Foam glass large overview of the material. The advantages and disadvantages of the blocks of foam glass is possible to make foam glass itself

One of the best warmth and sound insulation materials is foam glass. This insulation was created by Soviet scientists in the 1930s, but due to the high cost and imperfect manufacturing technology, it was not widespread. Three decades, a practical application was found by Canadians, where the foam glass was used as the thermal insulation of the building. This material entered into mass construction relatively recently, when all flaws were taken into account and production costs were reduced. The article will talk about how to insulate foam cell.

What is a foam glass

  • This inorganic thermal insulation material has a porous structure. In the process of production, the glass masses is heated at high temperatures, the added gas-forming substance forms bubbles with a diameter from a millimeter to centimeter. Porosity varies within 80-95%.

Foamglass photo

  • The color of the product may be different: cream, green or black. This property depends on the initial raw material, because crushed quartz, and sodium sulfate, and sedimentary rocks, and non-refundable glass are used in production.
  • The insulation is proposed in the form of granules, plates and shaped products (shells for pipes). Popular blocks are popular, which may be the following dimensions:
    • length - 200, 250, 400, 475 mm;
    • width - 125, 200, 250, 400 mm;
    • thickness - 80,100, 120 mm.
  • Installation is carried out by means of mechanical attachments, cement solutions, mastic and other adhesive compositions. The fixation method is selected depending on the type of surface (concrete, iron, wood).

Characteristics of foam glass

  • This light material, its density is 120-200 kg / m. cube
  • As for compressive strength, this indicator is very high and varies from 0.5 to 1.2 MPa.
  • The thermal conductivity is even better than the wood - 0.06 W / m * C against 0.09 W / m * with respectively.
  • The absorption index of the sound waves with a slab with a thickness of 100 mm is 50 dB, which provides increased comfort.

  • The magnitude of sorption is negligible and does not exceed 4% of the volume.
  • The temperature range for the use of the material is very wide - from -200 to + 500c. At a higher temperature (from + 540С), the plates begin to deform, but do not release toxic gases or vapors. The heat resistance makes it possible to use foam glass at the facilities to which the increased fire safety requirements are presented.
  • Chemical inertness is at a high level. The material does not interact with acids, alkalis, petroleum products and other aggressive environments.

Advantages of using foam glass

  • In addition to high physico-technical characteristics, among the advantages, absolute environmental purity can be noted. The material is recommended for use in structures with increased requirements of sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  • Mats do not change their sizes during the entire service period. Glass cells are not deformed under operational loads and seasonal temperature drops. Thus, the formation of cold bridges is not allowed due to compression, sagging, swelling or shrinkage.

  • The foam glass is not subject to rotting and development of corrosion processes. It is also not attractive for microorganisms, mold, fungi and rodents, which speaks of biological resistance. Thanks to the above-mentioned advantages, the lifetime of blocks is at least 100 years.
  • The thermal insulation material is easy to process. It can be cut, drilled and saw, while it does not form crumbs and cracks. It is combined with almost all kinds of building materials: cement, brick, iron surfaces, the finishing formulations are well held.

Disadvantages of insulation foam cell

  • The main minus is to high cost, because the manufacturing process itself is a complex technological task. For the production of insulation in the form of a shell, additional equipment is required, which entails an increase in the cost of the finished product.
  • Another disadvantage can be noted - low resistance to shock loads. But this indicator is not critical because the insulation is not subjected to such tests.

Attention! "Analogs"

  • The market shows a cheaper analogue, which is made of liquid glass. The finished product is not distinguished by strength and moisture resistance. In essence, this is a pricked glue.
  • The only plus of such a material is low cost, which can be 2, or even 3 times less than that of foam-glass products produced from solid raw materials.

Foam-glass application

Thanks to thermal insulation abilities, the material uses:

  • in civil engineering. It is widely used for thermal insulation of engineering communications. This material is equipped with "warm floors", operated roofs, attic rooms, cellars, foundations. They are also insulated internal and outer walls;

  • in sports facilities. Block and granular material is widely used in the construction of ice arenas, swimming pools, playgrounds and other objects to which special requirements are presented;
  • in industrial facilities. Foamed glass masses work to reduce operation costs due to high thermal resistance. Therefore, its use is relevant not only for terrestrial, but also underground structures, for example, such as: Bloomred tanks and other containers;
  • in folk economy. Crushed stone from foam glass provides the opportunity to build structures on clay and wetched soils. It provides reliable thermal insulation of farms intended for breeding birds, harvest cattle, etc.;

  • in the improvement of household territories. The foam-mounted bulk material has found its use in the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses. Operational characteristics allow you to form a relief on the plot, equipping pedestrian walkways, create gabions, use in drainage systems and groundwater disks. They are also insulated by plated containers.

Improving efficiency

  • When choosing the thickness of the plates, it is necessary to take into account the thermal insulation properties of the material used for the construction of the house. So for the outer insulation of brick, concrete and silicate walls, foam-glass plates with a thickness of 120 mm are used.
  • For structures made of wood, foam and ceramzite concrete blocks, this thermal insulation material is 50-100 mm thick.
  • Internal insulation work is carried out by means of a foamed glass of 60 mm thick. Plates are fixed using adhesive compositions, thin dowels and steel M-shaped brackets.

