The main forms of culture of communication: behavior, speech, appearance, Types of etiquette

Communication culture Is a complex aggregate concept that determines the quality and level of perfection of communication. The culture of communication is considered an integral part of the culture of the individual. It characterizes value orientations and normative postulates, moral models of communication, the essence of moral and psychological qualities of subjects of communicative interaction, methods, tools, rules, techniques and forms of communication.

The culture of communication contains a set of practical techniques, mechanisms and rules. The culture of communication allows an individual not to transfer conflict situations in the professional-active sphere to the emotional-personal area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal interactions, to understand the meaning and motivation of the opponent's actions, to reduce or completely eliminate the excessive emotional outburst in the relationship.

Speech and communication culture

In the development and formation of the individual as a person, speech and communication culture are of great importance. And the mirror of culture is language, since it reflects the real reality surrounding individuals, the true conditions of its existence, the public consciousness of the people, its national traits, mentality, traditions, customs, morality, moral values, worldview and vision of the world.

Language is a kind of treasury or piggy bank of culture. It preserves and protects cultural heritage and values \u200b\u200bthrough its components, such as vocabulary, grammar, proverbs, sayings, folklore, literature; and forms of written or spoken language.

One of the most significant indicators of the degree of culture of an individual, his mental activity, intellectual development is speech. It is one of the core aspects of active human activity in modern society and a way of knowing reality. Speech is one of the types of communicative interaction that society needs for their jointly directed activities, in public life, messaging, cognition, education. It serves as an object of art and enriches the personality spiritually.

In the life of any individual, speech activity occupies one of the most important positions. After all, without it, it is practically impossible to master professional skills, general cultural development, interpersonal interaction. The ability to competently conduct a conversation is one of the most important personality traits as a social phenomenon.

Communicative interaction between individuals simultaneously becomes a socio-psychological connection and a kind of message transmission channel. The result of the speaker's speech communication is the text. The text can be expressed in oral and written forms. Its main characteristics are integrity, coherence and the presence of a semantic load. The concept of the quality of speech, which ensures the effectiveness of communications and characterizes the degree of an individual's speech culture, is considered no less significant.

Distinguish between the speech culture of society as a whole and the individual separately. The speech culture of an individual subject is individual, characterized by a directly proportional dependence on the level of erudition in the field of verbal culture of society and demonstrates the ability to use this erudition. She borrows and adopts part of the verbal culture of society, but at the same time she is much broader than this culture. The verbal culture of society is the selection, collection and storage of the best stamps, samples, models, patterns of speech interaction, the formation of literary classics and compliance with the norms of literary speech.

So, considering the psychological nature of communicative interaction, the following conclusions can be drawn. Communication is one of the forms of an individual's mental activity and behavior. Communication is an interpersonal relationship between subjects. In the communicative interaction of people, the individual properties of the psyche of the personality, its temperament features and other psychological and typological features are manifested. The personality of an individual develops only in the process of communication. That is why the correct education of the culture of communication is so important, which consists in mastering the native language and presupposes the mastery of language norms, the improvement of eloquent language instruments in live verbal interaction.

Culture of speech communication

The culture of the personality is most colorfully and naturally expressed in her speech. As a rule, the first idea and opinion about an individual is formed on the basis of the impression arising from the communicative interaction with him from his speech manner. The upbringing of a culture of communication is considered in modern society as one of the most important tasks of upbringing, which is associated with the development of the native language. After all, the possession of all the wealth of the literary language, the competent use of its graphic and colorful means determine the degree of a person's verbal competence and is the clearest indicator of his general culture.

High culture of speech consists in the ability to correctly, competently, clearly and expressively convey one's own thoughts, worldviews, through the means of language. It also encompasses the ability to find simpler, intelligible formulations, more appropriate means suitable for a particular situation, tools for arguing a position or point of view. The culture of speech obliges the individual to comply with mandatory norms, techniques and rules, among which are considered pivotal: content (essence), consistency, validity (evidence) persuasiveness (argumentation), clarity (clarity), comprehensibility.

Consistency consists in the validity, the absence of inconsistency and sequence of statements in which the leading theses, expressions are connected and subordinated to a single position, thought.

Evidence (validity) consists in the reliability of the arguments, which must clearly demonstrate to the dialogue partner that the discussed topic or subject of the conversation exists in reality and has an objective character.

Persuasiveness (argumentation) is expressed in the ability to convince a partner and achieve a firm rooting in his mind of this belief.

Clarity (legibility) accordingly implies clarity and clarity of speech. Speech that is too fast is usually difficult to understand, and too slow will only cause irritation. Speech that is dull and inexpressive will cause boredom and ruin even the most profound of statements.

Comprehensibility consists in the use of terms, concepts, words that will be understandable to the interlocutor.

Formation of a culture of communication

The formation of a culture of communication is considered one of the most priority areas of education, both in the family and at school. After all, it is the processes of education and upbringing that are focused on the development of the individual as a subject of personal life. The culture of pedagogical communication is designed to develop theoretical and practical foundations for the formation of a general culture of communicative interactions among students. And the ability to competently build their own speech, interact with others, correctly build interpersonal relationships, allow parents to effectively instill in their children the culture of communication.

At the level of an ordinary man in the street, the culture of communication and behavior is understood as a kind of model that individuals should be equal to. Sometimes the cultural level of a person is associated with his education, intellectuality, intelligence and is qualified as a certain personal property. However, at the level of theory, culture is a specific characteristic of society, expressing the degree of historical development achieved by humanity, determined by the attitude of the individual to the environment and society. Also, many perceive culture as the creative expression of the individual and society as a whole.

In turn, there is an understanding of the culture of an individual as a set of material, spiritual guidelines and values, characteristics of the degree of its development, creative activity in the production, storage, assimilation and transmission of values. In a broader sense, culture is a stable personality characteristic that embraces the worldview and axiological aspects and determines its relationship to the environment.

Communication is the process of interconnection and interrelationship of the subjects of society, which can be individuals and social groups.

