omar Khayyam about the relationship between a man and a woman. An excellent selection of immortal quotes from Omar Khayyam

The image of the great poet of the East Omar Khayyam is covered with legends, and the biography is full of secrets and mysteries. The ancient East knew Omar Khayyam primarily as an outstanding scientist: mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher. In the modern world, Omar Khayyam is known more as a poet, the creator of original philosophical and lyrical quatrains - wise, full of humor, cunning and audacity rubai.

Rubai is one of the most complex genre forms of Tajik-Persian poetry. The volume of the rubaiyat is four lines, three of which (rarely four) rhyme with each other. Khayyam is an unsurpassed master of this genre. His rubies amaze with the accuracy of observations and the depth of comprehension of the world and the human soul, the brightness of images and the elegance of rhythm.

Living in the religious east, Omar Khayyam reflects on God, but resolutely rejects all church dogmas. His irony and free-thinking are reflected in the rubaiyat. He was supported by many poets of his time, but because of the fear of persecution for freethinking and blasphemy, they also attributed their works to Khayyam.

Omar Khayyam is a humanist, for him a person and his peace of mind are above all. He appreciates the pleasure and joy of life, the enjoyment of every minute. And his style of presentation made it possible to express what could not be said out loud in plain text.

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15 valuable sayings from the greatest Persian poet, philosopher and mathematician - Omar Khayyam

His Eastern wisdom is printed in books and passed from mouth to mouth for generations, and to this day is relevant. The quatrains of this sage speak the truth, contain the bitter truth, a little humor and a drop of insolence.

For you, we have collected some of the thoughtful sayings about life, love and man, maybe you will find answers to your questions in them:

One does not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. Give someone a trifle, forever remember. You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.

Who is beaten by life, he will achieve more. A pood of salt who has eaten appreciates honey more. Who sheds tears, he sincerely laughs. Who died, he knows that he lives!

Two people were looking out the same window. One saw rain and mud. The other is green foliage, spring and blue sky.

We are a source of fun and sorrow mine. We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces. He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those we value. Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run from our neighbor. We lift up those who are not worth us, but we betray the most faithful. Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

We will never get into this world again, we will never meet friends at the table. Catch every flying moment - you can never lie in wait for it later.

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich, after the dawn there always comes a sunset.

With this life short, equal to a breath. Treat as with this one for rent.

About love:
Giving yourself does not mean selling. And next to sleep - does not mean to sleep. Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything. Not to be near does not mean not to love!

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a woman he loves.

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to start with: you'd rather starve than eat anything, and it's better to be alone than with anyone.

In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.

Oh, woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness. A day without love is lost: dimmer and grayer than this barren day, and there are no days of bad weather.

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your strength.

Omar Khayyam is rightfully considered one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the medieval East. This, indeed, is a multifaceted personality, which was glorified over the centuries not only by wise aphorisms about love, happiness, and not only, but also by scientific works in mathematics, astronomy and physics.

And this makes Omar a very significant figure in the arena of human achievements for many centuries: not every person could boast of such talents: there are very few people like Omar Khayyam or Leonardo Da Vinci born when a person is talented in everything, a kind of pearl of humanity.

Most often, Omar Khayyam framed his statements in rubai - a rather difficult poem to compose, representing four lines, of which three rhymed with each other (and sometimes all four). The poet, in the truest sense of the word, was in love with life, with the variety of its forms, and therefore his witty aphorisms are filled with deep meaning, which the reader fails to understand the first time.

Writing rubaiyat in the medieval East, where blasphemy was strictly condemned, up to the death penalty, Omar Khayyam, despite the danger of persecution, clothed his wisdom in writing, and, according to researchers, under the authorship of Omar was written about three hundred to five hundred rubles.

Just imagine - aphorisms about life, happiness, witty quotes, and just oriental wisdom that is relevant even now for each of us.

Although everything is in order five thousand rubles, allegedly by Omar Khayyam, most likely, these are statements about happiness and not only, of his contemporaries, who were afraid to bring severe punishment on their heads, and therefore, attributing to the poet and philosopher their creations.

Omar Khayyam, unlike them, was not afraid of punishment, and therefore his aphorisms often make fun of the gods and power, belittling their importance in people's lives, and did it right. After all, the same happiness does not at all lie in blind obedience to theological books or the decrees of kings. Happiness lies in living your best years in harmony with yourself, and the poet's quotes help to realize this simple, but such an important fact.

The best and witty of his statements are presented in front of you, and framed in interesting photos. After all, when you read a text with meaning not just in black and white, but elegantly designed, then it is remembered much better, which is an excellent training for the mind.

In a conversation with an interlocutor, you can always effectively screw in witty quotes, flashing your erudition. You can instill in your child a love of poetry by showing him a few photos where the most beautiful rubaiyats about friendship or happiness are beautifully decorated. Read together these wise sayings by Omar Khayyam, imbued with his every word.

