Pliers or pliers difference. What is the difference between pliers and pliers. Common features of tools and design features of pliers

Pliers and pliers are common and popular tools, both in everyday life and among professional craftsmen.

Meanwhile, many confuse pliers with pliers, not seeing much difference in them. The following explains what is the difference between pliers and pliers and which of these tools is most in demand and versatile.

Pliers by type

According to their purposes, pliers are different:

  • with short jaws for a firm and firm grip
  • with long jaws
  • with narrow (or thin) jaws
  • with curved - when working in hard-to-reach places
  • with internal plastic overlays to avoid damaging parts
  • specialized, for working with wire

The working (inner) surface of the jaws is smooth or with small shallow notches - for a better grip on the object. “Sponges” is the part of the tool that captures the details.

Differences between pliers and pliers

Pliers are a locksmith's tool that looks like pliers. In some versions - you can no longer confuse them with pliers - an adjustable hinge mechanism is used. The jaws of standard pliers are usually shorter than the jaws of pliers.

The name "pliers" is French, literally - "to clamp the rod." And in order to clamp it tightly, on the inside of the edges, always corrugated - with notches, there is an oval or round recess, often two.

Pliers are a more serious tool

Pliers, unlike pliers, are designed for more serious work. Therefore, in terms of strength, the requirements for them are high. If the level of hardening of the pliers does not exceed 45 units, then the pliers are hardened to the level of 53 units. And the cutting parts - side cutters and cutters - are hardened to the level of 60 units.

They have good metal too.

Higher quality and the metal from which the pliers are made. If carbon steel of a certain grade is used for the production of pliers, then chromium is used in combination with molybdenum or vanadium to produce pliers.

Dimensions according to GOST

The sizes of pliers are different. There are categories of “miniature” - for fine and precise work, for example, bench modeling or beading - 10 centimeters.

Dimensions of tools for assembly, plumbing, automotive and other works are specified in GOST 17 438-72. For pliers of the first group, he determines the length of 160, 180 and 200 mm.

The second group, intended for industrial work, fit into three types of length - 200, 250 and 300 mm.

Imported products, made in the EU, US and China, come in sizes 10; 11.5 and 14 cm.

What are pliers

In production and everyday life, different types of pliers are used:

  • Universal
  • Dielectric
  • Combined
  • elongated
  • * Adjustable, sometimes called pipe
  • For eyelets

If we compare photos of pliers of all these types, the differences are immediately evident. Their main functions and purposes are listed below.

Pliers for all occasions

Universal pliers, or, as they are also called, locksmith pliers, are often incorrectly called pliers. They, after finely corrugated sponges, always have a jagged notch. It is followed by side cutters - for cutting the wire, and next to the hinge there are cutters for biting stronger wire, nails and even the chain-link mesh.

For work under voltage

Dielectric pliers are designed for electrical work. They are available with insulating handles, usually rubber or combinations of rubber with various types of dielectric plastic.

Mains voltage is divided into two types - in everyday life 220 V. In production, the same 220 V and an additional 380 V. To avoid trouble, the insulating handles of the pliers are able to protect against shock with a voltage of 1000 V.

Please note: this parameter must be indicated on the pliers themselves, and not on its packaging. Since we are talking about human life, it is better to buy dielectric pliers from trusted manufacturers.

Pliers for eyelets

Plastic or metal eyelets are designed to strengthen holes in the shoe, leather goods and other industries and workshops.

In view of this, “grommet” pliers are a highly specialized and highly professional tool. They differ from other pliers in their specific appearance and are easily recognizable.

The longest of the pliers

Elongated pliers distinguish long sponges. In some variants, the length of the sponges reaches 20 centimeters. Outwardly, they resemble tweezers to which the handles of pliers are attached. They are designed to work in narrow slots or holes.

On the principle of a penknife

This species is directly opposite to the narrowly specialized "grommets". It is called "combined pliers". Such a tool is intended for various household tasks. But they are also used by professionals as universal - for all occasions. But in this case, the tool must be from a quality manufacturer, otherwise it quickly fails.

Combined pliers are made on the principle of a penknife or Swiss knife and are equipped with a host of functions and capabilities.

Usually combined pliers are only part of a multifunctional kit, which includes a number of necessary tools, such as screwdrivers with nozzles.

Pliers for plumbers

Plumbing is the largest among the pliers. They are used exclusively for plumbing work. To capture gas or water pipes of large diameter in the design of these tools, an adjustable hinge mechanism is used. Thanks to this, it is possible to change - increase or decrease the diameter of the notched recess.