  • For the "Warm floor" system, the foundation and inter-storey (attic) overlaps, a granular material is used. It will fill all empties and ensures the necessary heat insulation. The calculation of the layer thickness is based on the temperature modes of the region of residence.

Installation of foam cell

  • For fastening mats, special adhesive for foam glass is used. It is applied on the root side and 2 side walls. Cement-containing solutions and bitumen-based compositions are uniformly distributed around the perimeter.
  • If there are minor bulbs or depressions on the surface, then it is recommended to apply an adhesive mixture with "slaps" (at least 5 pieces on the stove). With this method, the consumption of glue will increase, but the basis will become the most even as possible.
  • Special dowels are used for wooden surfaces. This is explained by the fact that wood is subject to temperature expansion. In connection with which the plates must be recorded by a mechanical method, which will allow "moving" to foam-plating blocks after the tree.
  • Before mounting the plates on vertical surfaces at the ground level, a horizontal level level is installed. It can be a timber or a metal profile, if necessary between the base and the rail, the wedges are led. The empty space is filled with foam.
  • The first series of insulation is installed on the profile acting as a support. After the adhesive composition freezes, the support is dismantled. For reliability, the horizontal bar is better removed upon completion of all works.

  • The mats of the foam glass are mounted on the walls and inclined roofs from the bottom up, on horizontal surfaces (for example, on inter-storey floors, foundations) in the direction - "on itself", that is, from a long corner.
  • Laying foam-glass products is performed close to each other with the obligatory displacement of one row relative to the other (with the dressing of the seams). If, in addition to glue, it is planned to additionally use a dowel, then their fasteners are made after complete drying of the binder mixture.
  • The heat insulating plates around window or doorways, smoking pipes and other elements are mounted by solid figures. Docking blocks from foamed glass masses on angular lines is not allowed.

Foam-glass technology laying

Knowing the method of fastening this material, you can easily and quickly perform the insulation of any objects under construction. The competent location of all layers will help increase the efficiency of thermal insulation.

Unique physico-technical properties make it possible to reduce the thickness of the "cake" and abandon the use of wind and moisture protection membranes. Below is the most common use of foam-plates.

  • Heavy Facing Wall. Products made of foamed glassworks are glitched to reinforced concrete or brick surface. Additional fixation is performed by a mechanical manner (4-5 dowels on the stove). After the entire perimeter will be laid moving to the installation of a metal profile intended for a lining stone. This option is applicable to the arrangement of the base.

  • Wall under the stucco. Figidoxular mats are attached to the brickwork or walls, which are attached to the adhesive composition. Before applying the finishing material, the plates are covered with a mesh of the brass (not less than 100 mm). It is fixed with plate dowels with clamping washers. The thickness of the plaster layer can be up to 30 mm.
  • Wall with facing brick. The brick base is covered with foam-glass plates. Flexible connections are more convenient to insert after laying insulation, and not until it is installed. Next, the laying of facing brick is erected. Here you can also use a granular material that falls asleep between the main and facing wall as the latter is erected (the distance between the masonry is at least 250 mm).
  • Wall under profiled sheet. Wall surfaces are covered with foam glass mats. On top of them there is a doomlet of wooden rails or a metal profile. The fastener is selected depending on the material from which the walls are erected. Profiled sheets are installed on the appropriate technology (bottom up and left to right, the brass in horizontal and vertical level).

  • Interior walls (partitions). Work inside the premises are not much different from the outdoor installation of the insulation represented. Also, the insulation is attached to the surface, which is covered with a layer of plaster (you can mount a profile for plasterboard sheets).
  • Roofing under rolled materials. The reinforced concrete slab, if necessary, is covered with a bitumen-polymer primer, providing a high level of moisture protection. Next, a hot mastic on a bitumen based or adhesive solution is applied to the foam glass unit and is fixed on the surface. The finished canvas is processed by hot bitumen. With the help of the burner, the waterproofing layer of EPP is filmed, and then the rolled material of the ECP type.

  • Roofing with a small bias under leaf coatings. Poinoneclel blocks are glued to the overlap of reinforced concrete. You can use special adhesive compositions or bitumen mastic. Upon completion of the work, the foam glass surface is covered with a hot bitumen-polymer mass. To increase the waterproofing of the roof, weft rolled materials are used. After the frozen, the lamp is performed, corresponding to one or another roofing material.
  • Wooden roofing. On the rafters is equipped with solid flooring. On top of it, a layer of waterproofing materials on a bitumen basis is divided, the mount of which is carried out by mechanically. Next is mounted foamula, then the waterproofing material. Now the surface is fully ready for laying any roofing material.
  • Insulation of penny beds. Peno-decoil plates are tightly laid out on top of a concrete base or a rammed layer of sand or cement. Here the stove thickness will depend on the alleged loads. It is further placed polyethylene in 2 layers, and then all the pie is poured with a sandy cement mixture. This basis is fully ready for the arrangement of various finishing materials: linoleum, parquet, ceramic tiles, etc.

