DIY Easter egg step by step. Easter Egg. Ideas for crafts in the shape of eggs using different techniques. Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

Easter is a great bright holiday. Surely many, from childhood, have had a feeling associated with it of something extraordinary, purity and prosperity. And multi-colored eggs - an indispensable attribute - were perceived not quite as food, but rather as a trifle toy. At all times, giving and exchanging eggs is a wish for good and prosperity. There are dozens of ways to make an Easter egg. Many of them are so easy and fun that your child will love them. The result of joint leisure time during a creative activity - a unique souvenir - will delight loved ones, and the Easter mood will be passed on to the child.

IMPORTANT: only natural dyes and adhesives are used to color and decorate boiled chicken eggs. If you need to use glue or paints, then you cannot eat such an egg. In order for it to retain its attractiveness as a souvenir longer and not spoil, it is recommended to use only eggshells. You need to poke two holes in the egg (top and bottom) and pour out (blow out) the contents. To prevent the fragile shell from breaking during manipulations, it is filled with plaster, polyurethane foam, or simply covered with cereal. You can also use ready-made wooden, plaster, or foam eggs.

Papier-mâché Easter egg

Everyone is familiar with the papier-mâché technique from school labor lessons. With its help, a variety of crafts are created, including decorations for Easter.

You will need:
White paper;
colored crepe or corrugated paper;
flour or starch;

Operating procedure:
1. Inflate a small balloon. You can hang it by a thread or use a stand for ease of use.
2. All paper must be cut into squares.
3. Make a paste from flour or starch.
4. Dip each square into the paste and glue it onto the ball, smoothing out the wrinkles. The first layer is of crepe paper, then several of white and the final layer of crepe paper again.
5. Let the craft dry.
6. Deflate the balloon and remove it.
7. Draw an oval window and cut it out.
8. Decorate the edges of the window with pieces of paper rolled into balls and soaked in paste.
9. Attach a ribbon tied in a bow on top.
10. Inside you can put green corrugated paper cut into strips - it’s like grass - and plant a souvenir chicken or a chicken made from threads there.

Delicate, airy, very cute and easy to make

Another great option for a surprise gift: carefully cut the finished shell and place sweets or a souvenir inside. Seal by inserting a thread to open the surprise.

Pull the string - surprise!

Easter souvenirs made of threads

Using a similar technique, you can make an egg from threads. For this you will need: a ball, threads, glue and small details for decoration. Threads soaked in glue should be wrapped around the ball, allowed to dry, remove the ball and decorate the finished frame with beads, ribbons, and buttons.

Adorable Easter bunnies will decorate the nursery

But this method of decorating with threads is far from the only one. Using foam plastic as a base (it allows you to stick pins), you can create an egg from threads with a ready-made openwork window.

You will need:
foam egg;
film (so that the threads do not stick to the base);
ribbon and decor.

You need to assemble such a craft from two halves - make the front and back separately, since it will be impossible to pull out the base. The halves are glued together and decorated with matching ribbon at the joint.

Another interesting technique of weaving threads

Crafts made from threads - decorating any corner of the house

Easter egg made of beads

A very popular way of decoration. This egg looks very rich, resembling something like a piece of jewelry like the famous Faberge. But making such an Easter egg with your own hands is quite difficult without mastering at least the basic beading technique. Special weaving patterns allow you to paint pictures with beads.

Stunning bead paintings - almost a work of art

However, there are simple options for making such eggs.

  • Option 1. Coat the workpiece with glue and carefully roll it in beads. By the way, the same method can be used to prepare edible Easter eggs, using protein instead of glue and sprinkles for confectionery products.

Food sprinkles as egg decoration

  • Option 2. If you have a lot of patience, reproduce the pattern by gluing beads of the desired colors with tweezers. It is better to use Moment glue

Beads as sprinkles and bead designs

  • Option 3. String beads onto a long thin wire, fishing line or thread. Moving in a spiral, glue the strung beads onto the workpiece. If you use beads of different colors, you can get interesting patterns.

Very original colors

  • Option 4. Another original and simple method, for which you will need:

narrow ribbons;
tailor's pins;
actually, an egg made of polystyrene foam.

The essence of the work: string a bead onto each nail pin, then a sequin and pin it to the egg. It’s also more convenient to move in a spiral, alternating rows of beads and sequins with rows of ribbons.

A lot of pins and hard work, but the result is worth it

Easter eggs with applications

Appliques do not require any special effort or skill, and they can be made from anything, creating an endless number of bright decorative souvenirs. For appliqués, use whatever comes to hand: fabric, napkins, colored paper, floss threads, and also pasta, cereals and the shells of already painted eggs.

Bright appliques made of threads and paper

Cereals and pasta are in use

You can decorate the shell... with shells!

Select the decor you like, glue it onto the blank at random or lay out a pattern, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones, foil - voila, quickly and easily!

You can use the decoupage technique. Additionally, you will need acrylic primer, paint and varnish. Operating procedure:
1. Degrease and prime the workpiece.
2. Paint with acrylic paint in two or three layers using a sponge.
3. Cut out parts of the design from a decorative napkin.
4. Glue using diluted PVA glue.
5. Let dry.
6. Apply varnish in several layers.

Delicate romantic decoupage

Easter crafts in vintage style

Dull, but tasteful, but very unusual Easter eggs: a master class on them is presented below.

You will need:
PVA glue and “Moment”;
buttons, decor;
coffee and cinnamon as dyes.

Operating procedure:
1. Finely tear the newspaper.
2. Glue the overlap using PVA and smooth the pieces of newspaper onto the workpiece.
3. Let dry.
4. Prepare a solution for tinting from water, PVA glue, coffee and cinnamon.
5. Apply the tinting solution with a brush.
6. Cover with a layer of varnish or PVA glue.
7. Decorate with lace and decorative elements.

Old newspapers sometimes come in handy in the most unusual ways

Easter ribbon decorations

Such stylish, elegant eggs will be a worthy decoration of the interior - a chest of drawers or a mantelpiece. Satin ribbons add special chic and extravagance to such decorative elements. They are simple to perform and do not require special preparation: you need a blank, ribbons, double-sided tape and rhinestones (optional).

