Electric vegetable cutter into strips. Grater-shredder: manual and mechanical vegetable cutter with container. The best industrial vegetable cutters

Our mothers remember the cabbage shredders that were sold in Soviet times. These were huge wooden boards with a sharp blade at an angle. The owners of such boards were happy people - after all, chopping tens of kilograms of cabbage by hand would have been simply unrealistic. These shredders passed from hand to hand throughout the fall, while the preparations were in progress... In some families, they have been preserved to this day. And everything would be fine, but the lack of minimal protection sometimes stained the cabbage with blood - you could easily scratch it with your finger without calculating the thickness of the head of cabbage. Modern vegetable cutters are more compact, safe and multifunctional.

For those housewives who often deal with vegetable cutters, two qualities of this kitchen utensil are of great importance: strength and sharpness. There are countless vegetable cutters on the market, both simple and sophisticated, and to help you sort through the variety, our site has done something of a survey of some of these must-have gadgets.

The simplest thing that was invented by man for slicing and chopping is a knife. Housewives used it for centuries until progress came to the kitchen. And an ordinary knife was turned into a convenient 3-in-1 device by simply soldering a potato peeling bracket to the blade. With such a knife you can simply cut anything, peel potatoes, removing the thinnest peel, and also shred cabbage, and in this case both blades work at once. But with all the undoubted advantages of such a knife, the disadvantages still outweigh it. Firstly, in order to cut ten kilograms of cabbage, no hands are enough, and secondly, not everyone will be able to immediately adapt to working with this knife. That's why 3-in-1 shredder knife occupies the last place in our hit parade.

- This is the simplest device for cutting boiled vegetables into cubes. It seems like a simple thing, but how it helps to quickly whip up a vinaigrette or Olivier salad! The method of application can be described in a nutshell: “push and turn”: place the grid on the neck of the jar, press the boiled vegetable 3-5 mm, turn it 90º, and the finished identical cubes fall into the jar. All you have to do is season and mix the finished salad. This device received penultimate place in the study only for its narrow specialization. also took 9th place. And all because there is nothing else to cut with them except potatoes and apples. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the simpler the thing, the less likely it is to break.

Ordinary Can also be used to shred cabbage. To do this, you need to cut a dense head of cabbage in half and “plane” it with a knife, removing the finest cabbage shavings. This method is unlikely to be suitable for preparations, but a staple knife will help you create a salad from fresh cabbage for dinner. With the same knife you can cut long, thin strips from zucchini for the “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” salad, or from eggplant for rolls.

A chip knife similar in shape and mode of action perfectly cuts the thinnest slices of potatoes. Moreover, these slices turn out to be corrugated. This knife can cut not only potatoes, but also any vegetables for chips. True, it will be expensive to peel potatoes or carrots with it, since this knife is designed to produce slices approximately 1 mm thick.

There is another relative of the staple knife - . This is a knife that has cross blades that allow you to cut thin long strips of carrots for a spicy salad. But not only carrots can be cut with such a knife - raw beets are also perfectly cut with a cunning knife, and potatoes for salad (when they are deep-fried in the form of thin noodles) turn out smooth and thin. With an ordinary knife, of course, you can try to cut thin strips, but this will take a very long time. All these three knives - for peeling potatoes, slicing chips and for Korean carrots - share 8th place in our hit parade of vegetable cutters.

With the reign of plastic in the kitchen, a huge number of vegetable cutters have appeared for a variety of needs. Here, for example, . The vegetable cutter is a plastic platform with grids of knives, and a base with a screw-on plastic cup into which onions or potatoes are poured. There are only two grates - with a narrow pitch (for onions) and a wider one (for potatoes). The principle of operation is simple: a potato or onion is placed on a base with a screwed-on cup, covered on top with a platform with a knife-grid and the entire structure is compressed with some force. The chopped product is poured into a glass. This is ideal. But in life, as often happens, everything is not so smooth. The ubiquitous Chinese manage to make lattice knives from such a delicate alloy that they sometimes break the first time they are used. It's a shame. And the idea is good. This vegetable slicer ranks #7 in our study of useful kitchen gadgets.

with interchangeable attachments for different cuts, it is more productive than the previous contender. This is a plastic drum with a hole for serving vegetables, in which a metal circle attachment for shredding is fixed. The handle with which you will set the entire structure in motion is also plastic and is connected to the circle through a simple transmission mechanism. In general, there is nothing to break. All you need to do is select the desired attachment, insert a suitable vegetable into the hole and start turning the handle. In this case, the vegetable needs to be slightly pressed against the rotating attachment (without fanaticism!). Such combines in a variety of designs are kindly provided to our market by generous Chinese manufacturers, and therefore you play a kind of “lucky or unlucky” lottery. Sometimes such food processors serve faithfully for years, and sometimes they don’t last even a month in kitchens. For its quality, which often lets us down, the manual harvester gets 6th place in our study.

takes up little space in the kitchen and works quickly and noisily. This is a glass with a lid in which zigzag knives are mounted, and a handle with a spring. A slap on the handle lowers the knives all the way down, and they rotate, and the spring returns the knives to the upper position. The more slaps, the smaller the vegetables will be chopped. By the way, this device can not only cut vegetables for salad - it is suitable for nuts, chocolate, eggs, sausage and even for crushing ice. A very fun machine, your children will really enjoy slapping the handle. However, the small cup format did not allow this contender to break into the top three. For originality and speed, this vegetable cutter receives 5th place.