Photo differences between pliers and pliers

Two different names. But are they different instruments? I understood the nuances of terms and concepts site.

Word "pliers" is borrowed from French (such words are called gallicisms). And comes from a two-root word pince-a-tige.

Phonetic transcription - . That rare case when a French word entered the Russian language almost without distortion (only the “s” was doubled, apparently for elegance).

In turn pince-a-tige consists of words:

  • pince- clamp,
  • tiger- rod.

It turns out that the literal translation from the French word "pliers" is a clamp for the rod.

By the way, some dictionaries indicate that pliers come from French words passe(pass) and tiger(kernel). But then the literal translation turns out to be illogical - "passage for the rod." Incredible theory.

If we turn to the Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary, then the following meaning of the word is given there pliers:

manual metalwork and assembly and electrical installation tools, in which pliers and wire cutters are combined (in a hinge); two recesses with teeth are used for wrapping small pipes, connect. couplings, nipples, nuts, etc. (see fig.). One of the P. handles can end with a screwdriver blade, and the other with a square hole punch.

Origin of the word pliers

It's easy with pliers. The word is Russian, and it directly follows from it that this is an instrument with flat lips.

The Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary provides the following definition of the word pliers:

manual metalwork and assembly tool with pyramid-shaped sponges and rectangular cross-section with notched vnutr. flat surfaces. They are used for gripping and bending small metal objects. details.

Pliers: design and purpose

Pliers have their own separate state standard - . According to this GOST, pliers are a tool designed to grip and clamp pipes and parts of various shapes.

To capture such cylindrical objects, the pliers have one or two recesses with serrated notches on the inner surface.

Below, in the photo, there are old Soviet pliers, they have such notches perfectly visible.

Pliers: design and purpose

Pliers are a simple and highly specialized tool. In accordance with the standard -, pliers are designed to grip and manipulate objects.

In strict accordance with GOST, corrugations must be applied to the inner surface of the sponges to at least half.

But formally, a tool with a completely smooth inner surface is also considered a full-fledged pliers.

Universal pliers

Over time, universal tools began to appear that combined much more functions than just gripping cylindrical objects. And here, manufacturers, without too tiring themselves with the accuracy of terminology, call such tools both pliers and pliers.

Here is an example where side cutters are added to the pliers for cutting wire and wires.

To help modern craftsmen, many different tools are produced, both electrical and mechanical, manual. The undoubted leader in the latest classification is the hammer, which everyone knows, and everyone, at least once in their life, held in their hands. This percussion instrument is slightly inferior to the pliers, that is, its popular representatives are pliers and pliers. These master's assistants have also been in the hands of many. They are used in repair work to capture, support, twist parts and consumables.

Pliers or pliers - what to choose for work

Almost every home has a toolbox, even if the owner rarely repairs anything himself. There will still be a mandatory set, consisting of:

  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers or pliers.

And if the first two tools are familiar to everyone and the scope of their application is clear, then with the last one everything is not so simple, since it is rare where both tools are available at once. It will seem to a simple layman at first glance that pliers and pliers are no different. For a professional, this is not the case. A craftsman will immediately name the main differences between pliers and pliers.

Upon a detailed examination of one and the second instruments, the external difference is obvious. They have the same only the structure of the handles, and the working part of the pliers and pliers, which is called the lips, is completely different and depends on the purpose.

When pliers are required

By the name, you can guess that the working part of the pliers is flat, there are only a few notches. The tool consists of lips, handles and a swivel joint. For ease of use, some manufacturers produce pliers with a collapsible hinge. It can be disassembled for lubrication or troubleshooting if necessary. The notches applied to the lips perform the main working functions: holding and gripping. This helps the masters to cope:

  • with twisting of wires and sheets of metal;
  • with the unwinding of screws, bolts and nuts;
  • with bending wire and other consumables.

With the help of pliers, various locksmith and installation work is performed with parts of different sizes. For the convenience of using the tool, the industry makes several modifications:

  1. With elongated narrow jaws, making it possible to work in places with limited access.
  2. With angled jaws to help you get to the right part in electronics or other hard-to-reach mechanisms.
  3. With elongated long jaws designed for a strong grip on components and material.
  4. With a set of nozzles that allow you to perform repair operations on delicate and fragile parts. Pliers are also divided by size (maximum part diameter - 200 mm) and by the presence of special insulation on the handles. When buying, you should pay special attention to the last factor. If special insulation is present and the corresponding markings (1000 V) are applied to the handles, then with such pliers you can perform various electrical installation and electrical repairs. In the absence of an insulating layer and markings, the tool is suitable only for plumbing, and it is already life-threatening to approach electricity with it.