The need for communicative interaction is inherent not only in humans, but also in most living beings. Initially, such a need in a baby is similar to the need of animals, but rather soon in the process of development it acquires a human character. Communication in babies is closely connected, in turn, with the understanding of what adults want from them.

In the course of communicative interaction, the vital activity of the individual and society is ensured, the structure and inner essence of social subjects is transformed, the individual is socialized and transformed into a personality, as a social entity endowed with consciousness. It is communication that is responsible for collective action.

The essence of the culture of communication contains the provision of a certain communication technique, which is responsible for interaction. At the same time, in the course of such interaction, individuals should not only not interfere with each other, but also preserve personal dignity and personal individuality.

The system of personally significant moral guidelines, which have become the inner convictions, the views of the individual, is called the formed culture of communication. An inevitable condition for the effective implementation of cultural communication is considered to be the possession of the means of interpersonal interaction in various living conditions and circumstances of the social environment. Objective indicators of the formation of the cultural level of communications are certain personality traits and her actions, actions harmoniously coordinated with the requirements of morality, ethics, spirituality and etiquette.

The culture of communicative interaction is a complex, diverse process of formation and development of relationships, various contacts between individuals, generated by the needs for mutually directed activities, which includes the exchange of messages, the formation of a single concept of relationship, perception and comprehension of another person.

There are 6 priority areas, goals and objectives of the formation of a culture of communications, which consist in the development of:

  • sociability as an individual stable personality trait;
  • high level of personal relationships;
  • high level of group development;
  • high level of integration of jointly directed activities;
  • academic performance and, as a consequence, in the future, public activity;
  • the ability to quickly adapt to various types of activities - educational, play, professional, etc.

Culture of speech and business communication

The lion's share of the work process of any manager is taken away by various negotiations, meetings, meetings, telephone conversations, therefore, one cannot do without the ability to communicate competently, business communication skills and knowledge of the cultural characteristics of speech.

In addition to everyday business communication, the career growth of many specialists is directly proportional to the ability to build a conversation in accordance with the norms of speech culture and the principles of business communication. Otherwise, the dialogue can be directed in a completely different direction and instead of signing a lucrative contract, you will get a meaningless conversation. Lack of professionalism in conducting a business conversation also leads to the fact that the interlocutor will have an unfavorable opinion about the “speaker” and his business qualifications. This is why acquiring experience and business communication skills should be taken very seriously.

It so happened historically that in our time, almost no one adheres to the correctness of phrases in the course of a friendly conversation, few people pay attention to the literacy of speech. Unfortunately, today there is such a tendency of communication that most people in the course of a conversation only strive to convey the general meaning, not paying attention either to the literacy of the phrase structure, or to the stress in words, or to the correct pronunciation of these words. If now such a manner of conversation is permissible in everyday life, then in business etiquette this approach is absolutely unacceptable.

The success of business communications is influenced by many factors, such as: the style of speech, its intonation, facial expression, body position, appearance, etc. That is why the stereotype of communication and the culture of a business person's speech are dependent on the observance of a number of certain rules, without which an individual will never not become an eloquent and skillful speaker. Below are the main ones.

♦ A business person must have a large and varied vocabulary, which will make it easy to play and manipulate words at the same time, giving speech effect and richness. After all, it is extremely difficult to beautifully state your own point of view or prove the correctness of ideas without a varied vocabulary.

♦ The structure of speech is also important. You should adhere to the "purity" of speech, which can be diluted with professional terms. It is not recommended to use jargon or non-literary expressions in business communications.

♦ Literacy is an essential component of a culture of communication. Phrases must be composed taking into account the grammatical and stylistic rules of speech.

♦ In business communications, be sure to pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. After all, people around often cannot grasp the correct meaning of phrases due to speech defects of the "speaker" or his inability to highlight the most important points with the help of intonation. Also, one should not forget about the importance of the non-verbal components of speech. Wrong gestures, posture, or facial expressions can ruin even the most successful presentation or brilliant speech.

Summing up, we can conclude that the ability to clearly, competently and eloquently express their thoughts is absolutely irreplaceable in the modern world of business and professional activity.

Communication culture and etiquette

The culture of communication and behavior today has its own separate generally recognized principles:

Speech etiquette by itself means the ethical aspect of the culture of communication and generally accepted norms of communication. It contains speech formulas of gratitude, address or greeting, requests or questions, the appropriateness of addressing "you" or "you". The choice of this or that formulation depends on the social status of individuals who are in the process of communicative interaction, the nature of their relationship, and the official status of the situation. In official situations, when several persons are involved in a conversation, even if the interlocutors know each other well, you should address the interlocutors with "you".

The culture of business communication combines 3 stages: the beginning of the conversation, its main part and the end of the conversation.

The conversation begins with an acquaintance, if the interlocutor is unfamiliar. The following formulations are suitable for this: “let me get to know you,” “let me get to know you,” “I would like to…”, etc. If the interlocutors are familiar with each other, then the conversation begins with a greeting. In accordance with generally accepted norms of etiquette, a man should be the first to greet a woman, a younger one - an older person, a person who occupies a lower step in the social hierarchy - an individual who occupies a higher one.

The main part of communication begins after meeting and greeting, when the conversation starts, depending on the circumstances. A compliment to your own address must be taken with dignity. If you have received a compliment, then you should show that you are pleased with it, and you appreciated the kind attitude towards yourself. However, it is best not to flirt or dispute the compliment.

For communicative interaction, a topic for conversation is needed, which all participants in the process agree to support. During the conversation, you should avoid communication on personal topics, you do not need to talk about your affairs or the affairs of your loved ones. It is also best not to allow the spread of false, unverified information or gossip. It is not allowed to use hints that will be understandable only to individual participants in the process. You need to speak in the language that the interlocutors understand. There is no need to interrupt partners, try to prompt them or complete remarks for them.

The end of communication is characterized by the use of stable and generally accepted "formulations of parting", such as: "all the best to you", "goodbye", etc.