The next contender is solid, made of metal and as reliable as a tank. It's about meat grinder modified for vegetable cutting . Instead of knives and grates, round cone-shaped attachments are screwed into the iron monster. The attachments can be very different: for grating carrots, beets and other vegetables, for chopping cabbage, cutting into slices or cubes, and so on. It all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer. Using this vegetable cutter is simple and fast. Screw the meat grinder onto the edge of the table, screw in the desired attachment and go ahead, turn the handle and slice the vegetables. The fact that you still have to work with your hands is a minus. But during the busy season of preparations, especially in the country where there is no electricity, a manual vegetable cutter/meat grinder is indispensable. But this vegetable cutter is eternal - that’s a plus. For this she gets 4th place in our kitchen hit parade.

The next contender is more likely to be a grater (based on the principle of operation), but for its wide possibilities it was awarded the honor of taking 3rd place in the hit parade of vegetable cutters. Design vegetable graters It’s simple: there is a sharp blade on a plastic platform (obliquely or in the shape of a V), and various attachments allow you to cut and grate almost any vegetables. Using this vegetable cutter, you can quickly cut potatoes or carrots into large or thin slices, onions into rings (or half rings if you first cut the onion in half), cut carrots for a Korean salad or potatoes for deep-frying. Actually, this is a version of the Soviet shredder, only in a smaller form, with a tray for grated vegetables (sometimes without it) and with protection against cuts - when grating, vegetables are not held by hand, but pricked onto a wide plastic flatbread with a hedgehog of needles and a comfortable handle. This leaves a lot of waste, of course, but the fingers are still there.

And the miracle of modern kitchen appliances - - good because it has a bowl from which chopped vegetables do not scatter all over the kitchen. However, the combines also have a special lid with an outlet through which the vegetables fall directly into the placed dishes (in the case when tens of kilograms of vegetables are chopped). With all its undoubted advantages, a food processor has one, but very significant drawback: bulkiness. Its clumsiness does not allow you to use it to quickly cut a salad for dinner, because it turns out that you cut it for 5 minutes and wash it for half an hour. Therefore, in the vegetable cutter competition, the food processor gets silver.

And finally, I got first place . The electric sister of the manual meat grinder and vegetable cutter has enormous productivity and is quite compact. Its design is not much different from its manual relative, except that this machine is made of plastic on the outside, and protection is provided - a special pusher glass, otherwise you can accidentally send half a finger into the salad, the speed is crazy!

Of course, you can disagree with the opinion of the commission and choose your own winners. Well, it's your right! The main thing is that your vegetable cutter (or a whole family of different vegetable cutters!) serves you long and faithfully. To do this, you need to try to choose the right vegetable cutter. Here are a few rules to help you do this:

A high-quality vegetable cutter should be made of stainless steel, aluminum or strong, durable plastic.
. If you need a universal vegetable cutter, pay attention to the presence of a set of knives and attachments - they should be suitable for both large and small cuts.
. Try to choose knives with replaceable blades, in this case they can be easily replaced over time, rather than throwing away the vegetable cutter due to a dull knife.
. Ask the seller what type of vegetables the selected vegetable cutter is suitable for; it would be a shame to buy a super-vegetable cutter that can only handle boiled potatoes.
. Take care of the vegetable cutter blades; wash it in warm water and dishwashing detergent. Hot water quickly dulls vegetable slicer blades, as do abrasive cleaners.

Happy shopping!

Larisa Shuftaykina

With the help of a vegetable cutter, vegetables for salads or fruits for a festive table can be cut not only quickly, but also beautifully, and with minimal contact with the food - as they say, “without getting your hands dirty.”

What types of vegetable cutters are there?

Fundamentally, all devices for slicing vegetables and fruits are divided into two categories - electrical and mechanical (manual).

Electric vegetable cutters - multi-cutters

Electric vegetable cutters can differ in design - some operate on the principle of a food processor (attachments in the form of discs of various configurations), others resemble meat grinders (attachments in the shape of cylinders or cones). There are also varieties of vegetable cutters, where the movement of the working surface back and forth is carried out by a low-power motor. However, the effectiveness of using such a drive instead of a manual one is questionable.

Mechanical vegetable cutters

When working with a mechanical vegetable cutter, slicing, chopping or grating food requires your own effort. Depending on the design and attachments, grinding can be carried out according to the “grater-shredder” principle, or it can be a hand press. Another detail by which manual vegetable cutters can differ is the presence or absence of a food container.

Criteria for choosing the best vegetable cutter or multi-cutter


Traditionally, leading European companies are considered the best. Depending on who, where and from what quality materials the vegetable cutter was made, the efficiency, durability and quality of its work depend.

Configuration and number of nozzles

A common criterion for both electrical and mechanical devices, reflecting their functionality.


Relevant for electrically driven multi-cutters and indicates how effectively the device will handle when the load on the drive increases.

Additional accessories

Many manufacturers additionally produce elements compatible with their models - additional attachments, accessories, spare parts. They can be purchased to expand the basic configuration or as a replacement.


