Open event on traffic rules, traffic lights in the traffic police station. Extracurricular lesson on traffic rules “On the street - not in the room, remember that, guys!” in the GPD. II. Lesson Topic Messages

Club lesson on traffic rules in the State Traffic Police
Topic: “Safe Road”
Goal: 1) to form an understanding of the need to comply with traffic rules
2) consolidate students’ knowledge of traffic rules;
3) contribute to the unity of the children's team.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in
Cars and buses rush along them in any weather. Trolleybuses rushing
motorcycles, bicycles rolling, pedestrians walking. Since ancient times people
dreamed of speed.
Remember how the heroes of fairy tales were transported across the world in an instant?
distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom on carpets, airplanes, in boots
fast walkers, on wonderful ships. As time passed, the fairy tale became reality. Growing
traffic flow, the streets become unsafe. (For the game we will divide by 2
Educator: Let's remember the names of road signs and their purpose
Important road signs –
Compass for adults and children.
Children! Be careful!
What is not possible, what is possible!
Do it without fail
Whatever the signs say!
(The teacher shows a sign, reads a poem. Students need to recognize this sign,
answer which group he belongs to. For the correct answer - a team token.)
1 The car is racing at full speed.
And suddenly a sign comes towards us:
It shows a fence.
I rub my eyes. I look straight ahead:
Is the highway closed with a fence?
What kind of sign is this?
(“railroad crossing with barrier”)
2 A man digs the earth.

Why is there no passage?
May be,
Here they look for treasure and ancient coins
Are they in a big chest?
They were probably brought here in ancient times
A very greedy king hid it.
("Men at work")
3 I want to ask about the sign,
Drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running somewhere as fast as they can,
My friend says:
This means the path is closed,
There are athletes ahead
With numbers on the chest.
There's a relay on the road,
The kids need somewhere to run...
But I'm afraid, however,
The sign has a different meaning... (“children”)
Educator: Which group do these signs belong to? (warning)
4) The car will be refueled here,
He will drink three buckets of gasoline.
A sign will help every car,
If she is thirsty.
("gas station")
5 Lida with her doll is worried:
They need a doctor on the road.
Don't look with sad eyes -
Help is coming!
The doctor is nearby!
(“first aid station”)
Educator: Which group do these signs belong to? (service marks)
6) And the bunny and Marishka,
And the neighbor's boy
The sign clearly states:
Cars are prohibited from entering!

("No entry")
7 Only cars drive here,
The tires flash by them menacingly.
Do you have a bicycle?
So - stop! There is no road!
(“cycling is prohibited”)
8 I am in a circle with a red outline.
This means it's dangerous here.
Here, understand, it’s prohibited
Pedestrian traffic.
("No Pedestrians")
9 At the landing sites
Passengers are waiting for transport.
Established order
You can’t break it here either.
(“place where a bus or trolleybus stops”)
10) This sign is of this kind:
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We're on our way to this place.
Educator: Which group do these signs belong to? (informational)
TASK 2. “Game change Yes No!”
Educator: You can answer questions with only one word “Yes” or
1. To cross the road, we go around the trolleybus and bus from behind. (Yes)
2. A pedestrian, if there is no sidewalk, must walk on the left side of the curb
towards the movement. (Yes)
3. The place where the streets intersect is called a “zebra”. (Yes)
4. The underground passage is called a “zebra crossing”. (No)
5. It is better to cross the road, even when the light is green, as quickly as possible. (No)
6. The driver needs to know the road signs, not the pedestrian. (No)
7. There are special traffic lights for pedestrians. They only have two
colors – red and green. (Yes)

8. There are two-way and one-way roads. (Yes)
9. To cross a two-way road, you need to look
to the left, walk to the middle of the road and look to the right. (Yes)
TASK 3. Game “Give me a word”
(answers in chorus)
He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
You're on your way... (road sign)
What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open -
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is... (transition)
Drinks gasoline like milk.
Can run far
Carries goods and people -
You are familiar with her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber,
It's called...(car)
The house on rails is right here,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don’t yawn -
Departs... (tram)
TASK 4. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
 Which one of you is moving forward?
Only where the transition is?
 Which of you is flying so quickly,
What does the traffic light not see?
 Which of you, going home,
Is it on the pavement?
 Who knows that the light is red
Does this mean there is no move?
 Does anyone know that the light is green?
Does it mean "The way is open"?
 What about the yellow light?
“Attention” says to the pedestrian.