Operating procedure:
1. Apply tape on top and bottom.
2. Attach the ends of the ribbons to the tape.
3. Gently pulling the tapes, wrap the workpiece.
4. Secure the ends with a hairpin.
5. Make a decoration from a separate ribbon: fold it in half, secure the corner and shift the tails one by one until an accordion is formed. Secure the other end.
6. Sew on the decoration in a spiral.
7. Fix the tails with rhinestones or stones.

You can also make bows, flowers from ribbons, and decorate a souvenir stand with them.

A job that seems difficult at first glance is not so difficult

Impressive and stylish result

Extraordinarily beautiful, bright, festive crafts using the quilling technique delight the eye, delight and touch. But you shouldn’t envy those who have this technique - it’s better to take quilling paper, a special tool (at first, an awl, a toothpick, or a large needle will do) and try paper rolling yourself. All complex patterns in quilling consist of many small standard elements, which are not so difficult to create - just a little skill.

Thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls. The rolls are loosened, the tip is secured with glue. For leaves and petals, the rolls are compressed at the edges. Each part must be coated with glue in the places of greatest contact between the curls, and excess glue must be removed.

The finished parts are dipped in glue and laid out in a pattern on the base.

For such a craft, two simple quilling elements are enough.

The result is excellent!

Crafts and decorations for Easter are an excellent option for family leisure, and ready-made gifts, made with your own hands, with soul and imagination, are a wonderful tribute to Easter traditions and related values. Everyone can try the beauty of creating their own little masterpiece!

Good day to all! How are you? Spring is in full swing outside, streams are running and babbling. Breathing is easy!

Mood for 5+ And that’s why I want to create and get weird, so today I want to show how unusual, original, tasteful and super beautiful you can decorate and color eggs for Easter. Look and choose the method you like, there is nothing complicated in this matter. I hope that the step-by-step descriptions in this article will help you with this. And your guests will be delighted.

Also, don’t forget to cook Easter cakes and bake delicious Easter. I think it’s a wonderful tradition to cook delicious things on spring days and decorate eggs with your own hands.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Therefore, I don’t want to write more information about this. I won’t go deep into history; to be honest, I never liked history at school, although of course I shouldn’t have.

So, why are eggs painted for Easter? I answer.

At all times, the egg was considered a symbol of the birth and rebirth of the Sun. The sun carried light and warmth. Previously, eggs were presented to the gods, but now we present them to loved ones and friends.

They began to color eggs in Ancient Egypt, and the inhabitants waited for this event for a whole year. For them it was a great miracle.

In the Indian Vedas, the god Brahma hatched from the Golden Egg.

It is known that in the East, according to legend, they said that the World came from Chaos and was in an egg.

There are legends in our world that say that an egg is a symbol of life.

Easter eggs are one of the main attributes of Christian Easter. According to ancient church tradition, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene gave the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. In Christian culture, colored eggs are considered a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian folk legends say that at the moment of the Resurrection of Christ, the stones on Calvary turned into red eggs.

How to color eggs with your own hands?

Of course, no one will argue with the fact that Easter eggs are a decoration for the festive table during Easter. In stores now there is a very wide variety of all sorts of interesting things for decorating eggs, these include stickers, dyes, materials for decoupage and much more.

The main thing is that the decorated eggs turn out to be cheerful and not sad, that is, they should be made in bright, sunny colors.

The presence of red color is required according to old Russian traditions, and the rest will be your imagination, imagination and creativity.

There are several rules for painting eggs:

  • Eggs must be degreased and washed before painting or decorating. This is done using laundry soap (washing) and alcohol (degreasing).
  • Eggs do not cook immediately, that is, you cannot take them out of the refrigerator and immediately put them into boiling water. Remove the eggs and let them sit warm for a while. Then there won’t be a big temperature difference and the shell won’t crack during cooking!
  • Boil the eggs by adding salt to the water, about 1 tbsp. for 1.5 glasses of water.
  • In order for the eggs to shine after coloring, you need to dry them well and then grease them a little with vegetable oil, and remove excess oil with a cloth.

Interesting:😆 Have you ever heard about painted eggs, specks, pysanky and drapanki. Sounds fun :)

  • dyes - painted in one color
  • specks - painted one color, but have small specks of a different color
  • Easter eggs - these eggs have a small design on them
  • drapanki - a plain egg with a pattern, the design is done manually by scratching

We paint and decorate eggs for Easter

In this article I would like to teach you how to decorate and paint eggs in different interesting ways. And there are a lot of ways to paint. Choose which one suits your taste and experiment. You will succeed. 🙂

Decorating eggs with wax crayons

This method is very easy and not very costly financially.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, warm water, 9% vinegar, wax crayons

Stages of work:

1. Dilute the dyes according to the instructions on the package.

2. Add 1 tbsp of vinegar to 250 ml of water.

3. Mix the vinegar and dye well.

4. Boil the eggs, but do not drain the water, because this method requires hot eggs.

5. Take an egg and wet it with a napkin.

6. Take pencils and color the egg.

7. Dip the painted egg into the dye for 1 minute.

8. Take the egg out after the time has passed and dry it on a stand. The stand can be made from polystyrene foam and toothpicks. You can take a dishwashing sponge and stick needles and beads into it, it will also make a good stand for drying eggs.

9. These are the beautiful eggs we got 😎

Decoupage Easter eggs from napkins

We will need:

  • white eggs, patterned napkins, egg white and brush

1. Take a raw egg and separate the white from it. Beat the egg white a little until it is thick. Many people write that you can use PVA glue instead of protein, but it seems to me that this is not safe. Prepare napkins with drawings for work.

