Reasons and procedure for replacing a gas meter. Replacing a gas meter - who should do it in your apartment? How to replace a gas meter with a new one

For example, this year it is planned to raise gas payments by 40%, without a single hint of a reduction in tariffs ever. The only solution in this situation will be the ability to control gas consumption, and you cannot do without a meter.

Gas meter - strict controller

A household gas meter is a metering device that measures the amount of gas supplied by a gas pipeline. It is used both in apartments and in private houses, and the meter is installed, as a rule, for a long period of operation. And when the state verification period expires, it is necessary to replace the gas appliance, a procedure which should be taken with great responsibility.

Operating principle of a gas meter

The invisible gas with which we cook food or heat a room is a mixture that consists of certain components with certain properties. Therefore, the process of calculating this mixture is impossible without the laws of physics.

There are several groups into which gas meters are divided according to the principle of their operation - turbine, rotary, vortex and membrane. In everyday life, gas meters are used of membrane and rotary types.

The principle of counting a rotary gas meter is based on the fact that the volume passed through it is proportional to the number of revolutions of the rotor. The quantitative unit is a portion of gas that is cut off between the rotor and the measuring chamber. The rotor rotates through a mechanical transmission, and information about the amount of gas passed is transmitted to the counting mechanism.

The membrane counter is based on the principle of short-term movement of thin membranes. The counting mechanism drives the movement of membranes, which occurs when the gas mixture enters the chambers of the device.

Replacing a gas meter

As already mentioned, the question of replacing a gas meter may arise after its state verification period has expired. In general, the procedure is quite complex, but there are rules that make replacing a gas meter easier, more efficient and faster.

First of all, you should know that a gas meter is gas equipment (indoor), but not a gas-using device.

Only specialized organizations should install, repair or replace a gas meter. The Law of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” states that only employees of specialized organizations, having undergone special training, can perform gas-hazardous work.

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Consequently, only representatives of the supplier can tell you how to replace a gas appliance without violating the rules. Therefore, as soon as the next verification period begins to approach, and the gas meter needs to be replaced, you need to contact the organization that provides you with gas and find out the procedure.

The procedure for replacing the meter

In order for the gas meter in the apartment to be replaced, it is necessary to submit an application to the organization that controls in-house gas services. It is necessary to notify in advance the date and time of meter replacement to the person who will perform the services, and also insist on his mandatory presence during this procedure.

Control by the contractor is necessary for recording readings from removed and installed gas meters, as well as for further sealing of the installed device. The presence of an inspector when replacing a gas meter will also eliminate any possibility of controversial issues arising regarding the readings of the removed equipment, its serviceability, as well as the integrity of the seals at the time of its removal. The sealing of a new gas meter is carried out immediately, or no later than 5 working days, the employee performing this service must send his representative to install the seals. Only after this will payment for gas be made according to the meter readings.

Each gas equipment, which includes gas meters, has its own operating period. Most often, the duration of this period is from 8 to 12 years. Thus, the meters installed approximately 10 years ago have already expired and need to be replaced. But there is an option when replacing the gas meter is not necessary; it is enough to remove and submit the old device for testing to a laboratory, where a verdict will be made on the possibility of its further use. Typically, checking an old meter takes no more than three weeks. And payment for gas consumed during the inspection period will be calculated according to the heated area.

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Time frame for replacing a gas meter and basic rules

Like any technical equipment, gas meters have a certain service life. It depends on the type and brand of the device. It is better to take replacement measures in advance to avoid delays. In this article we will tell you how to replace a gas meter, when it is changed, and what documents you will need.

The procedure for replacing a gas meter in a private house and apartment

It is prohibited to change the gas meter yourself. This is done by gas specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace measuring instruments.

Replacing the meter yourself is fraught with serious consequences. Is it dangerous!

How to replace a gas meter? The algorithm will be as follows.

Step 1. You need to contact the territorial management company that deals with gas networks. You must write an application and provide the required documents.

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Step 2. Gas service specialists evaluate the technical characteristics for installing the measuring device in the room. At the same time, attention is also paid to the supply of gas networks to a private house or apartment.

Step 3. Purchase a meter in specialized stores. It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which meter to buy. There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know. You need to check the cost of replacing a gas meter with the company that will carry out the installation. Experts will be able to quote the price for replacing a gas meter after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline in your home.

