The main features of the excitable type of character accentuation are. The main types of character accentuation and what to do with them

The study of individual differences, in particular character accentuations, belongs to a separate discipline - the field of this industry, the works of many scientists - Western and domestic - are devoted.

Rationale for research on character traits

Why it is necessary to study the types of accentuation of differences between individuals pursues two tasks. Firstly, this is a research goal - to identify as many groups as possible, to develop specific advice for representatives of each of them. The more classes will be allocated, the more effective will be psychological recommendations for their representatives.

Secondly, it is necessary to know the types so that the person himself understands the features and causes of his behavior, and can, in accordance with this, correct it.

In this respect, everyday psychology is often not enough. For example, there is a common belief about the kindness of fat people. Conversely, a thin person is sometimes perceived as anxious, wary. Of course, such a division into categories may be partly true. Even Hippocrates did not escape such an error in classification, although already in the medical field: once an ancient doctor directly connected the disposition to apoplexy with fullness.

The Soviet psychologist A.E. Lichko, like the German psychiatrist K. Leonhard, used the concept of "accentuation" in their studies. When applied to a certain property, this term means that it is highlighted brighter than others, as if underlined. In other words, accentuation is the expression of a certain character trait. For a person with this or that quality, certain social situations will be very painful, while others will be easily tolerated. This article will consider the types of accentuation according to Lichko and Leonhard.

The psychology of difference is not a strict discipline. Types of accentuation are always descriptive in nature, and are practically never found in their pure form. Each person can find himself in two or more types.

It should also be noted that the assignment of oneself to a certain category should not be aimless. Having fun with psychological tests, you need to ask yourself the question: "Why am I doing this?" If a person understands that he belongs to one or another group, he needs to develop for himself an appropriate strategy of compensation, self-help. To do this, you need to study the advice that psychologists give to representatives of different classes, and apply them in life.

Classification by A. E. Lichko

The Soviet psychologist studied the types of accentuation of adolescents. In total, he identified eleven groups. Features of the types of character accentuation in his theory have much in common with the classification of Karl Leonhard. Let's consider them in order.

Hyperthymic type

A high level of energy, the ability to quickly find contact with people, the desire for leadership - all this distinguishes the hyperthymic type of accentuation. Lichko considered hyperthymia to be a common characteristic characteristic of adolescence. High emotional tone makes representatives of this category leaders in any company. They are not aggressive. They can come into conflict, but only if they encounter a sharp opposition to their activity. Therefore, it is better not to stand in their way, but, on the contrary, to encourage them to work.

The superficiality of interests is a negative feature that the hyperthymic type of accentuation has. Its representatives may have many abilities, but their interests are unstable.

Cycloid type

The main characteristic of this category is mood volatility. The elevated state is replaced by despondency, irritability. And this happens at intervals of two to three weeks.

labile type

The emotional tone of these adolescents, Lichko noted, cannot be defined as consistently low or high. Their mood is unstable, its change can occur very quickly. Within this category, two subtypes can also be distinguished: reactive-labile and emotionally labile. The former are prone to mood swings due to external factors. The state of others is more due to inner experiences.

Representatives of the labile type sometimes seem indifferent to others. But this is far from the case - the real problem for some of them can be the ability to correctly express their feelings. Having deep attachments to loved ones, they do not know how to communicate them.

Astheno-neurotic type

Those who belong to this category are the main visitors to medical institutions. Their main difference is the concentration of attention on the state of their body. As soon as they feel unwell, they may suspect a fatal illness in themselves - their suspiciousness reaches such proportions.

sensitive type

The main characteristic of adolescents in this category, Lichko noted, is hypersensitivity, which is reflected in their behavior. People of the sensitive type are also distinguished by painful irritability. Their weak point is big companies. They always feel uncomfortable in them, try to carefully observe what is happening, and sometimes copy the behavior of others. Representatives of the sensitive type can attract the attention of the whole company, for example, go on some kind of trick. But they succeed poorly, and they again return to the previous state only with even more aggravated timidity.

The advantage of representatives of the sensitive type is diligence, responsibility, the ability to make and maintain deep friendships.

Psychasthenic type

Differs in indecision. Any everyday situation can become a source of painful uncertainty for a psychasthenic. They are distinguished by high intelligence and confidence in their conclusions. But the latter is rarely confirmed by deeds. Psychasthenics are prone to impulsive actions just at those moments when it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Schizoid type

Despite the fact that they are very vulnerable internally, schizoids have practically no ability to empathize - they are not sensitive to someone else's pain. The schizoid type of accentuation has a positive side - good inventors come out of them. Most of those people who moved forward the progress of mankind were schizoids. Their main feature, which immediately catches the eye, is eccentricity. “Not of this world” - this can be safely said about schizoids.

epileptoid type

The most pedantic and meticulous type. It would seem that what is good in these qualities of character? But representatives of other types are difficult to imagine in some professions. For example, the best teachers of mathematics or physics are epileptoids. Their accuracy and attention to detail are undeniable advantages in teaching the exact sciences.

hysteroid type

For this category, all life is one huge stage. Some people may initially find it unpleasant to be in a society with a hysteroid. After all, their main quality is the constant desire to be in the spotlight. But for certain professions, belonging to this class (its counterpart in Leonhard's is a demonstrative type of accentuation) is an advantage. For example, great sellers, actors, singers come out of hysteroids.

