Stoves universal gas firewood electricity. Combined heating boilers for a private house, universal boilers. What to look for when choosing a combined boiler for heating a private house

Until recently, the owners of private houses did not even think about what fuel the heat source would operate on to heat their homes. The question was considered rhetorical, and the answer was clear - it is natural gas. However, the time has come for non-standard solutions, since energy resources are constantly becoming more expensive, and it is not known which of them will be beneficial for use tomorrow. That is why there was a massive interest in heating installations such as an electric wood boiler.

Why are combined units so good?

The solution is really non-standard, and it makes it possible to kill several birds with one stone:

  • find an alternative to natural gas for heating;
  • to play it safe for the future, having in reserve as many as two additional energy carriers;
  • at the same time ensure comfortable operation of the heater, eliminating the need to fiddle with firewood in the furnace at night.

It is important to organize heating with electric wood boilers in new buildings for the same reasons. At the same time, there is an opportunity to recall the old-fashioned methods and mount a gravity heating system in order to maximize independence from external influences. Although the convection system is not the best solution in terms of efficiency, it is an affordable installation. And in the event of a power outage, you can always safely switch to firewood.

Unit design features

Externally, the device of an electric-wood boiler practically does not differ from a traditional solid fuel heat generator. Only in one place, where the water jacket of the unit is located under the casing and thermal insulation, is there a special hole from which the contacts for connecting electrical wires are visible. In reality, the combi plant has a furnace for loading solid fuels, an ash chamber with a damper through which combustion air passes, and a grate.

Domestic combined boilers for wood and electricity can be equipped with both a water-tube heat exchanger and smoke tubes. Some models are also equipped with hobs located in the upper part of the combustion chamber. That is, these are full-fledged solid fuel plants with an efficiency of 75-85%. But they have one design feature: one of the walls of the furnace, which is the inner lining of the water jacket, has a complex profile, which is made using cold stamping. Thanks to this profile, one or more heating elements are placed in the space between the inner and outer skin of the shirt. This is a special case of the scheme according to which electric-wood heating boilers are manufactured, heating elements can be built into the boiler tank in other ways.

When, for some reason, the boiler cannot operate on the main fuel - wood, it automatically switches to electricity and vice versa, when the firebox is ignited, the electric heaters are turned off.

Boiler operation description

The heating elements are controlled by the electric unit, and the intensity of solid fuel combustion is regulated by the air supply thermostat, opening the ash chamber flap with a chain at a certain angle. That is, the control functions of the electric and solid fuel parts of the heater are separate. If the air is supplied to the furnace forcibly by a fan, then both parts are controlled by the automatics for the wood boiler. In the first case, the algorithm is as follows:

After connecting the heat generator to the network, the electric heater turns on. The temperature of the coolant is set on the control panel and the heating element begins to heat the water in automatic mode. It is better to set the temperature 10-15 ºС below the working temperature.

At this time, fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber and it is ignited. From this moment, the heating of the coolant occurs jointly, unless the electric heaters are forcibly turned off.

Having reached the water temperature set on the control panel, the heating elements are turned off and the coolant is heated with wood until the operating temperature. The intensity of combustion is controlled by a chain-driven thermostat, and as soon as the water reaches the operating temperature, it shuts off the air supply.

When the combi boiler burns its main fuel and there is no new load, the coolant will start to cool down and at a certain moment the sensor of the electric unit will work and it will turn on the heaters that will maintain the water temperature until the next firewood is loaded.

The algorithm for working with an air supply fan and a single electronic unit is similar to that described above, only the process of setting up the equipment is simplified. In this case, the non-volatility of the solid fuel part of the unit is lost.

Due to their design and principle of operation, electric-wood heating boilers for a private house acquire some advantages that are unusual for conventional solid fuel units:

  1. Condensation does not form on the inner walls of the furnace due to the flow of cold water from the return pipeline, since the boiler tank is constantly heated by the heating element.
  2. As a result, the building heating system can be connected directly to the heat source, without the organization of a small circuit and a mixing unit with a three-way valve.
  3. Theoretically, the efficiency of the combined water heater rises to 97-99% while the electric heating is active and the main firebox is not functioning.