Step 4. After the gas meter has been replaced, everything should be checked carefully. If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion of work.

Step 5. The final stage after replacing the gas meter is sealing. Without this procedure, the measuring device cannot be put into operation.

When dismantling an old gas meter, the owner should record the latest readings in order to subsequently transfer them to the management company.

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The gas measuring device is installed in accordance with the established requirements. It can be located at a distance of 80 cm from other gas equipment. The placement height above the floor must be at least 1.2 m.

What documents are needed when replacing a gas meter?

To apply for a replacement gas meter, you will need the following documents:

  • owner's passport and its copy;
  • document confirming ownership and a copy;
  • gas meter passport or certificate with a copy;
  • paper with data on the latest verification of gas equipment;
  • project for installing a gas meter in a residential area with a list of gas consumption points.

In the application sent to the management company for sealing and putting the meter into operation, you must indicate:

  • owner's passport details;
  • contact details for communication;
  • estimated start date for using the meter;
  • registration number of the measuring device;
  • meter model type;
  • the address where the gas meter needs to be replaced;
  • the name of the gas company that installed the device;
  • meter readings before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 established the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises.

According to this document, the period for replacing a gas meter in a private house and apartment cannot exceed 30 days. During this period, utility bills will be calculated according to the standard established in your region.

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After replacing the gas meter from the moment the application for sealing is submitted, the management company must contact the owner within three days. If this does not happen, you have the right to contact the housing inspectorate and file a complaint.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter?

According to the decree of the Russian government, replacement of the gas meter is carried out at the expense of the homeowner. This is because all the equipment in your home belongs to you. This means that operating costs fall on your shoulders.

This fact is established not only for owners of private houses. Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that the owner of an apartment in an apartment building bears all costs for maintaining the premises.

So you will have to pay:

  • purchasing a gas meter;
  • the work of specialists in removing the gas meter and installing a jumper pipe;
  • cost of services for verification and repair of the device;
  • services for direct gas meter replacement.

The cost of meter replacement services will be determined by specialists on site. The price depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices, the length of the pipe for the gas meter output, as well as on the region of residence and the tariffs of the organization.

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On average, you will have to pay about 15 thousand rubles for the device, and for services to replace the gas meter no more than 7 thousand rubles.

All listed expenses apply to owners of private houses and apartments. If your home belongs to the municipality, then they must bear all the costs of replacing the gas meter.

What is better - verification or replacement of the gas meter?

If the verification period for your meter is coming to an end, you will also pay for the verification work yourself. Owners consider verification inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • you have to pay not only for the verification itself, but also for the dismantling, installation and sealing of the meter;
  • delivery of the gas meter to the laboratory for verification is carried out by the owner independently and at his own expense;
  • if the measuring device does not pass verification, it will have to be replaced, but the cost of verification work will still be paid;
  • The verification period may take up to three weeks - during this time the owner will pay for gas consumption according to the standard.

Therefore, it is believed that at the end of the verification period it is much more profitable and faster to replace the gas meter. The interval between verifications depends on the brand and type of measuring device. It can vary from 5 to 12 years.

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What is the legal service life of a gas meter, and what to do if it is expired?

Any measuring device has its own service life. This also applies to gas meters.

It is important to follow the rules and terms of their operation, and carry out verification in a timely manner. Moreover, it will be done entirely at the expense of the apartment owner.

At whose expense is the replacement of electricity meters carried out? Find out the answer right now.

How to determine?

What is the service life of a household gas meter?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 102 “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements”, Article 13, all measuring instruments must undergo initial verification before commissioning and periodic verification after a certain time of use of the device.

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Moreover, time is counted not from the moment of installation, but from the release date.

Any device has a technical passport, which gives its main characteristics, including service life and verification period. For each meter, these values ​​are set depending on the brand and model.

The table shows the following gas meters:

All measuring instruments given in the table are used for domestic use: they are intended for installation in apartments of apartment buildings.

When choosing, you should pay attention to how many gas appliances the measuring device will serve: only a stove or a column and a stove.

The price of meters varies from 1500 rubles to rubles. It depends on the inter-verification period, the country of origin and the throughput of the device.

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Only those measuring instruments that have been verified and have a seal on the body should be allowed for installation.

Verification interval

The calibration interval is the period during which the manufacturer provides a guarantee for the correct operation of the device.