The difference between pliers and pliers is obvious when listing working functions. The range of application of the second tool is much wider than that of the first. Pliers are often referred to as the older or younger brother of pliers, or humorously tuned pliers. The shape of the notched lips and the adjustable swivel increase the possibilities of the tool.

With the help of pliers you can:

  • capture and hold parts of different volumes by adjusting the hinge;
  • strip and cut insulated wires;
  • work with round parts.

Depending on the presence or absence of special recesses, cutters and notches, several tool models are produced:

  1. Combined, perfectly suitable in everyday life for assembly and plumbing work.
  2. Combined adjustable expand the range of applications by the possibility of working with pipes and rounded objects of different diameters.
  3. Dielectric have special insulation on the handles and markings. They are used for work with electrical equipment and wires.
  4. Pliers for eyelets are convenient for installing rivets, rings and various holders.

The choice of pliers model depends on what the tool will be used for. For the home, the first two are perfect.

What to buy: pliers or pliers?

Pliers and pliers are a bit similar both in appearance and in application. The choice of one of these two tools depends on the future use. After all, the difference between pliers and pliers is:

  • different forms of working surfaces;
  • multifunctional use of pliers due to additional recesses, notches and cutting edges;
  • the presence of an adjustable swivel for pliers and a fixed one for pliers.

As experts suggest, the ideal option is to buy both tools, and even in a professional version, if finances allow. If money is not very good, then for infrequent home use, you can opt for pliers. Just do not forget when buying them, as in the case of purchasing pliers, some rules:

  1. The tool should be comfortable for the hand.
  2. There must be no play in the swivel joint.
  3. Gaps between closed parts are not allowed.
  4. The attachment of the handles must be reliable - without slipping and twisting.
  5. The tool should be light, so that when used, the hands do not get tired from heaviness, but not due to the unsuitable quality of the material.
  6. You should not chase cheapness, a quality tool does not cost three kopecks, and very rarely falls into the category of promotional goods.

In the home workshop, there are always pliers and pliers, or, in extreme cases, one thing. This is a tool that is difficult to do without when performing virtually any type of work, both plumbing and electrical, mechanical, repair, etc.

Many consider pliers with pliers to be different names for the same tool, but this is absolutely not the case. They have different functions, moreover, in state standards they have different requirements.

Types of pliers

The first pliers tool can be considered blacksmith tongs, or perhaps a similar device, with which something was pulled out of the fire. The names of the authors of such a valuable invention, as well as its date, are hidden in the mists of time.

There are five main types of pliers. This:

  • Ticks. They pull out nails, hold metal blanks.
  • Wire cutters. This tool is designed, as the name suggests, to cut something, such as wire.
  • Round nose pliers. Convenient for working with cable cores.
  • Pliers. Clamping of any materials, bending, holding, etc. are used.
  • Pliers. They are used for the same as pliers, plus they have many additional functions.

The classification is rather conditional, because, if desired, garden shears, scissors for cutting tin, etc. can be attributed to it. In addition, species necessarily have subspecies, and so on ad infinitum.

Pliers, their features and applications

To understand how pliers differ from pliers, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the structure of both. Pliers are pretty simple. As you might expect, this is a pair of flat lips, notches on them, handles and a hinge as a connection. It is convenient to work with wire, wire, sheet metal with such a tool, hold metal, wooden or plastic parts suitable for exchange, even tighten nuts if there is no wrench at hand.

Pliers come in different sizes, and most importantly, with different shaped lips. They can be elongated, narrow, curved in any direction. It all depends on the area of ​​application. For example, pliers with curved or thin long lips are highly valued by radio engineers and electricians, since it is easy to get into hard-to-reach places with such a tool. Without electrical insulation on the handles, pliers are practically not produced. Usually, the insulating layer indicates how much voltage it can withstand.

Pliers: multitasking and versatility

Between pliers and pliers, the difference is fundamental in terms of functionality. Pliers are pliers plus side cutters, cutters for cutting wire or wires of various diameters, an additional grip placed after the swivel.