It makes no sense to waste your money on cheap products from little-known brands. The quality of such devices is low, and they are made only superficially similar to the best models. The optimal choice is vegetable cutters from proven brands. In addition, not all of them are sold at exorbitant prices.

What housewife doesn’t dream that her dishes are not only tasty, but also look just perfect? Cooking brings a lot of pleasure - both from the cooking process and from tasting what is cooked, but it also takes a lot of energy. It’s great that more and more advanced devices are constantly appearing on domestic markets that allow you to save effort and time on cooking. Today we will talk about vegetable cutters - what they are, which ones are more convenient to use, and which ones you should choose. We will find out which is the best vegetable cutter based on user reviews – 2019 rating.

What kind of vegetable cutting device is this?

A vegetable cutter is a device or device that allows you to chop vegetables and fruits for cooking or canning. In essence, this is the same grater, but only more functional, because a good vegetable cutter will cut into cubes, cut into cubes, and grate shavings.

There are two main types of vegetable cutters for the home:

  • mechanical or manual;
  • electric.

Criteria for choosing a good home vegetable cutter

If you are choosing a suitable device among manual vegetable cutters, then think about whether you need a container? On the one hand, the design of such a device is more stable, but after each process, the container will need to be rinsed to remove food debris.

The number of blade attachments included in the kit also plays a role. Housewives claim that they do not always fully use the functionality of their vegetable cutter - some knives and attachments are not entirely effective and are simply lying around in the kitchen drawer.

If you decide to choose one of the electric vegetable cutters for your kitchen, then pay attention first of all to:

  • power - this characteristic will make it possible to understand how quickly the device will operate under load. However, there is a possibility that the device will scatter the cut pieces in different directions and you will need to install a wide container for cutting;
  • build quality - the device must be reliable and safe, everything must be tightened tightly and not loose during operation;
  • functionality can also play a decisive role, because the vegetable cutter will be the more effective the more processes it covers;
  • manufacturer - of course, it is a matter of taste and wallet capabilities - whether your device should be branded or produced by a lesser-known company. However, judging by customer reviews, reputable manufacturers pay more attention to the quality of the device and its set of components.

Decide for yourself which vegetable cutter will show off in your kitchen, but we are ready to present to your attention the rating of vegetable cutters of 2019.

TOP 7 electric vegetable cutters

When choosing a vegetable cutter, one usually evaluates the dimensions of the device, ease of use and safety, and the number and types of attachments. Power is also important, since the grinding speed depends on it. Attachments can have different shapes and perform cutting in different ways: small, large shredding, cubes, slices, cubes, etc. To make it easier for you to determine which equipment to buy, I have prepared the TOP 7 best models for 2019 that deserve attention .

This is a vegetable cutter for chopping raw and cooked foods. The body color is available in four options in combination with white: red, green, yellow. Has rubberized feet for stability. Equipped with five replaceable discs: the set includes 3 graters and 2 knives for slicing. Unlike Kitfort KT-1351, it has a removable glass for storing them, which is installed at the back. Works continuously for 10 minutes. Power - 150 W. The length of the power cord is 0.7 m, which can be placed in a compartment for storage. Weight - 1.5 kg. Price - 2350 rubles.


  • Beautiful design;
  • compact size, stability;
  • easy assembly/disassembly;
  • easy to clean;
  • it is impossible to cut yourself while working due to the design of the knives;
  • a sufficient number of replaceable disks with reliable fastening and a convenient storage system.


  • plastic rod;
  • not automatic, you need to hold the power button all the time during operation, which is not very convenient;
  • replacement discs are not sharp enough;
  • low power;
  • It is not very convenient to lay the cord; there is no reel for winding.

A fairly simple vegetable cutter, but it does its job no worse than other, more expensive models. Has a good set. True, for work it is necessary to make an effort, pressing the product being crushed, especially hard ones, since the knives are dull. In this case, you need to hold down the button at the same time - both hands are occupied, which is not entirely convenient. Manual laying of the cord takes a lot of time, and it is not always possible to fold it neatly and without kinks. The biggest advantage of the device is its affordable price.

Vegetable cutter in silver or black, weighing 1.6 kg. The legs are not rubberized, so they can slide on the surface. Compared to Kitfort KT-1318, it has fewer attachments - 4. But it does have a disk for chopping into strips. There is no place to store replacement disks. Works continuously for 10 minutes. The model is more powerful – 200 W. The cord is much longer - 1.12 m. Price - 2500 rubles.


  • beautiful view;
  • small sizes;
  • metal case;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • assembles intuitively;
  • optimal set of attachments;
  • fast, powerful;
  • rubs easily;
  • minimal waste residue;
  • convenient pusher;
  • long cord.


  • no compartment for storing attachments;
  • works noisily;
  • the button does not lock, both hands are occupied;
  • after shredding, a flat piece remains, stuck between the nozzle and the neck.

This shredder is quite compact, with a metal body, but the legs are not rubberized, which compromises its stability. There are fewer attachments than Kitfort KT-1318, but they are enough for all basic procedures. The power is higher, so the grinding happens faster. The downside is the lack of a compartment for storing replacement disks, but the device has a long cord, which makes it easier to use. I can recommend it for purchase, as it has excellent characteristics for its price.

