Recreation in summer outdoors entertainment. Funny contests for a fun company in nature













As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more pleasant and safe entertainment. For this game, a soundly sleeping Valera is taken, who will probably be found near a backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be an even number of jumps, otherwise Valera will not grow anymore.

Cell phone players are trying to explain to their comrades how to get to the place of rest. The one whose partner arrives first wins.

The second team comes to the clearing where the picnic is being held and says that this is their place, after which the players start kicking each other out of the clearing. The winner gets a clearing and meat.

All participants of the picnic, free from frying barbecue, sorry for the involuntary rhyme, line up and begin to slowly walk across the clearing, heads down and peering into the grass. The leader rushes on his knees in front of the walking chain and says: "The chain is golden, the husband gave it, he finds out, he will kill! Oh, I'm a damned fool!"
The game continues until they are called to eat and drink.

One of the players turns on the car radio at full volume and opens the doors of his car. The rest of the participants in the game are divided into two teams: one gets high on music, and the other is annoying. As a rule, those who enjoy music win.

One of the players is shuffling chess. There are usually thirty-two pieces, so four bolts or screws are added to play the chess fool. The players hold the figures in their fists, but do not show each other. And they play fool not with cards, but with chess, like cultured intelligent people. The one who has all the pieces in his hand loses.

This is a decorous and cultural entertainment, unlike wrestling in the mud, in a fire, in a barbecue or sleigh. Decent women wrestle dressed, on a clean blanket, and the audience cheer them on with applause and exclamations of "Come on, Svetlana Nikolaevna, take over Antonina Sergevna!", "Come on, Antonina Sergevna, tear Svetlana Nikolaevna's mouth!" etc.

The game begins when daughters of different ages and their mothers go out into nature. Without men. The host starts the game with the words "Girls! I saw new salamander boots yesterday ..." Everyone starts interrupting her with all the same nonsense. And at the same time, they still have to laugh shrillly and drunkenly. God forbid a man be there.

For this game, several skewers are needed, and exactly one less than the participants.
Players walk around the barbecue and pretend that they are playing completely different games. But at the command "Kebabs are ready!" everyone rushes to the grill. The one who does not get the skewers with barbecue loses.

While the kebab is fried, one player (leader) hides a net with bottles of vodka in the river. The rest of the players first wait, and then they can’t stand it and begin to show where she can be. And the leader says: "Hot!", "Heat!" or "Colder!" (depending on how much time has passed). When the kebab is ready and the vodka is cold, this monster says: "It's cold!" and takes out the hidden grid.

The participants of the game gather at the start line and drink 30-100 grams of vodka each. The bottle is then moved back 40-80 cm. Participants must take a step and drink 60-120 grams again. The bottle moves back 80-160 cm. Again, everyone steps and drinks. Whoever can take the biggest step and then stand up wins.

To play you will need badminton rackets and a soccer ball. The rules are like in tennis, but instead of a net there is a person. He also serves as a referee in this exciting but difficult game.

Game with a girl "TO POTTLE"
A couple of players sit opposite each other, pour and drink. Then more. If a girl misses, then she takes off any detail of the toilet. If he doesn’t miss, then at the end of the game he allows you to remove them all from himself.

While the men are frying the BBQ, the women should play Potato Peeling, Lettuce Cutting and Get the Kids Do Something! In the morning, they, as if they had done nothing to prepare the Shashlik, must collect all the dishes, men lying around and other rubbish.

The players have been trying to sit on the guitar all evening, and the host, who is also the owner of the guitar, is trying at the last moment to pull the guitar out from under the players and play it. The winner is the one who still manages to sit down on the guitar. The leader loses.

As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more pleasant and safe entertainment. For this game, a soundly sleeping Valera is taken, who will probably be found near a backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be an even number of jumps, otherwise Valera will no longer grow

Everyone loves outdoor recreation. Fresh air, delicious food and fun entertainment make a simple picnic a great pastime. If everything is clear with the first two points, then the third one will have to work hard. How to choose and organize leisure time in order to have fun and not lose heart? That's what we'll talk about now.

In order to properly organize your vacation and choose the right entertainment, you need to decide how exactly you want to spend your time. There are many different types of outdoor recreation.

