Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers. Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: ideas for ready-made designs with photos. Range of tasks performed

You will be surprised to learn that such a familiar vegetable as a cucumber appeared in culture six thousand years ago! Moreover, in India and China, where it is still growing, as in the conditions closest to him. And he penetrated into Europe thanks to the omnipresent Greeks, and already in the 16th century one can find the first records about him in Russia. And now the enterprising Peter I issues a decree that the vegetable must be grown actively and as a separate culture, although by this moment it has long been on the tables of ordinary people. But, what is most interesting, it was this fruit that became the very first crop in our country, which began to be grown indoors, and it was then that the first greenhouse appeared for him, and then for tomatoes and other vegetables. Such a lumpy engine of progress.

But to date, the structures themselves have changed significantly: both the forms, and the types, and the materials used. And not every design is suitable for a cucumber (especially a glass one). So how do you create the ideal conditions for this subtropical culture? Read about this and how easy it is to build such greenhouses on your own.

Organization of space inside the greenhouse

To understand what kind of structure you need, first figure out what will be inside it. Calculate in advance which method will be beneficial for you to grow vegetables. So, for this, look at the table of average temperatures in your region, scout out how close the groundwater is located in your structure under the beds, and from this and start off. Indeed, in some conditions, it is possible to harvest a rich harvest under an ordinary film greenhouse, while in others one cannot do without a capital structure with cellular polycarbonate and special subsurface heating.

For a cucumber, it is better to orient the greenhouse beds from east to west, carefully closing them from drafts on the north side. This direction provides maximum illumination, which is very important. In addition, for the beds, consider another shelter - film, spunbod or lutrasil to protect delicate plants from cold or overheating.

Today, several types of greenhouses compete with each other, in which it is convenient to grow vegetables:

  • View 1. Narrow high with plants in the middle, and a coarse mesh on the sides. On such a grid, the size of the cells of which is about 30x30 cm, it is convenient to attach the shoots and harvest in the same place.
  • View 2. A wide traditional one with beds on the sides and special fixtures under the roof, on which it is convenient to attach trellises.

For example, here is how a standard structure with a reinforced mesh is built (for additional protection from the sun's rays):

But first, decide exactly how you will fix the vegetables.

The garter of cucumbers is an important point!

And the fact that it is necessary to fasten the trellises is a fact. That is why the biggest mistake when buying a room specifically for growing cucumbers is purchasing a model where the roof is solid without any hints of where to hook the "tails" later. But the options with crossbars are just that.

By the way, vegetables in the greenhouse are not always tied up. Sometimes this plant is left to curl on the ground, as is often the case in open areas. Both methods have their pros and cons. Just remember one thing: if you can water the fruits at least every other day, then hang them on trellises, because this is a significant space saving. If you come to the dacha once a week, then leave it on the ground so that the wide leaves of the plant themselves cover the ground from the scorching sun.


Moreover, you can make such a structure yourself. Here's how to install these tapestries:

  • Step 1. At the ends of the row, stick the stakes one meter high.
  • Step 2. Pull a cord between the stakes, and from it to each seedling, lower a wire or rope tail.
  • Step 3. The plant itself will find and catch on the cord with special "tentacles".

Or even simpler: when the beds are prepared, pull two rows of wire along each - approximately at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. The distance between the wires is 20-30 cm.

Fruits are also suspended in a V-shape. Each row looks in its direction, the plants get more heat, and it is more convenient to harvest. But by the end of summer, the jungle may still turn out, which is why the method "one trellis - two passes" still remains more popular today. Cucumber trellis are also great because you don't have to bend your back all the time.

And here is the detailed process of building a greenhouse with strong crossbeams, conceived specifically for trellises:

Cucumber mesh

For this vegetable in a greenhouse, it is especially convenient to use a trellis net. This method has a sea of ​​advantages:

  • Significant space savings.
  • The fruits do not touch the ground, do not get dirty or rot.
  • Excellent plant ventilation.
  • It is convenient to observe and process the plantings.
  • The method itself is ingenious and cheap.

At the same time, all the plants "crawl" along the grid on their own - with the help of antennae. And modern agronomic nets are so strong that they even support heavy melons.

A simple plastic net can be purchased on the market - it is sold in rolls 2 meters wide. Pass a wire or cord through the bottom and top of the mesh and pull it between the supports. In autumn, the mesh can be easily removed from the support, twisted and hidden until the next season. And as a support, you can use a thick metal reinforcement 2.5 meters high.

The standard parameters of the grid are 1.7 meters high and the cells are 15x17 cm. And installing it in a greenhouse is generally easier than ever - just pull it between the pre-installed posts directly above the beds with plants. Plant cucumbers on both sides of the trellis net, staggered.

If you use a trellis net, then make the beds at a distance of half a meter.

Here's how to build a mesh-friendly structure:

Twine web

This method is also practiced, which summer residents dubbed "horizontal braiding-twine". Cucumbers are planted in the center of the bed, metal arcs with non-woven material are placed above them until early June, the very surface of the bed is mulched with cut grass. In early June, the fabric is removed, the arcs are left, and around the perimeter the bed is braided with twine. It turns out that all vegetable lashes are located inside the twine web and no longer stretch beyond the perimeter. It is convenient to water such a structure - right to the center, to the roots, and nothing gets on the leaves. As a result, as practice shows, the yield is 20-30% higher, it is easier for vegetables to withstand temperature extremes and drought, the fruiting period itself is significantly lengthened.

It is most convenient to fix the twine web in a lean-to greenhouse, from the high side, and, on the other, to put working equipment and carry out communications:

Why is the polycarbonate construction for cucumbers good?