Unstable type

Lichko's representatives of this category turned out to be the most irresponsible teenagers. These were those who did not have stable interests, practically did not think about their future. The unstable cannot concentrate on work for a long time, they are distinguished by a constant craving for idleness and entertainment.

Conformal type

A distinctive feature of conformists is the desire not to differ from the environment. Their credo is "to be like everyone else." A negative feature of this category is the tendency to betray in a difficult situation. A conforming person will not suffer from remorse - he will always find an excuse for his actions.

Types of character accentuation according to Leonhard

Karl Leonhard identified twelve. In many ways, his classification intersects with Lichko's theory, and some types are identical in them. Leonhard created three categories: the first was associated with character accentuations, the second - with temperament accentuations. The criterion for the selection of the third group is personal characteristics (focus on oneself or on the outside world).

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify the difference between temperament and character. People who are not familiar with psychology often confuse these concepts. But even some psychologists tend to believe that temperament and character are one and the same.

Temperament is the speed of a person's reaction to ongoing events. This quality is rather a physiological property of the nervous system. Temperament includes emotionality, degree of response, balance. Character is a public education. Starting from birth, the people around leave their mark on the child. Such social interactions mold his personality.

So, he carried out a classification in accordance with the character, temperament and personality traits, and the styles of human social interaction served as criteria for distinguishing categories.

Accentuations associated with temperament

  • Hyperthymic type. The main characteristics are mobility, sociability. In childhood, hyperthyms have a good memory and are easily trained. In adolescence, conflicts are possible, since the group does not always allow hyperthym to take a leading position. As adults, representatives of this category remain sociable and energetic. It is easy to find a common language with them, if you do not oppose.
  • Dysthymic type. Gloominess, phlegm, inhibition of reactions are the main features of dysthymics. They are silent and seem to be incorrigible pessimists. The positive side of the dysthymic type is responsibility, a developed sense of justice.
  • Labile type. It, as in Lichko's classification, is distinguished by the ability to quickly change mood. Even a roughly spoken word can affect a representative of a labile type. A good mood can be ruined even by the rain.
  • exalted type. Representatives of this type are non-conflict, love society, attentive to others. The exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by amorousness, a tendency to elevated feelings, and sociability. Such people are very quickly influenced by the events of the outside world - from the positive they are easily delighted, from the negative they give in to panic. Many designers, musicians and artists have an exalted type of accentuation.

  • Anxious type. The main feature is a feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason. Anxious children are quickly recognized by their peers, and because of their indecision, they can become the object of ridicule. As adults, they remain no less suspicious than they were children. It is difficult for such people to insist on their own. However, the disturbing type of accentuation has its advantages - its representatives have a rich inner world, and are also always able to adequately assess their capabilities. Among other types, they perceive reality most clearly.
  • Emotive type. It is believed that representatives of this category “think” with feelings. Their main characteristics are kindness, responsibility, empathy, low conflict. People can feel relaxed only in the company of close people. They are soft-hearted, compassionate, and also appreciate the beauty of nature more than others. In communication with them, their feelings are always recognized. The main value for them is good relationships in the family and in the workplace. Representatives of the emotive type are very vulnerable to callousness and rude behavior.

Accentuations according to character traits

  • Stuck type. A person belonging to this category can carry certain feelings in himself for years. If these are negative emotions that have not been properly expressed, then they torment the stuck person for a long period of time. The desire for a goal is the main characteristic of this accentuation. The stuck type will get his way no matter what. Often, for this, he seeks to pick up good fellow travelers. Those who get stuck make good leaders in any activity. However, if their fate is not so rosy, they can become leaders of gangs. In addition, like the demonstrative, stuck type of accentuation, it needs to be recognized by society. However, this should be really well-deserved respect, glory, which has a basis.
  • Pedantic type. As with epileptoids in the Lichko classification, the main features of the representatives of this group are scrupulousness and attention to detail. Pedantic people are highly valued in the office environment for their responsibility and efficiency. Also, this accentuation is manifested in taking care of one's own health, the absence of bad habits. The reverse side of the coin for such people is the constant fear of making a mistake, perfectionism.