The first option is the easiest - rest without entertainment. It is enough to organize a picnic and just enjoy the surrounding beauties and clean air. But only after all the goodies are eaten, and there is nothing to do, the rest will quickly become dull and will not bring vivid impressions. However, such a pastime cannot be ruled out - after all, everyone has different tastes and sometimes you just want to relax.

The second option is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts. It is enough to dilute leisure in nature with various sports games. You can play volleyball, football or badminton.

The third option is somewhat unusual, but very interesting. Various quests, paintball and airsoft will give you unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions.

The fourth option is the most popular and interesting. Diversify your leisure time with competitions. Absolutely everyone can take part. It is enough to prepare an exciting program.

It is about the latter option that we will talk in more detail. Below are interesting outdoor contests for adults that will be a nice addition to a picnic.

Competition "Guess who"

Perfect for a noisy and cheerful company. The competition goes like this. One of the guys needs to be blindfolded. Girls line up hardly. The guy must determine who is in front of him, using any means available. The girls, in turn, cannot utter a word and do something that can betray them.

All the guys are blindfolded in turn, and the girls are swapped. After all participants have voiced their answers, the number of points for each player is calculated and the winner is determined.

Then we do the opposite - we blindfold the girls.

Competition "Beer Checkers"

To conduct it, you need to draw a kind of chessboard with chalk or paint on asphalt or grass. In each cage you need to put a small glass of beer (for the more daring, you can put cans or bottles of beer). Of course, the container should be different.

Players are taken for a real game of checkers, where the checkers themselves are beer. And when one of the players beats the "checker", then as a reward, he must drink its contents. You cannot refuse your prize - it is perceived as a personal insult.

The game "Tent with your own hands"

This game is great for playing somewhere in the woods. All those present must be divided into two teams and given the task of building a real hut. Time should not be stretched, but it is better to limit it within 20-30 minutes. The hut must have strong walls and a roof. A prerequisite is that all team members must fit in it. You can use any materials - sticks, leaves ... The team whose hut is more stable, stronger and will accommodate all participants will win.

Relay "Pass the bag"

Good old relay races can also be a great way to have fun.

It is necessary to prepare a small bag of peas or sand. At the venue, draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Or just conditionally designate them, where two trees can become a starting point. Next, you need to divide all those present into 2 teams. The players of both teams line up one behind the other in a line near one of the lines. A bag is placed on the head of the first participant. Players from both teams start at the same time. The participant must go with this small bag on his head to the second line, sit down, turn around three times around his axis, return to the team and pass the bag to the next player. If the bag fell during the task, then the player returns to the team and performs all the actions again. The team whose members complete the task first will win.

It is interesting to conduct a relay race when everyone present has a little drink and it will be more difficult to complete the task.

Game "Bring it whole"

For this fun game, you need to divide all those present into teams of 2 people. One of them will be the cook and the other the courier. Roles can be assigned by lottery. The job of a chef is simple. He needs to stand with a conditional frying pan (or a real one) and wait for the courier. But for the courier, the task is more difficult. He is given a spoon and a raw egg. The task is to bring the egg lying in the spoon, which is clenched in the teeth, whole to the cook. The distance between team members must be at least 5 meters. But the more, the better. The team whose courier brings the whole egg first will win.

Game "It's time to jump"

This entertainment is analogous to jumping over a fire. But if jumping over a fire is quite dangerous, then jumping over a "log" is very simple, and most importantly, it is safe for health. For the role of a log, you can choose a soundly sleeping person, who is sure to be found near strong drinks. Just remember that you need to jump over the newly made "log" an even number of times, because otherwise it will not grow J

The main thing in the game is to have time to capture each participant during the jump.

Draw game "Let's get in line"

Before the start, one leader is selected. Next, all players line up in one line with their backs to the leader. The facilitator should walk along all the participants and pat everyone on the back or shoulder with his hand. How many times it will clap - such a serial number of a person. After everyone has received their portion of claps, the participants should line up in a row, following their serial number. In this case, no one has the right to utter a word. The catch is that the leader can, after all, give the same number of claps to some participants.

It looks very funny when all the participants, winking, stomping and whistling, are trying to create a system. So be sure to capture it on camera - the players themselves will be interested in watching themselves later.

Game "Give it to another"

You can play it during the meal, when the guests are already starting to get a little bored. All participants sit in a circle. One of the players is given a button. He places it on his index finger. Then he must pass it to the next player without touching this button with his hands - only from finger to finger. And so in a circle. The participant who could not pass the button is out. The game continues until one winner is determined.