At the same time, the versatility of the unit does not eliminate the disadvantages inherent in both types of heaters separately. This is inertia, which is expressed in the inability to immediately stop heating the coolant when the maximum temperature is reached.

Another drawback is the relatively low power of the electrical part; the device of a water jacket will not significantly increase it, it is impossible to build many electric heaters into it. For this reason, the power of the electric heaters is equal to the power of the wood-burning combustion chamber in the range of 6-25 kW. If a higher indicator is required, then the electricity will serve only as heating and will be able to maintain the temperature of the coolant at a certain level.


The use of universal installations electricity - solid fuel for heating a small private house is a fairly rational solution that gives a lot of advantages over a separate system. Yes, and the question of cost plays a role; at the price of a combined heater, it will not be possible to buy separately solid fuel and electric heating boilers.

Solid fuel boilers, despite all the obvious advantages and disadvantages, have another hidden aspect that you have to pay attention to over time. Systems with manual boot mode do not work in support mode. The fuel in the furnace runs out - the boiler stops working, respectively, the coolant begins to cool down. This problem is well known to private sector residents and country house owners.

It is not always possible to constantly throw up coal or wood when filling the firebox, and stopping the boiler in winter is fraught with a sharp drop in temperature in all living quarters.

The best option to prevent such a situation would be a heating system, in which an electric boiler is tied to a solid fuel boiler.

Functions of an electric boiler in a heating system with a solid fuel unit

Connecting an electric boiler to the system together with a solid fuel heating device is a fairly common engineering solution. This option eliminates the possibility of cooling the heating system, prevents overcooling of the main heating unit and maintains a comfortable temperature in the house. An electric boiler often acts as a backup heating device, the task of which is to equalize the temperature of the coolant in the heating system.

Layout of solid fuel and electric boilers when used together in a heating system

The operation of solid fuel boilers requires periodic monitoring by a person - all models of such units need to be loaded with fuel.

On a note: for traditional boilers, the number of loads can be up to 2-6 times per day. The situation is different with pyrolysis boilers and long-burning units. Frequent human intervention is not required here. One fuel load is enough for 12-24 hours of boiler operation, and for some models - even for 48 hours of operation.

The main task for the owner of the house when the heating is on is to prevent the boiler and heating system from cooling down. An electric boiler paired with a solid fuel boiler successfully solve this problem. Consider in detail the connection of a solid fuel boiler with a heating device powered by electricity.

The working one looks like this: a solid fuel unit with a capacity of 50 kW should be combined with an electric boiler with a capacity of 28 kW. The operation of the electric heating device is periodic. The unit must be on the catch - be ready to turn on immediately after stopping the main equipment. The electric boiler starts up when the fuel in the solid fuel boiler runs out, and the temperature of the coolant in the system drops to 50 0 C. At the same time, a tank with water for the hot water supply system must be present in the circuit, which in this case plays the role of a heat accumulator.

The main elements of the circuit that consume the power of autonomous heating boilers are:

  • heating radiators - require 30 kW;
  • underfloor heating system - up to 15 kW;
  • storage tank for the DHW system - an average of 300 liters.

Attention! Automation for adjusting the switching of circuits in this situation - a bundle of units is not required.

An electric boiler, working together with a heat accumulator, is a group that prevents a coolant from entering the main heating unit with a temperature that has dropped below the critical mark of 50 0 C.

A pump installed in the system periodically circulates the coolant through the pipeline, signaling the temperature in the heating circuit. When the temperature of the coolant drops to the critical level, the electric boiler, equipped with heating elements, is included in the work, taking on the task of heating the house. A thermostat and a three-way valve control the temperature of the hot water tank. When the temperature of the water in the DHW system circuit drops, the heat carrier is fed into the coil for heating hot water. A properly connected electric boiler, competent piping with a solid fuel boiler, will make your system fully controlled.

In the described design of the heating system, all heating equipment, including the pipeline, when the main heating device stops, is reliably protected from defrosting and does not cause interruptions in heating of residential premises and hot water supply.

Combined heating boilers

Another, less expensive option is to install a combined unit, which is a solid fuel boiler and an electric unit at the same time.