TASK 5. Game “Attention, pedestrian!”
Educator: Now I ask you to form a line. I will
show you circles - traffic lights. If you see a red circle -
step back, yellow circle - stand still, green - 2 steps forward. Who
makes a mistake and sits on a chair.
TASK 6. “Collect a sign.”
(2 drawings of road signs for each team)
Students (teams) are given cut and mixed up parts of road
signs. The task is to add up the signs and name them. The result for the correct answer is:
team tokens.
TASK 7. Puzzles. (2 puzzles for each team)
Driver, street, car, road
Educator: And now it’s time to sum up our lesson.
Did you like the lesson? What do you remember?
Educator: At the end of the lesson, we will sing a song about what is necessary
remember traffic rules. (to the tune of “Blue Car”)
1.If you went somewhere on the road,
Don't forget to remember the traffic rules.
By strictly observing these rules,
You will take your hands off trouble.
Chorus: Remember, remember
On the road, on the way
Always a friend to you
There is a traffic light.

Prevent the most common mistakes children make on the road.

2. To develop students’ attention, observation, and logical thinking.

3. To foster in children a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, and respect for the Rules of the Road.


demonstration individual

1. Petit traffic light drawing 1. Encrypted

Svetoforova. letter.

2. Posters with the title 2. Road signs

games and road rules (cut).

no movement.

3. Tokens - signals. 3. Image


4. Posters - travel 4. Eliminate unnecessary ones

signs. set of road signs.

5. Crosswords

Progress of the game

Young pedestrians! Future drivers!

Children and parents!

Cyclists and motorcyclists!


Our guests, our viewers!

Welcome! Hello!

The way is open for you! Green light!

The city in which you and I live,

It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

Here it is, the alphabet, above the pavement.

Signs are hung overhead.

ABCs of streets, avenues, roads -

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you!

There are rules everywhere.

You should always know them:

They won't go sailing without them.

From the ship's harbor.

Go on a flight according to the rules

Polar explorer and pilot.

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Like a multiplication table, like a lesson,

Remember the traffic rules by heart!

Attention! Attention!

A competition awaits you!

For better knowledge and skills

Traffic rules!

Dear guests, dear players! Today we are at the Attentive Pedestrians Club, visiting Petya Svetoforov. The purpose of today's game: to check how well children know road signs and skillfully apply knowledge in practice. We have 3 teams: red, yellow and green players. Today I will be Petya Svetoforov’s chief deputy and the host of the game. Listen to the rules of the game. Petya's assistant and friend is Traffic Light. But just recently it broke and we have to fix it. For winning each competition, a team receives a token in their team color. The team that collects the most tokens will be considered the winner of our game and will have the right to turn on the traffic light. Now it's time to start the competition.

Stages of the game.

1. Warm up

Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No.)

What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes.)

What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No.)

Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No.)

Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes.)

A man is drawn

A man digs the earth.

Why is there no passage?

Maybe they're looking for treasure here

And old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They were probably brought here in ancient times

A very greedy king hid it.

("Men at work".)
What kind of zebra has fallen apart on the road?

Why are there feet walking on this zebra?

And the driver slams on the brakes,

If a zebra catches your eye.

The boy Fedya is riding

By bike.

Guess why

Dissatisfaction among passers-by?

Show me the road sign -

Where can Feda ride?

("Bike Lane".)

The highway rustled with tires,

Running cars.

But near the school, slow down:

Here's a sign, drivers, for you.

You can find a sign like this

On the expressway -

Where is the big hole?

And it's dangerous to walk straight,

Where the area is being built,

School, home or stadium.

("Men at work".)
Young and old walk boldly,

Even cats and dogs.

Only this is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.

There is a hole under the road.

Who realizes it the fastest?

Why on it in the morning

Are people walking back and forth?

("Underground crossing".)
To help you

The path is dangerous

Both day and night burn -

Green, yellow, red

(traffic light)

4. “Speak without mistakes.”

Whoever pronounces these proverbs better will win:
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.
5. Cautious pedestrian

One player is invited from each team. Signs are attached to their backs. Their task is to see the opponent’s sign without showing their own. Whoever names the opponent's sign first is considered the winner.