Culture of interethnic communication

The communication interaction of individuals of various nationalities is determined by the presence of more than several thousand ethnic communities on our planet. As a result of the current situation of globalization of the world, interethnic interaction is gradually increasing, which inevitably leads to the emergence of various conflicts on the basis of nationalities. Today, one of the most acute social problems is considered to be the aggravation of relations between individuals who belong to different nationalities.

Communicative interaction is the most important factor in the formation and development of a personality. It also acts as a pivotal means of education. Communicative interaction regulates the behavior of an individual, her relationship with others, society, organizes conditions for purposeful and purposeful adjustment of feelings, emotional mood, behavior, value and spiritual orientations, assessments.

The interaction of representatives of different nationalities on the aspect issues of their life, the definition of relationships and relationships, during which individuals belonging to different nationalities and adhering to different religious beliefs exchange information, experience, knowledge, spiritual and moral values, views and feelings - all this is called interethnic communication.

International communication can be carried out at three levels: interpersonal, i.e. between separate individuals, interstate, i.e. within one state and intergroup, respectively, between groups. Interpersonal and intergroup interaction is conditioned by the system of upbringing of individuals, their cultural traditions and customs.

Today, there are three characteristics of interethnic relations. They are friendly, neutral and conflicting.

Interethnic communication can be presented as a certain form of expression of relations, interaction and interconnections of representatives of different nationalities. Entering into interethnic communication, the individual acts as a kind of carrier of national consciousness, culture, language and feelings. That is why today it is so important to form the culture of international communication.

The formation of a culture of interethnic communicative interaction is one of the most important tools for harmonizing interethnic relations in general.

There are several interpretations of the concept of "culture of interethnic communication":

♦ The culture of interethnic communication appears as a complex of special beliefs, knowledge, views, skills, as well as the corresponding actions and behavior, which are manifested simultaneously in interpersonal contacts and interactions of entire ethnic unities, and allow, based on intercultural competence, painlessly and vividly to achieve mutual understanding and harmony in the common interest.

♦ The culture of interethnic communication can also be represented as an integral component of the spiritual life of a society, a common human culture, which includes knowledge of generally accepted norms, established rules of behavior in a particular society, positive emotional reactions to interethnic manifestations and processes in life.

♦ The culture of interethnic communication encompasses a certain set of rules, a set of restrictions, rights and freedoms that allow an individual and a people not to be infringed upon in their rights. Along with this, the culture of interethnic communicative interaction should help people not to infringe, not offend and not offend the feelings and rights of other peoples.

♦ The culture of interethnic communication, in turn, is a special kind of culture of representatives of different nationalities, characterized by the interaction of national cultures, which are manifested in national personal identity, patience, tact and striving for interethnic harmony in all spheres.

The concept of tolerance is one of the central concepts that characterizes the essence of the culture of interethnic communicative interaction. Tolerance literally means patience. In the modern world, tolerance is understood as one of the reasons for constructive communication between people in absolutely all areas of social life. It is intended to act as the norms of civil society. However, at the same time, tolerance is also viewed as an integral self-expression of the individual, which manifests itself in a positive relationship between members of society, based on the preservation of the individual traits of each individual, mutual respect and equality of the parties.

Tolerance of an interethnic character is understood much deeper than just an acceptable attitude towards individuals who represent different ethnic groups. The essence of this concept contains the principles of spirituality, morality, universal human morality, which are expressed in respect and indispensable observance of the rights and freedoms of all nations, in understanding the unity and general interconnection of various ethnic cultures, in deep knowledge of the culture of their people and others, especially those with which directly interacts.

To form a culture of interethnic communicative interaction means solving several problems, namely:

  • fostering respect for a representative of any nationality, national culture and dignity;
  • the formation of a careful and respectful attitude to national emotional experiences, feelings and dignity of any individual, regardless of his nationality or race;
  • education of tolerance, patriotism and citizenship.

Thus, the culture of pedagogical communication, business communication, interethnic and interpersonal communication ennobles a person's personality. The culture of communicative interactions of all kinds and directions is based on kindness, spirituality and morality.

Communication is an integral part of human life, accompanying a person from birth to death.

Communication concept

Social psychology gives many definitions of communication, however, the most used in basic science are the following:

Communication is the process of establishing and maintaining direct, mediated or direct contact between people by different means. Talking about face-to-face communication, we may recall our last conversation with a friend at recess or with our parents at home.

Mentioning mediated - the last telephone conversation or pigeon mail of the Middle Ages, when communication was carried out not only through writing, but also through the bird-postman.

Communication components

Like any process, communication has the necessary components:

1. Contact (verbal or non-verbal) - because even knowing that with a certain person on the other side of the country you will speak the same language and on the same topic, but without having any contact with him, you will not be able to communicate.

2. Mutual language (including gestures) - t. if you, wishing to communicate with a foreigner on topical topics of interest to you, cannot find a common language, communication will not work out.

3. Commonality of thesauri ("Treasure" in other Greek) - i.e. general stock of knowledge about the world. Speaking about the commonality of thesauri, one can recall the attempts of the colonizers to communicate with the peoples of Africa. The culture, lifestyle and ideas about the world among the participants in the communication were completely different and the contact was not established.

Forms of communication

In addition to the three necessary components, we can talk about the forms of communication. The forms of communication are determined by the nature and content of the information that the interlocutors exchange with each other. Thus, the following forms of communication can be distinguished:

Service (business). Example: Formally Negotiating an Upcoming Deal
... everyday (household). Example: A mother and child talking about their day at school.
... Convincing. Example: pre-election speech of a candidate for deputy.
... Ritual. Example: fellowship between temple officials during a ceremony.
... intercultural (interethnic). Example: communication of a representative of an Eastern civilization with a representative of a Western one.

Communication culture

We call the culture of communication a social phenomenon that is different and characterized by the normality of this very communication. Social norms are the rules of behavior determined by social groups and expected in the real behavior of members of these groups.

With the help of these rules, society gets rid of the heavy need to regulate similar behaviors on an individual basis. Such standards of behavior are needed not only by the society itself, but also by the individual personality, moreover, their emergence became real only with the advent of a person's awareness of his attitude to other people, to their personality and individuality. As a consequence, social life practically cannot exist without norms of communication.