Filathal products have the characteristics necessary for the effective thermal insulation of structures of any destination. They combine: low heat transfer, ease of installation, long life, fire and biostostity, environmental safety for both human and design.

Foam glass video

Despite the high cost of this material, laying foam glass will pay off all expenses due to the absence of additional layers of cake and thanks to the minimum amounts in heating accounts.

For insulation of residential foundations and industrial buildings, foam glass is widely used, there are disadvantages of this material, but they do not reduce its advantages.

The material production was started in the USSR, when, in the 30s, scientists became interested in floating properties of glass. Only then the foam glass began to be used as a heater, because it had the ability to hold warmly and absorb sound.

The material was created from foamed glass, the finished product consisted of thousands of smallest glass cells. Penodoneglot highly appreciated engineers working in the construction industry. They began to cover the roofs, it was used for heat insulation of floors and walls.

Speaking about the merits of the material and its shortcomings, we should not forget that the characteristics of the foam glass are laid on the stage of production. Today, the material is used in many countries, he has not lost its popularity. Its uniqueness is that in its chemical composition it is identical to the usual glass. There is only differences in the production method. To obtain a foam glass, the mass is pre-foam.

So manifests one of the most important flaws of foam glass. It lies in the fact that the production of the insulation requires modern equipment. It has a high cost, so only a large enterprise can afford such lines.

For product release, you can use broken glass. Manufacturers acquire it in enterprises. It is rewinding into powder, and then poured into forms and sent to the workshop, where the smelting occurs.

In the process, gases are distinguished, it is they who force the molten glass to worry. As a result, the volume of mass increases 15 times. After the product is slowly cooled, then it does not crack. When the glass is completely cooled, it is cut into blocks, and then perform processing.

It is worth mentioning another lack of material. Figo-block differs fragility. Installation of blocks or plates should be engaged in builders who have extensive experience. If the laying technology is broken, the coating can crack.

If you look at the composition of the blocks, then they consist of a variety of cells. Inside each contains gas, its pressure is much lower than atmospheric. This allows the material to withstand heavy loads.

Enterprises produce slab foam glass, there are products in blocks. There are products in granules. It is worth noting that due to the high value of the material of the material, the consumer will rather prefer cheaper insulation. Perhaps they are inferior to foam glass in their characteristics, but won at cost. The high price of products is the third drawback.

Dimensions of foam glass blocks

What is the difference between the granules and blocks

Today, the construction of facilities requires high-quality thermal insulation. This task will successfully cope with foam glass. Enterprises offer consumers block foam glass and granules.

Block is represented by shaped products and blocks. In addition, this group includes stoves. Granulated material is presented in the form of the following materials:

  • sand from foam glass;
  • gravel;
  • crushed stone.

The production of blocks is radically different from the release of granular foam glass. If we consider the technology of the production of block materials, the basis of the connection of the broken glass with derivatives is based. In the process of smelting at 1000º, the gas formator is coal. As a result, foam glass, having closed cells, is formed. It melts, and the gases are needed in order to foam mass. It decreases evenly in shape, and then freezes with slow cooling.

The result is a material that can be used to insulate any objects. But it is necessary to consider that the blocks have a big mass. Deciding to use this material during construction, it is important to correctly calculate the strength of the supporting structures of the building. This is the fourth lack of foam glass. If the object, for example, a private house, does not provide for a reliable base and durable overlaps, then safer to choose another insulation.

The release of granular materials requires grinding raw materials. Melting is carried out at a temperature of 800º. For the production of glass boils from quartz sand. It is mixed with sodium sulfate, add soda, does not work out without limestone.

Disadvantages and dignity of material

Any building material or insulation has its own advantages. The foam glass is very much, but we should not forget about the shortcomings. These include low strength. When you hit the cell deform, the ability to hold heat decreases. In addition, if the block has damage, the moisture can be leaked through it to the walls. This is 5 negative moment.

The foam glass is not afraid of fungus, even with high humidity of the medium on the material it will not appear mold. But the wall under blocks can be infected.

The foam glass is afraid of alkalis, it will not stand in front of the plating acid. But it is unlikely that this can be called a lack of material, because in the usual conditions of operation of the building such substances will not fall on the walls.

Excellent foam glass results are visible on the heat-vision picture

It is necessary to carefully choose the insulation, if the elements of the building are compressed and stretched under the action of loads. The foam glass is not exposed to stretching, it consistently retains the shape without compressing. This property of the material can lead to cracking, if there are ceiling, walls and other parts.

Products should be protected from shock loads. For example, if the block cracked, it cannot be installed. Even gluing cement mortar will not save the wall from moisture.

Products with proper operation will serve for a very long time. But this undoubted dignity goes into a disadvantage, if it comes to foamloil. The fact is that with the overhaul of the object or dismantling parts of the design, blocks can be easily damaged. Dismantling plates from foam glass will require high labor and means. Because of this, the use of plates for insulation of objects will be unnecessarily expensive.

Even considering this, builders use glass material, because its merits overlap disadvantages.