I ask you a question, and you show the answer with your movements. Be careful.

How are you living?

How are you going across the road?

How do you run through a red light?

Are you standing at the green light?

How are you playing pranks on the roads?

Are you running into a yellow light again?

How do you walk along the zebra crossing?

How do you create noise in transport?

7. Musical.

Task: Remember as many songs as possible that are sung about the road, about the car. If a team remembers only the name of the song, then it receives 1 token, and if it was able to perform a verse or chorus from it, it receives 2 tokens.


Let's remember the traffic lights. What does the red light mean? Yellow? Green? Well done. Now let's turn into a traffic light. If I say: “Green” - you stomp your feet, “Yellow” - clap your hands, “Red” - silence.
9. Encrypted letter.

Each team received a letter dedicated to the Rules of the Road, but the text was encrypted. You have to decipher it and read it expressively.
10. "Connoisseurs"

Team members answer questions about road safety rules. The serial numbers of the questions are indicated on the back of the petals of a large daisy and on the back of the walking tracks cut out of whatman paper or cardboard.
Questions on chamomile:

1.What is a “safety island” and what is it intended for? (A place where pedestrians who do not have time to cross the road can wait out the danger, wait for the next green traffic light.)

2.Why does the road become especially dangerous in bad weather? (Visibility deteriorates; in the rain, the braking distance of the car increases.)

3. Imagine that while crossing the road you looked at a beautiful car and at that time heard the horn of another car. What do we have to do? (Stop.)

4.On which side can a car appear on the road you are crossing? (With anyone.)

5.What should you do if someone calls out to you while crossing the road? (Cross the road without looking back.)

6.You got off the bus and you need to cross the road. How to do it? (First you need to wait for the bus to leave, then continue as usual.)

7.What parts is the street divided into? (On the roadway and sidewalk.)

8.What parts does a country road consist of? (From the roadway, the shoulder, which replaces the sidewalk, and the ditch.)

9.Which side of the country road will you go on? (On the left, towards moving traffic.)

10.What games can be played on the roadway? (None.)
Questions on the tracks:

1. Where can I cross the carriageway of a country road? (On a section of the road that is clearly visible in both directions and there is no approaching traffic.)

2. If traffic is controlled by a traffic controller, but the traffic light is not turned off, whose signals should you obey - the traffic controller or the traffic light? (Traffic controller.)

3. If a pedestrian did not have time to cross the road, and the green traffic light changed to red, what should he do? (Stop at the traffic island, or if there is none, in the middle of the roadway.)

4. Can the car stop instantly? (No.)

5. Cars turn on their lights in bad weather. They do this so they can be seen better. What do cyclists use for this? (Reflectors.)

6. Which car is more difficult to brake - a car or a truck? (A truck has a longer braking distance and is more difficult to brake.)

7. Is it possible to cross the road in front of slow-moving vehicles? (No.)

8. What could happen if drivers drove their vehicles not according to the rules, but as they wanted? (Total accidents.)

9. Service ensuring order on the roads. (traffic police)

10. What types of public transport do you know? (Bus, trolleybus, metro, tram.)

Scoring system: 2 points for the correct answer, maximum score 40 points.


Cardboard daisy with ten numbered petals;

Ten cardboard numbered footprints.

Presenter: Well done, guys! You played great today, you were attentive, active and serious. And on the street you also have to be serious and attentive so as not to get into trouble.

Remember, the alphabet is above your head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the ABC of roads,

So that no trouble happens to you.


  1. Inspector's working tool.

  2. A traffic light that signals to pedestrians that they can cross the road.

  3. Sports transport on two wheels for boys and girls.

  4. The part of the road along which a pedestrian moves.

  5. A light that prevents pedestrians from crossing the street.

  6. A person who enforces traffic rules.














  1. Kind of transport

  2. Kind of transport. An animal that helped and continues to help the mounted police move both before and in the 21st century.

  3. Type of transport for boys and girls.

  4. The hero of S. Mikhalkov's poem, a guard.

  5. A person walking along a pedestrian path.

  6. The color of the traffic light that prohibits crossing the road.

  7. The color of the traffic light, which warns that you can soon cross the road.

  8. A device that helps drivers and pedestrians know when to start moving.
A lane for both freight and passenger transport.

Educational game lesson on traffic rules

Teacher: Kokovina E.V.