At first glance, the game is simple, but actually transferring the button is quite difficult. Especially in a noisy, cheerful company that tries to bring down the players with whistles and shouts and distract them.

The game "Who's missing?"

It is best to play when the company is large and the people in it are unfamiliar. But even when everyone knows each other well, the game will not become less interesting from this. One of the participants is blindfolded. At this time, someone from those present is hiding. Further, the one who was blindfolded is untied. He must guess which of the participants is missing, and when he succeeds, he must also describe what he was wearing. You can complicate the task. While guessing the missing guest, everyone else should not stand still, but constantly move in order to distract the guessing player.

Game "Matches"

A box of ordinary matches is poured onto the table. The player must take one match at a time without touching the other. As soon as a match, except for the one that the player is pulling, is shaken, the right to draw matches passes to another participant. And so on until nothing remains of a handful of matches. The winner is the one who eventually pulls out the most matches.

Competition "On the contrary"

One leader is chosen. Everyone else lines up. The point is to do the opposite. The host performs a command, and the participants must repeat it exactly the opposite. For example, if the leader lifts the left leg up, you should lower the right leg down. The participant who makes a mistake becomes the leader. But he will not be able to become a member again. This is a knockout competition. The winner is the one who does not make a single mistake.

Game "Unusual figure"

This game is a kind of well-known charades. One person is chosen to be the judge. Everyone present is divided into teams of two. One of the team members must draw a figure on the back of another member with his finger. You can make the figure just imaginary, or you can stick a regular piece of paper on which to draw a figure with a pen, and then simply circle its contours with your finger already on the player’s back. Reporting what is depicted is strictly prohibited. Next, the participant must dance, or simply stepping forward, depict this figure. All other players must guess what was depicted on the participant's back. The team whose figure is recognized by the majority of those present wins.

Game Can You Do It?

This game also does not require any additional preparation. Just take an orange or an apple. Participants must pass it in a circle, but only the shoulders and chin are allowed to use. It is strictly forbidden to take an edible "ball" with your hands. The one who loses the “ball” or violates the rules (touches it with his hands) is out of the game. This continues until there are two winners.

Game "Bottle"

You will need a regular bottle and a few small pieces of paper. It is desirable that the number of leaflets be slightly larger than the total number of all participants. Each player writes 1-2 tasks on a piece of paper, rolls it into a tube and puts it in a bottle. Assignments should be interesting and funny. For example, climb on a stump and depict the animal drawn in the picture or depict your friend who is present here drunk, etc. Next, spin the bottle and the one to whom it will show must get one task and complete it.

Game "Interesting dance"

It is desirable that as many people as possible take part. Everyone is divided into pairs, preferably a boy-girl. Each couple is given a newspaper. They must stand on it so as not to go beyond. The music turns on (it is possible on the phone) and the couples begin to dance. Then the newspaper is folded in half, the music is turned on again and the couples continue to dance. The couple that performs outside the newspaper leaves the competition. Put tracks with different rhythms.

Game "Lucky"

Suitable for a company that loves strong drinks. The participant is blindfolded. Take three piles or plastic cups. Vodka is poured into two of them, and plain water into the third. The player's task is to drink the contents of one glass and drink it with another. Watching these is very funny, because not everyone is able to drink water with vodka.

If there is not enough time for preparation, but you want to entertain friends and family with something more than just a contest or a game, the quest will be a great solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with excitement and fun. See more here.

What do you associate the phrase "outdoor recreation" with? Of course, with summer, river, beach, forest, barbecue and good company. But how can you make sure that you remember your vacation for a long time? To do this, you can add outdoors to the banal swimming in the river and eating barbecue. This article will definitely help you spend your vacation with benefits for the soul and body.

Fun competitions in nature

1. "Twister". This is probably the most popular game among young people, which is suitable for any company, regardless of gender and age. The rules are quite simple, you just need a little skill. So, in front of you is a rug with applied circles of different colors. The host spins the roulette wheel and indicates to the players in which sector they need to put their hand or foot. Twister is able to "tie in a knot" even several people. Sometimes you have to stand and balance in very uncomfortable positions, which makes it even more fun for everyone.

2. Darts. To do this, you will need darts and a target that can be mounted on one of the trees located near your resting place. Then everything is simple - split into several teams and hold a tournament. Whose team will score more points, she won.