Vocabulary and peculiarities of the language, elements of art, rituals, rules of politeness and etiquette, games and so on - all these social phenomena typify communication and form various human, both spiritual and physical, qualities, turning them into habits that can be called massive.

Formation of a culture of communication

But how is the culture of communication formed? Who helps us learn the basics? The answer to this question is twofold. On the one hand, the main institution for assimilating social norms is the family, that is, the person's adult communication partners. It is adults who give the child the basic ideas about social norms, taboos, social roles, which the child then uses when entering adulthood.

Communication with adults is more formal and respectful, more taboo, more subject to the norms of politeness and etiquette. At the same time, peers who take a tangible part in the child's life also contribute to his culture of communication. With friends, he is more open, he is more actively involved in socialization, peers help the child form his self-concept: an idea of \u200b\u200bhimself and an assessment of himself, comparing himself with others, identifying his weak and strong sides.

Conflict situations

However, even taking into account the culture of communication and numerous norms, communication, as a rule, cannot do without conflicts and conflict situations.

Conflict situations are the ideas of a certain person H about an existing (real or imaginary) contradiction, about himself - H - about his opinions, possibilities, etc., about an opponent - his opinions and possibilities, as well as about what he thinks and suggests the opponent about the ideas of the person N.

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Communication culture.


General concepts of the culture of communication. 1

Appearance. 7

Business man's clothes. 7

Gestures and movements 9

Business correspondence, culture of speech. ten

Business Letter 10

Telephone conversations. 13

Restaurant Code of Conduct 13

Culture of communication at the table. 13

Chatting at the table. fifteen

Food culture. sixteen


Used literature: 19

General concepts of the culture of communication.

The culture of communication is the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts.

Communication, if understood as an established order of behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of a business person's communication can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding between people in the process of communication.

The second most important function of communication is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From the smallest details to the most general rules, communication is a system close to everyday life.

One of the first rules that determine communication itself is to do so not because it is accepted, but because it is either expedient, or convenient, or simply respectful towards others and oneself.

Communication is one of the main “tools” of image formation. In modern business, the person of the company plays a significant role. Firms that lack communication have a lot to lose. Where communication is present, productivity is higher, and results are better. Therefore, you should always remember one of the most important postulates that businessmen around the world know: good manners are profitable . It is much more pleasant to work with a company where communication is respected. Practically all over the world, it has become the norm. This is because communication, by virtue of its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

We need to remember that communication helps us only when there is no inner tension arising from an attempt to do according to the rules of communication what we have never done before.

Communication is a set of connections and mutual influence of people developing in their joint activities. It assumes some result - a change in the behavior and activities of other people. Each person fulfills a specific role in society. The plurality of role positions often gives rise to their clash - role conflicts. In some situations, antagonism of positions is found, reflecting the presence of mutually exclusive values, tasks and goals, which sometimes turns into an interpersonal conflict.

In the activity, the reasons for the conflict: subject-business differences, discrepancies in personal interests.

The cause of the conflict is the insurmountable semantic barriers in communication.

Conflict is an extreme case of exacerbation of contradictions. This phenomenon is natural - it can and should be controlled.

Conflict structure:

1. Carriers of contradictions - opponents;

2. Their capabilities are determined by the rank:

First rank - represents himself and his goal in the conflict;

Second rank - groups and group goals;

The highest rank is a person who protects the laws of the state.

The act of communication includes the communicants themselves (\u003e 2 people), carrying out communicative actions. Messages are characterized by content.

Communication act scheme:

K - S - P (communicator, message, recipient].

For the communicator (speaker), the meaning of information precedes the encoding process (utterance), since he first has a definite plan, and then embodies it in a system of signs. For the recipient, the meaning of the received message is revealed simultaneously with decoding.

Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Includes:

1. Exchange of information between participants.

2. Exchange in the process of speech actions and deeds.

3. Perception of people communicating with each other.

An important component is the motives of the participants in communication, their goals and intentions. A person can say one thing and think another. Positions in the communicative act of dissociation (mismatch) are forms of message content. It is recognized when observing the behavior of the interlocutor - facial expression, facial expressions, gestures, etc. In order for us to be understood correctly, it is necessary that the form, meaning and content of the message coincide. It is necessary to choose the optimal voice volume, communication distance, behavior, depending on the content of the conversation.

Various types of communication are distinguished.

1. Age.

2. Sexual.

3. Professional.

4. General cultural.

5. Educational.

An important feature is the level of formation of the culture of communication.

Types and types of communicative acts.


Practical and household;

Interpersonal and family;

Scientific and theoretical;

Scientific and practical;

2. By the form of contact:

Mediated (correspondence].

3. By the type of connection:

Bidirectional (letter];

Unidirectional (books].

4. By the degree of interaction of the communicants:






If the degree is unsatisfactory, they speak of communicative incompatibility, tk. interests, manners of speaking and communicating in general do not coincide.

5. Based on the results:

The negative is completely misunderstood;

Zero, we cannot understand each other in any way;


Characteristics of a sociable and uncommunicative personality.

Sociable - willing and able to speak, be proactive in communication, be able to persuade to communicate, extrovert.

Uncommunicative - introvert.

The psychological climate of the team.

A team is a group of people with interpersonal relationships and engaged in joint activities.

Integration is the psychological unity of a given community. Collectivistic self-determination is the first collective phenomenon to bring about this integration. This is the predominant way of a person's reaction to group pressure, acts as a special quality of interpersonal relations.

The cohesion of the team is the most important characteristic, a measure of its unity, caused by the awareness of the duty of the goal, tasks and ideals, as well as interpersonal relationships that have the character of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Cohesion indicators:

1. Value-orientation unity is the convergence of assessments in the moral and business spheres, in the approach to the goals and objectives of joint activities.

2. Adequacy of assigning responsibility for the results of joint activities - are mainly objective in nature - the contribution of each team member to the common cause, regardless of the ultimate success or failure of joint activities.