The multi-cutter has a plastic body and weighs more than the first two models (1.94 kg). Presented in red and white colors. It differs from Kitfort KT-1318 and 1351 in a large number of attachments (6 pieces), which, in addition to the standard set, includes a disk for cutting French fries. It has a higher power - 250 W, a longer cord (1.2 m). Price - 4 thousand rubles.


  • attractive appearance;
  • large set of attachments;
  • cuts smoothly and beautifully;
  • good functionality, performance;
  • high power.


  • slight vibration during operation;
  • The attachment for French fries does not make completely even pieces: they turn out to be rather sticks.

A vegetable cutter of excellent quality with a good range of functions and excellent power. It cuts salad products in 3 minutes, significantly saving time and effort. Vibrations felt during operation are neutralized by stable legs. There are some complaints about the French fry disc, which cuts with bent bars with ragged edges, but all other types of attachments function well.

The model is almost identical to the Zigmund & Shtain SM-21. But it has more variations in color: white, green or silver. The set of attachments, power, and cord length are similar. Price - 4100 rubles.


  • nice design;
  • does not take up much space;
  • nozzles are easy to install and change;
  • works quickly without interruption;
  • rubs and cuts everything perfectly and effortlessly.


  • not very good build quality;
  • there are cases of marriage.

Reviews about the operation of the device are positive. The quality of work is normal, the power is good. But several buyers received defective devices, which resulted in the question of warranty repairs, which in some cases turned out to be not free, and replacing the device takes too much time.

Vegetable cutter with a white or red plastic body. Weighs 1.56 kg. It has five attachments, including 2 graters, a device for cutting slices and strips. They are made in the shape of a cone, in different colors, corresponding to each operation. Possibility of compact storage is provided. Vegetables enter through a fairly wide opening. Some don’t even require preliminary cutting; they end up in the container ready-made. Power is lower than that of Zigmund & Shtain SM-21 - 200 W. The cord can be stored in the compartment. Price - 4770 rubles.


  • stylish body, stable;
  • light weight, compactness;
  • low noise level during operation;
  • ease of assembly/disassembly, changing attachments;
  • Easy to clean parts, dishwasher safe;
  • sufficient power, easily and quickly copes with any products;
  • good performance;
  • the ability to purchase additional attachments or replace failed ones.


  • does not rub without leaving a residue, there is always a piece left between the nozzle and the body;
  • soft foods wrinkle;
  • you must constantly hold the button;
  • gap at the connection between the housing and the bottom of the device;
  • The process of laying the electrical wire is not well developed.

The model chops food quickly and efficiently. Of course, its power is weaker than that of Zigmund & Shtain products or the Moulinex DJ9058 Fresh Express Cube, but this does not reduce performance. Most vegetable cutters have minor disadvantages in the form of the need to press a button during operation or lay out the cord.

The lightest multi-shredder in the rating, weight - 1 kg. It can be purchased in red or white colors. The pouring neck is wide, you can put some whole vegetables there. A disk for cutting French fries is added to the set of standard attachments. There are only 6 attachments, but there is no place to store them. Power - same as Moulinex DJ755G Fresh Express. Works at one speed. The switch is located on the body, which makes the device stand out among other review models, since it is not necessary to constantly hold the button. The cord is longer than all other described devices (1.5 m). When finished, you can put it away in the compartment. Price - 5500 rubles.


  • compact size, low weight;
  • reliable, sharp replaceable discs;
  • large loading opening;
  • vegetables are chopped without residue;
  • good cutting speed;
  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of use and maintenance;
  • interchangeability of nozzles with other models of the manufacturer.


  • no place to store attachments;
  • crushed products fly out at high speed; utensils with high sides are required, which are not included;
  • shredder too small;
  • some difficulty cutting soft foods.

Among the models in the rating, Philips HR1388 Viva Collection is the lightest and the only one that works after switching on at a constant speed without the need to hold the button. Thanks to the design of the neck, most vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes) can be placed there whole without cutting them into pieces. There are no problems with replacement disks, since they can be replaced with others of the same brand. Due to its unique design, the vegetable cutter also has a drawback, which is expressed in the scattering of chopped products, since they fly out at high speed.

The heaviest device in the rating weighs 2.7 kg. Has a plastic body. Provides five attachments, including a grater for cutting into cubes, which other models in this review do not have. They are made in the form of removable cassettes (and not cones, like other vegetable cutters). They can be secured to the case for storage with special magnets. The vegetable cutter is the most powerful in the rating – 280 W. The loading hatch, like the previous multi-cutter, allows you to use many vegetables and fruits whole. It operates at two speeds that switch automatically. The control button is located on the top of the cover. The removable parts (tray, pusher and attachments) can be washed in the dishwasher. Price - 10 thousand rubles.


  • very attractive design;
  • takes up little space;
  • convenient compartment for storing replaceable disks;
  • cuts into cubes;
  • products fall down calmly and do not fly apart;
  • easy and quick to clean;
  • The vegetable cutter cuts food efficiently.


  • The button must be held by hand during operation;
  • small particles of food fall into the junction with the replaceable disk, which is located in close proximity to the motor;
  • high price.