Class: 3

Subject: The traffic light is our faithful friend.

Target: to form the understanding of younger schoolchildren about the rules of safe behavior on the road.


- check the availability of road safety skills, the degree of mastery of theoretical and practical material on the rules of the road;

Instill beliefs in the need to follow behavioral norms and qualities: discipline, attentiveness, restraint, organization;

Encourage respect for the work of drivers, traffic police inspectors, and pedestrians.

Equipment: visual aids: posters depicting road signs, conventional cards, traffic light model.

Handout: signal cards, young pedestrian certificate, “Road Certificate” memo, examination test.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello young pedestrians, dear guests. Today we have an important lesson on traffic rules. You must prove to me, to yourself, and to our guests that you know the rules of the road and know how to apply them in life.

II. Lesson topic messages.

(There are red, yellow and green circles with words written inside on the board)

That's right, the colors of traffic lights. Arrange the circles in the order of the colored traffic light windows and you will find out the topic of our lesson.

III. Main part.

Today we are going with you to a fairy-tale country, and you can determine its name by guessing the riddle:

Standing on the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed stuffed animal

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converge

Helps the street

People move on.

(Traffic light)

That's right, this is a traffic light, and our country is “Traffic Light”!

Guys, think and tell me, who can we consider our friends on the road?

Well done on the traffic lights and road signs. Now we will check whether you know the meaning of traffic lights. Let's play the game “There are traffic lights, obey them without arguing.” Each of you has signal cards on the table. I will read a poem about a traffic light, and you must pick up the card whose color corresponds to the meaning of the traffic light.

Didactic game “There are traffic lights, obey them without arguing”

The pavement is seething with movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Tell me the correct answer -

What color is the light for pedestrians?

(Children show a red signal card)

Special color - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Tell me the correct answer -

What is the light at the traffic light?

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer -

What kind of light is on?

(Children show a yellow signal card)

That's right, guys, you are great!

The red light came on - there is no way for the pedestrian!

The yellow light gives a signal

What would you wait for green.

The green light says - the passage is open for you!

And now the riddles.

Little houses are running along the street,

Boys and girls are being taken to their houses.


Rushes and shoots

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter.


He has three eyes.

Three on each side.

And although never yet

He didn't look at everyone at once.

He needs all the eyes.

He's been here for a long time

What is this........

(traffic light)

Four brothers

We agreed to race.

No matter how they run

They won't catch up with each other.

Two wheels in a row -

their legs are twirled,

And upright on top -

The owner himself crochets.


At school you are students

And in the theater the audience

And in a museum, zoo

You are all visitors.

And if you went out into the street -

Know in advance buddy:

You have become taller than all names

You immediately became......

(a pedestrian)

Guys, who are we on the road? That's right, pedestrians. What do you call a person who drives a vehicle? That's right, driver, chauffeur. To become a driver, a person must learn how to drive a car, learn the rules of the road, and know road signs. People acquire all this knowledge and skills in a special school, upon completion of which they pass exams and receive a license. I suggest you play in a school where they teach you how to be pedestrians.

Children take turns reading poems about signs, the rest find these signs on the board.

We were walking home from school

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle, bike inside

there is nothing else.

(Bike Lane)

I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

If you put your foot down -

On the road.

Pay attention friend:

Road sign - red circle.

The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line

And it seems like a road, but

Walking here is prohibited

(No Pedestrians)

Are you waiting for boarding

On a designated area.

You don't need skill -

This place…


A man is drawn

A man digs the earth.

Why is there no passage?

(Men at work)

You are real pedestrians, great guys, you know all the signs!

Physical education session “Road”

(Children read the poem and perform the corresponding movements)

The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch...

Look left first. Then look to the right.

Turn left, smile at the friend next to you,

Stomp your right foot: one - two - three,

Shake your head: one - two - three.

Raise your hands up and clap: one - two - three.

Well done! Now let’s check if everyone is paying attention:

Attention! Stares straight

There is a three-eyed traffic light on you.

Green, yellow, red eye -

He gives orders to everyone!

They clapped at the red light,

Yellow - blinked

And when it turned green, they ran quietly on the spot.

Well, we can say that you have graduated from the school of young pedestrians, all you have to do is pass the exam and hit the road!