Such devices use solid fuel and electricity to heat the coolant, being designed for the interchangeability of these energy carriers during operation. A feature of such units is the installation of electric heating elements in the tank of a solid fuel boiler - heating elements provide the necessary heating of the coolant passing through the heat exchanger. The idea of \u200b\u200bcombining an electrical device with a solid-fuel unit is not new, but it became possible to organize the production of appropriate heating equipment only after the advent of combined automation devices and materials of a new generation.

The principle of operation of combined heating mechanisms is that while the combustion chamber is free of the main type of fuel (wood, coal, peat, etc.), the main work is to heat the coolant for. Thanks to the installed control sensors, the equipment independently reacts to changes in temperature conditions, turning on and off as needed.

In practice, it looks like this: the fuel fill has already completely burned out, so the boiler has gone out. The boiler water starts to lose its temperature accordingly. Solid fuel is being replaced by electric heating. Now the heating mechanism works like a regular electric boiler until the firebox is filled with another batch of wood or coal.

After the main unit reaches the optimal operating mode, the control unit turns off the electric heating elements, the heating works again on solid fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined heating equipment

Despite the high cost, combined boilers have undeniable advantages. These include not only complete control over the state of the entire home heating system, but also a number of others:

  • the device does an excellent job of heating rooms with low energy consumption;
  • combined boilers are environmentally friendly heating units;
  • no condensation, since the first heating of the device is carried out in both modes - main and auxiliary;
  • the entire heating complex is constantly in working order, which is important in the long absence of the owners of the house.

However, this technique also has disadvantages.

A significant disadvantage for combined heating devices is volatility. In the absence of mains voltage, the system loses its efficiency and versatility.

Important! When installing equipment, it is necessary to take into account the potential of household wiring, which may not be rated for the capacity of the equipment being installed. The presence of circuit breakers for small amperage will lead to constant power outages in the house. Before installation, make sure that your allotted power consumption limit is able to satisfy the operation of the heating equipment.

In contrast to traditional solid-fuel devices, in which the efficiency reaches 70-80%, combined products have a lower coefficient - by about 3-5%.

How to achieve joint operation of electrical and solid fuel units

If you are faced with a choice of which option of individual heating to give preference to - a solid fuel boiler, an autonomous electric unit or a combination of these two devices, the last option has the advantages. To install the circuit, you will need a connection diagram for both units, similar to a gas-solid fuel heating complex. Competently made equipment piping is a guarantee of efficiency and safety of this equipment operation.

The proposed video describes in detail how and in what way to connect heating devices on a solid, together with electric heating elements

What you need to pay attention to during installation:

  • both devices must have a reasonable power ratio, a coal-fired or wood-fired heater is the main source of heat, so its power must be twice the power of the electric boiler;
  • both units are connected in parallel, which gives the independence of the operation of one from the other;
  • a solid fuel unit is the main one and is connected to a large circuit, while an electric boiler is responsible for the temperature in a small one;
  • the main heating unit is equipped with a three-way valve;
  • to save energy and ensure the safety of heating, the installation of a heat accumulator is required;
  • each heating device is set to a certain heating temperature - for solid fuel equipment, the operating temperature should be 60-70 0 С, while on the electric unit the temperature value is set at 40-50 0 С, since due to the presence it will cool down more slowly, and the electric boiler will start with a delay in time.


In each case, the homeowner decides for himself how to organize the autonomous heating system. The proposed technical solutions will not only eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the main heater decay during a severe winter, but will also provide some energy savings.

The efficiency of operation of solid fuel units and electric boilers in steam has been proven by practice - the interaction of these devices gives greater comfort and guarantees the reliability of heat supply.

Homeowners who use solid fuel stoves for heating have firsthand knowledge of such a nuisance as cooling the room after burning wood in the stove. This can happen at night or during an extended absence of the owners.

In these cases, a combined boiler for heating a private house with wood-electricity will help to maintain the temperature. Such heat sources are equipped with automation that monitors the system - if the stove goes out and the water in the boiler cools down, it gives a command to turn on the electric heating elements.

Externally, the combined boiler practically does not differ from the standard Source

Combined boiler applications

Today, such devices are universal, and at the same time, economical devices for autonomous heating at home. Their main trump card is that they are not tied to one type of fuel. If such a boiler is powered by electricity, then during a sudden shutdown, you can melt a wood-burning stove to keep the heat in the house and vice versa.