His quotes about happiness amaze with such a clear understanding of the world and the soul of a person as a person. Omar Khayyam seems to be talking to us, his aphorisms and quotes seem to be written not for everyone, but for each one individually, reading his statements, we are involuntarily amazed at the depth of images and the brightness of metaphors.

Immortal rubaiyat outlived its creator for many centuries, and despite the fact that for a long time they were in oblivion, until it was by a lucky chance in the Victorian era, a notebook was discovered where statements and aphorisms were collected that Omar wrote, clothed in poetic form, in the end, they gained wild popularity, first in England, and a little later throughout the world, when his statements scattered around the world like birds, bringing a little oriental wisdom to the house of everyone who read the poet's quotes.

Omar probably did not suspect that for most of our contemporaries he would be known precisely as a poet and philosopher, rather than a great scientist. Most likely, both of these areas of his activity were the passion of his whole life, Omar, by his example, showed real life, when, if desired, you can manage to do everything.

Often people who have a lot of talents in their minds are left alone - their activities take too much strength, but the poet ended his life in the circle of a large family and close friends. He did not ossify and did not go entirely into science and philosophy, and this is worth a lot.

His quotes in the form of a photo can be viewed on our website, and perhaps the most liked


Quotes and Aphorisms 16.09.2017

Dear readers, today I invite you to a philosophical conversation. After all, we will talk about the statements of the famous poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam. The poet is considered one of the greatest minds and philosophers of the East. Composing aphorisms about life with meaning, Omar Khayyam wrote short quatrains - rubai. It is interesting, however, that during his lifetime he was much more known as an astronomer and mathematician.

Until the Victorian era, it was known only in the East. Due to the breadth of views, Khayyam the poet and Khayyam the scientist were considered different people for a long time. The collection of quatrains, Rubayat, was published after the death of the author. Europeans read rubyat in the translation of the English naturalist and poet Edward Fitzgerald. According to writers, the collection of Khayam's poems includes more than 5,000 works. Historians are cautious: experts say that Khayyam wrote only 300 to 500 poems.

The philosopher subtly felt life and accurately described the characters of people. He noted the peculiarities of behavior in different situations. Despite the fact that he lived many years ago, Khayyam's sayings and thoughts are still relevant, and many statements have become famous aphorisms.

And now I invite you, dear readers, to enjoy the subtle pleasure of the poetic wisdom and wit of the aphorisms and quotes of the great thinker Omar Khayyam.

Quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam about love

The poet could not pass by the eternal theme of the relationship between men and women. Sincerely and simply, he writes:

Days spent without the joys of love
I consider it an unnecessary and hateful burden.

But Khayyam's idealism is alien. Throwing love describes a few lines:

How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run from our neighbor.
We lift up those who are not worth us, but we betray the most faithful.
Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

The poet also thought a lot about how true closeness and love between people is manifested:

Giving yourself is not the same as selling.
And sleeping next to each other does not mean sleeping.
Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything.
Not to be near does not mean not to love.

Physical distances meant more in the distant past than they do now. But mental alienation can be the same. The connoisseur of souls on the eternal problem of families, the seduction of husbands, said briefly: "You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman."

However, the philosopher admits:

A weak man is an unfaithful slave of fate,
Exposed, I am a shameless slave!
Especially in love. I myself, I am the first
Always unfaithful and weak to many.

Khayyam wrote about the ideal of female beauty on behalf of men:

You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
You are the mihrab from the heavenly temple mile!
Your mother washed you with ambergris at birth,
Mixing a drop of my blood into the aroma!

Surprisingly, more than ten centuries have passed since these lines were written, and the actions of lovers have not changed much. Perhaps that is why the most witty quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam are still so popular?

Omar Khayyam quotes about the joy of life

During the life of a scientist in the Islamic world (within the modern borders from Azerbaijan to India), religion in literature imposed severe restrictions on the description of love. For more than thirty years, there has been a strict ban on the mention of alcohol in poetry. But the philosopher seems to be laughing at the imams. Famous verse is disassembled into aphorisms.

We are told that in the bushes of paradise we will embrace marvelous houris,
Blissfully delighting yourself with the purest honey and wine.
So if it is allowed by the Ancients themselves in the holy paradise,
Is it possible in a fleeting world to forget beauties and wine?

However, the notorious Khayyam wine is not so much alcohol as a symbol of the joy of life:

Drink! And into the fire of spring turmoil
Throw away the holey, dark cloak of winter.
The earthly path is not long. And time is a bird.
The bird has wings... You are at the edge of darkness.

Wine is also a way to comprehend the wisdom of ordinary, at first glance, phenomena and images:

Man is the truth of the world, the crown -
Not everyone knows this, but only the sage.
Drink a drop of wine so you don't feel like
That creations are all one sample.