The most valuable design quality is light diffusion. After all, you noticed how light it is, but, at the same time, this light does not blind. And all thanks to the special design of the covering material: cellular polycarbonate refracts the sun's rays, and they are scattered throughout the structure, well illuminating the plants from all sides. At the same time, dangerous parts of the ultraviolet light linger (you saw a special film on one side of the polycarbonate). And, finally, in the polycarbonate construction there is always a constant temperature (its own during the day, its own at night), there are no sudden changes or unexpected drafts from an accidentally torn or lifted film. But these are ideal conditions:

  1. There is no direct sunlight, which the tropical liana does not like so much. It is not for nothing that this plant always builds the jungle over itself as much as possible - otherwise it will simply burn out. Why does a cucumber grow so poorly in a conventional glass structure?
  2. There are no drafts and sudden temperature changes. Believe me, it is enough just once to cold the plant, and you can forget about the harvest, while a tomato cannot live without daily airing.
  3. There is no need to remove polycarbonate for the winter, so you can start growing a vegetable much earlier!

A polycarbonate greenhouse is also good in that constant temperatures can be initially achieved in it, which is almost impossible in film, and even more so in greenhouses. That is why you can start growing in such a facility as early as March. If you are just choosing a site, look for one where the groundwater level exceeds 1.5 m and the slope is less than 5-10 °.

You can literally build a comfortable polycarbonate structure from scrap materials:

Tent greenhouse - excellent dispersion of sunlight

The fact that the vegetable does not like the scorching rays of the sun is a fact. And while the best light diffusion of all known materials is only available in the awning, which is becoming more and more popular in our country every day.

Its installation is extremely simple:

And here is how cucumbers live:

Unusual types of greenhouses

And now - about the construction of the pyramid. You can also plant cucumbers in a circle - many do this. Place a peg in the center, and twine from it to the plants. Secure it to the plants. And on top - a good film.

You will be surprised, but the most wonderful place for fruit is the greenhouse on the roof, where it is always hot and humid, like in the jungle. We have a separate article on how to build one on the portal.

Or you can build such a wonderful structure from ordinary bottles (believe me, there is just enough light in it):

Winter construction

For winter cultivation, early ripening hybrids are more suitable for you, which are suitable for hand pollination. These are Almaatinsky-1 and Gribovsky-2 varieties, Bessemyanka and more modern options. Give preference to parthenocarpic hybrids if you don't want to run around with a brush and pollen, and in summer - to ordinary bee-pollinated ones, in which the fruits always appear even, beautiful.

But it is undesirable to grow in the beds at such a time, because the ground beneath them is still cold. Better to use special pots or boxes, at the bottom of which be sure to organize drainage: expanded clay, small stones, pottery shards. This is necessary so that then water does not stagnate and cool there.

How to grow a rich harvest?

And finally, we will reveal to you the main secret of a good harvest in any greenhouse:

  1. Buy quality seeds from a reputable company.
  2. Do not plant them in the first year.
  3. Before planting, for a month, warm the seeds a little at a distance from the heating devices - so then many female flowers will be tied.
  4. As soon as the cucumbers begin to bloom, arrange containers with herbal mash so that carbon dioxide also provokes the plant to form female flowers.

Another interesting fact: have you heard of the so-called "plasma seeds"? If you believe the manufacturer's promises, such bushes bear fruit until summer. What is their secret?

The fact is that such seeds (and not only seeds) are processed using a special technology on plasma equipment. It was first tested in Russia back in 1990. The whole point of the process is that low-temperature plasma has a certain effect on the biological properties of seeds, and it is already extracted from the electric discharge. Such processing is considered completely harmless and genetically safe. And it is easier to use than more traditional methods of seed preparation.

And as a result, the germination and yield of the seed, the content of proteins and vitamins in it, good preservation and resistance to various kinds of diseases are significantly increased. That is why, if you see the inscription "plasma treatment" on a bag of seeds, take one without hesitation, because they can easily endure any shortcomings - and drafts, and cramped, and cold. That's all the secrets!

How to grow and collect a rich harvest on your site and make it yourself for your own hands - you can read in this article, where photos of various options are also presented for clarity (as an example for beginners).

Greenhouse requirements for cucumbers

In order to properly organize your work in stages and make from scrap materials, you first need to study all the requirements that the future borage must meet:

  1. The main function is heat accumulation.
  2. Mobility, ease of movement of the mini-structure throughout.
  3. In hot weather, the shelter must be opened to prevent overheating of the plants, and, on the contrary, closed at night.
  4. The structure should be well ventilated, but not in a draft.
  5. The location should allow you to conveniently loosen and.
  6. The site must be well lit and protected from the wind.

Where is the best place to place the structure

Choosing a place to place a shelter for is actually not so easy, but quite realistic.

The main thing is to take into account the factors of the location of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points and the direction of the wind. The most important location criteria in this process are as follows:

  1. Light direction. The lighting should be more than good, germination will depend on it. A clear orientation with respect to the cardinal points is required. The structure should not be obstructed by houses, trees and other buildings.
  2. The selected area must be of high quality.
  3. The convenience of placement is of great importance - the presence of an entrance, free entrance, wiring of the necessary communications and ease of maintenance.
  4. The slope of the site, the level of groundwater and the ability of the soil to freeze.

Important! If you choose the wrong place for the future design, then it is quite possible to get problems such as non-germination, poor microclimate, temperature mismatch and the wrong level of humidity, in the end- a meager and low-quality crop.