3. Frisbee, in other words, can also be used to hold funny competitions in nature. The players are divided into two teams. The purpose of each of them is to pass the "flying saucer" to his player, and the opponents must stop this pitch at any cost and grab the Frisbee on the fly. Here you need to have good accuracy, agility and speed. It is also a very good option for a relaxing holiday with benefits!

This is all that applies to active games. Peppercorns can also be added to outdoor competitions for young people, for example, if vacationers gathered mostly in pairs.

1. "Contact". For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance 2 sets of pieces of paper, on which all parts of the human body (head, arm, back, etc.) will be listed. Then the players are divided into pairs - guy / girl. Each participant in turn takes a piece of paper and reads what is written there. For example, a girl pulled out a piece of paper with the inscription "Hand", and a young man - "Back". Now they should touch these parts of the body. In the second round of the game, each pair again takes out a piece of paper. The bottom line is that young people, while maintaining their previous contact, must come into contact with new parts of the body. The winner is the pair that has not left the race for as long as possible, i.e. managed to stay in touch.

2. "Sweet tooth lamb". A very fun contest. Two people take part in the game, who take turns taking a candy in their mouth and calling their opponent a sweet-toothed lamb. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated and funny in this. But it's not. There is one condition in this game - you can't eat sweets! And therefore, the more sweets a player has in his mouth, the more difficult it is for him to pronounce the phrase "Sweet Tooth-Lamb", because. It turns out very funny and sometimes incomprehensible. The one who puts more sweets in his mouth and at the same time will be able to speak, he won!

3. "Pour into a glass of water." Any number of players participate in the game. A plastic glass (0.5 l) is placed in front of each and a bottle of water is given, resembling a sprinkler (a lid in it with a hole). The conditions of the competition are quite interesting. Players are encouraged to fill the glass with water as quickly as possible without resorting to using their hands. Quite funny to watch the participants. The winner is the one who fills the glass with water first. And to make it even more interesting to hold funny contests in nature, you can come up with some prizes with humor. Then the participants will have an additional incentive to win!

This is not all funny competitions in nature! You can come up with something of your own, based on the tastes of your company. Have a nice holiday!

What is the best way to organize outdoor recreation?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what real outdoor recreation should be like. That's why it's so hard to please everyone. When choosing entertainment for leisure, people often go in four ways.

Way one - "card picnic". The simplest and easiest choice. All you need for such an organization is to take a deck of cards with you. And while the kebab is fried, you can safely play a fool, poker or another popular game. But such a tournament is also possible in a cozy room: for this it is not necessary to get out into nature. And indoors, you don’t need to constantly press down the cards with something so that the vile wind doesn’t blow them away.

Path two - "sports weekend". This option is not as simple as the previous one and requires preliminary preparation. You will need to take care of sports equipment and a suitable place for outdoor activities in advance. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay races - this is a small list of what you can play with a large company. Such a holiday, of course, is suitable for a company that loves sports and has a good physical shape.

Way Three - "Popular Recreation". Today, entertainment such as paintball and has become very popular. It is interesting, exciting and convenient. It's convenient because you don't have to figure things out on your own. A couple of calls and companies that specialize in this will organize everything themselves. The only drawback of such a holiday, perhaps, can only be considered that it will have to spend a lot of money on it.

The fourth way - "competitive expanse". The most affordable option for interesting and inexpensive leisure. There is no need for special conditions or complex equipment, both sports and non-sports people can participate. All you need to organize is a healthy imagination and a set of interesting contests. And here are some of the most interesting versions website

1. Hot-cold

A wonderful competition, familiar to everyone since childhood. But, it is clear that there are no children in an adult company, and therefore we are talking about its modified version. It is best to spend at the moment when the barbecue is strung and laid on the grill, and there is still a lot of time before it is ready. Then the presenter, who prudently hid all the alcohol nearby, suggests finding it according to the “hot-cold” principle. That is, when the players approach the coveted cache, they will receive verbal prompts “warmth”, “even warmer”, “very warm”. But if the search leads them in a completely different direction, then the phrases “cold”, “colder”, “completely cold”, “freeze” will sound. When the participants directly get to their destination, they will hear the words “hot”, “hot”, “now you will burn”, “burned”. The prize, of course, will be found drinks that can be consumed immediately.