The duration of the verification interval ranges from 8 to 12 years.

If it was not carried out on time or there is no new seal, the readings of this device cannot be taken into account for presentation for payment.

Verification must be carried out by special gas services. This procedure proceeds as follows:

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  1. Call a specialist. It must be from the service with which the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is concluded.
  2. Dismantling the meter and sending it for verification.
  3. Issuance of a conclusion based on the verification results. There may be two options: recognition of the measuring instrument as suitable or unsuitable. If suitable, the device is installed in place by a specialist and sealed. The date of verification is indicated in the passport.

If the measuring instrument is found unsuitable for further use, a certificate of impossibility of its use is issued for it. Its owner is informed about this.

You can learn how on-site verification of gas meters is carried out in the video:

What to do?

If it's broken

Devices tend to break down.

Gas meters are no exception.

Failures may include the following:

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  • for electronic measuring instruments - there is no display of digital values ​​on the screen, or they are visible in fragments;
  • for all types - the meter is frozen in one place or there is a slight gas leak at the mounting location.

If problems are detected, there are several options for eliminating them.

If the seal is broken, then both in the event of a defect being discovered by a specialist during a routine inspection and when called by the owner of the apartment, a report on its violation is drawn up.

According to it, the user of the equipment will have to pay for the last six months of operation of the meter according to standards, which, as a rule, are higher. A similar calculation is carried out in those rooms in which there are no installed devices.

If the integrity of the seal is preserved, but the gas worker discovered the fault during a routine inspection, in this case you will also have to pay the standard six months for concealing the faulty equipment. The company that performed the verification will have to send a notification of the recalculation amount within 30 days.

When a malfunction of the measuring device is detected by the owner of the apartment and the integrity of the seal is established, the specialist records the fact of the breakdown. In this case, the calculation will be carried out according to the standards only from the date of detection of the breakdown until the date of installation of the new meter.

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Find out whether pensioners have to pay apartment tax in our article.

If expired

Responsibility for maintaining the verification intervals for gas appliances lies entirely with the user.

Every six months, gas service specialists must conduct a scheduled inspection of indoor gas equipment, including meters.

If they discover a delay in the verification period, then in this case the amount for gas use for six months will be recalculated according to current standards.

There is no penalty for failure to comply with verification deadlines. The amount of payment for utilities will only increase due to recalculation for the last six months.

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Who installs?

Gas meters should only be installed by specialists who are licensed to do so. To replace the meter you must:

  1. Submit an application to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgaz" or the "One Window" service for verification or replacement.
  2. Specialists check the condition of gas pipes. Prepare an estimate for the necessary work.
  3. The apartment owner purchases the measuring instrument at his own expense.
  4. Gas workers install the device and draw up a certificate of completion of work. Before this, the apartment owner must think about the place where to mount the meter. In this case, the requirements must be met: the distance from the floor for mounting the device is set to at least 120 cm, and from the stove - at least 80 cm.
  5. An application is sent to the management company to seal the device.
  6. The measuring instrument is sealed within three days.

At whose expense is the replacement carried out?

If the service life of the device has expired, or verification has shown that it is unsuitable for further use, then all costs associated with its replacement are borne entirely by the owner of the apartment.

In addition to the cost of the meter itself, its installation will cost from 3,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the complexity of the work performed.

Free replacement is provided only to certain groups of citizens:

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  • WWII veterans;
  • large families;
  • low-income, needy citizens.

If your apartment has a gas meter installed, then you need to independently monitor the onset of its verification interval.

It is worth considering that the countdown is made from the moment the device is released.

If the verification is not carried out on time, or the gas company is not notified of the malfunction of the device itself, then the apartment owner will be required to pay for the last six months for the use of gas according to established standards, which will be much more expensive.

All costs associated with installation, replacement and verification of the device are borne by the gas user.

Read about whether you need to pay for general household needs according to Resolution 354 here.

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Watch a video about the procedure and rules for checking and replacing gas meters:

A video about how a car arrives, stands in the yard, everything takes a minute - A LIE. They removed my meter, took me away, they said they would bring it in 2-3 hours.

The gas meter was previously installed at one subscriber. The verification period did not come, he replaced it with another due to reconstruction, and gave this meter to his neighbor. Does this meter need to be verified to be installed by a neighbor? (The verification period has not yet passed)

you sell gas to the consumer, which means the meter should be yours, because when we buy something in a store, we don’t go to the store with our scales

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Free replacement of gas meters: myth or reality

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a new building without individual gas meters.

