Outdoor verandas patio terraces. Coverings for outdoor terraces and verandas, patios. Wooden terrace. Closed veranda: design characteristics

The project of a bathhouse with a swimming pool and a leisure complex has been developed. Architects: Antonov Dmitry, Fatkin Ivan, Stepanov Sergey (Novosibirsk)

Technical and economic indicators:
Dimensions in plan 16.8 x 5.4 m
Building area 90.70 m²
Construction volume 340.90 m³
The total area of \u200b\u200bthe block is 66.40 m²
Bath 21.40 m²
Outdoor terrace with pool 25.00 m²
Relaxation area with fireplace 20.00 m²

Constructive solution: The walls of the bath complex are made of rounded timber Ø200 mm. The foundations are made of monolithic reinforced concrete tape. The plinth is raised from the ground level by 300 mm. The basement and floor of the open terrace and recreation area are faced with porcelain stoneware tiles. Windows - with wooden frames and filling with double-glazed windows, decorative grilles - from a profiled wooden bar. The doors are made by a specialized company. Roof - solid wood flooring on rafter structures. Roof covering - roofing material "KATEPAL" (metal tile). Part of the roof over the outdoor pool terrace is acrylic or reinforced polished display glass with a tinted surface. The scheme and fixing points of the glass roof are developed as a separate project by a specialized company.

The ceiling of the room is paired, made of grooved laths along guides, from above it is laid with vapor barrier and insulation. Concrete floors with a slope for draining and a drain hole, facing - porcelain stoneware. During operation, removable gratings are used. The ceiling of the rest room is insulated with wadded insulation, the floor is a floor slat along the logs, insulated with mineral wool insulation. The floor of the open area is concrete, the coating is porcelain stoneware

Engineering support: The bath is heated by a stove-stove, the design of the stove is developed as a separate project, or an industrial-made stove is installed. Water supply - from existing networks. Sewerage is a cesspool. Power supply is provided from the existing networks.

The design of the pool and barbecue oven is developed as a separate project by a specialized company. A concrete base is provided for the barbecue oven.

The project was implemented on the territory of an individual residential building under construction in a cottage village in Novosibirsk (2009–10)

The appearance of the facade depends not only on the chosen cladding material, but also on the competent planning of the building. Usually, a dwelling is built in a short time, trying to spend as little money as possible. Subsequently, it is discovered that the building lacks a room in which to retire or meet guests in the summer. Therefore, gardeners independently attach compact glazed verandas and spacious terraces for the finished home, photo finished projects are presented below. These rooms are mistakenly called dressing rooms or even a porch.

Differences between buildings

Before proceeding with the creation of a project and construction, one should learn to distinguish between themselves extensions that are not intended for permanent residence, which can be carried out both with a roof and without it. There are six types, which are both built-in and attached to the house:

  • porch
  • veranda
  • terrace
  • patio
  • balcony
  • loggia

To equip a convenient entrance area, a porch is being erected. It is usually performed with steps allowing you to climb to a high-mounted door. Sometimes a porch is made with a visor, then the structure can resemble a veranda. However, it is worth remembering that this building is not suitable for a long stay.

The veranda is a room that can be both small and impressive in size.... It is always attached directly to the building. Usually it is foreseen in advance, and it is part of the house. Glazed from two or three sides. The roof must be installed, otherwise the building will be considered an ordinary porch. Open structures are equipped with handrails. High-quality glazing allows you to increase the usable area. Usually the entrance to the veranda is not directly from the street. Provide for the presence of a porch, rarely enter through another room or corridor.

The building, open on three sides, is considered a terrace. Moreover, the structure can be either with a roof or without it. True, the latter option is used mainly in the southern regions. Sometimes there are terraces, half covered with a roof. Wooden decks installed around the house are also terraced.

The peculiarity of this design is the presence of its own foundation. The terrace, not adjacent to the main wall, is glazed at will on each of the four sides. You can handle the construction of the platform yourself. The base can be both rectangular and complex geometric shapes. There are common and tiered foundations. The choice depends on the wishes of the customer. The structure can be located on the street near the house and be unprotected from wind penetration.

A landscaped outdoor area in the courtyard, closed on four sides by the walls of the house, is called a patio. This building, which has a Mediterranean flavor, is often confused with a terrace, which is slightly elevated above the ground. Traditionally, patios are laid out with tiles, without spending too much time on the foundation or flooring.

A suspended structure protruding beyond the wall, open on three sides, is a balcony. Such a structure is always equipped with a fence, it can be glazed. The structure, closed by walls on three sides, is considered a loggia. The fence is made only in front. There are also loggias-balconies, some of which protrude onto the facade, and the other is in the house.... Glazing is optional, the room is cold. Having received the appropriate permits, you can combine the loggia with the room, install heating or underfloor heating.