  • Excitable type. Impulsivity, irritability, the desire to satisfy the surging impulses immediately - this is what characterizes the excitable type of accentuation. People belonging to this group are usually endowed with a high level of conflict, which often prevents them from building full-fledged relationships. The advantage is that they live entirely in the present.
  • Demonstrative type. It is easy to determine, already starting at the age of two. Such kids, once having been in the spotlight, then try to win it at all costs. If this trend is supported by parents, then they almost always have an overestimated self-esteem that is not really supported by anything. Students of this type can be set as an example to others. Therefore, it is not always easy to recognize that their abilities in a certain area are hardly above average. On the other hand, a demonstrative type of accentuation is distinguished by artistry, good taste in clothes.

Types of accentuations in accordance with personality traits

  • introverted type. It is characterized by focusing on their experiences, avoiding social contacts. Reality for them is secondary in relation to the inner world. Introverts are responsible, unobtrusive, love solitude.
  • Extrovert type. Its representatives are self-confident people who love to be among people and receive energy from communication. They do not tend to get hung up on aspects of their inner life, they always act in accordance with what reality presents them.

Currently, Lichko's theory is more widely used among psychologists, since the scientist conducted his research on healthy people (teenagers). Leonhard's classification is more commonly used by psychiatrists. Despite the names presented in both classifications, these groups have nothing to do with mental disorders. The schizoid type of accentuation, for example, in no way means the presence of schizophrenia - all terms are conditional. Different types of accentuation mean the severity of the trait is within the normal range.

Accentuations- excessively pronounced character traits. Depending on the level of expression, two degrees of character accentuation are distinguished: explicit and hidden. Explicit accentuation refers to the extreme variants of the norm, it is distinguished by the constancy of the features of a certain type of character. With hidden accentuation, the features of a certain type of character are weakly expressed or do not appear at all, but they can be clearly manifested under the influence of specific situations.

Character accentuations can contribute to the development of psychogenic disorders, situationally caused pathological behavioral disorders, neuroses, psychoses. However, it should be noted that character accentuation should by no means be identified with the concept of mental pathology. A rigid boundary between conditionally normal, "average" people and accentuated personalities does not exist.

Identification of accentuated personalities in a team is necessary to develop an individual approach to them, for professional orientation, to assign a certain range of duties to them, with which they are able to cope better than others (due to their psychological predisposition).

The main types of accentuation of characters and their combinations:

  • hysterical or demonstrative type, its main features are egocentrism, extreme selfishness, an insatiable thirst for attention, a need for veneration, approval and recognition of actions and personal abilities.
  • Hyperthymic type - a high degree of sociability, noisiness, mobility, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief.
  • Asthenoneurotic- increased fatigue during communication, irritability, a tendency to anxious fears for one's fate.
  • psychosthenic- indecisiveness, a tendency to endless reasoning, love of introspection, suspiciousness.
  • Schizoid- isolation, secrecy, detachment from what is happening around, inability to establish deep contacts with others, lack of sociability.
  • sensitive- shyness, shyness, resentment, excessive sensitivity, impressionability, a sense of inferiority.
  • epileptoid (excitable)- a tendency to recurring periods of dreary-angry mood with accumulating irritation and the search for an object on which to vent anger. Thoroughness, low speed of thinking, emotional inertness, pedantry and scrupulousness in personal life, conservatism.
  • Emotionally labile- an extremely changeable mood, fluctuating too sharply and often from insignificant reasons.
  • Infantile dependent- people who constantly play the role of an "eternal child", avoiding taking responsibility for their actions and preferring to delegate it to others.
  • Unstable type- a constant craving for entertainment, pleasure, idleness, idleness, lack of will in study, work and the performance of one's duties, weakness and cowardice.

Accentuations are overly pronounced character traits related to the extreme version of the norm, bordering on psychopathy. With this feature, some traits of a person's character are pointed, disproportionate in relation to the general personality type, leading to a certain disharmony.

The term "personality accentuation" was introduced in 1968 by a psychiatrist from Germany, K. Leonhard, who described this phenomenon as overly pronounced individual personality traits that tended to go into a pathological state under the influence of adverse factors. Later, this issue was considered by A.E. Lichko, who, on the basis of the works of Leongrad, developed his own classification and introduced the term “character accentuation” into everyday life.

And although the accentuated character is by no means identified with a mental illness, it is important to understand that it can contribute to the formation of psychopathologies (neurosis, psychosis, etc.). In practice, it is very difficult to find the line to separate "normal" from accentuated personalities. However, psychologists recommend identifying such people in teams, because accentuation almost always determines special abilities and psychological disposition to specific activities.