Buying a combi boiler decides immediately multiple tasks:

    If in the village where the house is built, there is no main gas pipeline, then there is an opportunity to use two alternative types of energy at once - solid fuel and electricity.

    If the country house is connected to a weak power supply line, the combined boiler is almost an ideal option - you will not have to freeze if you need to turn on another powerful electrical appliance for a long time.

    Eliminates house cooling when using solid fuels. Such a unit, connected to water heating, helps maintain a constant temperature in the system: in case of fuel burnout, the boiler will automatically smoothly switch to heating through the heating element. This is especially convenient at night: there is no need to get up and put firewood in the furnace firebox.

When an ordinary boiler cools down, it has to be fired up immediately so as not to lose heat Source

Principle of operation

Combined firewood-electricity boiler works according to the following algorithm:

    The melting and warming up of the unit takes place in the traditional way. During the combustion of solid fuel (wood, coal, briquettes), the water temperature is maintained using a thermostat in conjunction with a sensor. Electric heating elements do not work at this moment.

    If you do not add fuel to the furnace in time, then after it burns out, the water temperature in the system gradually decreases to a certain value, after which a sensor is triggered, which closes the control contacts and turns on the heating element (one or more). From this moment, the boiler starts to work from the mains.

    After the next loading of fuel, the water in the pipes is heated from the side of the firebox and, upon reaching the set temperature, the sensor again triggers, but this time to turn off the heating elements. The electrical part of the boiler is again inactive until the water temperature drops again.

Most often, an electric heater in a combined boiler is designed as an auxiliary heating device, but if you wish, you can choose a boiler model that, if necessary, can work continuously, providing the house and the heating system with hot water.


Video description

The principle of operation of the combi boiler is clearly shown in the video:

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Positive and negative points of combined boilers

When choosing any equipment, you need to focus not only on its positive aspects, but also to study the shortcomings in order to understand which characteristics are more important for you.


The advantages of firewood-electricity devices in comparison with heating units that operate only on one type of fuel are obvious:

    Versatility equipment. Electricity for the boiler can be both the main energy carrier and an auxiliary one - which in this case will be the priority for you to decide.

    Autonomy... There is no need for constant monitoring, as the boiler is equipped with automation.

    Profitability... Firewood is one of the most affordable types of fuel in many regions of the country, and it is almost impossible to find a house without being connected to the mains.

    Convenient design... Constant maintenance of the set water temperature with minimal energy consumption.

    If a two-tariff meter is installed, the boiler can be programmed to turn on the heating elements only to maintain heat at night, when the tariff is much lower and thus save electricity consumption.

With proper distribution of the load, a two-tariff meter saves from 30 to 65% on electricity bills Source

    Long service life... Such boilers, if properly operated, work up to 25 years.

    The production of models with built-in branch pipes for the possibility of connecting the "warm floor" system.

Important! Firewood-electricity boilers work efficiently even in low-power modes.


With all the advantages of such boilers, there are also disadvantages:

    Separate room... For units of this type, a boiler room and an annex for fuel storage are required.

    Heavy weight... Most often, boilers are made of cast iron and require a solid concrete base to accommodate it.

    Device complexity... This factor affects the price of the boiler: it is 20-30% higher than the cost of units operating on one fuel.

On a note! Electric heating elements of most combi boilers are designed mainly to maintain heat. In winter, when the outside temperature is below –5 ° C, they cannot completely replace the combustion of solid fuel due to their low power. If you intend to use electric heaters for a long time, you need to look for models of boilers that operate on a three-phase supply (if this is carried out to the house).


With the correct "distribution of responsibilities" between a wood-burning stove and an electric heater, the use of heating boilers for a private house on wood and electricity is not only convenient, but also beneficial. And in regions where there is no gas pipeline, it is quite difficult to find a worthy alternative to such a device.

Today the market offers a wide range of universal boilers, which differ in power, performance, design and configuration. But before purchasing such a unit, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and it is also useful to listen to the recommendations of professionals in this matter.

When buying a boiler, consider the following:

    Power... It depends on the priority fuel.