Test "Choose the correct answer"

1. Traffic rules must be known and followed:

Pedestrians only

Drivers only

Drivers and pedestrians

2. What is the name of the place on the street where children can go:

Bike Lane



3. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the roadway?

4. To whom do pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?

    traffic lights

    traffic controller signals

5. Traffic signs are needed:

For the beauty of the roadway

To establish the order of movement of pedestrians and vehicles on the road

For pedestrians

6. What is safe to use when crossing the roadway:



Pedestrian crossing.

7. What kind of car can drive through a red traffic light with a flashing light on?

Fire department



Game "Running traffic light"

While guests are checking your work, I suggest playing a game called “Running Traffic Light”. Now we will divide into teams, I will give you cards with colored traffic lights. Your task is to line up one after another faster, taking into account the sequence of traffic lights.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Let's play, guys. Where necessary, you must answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move?

Who is the traffic police helping?

Does he keep order?

Who is near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball?

Which one of you is in a cramped carriage?

Did you give up your seat to the old lady?

Who at twelve years old

Saddled a bike

And I didn’t get confused -

Did you rush along the highway?

Well done boys. You know everything about the rules of the road.

Who is our expert today?

It's hard for me to decide

That's why I want today

Give you certificates.

“Young Pedestrian Certificate” with a memo insert “What a pedestrian should know!” Let's read the rules of the memo one by one.

(Each child is given a certificate)

This concludes our journey to the country of Traffic Lights.

Both big and small

to everyone without exception -

need to know and follow

traffic rules!


Young pedestrian


    Walk on sidewalks only on the right side.

    Cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.

    Cross the street when the traffic light is green.

    You cannot cross the street when the traffic lights are red or yellow.

    You cannot pass a stopped bus - it is dangerous. Wait until the bus leaves the stop.

    When crossing the street, look

first to the left, go to the middle,

then look to the right and

continue on your way.










-studying traffic rules in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries;


- deepen and consolidate students’ knowledge of traffic rules;

-develop attention, intelligence, thinking and creative abilities of children;

- foster a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Equipment: drawing of a traffic light policeman, posters, white strips of paper, colored cardboard circles (red, yellow, green), presentation, computer, media projector, memos, envelope with a letter and medals.

Progress of the event:

Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about traffic rules. The law of streets and roads, called “Road Rules,” is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. But this law is at the same time good: it protects people from terrible misfortune and protects their lives. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of road signs will allow us to confidently cross the street.

Guys! We talked a lot and watched videos. And today we will once again remember and repeat everything you know about the rules of the road. Imagine that you are boarding a school bus on which we are going to take our trip. So, we hit the road!

(appears on the screen slide 1-"Welcome to the Land of Traffic Lights"

There's a knock on the door.

Guys, they brought us a letter! Let's read it.


- Hello, dear guys! Queen Three-Eyes writes to you. You haven’t met me yet, but you know my brother well:

“He’s standing on the street wearing a long boot.

He's a miracle with three eyes on one leg.

Where the cars move, where the paths meet,

Helps people cross the street.”

Did you guess it? Of course, this is Traffic Light Traffic Light. And I would like to know if you are friends with my brother? Do you know the rules of the road? And can you be called excellent pedestrians? I wish you a happy journey through the “Land of Traffic Lights!”

(in the package there is also an envelope with the inscription: “These are gifts for excellent pedestrians” - Queen Three-Eyes)

Guys! Shall we show Queen Three-Eyes how we know the rules of the road?

Children: Yes, yes!

Well, then let’s not waste time and hit the road - to the “Land of Traffic Lights.”

Slide No. 2

Read the text of the slide.

Determine the meaning of traffic rules words.

Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road?

For what purpose are we going to talk about this?

Who do you think will meet us first on the way? Who will help pedestrians cross from one side of the street to the other? Guess the riddle:

His eyes are colored

Not eyes, but three lights,

He takes turns with them

Looks down at me (traffic light)

Right! Our guest is the owner of the street - SVETOFOR (a picture of a traffic light appears on the board)

What is missing from our traffic lights? (colors)

In what order are the colors of the traffic lights? (red, yellow, green)

(the teacher attaches the required colors to the traffic light)

Now let’s check if you know what the traffic lights mean. Continue the lines -

If the light turns red,

So, moving... is dangerous!

Yellow light - warning,

Wait for the signal to... move!

The green light says -

“Come on, the way... is open!”