Accentuations of character in terms of severity can be explicit and hidden. Explicit accentuation is an extreme version of the norm, when certain character traits are expressed throughout life. The manifestation of hidden accentuations is usually associated with some kind of traumatic circumstances, which, in principle, is the usual version of the norm. During a person's life, the forms of accentuations can change from one to another under the influence of various external and internal factors.

Lichko classification

The most common and understandable classifications of character types include the aforementioned systems developed by Leonhard and Lichko. Lichko studied character accentuations that can be observed in adolescence to a greater extent, and the following types are distinguished in his classification:

HyperthymicThis type is characterized as "overactive", with its inherent increased vitality and mood. Personalities with such accentuations cannot endure any monotony and loneliness, they crave communication, they are prone to frequent changes in hobbies and activities, as a result of which they rarely finish what they started
CycloidHyperthymia alternates with a subdepressive phase with characteristic cyclic mood changes
LabileEmotional lability is expressed in frequent and causeless mood swings. People with this character trait are extremely sensitive, tend to openly demonstrate positive emotions in relation to others, are distinguished by social responsiveness and sociability.
sensitiveOften, sensitive accentuations are manifested in an inferiority complex, shyness, and increased impressionability. The interests of such personalities often lie in the intellectual and aesthetic spheres.
Astheno-neuroticManifested in capriciousness, suspiciousness, increased irritability, fatigue during any mental work
SchizoidIndividuals of the schizoid type are usually very reserved, preferring solitude. If we talk about teenagers, then they may not be drawn to their peers at all, preferring to be in the company of adults. With external indifference, the inner world of such individuals is often filled with various fantasies and hobbies.
PsychasthenicPeople with a psychasthenic type accentuation are prone to introspection, long-term hesitation when it is necessary to make a decision, fear of responsibility, self-criticism
epileptoidThe characteristic features of the individual are determined by authoritarianism, increased excitability, tension, irritability with bouts of anger.
hystericalHysteroid personalities always want to be in the center of everyone's attention, they are self-centered, afraid of becoming the object of ridicule, prone to demonstrative suicide
ConformalThe individual tends to mindlessly obey any more authoritarian person, strives not to differ from others in any way, in fact, being an opportunist
UnstablePeople of this type often have a craving for various kinds of entertainment, laziness, lack of reflection on the future and professional interests.

Classification of Leongrad

In many ways, the classification of character types proposed by Leongrad, who studied character accentuations mainly in adults, is similar and identified the following types:

HyperthymicTalkativeness, readiness to always make contact, pronounced facial expressions and gestures, energy and initiative, sometimes conflict, frivolity and irritability
distymnyThe opposite of the previous type, characterized by low contact and a generally pessimistic attitude and passivity
CycloidFrequent mood swings, which affect the behavior and manner of communication with other people
Excitable.It is characterized by delayed non-verbal and verbal reactions, however, in a state of emotional arousal, irritability and even aggression are possible.
stuck.Boredom, a tendency to instruct, touchy, and sometimes even vindictive
PedanticIn conflicts, such an individual usually participates as a passive observer, is distinguished by conscientiousness and accuracy, but is prone to formalism and tediousness.
alarmingDepression, self-doubt, performance
emotiveSuch individuals feel comfortable only in the circle of selected close people, are able to empathize and sincerely rejoice in someone else's happiness, are tearful and hypersensitive.
DemonstrativeThere is a pronounced desire for leadership, artistry, non-standard thinking, selfishness, hypocrisy, a tendency to boast
ExaltedTalkativeness, altruism, a tendency to commit impulsive acts
extrovertedPersonalities of this type usually make contact easily, have many friends, are non-conflict, but quite easily succumb to other people's influence, sometimes commit rash actions, have a tendency to spread gossip
introvertedThis type differs from the previous one in low contact. Introverted personalities show a tendency to philosophize, loneliness, adherence to principles, restraint, stubbornness

One of the modifications of the Leongarad classification is the Shmishek system, which proposed to divide the types of accentuations into accentuations of temperament and character. So, he attributed hyperthymia, distimism, cyclothymia, anxiety, exaltation and emotiveness to accentuations of temperament. But the author ranked excitability, stuckness, demonstrativeness and pedantry directly as accentuations of character.


Popular heroes of modern animated films and literary works, endowed with pronounced personal characteristics, can serve as the clearest examples of types of character accentuations. Thus, an unstable or dysthymic type of personality is well illustrated in the hero of the famous children's work "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Piero, whose mood is usually bleak and depressed, and his attitude to surrounding events is pessimistic.

The donkey Eeyore from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh is best suited to the asthenic or pedantic type. This character is distinguished by unsociableness, fear of disappointment, concern for one's own health. But the White Knight from the famous work "Alice in Wonderland" can be safely attributed to an extroverted schizoid type, characterized by intellectual development and unsociableness. Alice herself belongs rather to the cycloid type, which is characterized by alternating increased and decreased activity with corresponding mood swings. The character of Don Quixote Cervantes is revealed in a similar way.