Side cutters can cut wires and wire, it is good to hold round objects of various diameters in the recesses, etc. There are modifications of pliers in which it is possible to adjust the compression force by moving the swivel rod into special grooves.

Several conclusions should be drawn from what has been written. If no one confuses wire cutters or pliers, then not everyone sees the difference between pliers and pliers. You just need to remember one thing - if the lips are only notched - these are pliers. If not only - pliers.

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Pliers are considered the most common and versatile tool at home or at work. Twisting a nut, cutting off a piece of wire, getting a part out of a hard-to-reach place - we are used to doing all this with the help of such devices, so as not to waste time looking for individual special devices. Many hobbyists call them pliers, which is incorrect. They belong to the same class of hand tools, but their purpose is different.

Varieties of pliers

The detailed composition of such devices consists of cutting or clamping jaws, handles and an axial shaft. Such tools came to us many centuries ago. Since then, their scope has expanded, and the appearance has changed. Each of these devices is characterized by its own design of the sponge part, dimensions and methods of application.

A tool in the form of tongs with long handles, short flat, less often pointed, sponges is called pincers. They are locksmith, blacksmith, electrical (crimping fixtures).

A special type of mites - wire cutters, wire. Their incisors are located in different planes.

Design specifics

Pliers also belong to this type of tool. They are used for their needs by electricians, locksmiths, installers and all home craftsmen. There are terms in the French dictionary from which the name of the most versatile of the pliers comes from. They mean "rod and hinge" and literally describe the design of the device.

This tool combined wire cutters and pliers in one mechanism. Do not use them on hard and large materials: this leads to breakage or deformation of the sponges or handles. Cutting on the working part allows the canvas and clearly fix the object.

The middle area of ​​the jaws has cutting surfaces. Their location makes it possible to snack on only one side. The existence of incisors is the main thing that distinguishes pliers from pliers. The appearance of the working part for different options is approximately the same.

The transmission of the applied force depends on the overall size of the tool, and other features and characteristics are almost identical.

Different manufacturers introduce various novelties into the structure of the cutting device, special sharpening and hardening to improve the consumer qualities of the product. Definitely choose the leader in this nomination is unrealistic.

Characteristic features of pliers

Still, the difference between pliers and pliers is small. Many distinguish devices with a flat working part into a separate class of tools. By design, they are identical, and in use, the difference between pliers and pliers is not too noticeable. For thin straight parts, the first fixture is more suitable. Their main action is bending wires, wire and sheet metal.

There are several special types of pliers:

  • with curved working parts for operations with microelectronics;
  • round with points - for removing retaining rings. Narrow ones replace tweezers in tight spaces;
  • a variety of softening nozzles allows you to work with fragile parts.

Very often the same operation is performed by different devices. However, the difference allows some of them to be used more effectively. Small differences between pliers and pliers:

  • pliers have a wider range of work performed;
  • the curly surface of the pliers allows you to hold the part more tightly;
  • thinner jaws allow pliers to crawl into hard-to-reach spaces;
  • the working part of the pliers is spread as wide as possible, for pliers this range is limited by the hinge lock;
  • pliers, by virtue of their design, compress the object more strongly.

quality requirements

You need to carefully examine how the tool is assembled. You can visually evaluate the design by looking at the closed position of the jaws: equal rectangles indicate a decent quality tool. The allowable gap is a few tenths of a millimeter. This guarantees the full use of the device. Many manufacturers are experimenting with the design of a mobile joint to make it easier to work and extend the operating period.

Metal Features

The service life and performance of work operations depends on the raw materials from which the pliers were made. Any stage of production, both hardening and steel quality, must comply with the technology. The hardness of the metal must be selected to avoid breakage, deformation and chipping. These are usually high carbon steel grades. Regulatory document for pliers, GOST 17438–72 “Pliers. Specifications”, provides answers to any question about these devices.

To prolong the life of the joint, the accuracy of its fit and the physical properties of wear resistance are critical.

Surface treatment

Work with various tools takes place in any weather and in a variety of rooms. Under adverse conditions, metal objects have a habit of rusting. For this Anti-corrosion coatings are applied to the metal surface in various ways:

  1. Very often, manufacturers resort to bluing. This is an example of a simple way to avoid exposure to moisture. The hot workpiece is dipped in engine oil and painted with a special varnish, however, after such an operation, the product becomes brittle.
  2. Chrome treatment gives the desired properties, and in addition, it looks beautiful: chrome plating enhances the steel shine.
  3. In terms of resistance to mechanical stress, a galvanized product surpasses all previous ones, but has a noticeably less presentable appearance.