Although the main thing is still the ability to enjoy life:

Do not grieve that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

The main feature of the sage's works is integrity without the now fashionable conflict. A person is not only holistic, but also affects the environment:

Only in the sky the dawn will be barely visible,
Draw from the cup the juice of the invaluable vine!
We know: the truth in the mouths of people is bitter, -
So, it means that we must consider wine to be true.

This is the whole of Khayyam - he suggests looking for the meaning of life in its endless manifestations.

Aphorisms of Omar Khayyam about life

This is the essence of philosophers - to constantly think about what is happening around and be able to express it accurately and succinctly. Omar Khayyam expounded a very unusual view:

And the nights turned into days
Before us, oh my dear friend,
And the stars did the same
Your circle is predetermined by fate.
Ah, be quiet! go carefully
On the dust under your feet -
You trample on the ashes of beauties,
Remains of their wondrous eyes.

Khayyam is also wise in his attitude to death and suffering. Like any wise person, he knew that there was no point in regretting the past and that in the constant expectation of a better happiness, too, could not be found.

Do not curse your heavens for suffering.
Look at the graves of your friends without weeping.
Appreciate this fleeting moment.
Don't look at yesterday and tomorrow.

And about a different perception of life, he wrote:

Two people were looking out the same window. One saw rain and mud.
The other is green foliage, spring and blue sky.
Two people were looking out the same window.

And, of course, all the basic laws of the universe were obvious to him, which even now indicate that the best thing in life is to do good:

Do no evil - it will return as a boomerang,
Do not spit in the well - you will drink water,
Do not insult someone who is lower in rank,
And suddenly you have to ask for something.
Don't betray your friends, you can't replace them
And do not lose your loved ones - you will not return,
Don't lie to yourself - in time you will check
That you are betraying yourself with this lie.

The philosopher considered labor to be the main thing, and position in society, wealth and social benefits were only transient attributes. Of swagger, he wrote:

Sometimes someone proudly casts glances: “It's me!”
Decorate your outfits with gold: "It's me!"
But only his affairs will go smoothly,
Suddenly, death comes out of the ambush: "It's me!"

In the transience of being, the poet valued humanity, the ability to focus on his tasks:

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life short, equal to a breath,
Treat like a rental.

Omar Khayyam was able to treat many things with humor:

When I lay my head under the fence,
In the paws of death, like a bird in a pluck, I will please -
I bequeath: make a jug out of me,
Join me in your spree!

Although, like wine, the revelry and joy of the poet cannot be understood only literally. The rubaiyat contains several layers of wisdom.

Reflections on God and Religion

Due to the peculiarities of the worldview of the East at that time, Khayyam could not ignore religion.

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.
Of mercury it is living silver.
It will shine with the moon, it will turn silver with a fish ...
He is all flexible, and death is His play.

Omar Khayyam has long gone to the understanding of God. God, according to Khayyam, is very different from the Christian trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Instantly He is visible, more often hidden.
We are watching our lives closely.
God spends eternity with our drama!
He composes, puts and looks.

Strictly speaking, only the Holy Spirit is present in Islam from the trinity. According to the Quran, Jesus, or rather Isa, is one of the greatest prophets. Their scientist frankly did not like:

Prophets came to us in droves,
And they promised light to the dark world.
But all of them with their eyes closed
They descended into the darkness one after the other.

Although the philosopher participated in the upbringing of children of noble families, he did not leave theological works after himself. The fact is all the more surprising that for 10 years of work in Bukhara, the scientist published 4 fundamental additions to the geometry of Euclid and 2 works on astronomy. Apparently, theosophy remained outside his interests. His humorous verse speaks of his attitude to the cult of religion:

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and deaf.
I am not in a thirst for a miracle and not with a plea:
Once upon a time I pulled the rug from here,
And he was worn out. We need another...

And today we have the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam, tested by time.

The era of Omar Khayyam, which gave rise to his wise sayings.

Omar Khayyam (18.5.1048 - 4.12.1131) lived in the era of the Eastern Middle Ages. Born in Persia (Iran) in the city of Nishapur. There he received a good education.

The outstanding abilities of Omar Khayyam led him to continue his education in the largest centers of science - the cities of Balkh and Samarkand.

Already at the age of 21, he became a prominent scientist - mathematician, astrologer. Omar Khayyam wrote mathematical works so outstanding that some of them have survived to our time. Some of his books have come down to us.

He left a major scientific legacy, including the calendar by which the entire East lived from 1079 until the middle of the 19th century. The calendar is still called so: the Calendar of Omar Khayyam. This calendar is better, more accurate, than the later introduced Gregorian calendar, according to which we now live.