2. Q&A

A wonderful contest game that will require very little preparation, but will provide a lot of positive and good mood. This entertainment will be appropriate at the moment when the participants loosen up a little. The essence of the game is quite fast: the host reads the questions to the participants from one type of cards, and the participants answer by reading the answer from other cards. The whole point is that the questions and answers are specially chosen to be quite frank or maybe even vulgar.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you like phone sex?
  2. Have you been seen stealing?
  3. Do you like bald men (women)?
  4. How often do you wash?
  5. Do you love yourself?
  6. Can I kiss you?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. Are you strong enough to stop drinking?
  9. Are you a sadomasochist?
  10. How often do you walk naked (naked) around the house?

Sample answers:

  1. Unless no one sees.
  2. I'm holding on with all my might.
  3. This is my weakness.
  4. Only in bikinis and stockings.
  5. Since childhood.
  6. Only with a bad hangover.
  7. That alone gives me strength.
  8. You have learned (learned).
  9. And I'm proud of it.
  10. I'm a maniac at this.

It is clear that the level of frankness of questions should be chosen depending on how well everyone in the company knows each other.

3. Twister on the grass

Twister is a wonderful game familiar to everyone. But after all, hardly anyone thought that it can be played not only at home, but also on soft young grass. How is that possible. Yes, very simple. To do this, you do not even need to bring a ready-made playing field, it can be made right on the spot. For the manufacture you will need grass and spray paint of the desired colors. It is applied through a round stencil to the grass and allowed to dry. And now everything is ready for a fun and provocative game.

Such entertainment will help disperse alcohol and will not let you get very drunk. But the most important thing is that all participants will receive a lot of positive emotions and spicy photos.

4. Insidious food

You don't need to prepare anything for the event. All the necessary equipment will be with you. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks from those that you take with you on a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be held in two ways. In the first case, competitors must pour salted nuts or croutons into a plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to scatter a snack, and it is also forbidden to ask for help from those present. The one who copes with the task earlier and better than the others is declared the winner.

The second version of the competition is almost impossible, but very funny. Here, chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual load is placed on the toes of the shoes of the participants. The goal of the competition is to walk a distance of 3 m with cups, at the end of which there will be a glass with beer, which you need to drink and have a snack with the brought tasty treats. Only here it is forbidden to hold cups with your hands or somehow specially attach them to shoes or legs.

The winner is the one who first and without loss will pass all the stages. If no one copes with the task, then the consolation prize will again be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are guaranteed here.

5. Delivery service

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that today there is a competition for the best and fastest delivery service. To do this, all those present are invited to unite in two or more teams (depending on the total number). Teams line up parallel to each other. In this case, team members should look at each other in the back.

Further, the host says that today each team needs to deliver only one bottle of beer, passing it from the last participant to the first. But at the same time, you can’t touch the bottle with your hands, but you can pass it only by holding it between your knees.

The winner is the team that is faster than its rivals, without dropping the load, cope with the task. The winners will receive all the bottles of beer that took part in the competition. It is better to take plastic containers of 1 liter or 1.5 liters for entertainment.

6. Naughty handles

The competition will go well already in a well-heated company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who should stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After that, each of them is given specially prepared equipment (sticks with a red-colored top and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the right positions and received game attributes, the host gives a signal warning about the start of the competition. And at this moment, the participants must quickly clean off the red paint with the skins given out.

The winner is the one whose hands turn out to be more "playful", that is, the one who can handle it earlier. Laughter with tears in the eyes of everyone will be provided.

7. Twelve notes

Becoming a treasure hunter is interesting not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The 12 Notes contest is a kind of quest that will allow you to plunge into an indescribable atmosphere of adventure and excitement.

The essence of the game is to find the hidden treasure. And if in childhood sweets acted as a treasure, then for adults a box of beer, a dish with crayfish or fruit is more suitable. But in order to find the hidden one, you need to go through a certain path, indications of which are 12 notes. In 6 notes, just the place of the next note will be indicated, and in the remaining 6 - different tasks.

You can come up with tasks yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

Task 1. "Nude" - you need to dance a striptease.

Task 2. “Are you weak?” - drink 1 liter of beer in 1 minute.

Task 3. "Armenian Radio" - tell 6 funny anecdotes.

Task 4. "Gourmet" - guess 6 proposed foods or drinks with your eyes closed.