Well done! And in order for you to better remember traffic signals, let's play a game:

"Red, yellow, green."

A game is played (the teacher raises the green circle - the children walk in place; raises the yellow circle - the children clap their hands; the red circle - they squat)

If you do it without arguing

Traffic lights,

You will get home and to school,

Of course very soon!

Our traffic light was satisfied with the answers, and we can continue our journey. It is possible to drive quickly and without accidents only if the driver is supported by road signs. Such signs are installed on all roads. They are the same everywhere and mean the same thing. What are these signs? I suggest making a stop and visiting the road signs.

Game “Guess what this sign is?”

1 character: No entry (slide 3)

If in this circle is red

A white minus is placed,

When driving dangerously

Entry here is strictly prohibited.

2nd sign: Movement Prohibition (slide 4)

And in a circle with a red outline,

This means it's dangerous here.

Please understand the prohibition here

For any of the movements.

3rd sign: Footpath (slide 5)

I'm walking in a blue circle,

And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood,

If you think about it a little -


4th sign: Bike Lane (slide 6)

We were walking home from school,

We see a sign on the pavement.

Circle, inside - a bicycle,

There is nothing else!

5th sign: Crosswalk (slide 7)

Well, what if a pedestrian

Is the sidewalk out of the way?

If a pedestrian needs

Cross the pavement?

A pedestrian is immediately looking for

Road sign...crossing.

6th sign: Underground and overground passages (slide 8)

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember about the transition!

Underground, above ground,


Know! That's just a transition

It will save you from cars!

7th sign: Food point (slide 9)

Here's the fork, here's the spoon

Let's refuel a little.

8th sign: First aid station (slide 10)

I didn’t wash my hands on the way,

But I ate fruits, vegetables,

I got sick and suddenly I see -

Medical aid station.

9th sign: Bicycles are prohibited ( slide 11)

There are only cars driving here,

The tires flash by them menacingly.

Do you have a bicycle?

So - stop! There is no road!

Now finish the lines:

Schoolgirl and schoolboy

Ran into a triangle

All the drivers in the world

They will say: “Be careful... (children)”

A man is drawn, a man is digging the earth.

Why is there no passage?

Maybe they are looking for treasure and ancient coins here

Are they in a big chest?

They were probably brought here in ancient times

Hid by a very greedy king?

They told me: “What are you doing, what are you doing, there are road... (works) here.

I am an expert on road rules;

I parked my car here

My problem is solved

Parking here is permitted (parking area).

In this place, oddly enough,

They are constantly waiting for something.

Some sitting, some standing...

What kind of place is this?

(bus or tram stop).

So that the hands are intact, so that the legs are intact,

We need to know the signs better, we need to respect the signs!

There are many road signs in the world.

Learn them and be careful!


“Turn left,

Smile at the friend next to you

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot.

Shake your head.

Raise your hands up

And clap - one, two, three."

Well, you know the signs. Now we will remember the rules of behavior on the road.

Slide number 12

“If you are planning to go to school,

Discuss your safe path with your mother!”

Let's discuss together your safe route to school and home.

What could be dangerous on your way? (road, construction site, sewer manholes)

Slide number 13

"You're not alone on the street"

What kind of transport can be found on our streets?

Slide number 14

Which one is the most dangerous? Explain.

Where can you find heavy equipment? (near construction site)

How should you behave in such a situation?

Now tell me, who are you on the street? (pedestrians)

Slide number 15

Why did they call people walking down the street that way? (walk)

What words make up the word pedestrian? (on foot - move). This word has two roots - pawn and move.

Who will help you cross the road?

Slide 16

The zebra lives in Africa and is very striped.

He drinks water, chews grass, wants to frolic.

And on our streets, here at the crossroads,

Like a zebra, just right—the transition to stripes.

How should you cross the road?

Slide No. 17

Game: “Teach yourself, teach a friend”

Each child receives a white stripe. You need to lay out these strips so that you get a pedestrian crossing.

1 student tells and shows:

Let's go. We looked to the left. We looked to the right. We cross the road.

He puts down the strip, returns and passes the baton to another.

Okay guys! We rested a little and now we will continue our journey.

What should you not do on the roadway?

Slide number 18

The school teaches all the children not to be naughty on the road!

And in winter?