    The volume of one fuel insert and the size of the combustion chamber... The duration of burning wood depends on this parameter.

    Firebox material... These parts are made from cast iron and steel. It is preferable to choose chambers made of cast iron, since they are not subject to deformation during heating, they retain heat longer than a steel exchanger.


    Grate... Two types are used: standard cast iron and the same, but with ceramic spraying. The latter are mainly used for bulk materials that consume more oxygen during combustion, respectively, and the temperature is created higher.

    Weight and size... Typically, the body of such boilers is made of cast iron, which makes them much heavier than their "brothers".

Advice! You need to buy a heating device in accordance with the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. You should not purchase a boiler "with a power reserve", as this will entail an overpayment - both during purchase and during operation.

Installation requirements

Combined boilers according to SNiP 41-01-2003 must meet the requirements. At the same time, they have their own peculiarities during installation and operation, which distinguish them from the series of similar units operating on a single fuel.

Room requirements

Wood-fired and electricity boilers for home heating are produced only in floor-standing version and are installed in a boiler room with ventilation, and in accordance with other requirements of SNiP:

    The walls in the room are made of non-combustible material.

    The equipment in the boiler room is installed at least 300 mm from the walls.


    The boiler room must be dry and moisture-proof.

    Since the boiler is heavy, the platform under it is reinforced with a concrete screed.

Also, the room must meet fire safety standards: there are no combustible objects or flammable liquid near the boiler; an iron sheet is installed in front of the firebox to prevent ignition from falling out coal or sparks from the firebox.


When installing an electric-wood boiler, a prerequisite is the presence of a chimney, like a unit with solid fuel. For uninterrupted operation of the installation, good traction is needed, for which the pipe must rise above the ridge of the roof of the house and have an inner diameter not less than the boiler pipe.

The chimney pipe must be free of mechanical damage and have a sealed joint. During operation of heating elements, it is recommended to make a view to preserve heat in the chimney. It is also advisable to insulate the pipe so that condensation does not form in sub-zero weather.

A high-quality chimney is a guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the heating boiler Source

Electrical requirements

When installing an electric-wood boiler, Gorenergo's permission is not currently asked. But in any case, it is necessary to have a power supply capable of withstanding the operation of heating elements without the occurrence of overloads.

For example, if the boiler is supposed to be used by connecting heating elements over 6 kW, then the voltage should be 380 volts.

In any case, the connection of the device must be strictly according to the instructions. Wherein:

    It is not allowed to install the combi boiler in a room where there is high humidity or where the electrical part of the equipment may come into contact with water.

    The room temperature range should be between 0 and +45 ° C.

    The wire cross-section is calculated and corresponds to the required power and current strength.

Despite such seemingly simple requirements, the installation and connection of the combi boiler should be performed by certified specialists. In this case, in addition to the quality of the work performed, you get the right to a free warranty repair of the boiler if the breakdown occurred due to a defect in the equipment.

Video description

Combined boilers are also called devices that are originally designed to operate on solid fuel, but they also provide for the ability to connect electric heaters separately:


Today, electricity and solid fuels are the most popular and affordable energy sources for heating boilers. Boilers that can heat a house by burning wood or using electricity are an effective solution, besides, they do not differ from conventional devices in terms of reliability.

The most accessible types of fuel for heating a country house, remote from the gas pipeline, are wood and electricity. And to guarantee a comfortable temperature in cold and windy weather, it is better to use a combination oven model. In this case, you can not be afraid that if the electrical wires break, you will have to sit in a freezing house.


Principle of operation

The principle of operation of stoves operating on wood and electricity is based on the possibility of automatic switching on of electric heating elements when the temperature drops (after solid fuel burns out). It happens as follows:

  • kindling and heating of the stove is carried out by means of firewood. Since the firebox is located at the bottom of the device, it transfers heat from the burning wood to the top of the device - to the heat exchanger. An increase in the temperature of the coolant is recorded by a sensor installed in the system line;
  • when the temperature begins to fall, due to the burning out of the fuel, the electric circuit is automatically closed and the electric heaters are connected to work;
  • from this moment on, the specified parameters of the coolant temperature are maintained by the heating elements, focusing on the readings of the air or water sensor;
  • when loading the next batch of solid fuel, the electrical part is automatically turned off, since the heating agent is heated
  • already from the side of the combustion chamber.