How to build a veranda or terrace

In this article, we will consider the construction of outdoor recreation facilities that are not economic or residential facilities. When designing, take into account how much area the building will occupy and what its height will be... Having decided on the choice of a design that suits you more, you can start building a veranda or terrace.

The work can be divided into several stages:

  • laying the foundation
  • flooring
  • erection of walls, fences or racks
  • roof installation, in the case of a terrace, may not be performed

The foundation is laid a year before the start of the assembly of the structure. This is due to the fact that the base of the house has already settled, and the newly built light veranda or terrace may be crooked after winter. It is better to choose the same foundation as the main building. The most economical option is columnar. The racks or monolith are buried to the same depth as the foundation of the house. Wells with a depth of 1.1-1.2 are usually enough


The most popular and inexpensive construction method is wireframe. Installation begins with the lower strapping, then the vertical posts are installed using brackets and metal corners. A frame is assembled from a bar and boards, to which the sheathing and a layer of insulation are attached from the outside. You have the opportunity to choose from several finishes:

  • siding
  • lining
  • block house
  • fake diamond

Council. Use the same material for cladding or wall decoration as for your home. The extension must be consistent with the appearance of the home. Windows and doors are chosen the same type as on the house. If you choose the right materials, no one will notice that the veranda is erected after the main building.

Sometimes the frame is made of metal. A solid timber construction will cost more, but it looks more expensive. The terrace will look advantageous if you fold a side of blocks or bricks around the edges, which can then be plastered.


The main value of the additional extension is the luxurious panoramic windows, from which it is pleasant to admire the landscape. Therefore, you cannot save on glazing. The glasses are easy to break, so it is recommended to use safety polycarbonate.

A large number of windows leads to an increase in heat loss. Insulation is rarely used in the construction of summer buildings. Therefore, you will save on the purchase of mineral wool and other thermal insulation materials. Frames are most often installed wooden, as they look aesthetically pleasing and quite reliable. The installation of double-glazed windows will insulate the room. The only drawback is that they are more expensive, besides, as mentioned above, it is not at all necessary to arrange thermal insulation.

Did you know that the technology of frameless glazing, which appeared not so long ago, is successfully used for arranging terraces and winter gardens. Now, in the cold season, you can close the terrace, which will protect it from snow load and destruction. You can stay indoors even in winter.

Roof installation

If the roof of the building is covered with chic tiles, roofing material is not suitable for a veranda or terrace. The materials must be in harmony with each other.Usually, a light roof is placed on a wooden frame, which will not create an increased load on the structure.

Some owners of suburban areas replace the roof with a pair of folding umbrellas. It is very economical and convenient if you like to sunbathe in the sun. But in Russian conditions, when it often rains, it is better to take care of installing a canopy made of waterproof fabric. Plus, you don't have to remove furniture or food from the table every time it starts to rain.

It is interesting. Cloth canopies are rolled up using a mechanism or manually. The fabric used in the manufacture has a protective impregnation. The branded canopy will last you a year and will not fade in the sun.

Alternative to expensive construction

In recent years, many manufacturers have taken up the production of prefabricated structures. The customer only has to choose the model he likes. The frame is assembled on site using screws and the simplest tools. The result is a full-fledged room or playground. The cost of the finished product is much higher. To save money, the materials remaining after construction are used for construction.

Decorative elements

An empty playground or veranda room, furnished with inappropriate furniture, looks unfinished... The terraces are decorated with potted plants, hanging baskets with annuals. To the racks on which the roof is held, curtains are hung to protect from the scorching summer sun or flowing tulle. The most suitable furniture is considered to be made of rattan - natural or artificial. Forged tables with glass or mosaic tabletops look exquisite.

The cost

The main reason for the popularity of terraces and verandas is economic benefits... There is no need to lay an expensive foundation, building materials are used to a minimum. But if you are planning to implement the conceived project for the construction of a multi-level platform with a complex roof, of course, you will have to invest a considerable amount.

Modern technologies do not stand still. Nowadays it is not customary to put garden furniture directly on the lawn. The platforms and terraces are not only functional, but also symbolize the prestige, stability and high status of the land owner. If you decide to build a secluded corner, choose a veranda. The original spacious terrace looks stylish and will be an excellent solution for a large family. Lovers of warmth and comfort who come to the country in winter may think about installing frameless glazing and buying a pair of heaters. The veranda and the terrace, despite the seeming simplicity of the structure, require the correct constructive solution and high-quality building materials, therefore, for the design and construction of these structures, turn to professionals who have accumulated extensive experience.

42 photos verandas and terraces to the house:

A summer cottage acquires a finished look only after the necessary design elements are included in it - without decorative details, the territory adjacent to the house remains a lifeless and faceless space. Gazebos and their varieties can successfully complement any garden ensemble. However, a wide variety of outdoor buildings can confuse an inexperienced summer resident. Let's deal with each of them in order.