The rules of cultural communication.

1. When communicating with slow-witted people, one should not swear, not lose his temper, repeating the most important thing, express his thought, checking what has already been learned and what has not.

2. If communicants notice that they interpret each other's remarks incorrectly, then their own attitudes dominate.

3. When starting a conversation, think about whether it is appropriate to say what you want, ie. start with orientation in the communication situation.

4. The art of genuine communication always presupposes the ability to clearly and clearly in a suitable style and competently exchange information (interesting and reliable].

5. After writing the letter, read it carefully.

6. Don't talk too much - annoying.

7. The ability to control oneself in communication is characteristic of sincere and straightforward people.

How to persuade a person to their point of view.

1. To prevail in an argument - to avoid it.

2. Respect the opinion of the interlocutor, do not talk about his wrong.

3. If you are wrong, admit it.

4. Keep your tone friendly from the beginning.

5. Get the other person to immediately answer you "yes".

6. Have the person talking most of the time.

7. Let your interlocutor think that the main idea belongs to him.

8. Sincerely try to look at things from the point of view of your interlocutor.

9. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of the other.

10. Appeal to nobler motives.

11. Dramatize your ideas by presenting them effectively.

12. Challenge, touch the quick.

To avoid these mistakes or make them minimal, it is necessary to follow the socio-psychological requirements:

Have a pre-prepared plan of the conversation, as well as enough knowledge about prof. requirements for a specific job and available data about the candidate;

Relieve stress from the employee, arrange for a frank confidential conversation;

Try not to take into account the first impression, let the employee who came to speak;

Speak with a person in a language understandable to him, avoid asking direct questions, use leading ones;

Try not to deviate from the main direction of the conversation;

Assess the employee only after the end of the conversation, taking into account your possible beliefs.

Stages of preparation for the conversation.

    Scheduling time for an upcoming meeting (familiarization with personal data, time for conversation, time for thinking and making a decision] - 1 - 1.5 hours.

2. In what conditions will the conversation take place. In this case, one should take into account:

Ensuring confidentiality so that the person can speak freely and frankly;

Elimination of all factors that distract from the conversation (phone calls, the appearance of employees, etc.].

3. Provision of the most favorable environment for the interlocutor (a convenient place, benevolence and politeness in communication].

When preparing for the interview and drawing up its questionnaire, which should not be large, it is necessary to clearly formulate the main questions. The manager should think about how to establish mutual trust during the interview if a person is very nervous, worried, especially if there are several applicants for the same position.

Three ways of psychological influence in public communication.

1. Infection. It represents the unconscious psychological susceptibility of people to certain states (panic].

2. Suggestion. It represents the emotional unreasonable impact of one person on another or a group. With suggestion, information is transmitted based on its non-critical perception. The decisive condition for suggestion is authority. communication. Culture communication the waiter with the guest manifests itself ... the installation of the waiter on a high culture communication with visitors. Culture communication with a visitor implies ...

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    • Table of contents


    3. Speech etiquette


    List of references


    Communication as a communicative activity includes the multifaceted world of human relations, when actions, deeds, thoughts, feelings, experiences are exchanged at the same time, as well as a person's appeal to his own soul, his memories, dreams, conscience. Full development of a person as a person is impossible without communication. Communication is a form of creative activity that helps to witness different facets of human talent. The lack of full-fledged communication brings great losses to a person, causes significant deformations of the inner world and mental state. Each person painfully endures the state of loneliness and isolation from others. A. de Saint-Exupery considered communication the highest value, the most desirable "luxury".

    Entering into communication, people, one way or another, "tune in" to interact with each other. Everyone has at least an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat and how he will say or do, what will be the reaction of others to this, his own reaction to this reaction and the like. Representations of this kind form an individual communication scenario. Individual scenarios are based on some typical cultural communication scenarios. Among them there are scenarios that determine the methods, tasks, forms of communication introduced in some group or culture, and scenarios of a more general type, reflected in general cultural norms and rules of communication. Common cultural scenarios of this kind represent what is called a culture of communication.

    The culture of communication is an integral part of behavior in society, any conversation, conversation, phrase directed in someone's direction must be cultured, beautiful and worthy. The main element of communication is language, it is on how cultural our speech is, how structured and intellectual is, the whole culture of communication with us depends. With the help of words, we express our thoughts and our attitude towards the interlocutor. Communication is impossible without taking into account the norms of speech etiquette. These are the most common words and expressions that people use to address each other, showing politeness, respect, restraint, tact. We have to say hello several times a day, say goodbye to people, wish them success, ask for forgiveness, sympathize with someone, advise, ask, invite. Speech ethics is that set of linguistic means that regulate our behavior in the process of communication. As you can see, in the culture of communication of our citizens, the culture of speech should also be highlighted.

    At present, the formation of a culture of communication is one of the cornerstone problems of modern society, which determined the relevance of the topic.

    The purpose of the work is to consider the culture of communication.

    To achieve the goal, you must complete the following tasks:

    1. To study the concept and features of the culture of communication.

    2. Explore the culture of speech as a component of the culture of communication.

    3. Find out the features of speech etiquette.

    1. The concept and features of the culture of communication

    Communicating, people work the land together, build a state, create their own history, spiritual values, form a culture, of which the culture of communication is a part. However, why sometimes after communication the mood spoils, even the physical condition worsens? Why, then, as if out of the blue, a conflict arises, we become agitated, nervous, even aggressive? Because communication takes place at a low level, many people lack its culture.

    If we realize that the culture of communication has personal and state significance, then we will take care to improve it. Let us first of all pay attention to ourselves, and then we will help others in this.

    All the diversity of cultural manifestations, despite the time of their historical origin and relative independence, creates an integral system. The culture of communication occupies an important place in it. Thanks to her, the development of society takes place, the process of humanizing a person is underway. At the everyday level, people often identify the concepts of “culture of behavior” and “culture of communication”, and the latter cannot be distinguished from the concept of “culture of speech”.