Where the material can be used

In the modern world, energy saving is of great importance. It is associated with increasing energy prices, which is why the cutting of heat loss has become a decisive factor when choosing building materials.

Modern requirements for thermal insulation materials are diverse, but among the most important, the following can be allocated:

  1. Foam's plates are safe for humans and the environment.
  2. Fast form restoration after completion of installation work.
  3. Load strength. Stream resistance.
  4. The absence of high labor costs when laying material.
  5. Low thermal conductivity coefficient. The material should be well kept warm.
  6. Durability.
  7. Resistance to high temperatures. Fire safety.

Penodially satisfies many requirements, but for a number of other characteristics, the material can be replaced with another insulation. Speaking about the lack of gas station, it is worth mentioning about his advantages.

Blocks withstand significant temperature differences, so they can be used in the harsh climate. Since there are no substances in the material that could wash out with water, the plates are not subject to erosion. They do not oxidize, because there are no oxides in the composition.

If you compare insulation in strength, then foam glass is several times stronger than foam. Because of this, the material does not need to additionally fix fasteners.

The foam glass does not change the sizes, according to this indicator it is similar to brick and concrete. Plates and blocks can be used for internal finishing of vegetable stores and granaries.

Material is environmentally friendly and completely safe for humans. In case of fire, when the temperature exceeds 1000º, the foam cell melts, but it does not allocate harmful substances.

Penodial has practically zero vapor permeability. In some cases, this dignity becomes a significant disadvantage. If the insulation is a wet surface, the fungus may appear on it.

Material is resistant to high temperatures, so it is used in the nuclear industry. In other areas, foam glass is applied less often due to its high cost. In frequent construction blocks, there are furnaces and foundations, they protect pipes, insulate the walls outside the building. Many consumers decide to buy for insulation of the house foam glass, the photo will help make a choice.

Granular foam glass is suitable for ceiling insulation. In addition, they fall asleep overlaps in attics, cavities in the walls. In construction stores you can purchase a filler that can be added to bulk mixtures used in construction. For example, in the northern countries it is used to insulate the road fabric.

Penodoneglo - universal material that can be used in the construction of prefabricated houses. The thickness of the sections is 30 cm, this is sufficient to build the construction in the harsh climate. To raise blocks, lifting cranes are not needed, so you can save on the special equipment.

Deciding to acquire a gas station, you need to pay attention to the quality of the insulation. It is necessary to distinguish the foam glass from the products that were produced by foaming the soluble glass. The product, which is called liquid glass, foams at 200º with the removal of water from the mass. Because of this, the mass becomes viscous. As a result, foam glass is formed, its characteristic is known to builders. Such a material is afraid of even ordinary water. But the foam-glass produce on a completely different technology. It has chemical resistance and ability to maintain heat.

The foam glass insulation is easy to handle, it can be drilled and cut. But in the process, it is important not to damage the smallest cells with gas, of which the block is.

How to choose a heater

The selection of insulation is a rather complicated procedure. Today, in the domestic market of building materials, gas station is offered not all trading points. The material is in demand in the domestic market, but experts believe that the time for the insulation of foamed glass will come.

Choosing such a heater, you need to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the material is one size. It is useful to study its structure, paying attention to the cells. They should not touch each other.
  2. Buying a granular foam glass, you should learn from the manufacturer's company the record permeability. Firms producing a product can use different technologies, so vapor permeability may differ. If in the documentation attached to the product, there is no word about this indicator, it is better to refrain from buying.
  3. Before buying blocks or plates from a gas station is beneficial to calculate the required thickness of the material. The dew point must be in it. It is important to draw attention to the temperature of the outer wall, it should not be cooled below +5 C. If these requirements are not observed, then condensate will appear.
  4. There are only those materials that deliver proven manufacturers are worth buying. Do not save, buying the cheapest insulation. The gas distribution technology in itself is expensive, so at this stage of industry development, the foamed glass simply cannot be cheap. Buying analogue at a low price can cause large financial costs for repairs and disassembling objects in the future. It is better to immediately buy quality products.

The foam glass is great for the insulation of objects, but the easiest way to finish another buildings that are ready. The fact is that the foam glass can be embedded in the project of the building under construction. Then the walls make thinner, for example, in 1.5 bricks. But when insulation, the ready-made building may occur with the calculation of the load.

If the wall is thicker than 1.5 bricks, it will be necessary to put a thicker foam glass layer. The reason for this decision is that the dew point will have to be shifted in the insulation layer.

Selecting the insulation of foam cell, it is necessary to prepare the surface to lay the insulation. Paul and walls should be dry. In addition, the preparation of the surface is of great importance, it must be smooth. So that the insulation holds reliably, it is necessary to close all the irregularities on the surface of the walls.

To fix the material, it is necessary to use a special adhesive composition. It is applied not only to the surface, but also on the insulation. If it is placed on the surface of the wood, the plates are recommended to additionally fix the dowels. When the facade of the building is insulated, the support profile must be installed under the plates.


Penodoneglo is a modern material that is widely used in the construction industry. Material has many advantages, but it is characterized by a number of shortcomings. Among the main things can be called its high cost and fragility. These and other points need to be taken into account before starting work. Insulation from foam glass Reviews have positive.

