Open Library is an open library of educational information. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies

To engage in politics in the context of the ongoing transformations means to consider social life from the point of view of which masses of people are involved in these transformations, how they perceive them, what social initiatives they are ready for, what activity they show in them. In addition, political science examines a special sphere of public life - political, in which the main levers of society are concentrated - the state, parties, trade union and other social and political organizations. Not only the process of radical transformations, but also their results depends on how these organizations interact with each other, what content will fill their activities.

There are also obvious organizational needs, the appearance of which is due to the need to train specialists of the widest political profile, capable of solving practical and theoretical problems. In addition, there are theoretical and historical needs.

Politics is a set of relations that develop as a result of purposeful interaction of groups to conquer, retain and use power in order to realize their socially significant interests.

Contemporary world politics has become the arena of an escalating global struggle. As a global mechanism for regulating social relations, politics is a way to rationalize intergroup conflicts.

Under the influence of integration factors at this stage of development in the world, prerequisites are being actively formed for the further cohesion of national states, the creation of a humanistic world order, the gradual formation of a global civil society, the establishment of the norms and principles of a culture of peace in relations between peoples. More and more states are shifting the emphasis of cooperation from the military sphere to the financial and economic spheres. This leads to the formation of a multipolar world.

Politics as a special sphere of human life has the ability to organize its own orders at various levels of social space. So, regulating interstate relations or the ties of national states with international institutions (UN, European Union, NATO, etc.), politics plays the role of a global planetary mechanism for regulating world conflicts and contradictions. National states, various regional associations and coalitions, and international organizations act as subjects and agents. In this case, politics acts as a way of regulating world and foreign policy relations.

One of the tasks of political science is to study the patterns, basic norms and features of interaction between states, regional and world organizations and other subjects of international relations in modern conditions. This problem has acquired particular relevance today, when the study of decision-making mechanisms, roles and functions of the most important institutions in the system of resolving international conflicts and reaching consensus between states is especially significant.

Politics appears in the unity of three interrelated aspects: as a sphere of public life; as one of the types of activity of social subjects and as a type of social relations between individuals, small groups, etc.

In the first aspect, politics appears to be an element of the structure of society, which is assigned the functions of coordinating general and private interests, exercising domination and maintaining order, realizing generally significant goals and guiding people, regulating resources and managing public affairs.

The second aspect is related to the interpretation of politics as a way of aggregate and individual activity of social subjects, a type of human activity and social behavior.

The third aspect characterizes politics as a type of conflict relations and social interactions.

The policy can be implemented at several levels:

At the lowest level, local problems are solved and political activity at this level is carried out mainly by individual individuals;

At the local level, government intervention is required, the policy is carried out by groups and associations interested in the economic development of their region;

At the national level, the state is the main institution for the allocation of resources;

At the international level, the main subjects of political activity are sovereign states.

The role of politics as a special sphere of public life is conditioned by its three properties: universality, all-encompassing character, the ability to influence practically all aspects of life, elements of society, relations, events; the ability to combine with non-political social phenomena, relations and spheres.

The significance of politics is due to the functions that it performs in society, and which characterize the most important areas of its impact on society:

1. Ensuring the integrity and stability of society as a complex social system, integration of various segments of the population;

2. Management and regulation of social processes;

3. Expression of powerful interests of all groups and strata of society;

5. Political socialization of the individual;

6. Mobilization and achievement of efficiency of general activities.

Politics in its development has received the status of the most important social mechanism, without which no complexly organized society is capable of reproducing and developing its social orders.

At present, the role and significance of a policy depends on the performance of its following functions:

Expression and implementation of powerful interests of groups and sectors of society;

Rationalization of conflicts, imparting a civilized character to intergroup relations, pacifying the warring parties;

Distribution and redistribution of public goods, taking into account group priorities for the life of society as a whole;

Management and leadership of social processes as the main method of reconciling group interests by putting forward the most general goals of social development;

Integration of society and ensuring the integrity of the social system;

Socialization of the individual, its inclusion in the life of a complexly organized state and society. Through politics, a person acquires the qualities that he needs for a realistic perception of reality, overcoming the destructive consequences of subconscious reactions to political processes;

Providing communication. Politics creates special forms of communication between groups of the population conflicting about power, forming or using specific institutions for this

(Media), ways of maintaining contacts between the authorities and the population (political advertising), strategies for informing the population and combating competitors (propaganda, agitation, political public relations - special techniques of public relations)

Creation of reality (projective function).

Abstract on the subject: Political science

The role and place of politics in the life of society. Social functions of politics

Completed: 3rd year student of the correspondence department

eiM-1 groups Antonova Sophia

Moscow, 2010

1. Politics, its role in the life of society. The structure of the political sphere. Political system of society

The word "politics" comes from the Greek word Politika, which means "state affairs", "the art of government".

The political superstructure did not always exist. Among the reasons for its occurrence is the polarization of society, leading to the emergence of social contradictions and conflicts that need to be resolved, as well as the increased level of complexity and significance of managing society, which required the formation of special bodies of power separated from the people. The most important prerequisite for politics was the emergence of political and state power. Primitive societies were non-political.

Modern science offers different definitions of politics. Among them are the following:

1. Politics is the relationship between states, classes, social groups, nations arising from the capture, exercise and retention of political power in society, as well as relations between states in the international arena.

2. Politics is the activity of state bodies, political parties, public associations in the sphere of relations between social groups (classes, nations), states, aimed at integrating their efforts in order to consolidate political power or conquer it.

3. Politics is the sphere of activity of groups, parties, individuals, the state, associated with the implementation of common interests with the help of political power.

The political system of society is understood as the totality of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them, in which political power is exercised.

The functions of the political system of society are diverse:

1) determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society;

2) organization of the company's activities to achieve the set goals;

3) distribution of material and spiritual resources;

4) coordination of various interests of the subjects of the political process;

5) development and implementation of various norms of behavior in society;

6) ensuring the stability and security of society;

7) political socialization of the individual, familiarizing people with political life;

8) control over the implementation of political and other norms of behavior, suppression of attempts to violate them.

The basis for the classification of political systems is, as a rule, the political regime, the nature and way of interaction between the authorities, individuals and society. According to this criterion, all political systems can be divided into totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic.

Political science identifies four main elements of the political system, also called subsystems:

1) institutional;

2) communicative;

3) regulatory;

4) cultural and ideological.

The institutional subsystem includes political organizations (institutions), among which the state occupies a special place. Among non-governmental organizations, political parties and socio-political movements play an important role in the political life of society.

All political institutions can be roughly divided into three groups. The first group - proper-political - includes organizations whose direct purpose of existence is to exercise power or influence it (the state, political parties and socio-political movements).

The second group - improperly political - includes organizations operating in the economic, social, cultural spheres of society (trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, etc.). They do not set themselves independent political tasks, do not participate in the struggle for power. But their goals cannot be achieved outside the political system, therefore such organizations must participate in the political life of society, defending their corporate interests, seeking to take them into account and implement them in politics.

Finally, the third group includes organizations that have only an insignificant political aspect in their activities. They arise and function to realize the personal interests and inclinations of a certain layer of people (clubs of interest, sports societies). They acquire a political connotation as objects of influence from the state and other proper political institutions. They themselves are not active subjects of political relations.

The main institution of the political system of society is the state. Its special place in the political system is predetermined by the following factors:

1) the state has the broadest social basis, expresses the interests of the bulk of the population;

2) the state is the only political organization with a special apparatus of management and coercion, which extends its power to all members of society;

3) the state has a wide range of means of influencing its citizens, while the possibilities of political parties and other organizations are limited;

4) the state establishes the legal framework for the functioning of the entire political system, adopts laws that determine the procedure for the creation and operation of other political organizations, establishes direct bans on the work of certain public organizations;

5) the state has enormous material resources to ensure the implementation of its policy;

6) the state performs an integrating (uniting) role within the political system, being the “core” of the entire political life of society, since it is around the state power that the political struggle unfolds.

The communicative subsystem of the political system of society is a set of relations and forms of interaction that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in the exercise of power, the development and implementation of politics. Political relations are the result of numerous and varied connections between political actors in the process of political activity. People and political institutions are motivated to join them by their own political interests and needs.

There are primary and secondary (derivative) political relations. The former include various forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as within them, the latter - relations between states, parties, other political institutions, reflecting in their activities the interests of certain social strata or the entire society.

Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms). Political norms and traditions that determine and regulate the political life of society constitute the normative subsystem of the political system of society. The most important role in it is played by legal norms (constitutions, laws, other normative legal acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are regulated by their charter and program norms. In many countries (especially in England and its former colonies), along with written political norms, unwritten customs and traditions are of great importance.

Another group of political norms is represented by ethical and moral norms, in which the ideas of the whole society or its individual layers about good and evil, truth, and justice are fixed. Modern society has come close to realizing the need to return to politics such moral guidelines as honor, conscience, nobility.

The cultural and ideological subsystem of the political system is a set of political ideas, views, perceptions, feelings of participants in political life that are different in their content. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process functions at two levels - theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). The forms of manifestation of political ideology include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and political psychology - feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions. In the political life of society, they are equal.

In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex of typical for a given society, ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientations, and political ideas. Political culture is the experience of political activity passed down from generation to generation, in which knowledge, beliefs and models of behavior of a person and social groups are combined.

Politics is a historically transitory phenomenon. It begins to form only at a certain stage in the development of society. Thus, in a primitive tribal society, there were no political relations. The life of society was regulated by centuries-old habits and traditions. Politics as a theory and management of social relations begins to take shape as more developed forms of the division of social labor and private ownership of tools of labor appear, since tribal relations were not able to regulate new relations between people using the old folk methods. Actually, starting from this stage of human development, that is, from the emergence of a slave-owning society, the first secular ideas and ideas about the origin and essence of power, state and politics appear. Naturally, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject and essence of politics has changed, and we will focus on the interpretation of politics, which is now more or less generally accepted, that is, politics as a theory of the state, politics as a science and art of management.

The first of the famous thinkers who touched upon the development and organization of society, expressed ideas about the state, was Aristotle, who did this in the treatise "Politics". Aristotle forms his ideas about the state on the basis of an analysis of the social history and political structure of a number of Greek city states. The doctrine of the Greek thinker about the state is based on his conviction that man is a "political animal", and his life in the state is the natural essence of man. The state is presented as a developed community of communities, and the community - as a developed family. His family is the prototype of the state, and he transfers its structure to the state system. Aristotle's doctrine of the state has a clearly expressed class character. The slave state is the natural state of the organization of society, and therefore the existence of slave owners and slaves, masters and subordinates is fully justified.

The main tasks of the state, that is, of political power, should be to prevent the excessive accumulation of wealth among citizens, since this is fraught with social instability; the immense growth of political power in the hands of one person and the keeping of slaves in obedience.

N. Machiavelli (1469-1527), an Italian political thinker and public figure, made a significant contribution to the doctrine of state and politics. The state and politics, according to Machiavelli, are not of religious origin, but are an independent side of human activity, the embodiment of free human will within the framework of necessity, or fortune (fate, happiness). Politics is not determined by God or morality, but is the result of human practical activity, the natural laws of life and human psychology. According to Machiavelli, the main motives that determine political activity are real interests, self-interest, the desire to get rich. The sovereign, the ruler must be an absolute sovereign and even a despot. He should not be limited by either moral or religious prescriptions in achieving his goals. Such harshness is not a whim, it is dictated by the circumstances themselves. Only a strong and tough sovereign can ensure the normal existence and functioning of the state and keep in his sphere of influence the cruel world of people striving for wealth, prosperity and guided only by selfish principles.

The most complete doctrine of politics was developed by Marx, Engels and their followers. According to Marxism, politics is an area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity, determined by relations between classes, social strata, ethnic groups.Its main goal is the problem of conquering, retaining and using state power. The most important thing in politics is the organization of state power.

The state acts as a political superstructure over the economic base. Through it, the economically ruling class ensures its political domination. In essence, the main function of the state in a class society is to protect the fundamental interests of the ruling class. Three factors provide the power and strength of the state.

Firstly, it is public power, which includes a permanent administrative and bureaucratic apparatus, the army, the police, the court, and detention centers. These are the most powerful and efficient government bodies.

Secondly, the right to collect taxes from the population and institutions, which are necessary mainly for the maintenance of the state apparatus, power and numerous government bodies.

Thirdly, this is an administrative-territorial division, which contributes to the development of economic ties and the creation of administrative and political conditions for their regulation.

Along with class interests, the state to a certain extent expresses and protects national interests, regulates mainly with the help of a system of legal norms the entire set of economic, socio-political, national and family relations, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the existing socio-economic order.

One of the most important levers by which the state carries out its activities is law. Law is a set of norms of behavior enshrined in laws and approved by the state.In the words of Marx and Engels, law is the will of the ruling class, elevated into law. With the help of law, economic and social or socio-political relations are consolidated, that is, the relationship between classes and social groups, the status of the family and the position of national minorities.

After the formation of the state and the establishment of law in society, previously nonexistent political and legal relations are formed. Political relations are expressed by political parties that express the interests of various classes and social groups. Political relations, the struggle between parties for power is nothing more than a struggle of economic interests. Each class and social group is interested in establishing the priority of their interests in society with the help of constitutional laws. For example, workers are interested in objective remuneration for their labor, students in scholarships that would provide them at least food, the owners of banks, factories and other property in the preservation of private property. We can say that the economy at a certain stage gives rise to politics and political parties because they are needed for normal existence and development. .

Although politics is a product of the economy, nevertheless, it has not only relative independence, but has a certain influence on the economy, and in periods of transition and crisis, this influence can even determine the ways of economic development. The influence of politics on the economy is carried out in various ways: directly, through the economic policy pursued by state bodies (financing of various projects, investments, prices of goods); the establishment of customs duties on industrial products in order to protect domestic producers; pursuing a foreign policy that would favor the activities of domestic producers in other countries. The active role of politics in stimulating economic development can be carried out in three directions:

1) when political factors act in the same direction as the objective course of economic development, then they accelerate it;

2) when they act contrary to economic development, then they restrain it;

3) they can slow down development in some directions and accelerate it in others.

Carrying out a correct policy is directly dependent on the extent to which the political forces in power are guided by the laws of social development and take into account the interests of classes and social groups in their activities.

So, we can say that in order to understand the socio-political processes taking place in society, it is important to know not only the role of social philosophy, ideology, and politics separately, but also their interaction and mutual influence.

2. The place and role of politics in the development of modern society

2.1 The role of politics in society

Politics is an objectively conditioned and purposeful participation of large masses of people, organized social groups and individuals in the affairs of the state, in solving problems related to the life of society as a whole.

Characteristic features of politics :

The connection between the private and the general, the interest of the individual and the interest of social integrity (group, country, humanity): we enter the world of politics when we solve not only our particular problems, but act on the basis of understanding their connection with tasks that go far beyond our personal interests when many other people are concerned about the same problems;

Any type of policy is associated with the solution of the problems of the existence and functioning of the state - such a social institution, which just serves to solve the problems of interest to the whole society;

Connection with the actions and interests of large masses of people;

Purposeful activity, which presupposes the need for a sober analysis, taking into account the variety of conditions and components of political action, a purely impulsive response here has extremely low efficiency (although it is often found in real politics);

Powerful character, the ability of coercion, volitional influence to give purposefulness to the actions of many people.

It is necessary to take into account that all the above qualities are not isolated, but mutually complement each other: for example, the imperious nature of politics predetermines the use of the state mechanism; the combination of private and general interests is carried out in a theoretical form, and the implementation of a theory, a program involves an appeal to the mechanisms of power.

The role of politics in public life is determined by its functions. Among them are the following:

Integration, unification of all elements of social life, mobilization of social resources for the realization of common goals and interests of society;

Implementation of a common will in the presence of social differentiation, diversity of interests and socio-political orientation of people.

From the middle of the 50s of the XX century. in political science, the concept "political life", introduced into scientific terminology by David Lane, is actively used. It allows us to consider politics in the indissoluble unity of the institutional and behavioral aspects of being, which is expressed in the following features:

Politics can act both as a sphere and a result of interaction between social and political institutions, organizations, structured political relations, and as actions of subjects of political relations;

Political life serves as a sphere of action for public interest and management, and their main instrument is power, coercion, authoritative influence, which almost always use the power of an organization, which can be states, parties, unions, movements, and social institutions;

The active, active nature of politics allows people with its help to influence many aspects of life: economy, culture, science, morality;

Large masses of people are always involved in political life: classes, ethnic and professional communities, on whose activity the direction, appearance, and effectiveness of political events depend;

The center, the knot of political life - the diverse relationships between the individual and the state.

Consideration of politics in precisely this aspect is fundamentally important for a democratic society and the formation of its institutions. After all, democracy is impossible without human participation, and in order to be useful to a democratic society, it must be qualified and active.

External factors influencing the course of political life:

Elements of the natural environment (territory, resources, climate, etc.). Influence political processes, form political problems and influence the choice of ways and opportunities for their solution;

Economic relations prevailing in society, influencing political life (and it itself actively influences their formation);

Development of technology (its impact is manifested in such phenomena as war, an increase in the speed of information dissemination, etc.);

Status characteristics of the social structure of society, combining the fixation of the objective state of the participants in political relations (income, type of occupation, level of education) and their own ideas about their place in society;

The nature of ethno-national communities, for stable state systems are formed on the basis of the nation, nations strive for sovereignty, the formation of separate, independent state structures;

Religion, which often acts as the main factor in the consolidation of large masses of people;

Ideology is a means of spiritual cohesion and leadership, guiding people's behavior in the sphere of political relations, forming will, the desire for political action;

Mass media, information they supply and interpret;

Public opinion, within the framework of which there is an active and direct reflection of vital needs, objective trends in social development;

Political psychology of society.

2.2 The international aspect of politics in modern society

At the turn of the millennium, the international climate changed, which became more favorable for interstate cooperation, but political changes removed only part of the contradictions between Eastern and Western countries, the Middle Eastern states. Contemporary world politics has become an arena of an intensifying struggle between the global and domestic political principles.

Under the influence of integration factors in the world, the prerequisites are actively being formed for the further cohesion of nation states, the creation of a humanistic world order, the gradual formation of a global civil society, the establishment of the norms and principles of a culture of peace in relations between peoples. More and more states are bringing accents of cooperation from the military to the financial and economic fields. The practical results of such integration ties today can be called: undermining the monopoly position of the great powers as the sole arbiters of the world's destinies; democratization of international cooperation. Such tendencies lead to the formation of the logic of the development of a multipolar world, which in turn is being seriously tested.

The steady expansion of the subjects of international politics entails the growth of motivations for behavior in the non-political sphere. Strength, prestige, survival, increased control over resources become sources of constant and unprogrammed shifts in world politics. The reality of modern international relations presupposes the primary orientation of states towards legal norms and regulators of foreign policy relations. At the same time, the system of international law also needs a qualitative update; changes in the structure of the UN and other international organizations are required in accordance with the goals of humanization and democratization of world politics.

Politics is a set of relations that emerge as a result of purposeful interaction of groups regarding the conquest, retention and use of power in order to realize their socially significant interests. In this sense, politics is understood as the result of the collision of multidirectional actions of groups competing with each other and with the government. Among the group needs, a block of irreconcilable interests emerged, the realization of which threatened with a sharp increase in social tension. Thus, a powerful social need for new and effective ways of regulating human relations was formed. This need was realized with the formation of the state - as a specific social institution. Only the state power was the force that could not only ensure the realization of group interests, but also preserve integrity, ensure order and stability of social life. Thus, the activities of the state were aimed at trying on the opposing sides and providing conditions for the survival of the entire society as a whole.

As a global mechanism for regulating social relations, politics is a way to rationalize intergroup conflicts. From the moment of its inception, the state has served as the center of power that is capable of organizing the proper distribution of resources, statuses, and values \u200b\u200bby coercive methods. From this point of view, politics is a way to simplify conflicts, when all their diverse content is brought under a common denominator of state will.

Politics as a special sphere of human life has the ability to organize its own orders at various levels of social space. So, regulating interstate relations or the ties of national states with international institutions (UN, European Union, NATO, etc.), politics plays the role of a kind of global planetary mechanism for regulating world conflicts and contradictions. Here, its subjects and agents are national states, various regional associations and coalitions, international organizations. In this case, politics acts as the highest level of regulation of world and foreign policy relations, or as megapolitics.

Conflict relationships within individual states form the level of macro-policy. This is the most common and typical level of organization for intergroup dialogue. Mesopolitics characterizes connections and relationships of a group nature, occurring at the level of individual regions, local structures, institutions and organizations. Micropolitics - a lower level of interpersonal or intragroup relationships. At each level, political processes form specific institutions, mechanisms and technologies for conflict resolution and dispute settlement.

The world of the political is a complex and multi-layered complex of phenomena and functions of the most important institutions in the system of resolving international conflicts and reaching consensus between states.

An important task of political science is to study the patterns, basic norms and features of interaction between states, regional and world organizations and other subjects of international relations in modern conditions. This problem has acquired particular relevance today, when it is especially important to study the mechanisms of decision-making, the roles and functions of the most important institutions in the system of resolving international conflicts and reaching consensus between states.

Politics is a complex multidimensional concept. As a type of social activity in decision-making, distribution of benefits, setting goals, social leadership, competition for power, competition of interests and influence, politics is carried out within any social group. Analysis of various approaches to the theoretical interpretation of the political sphere allows us to conclude about its multidimensional nature. Politics appears in the unity of three interrelated aspects: as a sphere of public life; as one of the types of activity of social subjects and as a type of social relations between individuals, small groups, etc.

In the first aspect, politics appears to be an element of the structure of society, which is assigned the functions of coordinating general and private interests, exercising domination and maintaining order, realizing generally significant goals and guiding people, regulating resources and managing public affairs.

The second aspect is related to the interpretation of politics as a way of aggregate and individual activity of social subjects, a type of human activity and social behavior.

The third aspect characterizes politics as a type of conflict relations and social interactions.

Thus, the reason for the plight of Russia is not only the ill-considered policy of the Russian ruling elite, but also the purposeful actions of NATO countries, and, above all, the United States. Many Western politicians in the 90s. They spoke openly about the need to liquidate Russia as a sovereign independent state. For example, M. Albright, the former Secretary of State in the Clinton administration, said: "The task of the United States is to manage the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet empire." Prominent American politician Z. Brzezinski called for placing the Russian economy under the indirect control of the world's leading powers

The NATO bloc is expanding at an accelerated pace, which has already come close to the borders of Russia, the United States is trying to embroil Russia with its closest neighbors Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic countries, China, drag it into international conflicts, and confront the Muslim world. This, in particular, is evidenced by the events in Chechnya and the Balkans, in Georgia and Ukraine.

The plans of Western politicians to strangle the Russian state have found support from our domestic liberal globalists. Externally imposed economic liberalization, which for the sake of purely personal gain has been persistently introduced since the early 1990s. our so-called "democrats" led the country to an economic disaster, the collapse of the national industry, depopulation (extinction) of the local population. According to A.S. Panarina, "the country is ruled by the global elite, which has already made its departure from the nation and does not consider" this "people to be theirs" . The advantageous geographical position of Russia, the presence of a vast territory rich in various resources, and the long-term general crisis that hit the country make it an attractive target for external expansion.

At present, Russia has already become the object of various types of expansion: military-political (from NATO); economic (from the United States and some Western countries); ethnic (from China and Central Asia); confessional (from the Islamic world) .

To avoid such a dramatic turn of events, Russia must mobilize all its resources and direct them to strengthening statehood, to reviving economic, military and other potential. For this required :

1) to subordinate political power to the will of the people - to force the ruling elite express and defend in foreign and domestic policy the national interests of Russian society and the state, not your own;

2) return to the state the property stolen from it, restore state control over the extraction and export of natural resources, and place the main stake in the development of large-scale industry on state-capitalist production;

3) limit the ideological expansion of Western mass media;

4) to strengthen the external borders of the state, to establish a visa regime with the countries of Central Asia and the Transcaucasus, to stop the illegal migration of citizens of other states to Russian territory, to assist in every possible way the return to Russia of compatriots living in other countries;

5) to form combat units of the army only on a contract basis, while maintaining general military service, without any deferrals from conscription for all categories of citizens suitable for military service, but limiting the period of conscription to six months;

6) start a real, not ostentatious, fight against corruption at all levels of government.

The events of recent years show that in order to preserve its sovereignty and its importance in the international arena, Russia in its foreign policy should not be guided only by the West. It needs to pursue a cautious foreign policy, maintaining friendly relations with all countries of the world community, guided by the following principles of the priority of its national interests, which should meet the interests of the entire Russian people: international cooperation should be based on pragmatism, and not on personal and social emotions; international treaties should be concluded taking into account the need to solve specific problems and achieve certain goals, and any foreign policy actions should be considered as creating conditions for the country's development.

The policy can be implemented on several levels:

At the lowest level, local problems are solved and political activity at this level is carried out mainly by individual individuals

The local level requires government intervention, the most active policy is carried out by groups and associations interested in the economic development of their region;

The national level is central to policy theory, as determined by the state's position as the main institution for resource allocation;

At the international level, the main subjects of political activity are sovereign states.

The role of politics as a special sphere of public life due to its three properties: versatility, all-encompassing nature, the ability to influence practically all aspects of life, elements of society, relationships, events; inclusion, or penetrating ability, those with the possibility of unlimited penetration and, as a result, the ability to combine with non-political social phenomena, relations and spheres.

The significance of the policy is due the functions that it performs in society, and which characterize the most important areas of its impact on society:

1. Ensuring the integrity and stability of society as a complex social system, integration of various segments of the population;

2. Management and regulation of social processes;

3. Expression of powerful interests of all groups and strata of society;

5. Political socialization of the individual;

6. Mobilization and achievement of efficiency of general activities.

Politics in its development has received the status of the most important social mechanism, without which no complexly organized society is capable of reproducing and developing its social orders. At present, the role and significance of a policy depends on the performance of its following functions:

Expression and implementation of powerful interests of groups and sectors of society;

Rationalization of conflicts, imparting a civilized character to intergroup relations, pacifying the warring parties;

Distribution and redistribution of public goods, taking into account group priorities for the life of society as a whole;

Management and leadership of social processes as the main method of reconciling group interests by putting forward the most general goals of social development;

Integration of society and ensuring the integrity of the social system;

Socialization of the individual, its inclusion in the life of a complexly organized state and society. Through politics, a person acquires the qualities that he needs for a realistic perception of reality, overcoming the destructive consequences of subconscious reactions to political processes;

Providing communication. Politics creates special forms of communication between groups of the population conflicting about power, forming or using specific institutions (mass media), ways of maintaining contacts between the government and the population (political advertising), strategies for informing the population and combating competitors (propaganda, agitation, political public Rileyshiz - special techniques of public relations)

Creation of reality (projective function). Politics is capable of forming new relations between people and states, transforming reality in accordance with the plans of various political actors, creating new forms of organizing social life, creating opportunities for new relations between man and nature.

List of references:

1) Smirnov I., Titov V. Philosophy: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. M., 1998– 288 p.

2) - Electronic lectures on the basics of political science

3) A. V. Klimenko, V. V. Rumanina Social Studies. M., Bustard, 2003 - 480 p.

4) Prigogine A.M. What is politics? (Political theses) // Social sciences and modernity. 1996. No. 5.

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Social policy and social work: the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work


Chapter 1. Social work as a theoretical activity

Chapter 2. Concept and essence of social policy

Chapter 3. Relationship between social policy and social work


List of references


The relevance of research. Recently, a significant step has been taken in the country towards the institutionalization of social work as a system of ideas, values, relationships and institutions regarding the provision of social well-being of people with special needs and currently having a social problem that requires social protection, assistance and social support. Especially noteworthy is the development of the theory of social work, which for a long period, as is known, lagged behind the direct practice of social work.

In the context of rapid social changes at the macro level of the social work system, to optimize its activities, it is necessary to carry out effective social measures and create qualitatively new programs that solve and anticipate the problems of a particular society. The main goal of these efforts is to promote the normal functioning of the social sphere through the implementation of social policies.

Currently, social policy is considered as a specific ideology and practice of the formation and implementation of social obligations of the state and society in general and their individual structures in particular in relation to various groups of the population.

Therefore, the study of the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work is an urgent problem today.

The degree of elaboration of the problem. In an effort to take part in improving the system of protecting the rights of citizens in the face of radical changes in the social sphere, specialists in philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, history and other sciences focused on topical problems of scientific knowledge in social work, studying its foreign experience and their own, Russian traditions.

Researchers such as V.G. Bocharova, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, N.S.Danakin, V.I. Zhukov, I.G. Zainyshev, I.A.Zimnyaya, V.A. Nikitin , P.D. Pavlenok, A.M. Panov, A.S. Sorvina, M.V. Firsov, E.I. Kholostova, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others tried to comprehend the essence of the theory of social work as a science.

Research on the theory, methodology and methodology of social work is actively developing, among which the leading place belongs to the publications of I.A. Grigorieva, L.G. Guslyakova, V.M. Kapitsin, I.K. Larionova, V.P. Moshnyagi, V.A. Nikitin, V.G. Popov, E.I. Holostova, T.V. Shipunova and others.

Russian scientists also turn to the study of the problems of the relationship between social policy and the theory of social work (the works of N.A. Volgin, V.I. Zhukov, V.V. Kolkov, I.M. Lavrinenko, E.I. Kholostova, etc.).

However, the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work has not been sufficiently studied. This leads to the following research problem: social policy as a science objectively comes to the fore in the theory of social work, since at present, it is an emerging social institution, the importance of which is growing both due to long-term trends in the development of a civilized society, and as a result of the situational difficulties of the transforming Russian society.

Research object: theory of social work as a system.

Subject of research: the place and role of social policy in the system of the theory of social work.

Purpose of the research: generalization of theoretical approaches to the problem of the relationship between social policy and the theory of social work.

Summarize the main theoretical aspects of the theory of social work;

To reveal the essence and content of social policy;

Analyze the relationship between social policy and social work theory.

The theory of social work is a field of knowledge about the laws of organizing and improving social work as a practical activity. Object and subject - the fundamental methodological indicators of the development of scientific knowledge. At this stage of development of scientific knowledge, S.I. Grigoriev, that his area is recognized as an independent science, which has its own subject of research, specific methods of scientific analysis.

If theory is a scientifically based explanation of a fact, a part of science that deals with general principles and knowledge as opposed to practical methods and skills, then the theory of social work is a system of views on explaining social processes, phenomena, relationships and the impact of social services on them.

In broad terms, the theory of social work is a system of views and ideas on the use or explanation of phenomena and processes, social relations that arise under the influence of the activities of social services and bodies of social protection and assistance to the population.

In a narrower, special sense, the theory of social work is a form of organizing scientific knowledge about the most essential connections and relationships that arise under the influence of the activities of social services and bodies of social protection of the population.

The theory of social work is characterized by a variety of approaches to the allocation of object and subject. The Dictionary of Social Work notes: “The object of the study of social work is the process of connections, interactions, methods and means of regulating the behavior of social groups and individuals in society. The subject of social work as an independent science is the laws that determine the nature and direction of development of social processes in society. "

Social phenomena, processes and relations are the object of scientific attention of other sciences: philosophy, history, sociology. Each specific science does not study the entire object, but only a certain part of it, a "cut", of a certain type of relationship. The subject of social work research is not global social processes, but specific ones that are directly related to the life of an individual, a social group.

The object of research in the theory of social work as a science, some researchers consider clients who need outside help, and the subject is social problems. Others consider the subject through the social situation of the client as a specific state of the problem of a particular client, with all the wealth of their connections and mediations related to the solution of this problem.

Some specialists in the field of social work agree on the recognition that the object of research of social work is the process of connections, interactions, mutual influences of mechanisms, methods and means of regulating the behavior of social groups and individuals that contribute to the realization of their vital forces and social subjectivity, as well as the nature of the conjugation of vital forces individual and group and means of ensuring their implementation in different social situations.

They believe that the subject of social work as an independent social science is the regularities of promoting the formation and implementation of human life in new economic conditions, as well as the improvement of the mechanisms of conjugation of vital forces and the means of ensuring their implementation, rehabilitation.

Despite the different formulations of the object and the subject, they are similar in that in modern conditions social work goes beyond the boundaries of social assistance to extremely needy categories, becoming theoretical knowledge about a person and ways to improve his social well-being.

In the most general form, the laws of social work express the most significant connections between specialists of social welfare agencies and various groups or individuals who consume social services.

Significant connections between the subject of social work and the object, affecting the effectiveness of achieving the goals of social work, can be expressed by the following patterns:

1. The general interest of the social worker and the client in the final results of their interaction.

2. The integrity of the impact of the social work specialist on the client.

3. Realization of the client's general interests through private ones (if I want to become needed - sit with my grandson, I want to become famous - write an article, book, memoirs).

4. Compliance of the level of development of the subject and the object.

5. Regularities manifest themselves independently of the will, desire of the social worker.

The patterns of social work most fully express in an integrated form the nature and direction of the totality of social ties and phenomena related to the social situation.

One of the central places in the content of the mechanism of social work belongs to the principles and methods of the subject's influence on the object.

The principles of social work are the fundamental ideas and norms of behavior of the organs of social work, conditioned by the requirements of the objective laws of the development and functioning of social processes, the requirements of best practice. The principles, on the one hand, are associated with the laws of social work, and on the other hand, with the practical experience of social work, giving sustainable positive results.

The complexity of the relationship between the client and society, between the object and the subject, explains the multiplicity of principles of social work. They can be grouped into three groups:



psychological and pedagogical.

Socio-political principles express the requirements arising from the nature of the state's social policy.

Civil society is a form of organization of the structural elements of society, social ties and interactions in the non-state sphere, which is formed under the influence of objective conditions and subjective factors, aimed at the implementation of basic human rights and freedoms, ensuring the protection of public, group and individual interests and values, and their harmonious combination. In a democratic society, civil society establishes stable, long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with state institutions on a non-antagonistic basis.

The concept of civil society that had developed in Western Europe by the middle of the 19th century included the following basic components:

· Autonomy and freedom of speech;

· Agreement as the basis for the formation of public relations;

· Property as an extremely important condition for the free conclusion of a contract, as well as personal and social freedom in general;

· A form of public and public opinion that goes beyond the market, associated with the expansion of the scope of criticism, education and emancipation.

The transformation of these ideas in the twentieth century led to the understanding of civil society, primarily as a market one, existing in the conditions of the rule of law, the ideology of which is liberalism. It should be considered, first of all, not as a legal one, but as a social institution, a set and complex interweaving of non-political social structures that interact with the political system and exert their influence on it.

Civil society and the state are genetically interconnected with each other and exist, performing the main functional task associated with the development of a person, ensuring his normal life. For this reason, the change in the ratio in favor of the state or civil society is largely determined by the quality of a person, his position in a given time period and the nature of the difficulties and problems experienced by society.

There are certain functions that allow civil society to participate in the implementation of social policy:

Protective function,allowing to provide a living wage for a person and protect society from negative impacts from the external environment (ensuring a minimum wage, pensions, scholarships, work, medical care, defending the rights of citizens in the fight against crime and corruption, combating environmental pollution, etc. );

Adaptation function,acting as an essential mechanism for increasing the ability of the social system to effectively resist disturbing influences (providing access to extremely important information, broad discussion of the state's social policy, presentation of alternative action programs);

Stabilizing function,connected with the creation and maintenance of social stability of society, ensuring effective interaction of this social system and the external environment (cooperation, negotiations, consultations, conclusion of treaties and agreements based on the ideas of coexistence and cooperation of all types of social systems, the creation of supranational structures - the European Parliament ͵ UN , OSCE, IAEA);

Educational function,which is a factor in the formation and implementation of moral norms, rules and spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the consciousness of people in the process of their socialization (monitoring their observance, the formation of respect and continuity for the established spiritual values, the rise of the culture of the people);

Integrative function, consisting in the transformation of social strata, groups, individuals from an object of social interaction and manipulation into social subjects (the institutions of civil society act as “protective barriers” from the dictates of the state, as well as mechanisms for the development of the social system).

In the specific conditions of market transformations in Russia, the development of a social system of social protection based on the activity of citizens, various groups and all strata of the population, and its interaction with the state system of social protection, is of exceptional importance. The role and place of public structures as a democratic base and organizational basis of the country's social security system are determined by their socio-political essence and ability to solve problems:

· Warnings about the emergence of sources of danger and impending threats;

· Creation of conditions for the formation of the middle class in the country as the main pivot and engine of the progressive development of society;

· Protection of rights and freedoms, needs and interests of civil society;

· Shaping public opinion and influencing it;

· Public control over the activities of authorities, the execution of their decisions;

· Involvement of the broad masses in practical activities to ensure national security, stabilize the situation, and achieve general civil peace and harmony;

· Fight against social and moral vices, corruption, official irresponsibility and incompetence of civil servants;

· Development of civic consciousness, creativity, initiative and selfless devotion.

An important role in strengthening the Russian state is played by the strengthening of public control of civil society over state organizations exercising public power: subordination of the administrative apparatus to representative bodies, influence on lawmaking processes, creating opportunities for the direct expression by the masses of their attitude to certain social decisions related to ensuring the security of civil society.

Civil society should seek active participation in the formation of concepts (doctrines) of the country's security, the development of a scientifically based social policy of the state, create various non-governmental foundations, institutions, research centers to analyze the situation in the country and prepare analytical materials and recommendations for strengthening it. For example, in the United States and the developed countries of the West, there are many non-governmental centers and organizations that develop reports and recommendations to the president of the country, legislative bodies on the problems of social policy in their countries and on the corresponding situation in other countries of the world.

As you know, C. Montesquieu deduced the “spirit of laws” from the “spirit of the people”, which develops in the course of a long evolution under the influence of natural and historical factors. Civil laws should be in such close correspondence with the properties of the people for which they are established that only in extremely rare cases the laws of one people can be suitable for another people, Hegel believed. The experience of developed democracies shows that their success is based on the high activity of citizens and their voluntary societies and organizations, as well as informal associations, which is achievable only with a sufficiently developed civil society.

The main tendency of civil society is realized through political action in the technology of solving social problems. Civil society is seeking through the development of the sphere of mass movements, parties, decentralization of state power through the transfer of its part of self-government.

In general, the emphasis of civil society institutions on ensuring the quality of life of Russians, the observance of their rights and freedoms in society, together with other factors, will change the foundations of demographic policy, increase life expectancy and reduce the mortality rate of the population.

Test questions for self-test

1. The difference between the state and civil society.

3. Priority directions in the activities of the state for the implementation of social policy.

4. The concept of civil society.

5. The role and place of public structures as a democratic base and organizational basis of the country's social security system.


1. Averin A.N. Social policy and social responsibility of the enterprise. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2008

2. Volgin N.A. Social Policy: Textbook. 3rd ed. - M., Exam, 2008.

3. Globalization and social policy of developed countries. - M., 2008.

4. Leonov I.V. Modern welfare state: essence, signs and problems of formation. - M., 2006.

5. Margulyan Ya.A. Social policy of the Russian state in the context of the global financial and economic crisis. USH International scientific-practical conference "Dialogue of cultures - 2009: search for common goals and values". April 2009. Collection of scientific articles. - SPb .: Publishing house SPbAUE, 2009.

6. Smirnov S.N., Sidorina T.Yu. Social politics. - M., 2009.

7. Management of the social sphere of a large city. Collective monograph (edited by Ya.A. Margulyan). - SPb .: SPbAUiE, 2008.

Chapter 6


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Course work

On the topic

Social policy and social work: the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work


Chapter 1. Social work as a theoretical activity

Chapter 2. Concept and essence of social policy

Chapter 3. Relationship between social policy and social work


List of references


The relevance of research. Recently, a significant step has been taken in the country towards the institutionalization of social work as a system of ideas, values, relationships and institutions regarding the provision of social well-being of people with special needs and currently having a social problem that requires social protection, assistance and social support. Especially noteworthy is the development of the theory of social work, which for a long period, as is known, lagged behind the direct practice of social work.

In the context of rapid social changes at the macro level of the social work system, to optimize its activities, it is necessary to carry out effective social measures and create qualitatively new programs that solve and anticipate the problems of a particular society. The main goal of these efforts is to promote the normal functioning of the social sphere through the implementation of social policies.

Currently, social policy is considered as a specific ideology and practice of the formation and implementation of social obligations of the state and society in general and their individual structures in particular in relation to various groups of the population.

Therefore, the study of the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work is an urgent problem today.

The degree of elaboration of the problem. In an effort to take part in improving the system of protecting the rights of citizens in the face of radical changes in the social sphere, specialists in philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, history and other sciences focused on topical problems of scientific knowledge in social work, studying its foreign experience and their own, Russian traditions.

Researchers such as V.G. Bocharova, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, N.S.Danakin, V.I. Zhukov, I.G. Zainyshev, I.A.Zimnyaya, V.A. Nikitin , P.D. Pavlenok, A.M. Panov, A.S. Sorvina, M.V. Firsov, E.I. Kholostova, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others tried to comprehend the essence of the theory of social work as a science.

Research on the theory, methodology and methodology of social work is actively developing, among which the leading place belongs to the publications of I.A. Grigorieva, L.G. Guslyakova, V.M. Kapitsin, I.K. Larionova, V.P. Moshnyagi, V.A. Nikitin, V.G. Popov, E.I. Holostova, T.V. Shipunova and others.

Russian scientists also turn to the study of the problems of the relationship between social policy and the theory of social work (the works of N.A. Volgin, V.I. Zhukov, V.V. Kolkov, I.M. Lavrinenko, E.I. Kholostova, etc.).

However, the place and role of social policy in the theory of social work has not been sufficiently studied. This leads to the following research problem: social policy as a science objectively comes to the fore in the theory of social work, since at present, it is an emerging social institution, the importance of which is growing both due to long-term trends in the development of a civilized society, and as a result of the situational difficulties of the transforming Russian society.

Research object: theory of social work as a system.

Subject of research: the place and role of social policy in the system of the theory of social work.

Purpose of the research: generalization of theoretical approaches to the problem of the relationship between social policy and the theory of social work.

Summarize the main theoretical aspects of the theory of social work;

To reveal the essence and content of social policy;

Analyze the relationship between social policy and social work theory.

Chapter 1.Social work as a theoretical activity

The theory of social work is a field of knowledge about the laws of organizing and improving social work as a practical activity. Object and subject - the fundamental methodological indicators of the development of scientific knowledge. At this stage of development of scientific knowledge, S.I. Grigoriev, that his area is recognized as an independent science, which has its own subject of research, specific methods of scientific analysis.

If theory is a scientifically based explanation of a fact, a part of science that deals with general principles and knowledge as opposed to practical methods and skills, then the theory of social work is a system of views on explaining social processes, phenomena, relationships and the impact of social services on them.

In broad terms, the theory of social work is a system of views and ideas on the use or explanation of phenomena and processes, social relations that arise under the influence of the activities of social services and bodies of social protection and assistance to the population.

In a narrower, special sense, the theory of social work is a form of organizing scientific knowledge about the most essential connections and relationships that arise under the influence of the activities of social services and bodies of social protection of the population.

The theory of social work is characterized by a variety of approaches to the allocation of object and subject. The Dictionary of Social Work notes: “The object of the study of social work is the process of connections, interactions, methods and means of regulating the behavior of social groups and individuals in society. The subject of social work as an independent science is the laws that determine the nature and direction of development of social processes in society. "

Social phenomena, processes and relations are the object of scientific attention of other sciences: philosophy, history, sociology. Each specific science does not study the entire object, but only a certain part of it, a "cut", of a certain type of relationship. The subject of social work research is not global social processes, but specific ones that are directly related to the life of an individual, a social group.

The object of research in the theory of social work as a science, some researchers consider clients who need outside help, and the subject is social problems. Others consider the subject through the social situation of the client as a specific state of the problem of a particular client, with all the wealth of their connections and mediations related to the solution of this problem.

Some specialists in the field of social work agree on the recognition that the object of research of social work is the process of connections, interactions, mutual influences of mechanisms, methods and means of regulating the behavior of social groups and individuals that contribute to the realization of their vital forces and social subjectivity, as well as the nature of the conjugation of vital forces individual and group and means of ensuring their implementation in different social situations.

They believe that the subject of social work as an independent social science is the regularities of promoting the formation and implementation of human life in new economic conditions, as well as the improvement of the mechanisms of conjugation of vital forces and the means of ensuring their implementation, rehabilitation.

Despite the different formulations of the object and the subject, they are similar in that in modern conditions social work goes beyond the boundaries of social assistance to extremely needy categories, becoming theoretical knowledge about a person and ways to improve his social well-being.

In the most general form, the laws of social work express the most significant connections between specialists of social welfare agencies and various groups or individuals who consume social services.

Significant connections between the subject of social work and the object, affecting the effectiveness of achieving the goals of social work, can be expressed by the following patterns:

1. The general interest of the social worker and the client in the final results of their interaction.

2. The integrity of the impact of the social work specialist on the client.

3. Realization of the client's general interests through private ones (if I want to become needed - sit with my grandson, I want to become famous - write an article, book, memoirs).

4. Compliance of the level of development of the subject and the object.

5. Regularities manifest themselves independently of the will, desire of the social worker.

The patterns of social work most fully express in an integrated form the nature and direction of the totality of social ties and phenomena related to the social situation.

One of the central places in the content of the mechanism of social work belongs to the principles and methods of the subject's influence on the object.

The principles of social work are the fundamental ideas and norms of behavior of the organs of social work, conditioned by the requirements of the objective laws of the development and functioning of social processes, the requirements of best practice. The principles, on the one hand, are associated with the laws of social work, and on the other hand, with the practical experience of social work, giving sustainable positive results.

The complexity of the relationship between the client and society, between the object and the subject, explains the multiplicity of principles of social work. They can be grouped into three groups:



psychological and pedagogical.

Socio-political principles express the requirements arising from the nature of the state's social policy:

1. The state approach to the tasks solved in social work, which involves:

the ability to analyze and identify trends in socio-political development in public life and determine the real and most effective ways to solve the problems of social work;

see the prospects for the development of social work, subordinate to the interests of social protection of the population, and the ability to solve urgent problems of today;

the fight against any manifestations of departmentalism and bureaucracy that damage the interests of the individual, family and society.

2. The principle of humanism and democracy of social work presupposes the recognition of a person as the highest value, the protection of his dignity and civil rights, the creation of conditions for the free manifestation of individual abilities. Humanism in social work requires the advancement of such criteria of human activity and interpersonal relations, which would express the unity of the tasks and interests of an individual and humanity as a whole, in which social equality, justice, humanity would be the norm in relations between people.

The principle of humanism of social work is closely related to the democratism of the relationship between the social worker and the client, their predominantly informal nature.

In contrast to official relations regulated by job orders, instructions, informal ties between a social worker and a client arise and are built on the basis of psychological compatibility of personal qualities, interests, sympathies.

Democracy of relationships in social work opens up great opportunities for its specialists in the manifestation of their creative and professional abilities to achieve in changing circumstances the client's trust and conviction in the correctness of recommendations.

Democracy of social work requires the ability to establish contact with the client, adherence to the norms and rules of communication, respect and attention to the client's personality, involving him in an active search for ways to resolve problems and the unobtrusive influence of his experience, mind, knowledge.

3. It is important to note the close connection of democracy and humanism with the specific conditions of people's life.

Life is always richer than theory. Circumstances are constantly changing, clients are diverse by gender, age, health, culture, qualifications. A social worker must constantly feel newness, analyze a specific situation, and identify the specifics of a social situation.

4. The principle of legality implies strict observance of laws and legal acts based on them. State policy is clothed in them.

Organizational principles. Social policy is then worth something if it is implemented in practice. Slogans must be put into practice. And this group of principles contributes to the embodiment of the proclaimed ideas in concrete deeds:

1. Socio-technological competence implies a deep awareness of the social worker about the conditions and technologies for solving emerging problems and the ability to put his knowledge into practice: a clear statement of the problem, retraining and training, knowledge of the objects of social work, their features; the activity of the social worker himself.

2. Stimulation is a motivation of a person to a conscious, interested manifestation of activity, it consists in the realization of his energy, abilities, moral and volitional potential to achieve a certain goal. It should be borne in mind that the source of the motive force in any kind of activity is not the interests and needs of a person in themselves, but the degree of their satisfaction.

3. Control and verification of performance. The meaning of the control and verification activities of social services and government bodies is to ensure the implementation of measures guaranteed by the state for the social protection of various groups of the population.

4. Unity of powers and responsibilities, rights and duties of social service personnel. Accurate functioning is achieved on the basis of a clear understanding of their functions and tasks, of their capabilities.

Life convinces us that great powers with little responsibility create fertile ground for arbitrariness, ill-considered decisions, and permissiveness. Strict proportionality of both authority and responsibility is important.

Psychological and pedagogical principles can be characterized as methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on clients:

1. An integrated approach, i.e. the comprehensiveness of the impact on the object, the connection of various measures to the solution of its problems: taking into account external and internal factors, connections, living conditions. This principle assumes:

Taking into account interests, needs, moods, characters, temperaments;

Consideration of the influence of external conditions (material and household, sanitary and hygienic, political);

The use of all means and methods of influencing the client.

2. Differentiated approach - taking into account the characteristics of a person belonging to a certain class, age, because they have a different approach to money, ideals, needs. Without taking this into account, one cannot influence the will, the feelings of people.

3. The principle of purposefulness. The goal of influencing the client determines the method and nature of the actions of the social worker. The achievement of the goal is the measure of the effectiveness of the actions taken. The goal is important when choosing methods and forms of working with a client.

The specific principles of social work determine the basic rules for the provision of social services. These include the principles of universality, protection of social rights, social responsiveness, prevention orientation, client-centrism, self-reliance, maximization of social resources, confidentiality, and tolerance.

The main task of the theory of social work is the systematization of scientific knowledge about its object. As noted by the Russian scientist, Secretary General of the Interregional Public Organization "Association of Social Service Workers" LV Topchiy, since the first half of the 90s. XX century, the theory of social work in Russia is trying to develop a synthesized approach to the study of the problems of providing professional assistance to a person in a difficult life situation and the formation of opportunities for social arrangement of society and the state.

Social work as theoretical knowledge can act as a system for a number of reasons - from the point of view of the inextricable connection between its theoretical and empirical parts; as a unifying knowledge of many sciences, the invariant of which is the integral comprehension of man; as having interconnected elements of science - its laws, principles and methods, etc. The system of laws and principles of the theory of social work is holistic, aimed at a positive transformation of social practice. The process of cognition of any theory is impossible without highlighting its basic categories - the basic concepts in which the subject of science is expressed.

Experts distinguish three groups of categories of the theory of social work. 1. Categories borrowed from other social sciences: socialization, social activity, social subjectivity. 2. Categories, mainly serving the theory of social work, but also used by other branches of knowledge: social adaptation, psychosocial work, social risk groups. 3. Own categories as key concepts of the theory of social work: charity, social services client, difficult life situation. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship of five important categories that outline the subject field of the theory of social work. These are concepts that follow from each other: social action, social interaction, social system, social relations and the category that unites them - the social process.

Other fundamental concepts that make up the categorical apparatus of this science are social work, social protection, social assistance, social services, social security, social insurance, social life, social sphere, social problem, social activity, social policy, difficult life situation, client of social services, etc.

The theory of social work realizes its task, performing a number of essential functions: informational, allowing in a generalized form to describe information about social processes; explanatory, with the help of which cause-effect relationships, tendencies of the formation of social processes are revealed; heuristic, thanks to which new knowledge about social problems is formed, new and already known scientific concepts are created and refined; practical, allowing to make decisions in specific social situations and implement social programs, satisfying the needs of society; predictive, which consists in considering the strategic directions of the development of social processes and ensuring preventive impact on certain phenomena in the social sphere; worldview, giving rise to a scientific worldview in subjects of social work, systemic thinking, which makes it possible to see social entities in the fullness of their interconnections.

Social work as a type of theoretical activity is characterized by certain levels of knowledge. First, the fundamental level that forms the knowledge base, at which an attempt is made to create a general integrative theory, develop a methodology and methodology for studying the practice of social work and ways to optimize it. This level is associated with the laws and categories of science. Secondly, the applied level, based on empirical research, where theoretical generalizations are used to solve social problems and answers to specific questions related to improving the organization and implementation of social work.

Third, the socio-engineering level, which generalizes the innovations developed by theorists. They are being introduced into the practice of social work with the help of its technologies, helping to predict trends in the development of the social work system and assess its effectiveness. At the same time, the theory of social work is an integral system, the structural components of which function and develop in interaction, and each of them objectively affects the change in other components and the entire system as a whole.

It is necessary to highlight the main groups of fundamental theoretical problems studied by social work. They represent the directions in which the theory is moving towards understanding the essence of current social problems and interrelationships within its multifaceted object.

In social work, these are: societal problems associated with synergistic patterns of development of social systems of different levels; problems of phenomenological reduction, construction of the world by social subjects; problems of optimizing the relationship between the theory of social work and other social sciences - philosophy, sociology, psychology, social pedagogy, social ecology, social law, ethics, etc .; problems of group formation and the specifics of the functioning of small groups in the social sphere; problems of social action and social change concerning multilevel actors and objects of social work; communication problems related to the interactions of subjects of social work; problems of social stratification and inequality in the socio-economic sphere; problems of norms and social deviations associated with the lifestyle and behavior of people in society; problems of social risk in the life of social subjects; problems of providing multilevel social assistance to clients of social services; problems of social control as a function of social work; socio-cultural problems associated with modern forms of knowledge and activities in the social sphere; problems of professional activity in the system of social work, its motivation and efficiency; problems of social education and the specifics of the process of teaching social work; problems of social work system management, formation and implementation of effective social policy; problems associated with the organization of non-state and non-professional forms of social assistance - charity, sponsorship, philanthropy, social assistance of public and religious organizations, etc. In addition to general theoretical problems, based on the identification of priority problems of the social sphere, specific problem areas can be identified that require priority attention of Russian researchers of social work ...

This is the formation of conditions for ensuring successful human interaction with the environment; development of preventive social activities in various subsystems of the social sphere; ensuring at a scientifically grounded level of minimum standards of human life; reducing the social costs of a market economy in the interests of the most vulnerable segments of the population; actualization of human potential and assistance to subjects in self-realization; the conceptual status of the theory of social work; ensuring high quality of social education, etc.

The variety and complexity of the problems of the theory of social work make it possible to determine its place among other sciences that study the relationship between man and society. Experts emphasize that the theory is interdisciplinary and integrative. The use of an integral approach to the study of these scientific problems makes it possible to place the theory of social work at the center of social sciences from the point of view of the criterion for optimizing human life activity, which is possible due to the initiation of his vital forces and with the help and support of a social worker. In this perspective, the attention of science is focused on the acquisition of a person's social well-being, overcoming difficulties and improving social well-being as a goal and result of practical activity in social work.

The search for the effectiveness of social work in solving social problems forces us to revert to the concept of social change as the main theoretical paradigm in its field. The study of changes using the synthesis of various human sciences leads to the realization of a triune task - finding ways to harmonize the interactions between the individual and the environment; the formation of optimal relations between people in society and the group; changing the situation of the client himself in the life world on the basis of stimulating his social and personal potential.

Conclusions on the first chapter:

Social work as a theoretical activity reveals its object of cognition and analyzes the patterns of development of specific processes in the social sphere associated with the optimization of people's vital activity in it. This allows practical social work to function effectively at any level.

Exploring social phenomena, processes and relationships, the theory of social work in its object refers to the social sciences, but is associated with ecology, psychology, medicine, pedagogy - therefore, it is interdisciplinary in nature.

The object of the theory of social work is the social relations between its subjects and objects associated with the optimization of their functioning in the socio-ecological sphere.

The subject of the theory of social work is the social processes that determine the optimization of life and relationships between people and the surrounding socio-ecological environment in the system of social work practice.

Chapter 2.The concept and essence of social policy

Social policy is interpreted as an integral function of a civilized state and a modernized society.

Social policy is an indispensable element of the activity of society and the state, its most important area, where the desired state of the social sphere is constructed, which is its main object. This is an activity to manage the development of the social sphere and determine the priority areas for its improvement in order to improve the standard of living of all social groups. The concept of “standard of living” characterizes the structure of human needs and the possibility of meeting them based on a system of indicators that indicate the norms of social security for working and non-working people, the level of social resources coming from government sources, etc.

The state, represented by the relevant government bodies at the federal and regional levels, on the basis of the principle of social guarantees, is responsible for the growth of the standard of living and social arrangement of citizens.

Consequently, social policy demonstrates how the goals and objectives put forward by the basic social institutions in a specific period of time correlate with people's ideas about the required level of their social security. The sphere of social policy includes the distribution of income, goods, services, material and social conditions of population reproduction.

It is aimed at limiting the scale of absolute poverty, providing the needy with sources of livelihood, maintaining social health, etc. Accordingly, the result of an effective social policy is to provide more complete opportunities to meet the needs of members of society, maintain its stability, develop the social insurance system, activate factors that stimulate high-performance work, further develop the social service system, stimulate employment, and form an attitude towards social responsibility of members of society for your social well-being, etc.

There are a number of definitions of social policy, and the broad ones refer to social policy everything that contributes to the achievement of the goals of society, while a narrow understanding reduces this phenomenon only to supporting socially weak categories of the population.

Among domestic authors, one can single out as the most complete point of view of P.D. Pavlenko, in whose opinion the social policy of the state is a certain orientation and a system of measures to optimize the social development of society, relations between social and other groups, the creation of certain conditions for the satisfaction of life the needs of their representatives. This broad definition covers the entire content of the social activity of society, but the researcher also includes the mechanisms of goal setting and social control in this definition.

E.I. Kholostova gives the following definition of social policy: "social policy is a set of ideological ideas of society and the state about the goals of social development and activities to achieve social indicators that meet these goals."

There are five groups of approaches to understanding social policy in modern science. First, social policy is considered as an activity to solve the problems of the whole society, therefore, from this point of view, it is aimed at achieving its most important goals. Secondly, social policy is viewed as a policy of stabilizing the social and labor sphere of society - in this case, it is aimed at regulating the relationship between labor and capital.

Thirdly, social policy can be viewed as an activity focused on the lower social classes - declassed elements, marginal groups, etc. in order to shield the wealthy classes from their claims through the development of state aid and public charity.

Fourth, social policy is seen as a tool to mitigate individual and social inequality through a system of state and public redistributive measures. The goal of social policy in this approach is to keep income differentiation within the decile ratio (10: 1) through an appropriate tax policy.

Fifthly, social policy is considered from the point of view of the basic values \u200b\u200bof modern civil society and the welfare state - accordingly, its goals are recognized to achieve justice and social partnership. In domestic science and practice, the last of the theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of social policy prevails.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the concept of a social state constitutes the theoretical and legal basis of its social policy. In the seventh article of the Basic Law of the country, Russia is defined as a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions for a decent life for all citizens and the free development of man.

The welfare state acts as one of the systems of social relations that allow society to achieve social harmony. The welfare state is a special type of a highly developed state, in which a high level of social protection of all citizens is ensured through vigorous activities to regulate the social and economic spheres of society's life, to establish social justice and solidarity in it.

The concept of "welfare state" was first introduced in the middle of the 19th century. L. von Stein. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of the welfare state is solidarity as a public good. The institutionalization of the welfare state took place after World War II, when this concept was consistently included in the constitutions of the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Spain, Sweden and other countries.

Close to the concept of the welfare state are the concepts of "welfare society" and "social welfare state" by L. Buchanan, D. Kreft, I. Milenz and others. Their authors proved the ability of the state to effectively fight poverty and social inequality, which is carried out through its competent intervention in socio-economic processes in accordance with existing legislation. At the same time, the process of forming a powerful social security system is carried out on the basis of two principles - taking account of need and labor input.

The social state model is represented by three levels: at the macro level, it is embodied in social policy; at the meso-level, social programs of local self-government are implemented; at the micro level welfare state principles

The main characteristics of the welfare state are a democratic form of government, government subsidies to ensure the welfare of the population, collective guarantees of social support, protection of the market economic system, universal health care, full employment of the working-age population, a significant share of employers' spending on social security, a developed system of pensions, benefits, etc. P. ...

In the process of the formation of these characteristics, the main measures are gradually transferred from controlling and restrictive to preventive and socio-pedagogical.

The welfare state provides the necessary minimum only for persons without earnings and other income. It is designed to guarantee a range of services in accordance with the subsistence minimum, to create equality of starting opportunities with budgetary funds. At the same time, the majority of citizens themselves create the necessary social security fund through the system of social, health insurance, and progressive taxation. Thus, through a partial redistribution of income in favor of the poor categories of the population, the principle of social solidarity is implemented.

The welfare state does not emerge spontaneously, but on the basis of a purposeful policy. In civil society, there is a multilateral agreement of people on the achievement of their rights and interests; the presence of a developed system of economic and other legislation; targeted social protection of the population through a guaranteed payment system; solidarity relations based on partnership between citizens and the state; broad funding of social programs. These are just some of the prerequisites for its occurrence.

For the effective functioning of the welfare state, the amount of government spending on the social sphere should be determined by the objective needs of society, the severity of its problems, and measures of social assistance, with a wide range of its forms, should be targeted.

For Russia's social policy, this means an active role of the state in the economy, social control, the creation of an effective system of social protection, respect for human rights, i.e. strengthening the social orientation of the state, an important indicator of which is the volume and nature of financing with the help of various instruments and with a wide range of people enjoying the benefits of social protection, all these types of social policy are designed to solve the problems of ensuring economic life, protecting private property, and relations with the social lower classes.

According to most researchers, a liberal type of social policy is being implemented in modern Russia, when the state regulates the market, distributes public goods, access to which is gradually expanding, and bears the main costs, making a choice in providing assistance in favor of those in greatest need. This option is characterized by a high degree of socio-economic stratification with minimal provision of social benefits.

At the same time, business entities use the services of the state - the guarantor of social policy, and civil society, at moderate costs, has access to the benefits of social protection.

There are two main features of Russian social policy. First of all, it is viewed as the policy of the state, as a result of which civil society cannot act as its full-fledged subject. The interaction of the state, subjects of the Federation, business entities and the population within the framework of social policy is as follows. The state, on the basis of federal legislation and federal programs, the state budget and state social insurance funds, determines and ensures uniform minimum social standards, controls the implementation of established social guarantees and determines the general direction of development of social policy.

The dynamics of transformations of Russian social policy over the past ten years in the conditions of the transition period has been quite intense. We can say that we are now dealing with a completely different state, a different social policy, other institutions that provide it. As for the recipients of state support, there have been significant changes among them.

In the conditions of our country, some authors note, the functioning of the institution of social policy largely depends on the regional factor, on the characteristics of the territories in which it is carried out. This specificity is determined by the natural and climatic conditions, the volume of socio-economic resources, national and cultural traditions, the mentality of the population of the region, and is expressed in the peculiarities of the state and administrative structure in this subject of the Federation, differences in organizational and legislative activities, more or less adoption of the main ideological concepts of the modern welfare state.

Social policy can be viewed as an institution not only of a national, but also of a regional scale, and the processes of institutionalization of social policy are uneven in the constituent entities of the Federation, demonstrating significant territorial differences.

The constituent entities of the Federation, on the basis of the regional budget, organize the implementation of federal social policy, taking into account the specifics of its implementation at the local level, and develop their own social programs aimed at creating conditions for increasing the life chances of people.

Enterprises and corporations, on the basis of their own financial resources, participate in the implementation of state social programs at the regional and municipal levels and offer various types of corporate social programs and additional social guarantees to employees.

The population, relying on the financial resources of households and the personal motivation of citizens, takes part in the implementation of social programs or blocks their promotion. Another feature is that social policy in Russia is interpreted not as a policy of supporting all citizens, but as an area of \u200b\u200bactivity aimed primarily at socially vulnerable segments of the population.

This approach excludes a significant part of the country's citizens from the object sphere of social policy, while they do not acquire sufficient grounds to transform from objects into subjects of this activity. In modern Russian society there is a high degree of social inequality, as a result of which the positions of the “strong” and “weak” social strata in the economic, social and cultural space are polarized.

However, the realities of modern social policy, manifested, in particular, in the adoption of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, known as the Law on Monetization of Benefits, indicate the curtailment of social security programs due to the imbalance between individual and collective expectations of citizens. and insufficient state resources.

By this law, the powers of federal government bodies to provide state aid to the population and social services were limited and transferred to the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the availability of benefits for the social majority due to serious social and economic problems in many regions has significantly decreased.

Assistance measures are often limited to providing social benefits and some benefits only to the poorest citizens. Federal government bodies, in accordance with this law, perform only methodological and coordination functions. Instead of a program for the formation of social relations and the construction of society in the interests of the people, social policy in Russia is increasingly turning into a set of emergency measures, the implementation of which in most cases is delayed.

Thus, in the process of social changes, the emphasis in Russia is shifted from the policy of the welfare state to the subsidiarity of social policy, which is based on the principle of self-sufficiency of citizens, strict dosage of various types of assistance, so as not to contribute to the abuse of services of the state and public organizations where self-help is possible. , support of a person by his family and close social environment.

Accordingly, the importance of a person's personal potential, his desire to act in a changing society for the benefit of himself and his loved ones, is growing. However, the ability to adapt to rapid social changes has not yet been developed in most Russian citizens.

Taking into account the interests and needs of social, professional, national, gender and age groups of the population is a complex process that is not free from contradictions. And the more deeply the vital needs of various groups of the population are studied and comprehended, the conditions and possibilities for their implementation, the more accurately and fully they are formulated in the tasks of social policy, and, consequently, the more successfully they are solved.

In general, it is generally accepted that social policy is a system of measures implemented by the state, public organizations, local governments and enterprises on a wide range of issues related to public welfare, as well as the decision-making process itself.

Quite often, these measures, the process of their development and implementation, are considered as political activities influencing the well-being of citizens.

Conclusion on the second chapter.

Social policy is also understood as a purposeful activity of the state to redistribute resources among citizens in order to achieve well-being.

In the modern domestic context, problems of social policy have their own post-Soviet specificity, which is partly explained by the traditionally high role of the state in various sectors of public life, as well as by the legacy of socialist principles of economic and cultural management.

Social policy includes living standards, welfare, incomes of the population; the sphere of labor and labor relations, problems of employment of the population; social protection of low-income and disabled groups of the population; environmental policy;

certain areas of development of the social sphere, including education, health care, science, culture, physical culture and sports;

modern infrastructure, including housing, transport, roads, communications, trade and consumer services; migration policy, as well as policy in relation to individual addressees: families, youth, people with disabilities, the elderly and other categories of the population.

Chapter 3.The relationship between social policy and social work

In social policy, one can single out two interdependent, interacting elements, scientific and cognitive and practical and organizational.

Scientific and cognitive element - acts as a result of analysis and comprehension of needs that have matured in society, trends in the development of social processes, as a generalized result and assessment of the previous course of the state's social policy. It reflects the level of public opinion and mood, the degree of social stability of various segments of the population. All this analytical material enables government bodies to develop a concept of social policy, to formulate its main tasks and directions.

Practical and organizational element - associated with the direct implementation of conceptual provisions, strategic objectives of social policy. And here the diversified organizational activities of the state administration bodies of the system of social services and work with the population, subordinated to the tasks of the state social policy, acquire great importance. A comprehensively balanced, scientifically grounded social policy of the state, consonant with the interests of the people, constitutes the most important basis for the content of social work, providing it with purposefulness, and the organizers with confidence in practical steps.

Organizational work is the administrative activity of management bodies for the rational division of labor in solving the assigned task, for the optimal use of forces and means, incentives for high-quality and timely completion of the task. Organizational work on the implementation of social policy is the organizational level of social work and includes: a deep understanding of the tasks arising from the content of social policy and a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the conditions for their solution; selection and placement of personnel, creation or change of organizational structures in the interests of solving the tasks at hand; communicating the task to the executors, defining their functions, powers and responsibilities, resources and means available; clarification of the meaning and social significance of high-quality and timely performance of tasks, ways of stimulating labor; coordination of efforts and actions of structural units and specific performers, ensuring the purposefulness of their activities; carrying out the progress of assignments in stages and in general, assessing the activities of the performers, drawing lessons and formulating conclusions for subsequent activities.

The scientific and cognitive side, characterizing first of all the level of scientific validity of social policy, formulates the goals and general content of the development of the social sphere, its infrastructure, determines the direction, strategy of organizational work in this direction, and therefore performs an important methodological function in relation to social work in society.

At the same time, the methodological function of the scientific and cognitive component of social policy does not mean the one-sidedness of its impact on the nature and content of organizational and social work in society.

Social work, with its ramified structure of governing bodies in various regions of society and an extensive network of centers for social assistance to the population, has a reverse and active impact on social policy, since it plays the role of information feedback in the management system of social processes. By absorbing the practical-organizational aspect of the state's social policy, it ensures the latter's realism, tests its vitality. This is the dialectic of the interaction between social policy and social work.

Social work is a form, a way of social policy. On the other hand, social policy is revealed in social work. However, the unity of social policy and social work does not mean their coincidence, identity. Social work in its content is more voluminous than social policy, more dynamic, more mobile, while social policy remains more stable, acting as a determining party in relation to social work.

The goal of social policy is to regulate and harmonize interests for sustainable and balanced development of society, that is, to achieve social peace or social harmony. We emphasize this, since the reconciliation of interests, from our point of view, is a much more important goal than the interests of any, the most respectable or the most promising, social and age group.

Since most researchers today agree that social policy (the level of goal-setting) defines a new area of \u200b\u200bsocial theory and practice, social work and its nature (technological level), it should be noted that both of the above definitions of social policy speak of some integrative needs of society, and not about helping any social group. One cannot ignore the fact that such an understanding of social policy and social work exists both in the scientific literature and in public opinion.

Thus, the Austrian Academy of Social Work notes that “in every society there can be needs and conflicts that people cannot overcome on their own. Social problems stem from both individual and societal causes. In this regard, the society has an obligation to provide appropriate assistance. One of the specific forms of such an offer is social work. "

This understanding allows us to designate the main function of social work as "compensating" (deficit). IA Grigorieva believes that the compensating function is one of the possible projections of social integration, therefore, the definition of the Austrian Academy does not contradict at all, but, as it were, is included in the broader previous definitions. On the other hand, the “compensatory” understanding makes social policy and social work “marginal” sociological disciplines of the population, or “population at risk”. It remains unclear what science or theory is involved in the development of "normal" population groups.

In the spirit of the restorative-normalization approach, which has clearly taken the leading position since the 1970s, the integrative approach seems preferable. In addition, an integrative understanding of social policy focuses on two principles: prevention of social risks and activation of human resources. We emphasize that the importance of helping victims of social risks is not denied by this, but their prevention, as well as the client's participation in solving their own problems, is put "at the forefront".

Distinguishing the “compensating” and “integrating” understanding of social work is close in meaning to the division into the residual and institutional systems of social policy (as well as the systems of social protection or social security, as most authors consider these concepts to be very close).

The residual and institutional systems can be described as follows.

Residual system - the problems of individuals, groups and the population are solved thanks to the participation of family, relatives and neighbors seeking help from government services is considered “anomalous” assistance is provided after checking the circumstances and the degree of inability to solve the problem on their own. status.

Institutional system - problems are resolved in accordance with established laws, norms and rules such treatment is considered "normal" assistance is as preventive as possible, preventive assistance, assistance adequate to the problem and needs is universal, everyone can get it without losing self-respect.

It is evident from this comparison that residual social policy can carry a disintegration "charge", which can be seen in the example of the United States and Germany, although the United States builds social policy on liberal principles, and Germany - on conservative (insurance) principles. The universal possibility of receiving assistance provides the institutional system with a solidary and integrating character.

Therefore, in the last decade, the United States has made an attempt to change the strategy of social policy on a national scale. A transition was envisaged from welfare to workfare, where receiving benefits meant certain obligations in terms of employment (perhaps in the public sector) or working off benefits.

The first laws on working off benefits were passed back in 1984 and their application has shown that working off the degree of dependence and stimulates the search for work. Of course, the effectiveness of this "revolution" in social policy depends on macroeconomic factors, on the availability of jobs in the labor market. But even if you have to be content with public works (as at the moment, when the US economic recession), the "return" of benefits through work helps to reduce social dependency.

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