The accentuation of the character of the demonstrative type is clearly manifested in Carlson - narcissistic a character who loves to show off, striving to always be the object of everyone's attention. Winnie the Pooh from the children's book of the same name and the cat Matroskin can be safely attributed to the excitable type. These two characters are similar in many ways, as both are distinguished by an optimistic warehouse, activity and immunity to criticism. An exalted character can be observed in the hero of the modern cartoon "Madagascar" King Julian - he is eccentric, inclined to exaggerate his own emotions, does not tolerate inattention to himself.

The labile (emotional) type of character accentuation is revealed in Tsarevna-Nesmeyana, but the fisherman from A.S. Pushkin "On the Fisherman and the Fish" is a characteristic representative of the conformal (extroverted) type, who finds it easier to adapt to the opinions of others than to defend his point of view. The paranoid (stuck) type is typical for most purposeful and self-confident super-heroes (Spider-Man, Superman, etc.), whose life is a constant struggle.

Formation factors

The accentuated character is formed, as a rule, under the influence of a combination of various factors. There is no doubt that one of the key roles in this is played by heredity, that is, some innate personality traits. In addition, the following circumstances may influence the appearance of accentuations:

  • Appropriate social environment. Since character is formed from early childhood, the people around the child have the greatest influence on personality development. He unconsciously copies their behavior and adopts their features;
  • Destructive upbringing. Lack of attention from parents and other people around, excessive guardianship or severity, lack of emotional closeness with the child, excessive or conflicting demands, etc.;
  • Dissatisfaction of personal needs. With an authoritarian type of management in the family or school;
  • Lack of communication in adolescence;
  • Inferiority complex, high self-esteem or other forms of disharmonious self-image;
  • Chronic diseases, especially those affecting the nervous system, physical disabilities;
  • Profession. According to statistics, character accentuations are more often observed in representatives of such professions as actors, teachers, medical workers, military personnel, etc.

According to scientists, the accentuation of character is more often manifested in the puberty period, but as they grow older, it turns into a latent form. As for the genesis of the phenomenon under consideration, a number of previous studies show that, in general, education itself cannot create conditions in which, for example, a schizoid or cycloid personality type could be formed. However, with certain relationships in the family (excessive indulgence of the child, etc.), it is quite possible that the child will develop a hysterical character accentuation, etc. Very often, people with a hereditary predisposition have mixed types of accentuations.


Accentuations of character are found not only in their "pure" form, easily classifiable, but in a mixed form. These are the so-called intermediate types, which are the result of the simultaneous development of several different features. Taking into account such personality traits is very important when raising children and building communication with adolescents. It is also necessary to take into account the features of an accentuated character when choosing a profession, when identifying a predisposition to a particular type of activity.

Very often, an accentuated character is compared with psychopathy. It is important to take into account the obvious difference here - the manifestation of accentuations is not permanent, since over time they can change their degree of expression, smooth out or disappear altogether. Under favorable life circumstances, individuals with an accentuated character are even able to reveal special abilities and talents in themselves. For example, a person with an exalted type can discover the talent of an artist, actor, etc. in himself.

As for the manifestations of accentuations in adolescence, this problem is very relevant today. According to statistics, almost 80% of adolescents have character accentuations. And although these features are considered temporary, psychologists talk about the importance of their timely recognition and correction. The fact is that some of the pronounced accentuations under the influence of certain adverse factors can transform a mental illness already in adulthood.


Excessively pronounced accentuation of character, leading to a clear personality disharmony, may indeed require some treatment. It is important to emphasize that therapy for the problem under consideration should be inextricably linked with the underlying disease. For example, it has been proven that with repeated craniocerebral injuries against the background of an accentuated character, the formation of psychopathic disorders is possible. Despite the fact that character accentuations themselves are not considered pathologies in psychology, they are quite close to mental disorders in a number of ways. In particular, an accentuated character is one of the psychological problems in which it is not always possible to maintain normal behavior in society.

Explicit and hidden character accentuations are diagnosed during special psychological tests using appropriate questionnaires. Treatment is always prescribed individually, depending on the specific type of accentuation, its causes, etc. As a rule, correction is carried out with the help of psychotherapy in an individual, family or group form, but sometimes additional drug therapy may be prescribed.