In the rating, this is the most expensive, but also the most powerful vegetable cutter with multi-colored attachments of unusual shape and convenient, well-thought-out storage. It cuts food perfectly and has good characteristics. Perhaps the price is a little high, but everything is covered by the quality of work and performance. There are not so many disadvantages, the main one is the standard one - the need to hold the button. The Moulinex DJ9058 Fresh Express Cube is somewhat inferior to the Philips HR1388 Viva Collection, which costs half as much and leaves your hands free when working with it.

TOP 3 manual vegetable cutters

Manual vegetable cutters mean that the cook still has to put in some effort to get the food cut. This type of vegetable cutter can have the form of a press or a regular grater, but with different blades - this is a shredder. By the way, if you dream of being able to chop Olivier salad or vinaigrette in a matter of minutes, then a grater-shredder will not suit you - such a vegetable cutter does not “know how” to cut vegetables into cubes. There are also mechanical vegetable cutters with a handle - just load the vegetables into a container, put a lid with knives and a handle on it, and rotate the handle. The more revolutions you make, the finer the food in the loading container will be cut.

  1. Nicer Dicer Plus. This model belongs to the press type of hand-held devices. It has a spacious transparent container for chopped vegetables, so you can visually control the amount of chopped products. The set includes 5 types of cuts and a cleaner. You can cut it into cubes, slices and strips, grate it - to do this, just put the product on the platform with the cutting element and press it on top with the lid. Some owners complained that the plastic of the vegetable cutter quickly loses its attractiveness and rich color. However, this vegetable cutter is the most convenient and inexpensive in the rating, so such minor shortcomings can be forgiven.
  2. Borner Classic. Models of this device have continued to help housewives in the kitchen for several decades. Essentially, this is an ordinary grater with a variety of blades-knives that cut and grate food - into shavings, straws, slices, plates. However, there are two main disadvantages - you must be careful and careful not to get injured. In addition, as we have already said, such vegetable cutters will not allow you to chop potatoes and other vegetables into cubes. A high-quality grater with bells and whistles for the home.
  3. Vegetable cutter "Alligator"– a press model from a Swedish manufacturer. It is distinguished by high-quality materials; you can choose either light and cheap plastic or a more expensive metal option. Also, you will be pleased with the durable container for collecting cuttings and attachments for cubes and sticks. It is more reliable, but less functional than Nicer Dicer. It copes well with soft vegetables and fruits without mashing them into puree.

Nobody wants to spend too much time in the kitchen. And few people like to devote their time to cutting vegetables, fruits and other products. But without this there is nowhere. An electric vegetable cutter will come to the rescue. Its price is affordable for most buyers. And the benefits brought are undeniable. Instead of lengthy cutting of food, you will get neat pieces in just a few minutes.

Among the variety of manufacturers and models of all kinds of shredders, you can get lost. Therefore, we propose to figure out together what a professional electric vegetable cutter for the home can be and what to look for first of all when buying it.

Multifunctional vegetable cutters

Most people prefer this particular type. Multifunctional household electric vegetable cutters allow you to perform many types of work. That's why they are so popular among housewives. They have a number of advantages:

  • Compact and do not take up much space in the kitchen. There is always a place for them in the closet.
  • They are easy to use.
  • They have good performance.
  • Allows you to reduce the time spent on cooking.

A larger electric vegetable cutter for raw vegetables can be included in a food processor. In this case, the large size of the device requires a separate prepared storage space. And washing and cleaning it will take more time.

Shredder with meat grinder (2 in 1)

A professional electric vegetable cutter for the home, one of the functions of which is chopping meat, is also popular. Using two functions at once (slicing and meat grinder) significantly expands the number of prepared dishes. Plus, you don’t need to spend money again on purchasing a second device. With proper care and use, this device will last for many years.


An electric vegetable cutter, capable of cutting food into cubes, belongs to the class of specialized devices. Its presence as a separate subject is not at all necessary. Most vegetable cutters have special attachments that allow you to cut into cubes all the necessary ingredients in a few minutes. But if you really want to purchase this product separately, then why not? Manufacturers offer a large selection of them.

Selection rules

A professional electric vegetable cutter for the home will serve for a long time if it is selected in accordance with certain recommendations.

First of all, you should pay attention to the materials from which the device is made. The best option is a shredder made of stainless steel. In second place is durable non-toxic plastic.

Make sure that the electric vegetable slicer for raw vegetables is also suitable for chopping cooked foods. This option will come in handy. For example, for cutting ingredients into salad.

Give preference to those models whose removable elements can be replaced. For the most part this applies to knives. They often have to be changed.

Another important detail is the protection of cutting elements. Cutting parts should not be accessible to hands during operation.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to give preference to companies that have already proven themselves on the positive side.

Following these simple tips will allow you to make the right choice in favor of a high-quality and reliable device.

Manufacturers and prices

The durability of equipment directly depends on its manufacturer. From how the assembly process took place, whether all the necessary steps and checks were completed, what materials were used. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right manufacturer.

Today on the market of small household appliances you can find products from manufacturers from different countries: Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland and others.

An electric vegetable cutter made in Russia is often sold at a better price than its analogues. But this is not due to the fact that its quality is worse. For the most part, this concerns the economic situation and the depreciation of the ruble.

