The guy kisses with open eyes which means. Why do they close their eyes when they kiss? Modern Science of the Physiology of Kissing

Kisses can be different, but they are always a means to get positive emotions. Many people close their eyes during a kiss, but what is the reason for this? Perhaps it gives more pleasure? Let's try to figure out what the difference is.

First you need to understand what a kiss with open eyes is. Its first feature is that a person is forced to look exclusively at the partner's face. This is not always pleasant, because during the kiss it looks a little smeared. Plus, before the eyes appear all the minor imperfections of the skin of the kisser. Therefore, some people consciously try to close their eyes during a kiss. This reason may seem cynical, but it often happens.

And if the partner is the spitting image of Brad Pitt, then why do they close their eyes when they kiss? The fact is that many lower their eyelids reflexively, without thinking. But why is this happening? Just in this way, the body is closed to the outside world in order to get the maximum pleasure from a kiss. After all, it is known that with open eyes, the sensitivity from the kiss itself decreases, and this is not good. But, nevertheless, 1/3 of the population kisses with open eyes. There are suggestions that such people like to watch a partner, but more often there is another explanation. When a person does not close his eyes during a kiss, it means that he cannot relax.

There may be several reasons. Perhaps he is afraid of the unexpected appearance of strangers or some other unpleasant moments in the external environment. Another reason is the constant internal tension - a person always strives to keep the situation under control, to control his feelings. But you should not necessarily wean your partner from such a habit, because this is just a trait of his character. Another thing is if a person is under stress, then you need to take some measures to get rid of this condition, which prevents you from enjoying a kiss. For example, you can contact a psychologist or arrange an unscheduled weekend to reboot the body.

Whether a person closes his eyes when kissing can speak of his character. Psychologists say that romantic natures always kiss with their eyes closed. And if a person has his eyes open at this time, then he is inclined to trust the mind, and not the heart.

There are other answers to the question of why they close their eyes when they kiss. Firstly, even suspicious people do not always do this with their eyes open. Sometimes they also want to relax, then they lower their eyelids. This happens, either when it comes to passionate kisses, or when a person gets real pleasure from the process and forgets about everything. There are other theories. For example, partners close their eyes when kissing if they consider it an intimate process. That is, modesty can serve as a reason, according to a professor who has conducted research in this area.

By the way, there is even a science that studies the characteristics of a kiss, it is called philematology. If we are talking about the first kiss, then excitement can play an important role. It manifests itself differently for everyone, but it can affect whether an inexperienced partner closes their eyes. In the future, a certain line of behavior during a kiss can become a habit and be repeated unconsciously.

Another suggestion is that instinct may serve to close the eyes. But, one wonders, what kind of instinct, if kisses generally occur only in humans? The thing is that the human body perceives the touch of the lips of partners as a sign of imminent copulation. And the instinct of procreation is the driving force for all living beings, so it is not surprising that a person subconsciously wants to concentrate on it. Sometimes the kisser deliberately does not close his eyes in order to observe his couple.

This behavior can be caused by both idle curiosity and the desire to get to know the person with whom to build a relationship. This can be a truly effective way if the partner does not suspect that he is being watched. Spying on a partner is sometimes even recommended by psychologists.

When kissing, hormones such as adrenaline, endorphin and others are released in the body, helping a person to be in good shape and receive positive emotions. Scientists have proven that a kiss can relieve stress, it is especially effective for men.

So, there are different explanations for such a phenomenon as closing the eyes during a kiss. Different situations require appropriate behavior. But it is not so important what condition the eyes are in, it is more important that the kiss is pleasant for both partners.

You have probably noticed that kissing people always close their eyes. Perhaps they do this for the fullness of the sensations received from touching each other's lips, and perhaps for another reason. This, for example, can happen purely instinctively. Indeed, in the immediate vicinity of the eyes is the face of another person, which the body, by virtue of natural instincts, perceives as a danger, and in order to avoid injury, makes a person lower his eyelids. Both of these hypotheses have a right to exist, although they do not explain the true cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, we will assume that during a kiss people close their eyes because they like it that way.

Now let's see how scientists explain this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, they cannot give him a clear explanation. In addition, according to statistics, about ten percent of all kissing people do not close their eyes. A young man kissing his girlfriend can thus observe her reaction. But in this case, he cannot relax and enjoy the kiss to the fullest. There is an opinion that this is how people with high self-esteem behave, who can be unnecessarily demanding of their partner or partner. People with a more accommodating character can both open and close their eyes during a kiss. It all depends on the fullness of the feelings that they experience for each other. If the kiss is friendly, then you can not close your eyes, but if people have tender feelings for each other, then they will kiss with their eyes closed.

And yet, partners get the maximum pleasure from a kiss with closed eyelids. Such a kiss is passionate, tender and trusting. At this moment, the kissers are filled to the limit with emotions, and internal sensations are extremely important for them, while visual ones do not play any role.