Hyperthymic type. Adolescents who belong to the hyperthymic type, from childhood, are distinguished by great noisiness, sociability, excessive independence, even courage, and a tendency to rowdy. They have neither bashfulness nor timidity in front of strangers, but they lack a sense of distance in relation to an adult. In the game, they like to lead a one-year-old. Educators complain about their restlessness. Only occasionally is the sunny mood overshadowed by a flash of irritation and anger caused by the opposition of others, their desire to strangle too violent energy, to subdue their will. Extremely violently react to everyday guardianship, instruction and morality; they do not tolerate rigid discipline and a strictly regulated regime. But in an unusual situation they do not get lost, they show dexterity, they know how to be cunning. Characteristically beautiful feeling of the new. The hyperthymic type occurs, as a rule, in the form of a clear accentuation.

cycloid type. In childhood, they do not differ from their peers or give the impression of hyperthymic personalities. With the onset of puberty, the first subdepressive phase may occur. In the future, this phase alternates with a phase of recovery and with periods of even mood. The duration of the phase changes - first days, then 1-2 weeks, with age they can be extended, or vice versa, smoothed out. Cycloid psychopathy does not exist. With a pronounced cycloidity, cyclothymia occurs, which can be legitimately considered as a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis. The cycloid accentuation itself can be a background for the development of both this and schizoaffective psychoses.

Labile type. In childhood, such persons differ from their peers, but show a tendency to neurotic reactions. The main feature in adolescence is the extreme lability of mood, which changes too often and too abruptly from insignificant and even imperceptible reasons for others. Everything depends on the mood at the moment: well-being, and sleep, and appetite, and working capacity, and sociability. Such teenagers are distinguished by deep feelings, a sincere disposition towards those from whom they see love, concern and attention. They love company, a change of scenery, but unlike hyperthymic teenagers, they are looking for not a flight of activity, but only new impressions. Sensitivity to any kind of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement, which bring sincere joy, is not communicated with arrogance. The "weak link" of this type is dependence on emotionally significant persons, separation from them. This type of accentuation serves as the basis for an acute affective reaction, neuroses, especially neurasthenia, reactive depression and psychopathic personality development.

Asthenoneurotic type. Since childhood, there are often signs of neuropathy: poor sleep and appetite, capriciousness, shyness, tearfulness, sometimes night terrors, nocturnal enuresis, stuttering, and the like. In other cases, childhood goes well, and the first signs of asthenoneurotic accentuation occur only in adolescence. The main feature is fatigue, irritability, prudence and capriciousness. Such adolescents listen attentively to the smallest bodily sensations, are willing to be treated, lie in bed, and are amenable to medical examinations. Self-esteem usually primarily reflects health concerns.

sensitive type. Since childhood, shy and timid. They are often afraid of the dark, shun animals, afraid to be alone, to be closed at home. Avoid frisky and noisy peers. They do not like outdoor games. Timid and bashful among strangers and in unusual surroundings. Unwilling to communicate easily with strangers. All this can create an erroneous impression of isolation and isolation from the environment. In fact, such children are quite friendly with those to whom they are accustomed. They often like to play with kids, feeling more confident and calmer with them. They are attached to relatives and friends, even with cold and harsh treatment of them. They differ in obedience. They have a reputation as "house kids". Self-assessment has a high level of objectivity. A blow to the “weak link” is usually a situation in which a teenager becomes the object of unfriendly attention from others, ridicule or suspicion of dishonorable acts, when a shadow falls on the reputation, when the teenager is subjected to unfair accusations.

Psychic type. The main feature of the type of psychasthenia is indecision, a tendency to any kind of reasoning, anxious prudence in the form of fears for the future - one's own and one's loved ones, love for introspection, digging itself and the ease of occurrence of obsessive fears, fears, rituals, ideas, thoughts. A fictional sign and rituals become protection from constant anxiety for the future. Often there is a tendency to find in oneself a trait of different types themselves, including those that are not at all characteristic, for example, hysterical. The accentuation of psychasthenia serves as fertile ground for the development of obsessive neurosis.

Schizoid type. From the first years, such children like to play alone. Before that, some childish restraint and even coldness can be added. Closure is associated with a lack of intuition. The inner world is almost always closed to outsiders and is most often filled with fantasy and capture. The reaction of grouping with a one-year-old is outwardly expressed weakly. Captures are often distinguished by unusualness, strength and constancy. Intellectually aesthetic hobbies are more common. Alcoholization is rare. Delinquent behavior is rare. Group offenses are not typical. Self-esteem of schizoids is selective. A blow to the “weak link” of schizoid accentuation is a situation in which it is necessary to quickly and easily enter into informal contacts. Schizoid accentuation is associated with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia.

epileptoid type. The main feature is a tendency to periods of viciously dreary mood with irritation. A common feature is the viscosity, stiffness, inertia, which leaves an imprint on everything - from motor skills and emotionality to thinking and personal value. There is a tendency to periods of gloomy mood (“gets on me”), prudence, a disposition for accuracy and order, dislike for empty dreams and the advantage of living a real life, concern about health, even a tendency to jealousy. In another, they present themselves as much more conforming than they really are. Among the seizures there must be a marked tendency to gamble. Epileptoid accentuation is the basis for an acute affective reaction, situationally determined behavioral disorders of the delinquent and even criminal type, early alcoholization, and psychopathic development.