Handle qualities

The qualitative result of labor to a large extent depends on comfortable conditions during its implementation. Convenient work with pliers depends as much as possible on the shape and material of their coating. Handles of such devices are of the following categories:

  1. Simple plastic nozzles for an unpretentious user at a low price. The plastic must be fairly malleable to allow free compression.
  2. Special ergonomic rubber inserts have tools for frequent and long-term use. They lie comfortably in the hand and do not slip even from sweaty palms. The only requirement is that the material for the overlays must be hypoallergenic.
  3. Dielectric handles allow you to use pliers under a voltage of 220 volts.

Plastic elements must adhere firmly to the metal base. The most reliable and cost-effective product is considered to be a hot fit, when plastic insulation is put on the heated ends.

It is important to observe the temperature regime in order to avoid spreading of the plastic. Sometimes iron rivets are inserted as clamps. Such a tool loses its dielectric properties.

Varieties of pliers

Of the entire family of pincer-like devices, they have the most numerous variations. This is due to the variety of areas of application of such equipment. Their areas of application may overlap.

Dielectric Tool

These are ordinary pliers with pronounced electrical insulating properties. With their help, work is carried out without stress relief. Proven tools are one of the means of protection: in installations up to a thousand volts, they will be basic, above - additional.

Plastic and comfortable handles allow you to perform all operations as comfortably as possible and do not slip out of your hands. To increase the dielectric properties, a layer of fiberglass is often added under the plastic.

The structure of the sponges guarantees effective adhesion to the target. Such devices are exceptionally light and compact, preventing contact with current-carrying elements in a cramped environment.

Eyelet installer

This name is given to iron or plastic bushings or rings less than seven millimeters in diameter. They reinforce the border around holes in shoes, leather or rubber workwear, thereby preventing the material from tearing. The installation of such fittings requires skill. Now such an operation is performed using grommet pliers.

In everyday life, they are used when installing curtain systems and make this process much less time consuming.

Combined devices

In this modification, the possibilities of numerous locksmith equipment were mixed. These tools must meet all quality requirements for any kind of sponge-jointed tools.

Due to their versatility, the most common are sliding or adjustable devices with a variable gap between the jaws. In the people they are known as Goebbels pliers, or parrots. This is a kind of mix of pliers and adjustable wrench. Of course, you can’t unmount a rusty connection with it, but for plastic pipes this is the most suitable tool. They are also well suited for unscrewing fasteners with a lost cap or broken edges: even a torn screw will succumb.

When deciding to buy a good tool, it is necessary to determine its main purpose. The requirements that will help you choose a quality tool do not depend on its price and are quite universal:

Which tool is better, you need to determine not by description, but by holding several models in your hands.

Operation Precautions

The mounting tool, like any other, can cause injury during inaccurate work. Therefore, some rules for the use of pliers and similar devices must be observed:

  • do not unscrew rusted or tightly clamped fasteners;
  • bite the wire carefully so that the flying piece does not damage anything;
  • the plastic insulation is tightly fitted to prevent slipping;
  • dielectric handles must not be damaged.

Remember that a quality tool is never cheap. Well-known manufacturers treat product quality more responsibly than one-day ones, which can replace good raw materials with worse ones.

Top Models

Among the many manufacturers of products in this segment, there are several that offer reliable, original designs.

Bahco, thanks to the quality of its products and original developments, stands apart in the market for hand tools. The Bahco 2628 model is distinguished by an original hinge: one of the halves is made with an asterisk, and the material in this place is less hard. This provides a moderate backlash, which initially does not exist at all. Another know-how in the return spring on one of the handles. If not needed, it can be turned off.

The Gedore 8245-180 pliers are made by a company with a focus on professional, power tools. This device also has an original hinged part with a rounded gear pressed into the handle.

Chrome-plated metal withstands loads well, the material of the handles is resistant to dirt.

NWS is a renowned manufacturer of tools for professionals. The quality of the products is evidenced by the markings on the products of Solingen, a world-class manufacturer of special steels, whose products have been known since knightly times. Some models have an original design - a transparent insulation with small dots for a better grip on the palm.

Of course, it is not necessary to buy equipment worth tens or hundreds of dollars for everyday use. Cheaper, better quality tools are available everywhere. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing, and working with pliers will only bring pleasure.