But what should those people do who have been living in their usual place for a long time?

ATTENTION! You can reduce your gas bills by 2 TIMES using legal methods right now. Find out details.

How can they get the meter they want without heavy costs, or even for free?

The need for gas meters

Before answering the question – is it possible to install a meter in your home for free and whose company’s meter to use, let’s consider the very concept of a meter and their types.

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A gas meter is a device for recording the volume of gas passing through a gas pipeline in a house per unit of time.

The volume of gas is measured in cubic meters, and its usage rate differs in different regions. Therefore, companies producing meters try to adapt to each region.

Types of gas meters:

The positive aspects of this type of meters are high security, simple design, affordable price from $20 to $100. Negative aspects - high noise level, large size, requirement for frequent rechecking due to the risk of deviations in readings. This is an excellent budget option for the average citizen of the Russian Federation.

Positive aspects - high accuracy of readings, small size, silent, easy setup, repeatability of testing every 10 years, convenient to disassemble in case of breakdown or replacement. Price from $35 to $170. Suitable for domestic and industrial use. Negative aspects are the relatively high price, which will not allow everyone to purchase it.

Rotary meters are small in size, affordable in price and have low noise levels. In Russia, their price ranges from $25 to $105, depending on the characteristics and additional modules for it. There are not many negative aspects, but you can add to them the repeatability of testing every 5 years, plus frequent errors after long-term use. Such meters are replaced only with a special tool, so as not to damage the passing pipes.

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Volume meters are not the most popular in everyday life. This is due to the rather large dimensions and high noise during operation. Positive aspects - high throughput function, reliability, repeatability of testing once every 10 years. The price of such a counter is from $20 to $120.

Negative aspects - large size, increased noise level. They are not so easy to purchase and are most often installed in enterprises and factories.

The process of installing gas meters in Russia

Installation of a gas meter is carried out through the services of gas companies that have all the necessary documents, licenses and permission to carry out such work.

Before installation, the customer must prepare the place where the meter will be installed and purchase it at his own expense. When the meter is already installed, the technician who installed it must issue the following documents to the client: a certificate of installation and proper operation of the meter, an installation invoice and a payment document. The settlement document confirms the fact that the work was performed legally and gives the right to warranty and post-warranty service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including replacement, repair and inspection of meters.

Is it possible to get a free gas meter installation?

To answer this question, you need to look into the law of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, any citizen of Russia can receive free installation, because this process must be paid for by the state.

But in reality, we get slightly different conditions - to get a meter installed at the expense of the state, you need to obtain permission, which can take a long time. An alternative option is to purchase services from a company that specializes in this issue.

It is worth noting that individuals or legal entities or entrepreneurs who use gas for their activities are required by law to install meters not for free, but at their own expense.

Responsibilities of the meter owner and is it possible to install the meter for free?

According to the established law in the Russian Federation, the owner undertakes to comply with the following points:

  • The owner is obliged, before installation, to purchase a meter suitable for his gas supply system and provide it for installation;
  • The owner is obliged to perform maintenance of the devices, maintain the integrity and proper operation of the device;
  • If the agreement stipulates a division of responsibilities between the company installing the meter and the owner, the division of responsibilities occurs in accordance with the agreement;
  • The owner can enter into a maintenance agreement with the state, which will relieve him of the obligation and responsibility in some cases for the performance of the meter;
  • If the premises are rented, the owner monitors the integrity and proper operation, even if this tenant is the state.

Answering the question - is it possible to install a meter for free? Let's answer - yes. But here's what you need to do before installing this meter for a fee:

  1. Pay off all debts on utility services, not just gas.
  2. Purchase a suitable meter and make sure it is in good working order before installation in order to protect yourself from defects;
  3. Prepare the required location for installing the meter;
  4. Submit an application to request the installation of a meter from the Housing Office;
  5. On the day scheduled for free installation, be present at home and provide the technician with the necessary tools, a counter and a place for installation.

If the meter breaks down, will there be a free replacement or not?

The law prohibits replacing a gas meter yourself without the knowledge of the relevant authorities. For this action, the violator faces from a fine to imprisonment.