2. Take a napkin and separate the topmost layer, which has a pattern.

3. Now cut out from the napkins the elements that you want to print on your egg.

4. These are the elements we got.

5. Take any element and place it on the egg. Dip the brush into the protein and coat the butterfly with the protein.

6. You can not completely coat the butterfly. To do this, do not remove the top layer with the pattern from the napkin.

Attach the butterfly, coat the middle of the butterfly with protein, remove the top layer of the butterfly, and coat the bottom layer with a brush with protein.

7. Easy and simple, and so beautiful!

When I was preparing for this article, I found one amazing video that I really liked. It also shows the original decoupage. Take a look, you won't regret it!

Master class “DIY Easter egg design”

If you like the patterns, write to me via feedback, I will send them to you by email.

Marble pattern using dyes

A good option for creative people, also an original and not very difficult method.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, white napkins, spoon, gloves

Stages of work:

1. Wear gloves for work.

2. Be sure to cover the table with cling film or oilcloth.

3. Take an egg and wrap it in three white paper napkins.

4. Take a spoon and scoop a little of any dye into it, and then pour it onto the egg.

5. Now take a different color of dye and apply it again to the egg. Continue applying dye to the areas where the napkin is white.

6. Press the napkin firmly onto the egg so that the dyes color the egg.

7. Leave the egg for 15-20 minutes on a special stand.

8. Then remove the napkin and look at your masterpiece result.

9. The result is a marble pattern with a transition from color to color.

Painting with nylon and greenery

This method of painting eggs will require a little perseverance and manual dexterity on your part.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, herbs (parsley and dill), nylon, thread

Stages of work:

1. Take an egg and place parsley on it and carefully wrap the egg in nylon, pressing and twisting tightly.

2. Tie the nylon with a thread and dip the egg in the dye.

3. Remove the egg and place it on a stand to allow the egg to dry.

4. The egg turned out to be a miracle.

You can use not only greenery, for example, take adhesive tape or electrical tape and cut out different figures, and in the same way wrap it in nylon and paint it in dye.

Easter patterns using thermal stickers

We will need:

  • white eggs, hot water, Easter thermal stickers

Stages of work:

1. Take a thermal adhesive pattern and place it on the egg.

3. The Easter egg with the pattern is ready!

Easter sticker patterns

The easiest way is to buy Easter stickers and decorate our holiday eggs as you please.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, Easter stickers

Stages of work:

1. Paint the eggs any color. Or you can leave them white.

2. Take Easter stickers, they are sold in the store. Remove the stickers from the leaves and decorate the eggs.

Method using onion and beet peels

You can always use this method, since products such as beets, onions, red cabbage and turmeric are almost always available in the house. The only downside to this type of painting is time. This method takes much longer to paint eggs than with food coloring.

We will need:

  • white eggs, cabbage, beets, water, you can use onion skins, turmeric

Stages of work:

1. Take red cabbage and cut it into pieces with a knife.

2. Grate the beets. Pour boiling water over vegetables in separate cups. (Onion peels, if you are making paint out of them, need to be filled with water and boil this broth for about 40 minutes. Then add eggs and leave in the onion peels until the water cools down. Afterwards, move the pan to the refrigerator overnight, at morning eggs in onion skins will be painted).

3. Drop an egg in there.

4. Take it out after a while and dip the eggs with a napkin.

5. Place the eggs on a stand and let them dry.

6. In this way, the eggs are not very bright and rich. But these are real natural dyes!

Coloring using available materials at home

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring

Stages of work:

1. The egg must be dry; another important condition is that it must be warm or hot.

2. Dilute the dye with water according to the instructions and add 1 tbsp to the dye with water. vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Dip the egg not completely into the paint, hold it in the dye a little for 2-3 minutes. Remove the egg and a drop of paint with a napkin.

4. Place the egg on a stand and let the paint dry.

6. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 4 again.

7. This is what you will get, an interesting design, I think :)

8. Place the colored egg on the stand and dry.

Coloring eggs in a glass

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, glass, syringe

Stages of work:

1. Take a glass and put an egg in it.

2. Fill the syringe with dye and carefully pour the dye over the walls of the glass. Leave the egg like this for 30 minutes. Next, fill the syringe again and carefully pour it out so that the egg is completely covered and again leave for 20 minutes, and again fill the syringe with paint and hold for 10 minutes.

3. Remove the egg from the paint. Dip the egg carefully with napkins and dry on a stand.

4. The egg will turn out to be monochromatic, but the color on it will have 3 types: dark, lighter, very light.

Wrapping thread around eggs

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, knitting thread

Stages of work:

1. Wrap the eggs with thread.

2. Dip the eggs in the dye for 10 minutes and let them color.

3. Remove the eggs from the dye and blot the eggs with napkins.

4. Remove the threads.

Coloring eggs with vegetable oil

It turns out very interesting, I never thought that vegetable oil in combination with dye could give such an effect!

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, vegetable oil, water

Stages of work:

1. Paint the egg a light color, such as yellow.

2. Take a container with a dark dye, for example green, and add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and stir.

3. Dip the egg in green dye and let it color. That's how original it turned out!

4. Remove the egg. Place on a rack to dry.

Decorate with fabric

I never thought that you could paint eggs this way too. Watch and be surprised! “How to dye eggs for Easter using old ties! Silk dyeing:

An interesting way, you can take any fabric and paint eggs

Painting eggs with nail polish

This method can be called water manicure (or water manicure technique). The method is quite attractive, but not very safe for health. Since varnish is a chemical, you can use this method, if you just give the egg as a gift, but not eat it, I wouldn’t risk it.

We will need:

  • white eggs, nail polish

Stages of work:

1. First boil the eggs, cool and dry.

2. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl and add varnish (you can use one color, you can use several colors, it’s up to you).

3. If you are using several colors, remember that you need to drip the varnish into the center of the bowl one by one, then one color, then another.

4. Now take a toothpick and draw any abstract designs. Or take an egg and place it in a bowl, first one side, then the other. Let dry.

5. You can not dilute the varnish in water, but simply paint anything with varnish, flowers, horses, chickens, bunnies, etc. Let your imagination run wild!