Such a transition from wood heating to electric heating and vice versa ensures continuous heating of water in the heat exchanger, which allows you to maintain an optimal temperature in the house around the clock.

Wood and electricity stoves are of two types:

  • single-circuit - connected to the heating system and used only for heating;
  • double-circuit - designed to heat the coolant in the heating system and hot water for domestic needs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wood and electricity stoves have many advantages over conventional appliances that use only one type of fuel. Such units are more than:

  • are universal. They can run on one of two types of fuel, for example, in the absence of firewood or a planned power outage;
  • economical. Firewood and electricity are among the most affordable types of fuel, besides, in such a furnace, not only wood burns well, but coal, sawdust pallets and chips;
  • effective. Electric-wood stoves for a house with water heating have a well thought-out design, due to which high heat transfer is ensured with minimal heat loss;
  • durable. With proper operation, such a device will last at least 25 years;
  • automated. There is no need to constantly monitor the process - these functions are performed by automation.

The following factors should be noted as disadvantages:

  • significant weight. The weight of cast iron stoves can be several hundred kilograms, so additional costs will be required to strengthen the base of the floor;
  • high price. Combined furnaces are 25-40% more expensive than similar products running on one type of fuel;
  • expensive installation and service repair, which is explained by the more complex design of such devices;
  • restrictions on the power of the electrical part. The power of the heating elements should not exceed the power of the wood-burning chamber.

What is the best choice for home?

One of the most important stages of arranging a heating system is the choice of an energy source capable of heating the coolant to optimal temperatures.

Criterias of choice

The main criterion for choosing a combination heater is performance. The power of the stove must be sufficient to effectively heat the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

  1. Average. The calculation is based on the ratio of 1 kW of power for every 10 m2 of area in a building with a ceiling height of not more than 2.5 m. So, for a small-sized summer cottage with an area of \u200b\u200b50 m2, a 5 kW boiler is needed, to heat a country house with an area of \u200b\u200b300 m2 you will need to install apparatus with a capacity of 30 kW.
  2. Based on heat loss. With this technique, the power of the furnace is calculated by the formula:

N \u003d Q * S / 1000, where;

  • Q is the level of heat loss, W / m² (for example, in monolithic houses without additional thermal insulation it is from 120 to 200 W / m², in brick houses - from 90 - 120 W / m², for buildings with modern thermal insulation and three-layer glass units - about 60 - 90 W / m²);
  • S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

In addition to power, when buying a device, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • combustion chamber volume. The frequency of fuel loading depends on its size;
  • what material the heat exchanger and grate are made of. The best material for the manufacture of these structural elements is cast iron. It is less susceptible to corrosion, heat resistant and suitable for any type of fuel;
  • the presence of a safety valve. This device is designed to ensure the safe operation of the heating system. With a sharp jump in pressure in the system, the valve will automatically release a part of the liquid into the prepared container;
  • number of contours. It is better to choose models in which the water is heated not by separate heating elements, but with the help of a coil mounted in the combustion section;
  • overall dimensions and weight of the device. Products must

Review of the best models

Today manufacturers offer a wide range of models of wood and electricity stoves, differing in size, power, design features and, accordingly, in price.

Zota Mix (Zota Mix)

Simple and easy-to-use device that works on coal, wood, electricity and natural gas. Equipped with an X-shaped heat exchanger, an additional removable door in the front panel area and a box for collecting ash. The body is painted with heat-resistant paint.

  • Power - 20 kW;
  • dimensions - 580x425x1060 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 35 l;
  • price - 39,200 rubles.

Termofor Gidravlik Engineer with heating element 12 kW

For the manufacture of furnace body parts, structural steel was used, the door is made of cast iron, has a glass insert for visual control of the fuel combustion process.

The heat carrier is heated in convection pipes from the heat generated during the combustion of flue gases and fuel. The furnace is equipped with a thermomanometer to control the pressure and temperature of the water circuit.


  • Power - 26 kW;
  • heating area - up to 250 m²;
  • dimensions - 440x800x920 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 122 l;
  • price - 29705 rubles.