I was looking for the material on the linen insulation, and came across a foam glass. Honestly, I first heard about the material and for a week I plunged into the study of this unusual (unusually dear) insulation. I share the results of the study.

- inorganic, environmentally friendly high-strength and light insulation, externally resembling PEMMU. The chemical composition of the foam glass is identical to household glass based on silicon oxides, potassium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium.

Penodoneglo was presented in 1932 at the All-Union Conference on Innovation In Construction. Presented material legendary physicist-crystallograph A.I. Chinese. By the end of the thirties, the French, the British, Czechs, Germans and Americans were already at the manufacture of foam glass. War slowed down research in this area and the first factories appeared in the Union only in the seventies. Nevertheless, production volumes exceeded 100,000 m3 per year and the product was in demand.

The production of foamed glass is extremely energy-friendly and difficult in the control of technologists, so it became unprofitable at the end of the 80s - only Gomelsteklo remained from four plants (apparently, which closed the line recently). But over the past 5 years in Russia and Ukraine, the release of a variety of foam glass at prices, competitive European has been established. With the history of the material in the two words figured out, go on.

How to produce foamglo

Glass battle, recycled with a pore formator (coal, coke, soot, anthracite) and fall asleep in forms, mixing with other additives. The form is filled by about 10%, the entire volume will be filled in the process of forming glass foam. The firing passes in a tunnel oven at a temperature of about 1000 ° C. In the process of smelting glass, the pore former increases the mass of 14-15 times and the form is filled.

For foamless granules The technology is different: glass is washed and dried, crushed, then melted with foaming and granulated the mixture. Next, the granules are dried and placed in a rotating furnace, where the granulates are peeping with quartz sand to prevent soldering. Foaming passes at a temperature of from 780 to 820 ° C.

The cost of foamed glass is very high due to the energy intensity of production and expensive equipment (equipment line for 20 m3 per day. Costs about $ 1 million).

Types of foam glass:

  • Blocks (Plates)
  • Granules
  • Shapeless battle (construction crushed stone).

Properties and characteristics of foam glass

The solid phase in the foam glass is about 10%, so it has a low density. The average diameter of bubbles is 2000 microns, and the thickness of the walls of bubbles is 20 ... 100 μm. The cellular glass can be obtained by density not lower than 100 kg / m3 - this is the tensile strength. Mostly producers produced and continue to produce material with a density in the range of 120-160 kg / m3. This foam glass has high thermal insulation properties, while maintaining acceptable strength characteristics and ease of processing. The density of the foam glass determines its thermal conductivity and strength, compare these characteristics in terms of technical conditions, for example, in Penositala:

Density ratio, thermal conductivity
and foam glass strength on TU 5914-001-73893595-2005 (PENOSITAL)

Penodoneglo does not contain micropores capable of sorbitize moisture from the environment. The whole moisture that can be lined in glass microspheres cut from the material after removing it from the water. Therefore, for all types of cellular glass, a minor amount of water absorption is usually observed, depending more from the method of measuring and cell size. The most "water absorbing" - foamboard, crushed stone.

All properties of the foam glass are determined by its structure, which is melted glass cells filled with gases. The differences are determined by the cells of the cells, the presence of a greater or smaller number of free defects in jumpers between cells.

From the characteristics of the raw materials used (glass and foaming) flow main quality material:

  • High chemical inertness (recent years some manufacturers offer resistant to alkalis foam glass).
  • Exceptional durability.
  • Zero flammable.
  • Hydro-playproof.
  • Does not change heat engineering properties during operation.
  • Biostostity.
  • Does not give shrinkage.
  • Low linear temperature expansion coefficient.

"Specialists" on marketing offer the so-called parry-permeable foamglowhich foam cell is not in general understanding. This is a heater based on liquid sodium glass with open pores. It is used exclusively inside the heated premises. On the facades, pairs in the pores are freezing and bursting a fragile cellular structure in the sand.

Is there some more the problem of "analogs": foam-plane crumb, mixed with all sorts of binders and additives (gypsum, basalt, cement, sawdust, etc.), which is sold under the name of the foam glass. The price of such "products" may be lower by an order, but they have nothing to do with the original.

Ecology question: From sulfate-containing glasses, foam glass is obtained, in the cells of which hydrogen sulfide from the restored sulfur is closed. It is present in the structure of the source product in the solid phase as sulfides. Sulphides interact with water vapor in the air and are subjected to hydrolysis reactions, in which hydrogen sulfide is released into the air. Last years, brand manufacturers are trying not to use such glass, but it entails changes in the technological line and price increase. It should be understood that the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the cellular glass is negligible and felt only when cutting the unit.