Unusual Easter eggs made from jelly

When I was preparing for this article, I saw such an amazing video on how to make unusual jelly eggs. The video stars a child who is very mischievous and cheerful. It turns out to be such a bright, sunny meadow of multi-colored shiny eggs.

In addition, for those who like pranks, or making surprises for relatives or friends, this idea of ​​pranking with such eggs is perfect. To do this, you do not need to remove the shell from such eggs, just decorate the shell in any way. And it looks like it’s just an Easter egg, but in fact, when they start cleaning they will see a surprise. Play a prank on your guests for Easter, none of the guests will remain indifferent. There will be so much laughter and smiles!

Watch and see for yourself.

Such testicles (eggs) from jelly can be created together with your child, as shown in this video. After all, the joint work of a child and mother greatly unites and brings closer together. And most importantly, the child will be delighted.

If you have a desire, you can decorate eggs with your child and make some funny souvenirs for Easter; I wrote another article about this on this topic:

Friends, I want to wish you all the best, peace, prosperity, goodness! May there always be warmth and light in your life, may life be without illness and adversity! If you wish all this on the eve or day of Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health to everyone! Happy upcoming Easter to you! Christ is Risen!!!

P.S. By the way, Easter eggs can be left until next year, and then used in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and damage. I never knew about this. This year, I will definitely leave one, the most unusual, beautiful egg untouched. Let it lie until next Easter, there will be such an interesting tradition in our family.


There are a large number of options for decorating eggs for Easter at home. In your work you can use the usual food colorings, gouache, syrups, and various seasonings or products. Decoupage of napkins or transferring a pattern from a silk tie will help you transfer patterns onto the shell in an original way. You can learn how to decorate eggs beautifully for Easter step by step in the photo and video master classes offered. Step-by-step instructions will help you easily prepare for the holiday with your children and delight the little ones with unusual Easter colors.

How to decorate eggs for Easter at home with your own hands using ties?

You can use not only standard dyes, but also silk ties to color eggs and create patterns on them. You can learn how to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands at home with such unusual elements in the next master class. Detailed instructions will help you easily cope with the task. But you also need to remember how to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands, and how to serve them beautifully.

DIY materials for decorating eggs for Easter at home

  • 100% silk ties;
  • eggs;
  • white thick fabric;
  • stationery erasers;
  • vinegar.

Step-by-step master class on decorating eggs for Easter with ties at home

How to decorate eggs with your own hands with bright napkins for Easter - decoupage video master class

You can decorate Easter eggs in an original and bright way with colorful table napkins. You can translate images together with your children. You just need to tell your child how to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands using the decoupage technique. It is better to work with individual elements of paper: this will help transfer the most attractive patterns and designs. You can learn how to properly decorate eggs for Easter using napkins with your own hands, and how to avoid moving pictures in the following video instructions.

Detailed video master class on decoupage eggs for Easter with napkins

Simple transfer of bright designs to Easter eggs should be done the day before the holiday. Then the products will be well preserved and can be used for table decoration for a long time. The following video will tell you how to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands:

How to decorate eggs in an original way with your children for Easter with your own hands - photo master class

Simple and quick painting of eggs can be done not only with dyes, but also with sweet syrups. However, after such treatment, the surface of the shell may become sticky. How to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands with children and make “sweet” decor is described in the next master class. But you need to carefully select materials for work. It is better to use store-bought syrups with food coloring for decoration. They are easy to use, and even a 3-4 year old child can understand how to decorate eggs for Easter from a photo with them.

Materials for original decoration of eggs for Easter with children

  • purchased syrups of different colors;
  • boiled eggs with white shell;
  • plate;
  • small grille.

Step-by-step photo master class on original Easter egg decoration with children

How to decorate eggs beautifully step by step with dyes for Easter - photo instructions for kids

Little children love to color eggs before Easter. This activity allows them to work with dyes and have fun. You can learn about the rules for safely creating original patterns on the shell and how to decorate eggs beautifully step by step for Easter in the photo master class for parents and kids.

Materials for beautifully decorating eggs for Easter with children

  • boiled eggs;
  • food colorings;
  • paper towels;
  • vinegar, water;
  • spray;
  • film.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating eggs for Easter with your children

How to decorate eggs unusually for Easter at home - ideas and examples, photo master class

When choosing how to decorate eggs for Easter, many parents consider only food dyes as the main materials. But if you cover the shell with regular gouache and consume the dyes as food as soon as possible (literally in 1 day), then nothing bad will happen. Gouache dries quickly, so it does not have time to be absorbed through the shell into the protein.

Ideas for unusual decoration of eggs for Easter at home

Proper preparation of future dyes will help to complement the usual coloring of Easter eggs with dyes or onion skins in an original way. For example, you can glue leaves, flowers, feathers to them using water. Then secure them with nylon fabric (you can cut it from old tights) and immerse them in a pan with onion skins or dye. After boiling and cooling the eggs, you can remove the “wrapper”. Cool patterns will remain on the shell.

You can replace dyes with other components. For example, turmeric will help turn white eggs bright yellow, beets - lilac, spinach - green, black currants - purple, red currants - burgundy. Cooking them in a mixture of water and red wine will help give them a pink tint, but adding paprika will give the shells an orange or reddish color.

Materials for unusual decoration of eggs for Easter at home

  • gouache;
  • boiled eggs;
  • thin brush.

Step-by-step master class on unusual decoration of eggs for Easter at home

Among the proposed photo instructions with descriptions and video master classes, you can find a variety of options for decorating Easter eggs. Using gouache, they can be “disguised” as Easter cakes. But the correct application of food coloring will help leave bright stains on the surface of the shell. Using silk ties will also help you translate cool patterns step by step. You can also learn how to decorate eggs for Easter using the decoupage technique using ordinary table napkins in one of these master classes. The steps discussed step by step will help you carry out this work with your children. All that remains is to choose the best option for creating paints, take the required materials and begin the exciting work.