But for a legal replacement, the owner of a broken meter needs to contact a specialist in this field and apply for a replacement (this is usually also free, but with the same nuances as with free installation). The client pays only the cost of dismantling and equipment, which already makes this process not completely free.

Before you begin the replacement, you must complete the plan and fill out the appropriate paperwork. In case of debt, pay the debt so that the amount in the account is zero.

Before turning on the device, the latest readings are recorded on the old counter. Only the master should unseal the old meter and seal the new one, who will record these actions in his journal.

How to protect yourself from being deceived by a master

In conclusion, I would like to tell you the simplest tips that will help you avoid mistakes when replacing the meter:

  • Make sure there are no gas leaks in the new system;
  • Check the meter reading and the amount of gas consumed;
  • Compare the old gas usage readings with the new ones - they should not be much different.
  • Have you tried all the ways to save money, but nothing works?
  • Gas bills keep getting higher and higher.
  • Moreover, these new stoves consume more and more gas.
  • And most importantly, if you leave everything as it is, soon your gas bills will begin to exceed your salary.

But an effective means of saving does exist. Follow the link and find out how Alexey Shinkevich saves gas!

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Everything you need to know about energy meters

How often is a gas meter changed?

To find out when to change a gas meter, you need to look at the meter's passport, the service life is written there (for example, on mine it is ten years). Again, depending on the model, verification is carried out (usually once every five years, sometimes once every three years, depending on the meter model). In general, you don’t have to worry about it, when the time comes, they will send you a notification that it’s time for the meter to be verified (it comes with a receipt, and there’s a phone number to call). When I received this very notification, I called, the next day specialists came, removed my meter, installed their own, exactly the same, and about a month later they swapped them back. If the meter does not pass verification, then they draw up a report (I know this for sure, because a neighbor had such a problem), that’s all, after the report you will have to buy a new meter. To summarize, there is no point in worrying about the timing; the gas industry will remind you. Usually the service life is ten years, but if verification passes, they can increase it.

There is no need to confuse the verification of a gas meter and its replacement; verification can be done once every 5 years and once every 10 years, as long as it is established by regulations.

The replacement of a gas meter is carried out in two cases: either its malfunction is detected during operation or verification, or the end of the accrual resource dial - usually no meters are launched for the second round!

Therefore, we can safely say that the gas meter is not changed at all, since they rarely break down, and the life of the dial lasts for a very long time.

The period during which a gas meter is considered “working” is set by the manufacturer of this meter. The so-called product warranty. This period is specified in the passport of the technical device (in our case, the gas meter). As a rule, this period varies from 5 to 12 years. However, this does not mean that a counter is needed. It's enough just to check. Of course, not on our own, but by specialists. And the full service life with proper operation can reach years.

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

And so this story began with the fact that SamaraGaz representatives came to check the gas equipment. This year, as it turned out, my meter is expiring, plus they found a “violation” in the installation, although it was installed by the same organization.

According to them, the installation requirements changed, so they quickly issued me an order to eliminate the violation within 30 days and left. To initiate the process of replacing a gas meter, according to them, you “just” need to buy a meter and write an application.

A couple of days later, I decided that it was not worth postponing this event, and in the morning I went to the aforementioned organization “SAMARAGAZ”, whose branch is located at st. Volgina 123.

The sign says they are open from 8:00 to 17:00. But as it turns out later, the roots of the scoop there have not yet been eradicated. So first things first.

Going inside, I came across a woman whom I asked where I could write an application to replace the gas meter. I was directed to the control room. There I waited for about 2 minutes until the employees had spoken among themselves, after which I was pointed to a stack of applications. By filling out an application in which you need to indicate your full name, address and telephone number, and the address 2 times.

The first address is where you live, and the second address is where the work needs to be done. After that, I was sent to the Settlement Center, where I was given another piece of paper, which indicated that I had no debts and indicated my personal account.

I returned to the control room where I was informed that the replacement cost was 650 rubles. This is without welding. In response to my remark: “Who knows if welding is needed or not,” the following solution was found. I leave a request for inspection of gas equipment, the cost is 140 rubles and is paid on the spot, i.e. in your home to a master who will come.

If he says that everything is ok and it’s possible without welding, then I’ll come back and pay 510 for installation.
It’s worth saying that when I went to apply for a meter, I had not yet bought it. The logic was simple, I’ll submit an application on a convenient day of the week in two weeks, I’ll buy a meter, I’ll prepare everything on the designated day, the gas workers will come and change it. But everything turned out to be much sadder. They didn’t accept my application, saying: “We’ll have it lying around here, we’ll lose it.”

In general, I did not submit an application to replace the gas meter that day. The next day the master came and said “everything is OK”, you can do it without welding.
After some time, having bought a meter, I decided to make a second attempt to apply.

I’ll say right away that I finally succeeded.

The work flow turned out to be: control room -> accounting department -> control room. Then I was sent to the accounting department where they first wrote out an invoice for 650 rubles, although the accountant was warned that it was necessary for 510. Well, oh well. A trip to the cash desk, again the accounting department, and finally again the control room, where my application was finally finalized.

So it was Monday. The woman who accepted my application to replace the gas meter immediately decided that I wanted the technician to come the very next day. When I asked if it was possible to schedule this for next Monday, I was told yes, how can this even happen? You see, they can’t plan that far. In the end they agreed on Wednesday.

On Tuesday the cell phone rings. I pick up the phone and hear: “GORGAZ, why don’t you open the intercom?” “Um, excuse me, but you have to come tomorrow,” I say.

To which I hear: “Yes!??”

So Wednesday the master came at half past ten. The process of replacing the gas meter itself took about 15 minutes. And another 10 minutes to fill out a bunch of papers.

Every property owner is interested in the high-quality performance of the gas meter. If you do not replace it in time, then there will be no point in relying on the readings of a faulty device, and paying according to the standards established by the state will be incredibly expensive.

Gas meter replacement law

As for compliance with the legislative part of the Russian Federation, there are a number of regulations that should be referred to in order to avoid conflict situations with specialized services for gas hazardous work.


  • The law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” states that all gas consumption measuring instruments must be delivered on time for verification, and the responsibility for this lies with the owners. For more details, see article No. 13.
  • Various instructions, for example, or labor safety instructions, state that any gas-hazardous work can only be performed by workers who have undergone special training and confirmed their qualifications. However, such instructions are mainly relevant for specialized organizations.

At whose expense is the gas meter replaced?

The subscriber is primarily responsible for the following items:

  • Contents of gas measuring equipment:
    • Delivery of the device for verification;
    • Payment for verification;
  • Correctness of gas meter readings;
  • Gas meter performance.

The first point is confirmed by a document approved by order of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1994 No. 125.

Thus, it is the primary responsibility of the owner of gas equipment to send the device for verification on time for reliable readings of gas volumes consumed.

According to reviews, the cost of replacement can cost from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles (depending on the specific city or region). Average prices are from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Gas meter service life, rules and replacement procedure

The service life of a gas metering device is determined by its manufacturer. The figure may vary between 12-20 years. The time frame established by the state for operating the meter is 20 years. Everything that is stated in the instructions for the device above the established standard is an outright lie.

The need to replace a gas metering device may arise when the verification period or its operational life has expired. The procedure is not easy, but if you follow a number of rules it should go much faster.

Replacing a gas meter in apartment buildings

If the gas meter is located outside the apartment (namely, in the basement), then any provisional measures for the device must be carried out by municipal services.

Moreover, it is absolutely free, because in this case none of the owners is the owner of the device.

Replacing a gas meter in private homes

Necessary measures to replace gas equipment:

  1. Project documentation, which can be ordered from a specialized company.
  2. After consultation with the gas supply organization, the owner is obliged to independently purchase a meter of a certain brand, as well as pay for services for designing its installation.
  3. Payment for dismantling work of previous equipment.

How much does installation cost?

The cost of installing a gas meter varies between 1000-4000 rubles, depending on:

  • complexity of the work performed;
  • type of work;
  • meter brands;
  • place of its installation (apartment or private house).

What will happen if the meter is not changed? Will gas become more expensive without this device? Read: gas tariffs for the population of the Russian Federation; board with and without counter. ⇐

But what can happen if you act independently: etc. ⇐

What documents are needed for verification, installation, replacement of a gas meter

  1. Passport of the owner of the property;
  2. Passport for the meter;
  3. Certificate confirming ownership;
  4. House plan;
  5. Passport for other gas appliances;
  6. Agreement on technical VDGO.

Application for gas meter replacement

It's very easy to fill out. You just need to change the data in the header. You can find out exactly what to write in it by calling the company responsible for supplying gas to your home.