The use of foam glass

I bring a sign from the "StroyKomplex of the Middle Ural" for March 2006

Characteristics Areas of use
Environmental Safety Any types of construction, including
in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
High heat resistance Thermal insulation in industrial and civil construction, reduction of consumption of building materials, reducing the thickness of the walls, improving the reliability and durability of the road surface; Thermal insulation of pipelines and gas pipelines.
Zero flammable Thermal insulation in high-altitude construction; creation of refractory structures; Isolation of pipelines and other equipment operating at temperatures up to 600c.
Low density of material with high strength Reducing the load on the foundation and the ability to build even on weak soils; superstructure of the upper floors of buildings; thermal insulation of overlaps, roofs, floors; Granulate - an indispensable filler for durable lightweight panels; Production of pontoon and other floating structures.
Chemical inertness, high corrosion resistance Making multi-sized isolation; unlimited operation time; Sanitation (long-term stability
sizes); construction of reservoirs and pipelines for acids and petroleum products; Effective protection of granaries, economic and residential premises, because Not destroyed by rodents and insects.

Due to the diverse thickness and form factor for plates and blocks, you can choose an individual option. The foam glass saw for aerated concrete.

The thermal insulation of hot pipes figured foam cell can really pay off, as it can be used at temperatures up to 550 ° C without the need for regular replacement. The material is stable both to a pair and air and petroleum products and oils.

Funny foamglo Apply in wellwork and in bulk floors, as a conditional alternative to clamzit. However, the foamological battle is very acute and cuts waterproofing films, it is impossible to thromb. It is better to use granules, especially since they mounted closed pores and will not keep water in broken cells like crushed stone.

Features of fixing foam glass I do not consider, since all the technical solutions need to be recognized directly from the manufacturer who will buy it. For each site of the material, there are mounted and processing rules associated with some foam glass nuances. The Belarusian Institute Niptis has developed recommendations on the use of foam-cellular blocks, I propose to get acquainted with the document.

Features and disadvantages of foam glass

There are factors that limit the use of this insulation in wet facades and as aggregate of light concrete. The limitation is associated with an alkaline-silicate reaction flowing between glass and concrete, cement, all the mixtures and plaster containing reactive silicon oxide. Cement-based compositions come into an alkaline reaction to the formation of the gel and fall off from the glass (or the glass is sprung from the facade).

The foam glass to the carrier surface cannot be made by the strength in the process of grave due to water and pair-impermeability of the foam glass - they will not raise strength in places of contact with glass.

The solutions giving the shrinkage are also not suitable, as the glass cells are destroyed, with which they entered adhesion and collapse.

All problems described above are somehow solved by some manufacturers. Blocks are covered with bitumen, are covered with different materials to avoid problems with cement compositions and prevent mechanical damage to fragile material edges. There is also a direct smelting method when zirconium dioxide is added to the glass battle and provide alkalis coupling. Another solution is a partial crystallization of glass at which the material is no longer inclined to enter into an alkaline-silicate reaction.

The pore type in the foam glass affects the thermal resistance of the material. Well, when the glass has closed cells of 1-2 mm. Parry-permeable foamworm is much worse in this indicator.

Recommended by manufacturers specialized polyurethane adhesives are rarely in retail, very expensive and do not have 100% of the analogues. More precisely, compatibility analogue with glass is, but they do not have the temperature and moisture resistance of the recommended.

For the insulation of the facade of the building, the foam glass is heavy, given the still shock protection for it (stupor of strength 11). It is difficult to work with it, since the material is fragile, although it has high compressive strength.

Penoolek price

I will cite the cost of the Ukrainian foam glass in terms of the dollar.

Foam glass in plates 600x450 (450x450) mm
Thickness, mm. Parotransmitted, $ / m2 Playproof 1 grade, $ / m2 2 grade, $ / m2
30 4 7.15 6.8
40 5.2 9.5 8.7
50 6.6 12 11.4
60 8 14.3 13.7
70 9.2 16.7 16
80 10.55 19.1 18.2
100 13.2 23.9 22.8
120 15.8 28.6 27.4
Flected fractionated (fraction up to 150 mm) 57.8 $ / m3

I would consider a foam-tag insulation as a backfill with a well-masonry and as a waterproofing break - in these places, the use of expensive material is justified by 100%. But it would not apply a foam-glass crushed stone.

Foamglo - Modern thermal insulation material obtained by treating silicate glass and gas formation (usually stone coal, anthracite, coke, soot) at high temperatures, about 1000 ○ C.

The foaming process is accompanied by an increase in the volume of glass at 14 ... 15 times, compared to the initial one. In European countries, the foam glass materials have long been recognized and one of the most effective heat-stash building materials.

Heat insulation material - foam glass: characteristics and scope

The thermal insulation properties of the foam glass is caused by the presence of a huge amount of closed bubbles filled with air or carbon dioxide in its structure. Materials from foam glass consist only from glass and gas (air, carbon dioxide) and their chemical composition is identical to the composition of conventional glass used by us in everyday life:

  • silicon oxide;
  • calcium oxide;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • potassium oxide;
  • sodium oxide;
  • aluminium oxide.

The structure of the foam glass has the type of honeycomb (photo 1), which provides the relatively high strength of the material, taking into account the small size of the bubbles and the thickness of their walls (the average diameter of bubbles is 2000 microns, and the thickness of the walls of the bubbles is 20 ... 100 μm).