Task 5. "Air hero" - burst 6 balloons without the help of hands.

Task 6. “Who is the wisest in the world” - guess 6 riddles with a trick.

8. Mute system

A cheerful company will definitely like the Silent System game. It would be nice to film the course of the game on a video camera, so that later its participants could watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the leader, passing behind them, slaps them on the back a different number of times. How many claps were - such and the serial number of the participant. At the command of the leader, when everyone has already been assigned numbers, the participants must line up in one formation in order, but at the same time, talking or gesturing with your hands is strictly prohibited.

The whole catch is that the host can clap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the system will turn out not just one, but several at once. Only now, the participants, who are mooing and winking at each other, do not immediately understand this, and therefore it is very funny to watch all their manipulations.

9. Universal quest for outdoor recreation

If there is not enough time for preparation, but you want to entertain friends and family with something more than just a contest or a game, the quest will be a great solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with excitement and fun. See more here.

More games and competitions in nature for adults.

At the very beginning of the picnic, the host invites those present to create some kind of hero from natural materials that they can find in the forest and in the clearing. And closer to the end of the event, a competition is held for the best craft, which is determined by the applause of those present.

mad doctor

You need a big field to play. One doctor went crazy and started chasing his patients. If he touches the player by the leg, he must jump on one, if he touches the arm, it is forbidden to raise it. Normal doctors can cure the sick, for this they must run to the patient and hurt him. At the same time, it is important not to fall into the clutches of the enraged.

Hen Ryaba

All participants sit in a semicircle, so that the grandfather-leader turns his back to them. The contestants have a tennis ball - this is a testicle, which all participants - “hens” pass to each other while the music is playing. As soon as the music has stopped, all the hens fall on the grass, including the one with the “testicle”. Grandfather turns around and tries to guess which of the "hens" has a testicle. Guessed - then the hen turns into a grandfather, and not guessed - the game just continues.

Robinson Crusoe

Participants are divided into pairs and each pair turns into Robinson Crusoe, who must build their own hut (wigwam, whatever, to escape the wind and rain). The guys are given about 10-15 minutes, after which, according to the results of voting (applause), the best building is determined. And the built huts in the future will become an excellent playground for children, or the same company will stay overnight in them, if the picnic suddenly drags on.


This competition is held if a heterosexual company went to nature. The host goes around all those present and assigns a letter to the men, and a number to the women. Now a veil is spread on the grass, a psychic sits there in the lotus position and begins to decide destinies. HE calls out a combination of a letter and a number, for example J9. The girl, who is assigned 9, runs to the screamer and kisses him on the cheek. But the young man, who is assigned the letter J, must react even faster and intercept the girl even before the kiss. If he succeeded, then he kisses the lady himself and a "couple" is formed. If he did not have time, then now the latecomer will have to drive.

gold fish

This competition is ideal for relaxing near the pond. Participants are given a fishing rod, whoever can catch a fish first gets a prize. If the rest takes place far from the reservoir, then you can use plastic bottles suspended from a tree at a certain height as fish. Pairs take part in fishing. One participant climbs onto the second and, on the “start” command, everyone runs to the tree with the “fish”. Whoever gets to our artificial “pond” faster and catches a fish first wins.

Stone, stick and feather

The game takes place in 2 stages. First stage: find 3 items (stone, stick and feather) faster than others. The second stage: the “launch” of objects - whoever throws the stone the farthest, throws the stick and launches the pen. The fastest, most dexterous and accurate - a prize.

Kick it all out

You will need to keep track of time for each participant, so you need to prepare a timer on your phone. For each participant, in turn, hang a bottle of water on a rope on a tree branch. The participant is blindfolded, twisted around and handed a thick stick. On the “start” command, the participant begins to beat the bottle so that water pours out from there. The fight with the bottle continues until there is no water left in it. The participant who spends the least time on this task will win and receive a prize.

fox hunters

Teams of 3 people are formed, 2 of which are hunters, and the third is a fox. In the hands of the hunters - a lasso, one for two. This is an ordinary scarf 5 m long, from which a loop is made, its ends are in the hands of hunters. So, at the signal of the leader, the hunt begins. The foxes must slip through the lasso, and the hunters must tighten the noose around the fox's waist, or at least on the leg. You can run all over the clearing, and yet the crowd and the heap are few provided.