    The culture of communication is an integral part of the culture of a person as a whole. It, like any other culture, includes the sum of knowledge about communication. The culture of communication is characterized by normativity, which determines how people should communicate in a particular society, in a particular situation. Norms, as a rule, are determined by the state of society, its history, traditions, national identity, universal values. Each era in the development of mankind is characterized by a certain culture of communication, which is inseparable from this originality and corresponds to universal human values. Therefore, it is important now to lay the foundations for such a culture of communication in society that would correspond to the present, our history and the spiritual and creative potential of the people.

    Of course, knowledge itself will not provide a culture of communication if it is not used. In order for communication to be successful, you need to have the necessary skills. They are acquired by experience, through psychological methods, certain exercises.

    Thus, the culture of communication in the narrow sense of the word is the sum of knowledge and the degree of mastery by a person of the skills and communication skills created and adopted in a particular society at a certain stage of its development.

    In many ways, the peculiarities of the culture of communication depend on the communicants and their qualities. One behaves proudly as a know-it-all, he is not interested in the opinion of the interlocutor. The second speaks only himself and does not allow others to insert even a word. The third plays the role of an important person and is contemptuous of other people's opinions. The fourth, on the contrary, is a calm and patient person who always has something to say. That is, communication acts as a kind of theater, where there is a play of a certain content, an actor performs a specific role, and a spectator who perceives this play and this role. And then the viewer acts as an actor and wants to be perceived as an interesting person too. Moreover, the viewer in the first and in the second case is the active side.

    In order for the contact to be really deep, it is necessary that the speaker, in addition to knowledge of communication, certain skills and abilities, also has an appropriate communicative attitude towards communication. And not just an attitude towards establishing contact, but towards a person as a universal human value. Then this contact will become humanized and communication will take place at a high level.

    Let's single out the components that create a high level of communication culture: 1) communicative attitudes, which "include" communication mechanisms; 2) knowledge: a) the norms of communication adopted in a given society; b) the psychology of communication (categories, patterns, mechanisms); c) psychology of perception and understanding of each other; 3) the ability to apply this knowledge in accordance with the situation, the moral norms of a particular society and universal human values.

    Mastering the culture of communication means focusing on high moral values, mastering a high psychological and moral culture, mastering the "technique" of communication: if any of these "links" is absent, then such communication cannot be considered cultural. A person who is guided by high moral values, but has not mastered the elementary "technique" of communication, communication etiquette, in a word, who cannot communicate, does not possess a high culture of communication. And, conversely, a soulless manipulator who owns the "technique" of communication and, as a rule, uses his skills in selfish, selfish interests, sometimes focuses on immoral goals and values, cannot be called a person of high culture.

    Thus, the level of communication culture depends on many factors. To achieve a high level of communication culture, it is necessary to be well versed in the psychology of communication and in the individual psychological characteristics of people, to adequately emotionally and intellectually respond to their behavior and mental state, to select for each person in the appropriate situation such a way of communication that would not conflict with universal human values, morality of society, humanity and at the same time would meet the individual characteristics of a particular person.

    2. The culture of speech as a component of the culture of communication

    An integral feature of an educated, comprehensively developed person is a high speech culture, that is, the ability to actively use the modern literary language as an instrument of communication with all the riches of expressive means and norms inherent in the literary language.

    The basis of speech is the word - one of the most powerful communication tools of a person. Powerless in itself, it becomes powerful and irresistible, effective and attractive, if it is said skillfully, sincerely, in a timely manner and appropriate. And this is exactly how - purposefully, timely, convincingly, expressively - every person should use the word in any field and under any conditions of communication. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom teaches: do not speak in such a way that they understand you, but speak in such a way that they cannot but understand you. This is especially important for people who constantly communicate with a large audience, perform administrative, state duties, and are called upon to actively influence the interlocutor. Therefore, a deep knowledge of the literary language and the ability to use it are necessary.

    Language seems to us to be something familiar and very simple, but in fact this strange human phenomenon is extremely complex. That is why people often forget: knowing a language does not mean knowing it. Thus, the culture of speech is the rules of literary speech and the ability to use them. Every educated person should strive to master the culture of speech and in communication with others, demonstrate the ability to use speech.

    According to most people, speech is just a mechanism for converting their thoughts into words. But this is a misconception. Speech and speech etiquette are important tools in establishing communication with people, in establishing contacts (in particular, in the business sphere), in increasing the productivity of communication, in persuading a mass audience to their side (when speaking in public, for example).

    An obligatory participant in communication, in addition to the speaker, is the listener, real or imagined. According to the rules of the culture of communication, it is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the interlocutor. Besides the fact that it is very ugly to impose your opinion, it is also ineffective. This demeanor is likely to elicit a defensive response from your partner, and then the conversation simply won't work out at best.

    If the interlocutor not only does not listen to his counterpart, but also constantly interrupt him, not allowing him to finish, this demonstrates the lack of a culture of speech in himself, shows disrespect for the person of the interlocutor, which characterizes him by no means from a positive side.

    Listening is an indispensable component of a culture of communication. If a person shows genuine attention to the thoughts and feelings of the person with whom he is talking, if he sincerely respects the opinion of his counterpart, then you can be sure that he is a good conversationalist and people are pleased to communicate with him. Listening is the key to success in any life situation and in any society.

    In the process of communication, speech is divided into segments that have a certain length and are divided into more or less complete (independent) parts. Such speech is called coherent. This is a statement connected by one theme, main idea and structure of the text. The result of the speaking process is an oral or written text, which is formed on the basis of the laws, rules of a given language, and its constituent norms. Perfect command of the language, its norms in the process of a person's speech activity determines his culture of speech.

    Speech of high culture is characterized by a richness of vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures, artistic, expressiveness, logical harmony. In the writing of the language, the norms of spelling and punctuation are observed. culture communication speech value

    The science that studies the normativity of speech, its compliance with the requirements that are put before the language in society, is called the culture of speech. She develops the rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, form formation, construction of phrases and sentences and requires speakers to follow them. The culture of speech is the rules of the literary language and the ability to use them. Every educated person should strive to master the culture of speech and in communication with others demonstrate the ability to use the language.