Bright Easter - the resurrection of Christ, the time of sweet Easter cakes and colored eggs. It is believed that a donated Easter egg has the power of a talisman and protects its owners from evil deeds and thoughts, both their own and those of strangers. Easter egg-amulet was often made of wood. Those who were richer could afford malachite, turquoise or jasper. Well, the kings glorified Faberge eggs by ordering these precious masterpieces of jewelry for themselves and their family members.

Few people would dare to take a chance on the work of the great master; there are plenty of handicraftsmen, but it’s too expensive. Therefore, we take the most affordable materials and create an equally exclusive gift - do-it-yourself Easter eggs.

Here are master classes on how to make Easter eggs with your own hands with step-by-step photographs using a variety of techniques. Following our instructions, create your own unique gifts and inimitable souvenirs for Easter.

How to make eggs for Easter

What to give for Easter? Of course, an egg! But not simple, but magical red gold.

Beautiful Easter egg made of papier-mâché decorated using paper art technique

We will need:

  • Newspaper or magazine
  • A couple of relevant pictures
  • Threads
  • PVA glue
  • Napkins or soft paper towel
  • Lentils
  • Millet
  • Red gouache
  • Gold paint
  • Sequins, rhinestones, beads
  • Monolith type glue


  • Tassels
  • Pencil
  • Felt pen in the main tone color
  • Scissors
  • Skewer

Let's get started:
1. We crumple a sheet of newspaper and give it the shape of an egg. We fix the workpiece with threads.

2. Coat the blank with PVA and paste it with pieces of a magazine page. Glue the pictures. Let the paper blank dry.

3. Tear the napkin and repeat the process of forming a paper crust. Torn edges are less noticeable; smooth them with a brush generously moistened with glue. We dry it again.

4. On a dry blank, make a sketch of the ornament, first with a pencil, then outline it with a felt-tip pen.

5. We “spun” paper ropes from a napkin cut into strips. It’s not scary if the paper tears while twisting the flagella; our ornament does not contain long curls and waves around the entire circumference.

6. Cover the workpiece with cereals and prepared flagella. An indispensable assistant to the brush here is a skewer. We don’t skimp on PVA glue; the grains should be coated very thickly, the excess will be absorbed into the paper. And again we send the product to dry.

7. We paint an Easter egg in the main tone, for us it is one of the shades of red, a color symbolizing health and wealth. We work with a brush, thoroughly painting under every grain and curl. Now the advisability of using a red felt-tip pen is completely justified, there are no white lyes.

Although in the paper art technique, which translates as paper plastic, it is customary to use dark or even black colors, in my opinion, this is unacceptable for Easter eggs.

8. Cover the dried gouache with varnish and highlight all the bulges with gold. Everyone chooses the intensity of gilding themselves.

9. Glue the decorative elements. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the Easter egg will turn into a Christmas tree toy.

If you still don’t have enough time for handmade souvenirs, go to the store to buy chicken eggs.

A blessed egg, painted with pigments contained, for example, in onion skins, can be safely stored until next Easter. Tested by personal experience, it stood on a shelf in a glass, did not deteriorate, only shrunk and became the size of a quail.

This jute design using decorative ribbons looks very beautiful and natural. By wrapping these eggs in gift wrapping, you can safely present them to all your friends, family and friends. Such a gift will remain with them for a long time and will decorate the Easter table every year.

To make such a souvenir you will need:

  • Foam base in the shape of an egg.
  • Jute twine.
  • Glue gun.
  • Decorative elements (decorative tape).

The end of the twine is attached with hot glue in the middle of the lower part of the workpiece.

You need to wait until the glue is well set and begin gluing the cord in a spiral around this starting point.

It is not necessary to apply glue to the entire surface of the egg. You can use no more than two or three dots of glue in one turn.

This way you need to wrap the entire Easter egg with twine.

Then you can start decorating. To do this, take three pieces of decorative tape.

Wrap one egg and secure with hot glue the junction of the tape and on the opposite side.

Glue the ends of the shorter piece on top of each other - this is the basis for the bow. Place the shortest one on the table with the wrong side up and glue its edges inward. This creates the core.

Wrap this strip around the middle of the bow and seal it at the back.

Attach a bow to the front of the egg.

The decorative Easter egg is ready.

Felt Easter bunny - egg cover

You can make this original egg cover with your own hands from felt.

Knitted Easter egg

In this tutorial I suggest crocheting an egg. This product will be an excellent souvenir for this bright holiday.

For knitting you will need:

  • Yarn “Children's novelty” in blue, pink and green;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Sintepon.

This egg can be knitted from any yarn. But it is not advisable to use something too thin. Then the finished product will turn out too small.

Let's start with 2 ch. Then we knit 8 sc into the 2nd loop from the hook. Then we knit 3 sc, and in the 4th loop 2 sc in a row. Then again 3 sc and again 2 sc in the loop.

We knit a new row. We will also add to it. We knit 4 sc, 1 per loop. And in the 5th loop we will tie 2 sc. We will repeat this until the end of this row.

We now have 12 loops per part. We continue to add. Now we will tie 2 sc, 1 each, into a loop. In the 3rd loop of the row we perform 2 sc at once. So we repeat the entire row.

In the next row we will first knit 3 sc, and in the 4th loop we will knit 2 sc. And so we knit the whole row.

We have 20 loops. In the next row we will simply knit 1 sc in each of the loops. That is, at the end of the row there should still be 20 loops left.

We continue to add to the new series. We knit 4 sc, then 2 sc in 1 loop. So we repeat the entire row.

There is no need to increase in the next row. Just work 1 sc in each loop.

In the new row we continue to make decreases. Now you need to knit 9 sc, and knit 10 and 11 loops together. This is how we knit the entire row.

We finish knitting. Therefore, we knit 1 sc, then 2 loops together. Next again, 1 stitch and 2 loops together. This is how we knit the entire row.

At this stage we fill the part with padding polyester.

Then, to close the part, we knit 2 loops together throughout the entire row until the hole is closed. We do 1 ch. Cut the thread and tighten it. We hide the tail inside the egg.

The Easter egg is ready. Let's knit decorative elements.