Omar Khayyam was the wisest and most educated person. An astronomer, an astrologer, a mathematician, a specialist in horoscopes - everywhere he was an advanced, leading scientist.

And yet, Omar Khayyam was especially famous for his wise sayings, which he rhymed in quatrains - rubaiyat. They have reached our time, there are many hundreds of them on various topics: about life, about love, about God, about wine and women.

We will get acquainted with some of the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam, dear readers, here.

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about life.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Don't measure today by tomorrow's yardstick,
Do not believe in the past or the future,
Believe the current minute - be happy now!

Silence is a shield from many troubles,
And chatter is always harmful.
Human tongue is small
But how many lives did he break!

In this dark world
only consider it true
spiritual wealth,
Because it will never depreciate.

Kohl, you can, do not grieve about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with either the past or the future,
Spend your treasures while you're alive
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.
Omar Khayyam

If you have nooks and crannies for living,
In our mean time, and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master,
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is built into our bodies from birth.
We will not get better or worse until death -
We are who God made us!

The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
On the whole life, however, is good.
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul...

Don't piss off others and don't piss yourself off
We are guests in this mortal world.
And, if something is wrong - humble yourself!
Be smart and smile.

Think with a cold head.
After all, everything in the world is natural:
The evil you radiated
Will definitely come back to you!

I know the world: in it a thief sits on a thief,
A wise man always loses in an argument with a fool,
The dishonest shames the honest,
And a drop of happiness sinks in a sea of ​​grief...

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about love.

Beware of inflicting wounds
The soul that keeps and loves you.
She hurts a lot more.
And, having forgiven everything, he will understand and not condemn.

Taking all the pain and bitterness from you,
Will resignedly remain in torment.
You will not hear insolence in words.
You will not see the evil tear of sparkling.

Beware of inflicting wounds
To those who will not answer with brute force.
And who can't heal the scars.
Who will dutifully meet your blow.

Beware of cruel wounds yourself,
that inflicts on your soul
The one who keeps you as a talisman,
But whoever in his soul does not carry you.

We are so cruel to those who are vulnerable.
Helpless for those we love.
We keep traces of countless wounds,
Which we will forgive ... but we will not forget !!!

It can only be shown to the sighted.
Sing a song - only to those who hear.
Give yourself to someone who will be grateful
Who understands, loves and appreciates you.

Into this world we will hardly get again,
We won't find our friends again.
Seize the moment! 'Cause it won't happen again
How do you not repeat yourself in it.

In this world, love is the adornment of people;
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart did not cling to the drink of love,
He is an ass, even though he does not wear donkey ears!

Woe to the heart that is colder than ice
Does not burn with love, does not know about it,
And for the heart of a lover - a day spent
Without a lover - the most lost of days!

Don't count your friends!
Not the friend of yours who is driven by curiosity,
and the one who will gladly share the takeoff with you ...
And who is in trouble... your quiet cry... will hear...
Omar Khayyam

Yes, a woman is like wine
Where is the wine
It's important for a man
Know a sense of proportion.
Don't look for reasons
In wine, if drunk -
It is not guilty.

Yes, in a woman, as in a book, there is wisdom.
Can understand the meaning of its great
Only literate.
And don't get mad at the book
Kohl, ignorant, could not read it.

Omar Khayyam

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about God and religion.

God exists, and everything is God! Here is the center of knowledge
Drawn by me from the Book of the Universe.
I saw the radiance of Truth with my heart,
And the darkness of godlessness burned to the ground.

Raging in cells, mosques and churches,
Hope to enter heaven and fear of hell.
Only in the soul who understood the secret of the world,
The juice of these weeds is all dried up and withered.

In the Book of Fates, not a word can be changed.
Those who suffer forever cannot be forgiven.
You can drink your bile to the end of your life:
Life cannot be shortened and cannot be lengthened. Omar Khayyam

The goal of the creator and the pinnacle of creation is us.
Wisdom, reason, the source of insight - we are.
This circle of the universe is like a ring.
It has a faceted diamond, no doubt we are!

What did a contemporary say about the wisdom of Omar Khayyam, about his life and death.

Omar Khayyam had many students who left memories of him.
Here are the memories of one of them:

“Once in the city of Bali, on the street of slave traders, in the palace of the emir, at a feast for a cheerful conversation, our teacher Omar Khayyam said: “I will be buried in a place where, always on the days of the spring equinox, a fresh wind will shower flowers of fruit branches.” Twenty-four years later I visited Nishapur, where this great man was buried, and asked him to show me his grave. I was taken to the cemetery of Haira, and I saw the grave at the foot of the garden wall, overshadowed by pear and apricot trees and showered with flower petals so that it was completely hidden under them. I remembered the words spoken in Balkh and began to cry. Nowhere in the whole world, up to its inhabited borders, has there been a man like him.