The foam glass, as the heat-insulating material has been developed for a long time and is industrially produced from the 50s ... 60s of the last century. Initially, due to the high cost, this material was not widespread. Only after the improvement of the production technology, the declined cost of foam glass gave him a "second breathing", although now its cost is also not cheap. Penodoneglo has high physicochemical properties that cause constant growing demand.

We give the main characteristics of the foam glass

  • the thermal conductivity of the foam glass - 0.045 ... 0.060 W / m ∙ K;
  • the density of the material is 120 ... 140 kg / m 3 (relatively light heat insulating material);
  • airproof material;
  • water absorption - no more than 2.5 ... 5% or superficial absorption - not more than 0.5 kg / m 2;
  • water-insoluble material;
  • compression strength - 0.4 ... 1.2 MPa, and some foam glass blocks can have a strength of 4 ... 24 MPa (depending on the foam glass brand);
  • material with steamproof;
  • modulus of elasticity - 800 MN / m 2;
  • noise absorption - up to 60 dB (it is determined that the thickness of the wall 10 cm from the foam glass is able to isolate the room from the volume of noise to 56 dB);
  • the temperature range of the material from the foam glass is from -200 ○ with to +500 ○ C;
  • penodoneglo is a non-combustible material (in the middle of the last century, roofs and overlapping on very responsible buildings were insulated from the middle of the foam glass: nuclear power plants, high-class hotels, to which particularly high fire safety requirements were presented);
  • insulation resistant to the effects of chemicals;
  • ecological material (not toxic) does not emit harmful substances, including at high temperatures in case of fire;
  • biostustic material (not food and housing for rodents, insects, insects), the material does not rot;
  • low temperature expansion coefficient (0.9 · 10 -6 K);
  • the material does not give a shrinkage;
  • the material is not hygroscopic (not moistened, being in a humid environment);
  • high adhesion to most building materials: plaster solutions, concrete, bitumen mastic, etc.;
  • high durability (more than 100 years).

The main feature of the foam glass It is that this material has unchanged high heat engineering properties that do not change almost throughout its entire period of operation. So the tests of building materials from the foam glass after 50 ... 60 years of operation showed that its characteristics did not change at all, which would not tell about many other thermal insulation materials.

Almost this material does not have disadvantages, except for one - high cost (compared to other thermal insulation materials).

Building materials from foam glass are made in the form:

  • plate size: width - 450 mm, length - 600 mm, thickness - 60, 80, 100, 120 mm;
  • blocks size: 125 ÷ 450 × 125 ÷ 550 mm, 20 ÷ 120 mm thick;
  • crumbs (spherical granules).

Thermal insulation blocks and plates of foam glass - scope

With the help of foam-glass plates and blocks, it is possible to sound and thermal insulation of bases, solestets, foundations, different underground structures, the facade, internal and outer walls of high-rise buildings and structures, roofs (flat, scope) are insulated. photo 3.

Scope of foam glass

In tab. oneuseful data on the size of foam-glass blocks, their mass and volume are presented.

Crumb from foam glass - scope

The crumb is produced from the same raw materials, as well as blocks or plates in the form of granules of various fractions: 0 ... 5 mm; 5 ... 7 mm; 7 ... 20 mm.

The baby is produced directly, or is formed due to cutting of large plates of foam on blocks. The baby is used as a bulk thermal insulation material, during the construction of outer walls with a layer and insulation of old houses. Also with the help of crumb foam glass, floors and roofs are insulated, photo 4, 5.

Figo-decorative crumb

Also use foam glass for insulation of pipelines with a diameter of up to 1420 mm, transitions, tees, with heating temperature up to 500 ○ C, photo 6.

And in conclusion, instead of withdrawal, we present the comparative characteristics of some heat-insulating materials and foam glass to estimate this unique material (see table. 2.).

Konev Alexander Anatolyevich

Based on the name, you can immediately understand that this is a foamed glass. Namely, glass with small cells, which is characteristic of an effective heat insulator. Due to the aggregate of its unique properties, today the foam glass is increasingly used in many areas of construction and production.

A bit of history

As in many cases, the very thought of the invention was somewhat far from the purpose of obtaining a good thermal insulator. As a result of studies that began in the 30s in the 30s. The last century, in order to create a good floating material, was found that the obtained, except good buoyancy, also has excellent heat and sound insulation properties. In addition, the material obtained was easily handled, and it perfectly glued down.

The first successful attempts to use it in construction were made in Canada, although in the USSR the idea was not widely supported due to the high cost and lack of well-developed production technology. Foam glass produced, but single plants. Yes, and competition with Western manufacturers was difficult to withstand.

How to make foamyglo

As raw materials, glass production waste is used here, which are subjected to thorough grinding and mixing with foaming agents, which can be coke, anthracite, peat half-beds, limestone, and the like. Also can use glass mass, which is obtained from quartz sand, sodium sulfate, limestone and soda.

The resulting mixture is sent to metal forms and is subjected to high-temperature effects. At temperatures above + 7000 ° C glass granules begin to sneak and cavities are formed. With increasing temperature to + 10000s, foaming agents are made, which, by means of gases, stretch the obtained glass cavities.