If we talk about specific brands, then you should pay attention to Philips, Moulinex, Bosch. These manufacturers are the most popular among buyers. Thematic forums and reviews in online stores speak about this. But the products of these companies also have their drawbacks. A professional electric vegetable cutter for home has low power. Plus, the first two manufacturers produce vegetable cutters without a bowl. This will require additional table cleaning.

An electric vegetable cutter can be purchased for an average of three to six thousand rubles. The specific price depends on the chosen manufacturer and the functions performed by the device.

Rating of the best shredders

When buying an electric shredder, you can rely on the compiled ratings. There are a lot of them. We suggest considering one of them.

In first place is Fresh Express Cube DJ905 from Mulinex. Has a wide range of attachments. This is shredding into strips, slices, cutting into cubes. The electric vegetable cutter of this model has five cutting cassettes, which for convenience are painted in different colors: fine grater, coarse grater, shredder, small straws, cubes. They are stored in a special compartment on the device body. The advantages of the model include European assembly (France), overload locking and the ability to cut into cubes. The downside is that the cube attachment is difficult to clean. The disadvantages include the price, which is 9.5 thousand rubles.

In the second position is the Philips HR1388 multi-cutter, which allows you to cut vegetables, fruits, cheese, sausages, and so on. Five functions that allow you to shred, slice and julienne different sizes, including preparing French fries. Produced in Turkey. Its cost is 4.2 thousand rubles. Advantages of the device: functionality, elements are dishwasher safe, large neck diameter for loading food. Among the shortcomings - there is no attachment for cutting into cubes and there is no compartment for storing knives.

Redmond RKA-FP4 closes the top three. Fine and coarse grater, slices in two sizes - these are the functions this electric vegetable cutter has. Its price is 3.8 thousand rubles. He copes with his tasks easily and quickly. The advantages include small size and attractive design, low cost. The disadvantages are low power and insufficient number of attachments.

Rules of care

An electric household vegetable cutter will serve for a long time if you follow the necessary rules during operation.

After each use, containers and knives are washed with detergent and warm water. Some models can be washed in the dishwasher. But for this there must be an indication in the instructions. After washing, all parts just need to be dried and folded.

There are no more conditions. Simple care will allow your assistant to enjoy herself for a very long time.

Beautiful vegetable cutting is relevant not only for holidays - it can also diversify ordinary gray everyday life. And a vegetable cutter will help you with this, capable of chopping not only tomatoes and cucumbers. By choosing a good model, you can quickly and accurately chop cheese, meat and a wide variety of fruits. There are two types of such devices - manual and electric. If you want to save money, the first option is suitable, and the second option will help you achieve the ideal shape, thickness and cutting speed. Before you decide on a specific device, check out a few tips:

  1. If you want to cut vegetables in different ways, then make sure that the set includes at least 2-3 attachments.
  2. If you need to grate food, you will need a grater, which is only available in expensive models.
  3. The cord length must be at least 1 m for an electric vegetable cutter, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use.
  4. The optimal container volume for slicing is 1-1.5 liters.
  5. The opening for loading food must be large enough to accommodate all the vegetables. If there are two of them, the process goes faster.
  6. It is very important that the case is made of impact-resistant plastic.
  7. For a cafe, it is better to buy an electric, professional device with a power of at least 100 W.

Having analyzed existing manual and electric vegetable cutters, we have compiled a rating of the best devices. The criteria for this were their performance, build quality, speed of operation, power, design, volume of containers, number and type of nozzles. The cost of the product and its brand turned out to be important. The material of the body and knives was also taken into account.

The best manual vegetable cutters for the home

Such models are the most inexpensive and accessible. They chop food quite well, but require a certain amount of physical effort from a person. This option is ideal for small volumes of cutting at home, but for professionals this is not the best choice.


Country: Germany
Average price: 1,270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This universal vegetable cutter has a truly attractive price and a wide range of applications. In the box with the device there is a food-grade plastic container into which all the chopped products go. With its help, it is possible not only to chop vegetables and fruits, but also to process other products - boiled eggs, crab sticks, meat, sausage. Sharp knives will help you chop raw materials and prepare a delicious salad or soup from diced vegetables. The unit comes with not only shaped knives for slicing snacks, but also graters and devices for peeling potatoes and carrots.

Housewives speak positively about the device. According to many, the blades are quite sharp and the best for such an inexpensive device, so you need to be careful when working in the kitchen. You need to be more careful when cleaning your knives from dirt. Women are advised to rinse them under running water, the most important thing is not to touch the cutting surface with your fingers.


The most popular vegetable cutter
Country: China
Average price: 890 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

What helped the Nicer Dicer Plus vegetable cutter to get into the TOP is its versatility - it works equally well with meat and cheese, as well as with vegetables or fruits. Thanks to the presence of several attachments, products can be given a variety of shapes - straws, cubes, circles, wedges. In addition, the manufacturer offers a container for storing cuttings and a tool for cleaning the device.

Despite the plastic body, the product is very durable and at the same time weighs very little - only 1450 g. The knives do not wear down or rust for a long time, being made of high-quality, reliable steel. The product can be washed safely and quickly using a special brush. Due to its small dimensions, it does not take up much space in the kitchen. But there are some drawbacks - the small volume of the container causes complaints. Given this, you won’t be able to chop very many vegetables at one time.