Slide number 19

Hockey is a game on ice in winter, but don't play on the pavement! Why are roads the most dangerous in winter? (reasoning)

Clinging to the sides of cars is a dangerous and unnecessary sport! Why can't this be done?

Where should children play?

On what part of the road do cars drive? (roadway, highway)

Which part of the road should pedestrians walk on? (sidewalk)

What could be the consequences if you do not follow traffic rules?

Slide number 20

What injuries can there be?

What if something bad happened on the road?

Slide No. 21

Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules firmly!

Always remember these rules

So that no trouble happens to you!

Slide number 22

Time flies very quickly. We didn’t notice how we arrived at the final stop of our journey. Today we reviewed the Rules of the Road. Every adult and child should know them.

Children read poems about traffic rules.

Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads.

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads.

Remember! There are many intersections on the roads.

Remember! Learn the rules of the road!

The pavement is seething with movement:

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Everyone in the world needs to know

Like walking down the street.

You can't cross the road, kids.

Cross when the light is red!

Attention! The red light went out

And the yellow light flashed at the traffic light

And this means that for us

The road will be cleared soon.

Green light to cross

He gives us permission.

Where should you cross the street?

Remember this simple rule:

Look carefully to the left first,

Look to the right later!

It can be easily explained

Whether you are young or old:

Pavement - for transport,

The sidewalk is for you!

Like two and two, like three and five

In the multiplication table,

You must know and comply

All traffic rules!

Let's not cry and moan

From unbearable pain,

If you remember more often,

What they taught at school!

Just everyone, I'll tell you,

There are few rules.

Just carry them out for us

It needs to be very strict.

Everyone sings a song together to the tune of “Let them run clumsily.” …»

1) Let them run clumsily

Pedestrians through puddles,

But you can’t run on the roads.

Sidewalk for pedestrians

And the car is a road

Everyone should know this rule.


If it's red, the path is dangerous.

If it’s yellow, wait a minute,

And green means you can

We need to cross the road.

2) The road sign will tell you

Will prohibit and indicate

Traffic police post, crossing and detour.

For those who don't know this,

We'll tell you guys

You teach - here is our advice to you.


The signs are different, all beautiful

You should know them as friends.

The signs are different, all beautiful,

We will comply with them.

Our journey has come to an end. But guys! You and I completely forgot about the letter from Queen Three-Eyes. After all, there was another envelope there! Let's see what's in it?

(the teacher takes medals from the envelope)

Because you have mastered the Rules of the Road well, Queen Three-Eyes asked that you be awarded the title “Excellent Pedestrian.”

Students are awarded medals “Excellent Student – ​​Pedestrian”.

And as a keepsake for you – a pedestrian’s reminder. Follow traffic rules.

I wish you good luck on the roads!


V.E. Rublyakh, L.N. Ovcharenko “Studying traffic rules at school”

N.A. Shvekova “To the teacher about the rules of the road”

I.V. Chupakha, E.Z. Puzhaeva “Health-saving technologies”



– repeat and consolidate students’ knowledge of traffic rules;
– repeat road signs;
– cultivate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life;
– cultivate a culture of behavior as pedestrians;
– to develop communication skills, cooperation, and collective creativity;
– develop children’s stage abilities.

Form of conduct- club hour.

Equipment: traffic rules posters; road signs; Student’s notebook “The Road and Me.”

Progress of the lesson


The city is full of traffic
Cars are running in a row
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
And where there are trams during the day
Ringing from all sides
You can't walk around yawning
You can't count crows.

Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green, wide streets and avenues. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. It is not easy to cross from one side of the street to the other. Who helps us with this?

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.

(That's right, traffic light.)

1st student:

Along the streets he hurries
Flow of traffic on business.
They, like a conductor,
Controls the traffic light.
Well, if you are a passerby,
A traffic light will help too.

2nd student:

We're not scared on the street,
We have all known for a long time:
Red light - it's dangerous to walk
A traffic light blocked our way.

3rd student:

The yellow light is on - look,
We'll be able to move on soon.

4th student:

The light is green (don't forget)
He says: “The path is clear!”

5th student:

It’s dangerous to run from the bushes -
You will rush out to meet trouble.
Look around - everything will become clear,
I will notice all the cars.

6th student:

Because of a standing car
Another one may pop up:
So that you don't get run over by the tires,
Remember, the danger is great.