    3. Speech etiquette

    The concept of speech culture also includes the speaker's behavior, or speech etiquette. What is called speech etiquette is used daily in every person's speech. These are the most used words and expressions with which people address each other, showing politeness, respect, restraint, tact. We have to say hello several times a day, say goodbye to people, wish success and apologize, sympathize with someone, rejoice, ask, invite. Speech etiquette is that set of linguistic means that regulate our behavior in the process of broadcasting.

    A person's speech behavior should show his deep, genuine respect for other people. Speech etiquette makes a person's communication with others pleasant and desirable. Most people communicate to exchange information, new knowledge. However, communication also has an everyday character, communication for communication. In all cases of communication, speech etiquette operates, the rules, the norms of which every person should know. And society has developed these rules. The language has a whole system of verbal formulas, with the help of which people establish contact with each other, maintain a benevolent tone of speech.

    Speech etiquette is the speech formulas of greeting, farewell, address, expressing doubt, confirmation, agreement, disagreement, etc. The system of speech etiquette of a nation is made up of all possible etiquette formulas. Its structure is determined by the following basic elements of communicative situations: address, greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, wishes, requests, acquaintance, congratulations, invitations, offer, advice, consent, refusal, sympathy, compliment, oath, praise, etc. Between them are those that are used to clarify the contact between speakers - the formulas of addresses and greetings; while maintaining contact - formulas of apology, request, gratitude, etc .; upon termination of contact - formulas of farewell, wishes.

    From the point of view of the national specifics of speech etiquette, it is worth saying that its structure has developed in each nation on its own folk basis under the influence of various psychological, socio-political, cultural factors.

    It is believed that speech etiquette is one of the important characteristics of human behavior. For without knowledge of the forms of etiquette accepted in society, without verbal forms of expression of polite relations between people, an individual cannot effectively, with the benefit of himself and others, carry out the communication process.

    Consequently, speech etiquette is closely related to the culture of speech and is the expression of the general culture. Meeting with colleagues, with the leader, we greet: in the morning - "Good morning" has already become traditional; in the afternoon - "Good afternoon"; "Hello"; in the evening "Good evening". In all phrases, the root is good. By using the nominative case, we state a fact about morning, afternoon, or evening. The greeting is complemented by an address, which may contain a first name or first name and patronymic.

    Each conversation has its own plot: "How are you?", "How is your health?" - A special type of speech, where a simple exchange of common phrases prompts the interlocutors to conduct a business or friendly conversation, psychologically brings them to the point of the matter.

    There are many formulas of etiquette in speech, there are even more situations in which they need to be used, so you cannot foresee all of them. Knowledge of the basic means of speech etiquette, inner tact, general culture will help you choose an effective and most suitable way of expressing your attitude to a person, to actions, to deeds. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowledge of the rules of speech etiquette, their observance allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not to experience awkwardness and difficulties in communication.

    Thus, the culture of speech is one of the main indicators of the general culture of a person. Therefore, we all need to constantly improve our communication manners and speech. The culture of speech consists not only in the ability to avoid mistakes in speech, but also in the desire to constantly enrich your vocabulary, in the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, respect his point of view, in the ability to select the right words in each specific communication situation.


    Thus, having studied the topic of the work, according to the tasks set, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    People communicate with each other using speech. The exchange of thoughts, life experience is carried out in the process of communication. The culture of communication is an integral part of the culture of a person as a whole. It, like any other culture, includes the sum of knowledge about communication. The culture of communication is characterized by normativity, which determines how people should communicate in a particular society, in a particular situation.

    A high level of communication culture is ensured by: the ability to organize the communication process, taking into account the situation, motive and purpose of communication, correctly understanding the partner; the ability to arouse and maintain interest in communication, gradually reaching its goal; knowledge of the norms of communication adopted in a given society, the psychology of communication (categories, patterns, mechanisms), the psychology of perception and understanding of each other.

    An integral feature of an educated, comprehensively developed person is a high speech culture. The culture of speech is the observance of the established speech norms of the written and literary language, as well as the purposeful and conscious use of linguistic-expressive means, which depend on the circumstances of communication and its purpose. Literacy is the foundation of speech culture. That is, this is the observance of generally accepted literary norms for the use of phonetic, stylistic, syntactic, lexical and morphological means of language.

    The culture of communication assumes that two intelligent and cultured people participate in communication, who perfectly understand the framework of what is permitted and do not allow themselves to violate them.

    List of references

    1 Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Rhetoric and culture of speech. 12th ed., Erased. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.538 p.

    2 Petrova Yu. A. Culture and style of business communication / Yu. A. Petrova. Moscow: GrossMedia, 2012.256 p.

    3 Safyanov V.I. Ethics of communication. Moscow: Mir knigi, 2011.192 p.

    4 Smirnov G. N. Ethics of business relations / G. N. Smirnov. Moscow: Prospect, 2011.192 p.

    5 Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. / N.I. Formanovskaya. M .: Book on Demand, 2013.159 p.

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    To establish normal relationships between people, the culture of communication is of great importance. She suggests:

    1. Ability to understand other people and correctly assess their character, actions, relationships.
    2. It is correct and at the same time enough to emotionally respond to the behavior of people around and their condition.
    3. Possess the necessary "skills" of communication, be able to use them depending on the "individual characteristics" of those with whom you communicate.

    The culture of communication presupposes the presence of certain character traits, such as respect for people, benevolence, sincerity, tolerance, etc. The Danish poet Pete Hein said well about tolerance:

    Endure. And believe - everything in the world
    beautiful -adults and children,
    cats, dogs and bears,
    both colleagues and neighbors.
    Tolerance -Our mutual chance
    because someone also tolerates us.

    The culture of communication also involves the development of such special traits as politeness and tact.

    Politeness - a character trait, the main content of which is the habit of observing certain rules of behavior in various situations of human communication, observance of decency.

    Tactfulness involves not only knowledge and respect for decency, but also a sense of proportionin relationships between people, the ability to quickly and accurately correlate their behavior with a specific situation.