For the leaf, take a green thread. We need to cast on 7 loops. We knit 1 dc, then 1 sc, 1 hdc, 2 dc. We knit everything 1 at a time in a separate loop. We will knit another hdc into the last loop. You need to knit 3 pieces of this kind.

For the flower, take a pink thread. We make a sliding loop. Make 3 ch, then knit 2 dc. Again ch 3 and 1 sl inside the loop.

We repeat this 4 more times to form 5 petals.

Tighten the sliding loop.

Sew the leaves to the bottom of the egg.

We sew the flower in the center, slightly extending onto the middle leaf.

This is what an Easter egg looks like! You can knit many of these products and decorate them in different ways.

01. Decoupage style

04. Crocheted egg for Easter

Decorating an egg for Easter with a thermal label

Easter is a magical and holy holiday, filled with deep meaning and wonderful mood. Today I will teach you how to paint eggs for the holiday in an unusual way, namely, using a label.

Take medium-sized chicken eggs and boil them hard.

As soon as they are cooked, grab them one at a time with a slotted spoon.

We take stickers of different colors and patterns and straighten them.

We put stickers on the eggs.

Place in boiling water and wait a few seconds (the main thing is that the shell does not crack from the temperature).

Carefully remove from the water and wait for it to cool completely.

Eggs decorated with thermal label for Easter

That's all, our eggs in a colorful wrapper are ready to be presented for Easter or placed on the holiday table. This method of decorating eggs will really appeal to those who honor traditions, but do not like to mess with onion skins. Even small children can put on labels.

You can choose such stickers not only with Easter designs, but also with cartoon characters or beautiful landscapes. For girls, you can choose stickers with scenes from the cartoon “Cinderella,” and for boys, you can give an egg decorated with stickers in the style of Spider-Man.

Do-it-yourself Easter crafts from jelly video tutorial

Master class on making a souvenir egg for Easter from a light bulb with your own hands

Chickens are also a symbol of Easter. Therefore, you can make a souvenir that will be decorated with Easter chickens.

At the first stage you will need materials:

  1. Light bulb (you can use a burnt one).
  2. Light bulb holder (socket mounted on a piece of wood).
  3. Acetone.
  4. Cotton pad.
  5. A piece of sponge.
  6. White acrylic paint.

Stage 1.
1. Screw the light bulb into the socket.

2. Degrease the surface of the light bulb using acetone and a cotton pad.
3. Let the light bulb dry.
4. Then you need to make the base. To do this, dip the edge of the sponge into white paint and use point movements to walk across the surface of the light bulb.

5. Let the paint dry and apply a second layer of base.

After which you should give the light bulb a light yellow tint. To do this, mix yellow and white acrylic paints in the palette and use a sponge to paint the light bulb.

Stage 2.

The next step is to decorate the light bulb using the Decoupage method. To do this you need to prepare:

  1. PVA glue.
  2. Synthetic fan brush.
  3. Napkin for decoupage (drawing of a chicken).

1. Select the desired design on a napkin. 3 chicks are enough for a light bulb.

2. Leave 1 layer of napkin, remove the other 2.

3. Place each chicken in turn on the surface of the light bulb and use a brush and glue to glue the chickens.

4. Let the glue dry.

5. Then add color to the empty space around the chicks. To do this, mix red and white acrylic paints until you get a pink color. Then, using a sponge and paint, we cover the light bulb in the right places.

Stage 3.

The final stage will be varnishing the light bulb.
Necessary materials:

  1. Glossy yacht varnish.
  2. Synthetic fan brush.

1. Cover the surface of the light bulb with a thin layer of varnish.

To get a beautiful souvenir, you should also take care of the decoration of the base. It can be hidden under a hat, which will later serve as both decoration and pendant.

To make a hat we will take:

  • Thin cardboard.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Stapler.
  • Knitting.

A cap.
1. Measure the cardboard to size 3*11.5 cm. Cut the cardboard to size.

2. Roll the strip of cardboard into a tube and connect the edges using a stapler.

3. Measure and cut light and bright yellow threads 15 cm long.

4. We tie threads around the cardboard cylinder, alternating colors.

5. Thus, we tie the entire cylinder.

6. Using glue, glue the loop to the light bulb base.

7. We put a hat on the light bulb. Then we collect the protruding edges of the threads into a bundle and tie it.

The finished souvenir can be hung on a willow branch.

Three easiest ways to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands

As we all know, one of the attributes of the holiday, in addition to Easter cakes and the greeting “Christ is Risen! Truly risen!” are Easter eggs. Now I will tell you about the three simplest and most original ways to decorate them.

Method No. 1 – Corrugated paper

What do you need for this? Actually, you will need a small amount of corrugated paper of different colors, as well as small strips of satin. You can also use lace or laces in bright colors instead.

Wrap the egg in a small square of paper and tie the edges of the paper with ribbon or ribbon.

Then carefully straighten the bow and the edges of the paper.

So our Easter souvenir is ready.

If you want to make your Easter eggs brighter and more beautiful with your own hands, you can use fabric or lace instead of paper.

Method number 2 – Lace and braid

You can also make your Easter souvenir more elegant and beautiful if you tie it with small pieces of braid or thin lace. In order not to spoil its appearance, hide the ends of the ribbons or lace. This can be done using buttons or beads.

Method number 3 – Eyes

Yes Yes! It didn't seem to you. Glue-based eyes for toys can make your souvenir very funny and interesting. To do this, just glue them to the egg and draw some simple face. The best means for this type of creativity are colored pencils and paper.

How to dye Easter eggs

In order for the painted eggs on the table to look the most beautiful on the Easter holiday, they use the easiest and most inexpensive method. It is recommended to paint them the day before the special event.

Coloring eggs for Easter with food coloring

Painting with onion skins


  • Eggs;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Onion peel.

To prevent the eggs from cracking, it is necessary to let them stand at a warm temperature indoors before cooking.

Then take a large saucepan and fill it with the removed onion skins and fill it to three centimeters. The more husk, the brighter the color. Pour water and put it on the fire to cook for an hour without eggs. When the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat and leave to simmer with the lid on.

After an hour has passed, add the eggs and add a large pinch of salt, as well as a teaspoon of vinegar. This will help keep them from cracking, and the vinegar will add brightness. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Turn off the stove and wait until the water cools without removing the eggs. As soon as the water has cooled, place the pan with its contents in the refrigerator and leave overnight. They take it out in the morning. The eggs will acquire a bright and very rich color and will be the most beautiful at the holiday.

Painting with coffee


  • Eggs;
  • Vinegar and salt;
  • Brewed coffee.

Pour three large spoons of coffee into the bottom of the pot. Let it cook for twenty minutes. Pour in vinegar and salt. Then use a spoon to place the eggs into the pan. Cook for up to 20 minutes. Let cool in water and place the pan in the refrigerator to steep overnight. They will turn a bright brown color. These recipes can be alternated and the eggs in the basket will be of different colors.

Now you know how to use simple means to make your Easter eggs colorful, bright and original. You can please not only yourself, but also your family and friends with such creativity.

Create, create, be original! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen! Happy Easter, good mood and more joyful days!

5 ways to color Easter eggs in an original way video tutorial

DIY Easter eggs photo gallery

Easter eggs using decoupage technique

Unusual options for decorating Easter eggs

Master classes presented in this article

Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays; it is very bright, kind and springy. On this day, each family paints dozens of chicken eggs in advance, consecrates them in the temple, so that on Easter they can carry out the traditional ritual of breaking and eating them. But in addition to edible attributes, decorative items in the form of eggs must be present. They decorate the festive table and give to each other as a memorable souvenir.

Read how to do it here.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs with your own hands has a centuries-old history. According to legend, Mary Magdalene, having learned about the resurrection of Christ, appeared in Rome to Emperor Tiberius. According to tradition, the emperor was supposed to give gifts, but since Mary Magdalene had nothing but faith in Jesus, she presented him with an egg with the words “Christ is Risen.”

Be sure to check out these recipes:

The emperor considered that a miraculous resurrection was as impossible as turning a white egg into a red one, but before he could finish his sentence, the egg turned bright red. Since then, the egg has been considered a symbol of the miraculous ascension of Christ to heaven, and with it purification.

At Easter, most Russians paint Easter eggs burgundy by boiling them in onion skins. This is the least expensive and easiest way to follow traditions. But to approach this matter more creatively, many people make a herbarium of leaves and plants in advance. And someone has already grown fresh herbs. Let's see how all this can be used to paint Easter eggs with your own hands.

Beautiful DIY Easter eggs

Painted Easter eggs with onion peels with ornament

There is nothing complicated here. Prepare some greenery, leaves, grass, and even something you carved yourself for decoration. Nylon tights that you don’t wear but wanted to throw away, and a thin rope, or vice versa, a thick thread.

We will glue the leaves and other things to the eggs using paste to make sure they don’t move. This is a universal paste recipe that will come in handy when decorating Easter eggs with your own hands and in other ways.

Preparation of paste: For one glass of water, take one heaped teaspoon of starch. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water in a stream, stirring all the time. The white starch should turn transparent and thicken. You can put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes.

The paste is ready, it will cool down and you can use it. Starch is a food product; jelly and much more are made from it. Therefore, when using starch paste when decorating Easter eggs, do not be afraid of anything, feel free to use it. Next, when decorating the eggs, where the words will be used: glue, glue, grease with glue. So keep in mind that paste is used here.

I'll give you one more hint: Well, you don’t have starch, or you just don’t want to mess with it, you can lubricate the surface with egg white and glue what you want. But, in this case, your art may come off faster. Because the protein solidifies into a film. In a word, it’s up to you to choose how to glue decorations onto Easter eggs with your own hands.

To color eggs in onion peels with ornaments, we naturally take the onion peel itself and a saucepan. Place the husks in it and fill it with cold water. To boil eggs, it is advisable to salt the water, since it is impossible to see microcracks on the eggs. Such eggs will simply leak out when boiled, but this will not happen in salt water.

Remove the eggs for coloring and boiling from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. Take an egg, stick a leaf on it, or whatever you have prepared. We cut off a piece of nylon (tights), carefully tighten the egg with the leaf so that it does not wrinkle, and tie it with thread.

We do this with all the eggs, put them in a saucepan and cook as usual for no more than 10 minutes. I cook for 5-7 minutes, then turn it off and leave the eggs in the husk (they will reach it) so that they gain more color. Then we take it out, remove the stocking, wash the eggs and dry them. They are all ready!

By the way, this same process can be done with food coloring. Only the eggs should already be boiled, don’t forget about it.

Coloring Easter eggs with stains and different intensities

I think this process of coloring eggs is not difficult, but a little more labor-intensive. First boil the eggs. While they are boiling, we dilute different dyes, in different containers, of course. Place boiled eggs in dyes and color them to the color you want.

Take it out and dry it. And add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the container with the dyes. Again, release the eggs into the dye with the addition of oil. We take it out, blot it with paper napkins and at this moment beautiful and unusual stains appear on the eggs.

Another way to color Easter eggs, where the colors will be of different intensities. In containers (preferably in glasses), we dilute food coloring, and add very little water, to begin with. Let go of the boiled egg; only the bottom should be hidden.

Then, as the eggs color, add water all the time. And you get very beautiful stripes, different in color.

And now for those who want to approach the process more creatively, I offer several ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. To do this, of course, you need to go to the nearest store to purchase what you need. Oh, we'll look for something at home.

Let's go buy paints, brushes, colored paper, permanent markers, multi-colored beads, culinary sprinkles (if you haven't already bought them for Easter cakes). Various interesting stickers for Easter eggs (in the form of eyes, smiles, different faces), multi-colored napkins, colored threads, elastic bands of different widths, tape (if you don’t have it), gold foil.

Decorating Easter eggs using decoupage

For work, as you understand, we will need: hard-boiled eggs (it is highly desirable that they do not crack, since an egg with cracks, you see, somewhat degrades the appearance of the product). Well, we start creating with decoupage. What is decoupage, I think there is no need to explain?

We take the multi-colored napkins we bought, cut out the designs we like and glue them onto the eggs using paste. Here we give free rein to our imagination and create for our own pleasure. Look how beautiful Easter eggs made with your own hands using decoupage look.

To make the napkin hold tighter, you can coat the egg with varnish. But if you eat it, you don’t need to do this. Just keep in mind for the future, if you want to give someone a gift, you can apply clear varnish to the glued napkin.

DIY Easter eggs

This type of art on Easter eggs is suitable for those who love and know how to draw. On the painted egg, first we apply a drawing with a pencil (the subject of the drawing is any), then we take a very thin brush and outline it with paints. Let it dry. And to fix the picture, you can coat it with varnish.

Drawing on Easter eggs with a permanent marker

This type of egg decoration is also more suitable for people who know how to draw. And, I’ll tell you this, it’s not necessary to draw some simple patterns. Draw what you want, the main thing is that you like it.

DIY Easter eggs with patina and gold

Making golden eggs is not difficult. Dilute gold food coloring in water and dip boiled eggs in it. I just think that golden eggs should definitely be on the Easter table. Just like in a fairy tale, the hen laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one...

To create a patina, boiled eggs are first painted with colored dyes. Then we grease it with paste and wrap it tightly in gold foil. Once dry, unfold it and rub it over the egg with a brush or nail file, revealing the underlying color in places. It turns out a very beautiful color.

Coloring Easter eggs in an interesting pattern

This will require silk material, or an unnecessary tie that your husband no longer wears and you are about to throw away. Do not hurry! This tie will turn Easter eggs into a real masterpiece. Cut the tie into strips, wrap the egg in the front side, and tie. Place to boil in water with vinegar added.

Cool, untie and you will get this beauty.

Coloring Easter eggs with glitter

Sprinkle glitter on newspaper. Spread the boiled egg with paste and roll in glitter, let dry. And, if you wish, you can draw pictures and sprinkle them with glitter. It looks very nice.

Dyeing Easter eggs using lace

We wrap the boiled egg in lace fabric, tie it, let it soak in dye, take it out, wash it, and dry it.

Easy dyeing of Easter eggs with colored threads

It's quite simple here. Carefully wrap multi-colored threads around the eggs, tie the ends, and boil the eggs in water with the addition of vinegar. Then remove everything, wash the eggs, dry and you're done.

DIY Easter egg coloring using tape

This is also not a difficult option for coloring eggs. With your imagination, everything can be done wonderfully. Cut out squares and strips of different lengths and widths from tape, stick them on the eggs as you like and cook in the husks. Or release it into dyes. In this case, you can make multi-colored eggs by changing the shape of the tape and releasing the egg into a different dye. It will be bright, beautiful and interesting!

Color Easter eggs using rubber bands

Wrap a boiled egg with rubber bands, of different thicknesses, and release them into the dye. Then remove the rubber bands, rinse and dry. It turns out not bad.

Do-it-yourself marbled Easter eggs painting

Here, we will not paint the shell, but the egg itself. So if you have eggs that cracked while boiling, don't despair. Now we will color them. Break the shell with a spoon and pour in strong tea leaves or soy sauce. Let it sit for a while, then peel it, and... voila, you have a marbled and very beautiful egg.

We decorate Easter eggs with our own hands with beads

Pour the beads onto a plate or paper. Lubricate the boiled egg with paste and roll the eggs in beads, let them dry. They look very nice.

Decorating Easter eggs with DIY sprinkles

This is the same as in the previous two options. Pour the culinary topping into bowls, coat the eggs with paste, roll in, and let dry. It’s not difficult, but the eggs look very rich and beautiful.

Decorating Easter eggs with seeds and cereals

This is also a very original way to decorate eggs. You will need whatever cereal you have, peas, rice, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, maybe sesame seeds, vermicelli flowers, etc.

Grease the boiled egg with paste and lay out any ornament from cereals and seeds. Let dry. The results are very original, interesting and beautiful eggs. See for yourself.

By the way, eggs can even be colored with colored sugar. The technique is the same as for beads or culinary sprinkles, just coat a boiled egg with paste and roll it in colored sugar. Simple, fast and beautiful!

How to make colored sugar: Take a thick plastic bag or jar, pour sugar into it, add a drop of dye and shake until all the sand becomes the same color. That's all! And, this sugar can also be used to decorate confectionery products. For example, whipping cream with colored sugar will be beautiful and festive.

Decorate Easter eggs with your own hands using mosaics

The decorating process is not quick or creative, but it is worth it. The eggs turn out amazing. Here you will need eggshells and definitely multi-colored ones. We lay out different, beautiful ornaments from shells of a different color on the painted eggs. Look what beauty you can make. Glue with paste.

Making DIY crafts from Easter eggs

For such crafts, I suggest inviting children and grandchildren to help you, let them help you with their participation. I think they will agree with great pleasure. Boil and color the eggs, prepare everything you need, various stickers, scissors, markers, pencils, colored paper, paste, and let's get started.

We make colorful bunnies. We cut out ears from colored paper, glue or draw them, eyes, a nose, a mouth. Naughty bunnies, ready!

Cute faces with eye and mouth stickers peeking out from the egg cup.

The same cute ones, but you can draw eyes and a mouth.

Folk style stickers are used for these individuals. Cute.

And these cute little animals are made and glued from colored paper. The eyes are drawn.

I think your children and grandchildren will be very pleased with their results. Of course, this is not everything you can think of to decorate eggs with your own hands. But still, quite a lot of ideas. Take, use, decorate eggs, give joy and kindness to your loved ones.

Well, to end my article, I would like to provide a few photographs of natural dyes. This is just in case, so that, as they say, it happens. And for those people who use nothing but natural products to decorate Easter eggs with their own hands. Christ is risen!

1 - Beetroot, 2 - hibiscus tea, 3 - spinach, 4 - chokeberry, 5 - blue cabbage, 6 - turmeric