A simple greenhouse with your own hands

In a day and a half or even in one day, you can completely build a greenhouse suitable for green and pimply, the main thing in this matter is desire and diligence.

What is needed

Initially, let's figure out what materials we need to make a borage with our own hands:

  • hula hoop (hoop);
  • boards;
  • oilcloth 1 or 2 pieces;
  • drill;
  • stapler.

Manufacturing instruction

It is quite simple to make a shelter, the process itself is divided into just a few small stages:

  1. The prepared hula hoop is cut in half.
  2. A small rectangular structure is made from 4 boards in a place selected according to all the rules.
  3. Then holes are drilled at the ends in 2 parallel boards (those that are smaller) so that the halves of the hula hoop can be easily inserted there.
  4. After fixing the plastic hoop in the boards, it is stretched over the entire structure, which can be easily attached with a conventional stapler along the entire circumference on both sides.

Even beginner vegetable growers and gardeners can easily make simple greenhouses with their own hands, especially if you adhere to all of the above rules, and you can also watch this detailed video instruction for an illustrative example and make borage the simplest and most convenient to use:

Other manufacturing options

But there are also other options for making cucumber greenhouses, they would also be worth paying attention to:

1. "Butterfly greenhouse". Consists of a box that is somewhat reminiscent of a house with a gable roof, the doors of which can be easily opened. As in the case of the film, the butterfly greenhouse is quite easy to assemble on your own.

First, you need to select the necessary material for the base and frame for it, it can be any wooden boards. It is better to place this structure on a base made of timber - this will prevent rotting in its lower part.
Before the installation itself, you need to remove a small layer of earth and replace it with a 10 cm layer of fine gravel to create.

Then insert the purchased window panes into the frames and fix them well with overlays, and treat the frame with a compound that prevents decay of the wood used.

2. Recently, shelter from, which is a synthetic material, is gaining popularity and is used for numerous agricultural and horticultural needs. The advantage of this borage is the material's resistance to hail and the ability to cool slowly.

You can make it at home in the same way as a butterfly greenhouse, but instead of glass, you can use the polycarbonate material itself.

Did you know? The very first greenhouses appeared in ancient Rome. Their appearance was radically different from today's options.- they looked like ordinary houses. Roman

Cucumbers are one of the favorite vegetable crops and can be found in almost every vegetable garden. At the same time, this vegetable is picky about growing conditions and gives a good harvest only at a stable air and soil temperature. Providing cucumbers with the desired microclimate is quite simple: you need to install a capital or seasonal greenhouse in the garden. We will tell you how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands in this article.

A greenhouse is a compact structure for growing heat-loving crops or early greenery. Unlike a greenhouse, it has a low height, and its area is completely occupied by a garden bed. This feature allows you to make the most of your garden space, which is important for small garden plots.

Depending on the design, the greenhouse can be:

  • arched;
  • gable;
  • single-slope;
  • recessed.

Arched greenhouses there are capital (from a profile pipe and polycarbonate) and collapsible (from arcs covered with a film or covering material). Collapsible arched greenhouses are installed during the spring frost, and then removed, allowing the cucumbers to grow. Capital buildings, used for several years in a row, are placed on a frame made of timber, boards or slate.

Gable and gable greenhouses made of different materials - wood, metal profiles, pipes. They use film, polycarbonate or glazed frames as a coating.

Recessed greenhouses can be found in regions with cold climates - such structures better protect plants from low temperatures and frost. Recessed greenhouses are made of wooden blocks and double-glazed frames. It is permissible to plant seedlings in such greenhouses without waiting for the snow to completely melt. The edges of the greenhouse can be overlaid with straw, which will give it additional thermal insulation.

Greenhouse materials

Before proceeding with the construction of a greenhouse, you need to consider possible design options and decide on the materials for its manufacture.

For the frame use:

  • wooden blocks and boards;
  • plastic pipes (HDPE, PVC, polypropylene);
  • galvanized metal profile for drywall.

Various materials are used as a coating that protects plants from frost:

  • polyethylene film, including reinforced;
  • covering material (spunbond, lutrasil);
  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • glass.

The advantages and disadvantages of the materials are described in table 1.

Table 1. Materials for the construction of a greenhouse for cucumbers.


Sufficient strength, the tree can withstand significant loads. Low thermal conductivity, stays warm even in frost. Can be used with any finish.Rotting, requires impregnation with antiseptics. Difficult to disinfect. Not suitable for arched structures.

Simple and quick installation. They wash well, do not rot. Do not tear the film. They have low thermal conductivity.Low strength. Cannot be used with glass frames.

High strength, withstands significant loads. Not subject to decay. Easy to clean and disinfect.Cools down quickly, creates cold spots. Sharp edges tear the film.

Low price, great choice. Quickly assembled and removed. Suitable for permanent and temporary shelters.Low strength, tears and sags. Not very good thermal insulation.

Good thermal insulation with low weight. Easy to install on any type of greenhouse. Good light transmission. Relatively high strength.Afraid of mechanical damage and scratches, requires careful handling. Quite a high price.

Good thermal insulation, high light transmission. Static strength, scratch resistance, durability. Withstands significant temperature changes.Fragile material, breaks upon impact and requires replacement. Heavy weight, strong frame and wooden frames are required.

Note! Greenhouse materials can be combined. For example, make the side walls and ends of boards or polycarbonate, and cover the top with foil.

Polycarbonate prices


Greenhouse size calculation

The size of the greenhouse depends on the number of cucumber roots that you want to plant in it. It is believed that 2-3 bushes can be planted on 1 m 2. In this case, the plants will not unnecessarily shade each other, they will have enough nutrition and moisture. The yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse, depending on the variety, is 5-10 kg per bush. Thus, taking an average value of 7 kg from a bush and a planting density of 3 plants per 1 m 2, about 80 kg of greenhouse can be obtained from a 1x4 meter greenhouse over the summer.

When sizing, it is also important to rely on standard material sizes. The width is 2.1 meters, so the length of greenhouses covered with this material is usually a multiple of 2 and is 4 meters. The film can be matched to any size of the greenhouse - its range is wide enough.

The height of the greenhouse for cucumbers is not too important, usually it is 0.8-1.3 m. A greenhouse of this size quickly warms up, at the same time, the plants are located in it quite freely. With a recessed structure, the height can be even lower, but it is worthwhile to reduce the planting density.

Single-pitched greenhouse: a) - general view, b) - side view

Selection and preparation of a place for a greenhouse

Traditionally, greenhouses and greenhouses are oriented from east to west - this allows the sun to illuminate its interior space as much as possible. At the same time, the cucumber tolerates light shading better than extreme heat, so the borage can be oriented from north to south, especially if it is standing in an open place. At the same time, soft morning and evening sun rays will freely penetrate to the plants, and they will be protected from the midday sun by an end wall, which can be shaded with colored polycarbonate or spunbond.

The area for the greenhouse should be flat or with a slight slope to the south. The soil must be dug onto a shovel bayonet, fertilizer, compost or humus, peat and rotted sawdust must be applied. Such a soil composition will allow plants to develop correctly in the initial phase of the growing season, when feeding can burn the delicate roots.

To heat the soil in the greenhouse, manure with straw can be added under the fertile layer. This should be done no later than three weeks before planting seedlings or sowing seeds. Horse manure is considered the best, it allows the soil to warm up to 60-70 ° C, while bacteria and viruses, larvae of harmful insects die. You can also use mullein or bird droppings, while warming up will not exceed 40-50 ° C, but the preparation time will be reduced to two weeks.

Important! When laying manure, compost and nitrogen fertilizers are not added to the fertile layer.

Greenhouse made of arches with a film coating

The simplest and most quickly erected structure is an arched greenhouse made of pipes, covered with a film. You can collect it in the spring in a few hours, and in the fall it can be disassembled and transferred to another place, observing the crop rotation.

Arched greenhouse - pros and cons

For a greenhouse you will need:

  • boards 15 cm wide and 3-4 cm thick;
  • wood preservative;
  • corners and nails or screws;
  • trimming steel reinforcement with a length of 40-60 cm;
  • PVC pipe Ø20-Ø25 mm;
  • wire for ties, better insulated;
  • film or covering material.

The amount of material depends on the length of the greenhouse. Pipes are better to take three-meter or six-meter - this way there will be less scraps. Arcs are placed every 0.5-1.0 m, in addition, you will need three longitudinal ties equal to the length of the greenhouse.

It is better to choose a film or covering material for three-meter pipes with a width of 3.5-4 meters in order to ensure its fixation from below. The length of the foam should exceed the length of the greenhouse by 3 meters. For convenience, you can create a sketch of a greenhouse, indicating all dimensions on it.

Step 1. Making the base. The greenhouse box has a double function: it fixes the frame and holds the fertile soil. The easiest way to make a box is from a wooden beam with a section of 10x10 cm or from boards. The lumber is sawn to size according to a previously drawn sketch and connected into a rectangle using corners and self-tapping screws. To extend the service life, the base of the greenhouse must be covered with an antiseptic. For temporary shelters, it is not necessary to make a base.

Step 2. Preparation of pipes and fittings. The armature is cut into pieces of 40-60 cm using a grinder. Pipes, if necessary, are cut into segments of 2.9-3 m. With such an arc length, the height of the greenhouse will be 0.9-1.0 m, which is sufficient for successful vegetation and fruit bearing of cucumbers.

Step 3. Installing fittings. Mark the location of the arcs on the ground or on the base and drive the trims of the reinforcement with a hammer into the ground by 20-25 cm. Make sure that the reinforcement is at the same level on both sides of the greenhouse.

Step 4. Installing arcs. The pipes are bent into an arch and put on the fittings sticking out of the ground. To secure the pipes, they can be tied to the frame with a perforated tape. If the pipes are very distorted, you can temporarily tighten them with wire or twine, giving them the same shape.

Step 5. Joining the arcs with ties. Ties are made from one long pipe or several short ones. The tie is placed on the ridge of the greenhouse and tied to the arcs with a wire. To strengthen the structure, you can make two more ties on both sides. In addition to strengthening the greenhouse, these elements will prevent severe sagging of the film.

Step 6. Finishing the ends... The ends can be closed in different ways: sew them up with reinforced film, polycarbonate, or simply hang the free edges of the film and pull them off with an elastic band.

Step 7. Attaching the film... The film is cut with a margin of 3 meters in length, the sleeve is cut and straightened. Lay on top of the greenhouse. There are different ways to fix the film on the arcs. Convenient fasteners can be made from an old garden hose by cutting it into 10-15 cm pieces and cutting it lengthwise. The hose is put on the arcs over the film, fixing it.

Note! If you fix the film on the ridge of the greenhouse, you can only open one side. This is convenient on days with partly cloudy weather, when it can be cool in an open greenhouse, and in a completely closed greenhouse, plants can burn out.

Greenhouse arc prices

greenhouse arches

Video - Making an arched greenhouse in an hour

Greenhouse made of wood and polycarbonate

A more complex construction of a capital greenhouse, it will take more time and materials to build. Such a greenhouse has undeniable advantages - the structure turns out to be strong, warm and durable.

Shed greenhouse - pros and cons

For a wooden lean-to greenhouse you will need:

  • wooden block 40x50 mm for the frame;
  • wooden block 40x20 mm for intermediate racks;
  • wood preservative;
  • corners and screws for connecting frame parts;
  • self-tapping screws for polycarbonate with a thermal washer or ordinary self-tapping screws and a metal strip;
  • cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 8-10 mm for walls;
  • film or covering material for the slope;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tool and marker.

The dimensions of the greenhouse in the figures below are 4x1.2x1 m. You can build a greenhouse of any size, while it is necessary to ensure convenient processing of all planted plants and harvesting. For this reason, it is not recommended to make the width more than 1.2 meters.

The greenhouse can be placed in an open area or attached to a house, shed or existing greenhouse. In this case, the slope of the greenhouse should be directed to the south, southeast or southwest. A blank back wall will protect the plants from cold northerly winds.

Step 1. Assembling the frame. According to the selected dimensions, the lower frame is assembled from a bar of 40x50 mm. To connect the bars, 1/4 grooves are selected in them, combine them and fasten them to corners and screws. Corner posts are made from a bar of 40x50 mm, maintaining the height of the rear and front walls. Connect the racks to the upper frame with corners and self-tapping screws. Several intermediate racks are made from a 40x20 mm bar. The crossbeams on the slope can also be made from a bar of 40x20 m - the load on them is insignificant, and the weight of the structure will decrease.

Step 2. Installation and processing of the frame... To install the frame, you need to make a base from a bar or brick. To do this, remove the sod, level the surface of the soil and make a filling with sand 5 cm thick. The sawn-to-size bars are placed on the sand, checked by level and connected using construction corners and self-tapping screws. A greenhouse frame is installed on top. All wooden surfaces are sanded and covered with an antiseptic or lacquer-based stain.

Step 3. Installation of polycarbonate. All greenhouse walls are sheathed with polycarbonate. If the greenhouse is installed against a wall or fence, the back wall can be sewn up with boards, OSB or flat slate. It is necessary to position polycarbonate so that the internal cavities are directed vertically.

Fit the walls using a jigsaw with a metal or plastic file. To improve thermal insulation, the ends of polycarbonate are treated with special plugs or metal tape. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws with a thermal washer or ordinary ones through a thin metal strip.

Step 4. Fastening the covering material or film. The top of the greenhouse is covered with roll materials - this facilitates ventilation. The film is cut to fit the upper frame of the greenhouse with allowances of 30 cm on each side. Place the film on the top frame and align it. Fasten the film to the top of the back wall, pressing it with a 40x20 mm bar. The front part for weighting is fixed between two bars of 40x20 mm, pulling them onto self-tapping screws. To open the greenhouse, it will be enough to twist the film around these blocks and lay it in the upper part of the frame.

Note! In the absence of polycarbonate, the walls of the greenhouse can be made of reinforced film. It is attached to the outside / inside of the frame. This creates double frames with excellent thermal insulation.

Reinforced film prices

reinforced film

Recessed greenhouse from old frames

The earliest harvest of cucumbers can be obtained in a buried greenhouse with insulated walls and bio-heating. It is quite simple to build such a greenhouse; you can use materials at hand for it.

Recessed greenhouse - pros and cons

For a buried greenhouse you will need:

  • wooden beam for the base;
  • bar and polycarbonate or;
  • straw or peat for wall insulation;
  • manure and other organic matter for bio-heating.

The dimensions of a buried greenhouse are usually small. It is inconvenient to maintain such a greenhouse - you have to bend down a lot to take care of plants and collect fruits. Therefore, only a few cucumber bushes are planted in it for an early harvest. The greenhouse diagram is shown in the figure.

Step 1. Arrangement of the trench... You can start building a heated greenhouse immediately after the snow melts and the upper part of the soil thaws. In the chosen place, a trench is made 50-60 cm deep and 80-100 cm wide. The length depends on the desired amount of early vegetables. In loose soil, the walls of the trench are reinforced with boards. It is not necessary to do this on clays and loams.

Cucumbers are considered the most popular crop among gardeners, which, unfortunately, is not easy to grow, since the vegetable requires not only good care, but also certain climatic conditions. Therefore, in order to properly grow cucumbers and get a high yield, most farmers prefer to put greenhouses on their land plots.

These structures are easily installed with your own hands and allow you to plant a vegetable at any time of the year, providing them with the necessary humidity and temperature conditions.


The greenhouse for cucumbers is a unique design that allows you to conveniently grow a crop, reliably protecting it from the negative effects of the external environment. In addition, the cucumber greenhouse provides plants with enough warmth for their rapid growth, formation and maturation. The main feature of this structure is that you can independently adjust the duration and intensity of lighting.

Since direct sunlight sometimes harms the vegetable, greenhouses must be placed in such a way that light penetrates well inside, evenly distributed throughout the entire area. To improve the quality of lighting, it is advisable to clean the film or glass of the structure from accumulated dirt and dust once a season.

When installing greenhouses, it is also important to provide for good air circulation, on which the level of humidity inside the installation will directly depend.

Arrogant or insufficient humidity can negatively affect the development of culture, therefore, it is recommended to additionally equip the structures with several vents and try to open the doors for ventilation more often.

In addition, the structure must meet the following requirements:

  • have a constant temperature regime - during the day from +22 to 30 degrees and at night from +14 to 18 degrees;
  • the ability to maintain the soil temperature not lower than +20;
  • maintaining the required humidity at a level of 75 to 80%;
  • complete absence of drafts;
  • good lighting;
  • convenient access for insects during pollination;
  • internal provision of the structure with nets, trellises and fasteners for the formation of bushes in an upright position.

Before installing a greenhouse, it is also important to consider such a feature as its location. It is best to place the structure in an open area away from tall buildings that can create shading and reduce the maximum lighting level. Many gardeners prefer to install greenhouses in a west-east direction.

If the installation is located on the south side, then it will be necessary to use projects of buildings with an upper ventilation option, making the end south side darkened. This will help protect the cucumbers from the stinging rays at lunchtime.

It is also important to install a greenhouse on a flat plot of land so that it is possible to freely penetrate into the structure and it is convenient to carry out maintenance work, watering and transporting soil.


Today, growing cucumbers at home has become much easier thanks to installations such as greenhouses. They allow you to plant a vegetable from early spring to late autumn or winter. Depending on the planting conditions and varieties of cucumbers, various types of structures are used, which differ not only in internal climatic conditions, but also in appearance and size.

At the moment, the most popular and widely used types of installation are:

  • Arched structures. They are assembled from several arcs, which are placed in one line and covered with a special film on top.
  • Single slope greenhouses. They are usually made from polycarbonate sheets. Such structures are distinguished by the presence of a common wall with the main building already located on the land plot.

  • Gable greenhouse. It is warm and is a tall, detached structure with an end door. There are projects for a stationary version of a greenhouse, for the construction of which you need to lay a solid foundation with a minimum width of 3 m.For areas where severe climatic conditions, the base of the structure is deepened by 50 cm.
  • Simple mini greenhouse. It is also often called an attic, since it looks like a large box filled with soil inside. Suitable for installation both in the attic and in any other room.

  • Vertical film greenhouse. The installation consists of metal arcs, which are fixed in one row and covered with polyethylene from above. Due to its mobile appearance and easy installation, this option is often used as a portable one. To provide cucumbers with a favorable climate inside the greenhouse, the edges of the film are fixed to the ground with boards or bricks.
  • Russian greenhouse (butterfly). This is a folding type of structure that provides access not only for planting plants, but also for caring for them. Such a structure is considered durable, since it has a rounded shape that can withstand hailstones, gusts of wind and layers of snow up to 10 cm thick. In addition, the sliding walls allow you to regularly ventilate the room.

  • Polycarbonate greenhouse. Installed from a metal frame covered with polycarbonate. The plates of this material are characterized by a transparency of 85%, they have an insignificant coefficient of heat loss and a high indicator of resistance to the effects of the external environment (snow cover, hail). After warming up in the sun during the day, polycarbonate is able to maintain the temperature inside the greenhouse throughout the night.
  • Winter greenhouses. They are permanent structures, often assembled in regions with cold climates or long winters. The structure is heated, quickly assembled and complemented by a good lighting system. To build it, it is enough to have a metal frame, glass or polycarbonate sheets on hand.

In addition to the above varieties, there are also original types of greenhouses, which have a pentagonal shape. A small greenhouse "barrel" is considered an unusual decoration of the site, but it serves only a decorative function.

Materials (edit)

An important point when planning a cucumber greenhouse is the choice of the material from which it was installed. Frames are usually made of planks, wood or metal and are installed once every several seasons. Ideal for frame and PVC pipes, they are easily connected with a soldering iron or fittings. They are characterized by excellent resistance to temperature changes, lightweight and durable. Many gardeners also assemble the base of the structure from a metal profile, but it needs preliminary processing, without which the material can quickly rust.

As for a wooden beam, it is affordable and has a low thermal conductivity. Working with wood is not difficult, since pine species are chosen for greenhouses, which lend themselves well to finishing. The only drawback of such frames is that they look rough.

In addition, the timber should be impregnated with special solutions to protect it from damage and decay.

The following material is used to cover cucumber greenhouses:

  • Polyethylene film. Suitable for small structures and is considered an economical option for the price. The film surface transmits light well, but often deteriorates under the influence of ultraviolet rays, after a year it begins to tear and becomes fragile. The formation of holes in the lining of the greenhouse leads to internal acclimatization and all the work on growing cucumbers may be in vain, as the plant will die.
  • Polycarbonate. It is an excellent replacement for the film, because it is not afraid of light, heat or cold. A greenhouse can only deteriorate due to severe hail, but such a phenomenon is infrequent. Polycarbonate sheets are durable, light in weight, they are characterized by high light transmittance and rigidity. To protect the material from bacteria and fungus, it is recommended to cover the edges.
  • Glass. Greenhouses for cucumbers are rarely covered with glass, because it is too expensive and fragile. Most often, during installation, old window frames are used, which remained after the replacement of double-glazed windows in the house.

Dimensions (edit)

Since cucumbers in greenhouses are formed with vertical growth, the internal area of ​​the structure can be used as much as possible. Therefore, small and narrow greenhouses are often installed, in which the optimal height reaches 2.5 m.

In the event that the building has a gable roof, then the height is made at least 2 m.This allows you to work comfortably and not bend over, planting crops.

According to an individual project, you can also assemble a high greenhouse, then it will be advisable to plant vegetables in it on several floors.

The width of the greenhouse is equally important. If it is small, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. The optimal indicator of the width is considered to be at least 3 m. With such parameters, it will be possible to equip the central path, and plant cucumbers on its sides in three rows.

Sometimes gardeners acquire ready-made or prefabricated arched structures, but they have a mini-width. At the same time, it should be noted that the structure will be as strong as possible only with a small width, especially for glass greenhouses.

In many greenhouses, a standard width of 1.8 to 2.4 m is set.Accordingly, inside the racks are made 91 or 94 cm wide.To make it convenient to move around the greenhouse during work, experts recommend choosing a width of at least 2.4 m, and install racks with a width of 90 cm on the sides of the aisle. If this figure is more than 4 m, then a central bed and two aisles are formed.

As for the length of the greenhouse, it must be a multiple of 60, which allows the outer cladding to be made with standard-sized panels.

But if desired, the length can be made different. To do this, as a rule, take into account the number of plants and pallets that are planned to be placed on the racks. Polycarbonate structures made of panels with a width of 1.22 m increase the length of the greenhouse by a step of 1.22 m.

The subtleties of the internal structure

The finishing touch after installing the greenhouse is its internal arrangement. There are certain rules for this. Usually one path is laid out in the middle, and beds are placed on the sides. If the borage is spacious, then two such paths can be made in it, providing easy access to the plants. It is best to install the track with a width of up to 50 cm and choose an anti-slip material for its cover, since the climate inside the building is humid. Crushed stone coverings and rubber mats are well suited for such greenhouses.

The bed should be high and covered with a thick layer of fertile soil. To raise the beds, special curbs are used, due to which land costs are reduced and vegetable care is simplified. In glass greenhouses, drip irrigation is optional. It fully saturates the earth with water and does not form huge puddles.

In addition, drip irrigation, unlike usual, does not injure the bushes, since water is supplied through the pipeline slowly and has time to warm up before it is fed.

How to build?

Before you start installing a greenhouse for cucumbers, you should first prepare the materials. For beginner gardeners who plan to install the structure with their own hands, the simplest version of the project is suitable, where wooden beams will be used for the frame, and the sheathing will be made with polycarbonate.

In this case, construction work is divided into several stages:

  • Assembling the frame. First, the 40 × 50 beams are cleaned with a planer so that their surface is as smooth and even as possible. It is best to fasten the parts with 55 × 4 self-tapping screws. The elements are mounted vertically, they are attached to each other. To do everything right, it is recommended to first assemble the parts in the workshop, and then transfer them into the finished frame to the place where the greenhouse will stand. In the event that the frame structure is unstable, then it can be strengthened with an additional bar along the lower perimeter.
  • Installation of the roof and side walls. For their sheathing, polycarbonate sheets with a thickness of at least 10 mm are used. The building material is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws. For reliability, you can twist self-tapping screws into aluminum plates, and not directly to polycarbonate. When a homemade greenhouse is being built, many are trying to save money and purchase low-quality finishing materials at a low price. But this cannot be done, since such polycarbonate will not withstand the effects of temperature changes and ultraviolet rays, after which it will quickly burst and crumble.

You can also make a greenhouse yourself from film and arcs, its installation technology is simple, since it does not require pouring the foundation.

A small depression is dug under the ground and insulating materials are laid. Arches are best purchased ready-made. They are placed on the site, and then the assembled frame is covered in several layers with a film. In this case, it is advisable to press the roof with heavy objects.

If you need to make a solid greenhouse, then before starting its construction, it is necessary to carefully level the site and check the level of groundwater flow under it. Then a layer of 0.5 m is removed from the ground and crushed stone is poured into the depression, it is well rammed and covered with river sand for compaction.

At the initial stage of installation, a cable is also applied, which is useful for connecting electricity, since an additional lighting system will be installed in the greenhouse. Then the box is placed under the base and the foundation is poured.

The supports for the frame must be made of wooden blocks, and the arcs are made of ordinary wire. As for the greenhouse cover, then it will serve as a reinforced film. It is durable and does not need to be dismantled in winter.

A do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers has a number of positive qualities. There are many types of structures. The greenhouse allows you to maintain a stable level of moisture and temperature of the soil and air, which are necessary for the development of vegetable crops. Structures may differ in material, type of construction, size. It is also important to find a good location for the greenhouse and arrange for proper maintenance.

A greenhouse is a small device designed to grow not only cucumbers, but also other heat-loving crops. Unlike a greenhouse, it takes up little space on the site, the height is small, in some rooms the entire land area is allotted to the beds.

There are several types of greenhouses that can be easily done by yourself:

  • Arched varieties are distinguished by a semicircular roof. The construction is made temporary by installing arcs with a stretched film. Cucumbers are hiding until the threat of a return of spring frosts disappears. There is a variant of the capital structure, which consists of shaped pipes and polycarbonate. The latter type of greenhouse has been in use for several years.
  • There is a variety with a pitched or gable roof. This type of greenhouse can be built from wood or metal. Polycarbonate, glass or plastic wrap are selected as the covering material.
  • If the climate in the area is cold, then the buried option is suitable. The walls of the structure are made of wooden planks or bars. The room is covered with double-glazed frames.

There are other types of homemade cucumber greenhouses. Each type of structure must meet the following requirements:

  • inside the room, the air should be at a constant temperature: +25 during the day, +16 degrees at night;
  • soil temperature at around +20 degrees;
  • humidity at around 75%;
  • there should be no draft;
  • it is important to provide sufficient access to light for plants;
  • you should think about the convenient access of insects during pollination;
  • be sure to equip the room with supports for tying cucumber bushes.

You can make a closed room for a vegetable crop from any available materials:

  • A structure made of unnecessary window frames is quickly assembled. They are laid and fixed on a prepared wooden box.
  • It is easy to make a triangular greenhouse from wooden planks. A box is made, racks of bars are installed in the middle of the box, they are connected with a pipe. Side bars are attached to the side long boards of the side and two inclined boards are attached.

Each structure must extend a rope from the base to the top of the structure. It is necessary in order to form the cucumbers vertically.


The butterfly greenhouse differs in that the structure is supposed to have two opening sides of the roof. If you raise both sides to ventilate the room, then the structure becomes like the open wings of a butterfly.

It is convenient to use such a greenhouse. Since each side opens, it is convenient to work with the garden from either side. The entire space of the room is used for the beds. Butterfly greenhouse takes up little space. The standard length of the structure is 260 cm, width - 140 cm, height - 100 cm.Before proceeding with the assembly, a detailed drawing is made:

  1. Initially, they start assembling a wooden box. The side end walls are composed of three connected bars. They will be attached with corners and screws to two long side boards.
  2. In the center of the long side boards, recesses are made 26 mm deep and 5 mm wide. They are needed to install the frame.
  3. A ridge board is installed between the side walls.
  4. Supports for the wings are made from narrow boards, which are installed in the grooves of the long side boards.
  5. It is better to make additional support bars under the supports.
  6. After that, they begin to make the wings themselves. Make a frame of suitable dimensions and insert glass.

Since the greenhouse turns out to be small, it quickly warms up in the sun, keeps heat well and withstands strong winds. Widely reclining sides provide air access to all corners of the room.


The snail mini-greenhouse is a portable structure with a folding half on one side only. Most often, the snail is used for germinating seeds. The greenhouse frame consists of shaped pipes, polycarbonate serves as a covering material. The hinged door is organized on both sides. Wooden beams or bricks are chosen as the foundation.


The Belgian greenhouse is considered practical and convenient. The variety assumes the presence of a lean-to hinged lid. The frame is made of metal or wood. The cover is made of glass, polycarbonate or film. The only drawback is the high side of the structure; to care for the plants, you need to bend over it.

Required materials for manufacturing

Before you make a borage in your country house with your own hands, you should decide on the right material.

The frame can be made of the following material:

  • wood is a durable material, does not allow cold to pass through, but at the same time, the structure is prone to decay, requires treatment with antiseptics;
  • it is easy and quick to install plastic pipes that do not rot, are well cleaned, retain heat, but they are not used if the room is covered with glass;
  • the metal profile is characterized by high strength, it can be washed and treated with disinfectants, but the material does not retain heat well.

As a coating that will protect cucumbers from cold weather, you can focus on the following materials:

  • polyethylene or reinforced film is quickly installed and removed, but it breaks quickly and does not retain heat well;
  • polycarbonate has high strength, good thermal insulation and light transmission, easy to install;
  • glass is distinguished by good thermal insulation and light transmission, it can withstand temperature extremes, but the material should be handled carefully so as not to break, a strong frame is required.

To build a greenhouse, you can combine several types of material. This will make the structure reliable and easy to use.

Advice. If wooden material is used for the manufacture of a greenhouse, it is pre-treated with antiseptic agents. The metal structure is treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Greenhouse size calculation

Each greenhouse size is determined for themselves individually. The calculation takes into account the number of cucumber seedlings that are supposed to be grown in a greenhouse. In order for each bush to have a sufficient supply of air and light, it is necessary to maintain a distance. For 1 sq. m planted three bushes.

The size of the structure is influenced by the type of selected material. For example, the width of one polycarbonate sheet is 210 cm. A greenhouse will require at least two sheets, so the length of the structure will be at least four meters. The height of the greenhouse should be at least 80 cm. With the described dimensions, the greenhouse will take up little space in the summer cottage and will warm up quickly enough. At the same time, the vegetable crop will feel comfortable.

Site selection and preparation

In order for daylight to enter the room in sufficient quantity, it is necessary to locate the greenhouse from the east side to the west or from the north side to the south. With this arrangement, the rays of the sun in the morning and in the evening will enter without obstacles, and the side walls will protect from the midday heat.

The site for establishing the structure is chosen flat, with a slight slope to the south. The soil is pre-dug up and fertilized. A mixture of humus, peat and rotted sawdust is popular. In order for the soil to warm up well enough, a mixture of straw and manure is applied under the fertilizer layer. It is recommended to apply an insulating layer 20 days before planting the cucumbers.

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands

The simplest option for self-construction is an arched greenhouse. For work, you will need the arcs themselves, the length of which will be 3 or 6 meters. The arcs are placed at a distance of 80 cm and connected with longitudinal ties. Shelter film is taken three meters longer than the greenhouse itself.

The construction of a greenhouse should include the following sequential actions:

  1. Dig a pit 65 cm deep.
  2. Sand, crushed stone or gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit.
  3. A wooden base is made according to a predetermined scheme. As a result, you should get a rectangle of wooden bars connected by corners and self-tapping screws.
  4. Pipes and fittings are cut. The length of the fittings for fixing the arcs should be about 50 cm. If the length of the pipes is three meters, then the height of the greenhouse will be sufficient for the development of cucumbers.
  5. At the next stage, pieces of reinforcement are driven into the ground (to a depth of 26 cm) in the place where the arcs are supposed to be installed. On both sides of the timber frame, the reinforcement should be at the same level.
  6. Arcs are installed, which are bent and put on pieces of reinforcement. The arcs should be in one even row.
  7. The arcs are fastened together with a pipe tie equal to the length of the entire greenhouse. The brace is attached to the arcs with a wire. To ensure that the structure is strong and the film does not sag, additional screeds are installed on the sides of the greenhouse.
  8. Move on to finishing the end of the device. The film is pulled over the arcs and securely fixed with fasteners.

The frame can be made of metal and wood, and polycarbonate can be used as a coating. In this case, the construction will take longer.