hysterical type. The main feature is egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for the constant attention of others to their face, the need to arouse admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy. All this trait is often outlined from childhood. Such a child cannot stand it when other children are praised, others are given attention. She quickly gets bored with the toy and often serves only as an object of showing off to other kids. An urgent need early becomes attracting glances, listening to admiration and praise. In adolescence, with the same goal - to attract attention, primarily comrades, behavioral disorders can be used. Hysteroid accentuation is often associated with mental infantilism. The reaction of grouping with a one-year-old is connected with a claim to leadership or to an emergency state in the group. Capture is entirely due to egocentrism. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. Usually they present themselves in such a way that at the moment it is most likely to attract attention.

Blows to egocentrism are the most sensual for a hysteroid personality. The combination of hysterical accentuation with hyperprotection, with upbringing in the style of "family idol" easily leads to psychopathic development.

unstable type. From childhood, they are distinguished by disobedience, restless, at the same time cowardly, afraid of punishment. Early there is an increased craving for satisfaction, entertainment. The search for unusual experiences easily pushes to the offense. All grips that require some kind of labor are incomprehensible to them. Accessible is only informative - communicative type of hobby, gambling. To sports feel immediately. They work only when absolutely necessary. Self-assessment is usually biased: hyperthymic or conformal traits are attributed to oneself. The main "weak link" of unstable accentuation is to be left without close supervision, to be left to oneself. When brought up by the type of hypoprotection, psychopathy develops from unstable accentuation.

Conformal type. The main feature is a constant and excessive conformity to one's immediate familiar environment. The life rule is to think “like everyone else”, to do “like everyone else”, so that everything is “like in everyone else” - from clothes and demeanor to worldview and judgments. Conformity is communicated with astonishing uncriticality. Everything that the usual environment says, everything that the usual channels of information bring, is the truth. Conservatism goes hand in hand with conformity. Conformal adolescents greatly value their place in their usual group of the same age, the stability of this group, and the constancy of their environment. The grips of the conformal adolescent are completely determined by his environment and the dictates of the times. The weak point in the conformal character is the obnoxiousness of abrupt changes. Psychopathy conformal type does not happen. Hypoprotection, neglect, asocial environment can lead to psychopathic development of an unstable type.

mixed types. These types make up almost half of the cases of explicit accentuations. Their peculiarity is not difficult to imagine based on the previous descriptions. The combinations that occur are not random. They follow a certain pattern. The trait of some types is combined with each other quite often, and almost never with others.

In addition to the classification of K. Leonhard, in the practice of psychologists and psychiatrists are used accentuation of Lichko's character.

He expanded and supplemented this concept, deduced his own typology of characteristics of pointed personality traits.

Brief background

A. Lichko derived his systematics of character accentuations, based on, G.E. Sukhareva and P. B. Gannushkin.

However, she slightly different.

Classification in the first place for studying adolescence, covers not only accentuations, but also psychopathological deviations of character.

Lichko suggested replacing the term "personality accentuations" with "character accentuations", explaining that personality is a broader concept and cannot be assessed only in terms of accentuations.

Attention in the studies was directed to adolescence, because during this period, various psychopathy begin to manifest itself most clearly.

Types of character accentuation according to Lichko:

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

According to Lichko's theory, accentuation is temporary. In the process they may appear and disappear. These changes and personality traits sometimes turn into psychopathy and persist into adulthood.

The direction of development of pointed personality traits is determined by the social environment and the type of accentuation. She happens overt and covert.

According to psychiatrist A. Lichko, accentuations are borderline states between norm and pathology.

Therefore, he built his classification on the basis of the types of psychopathy.

Character accentuations - examples:


The following types of accentuations were distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic type. Active, restless, poorly controlled by teachers. Flexible, easily adapts to changing situations. Teenagers are prone to conflicts with adults, including teachers. Change is not afraid. The mood is predominantly positive. tend to overestimate their capabilities, so they are able to take risks without hesitation.

    For them, excitement, noisy, active companies and entertainment are acceptable. There are many hobbies, they are superficial.

  2. Cycloid. Characterized by frequent mood swings - from good to bad. They prefer loneliness, being at home, than active entertainment in the company. Adversity is hard to bear. Painfully reacts to criticism and remarks. There is a tendency to, apathy, easily irritated. Change of mood can be tied to the time of year.