Teplodar Kupper model OVK-10

Economy class device equipped with a hob, built-in heating element for 220 kW. The door is sealed with a special gasket made of silica material.

  • Power - 10 kW;
  • heating area - up to 100 m²;
  • dimensions - 340x500x740 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 18 l;
  • price - 20166 rubles.

Teplodar Kupper OVK 18

Kotyoya is equipped with full flame extinguishing in a tube sheet, an additional heat exchanger for hot water. Furnace performance can be adjusted manually or automatically.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 100 m²;
  • dimensions - 745x422x645 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 20 l;
  • there is a cooking stove;
  • price - 24,780 rubles.

Dobrynya 18

A small stove designed for heating and heating hot water. The efficiency is not less than 75%.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 180 m²;
  • dimensions - 460x830x810 mm;
  • combustion chamber depth - 50 cm;
  • price - 20,580 rubles.

Teplodar Kupper Carbo 18

Furnace equipment includes built-in heating elements, thermostat and pressure gauge, cast iron grate, convenient ash box.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 180 m²;
  • dimensions - 855x495x715 mm;
  • Efficiency - 80%;
  • price - RUB 35,930

Termofor Gidravlik Student with heating element 9 kW

The furnace body is made of structural steel, the door is made of cast iron with glass. The equipment of the device includes a tubular electric heater and an ash box, the walls of the firebox are screened.

  • Power - 16 kW;
  • heating area - up to 150 m²;
  • dimensions - 370x720x770 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 70 l;
  • price - 22995 rubles.

Kupper PRO 22 Teplodar

A combined type stove, capable of operating on one tab of firewood for up to 8 hours, then the temperature is maintained using built-in heating elements.

  • Power - 22 kW;
  • heating area - up to 220 m²;
  • dimensions - 855x485x670 mm;
  • Efficiency - 85%;
  • price - RUB 25,464

Breneran AQUATEN AOTV-19 t04

Powerful and practical unit for connection to an open heating system with natural circulation.

  • Power - 35 kW;
  • heating area - up to 1000 m²;
  • dimensions - 1500x800x1700 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 200 l;
  • price - 56650 rubles.

Zota Master 20 KOTV (Zota Master 20)

The boiler runs on coal or wood, and is additionally equipped with heating elements or a gas burner.

  • Power - 20 kW;
  • heating area - up to 200 m²;
  • dimensions - 8200x440x760 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 40 l;
  • price - 28,775 rubles.

Where is the best place to install?

The wood-burning and electric stove must be installed in a room with a normal humidity level, the walls of which are finished with non-combustible materials. The choice of location is determined depending on the decoupling scheme of the heating system.

General connection diagram

An asbestos slab is placed under the appliance, which simultaneously serves as a leveling layer and protects the floor from fire. The room should be equipped with high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation and a chimney. Special requirements apply to the indoor electrical network:

  • the brand and section of the electrical wire must correspond to the maximum value of the current consumed by the furnace;
  • it is recommended to connect the unit to the mains through a differential relay, which will work with a leakage current of 30 mA
  • devices with a power of 2 - 5 kW are usually designed for a supply voltage of 220 V and are connected to the usual single-phase supply line at home. More powerful stoves are produced for a voltage of 380 V; to connect them, a three-core cable is required.

Features of operation

You can use wood chips or splinters to melt the stove. They need to be folded in the combustion chamber and set on fire. After the fire has flared up, larger firewood is laid. The air dampers at this moment should be open, you can close them after the fire has engulfed the logs.

Heating a room with an electric wood stove, no matter where it is located, can be potentially dangerous. Therefore, there is a safety technique during operation, designed to reduce dangerous situations to a minimum:

  • it is necessary to lay a metal sheet on the floor in front of the furnace door;
  • the ground must be connected to the device case;
  • timely clean the chimney.


Wood and electric home stoves with a water circuit are versatile appliances. They can be used as a heat source in a heating system and to provide hot water. The ability of these units to run on wood helps to solve the main problem of suburban real estate - power outages.

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AND autonomous heating is preferable from the point of view of saving resources and ease of use. The owners of houses equipped with boilers can independently decide when to start and end the heating season. The type of heater is selected depending on the type of energy to be used. Universal boilers for heating with wood and electricity allow at any given time to use exactly the type of energy carrier that is available, as well as to make it possible to fine-tune the boiler.