The so-called foaming process occurs, and so far the mass is in such a state, it is very quickly cooled. Its consistency becomes more viscous, and with further decrease in temperature - it is finally stabilized (freezing).

Thus, a rather solid material with a huge number of isolated cells filled with air is obtained. After that, the material is already cut into blocks of certain sizes.

Basic market players

  1. Russia: Penostektm, Penosital (Penosital®), Saitax (Saitax), CJSC Modis.
  2. Belarus (large manufacturer): Gomeselsteklo.
  3. USA: Concern Pittsburgh Corning, Foamglass brand.
  4. Ukraine: G. Sostka, NPP technology.


Purposekal appointment

  1. insulating and construction;
  2. insulating and assembly (for insulation of installations with negative temperatures).

Produced Penycle Types

  1. plates, blocks or bricks from foam glass;
  2. high quality granulate (crumbly insulation);
  3. molded foam glass - arched segment insulation, couplings, fittings, etc.;
  4. foam glass in the form of crumbs or battle (less high-quality insulation).

Dignity of foamwall

Unique material from the point of view of fire safety. Based on the fact that the temperature of the start of its deformation (5400C) goes far beyond the temperature that usually exists in the fires in buildings, the findings about its fire safety can not even do a specialist. In addition, this property of the foam glass is confirmed by all European and international standards and certificates.

Water and Pardon Contract. Gigroscopicity at the foam glass is almost zero, even indoors, where humidity reaches 100%. The existing water absorption indicator is 5% obtained under conditions of complete immersion, and only means that the water accumulates exclusively on the surface, where the top layer of bubbles is disturbed by mechanical processing. And this indicator over time does not change for a hundred-month percent. Therefore, it can be successfully used directly and in water. In terms of its chemical composition, the foamworm is no different from the usual window glass or dishes used in everyday life. Therefore, everyone can make sure that the foam glass cannot be destroyed under the influence of steam or water.

High strength and maintenance of initial sizes. Despite the fact that the density of the foam glass is low, it is not inferior to other materials, the density of which is higher, and the thermal insulation characteristics are lower. And if, for example, glassy and mineral wool materials with insignificant wets are noticeably losing their strength indicators, then foam-glass, as material to moisture indifferent, will always maintain its strength, even with a high level of humidity.

A slight retreat: why the characteristics of strength are given such attention.

DURABILITY. Manufacturers authoritatively declare the service life for foam glass at least 100 years with full preservation of its characteristics. Of course, there are no such statistics at a given period of time, but existing examples of dismantling of 50-year-old buildings, which used foam glass as an insulating material, gives all the grounds to believe the promises of manufacturers. As it turned out, for 50 years, this insulating material remained completely unchanged.

Excellent chemical resistance. It is unable to harm the foam glass, from which little can "stay alive" and solutions of strong alkalis. It is difficult to assume that a thermal insulation layer will be taken into mind with such an ominous way, but nevertheless, the material can be called chemically inert.

Resistance to the vital activity of the active biological environment. Under this definition it is understood that the foam glass does not support the environment of vital activity neither fungi nor bacteria. It also does not represent a culinary interest for omnipresent rodents and other animals and insects who want to spoil the life of a person. For them, it is even impassable!

Easy processing. The foam glass is quite simple to process the cutting tool, as well as drill, navigate with nails or glue. Material is easy to plaster. Therefore, the time for its processing is significantly reduced.

Compliance with the most stringent environmental standards that only exist on our planet. Therefore, foam glass can be used in confidence in the food and pharmaceutical industry. It is used for insulation of refrigeration plants, tanks for products - for example, in the production of beer. This is an eco-friendly material, starting from his "birth", because the raw material is nothing more than the waste of glass production or glass masses, which includes environmentally friendly ingredients. It is almost always used as a heat insulator in children's institutions. It does not even cause a hint of an allergic reaction.

Resistance to erosion. Since the foam glass in its structure does not contain soluble components, the dissolution or erosion of the material is not observed.

Stability to deformation. It is not deformable and durable material, even given its density. This completely eliminates the possibility of sagging, shrinkage, or shrinking even with long-term mechanical exposure or gravity.

Disadvantages of foam glass

  1. quite expensive production;
  2. the need for additional equipment in the production of blocks or shells, which leads to the rise in the material;
  3. inappropriateness of use at construction sites whose service life is less than 50 years old, as the foam glass is calculated for 100 years;
  4. the foam glass is heavier than other types of thermal insulation.

Areas of use

  1. warming: walls (facades and internal), roof (both flat and scope), ceiling and floor; pipelines; underground structures; premises with high humidity (saunas, baths, pools); technological equipment;
  2. in the construction of self-supporting walls as a monolithic fill;
  3. it is used in the production of light insulating-structural blocks;
  4. thermal insulation of the layer of road clothing.

Restrictions that important to know

It is not recommended to insulate a foam glass in a row, such as mineral wool, because the walls of ordinary houses are vapor-permeable and foam-glass successfully banning outgoing steam. This is fraught with condensate at the temperature of the wall 6-80c. Therefore, when insulating foam cell is very important or correctly calculated to the heat insulating layer, or to provide vapor permeability.