    In the process of growing up, the pronounced features of accentuation can be smoothed out, but sometimes it gets stuck at the oppressive-melancholic stage. During the period of recovery, when the mood is good, there is cheerfulness, optimism, high activity, sociability, initiative. In the opposite state - a bad mood - they show increased sensitivity, react sharply to criticism.

  3. sensitive. People of this type are highly sensitive. Adolescents give the impression of being closed, they do not strive for joint games, they are timid. They treat their parents well, behave obediently. Difficulties in adapting in a team are possible. An inferiority complex may develop.

    People of this type have a developed sense of responsibility, make high moral demands on themselves and others.

    Perseverance allows you to successfully engage in painstaking work and complex activities. choose carefully. They prefer to communicate with those who are older.

  4. Schizoid type. There is isolation, the desire to spend time alone, fenced off from the world. They are indifferent to other people and communication with them, which can manifest itself in a defiant avoidance of contact. They lack such a quality as sympathy, they do not show interest in the people around them, there is no empathy and understanding of the feelings of others. do not seek to show people their feelings, so their peers do not understand them, considering them strange.

  5. hysterical. They have a high degree of egocentrism. They need the attention of other people, and they do everything to get it. Demonstrative and artistic. They worry if attention is paid not to them, but to someone else. They should be admired - one of the important needs of the individual. Hysteroids become the initiator of events and events, but they themselves are not able to clearly organize them. It is also problematic for them to earn authority among their peers, despite the fact that they strive for leadership. They need praise in their address, but criticism is perceived painfully. Feelings are shallow.

    Prone to deceit, fantasies, pretense. Often they show a demonstrative type of suicide in an attempt to attract attention and earn the sympathy of others.

  6. Conformal type. Teenagers with a similar accentuation easily obey the will of other people. They do not have their own opinion, they follow the group. The basic principle is to be, to act like everyone else. At the same time, they are conservative. If they need to protect their interests, they will do anything, finding an excuse for them. prone to betrayal. Finds a way to survive in the team, adapting to it and adapting to the leader.
  7. psychasthenic type. Differs in indecision, unwillingness to take responsibility. They are prone to introspection, they are critical in evaluating their personality and actions. They have high mental abilities, ahead of their peers. In behavior, impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions can be observed. Accurate and prudent, calm enough, but at the same time indecisive and not capable of active actions, where risk and responsibility are required.

    To relieve tension, they tend to use alcohol or drugs. Psychasthenics manifest themselves arbitrarily in personal relationships, which can ultimately lead to their destruction. They are also prone to pettiness.

  8. Unstable. They show little interest in learning, which causes a lot of excitement for parents and teachers. They have a penchant for entertainment. There are no life goals, they live one day, they are not interested in anything. The main features are frivolity, laziness, idleness. They are not interested in work. They do not like to be controlled, they strive for complete freedom. Open to communication, communicative, love to talk. They are prone to different types of addictions. Often fall into dangerous companies.
  9. Emotionally labile type. Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings. Any trifle, up to an incorrectly thrown glance or a spoken word, can serve as a reason for changes in the emotional state.

    The type is sensitive, needs support, especially during periods of bad mood.

    Treats peers well. It has sensitivity, understands the attitude and mood of others. Strongly attached to people.

  10. epileptoid type. One of the pronounced character traits is cruelty, they tend to offend the younger and weaker animals. He prefers to make friends and communicate with adults, the need to establish communication with peers causes discomfort. At an early age, they show traits of capriciousness, tearfulness, and require attention.

    They have self-esteem and a desire for power. If they become the boss, subordinates are kept in fear. Of all the accentuations, it is considered the most dangerous personality type, as it has a high degree of cruelty. If it is necessary to make a career and achieve a high position, they are able to please the top management, adapt to its requirements, while not forgetting their own interests.

  11. Asthenoneurotic type. Show discipline and responsibility. However, they have a high degree of fatigue, this is especially noticeable during monotonous activities or the need to participate in competitive work. Drowsiness, fatigue can occur for no apparent reason. In the manifestations of accentuation, irritability, increased suspiciousness, and hypochondria are noticeable.

    There is a possibility of emotional breakdowns, especially if events do not happen the way asthenics want. Irritability is replaced by remorse.

In addition to pronounced types, there can also be observed mixed characters.

Table of character accentuations:

Where is the technique used?

Lichko test expanded to 143 questions. Focused more on children and teenagers.

used to identify obvious problems and accentuations in character, allows you to predict the appearance of psychopathy, start correcting negative states in a timely manner, and identify dangerous personalities.

Lichko believed that it was important to study accentuations already in adolescence, since the majority during this period manifests itself most clearly and is formed. up to adolescence.

The use of methods of diagnosing, testing, conversation allows identify the problem in a timely manner and develop a corrective program.

How to identify character accentuations? Psychologist's comment: