Original shapes of yeast dough buns. Beautiful buns with jewish dough

For the holiday I want to prepare something special. And offer a new reading of already known and loved dishes. So it's time to get acquainted with the new ideas of culinary design!

Today's, our review is devoted to the creative cutting of the test - from the simplest, to real masterpieces of flour production.

Put ideas in a piggy bank!

Buns from stripes and layers of dough without stuffing

From the "sausage" of yeast dough you can make beautiful buns. In order for the bands not sticking out, the sausage must be supervised with an egg. And then wrap the linen for the scheme you like.

From a small rolled band, you can make a bun-flower, a bun bun, a bun-leaf.

For children, we definitely make baking in the form of animals.

From the layer of puff pastry, you can make a stylish bun with a large bow.

Roule-based baking

Original spikelets, buns and bread can be performed on the basis of rolls. It uses various dough cutting diagrams with scissors.

The spikes are performed as follows: we turn the mask "sausage" from the dough. Then we make cuts in the roll at an angle of 45 degrees, and lay out them with a "pigtail".

Similarly, perform spikelets with stuffing from poppy or cinnamon with sugar.

From a roll with sugar and cinnamon you can make a rosy wreath.

If you cut the roll on the part and decompose on the baking sheet, you can cook cinnamon buns. By readiness, pour buns with chocolate icing, concentrated syrup, nuts with sugar or other delicious decoration.

Registration of the edge of the cake

Open pies and pizza can be decorated with a special way, placing the edge in advance and filling the filling.

Original pies with filling

Pies love adults and children. I can surprise and please your loved ones by performing them in the form of roses, animals, curls, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Thus, you can perform thematic pies to a specific event or for a specific person.

Stuffed pies

Large stuffed pies can be issued as a funny turtle. The relief on the shell can be done with the help of paperprints or dumplings.

Stuffed flower pie can be done with any sufficiently thick filling or with a combination of two stuffs. On the bottom layer lay out the stuffing - we form the center and the ring. Then cover the second dough reservoir and fix the center of the plate. Ring on the edge to fasten and make cuts, deploy the dough, as if flower petals.

Stuffed ring-ring, with a penetrating stuffing, we do with special cuts in the center of the reservoir from the dough and bend it to the edge.

Stuffed cake in the form of fish perform from puff or yeast dough.

Rustic cake with minced meat and eggs are also beautiful enough and colorite. This dish will probably please your guests!

Of the small round pies with a filling form a grape cluster, decorated with carved leaves and a vine. Here is a ready-made culinary masterpiece!

Stuffed cake can be perforated. For such a cake, a thick filling of meat pieces, cabbage, apples is suitable.

Double pies

Pies and buns from a two-color test are very original. We make them on the principle of the well-known Pie "Zebra", painting half the dough with cocoa powder. And then it all depends on your imagination. You can put in the baking mold. White-sided dough balls and pour a dark part of the test, you can bake multicolored cakes and make a cake from them, and you can connect two layers from the light and dark test, make two rolls and from them - colored butterflies.

Decorative bread

Meet the guests with bread and salt - our custom. But where to take a beautiful decorative bread? It turns out that it can be completely baked independently. There are a lot of worthy options. Get acquainted with them:

Open pies and pies

Open pies and pies can be decorated not only by the original edge.

Puff pastry patties with a flower opening effect made of two square layers, cutting up top.

Solder with apples now make in a new format. On the sandy dough laying the curd filling of the consistency of thick sour cream, we decorate the robes from the apples from above.

Pies with berries and jam filling decorated with decorative pieces of dough.

Open puff pastry patties perform with meat filling.

Pies and pies decorate the edge of the dough and sausages. For this, there is a suspier between two layers, we fix the cuts and deploy.

With pieces of boiled sausage you can make rosetic pies.

Open cake with pear and cottage cheese is very useful. Fill out the base of sandy dough with pears, sliced \u200b\u200brings without disconnecting them. We spread them in the form of a flower and pour a liquid curd filling. Bake.

Pie - pear make a puff and half pear. Original and easy!

Pie "Santa Claus"

For the New Year holiday it is worth bakeing a pie with one of his characters. We offer to make a cake with the image of the Frost's grandfather.

Now, fully arms, proceed to experiments with original pastries!

Photos are used: hlebopechka.ru, www.liveinternet.ru,

Today we will get acquainted with interesting examples of very beautiful and original baking. It is worth working to work quite a bit with a dough before sending a bun or cake to the oven - and we have real culinary masterpieces! There may be countless variants of such "scenery", so the main thing here is to understand the basic principles and slightly fade your hand, and then you yourself will be wondering what kind of beauty you get. Not to mention how you can please our home and amazing guests.

Decorative cutting baking, photo

That's so that the sun, then the sunflower turned out. Separate segments twisted from the dough strips, and then the entire design is lubricated with a whipped egg (or protein) and sprinkled with sugar, sesame, poppy seed or other seeds.

And this is a pretty converter with strawberry jam. Or crimson. And maybe cherry. In general, you can put any stuffing, even on the basis of cheese or chocolate.

Another variant of the nodules.

But such an original tube with cheese. Or roll, if you want. In the Western version, cream cheese is used here. But you can put a slice of ordinary cheese, or melted. Curl cream is suitable.

And this is such an original twisted braid. Similar options with pre-cutting or cutting the test are widely used in the manufacture of pies with a variety of stuffing.

This unusual star in the form of a cross is made of narrow strips, seeing test straps. In fact, the workpiece under baking woves. You can so much if desired you can.

Very big and beautifully decorated cheesecake. As a filler - cottage cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese dessert, etc.

Such a cake in the form of pigtails can be made with the most different stuffing, and not only sweet. Excellent options with mushrooms, meat or fish mince. By the way, on the basis of such a pigtail, you can easily prepare baking in the form of fish, crocodile and other colummer bells.

Here the cake is divided into fragments, each of which is decoratively spinning. There are quite a lot of similar cutting options for dough cutting.

Here is one of them. Here the principle of manufacture is the same as in the previous version.

And here is another bun from the sliced \u200b\u200bpre-test. This time - with apple jam.

Figure rolls and filling pies

And now we will show several options for the promised pies in the form of animals. Here your fantasy is not limited to anything, so you only need to set the right direction.

Pie or Couplek in the form of a crocodile

Here, admire - Fish Couplen "Crocodile". However, it is possible to prepare meat pie instead of fish cobbies - the difference will be only in the filling, but not in the design itself.

Here, the filling was used fish fillet, rice, potatoes, green onions, a bit of olive oil. Rice and potatoes are drunk, I let go fish a little. Finely cut the ingredients and lay out on a prepared sheet of yeast dough.

But the option with meat filling. It's easy here - fried with onions stuffing, for juiciness a little cabbage, you can add mushrooms and of course - your favorite spices.

Now the main thing begins - the crocodile modeling.

From the test form eyes, eyebrows, paws.

Scissors cut your teeth.

All over the body we make notches.

Serve can be hot and cold.

Photos of curly pie

A few more options.

Here is such a miracle yudo. In the photo it with apples. But you know - the filling can be any.

In the process.

And before baking.


Piglet indicate scissors.

Very similar braided option, this time with fish fillet.

And this is a turtle. May be like stuffing (almost any), and without.

This is a cutting. 300 g - for the torso, 75 - for neck with head, other parts - for paw and shell.

And it is possible to make some small instead of one small one.

Good luck, fantasy and pleasant appetite!

I want to show you 8 ways, how to make beautiful buns from yeast dough. Thanks to this diversity, you can easily choose the option you like and repeat it.

The original forms of buns of yeast dough are made quickly enough, and as a filling for them, sugar, cinnamon and nuts chosen. If you do not like such a stuffing, you can replace it with a poppy, with condensed milk or jam. With any of them, they will perfectly cross inside, will be soft and air.

If you are looking for how beautiful to complete the buns with sugar, then here you will see a lot of interesting options and think they will like them. Thanks to the step-by-step photo, the process is still clearer and everything will turn out the first time.

How to do the dough for them, I will not repeat, because not so long ago it has already shown this process, and here you will see how to sculpt buns so that it was not only tasty, but also beautiful. Forming a bun from yeast dough turns out to be air, took for them, which is just great for this purpose.


  • Yeast dough
  • Cinnamon - 2 ppm
  • Creamy oil - 50 g
  • Nuts - 40 g
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Yolk - for lubrication
  • Sesame - for the sprinkle
  • Poppy - for the sprinkle

How to make beautiful buns

For the filling I clean the butter, add chopped nuts, cinnamon and sugar. All mixing and fragrant filling is ready.

Dough pull the sausage and divided into 8 approximately equal parts.

Then proceed to the formation of buns. I first make the simplest curls, for them I roll one part into a long rectangle, which I spread and distribute filling.

Now we turn the dough, bending one part to the middle, then the second. The joint is bonding so that the form does not break. After just throwing them a couple of times and ready.

I make a second part by oval, the lower parts of which we cut into the stripes. Do not forget to put on top of the filling, and the stripes are just a little lubricate. Strain starting down.

After that, just fasten the edges with each other, and it turns out a beautiful bagel like a flower.

I make the next option similar to the previous one, only bands cut long, not short.

Watch starting from the top left corner diagonally down. Next, just turn it out with a flower and ready.

From one more piece, I make a long oval, lubricating the stuffing and turn back as the roll.

Then I cut it on 3 - 5 parts, only be sure to do the edge. And each part turns in any direction. Because of the even number, I got something similar to the butterfly.

And now I roll over the next piece around, after I do an incision on one side and up to half.

Starting from one edge, twist it in a circle and it turns out such an interesting form.

Rounded rectangle lubricate filling, and folding the roll. Next cut it into two parts. And every one of them is cut off, but not to the end.

After that, just turn them into different directions and ready.

To understand how to wrap a bun, rolls the dough with an oval, smeared evenly filling and turn it into the tube. Next, connect two end of the dough, joints in the middle. Then I put the resulting bagel vertically and give a little appropriate to flatten. A sharp knife cut it from two sides, not coming to the middle.

After that, it remains only to twist all 4 parts and it turns out a butterfly with wings.

Just as in the previous version with a bun, pulling the dough, smear, twist the tube, connect the edges and adds, but this time I cut only on one side and a little more than before the middle.

Now I will show how to wrap muffling hearts, and it is just done and quickly. The cut parts simply turn into the side, turn the cut up and the heart turns out.

Now and you know how beautiful to form buns from yeast dough. I spread them on a baking sheet with parchment, lubricating the yolk on top, and after sprinkling with poppies and sesame, but it is at will. Bake them in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees, 20 minutes. Readiness Do not forget to check the wooden toothpick.

These are beautiful yeast dough buns, they are all air, sweet and tasty. Most of all I liked to make butterflies and the heart, and you choose your option and try to repeat. I hope you liked this master class and you found here what they were looking for. Enjoy your appetite and inspiration in the kitchen!

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Various forms of yeast dough buns with sugar are known. How to make such products can learn even a child. Therefore, prepare the dough and call the kids to help. The process of formation will really like it - it is very exciting and interesting. Also look at the recipe of the most delicious.

Required products:

- dough dough - 600-800 gr.,
- sugar,
- Cinnamon,
- butter,
- Jam.

How to cook with photo step by step

1. Prepare the dough in your favorite recipe. When the dough "fit" (will increase in volume), you can proceed with the process of forming buns.

2. Roll a piece of dough into an oval pellet. Tip: How to decide what kind of dough is to take? It is worth noting that the size of the used piece of the test only approximately corresponds to the size of the future bun, because when baking the product increases in volume. Therefore, a piece of dough should be two times less than the desired size of the finished bun.

3. The resulting cake lubricate the melted cream oil and sprinkle with a cinnamon sugar. Take the knife to the strips, one edge, leaving untouched.

4. Carefully roll up into the roll.

5. Then collect in the "Bublik". The billet for bun is ready.

6. For another type of buns, also roll a piece of dough into the layer, lubricate the oil and sprinkle the fragrant mixture.

7. Roll into the roll.

8. Cut the central part through the sharp knife, leaving edges intact.

9. Expand the internal layers (obtained during cut) outward so that they look out. Then roll the bun in the "bagel".

10. In the same principle, a bun in the form of a pigtail is formed. Plast rolls out,
Lubricated with butter and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar (or just sugar).

11. Prepared Plast is folded into the roll.

12. Then also cares in the central part, leaving only one edge untouched.

13. Double pigtail woves from the received halves, trying to look out the layers out.

14. For the muffin buns, roll a piece of dough in a cake and similarly as in previous cases, smear the oil and sprinkle with cinnamon with sugar.

15. Call the resulting workpiece into the roll.

16. Slide the roll twice, seam inside.

17. Cut into two parts from the bend, leaving the opposite edge intact.

18. Expand both parties to look like a bun layers.

19. The simplest bun is the one that resembles pigeon. Slice dough roll in harness.

20. Form the nodule from the obtained billet. Looking out the lower edge to do, imitating the tail.

21. It is very interesting to form buns in the form of a flower. It is quite simple. Roll up a large dough layer, 4-6 mm thick. Cut out the cutting (diameter of 6-8 cm) circles, for each flower 5 pieces.

22. Bend each circle. Two, then once again - this is a petal.

23. Connect all five petals (layers up) in the flower.

24. From a piece of dough, roll a small ball and attach in the middle of the buns - a flower.

25. No less beautifully looks like rose buns. And they are also very quickly formed. A piece of dough (chicken egg size) roll into the layer. Make 4 knife (opposite), not reaching the central part of the workpiece. In the center, put a teaspoon of the filling (jam or cottage cheese).

26. Wrap the first "petal" filling.

27. Then close the petal from the opposite side.

28. Similarly, do with the rest of the petals.

29. Another version of the molding of the bun is the "eight" cheese. For her, also roll the dough into a large layer and cut the circles (diameter 12-14 cm). Then smaller cutting cut the central part of the circles to formed "bezel".

30. From the "rim to form" eight ".

31. Put the resulting part on the middle part remaining from the circle. As a result, "nest" for filling is formed.

32. Put the fill in your wishes.

33. Put all buns on the tray and leave for 5-10 minutes for proofing. Bake at 1800C to rosy. In order for ready-made buns, lubricate them in a warm syrup (dig 1-2 centuries in 100 ml of water. Sugar). Look at how to prepare world famous.

34. Delicious, varied and fragrant buns are ready for tea drinking.
Bon Appetit!

When conversations go about sweet pastries, we can talk about this clock. Dough yeast Many can cook and are practiced in this very often. But when it comes to the forms of buns, here not every hostess can boast the ability to sculpt beautiful shapes of yeast dough buns with sugar. Today I will tell you and show you as much as possible from the yeast dough, to blind beautiful on the form of a bun and it will be easy and simple. Carefully learn my photos and everything will work. Surprise your seven buns of a beautiful shape, cover the table and brew delicious tea. Family tea drinking will be held in a good mood and everyone can choose the one that will like it. Thanks to the photo you will learn how to make beautiful buns.

Required products:

- 1 kg of yeast dough,
- 150 grams of sugar sand,
- 1.5 chain. l. cinnamon
- 60 grams of melted cream oil.

Recipe with photo step by step:

I share the dough on the pieces to roll a bun from each. First, make the shape of the bun, which I call "Tulip". Rolling the dough circle, lubricate the surface with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. You can use only sugar, but the cinnamon gives the buns an incredible aroma.

Circle folded in half, slightly adds with my fingers.

Now I turn around again in half, a quarter mug is obtained, slightly press the dough.

I do an incision on the dough not to the end.

I turn outward the tips of the dough, I give the shape of the flower.

I will make another form of a bun, which also resembles a flower with petals. The dough circle, smeared with sugar and cinnamon, twisted in the roll.

I connect two ends of the roulette and press slightly tips so that the dough does not worry.

I make three cuts with a knife, do not do the edge.

Each petal turns slightly out.

Again from the dough mug twisted the rolls (lubricate the mug with oil, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon).

In the center I do a cut in a knife, but not doring to the edges.

The edges of the dough weaving inside, and the dye slightly turn outward, it turns out a bun.

Again twisting the roll.

I put in half, the ends together.

I cut off with a knife from one edge, not to the end of 1-1.5 cm.

Soak cut parts and get a heart.

Rolling out a circle from the dough, lubricating oil, sprinkle everything as sugar and cinnamon.

Folding a roll.

Making cuts on both sides.

Soak each incision in different directions.

Connecting tips and form a beautiful bun.

Rolling the dough again again.

I make a lot of stripes with a knife (you can take a knife for pizza), but cut in one direction, and the edges are not dozing.

Twist the dough in the spiral.

Watching the circle and connect the ends. It turns out beautiful.

Rolling the dough with an elongated circle.

Twist the tube.

Cut the tube into two strips. Leave the edges without cut.

In different directions turn every strip.

Now the flat twist in the circle.

It turns out the rogoli.

I put all buns on the baking sheet and put in the heated oven.

Bake for 30 minutes at 180 °. Beautiful buns are ready.

I feed the appetizing products to the table. Bon Appetite!