7th student:

In front of a fast car
No one can run!
I need my mom by the road
Hold your hand tightly!

8th student:

If there are no transitions,
Give your friends advice
Hurry to warn:
You can't cross here!

9th student:

Stop! Bus bypass
Scary and desperate!
Get under the car
We may have accidentally!

10th student:

We must remember every hour:
It's dangerous to play near the roads!
We need to choose a place
Where it’s not scary to play!

11th student:

Who decided to move
Will talk -
Can please quickly
In a traffic accident!

Educator: Where the traffic light does not work or there is none at all, a traffic policeman regulates the movement of pedestrians and vehicles. The traffic controller is a strict master, everyone obeys him. With his rod he indicates who should go and who should stand. He turns left and right, waves his wand - he either raises it or lowers it. Sometimes he “speaks” with his staff: come on, I’ve blocked the way for cars, go calmly. The place of work of a police officer is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which has a traffic police service called “DPS”, which very strictly monitors compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians.

Game: “Green, yellow, red.”

The game is conducted by a traffic controller (teacher or one of the children). When he raises a green flag, the children walk in a circle; when he raises a yellow flag, they stop; when he raises a red flag, they squat.

Educator: Children become participants in street traffic every day: for example, when you leave home to go to school or meet with friends. On the street, unexpected situations can await you everywhere - if you are riding a bus, riding a bicycle, while crossing the street, and even when you are playing on the sidewalk.

Guys, remember!

– It is dangerous to go out onto the roadway due to stopped vehicles.
– It’s dangerous to go out onto the roadway because of the bushes.
– It’s dangerous to walk around the front of the bus.
– It’s dangerous to walk around from behind the bus.

You must wait until he leaves the stop. Then the roadway will be clearly visible in both directions.

We are now going to take a fascinating walk along the “Road Rules” street.

Educator: When we go out into the street, what will we become?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of conduct for pedestrians.


– Never stand behind a car that is parking or leaving a parking space.
– In the city, move on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the side opposite to oncoming traffic.
– Cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing. First, stop at the edge of the sidewalk and assess the traffic. If the road is controlled by a traffic light, wait for the green light for pedestrians.
– Look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. Wait until the cars have come to a complete stop before crossing the road.
– When crossing the road, pay close attention to traffic. Never run across the road, even at a pedestrian crossing.
– If you need to cross the road after getting off the bus, do not cross the street either in front of it or behind it. Wait until the bus leaves; the driver of a car passing by the bus may not notice you.

Now open the notebooks “The Road and Me” on page 2. Look at the drawing. Find in the picture those people who, in your opinion, violate the rules of behavior on the road, and fill in the number in the circle with red. Now find in the picture those people who, in your opinion, do not violate these rules - fill in the number in the circle with green.

Educator: Listen, children, poems.

Which one of you is going forward?
Only where the transition is?



Who flies so soon
What does the traffic light not see?

Children: are silent.


Which one of you, on your way home,
Is it on the pavement?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.


Who knows that red light -
Does this mean there is no move?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

At the end of the lesson, test questions and assignments are asked:

  1. Is it possible to cross the street when the traffic light is yellow?
  2. Which traffic light signal prohibits crossing the street?
  3. At what traffic light signal can you cross the street?
  4. How should you cross the street if there is no traffic light?
  5. When is there a traffic controller on the road?
  6. Is it possible to be distracted when crossing the road?
  7. The boy rushes to the cinema and is late. A truck is approaching the crossing, but the boy sees that it will have time to cross. What is the danger of the situation?


Be careful on the street, children!
Remember these rules firmly!
Always remember these rules
So that no trouble happens to you.

(At the end of the lesson, each child receives a DIPLOMA for successful completion of the “Road and Me” course, as well as attentive behavior on the road and compliance with traffic rules.)


  1. UMK “Road Safety”.
  2. A set of posters on traffic rules for 1st grade students. “We’re not scared on the street.” Moscow.
  3. Poetry A. Belonozhkina.
  4. Ensuring life safety. A set of posters on traffic rules for 3 grades.
  5. Collection “Cool hours 2nd grade” (compiled by G.P. Popova) Volgograd 2008.
  6. Collection “Extended day group” / lesson notes, event scenarios. Grades 1–2./ Author – compiler L.I. Gaidina, A.V. Kochergina. Moscow, ed. WAKO, 2007.