It turns out that a gentle and passionate kiss of people who love each other is important for them, first of all, from a psychological point of view. At this moment, the brain gives a command to concentrate on this action and turns off all extraneous stimuli, including those related to visual perceptions. In other words, in order to be saturated with positive emotions from this action, you need to concentrate on it as much as possible, turning off both visual and auditory perceptions, which, in this case, is happening.

We must not forget that it is a kiss that is the start of a future relationship between a man and a woman, which means that a lot depends on whether it will be pleasant to them. If yes, then we should expect continuation and, as a result, the formation of a family, but if not, then such relationships have no future.

And yet, let's try to figure out why partners spy on each other during a kiss? Most likely, this is done in order to determine the reaction to this action by facial expression. Agree that in this case it is not difficult to understand whether a person likes a kiss or not. In addition, by the reaction of the partner, one can judge about himself.

Closed eyelids, a relaxed and calm face - all this indicates that you have a romantic nature in front of you, who will do everything to get the most out of everything that happens.

And yet, what is the essence of a kiss?

Firstly, with its help people show their attitude towards each other. Secondly, a kiss allows you to get maximum pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Thirdly, it improves mood and increases vitality.

Now let's see how psychologists relate to a kiss?

In their opinion, kissing people close their eyes in order to concentrate as much as possible on this action and get maximum pleasure from it. In addition, in such an original way, you can easily escape from reality, relax as much as possible, and completely immerse yourself in pleasant emotions.

In addition, making eye contact with your partner's face during a kiss can be not entirely pleasant. After all, each of us has a very specific feeling, and therefore very original grimaces can appear on the face.

And, of course, another reason lies in the features of our character. A modest person simply will not be able to kiss with open eyes, and not because it is unpleasant for him, but because of his shyness.

The period of falling in love is when you don’t think about what is happening, and especially about how the kiss happens. The most important thing is that the feelings are mutual and what is happening brings pleasure to the lovers. But older people often say that kissing with open eyes is strictly prohibited. And the explanation for this - in a moment and love will leave.

Is that so?

There is another belief that girls who kiss with open eyes cannot be trusted. Let's dispel this myth. Firstly, a girl should not be trusted at all, who knows what is on her mind. And secondly, the girl opens her eyes to follow the guy and his hands, no one knows where they will climb to hug or for a wallet.

It has long been believed that love is a feeling given to us from the Highest and it must be carefully protected from strangers. That is why beliefs arose that the feeling of love is secret, comprehensible only to two lovers.

Therefore, it was necessary to kiss only with closed eyes. If one of the lovers opened his eyes, this meant insufficiently strong feelings. Therefore, mothers and grandmothers told their children: "When he kisses you, close your eyes ...".
Modern science has found the most plausible explanation for this.

  • Firstly, at the moment of the kiss, additional pressure falls on the brain, and if the eyes are left open, then there will be even more pressure on the brain. And such an extra load leads to a quick feeling of fatigue, and therefore, after a kiss, a person will not feel proper satisfaction, but rather overwork.
  • Secondly, this is a more aesthetic reason. When the object approaches the eyes, and the partner is no exception, the boundaries of the object blur. That is, when you open your eyes while kissing, you will see a vague person that will not bring you pleasure. Psychologists say that when kissing with open eyes, you can lose your partner, since a vague soulmate will not add romance to your feelings, but will only worsen the situation.
  • Thirdly, the kiss should be relaxing and non-controlling. A person must completely surrender to sensations and completely immerse himself in the world of feelings. However, if the partner did not close his eyes, then your half will feel uncomfortable, will be embarrassed that his emancipation during a kiss will make his facial features ugly. Also, subsequently, such control over the kiss can get boring and the relationship will end. This is how the above belief of our ancestors will come true.

Psychologists say that you still need to open your eyes a little to control the whole process.
They believe that if a person kisses with his eyes closed, then he is a romantic nature. They can go without looking back into a world full of feelings and love. Such partners are often credited with inconstancy. But people who kiss with their eyes open have a controlling nature.

These people are in control of everything. Of all this, before opening or closing your eyes, consider whether your soulmate needs such a partner.

Love and be loved no matter how your partner kisses. The most important thing is what you experience when you kiss.

You have probably seen more than a dozen times how people kiss, for example, in films. Kissing is a mysterious act during which many people close their eyes..

Ask why kissers close their eyes? There is no single answer to this question, however, there are a number of opinions about kissing that can shed light on the mystery of closed eyes.

Enhanced Pleasure

A number of scientists believe that people close their eyes when kissing in order to increase the pleasure from it.. This theory is supported by the fact that some great composers, musicians were blind. And even people who are far from creativity, who see poorly, have heightened hearing, smell and touch. So it is with kissing people - Closed eyes heighten their senses.