3 Kitchen Master

High performance. Durability
Country: China
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The device is designed to make cutting vegetables easier. To do this, the set includes three attachments - large, small and shredder. The blades on them are made of special metal, which actually does not become dull during operation. Using a large nozzle, you can shape pieces of vegetables into strips, maintaining their juiciness. Fine is intended for creating chocolate chips, tender pieces of cheese, and breadcrumbs. A shredder is convenient for cutting potatoes for frying, cucumbers, carrots and cabbage.

Experts note the high performance of the home shredder and its durability, which is why they included the device in the rating. Convenient cleaning of the device after use plays an important role. Simply disassemble it and wash all parts by hand or in the dishwasher. To get started, simply insert the desired attachment, place the vegetables in the tray and scroll with the handle. In a matter of minutes, a large number of ingredients are cut for different dishes. The equipment is compact and does not take up much space when stored.

2 WINNER WR-7417

The most functional manual vegetable cutter
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,020 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Winner lives up to its name, is a real winner and the most functional vegetable cutter in its category! This is confirmed by 5 different knives that cut both large and small. They do not wear down or rust for a very long time. Do you want to chop food into thin or thick strips? Please! Do you need thin slices or neat cubes? And it's possible! Thanks to this, this model is included in the rating of the best manual vegetable cutters. But be prepared for poor fixation of products by the holder; reviews indicate that they constantly slip off. A small container that holds only 1 liter can also be confusing. But overall, for the price offered, this is a real helper in the kitchen, because the device is easy to use and easy to clean.

1 Borner "Classic"

Best quality
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 2,132.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A classic chopper that has become a companion and assistant at many family celebrations for more than one generation. The device has been on the market for many years, and during this time it has fallen in love with a large number of housewives. Nowadays, a modern woman can choose from a variety of colors and configurations the unit that best suits her kitchen and is convenient to use. The best price for a set of vegetable cutters may be close to the cost of a real electric food processor, but the quality and service life of a particular device can be many times higher than its modern competitors.

The impeccability and high quality of cutting is confirmed by hundreds of women in their reviews. You can buy a device for your home once and not think about other devices. The set includes 4 useful devices for chopping food and a holder for all knives, which will help housewives to maintain order. The set is presented in 3 rich and rich colors that will lift your spirits during the cooking process.

The best electric vegetable cutters for the home

Fast, convenient, practical - this is how electric vegetable cutters can be characterized. But you have to pay a decent price for all this. The purchase of such a model is justified when you don’t want to spend a lot of time chopping food or you need to prepare for some large-scale event (wedding, anniversary, etc.). It would also be appropriate in gastronomic establishments, but there is a significant drawback - dependence on the power supply.

5 Bradex "Katyusha"

Simple controls
Country: China
Average price: 2,270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The device, in the form of a compact meat grinder, quickly chops a large number of vegetables in a short time. The principle of operation is to cut products evenly. The process involves a small motor, which is responsible for the speed of operation. The latter helps the machine equally accurately chop vegetables into strips and circles. The set includes 2 types of knives and 5 interchangeable attachments. The volume of the container allows you to load approximately one and a half liters of the finished crushed product.

According to reviews, the vegetable cutter works well, but sometimes there may be a defect in the batch. The knives of such units are very dull and cannot cut properly. However, most people are happy with the purchase. It is especially suitable for elderly housewives due to its ease of control and operation.

4 Culinario Jet

Compact size. Ease of movement
Country: China
Average price: 2,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The stylish body of this electric vegetable cutter is made of white plastic with a transparent lid on top. Through it, the user can see all the processes that occur inside the device. Such protection allows even small children to participate in the cooking process - the risk of injury is minimal. The system allows you to chop vegetables into cubes, strips or cut them into slices. The manufacturer suggests immersing the products in the funnel and helping them crush using the included handle.

Eight attachments designed for different purposes will help the housewife diversify the ways of preparing various vegetables. Small size and low weight make the device compact and easy to move. Housewives confirm these advantages and note that preparing products for further processing has never been as convenient as when using this unit.

3 Bosch MMR 15A1

Utility knives
Country: Germany
Average price: 2,750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The stylish German electric unit in this rating allows you to quickly chop vegetables or other products. Fan knives in the bowl help chop or mix some ingredients for the puree soup. Depending on the speed of scrolling and the duration of processing, the resulting mixture will be more or less viscous and homogeneous. For example, a small built-in motor requires 40 seconds of operation to turn the pulp of a soft apple into puree. The versatility of interchangeable knives also promises mixing not only vegetables, but also minced meat and components for pancake dough.

Users praise this home shredder for its portability and quality performance, which is why it made the list. The main work bowl is made of thick glass. For many, this fact becomes a significant plus when purchasing. The device is easy to care for. For some, the disadvantage was the lack of cases to protect the cutting surfaces of the knives. Many people believe that the small motor overheats too quickly - you can use it for no longer than a minute, and if you overdo it, the gadget can burn out.

2 Moulinex DJ755G Fresh Express

High speed
Country: France
Average price: 4,538 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Universal electric mini-shredder with five cone-shaped attachments. Cuts vegetables coarsely, finely, into slices and into shapes. Works with raw and cooked ingredients. Thanks to the enlarged bowl, it is possible to chop a large volume of vegetables at once. The attachments can be stored inside the vegetable cutter due to their small size and unusual shape. The case provides space for storing the power cord.