Combined boiler

Solid fuel boilers with electric heating elements

Solid fuel is not inferior in popularity to gas and electricity. In case of any disasters and accidents, such boilers can work and heat the dwelling, and with the correct calculation of the heating system and high-quality installation, solid fuel boilers turn out to be the most economical. The use of heating elements allows you to maintain the water temperature in the system at a comfortable level, even if the combustion process in the boiler is completed. Heating elements in all types of boilers are installed under the grate in the immediate vicinity of the combustion site.

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Wood fired boilers

To use firewood as fuel, the boiler must have characteristic features - front loading and a chamber depth of about 50 cm. The grate of such boilers is made of cast iron, below there is a blower and an ash chamber. The regulation of such a boiler occurs in manual or semi-automatic mode and is carried out as follows:

  • a thermal sensor is installed in the heat exchanger inside the boiler, which registers the temperature of the water in the system;
  • temperature data are transmitted to a thermometer located on the boiler body;
  • in automatic mode or by manual adjustment, increase or decrease the supply of air to the combustion chamber.

Boilers used for all types of solid fuels

There are models of boilers that involve the use of not only firewood, but also other types of fuel - coal, pellets, peat. In this case, additional elements for loading and supplying fuel are added to the conventional design. When burning, firewood gives out a much lower temperature than coal, therefore, universal boilers have thicker walls.

Wood-fired boilers with the ability to connect a gas burner

Almost any boilers for heating with wood and electricity can be converted to gas. Many manufacturers initially lay such an opportunity by supplying a gas burner of a suitable size to the wood-burning boiler. Reverse alteration is also carried out without problems, just the panel with the built-in burner is replaced back with the door and the grate is replaced in its original place.

Boiler operation

In general, a solid fuel boiler is a compact metal stove equipped with a combustion chamber, a heat exchanger, a smoke extraction system and a door for regulating the air supply. The built-in electric heating element is located below the grate and is connected if necessary.

During the combustion of fuel, when the temperature of the water in the heat exchanger drops, the heating element heats it up until the solid fuel ignites again. This mode reduces the load on the heating circuits, and maintains constant circulation in open systems. Combustion of solid fuel is a process that does not lend itself to precise control and cannot be automatically stopped, therefore, the operation of such equipment should be stopped at night. The use of electric heating elements allows you to extinguish the boilers at night, while maintaining the set temperature. Electric heating is not used as the main source of heat, since it is not profitable in combined-type boilers; for these purposes, there are other types of equipment.

Water circulation principles

The boiler for heating with wood and electricity heats the water in the system at the moment it passes through the heat exchanger. Heating takes place in three ways:

When choosing a boiler, preference should be given to those models in which there is the largest number of internal pipes, the efficiency of such boilers is always higher. An important parameter is that the diameter of the inlet of the return pipe must be greater than or equal to the outlet pipe; this configuration also increases the circulation efficiency.

Smoke evacuation

The removal of combustion products from a solid fuel boiler with electric heating elements should be carried out according to general rules using a metal chimney pipe. The efficiency of the draft is not affected by which output is present on the boiler - back or top. More expensive models have a special device that equalizes the rate of gas removal. It is a set of special dampers that the smoke bends around when moving upward, while the heat remains inside the boiler and its efficiency increases.

Boilers for individual heating on wood and electricity are selected taking into account the following factors:

  • the type of fuel available;
  • data of a heat engineering calculation performed individually for a specific object;
  • engineering features of the heating system as a whole.

It is possible to draw conclusions about the boiler power only if the above data are available, since the averaged recommendations do not always suit the operating conditions at a particular facility. Solid fuel household boilers with the ability to connect to electricity have a wide power range - from 6 kW to 100 kW, their cost varies from one and a half dozen to several hundred thousand rubles.

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Solid fuel boilers can only be used if there is constant circulation, that is, either the heating system is built on the principle of natural circulation, or the circulation pumps are connected to an uninterruptible power supply. This is necessary because the burning of firewood cannot be stopped automatically and instantly, and if the pumps are stopped while burning continues, the water will boil, and the heating system will be seriously damaged.