The desire to hide embarrassment, or rather to liberate the partner

Agree, why would your partner see his own face reflected in your eyes? After all, you are left alone, no one is looking at you, he does not need to control his emotions, watching his face from the side.

Complete Trust

Does your partner close their eyes when kissing you? Obviously he will fully trusts, and his sense of self-preservation falls asleep or is already fast asleep, so he closes his eyes not of his own free will, but rather instinctively. Most often, girls kiss with their eyes closed., as well as guys who are also sensitive romantics. Authoritarian personalities, both men and women, often kiss with their eyes open, in complete control of the situation.

Desire to go somewhere far away

Here it means disconnection from reality with a further flight into the world of fantasies and dreams. That's why emotional romantic dreamy persons often close their eyes. It is interesting to communicate with such personalities, to start a serious relationship. These hopeless romantics know how to please and just have fun. However, such people are rather fickle. Actually, inconstancy is one of the signs of a creative nature.

Too little distance

When people kiss, the distance between them becomes so small that facial features blur. To avoid such a spectacle, a man or woman closes his eyes. This opinion was expressed by the Singaporean scientist Yau Che.

As you can see, there are many reasons why kissing eyes close when kissing. However, it is not so important how you kiss - with your eyes open or closed - it is much more important what feelings you have for your partner. Love and harmony reigning in the relationship of a man and a woman is the most important thing.

More than once, passing by a couple in love, people catch themselves thinking that kisses happen with their eyes closed. This begs the question, why is that? There are several assumptions that help unravel this mystery. And they are very interesting and unexpected, but with explanations.

Most guys and girls find it difficult to explain why they close their eyes during a kiss. After all, there is practically no logic and explanation in this, it happens as if automatically, instinctively, out of habit.

During a kiss, such a scene seems more beautiful and correct than a kiss with open eyes. But there are some other moments that make people close their eyes while kissing.

Incredible pleasure from the process

Scientists have conducted studies in which it was found that when kissing with eyes closed, people experience double the pleasure. Therefore, there is some logic in this and it is difficult to reject it. After all, it is much better to perform actions “in the dark” - this is considered correct for many and something unusual, if you look from the outside.

prying eyes

Many are convinced that kissing with closed eyes is due to the fact that from the outside it seems more attractive than kissing with open eyes. It is very difficult to judge whether this information is reliable, but only in practice can one be convinced of this. The main thing is not to listen to what others say, not to pay attention to statistics, but to do what you want here and now. If it is comfortable to kiss a partner with open eyes, it does not matter whether it is beautiful or not.

Opinion of others

I guess everyone cares what others say. More impressive personalities will not ask why they close their eyes, they will only do it because someone said it was right. The fact is that most often the eyes close automatically, unconsciously, and it is quite difficult to control oneself. Therefore, does it make sense to pay attention to someone's advice, if you yourself know what you get more pleasure from?

In any case, you can listen to more experienced individuals, but you need to make the choice yourself, based on your personal preferences.

The psychology of kissing

Psychologists say that people close their eyes to feel positive emotions, the desire to more vividly experience what is happening. When kissing in the human body, hormones are intensively released into the blood - endorphin and adrenaline, which are the cause of pleasant sensations.

What other reasons are noted:

  1. The human psyche is designed in such a way that if one of the sense organs is turned off and some external stimuli are eliminated, the remaining sense organs begin to work hard. That is, when a person closes his eyes, extraneous factors are eliminated from the zone of perception of vision, due to which tastes and smells, touches are felt brighter, sounds are heard more sharply. This phenomenon is noted by many, especially blind people who hear much better than sighted people.
  2. Also, this question can be answered differently by turning to psychology for help. It is believed that kissing with closed eyes is preferred by amorous and romantic people who use their imagination to enhance pleasure.
  3. Occasionally, vision loss occurs reflexively. At the moment of closing the eyes, a person involuntarily relaxes the muscles and tunes in to rest. Often a kiss is a prelude to intimacy, it is easier for a person to tune in to sex and fully enjoy this process with his eyes closed.

People who like to kiss a partner with their eyes closed are characterized by psychologists as direct and sober-minded. Such individuals are not embarrassed by the fact that, when viewed closely, the object of adoration seems distorted and a little funny, they are more concerned with controlling themselves and the situation as a whole.

Philematology - the science of the features of kisses, often explains the reluctance to close your eyes during the process of curiosity. A person wants to get to know a partner better, and he does this when looking at the kisser, watching his emotions on his face. In addition, peeping can be called an instinct that is inherent in almost everyone.

In any case, a person must decide for himself how comfortable it is for him to kiss a partner. If the eyes close automatically during a kiss, why overpower yourself, trying to open them, if someone said that it was more correct. You need to rely only on your opinion, your feelings and impressions.