    There is one character trait that we often expect from others, but much less often demonstrate ourselves, is compliance. The correct balance of compliance and adherence to principles is the key to a normal relationship.

    The culture of communication between people is closely related to the extent to which they have developed some specific skills and communication skills.

    These skills include the following. First of all, this is the ability of a person to change his first impressions of another when meeting him. In most cases, these first impressions arise on the basis of rather limited information - we do not yet know what our new friend "really" is, but only see how he looks. Therefore, a person's appearance - physical appearance, demeanor, correspondence of clothes, hairstyles to fashion, specific turns of speech - significantly affects the nature of our first attitude towards him. They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind. However, the ability to pass in the assessment of a person from "clothes" to "mind" is not characteristic of everyone.

    Scientists studying the problems associated with the perception and understanding of a person by a person believe that the standards of appearance that arise as a result of first impressions are a kind of "triggering mechanisms" for the process of interpreting a person's character. As a result, the so-called "appraisal standards" are formed, or "Evaluative stereotypes",that is, a certain set of qualities that a person attributes to a knowable person. These stereotypes, or standards, arise under the influence of both a person's own experience and those social norms that he assimilates during training, education, and the influence of the media.

    A very great influence on the perception and understanding of a person by a person has a certain installation. This influence is clearly demonstrated in experiments conducted under the guidance of the psychologist A. A. Bodalev. Thus, several groups of subjects were shown the same photographs of unknown people, but with different attitudes, for example, a photograph of a young man in some cases was accompanied by the attitude "hero", in others - "criminal." The subjects had to give "verbal portraits". How the attitude influenced can be judged by the following excerpts from “verbal portraits” of the same photograph:

    “A degraded man, very angry. Unkempt and unkempt. One may think that before becoming a criminal, he was an employee or an intellectual. A very evil look ”(installation is a criminal).

    “A very strong-willed person. Unafraid eyes look sullenly. The lips are compressed, spiritual strength and firmness are felt. The expression on the face is proud ”(attitude - the hero).

    For comparison, we present an excerpt from the protocol of a person who was not influenced by the setting set in the experiment: “An elongated face with large features, frozen in strong tension, tight, large protruding lips (especially the lower one) are compressed. The gaze is turned up. The eyes are light, round. Hair is scattered over the head with a cap. The face is turned to the left ”(attitude - the criminal).

    Each person has stereotypes that are different in their content, objectivity, generalization, schematized, standard images of a person as a representative of a certain social, professional, national and other groups. Everyone knows the image of a scientist, widespread in the past: an absent-minded eccentric, helpless in the little things of everyday life, etc. And now there are many social stereotypes that distort our idea of \u200b\u200bthe character and characteristics of a particular person. If in some cases they help communication (or, at least, do not have a decisive influence), then in other cases they can significantly distort the idea of \u200b\u200banother person, prevent them from correctly understanding and evaluating him. Apparently, it is worth now to listen to the opinion of AI Herzen, who believed: “... Nothing in the world can be more limited and inhuman than the wholesale judgments of entire estates - according to the inscription, according to the moral catalog, according to the main character of the shop. Names are a terrible thing. "

    In general, it should be said that the ability to enter into communication without bias is an essential aspect of communication culture. M. Gorky advised: "Never approach a person thinking that there is more bad than good in him." In communication, the nature of a person's relationship to other people is usually manifested. It is difficult for suspicious and unfriendly people in the company of others. And, on the contrary, those who see in people (not absolutely in everyone, of course) good, even sometimes subtle, are more likely to count on a positive response. Also, it is important to understand - by treating a person well for the good that is in him, we gradually make him actually better. As early as A. S. Makarenko bequeathed to approach even the most broken by circumstances a person with an "optimistic hypothesis."

    The culture of communication assumes that a person does not impose his tastes, habits, preferences on another. Each of us gradually develops his own beliefs about what a person should be like, what qualities and actions we consider the most essential. From this point of view, we consciously and unconsciously evaluate not only ourselves, but also other people. Some of these views are really principled, it is necessary to observe them in life and in relations with others. However, most often violations in the relationship of even close people appear due to the fact that too much importance is attached to insignificant details: which way to go, a good or bad film, etc. Respect for other people's habits should be formed from childhood.

    For a culture of communication. it matters which relationship style it is established between people: authoritarian, when "power" in communication belongs to only one, or democratic, when everyone has equal "rights" in communication. In friendships, companionship or friendly couples (groups), relationships can develop according to the "leader - follower" type. As a rule, a leader is a person who is either more informed, knowledgeable, or more “able” (instrumental leader), or has greater organizational skills. In all cases, this is a more active person, taking on more duties or responsibilities. The follower is a person who is less active, but often more emotionally developed, more sensitive and attentive. However, the authoritarian style is characterized by the manipulation of the follower by the leader, while in the democratic style each person is protected by equal rights in the collective.

    Some scientists, characterizing the features of interpersonal relations, introduce such a concept as "Rhythm of communication". So, A. I. Titarenko believes that the need for communication has its own rhythm, its own fluctuations in intensity: “Many moral qualities of a person depend on the ability to correctly express this rhythm - his own and other people with whom communication takes place. Intrusiveness and isolation, lack of communication - as moral and psychological characteristics of human relationships - largely depend on the rhythm of communication in which they are located. "

    For the culture of communication, it is of great importance that people have such a quality as delicacy, which is deeper than just a person's upbringing.

    The teacher can make out with the students the following moral “task”, proposed at one time by A. P. Chekhov: “Suppose a woman with tear-stained eyes enters a room where a friendly company is sitting. What will a cultured person do in this case? .. And what will not only a cultured person, but also a delicate person do? ”.

    For the culture of communication, a certain way of expressing feelings of gratitude, sympathy, condolences, etc., which corresponds to the accepted in a given society, is also important. It is important, of course, to empathize and sympathize with another, but it is equally important that this other can guess about your feelings.

    The writer M. Roshchin said very well about a real, intelligent culture of communication: