Sailing boats for travel with your own hands. DIY sailing boat - how to make: drawings and photos. To draw a diagram, you need to have

Hunting and fishing are the favorite pastimes of many men. Sitting with a fishing rod in the early morning in the thickets of reeds is a special romance for a fisherman.

Vehicles for fishing, and just for walking, use different ones - rubber, aluminum, PVC boats and even plywood.

You can buy absolutely any boat, if you have money, but how to make a boat with your own hands? We will tell in our article.

plywood craft

A homemade plywood boat is very light, easy to use and much cheaper than in a store.

The most important preparatory moment in construction are the drawings of the boat. Having accurate calculations, in the future you will not have to spend time and effort on reworking and fitting the product.


We offer you one of the payment options. Transferring the drawings to paper, we will get full-size templates of all the necessary parts of the boat. Now you can “cut out” our product, and cut the blanks with an electric jigsaw. Having received all the cut parts, you can start gluing.

First of all, we connect the supporting structural elements, the transom (aft section) and the frames (transverse rib of the hull). Then the bottom and sides are attached to the transom, as in the photo of the boat.

Use epoxy and fiberglass tape to connect all parts. These materials will not only connect all parts of the structure, but also create a waterproof seam.

Assembling the boat

Having fixed the plywood to the side structures, you can proceed to reinforcing the angles between the sides and the bottom. They do this with the help of wooden corners, then proceed to sealing the seams.

To obtain a suture material, epoxy resin and aerosil are mixed in equal proportions. Further, the seams are not just lubricated, but filled with this composition.

Once the whole structure has dried, you can attach the seats. If the boat has a motor, we attach the transom and the bow cover.

The outer part of the boat also needs to be processed, it is necessary to glue all the external seams, also using resin and fiberglass tape, after drying, sand the surface. Then prime and paint.

Troubleshooting in PVC inflatable boat

If you already have an inflatable boat and you actively use it, then for sure there are often moments of leakage due to a puncture or cut in the material of the vehicle. Restoring a PVC boat is not at all difficult, it is easy to do in spartan conditions and even on the water.

Of course, to get a better result, you need to have time and better repair in the workshop. When fixing a leak, the glue dries, ideally, for 3 days, although there is nothing to worry about if you use the boat in a day.

If the boat was repaired on the water, everything must be redone when returning, since a patch glued hastily and without observing the technology will not last long.

If the puncture occurred during fishing or hunting, use only the defect elimination kit included with the boat.

Boat overhaul

To overhaul the boat you need:

  • Repair kit (included in the package of the boat);
  • Scissors;
  • roller;
  • Pencil;
  • Solvent that promotes degreasing;
  • Adhesive brush.

Cut out a round patch from the spare fabric. It should be 4-5 cm larger than the cut.


Flatten the area to be repaired on a flat surface, remove dirt and degrease with a solvent. Put the patch on the hole and circle with a pencil, smear both surfaces with PVC glue and let dry.

After 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure and allow time to dry again. After 5 minutes, restoration can begin directly. Feel the surface of the patch with your finger, it should stick slightly.

Then, to activate the adhesive surface, you need to heat the patch itself and the puncture site, a hair dryer is ideal for this, just act quickly so that the glue does not dry out.

Now you can apply the surfaces to each other with the sticky side, and carefully expelling all the air, iron the patch with a roller. Then let it dry for at least one day.

In conclusion of our article, we can say that it is not necessary to spend a lot on buying or repairing a boat. With some effort, you can enjoy what you love.


DIY boat photo


Rowing boat. This is an ideal vessel for traveling on lakes, reservoirs and not very rapid rivers. The cruising speed that can be developed on this boat with the help of oars is 6-7 km per hour.

It is interesting how the author curved the 100x15 board. Previously, he soaked it in a plastic bath, and then they forced it on the rafters, bending it along the curves of the side. In order to increase the flow around the boat, a removable awning is provided, which also protects the boat from splashes.

To protect against rain and splashes, a rigid awning is made, molded from polyester and glass mat. The wall thickness is 4-5 cm. A sealed compartment is made under the awning. Thanks to its streamlined shape, the canopy not only protects against wind and rain, but also increases the speed of the vessel. Burrowing into the wave with its nose, the boat does not risk scooping up water. The awning is removable and fastened with two bolts.
The paddles are homemade. The oar spindle is glued. Blade made of polypropylene. Pay attention to the position of the oar on the vertical loop. Oars in the boat take up almost no space and are always ready for use. The oars are wonderfully balanced due to weight blocks cast from lead into a ladle. Thus, the paddle combines the advantages of a roller paddle and a paddle with a two-turn oarlock.

Now about the tiller lock. It is very useful when there are two rowers in the boat, and the side wind turns the boat around, forcing one oar to row harder. The latch is a tourniquet with an Euler loop. By adjusting the position of the loop, you can compensate for the force of the wind and row with both hands at full strength. The rudder is wooden and the tiller is made of aluminum tube. The design is quick-folding and mounted on a clip.

The clip is made from a broken scooter.
A rag stern awning protects against overwhelm of the “lambs” of overtaking waves.
Finally the mast. The material of the mast is glued beech. Another boat of Yegorov's lawyer.


Ivan Krivenko

About the original tackle, adding as many as 10! To be honest, I did not notice degrees to sharpness. The only thing that I saw unusual for this weapon was the installation of the mainsail: without being tied to the mast, stretched between the boom and the gaff and the luff going forward in front of the mast. I think this option for setting the grotto allows:
a) it is better to regulate the tension of the luff of the mainsail, thereby more successfully choosing the belly of the mainsail for sharp courses
b) at the same time, the mast does not have a negative effect on the formation of air flows around the sail on both sides.
I won’t comment on anything in general about the vessel, because I won’t say anything new and I just want to join all the previous positive statements 🙂
Sergey Firin

Lawyer you are just a nugget, open a company, make it for sale from the norms. materials at reasonable prices, with such ideas you will occupy a niche, otherwise only imported sailboats at crazy prices!

Timofey Vetoshkin

Record videos weekly, daily, hourly: just record everything you do! I am simply inspired when I see your work: neat, thoughtful, creative and always effective!

Great video! And most importantly, there is some variety - from a bottle cutter to a rowboat.
I'm very glad I stumbled upon your channel! P.S. Boat test! repaired boats and yachts for 2 years 🙂 Greetings from Vladivostok! Peace to your home!

Vladimir Zibarev

So I understand the lawyer! And there is a head and hands from the right place. I suspect that at least half of all nishtyakov could have been bought, but he prefers to do it with his hands and, at the same time, it’s good and beautiful. Keep it up!

Timur Steel

According to my humble observations, almost everyone who blogs on YouTube does not bypass the knife theme (forging a thermal, etc. in some cases), it will be interesting to observe your methods and methods of working with steel and more.
Thanks for the video, it was very informative.

Maxim, you are not a person, but some kind of disgrace. Look at him all. He doesn't look like most people at all. His hands grow from where they need to, and the brain is present in his head. Moreover, he still knows how to use this brain. Some kind of Quasimodo is straight)) But seriously, then ... well, just a young man, well, what else can I say. I wish you good luck in obtaining patents and in the development of new ideas.

A year ago
If I may have one piece of advice: in the desire to make your speech very competent and beautiful, you overload it extremely with special terms and tricky words. I don’t consider myself a bad person, I have something in my life baggage, so to speak, but it can be very difficult for me to keep track of a thought densely interspersed with catchy terms. Make your videos easier to understand.

A year ago
Maxim Sergeevich, thank you for your videos. The most important question for all the fans of your videos, where did you learn everything you know? Maybe your father spent hours with you or you graduated from some interesting school. Maybe you read 24 hours a day as a child. A person, an ordinary person, cannot have such knowledge by the age of 30. It will be interesting to hear the answer. Thank you. (Can you advise how and what to teach a child and in which institutions of the country)

Igor Tsygankov
A year ago
I watched your next video - I see a lot of them. In general: “And the reader and the reaper, and the player on the pipe ..” - I have such an opinion about you. You are probably a single millionaire, you do not work, you spend all your time on inventions and homemade products. Bravo, sir, you are a genius!!!

Mr V
Everyone is looking for self-expression and just a favorite thing. very often the main work brings money, but does not bring self-expression. So gentlemen Yegorovs appear among the people. Thanks for the content - very motivating!

Anton Vernitsky
A year ago
It's just some captain "Nemo". In reality, there are no such people. To have so many resources, motivation, + even permanent work to financially support this huge layer of "Kulibin" entertainment. He just had one thing left: to start building the Egyptian pyramid. He has buildings, the theme is eternal)).

All photos from the article

The modern market provides a fairly large selection of various tourist and fishing boats. But for our man, a homemade plywood boat is much closer. And the point here is not even about saving money, a do-it-yourself boat is a matter of pride, plus the whole process of self-production, this is not so much a job as an interesting hobby. In this article we will consider the main stages of the assembly of such products.

A few words about preparation

Homemade boats made of plywood and fiberglass are considered, albeit small, but full-fledged watercraft. Therefore, the process of preparation and assembly must be approached responsibly, because by and large, mistakes here can not only lead to damage to the vessel, but in some cases endanger the life and health of the owner.

What materials are needed

  • As you can see from the name, the main material here is, of course, plywood.. For the hull of a small boat, sheets no lower than the first or second grade, about 5–7 mm thick, are well suited. For the keel, frames and other auxiliary structural parts, you need to take a thicker sheet, from 12 mm and above;

  • Not the last thing is the brand of material. The choice of plywood is now quite large, but in this case the material will be in direct contact with fresh or even sea water for a long time, naturally, plywood must be taken with increased moisture resistance. Ideally, it is better to take the FB brand, it was originally made for ship needs. If the price of "FB" does not suit you, then you can stop at "FSF";

Tip: the now common brand "FK", in some sources it may be listed as waterproof.
But in our case, it is not suitable, here we need a material with increased moisture resistance, plus, able to withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment.

  • Clean wood will be used for struts, seats and other elements.. As a rule, a planed board with a thickness of 25 mm is taken here. In this case, preference should be given to soft, porous varieties. In professional shipbuilding, larch is used, but spruce or pine is enough for a small boat;
  • Copper wire with a thickness of about 2 mm is well suited for intermediate stitching of sheets.;
  • Glass fiber and polymer glue are used to arrange hermetic seams.. It is not difficult to choose the type of adhesive now, there is a fairly large selection on the market, the main thing is that the composition is waterproof.

Tool selection

Homemade plywood boats for fishing do not require an overly large set of tools.

Here you can get by with a traditional kit that is available in the workshop of almost any owner:

  • In addition to pliers, screwdrivers and scissors, you will naturally need a wood saw;
  • Cutting plywood with an ordinary hand saw is quite difficult, so it is better to purchase with a set of blades. Moreover, you should select a model with as many revolutions as possible, since at low revolutions the veneer will break off along the edge;

  • For such work, a grinding machine is required. With ordinary emery, manually, you will not be able to achieve good quality processing;
  • To fix the sheets during gluing, clamps are used, there must be at least 3 - 4 pieces;
  • A set of brushes is needed for applying glue and paints and varnishes.

boat building

In this case, it is not so important which type of boat you choose. Punts, kayaks, sailboats or boats with a motor, the instructions for building all these models are approximately the same.

Starting with drawings

Now drawings of a homemade plywood boat are not a problem to find. In the network or specialized literature, this information is enough. You only need to decide on the size of the vessel, because the thickness of the sheets depends on this. If there is still no proper experience in such work, it is better to dwell on simple, non-separable models.

Experienced craftsmen do not recommend developing a boat on their own. But if you still decide on such a labor feat, you need to start with a careful calculation of the displacement and carrying capacity of the vessel. So that after you launch and try to swim, your product does not immediately go to the bottom along with the owner.

Important: drawings of home-made boats made of plywood for a motor are not much different from purely rowing counterparts.
As a rule, in these vessels the transom (tailgate) is slightly modified.
Therefore, regardless of whether you currently have a motor, it is better to immediately give preference to just such boats.

So, when you have found a model suitable for you, before proceeding to the direct manufacture of parts and assemblies, you need to make paper patterns according to the drawings. And only after controlling all sizes, transfer the pattern to plywood or wood.

Case assembly

The maximum length of a standard sheet is about 3 m. Therefore, in most cases, you will need to splice two or more small sheets into a single sheet. This is a simple, but rather painstaking process that requires precision and accuracy. Such a connection among professionals is called gluing on a mustache.

To do this, 2 sheets are taken and cut along the edge at an angle, the width of such a bevel must be at least 7 times the thickness of the sheet. The larger the contact area, the stronger the connection. The main mass is removed with a file, after which the machine until it is in perfect condition. Next, the bevels are smeared with glue, connected and pressed with something heavy, until completely dry.

Tip: it is extremely inconvenient to assemble and glue such structures on the floor, so it is advisable to immediately build goats from a wooden bar 50x50 mm.
Keep in mind that you will have to handle the boat on both sides, so the trestle will need to be adjusted for this.

Homemade plywood boat (master class, photo, step by step)

So his hands reached the realization of an old dream, he began to build a boat. For the first time, I chose an easy project, so to speak, for training. I went to the production of similar boats in Cherepovets and spied something there and bought the missing materials, for which special thanks to the owner of the shipyard.

This is what the boat should look like:

Today I cut the sheets of plywood and proceeded to the most important and difficult process, in my opinion, is the cutting and gluing of plywood sheets. Because the length of the boat exceeds the length of standard plywood sheets, then they have to be spliced, there are many ways to do this, but I chose the most technically complex, but also more aesthetic option for gluing "on the mustache".

We mark up.

We process plywood sheets first with a planer, and then with a grinder.

This is what it looks like during processing.

This is how the sheets should fit and stick together.

After fitting the parts, I glued them together and placed them under a press.

For now, all the preparatory work on the boat, after the sheets stick together, I will start marking and cutting out the details.

At first, I worked out the connection "on a mustache" on scraps of plywood and it was scary to look at it, but the experience came when working on a "finishing" version :) I hope I will master everything further.

That's about the boat.

Basic data:

Overall length ................2.64 m
Width overall .............. 1.28 m
Board height ......................... 0.38 m
Housing weight ........................30 kg
Load capacity .................180 kg
Crew .................................. 2 people
Permissible power. p / motor ... 2.5 hp

Today was a day of fruitful work and great progress :)

He pulled out the sheets from under the press and removed the strips between which they were sandwiched. The joint turned out to be even and very strong (then they tried to break the scraps from the bottom, it bursts not along the joint of the sheets). Thus, blanks of the required length were obtained for the manufacture of the boat.

I start the markup with stuffing the center line, then all sizes will go from it.

Here I drew the bottom of the boat, it seems to have turned out beautifully:

I start cutting. It is advisable to take a jigsaw with high speeds, use files for curly cutting plywood so as not to tear the edges of the sheets.

We are strictly following the markup :)

Here is half of the bottom ready.

And here is the whole bottom :)

We mark one side, then we put two blanks on top of each other and fasten them with clamps, after which we cut both sides at once.

I mark and saw out the transom.

At the junction of plywood sheets, we chamfer with a grinder and proceed to sew the boat with copper wire clips.

We work from stern to bow.

In this case, you can not do without an assistant.

I also try hard to sew everything beautifully :)

Here are the seams.

Here is the boat and ready :)

Sample for yourself :)

And upside down.

Today I really moved to the final stage of the project completion :)
First of all, I stretched all the staples harder. Checked the geometry of the boat. Then, with a chisel, he planted staples at the inner joints of the sides. After all this, I cut out temporary spacers and fixed them in the places where the frames were installed.

While doing these things in the new room, I constantly felt the eyes on me. By the way, here is a view of the straightened boat from the stern.

For a more even formation of seams, I decided to fill the lines with masking tape, it seems to have turned out beautifully.

I decided to glue it in the evening, but for now I drew out the frame templates and started assembling them.

Here are the finished frames, assembled on epoxy glue and self-tapping screws.

Finally, I started gluing the internal seams, I didn’t think that it was such a painstaking work :) For the first time, everything seemed to work out fine. The resin soaked the fiberglass normally, there are no bubbles anywhere.

This is how the seam turns out, smooth and transparent. The photo shows that the structure of the tree is visible through three layers of glass tape, which means everything is normal.

This is what was done last time: the frames were adjusted and the fenders were screwed on.

Today I installed the frames in place and fixed them with glue and self-tapping screws, cut out the reinforcing lining on the transom.

After that, he turned the boat over, removed all the paper clips from the wire and proceeded to round the joints of the seam.

And when everything was ready, I started pasting the outer seams.

The seams turned out to be even and well soaked, even I like it myself.

Seams on the transom.

Today I finished work on the formation of the hull of the boat, next time I will install benches and start preparing for painting.

The sides are fastened not only with glue, but also reinforced with three layers of glass tape on each side, this is already fiberglass. Self-tapping screws from the frames can be turned out altogether, they will no longer be needed there after gluing. Some people actually do just that. Such a boat can be assembled without a single screw in the hull at all.

Today I went to make a boat only in the evening, because. waiting for the glue to set well. I checked the outer seams, I really liked how it was done, it turned out to be strong fiberglass. After that, I decided to make planks for benches. I also cut out and fitted the stem to the bow of the boat.

Here are the slats of the front bench.

Here is the middle bench.

I also cut out slats for the back bench, but it's still too early to install them.

Apparently stretching the pleasure of the process, or maybe out of a desire to do everything qualitatively, I make the boat slowly and little by little :)
Today I bought glue, self-tapping screws and high-quality lumber without knots. All this was intended to install the keel and outer stringers. These necessary elements will give greater strength to the bottom, as well as protect the boat during mooring to the shore, protect the paintwork from scratches.

I cut the slats, sanded and installed them in place with glue and self-tapping screws.

Also today I installed a stem and a bow eyebolt for tying a rope or anchor line.

For today, the work had to be stopped, because. the whole thing should be firmly grasped, for this I used additional weights.

By the way, bench blanks have already been cut out, but they will be installed after painting the boat from the inside.

Fiberglass has become one of the most common materials for building a boat with your own hands. With the help of such raw materials, you can independently construct a rather large boat: from 7.5 to 18 m in length.

General information

One of the most common models of boats made of such material as fiberglass is the WaveRunner-285 boat. It is considered a full-fledged planing vessel, which is quite suitable for walking on the sea or tourism. The ship, which is characterized by the fact that it has an increased freeboard, as well as a rather large width, is also convenient because a comfortable saloon with an adjacent toilet and a galley can be placed in its bow. In the stern of the boat, you can make a double cabin with your own hands, the location of which will be strictly under the cockpit. The unit control department will be located above the engine compartment, and it will also be protected from wind and water splashes by sloped glass.

Boat power

When equipping a boat with your own hands, you must consider which engine will be installed on it later. Specifically, this model is designed for the installation of either one or two motors. However, it is important to consider here that the total power for the normal functioning of the facility should be in the range from 250 to 500 liters. With. They must also have a direct reverse gear, which will allow them to develop a speed of 15-30 knots, which is from 28 to 56 km / h. In addition, the vessel may also have propulsion systems or additional outboard motors.

It is worth noting that building a boat with your own hands saves from 50 to 75% of the material resources of the amount that would be spent if the unit was purchased at the shipyard, and not built independently. It is also worth noting that the above technology for the construction of a small vessel is not the last word in shipbuilding. This is just a proven, well-established method that will allow you to construct an acceptable fiberglass boat with your own hands.

Beginning of work

Starting to build a small boat out of fiberglass is no different than building out of any other material. The first step is to make a breakdown on a plywood shield or on a sheet of cardboard of the theoretical frames, as well as the bypass of the stem. The breakdown should be carried out in full size of these parts.

It is also important to note that the shield or plaza on which the stakeout is taking place must have a width corresponding to the width of the boat, plus 300 mm. The height of this object must be 400 mm higher than the intended housing height. Experts recommend that you first create drawings of boats, on which all the necessary details will be marked with dimensions. This is done in order not to make mistakes in the manufacturing process.

Another important detail is that the upper ends of all frames must be extended to the height that is shown as a horizontal line on the plaza. It is a perpendicular line of the DP and it is called the Shergel line.

Pattern assembly

During the work on the layout of the patterns, it is very important to take into account such factors as the thickness of the rails and the thickness of the sheet metal that will be used as the lining of the inner surface of the matrix. In other words, when drawing up a drawing of a boat and subsequent assembly, it is necessary to set aside the distance from the theoretical line of each of the frames that will correspond to the thickness of the rails and sheet metal in total. It is this marking option that should be used when cutting patterns and their further assembly.

Separate parts of the transverse patterns must be connected using materials such as slips and knits made from pieces of plywood with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm. A similar indicator is suitable for a boat, the length of which will be around 10 m. It is best to glue the lining to the patterns, and then additionally screw them with screws or nail them.

How to make a boat: skin and matrix

Further, before assembling the existing patterns into a matrix, it is necessary to take care of creating the outer skin of the structure. In order to create the most comfortable conditions when working with the outer skin of the boat, it is necessary to provide a part that ensures the tilt of the matrix on both sides of the ship.

If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to work while standing on the floor next to the workpieces. The matrix itself, in any case, must have a very strong and rigid structure. This is necessary so that during the construction of the unit the shape of its body is not distorted.

How to make a boat with a solid matrix? Large structures are assembled from longitudinal beams, which will represent the horizontal base of the boat. Inside the resulting frame, it is necessary to install bridges that will facilitate the work of gluing the case. After the longitudinal bars, which are the base of the matrix, have been installed, the future position of all patterns is marked on them, and a steel wire is stretched along the beams, which will be a string indicating the ship's DP.

Installation of patterns

It is recommended to start the process of mounting blanks from the midship frame. Before securely fixing this element, it is very important to make sure that the template is strictly vertical and perpendicular to the DP. It is attached to the bars, which are the base. After all the other blanks were mounted, a rack was installed in the DP of the transom, and all the elements were braced to avoid any movement, you can proceed to such a stage as lining the inner surface of the matrix using longitudinal rails.

To perform this task, material with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm and a width of 50 mm is most often used. For equipping the bottom of the boat, it is better to use rails with the same thickness, but a larger width - up to 100 mm.

aluminum water boat

The low cost of raw materials, as well as lathes, has led to the fact that many owners have sewn to the fact that they independently manufacture certain parts and elements from metal. It is believed that the production of aluminum boats is one of the most difficult tasks, which is practically impossible, and they are created at the factory without difficulty, as they have special tools for this. However, this is not so.

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of this type of boat on your own is the production of its patterns from metal. This term is understood as marking out exactly how it is necessary to cut the necessary parts from aluminum.

In the manufacture of such a unit from metal, the whole process comes down to assembling a kind of designer. This is true if the blanks are not cut out on their own, since this still requires a great work skill and high-precision equipment, and a computerized model of the boat is purchased. Yes, the cost of such a model will also be quite high, but if compared with the purchase of a ready-made vessel, significant savings will be visible.

Fast small craft

Another version of the vessel that you can make yourself is a speedboat. A rather important part in the construction of this particular type of unit is the choice of engine and its location. You can place this part in the cockpit of the vessel, and the part that will protrude can be closed with a hood.

This definition of the place was not chosen by chance. It will expand the range of devices suitable for installation. You can use engines from cars such as Zhiguli or Volga. In addition to these models, it is quite possible to install a diesel engine from a tractor. However, this is only possible if an additional hot air outlet is provided. To do this, you can use a fake chimney.

Air-cooled motors can also be installed. Since a speedboat must have good stability when moving quickly through the water, it is recommended to place this part closer to the center of gravity of the entire boat. The large weight of the engine will give greater stability to the entire structure.