Traditional gazebo

The classic gazebo is made of wood, and a path leads from the house to it through the lawn. It is important that this element fits into the style of the house and the site, creating a single picture with them. In its traditional version, the gazebo has been known since the 17th century and has the following advantages:

  • decorates the site;
  • allows the family to get together;
  • is inexpensive;
  • practical.

The gazebo is a place for secluded relaxation or noisy fun with friends, it allows you to both celebrate a memorable event and while away the evening with a book. The gazebo can also serve as a summer kitchen with barbecue or be a kind of studio for creativity.

Mediterranean patio

The patio is a small patio, sheltered from prying eyes by a decorative fence and climbing plants. It can be multi-level, include a hearth, a fireplace, and even be located on the roof of a house. The tradition of arranging such recreation areas came to us from the countries of the Mediterranean Sea.

Patio advantages:

  • its organization is simple and does not take much time;
  • is the closest to nature outdoor recreation structure.

The south side of the site is best suited for building a patio. The terrain must first be leveled, paved with tiles or stones. Conveniently connect the patio to the kitchen to bring food and drinks. Its design usually includes a variety of garden furniture, allowing you to rest and relax in comfort, and artificially aged wood decor elements will perfectly complement the picture.

Open terrace

Terraces came to us from the south, where it is customary to spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the hot rays of the sun. They are usually spacious and have no walls. An open area in the form of a terrace can be covered with a roof and is essentially a modified patio. It can be limited by a railing or a curb, or it can be not fenced at all, creating a single terrace-garden space.

Terrace advantages:

  • adjacent to the house;
  • the foundation is able to protect the structure from precipitation and moisture.

The terrace is able to gently merge with the landscape of the area, allowing you to appreciate the opening view of the site. Any decorative elements of the garden are appropriate next to the terrace - fountains, ponds, flower beds, stone gardens. To decorate it, varnished wood products, climbing and potted plants are suitable, and evergreen bushes, placed around the perimeter, will not only delight the eye, but also protect from the wind. To create a cozy closed space on the terrace, you can hang tulle.

Classic veranda

The veranda is a glazed structure built into the main part of the house. The insulated veranda allows you to enjoy the comfort even in winter: it, like the terrace, must necessarily have a foundation to protect it from cold and cold. In order not to lose the opportunity to enjoy nature even when entering the house, it is better to make a veranda with solid glazing.

Why choose a veranda:

  • expands the useful part of the house;
  • insulates the structure;
  • serves as a decoration for the home.

A kind of gazebo: gazebo with barbecue

A gazebo with a barbecue gives you the opportunity to grill barbecue in nature any time you want. A stove made of stone or refractory bricks is usually installed in the back wall so that the culinary action does not prevent household members from moving between the gazebo and the house.

Advantages of a gazebo with a barbecue:

  • the ability not to interrupt communication while cooking;
  • no dependence on the weather.

Combine several buildings on one site or choose one - whichever structure you choose, each of them will become a practical and eye-pleasing addition to your site.

More recently, our ideas about summer cottage rest were reduced only to relaxing in the shade, sitting in a sun lounger or lying in a hammock, or in the evening on an impromptu barbecue - all this seemed to be the top of suburban life. Today people have changed, which means that their needs have changed. One of the points of small construction at a country house was the construction of a patio.

Patio Is a small paved area adjoining the house on one side and looking like a courtyard, where it is convenient to relax, hiding from prying eyes, or to receive welcome guests. Patios can vary in size, level, quality and variety of finishes. The sonorous word “patio” can be called a small patch of land, tiled and equipped with a plastic table and a pair of folding chairs, or a multi-level area with stationary furniture, raised flower beds, small ponds with pergolas and multi-textured finishes. Both are patios, the only question is in the level of requests of the owner of the house and the thickness of his wallet.

Terrace has little difference from a patio and is often confused. To distinguish between these terms, as they say, on the ground, you should know that the terrace is always raised above the ground level, and in addition to limiting one side by the wall, it can also have side partitions in the form of gratings for or raised flower beds as such.

Patio device It will take a lot of time and money, so make sketches yourself or invite a specialist, calculate the amount and cost of the required material, this amount must include the fire protection of metal structures that may be needed in the construction of pergolas and gratings. Choose a design to your liking, because this structure is designed for a long service life, which means you should not get bored ahead of time.

If the patio still turned out to be inexpressive and boring, then you can "revive" it by removing part of the tile and replacing it with another one - contrasting or matching, another option is to plant ornamental plants in the resulting voids. Remember that the patio must be matched to all the relevant elements of the garden - paths, house façade, retaining walls, etc.

The main challenge when creating a patio from scratch is determining the size of the site. One thing is for sure - the owners of limited space can take the entire plot under the patio, paving it completely, using different textured materials for decoration, planning permanent flower beds and the location of tub crops and resulting in a real small garden. Do not forget that fire alarms in such functional areas are not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

As an illustrative example, we present to you an option for laying a simple patio with a classic design.