Users in the reviews give the device the highest rating; they like the ability to load without pre-cutting vegetables. This saves time and allows you to avoid preparing dishes in advance. The manufacturing company has a large number of service centers, which allows customers to repair equipment in case of malfunctions.

1 Philips HR1388

The best multifunctional device
Country: Netherlands
Average price: RUB 5,607.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The multitasking and versatility of this device will help the housewife forget about all other kitchen machines. First of all, it will help grate vegetables and prepare them for further processing. For example, you can make very tasty pancakes from grated potatoes in this vegetable cutter. An attachment that cuts food into small pieces will help in creating a salad or okroshka. A chopping knife will prepare white cabbage for pickling for the winter. In addition, the “gadget” is highly portable and compact.

According to reviews, housewives love the device, among other things, for its long cord of one and a half meters. It helps you move the HR1388 around the kitchen and has virtually no restrictions on your movements. The shredder has a built-in system for blocking the operating device and protecting it from inadvertent activation. The body of the unit itself is made of white impact-resistant plastic, and the blades of the cutting surfaces are made of stainless steel. In general, the device collects extremely positive reviews.

The best industrial vegetable cutters

Next in the ranking is the type of devices not intended for home use. It will simply be too expensive for household use and bulky. It is best to make such a profitable investment if you need to solve the problem of chopping vegetables on a large scale. For example, this device will fit perfectly into the kitchen of a small cafe or dining room.

5 Beltorgmash MPR 350-M 02

The best combination of price and quality
Country: Belarus
Average price: RUB 39,835.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The vegetable cutter is ideal for use in catering establishments. Since it can grind both raw and pre-heated products, its use will help not only in the production of semi-finished products, but also when serving the final dish. Using the unit, you can easily crush boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes and serve them with main meat products. 8 types of interchangeable disks will easily help the chef to control the production of menu items.

The vegetable cutter must be operated under suitable conditions. For example, the air temperature around should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. In addition to the interchangeable knives included in the box, the food manufacturer can separately purchase sharp discs for even more varied cutting. With their help, it is possible not only to simply shred cabbage, but also, for example, to chop boiled potatoes into cubes or prepare them for making potato pancakes.

4 Sirman TM INOX CE

Unique free fall system
Country: Italy
Average price: RUB 54,183.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Designed for industrial use in restaurants, cafes, and other food production facilities. It looks compact in appearance and does not take up much space in the kitchen. It cuts raw and cooked vegetables equally beautifully. The case is steel, the engine has the ability to be ventilated during long-term use. Thanks to the built-in free-fall system, the device can cut the softest and most delicate ingredients.

The set includes 4 discs of different sizes and configurations, which allows you to cut pieces of any shape - into strips, cubes, slices. Thanks to the direct fall system, it is possible to slice soft cheeses. The model has 3 microswitches, a cup with intermediate blocking for receiving cut components. All design features contribute to fast and high-quality cutting of vegetables.

3 Gastrorag HLC-650

High reliability
Country: China
Average price: RUB 34,909.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The reliable Chinese unit is popular with many owners of small catering establishments. The vegetable cutter is portable and compact, despite its high productivity, which reaches 300 kilograms, depending on the task. The HLC-650 has two loading openings for processing large and small vegetables. Immersion of raw materials must be done manually, and the process itself must be constantly monitored by a kitchen worker.

The model itself comes with discs for cutting into slices of different thicknesses. Depending on the task at hand, products can be cut into thin chips or into impressively sized bars. The operating instructions for the vegetable cutter imply that it should only be used by qualified workers; therefore, it is not at all suitable for the average kitchen owner.

2 Fimar la Romagnola

High quality materials
Country: Italy
Average price: 50,330 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

In addition to processing vegetables, the industrial vegetable cutter includes functions for grating cheese, chopping chocolate, and working with soft products such as cottage cheese and mozzarella. A multidisciplinary assistant will be ideally useful in a cafe or restaurant that serves haute cuisine. The device comes with five interchangeable attachments. They will help in preparing raw materials for the subsequent production of culinary products.

The device is made of stainless steel. This guarantees the durability of the vegetable cutter and ease of operation. This model is popular with many catering owners and receives only positive reviews. A new improved version of the unit was released relatively recently. The design has changed a little, and now, according to the principle of a meat grinder, all products will be crushed in a stylish case. This device will fit perfectly into any kitchen and will delight owners with its combination of functions and performance.

1 Robot Coupe CL 50 Ultra

Better performance. Durability
Country: France
Average price: RUB 101,644.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Along with the high price, the model features an incredibly high level of performance. With its help, processing approximately 5 kilograms of fresh or cooked vegetables per minute becomes possible. Two speed modes will help the user process raw materials better and more thoroughly. The device has two funnels. One of them does an excellent job of chopping oblong-shaped vegetables - carrots, cucumbers, small zucchini. The machine is designed to produce 10 different sizes of cubes and 3 types of pieces for better roasting.

The design is simple to operate and easy to assemble. Caring for her is quite simple. Producing up to 300 servings helps provide food for a small dining room or a spacious cafe. Another advantage will be the presence of an asynchronous motor. It guarantees high work intensity and durability. None of the spare parts require replacement even with active and long-term use.