Pepper is a biennial plant. Growing bell peppers at home

Add some peppercorns to your life ... literally! You don't need to run to the vegetable shop: let's find out how to get pepper fruits at home.

What kind of pepper can you grow in a pot on a windowsill?

Pepper cultivation on the windowsill can be carried out in order to obtain fruits and for decorative effect. Both tasks can be combined, since its fruits look very aesthetically pleasing in the interior due to its interesting shape and bright color.

The species division includes two subgroups:

  1. Piper - he's peppercorns. The plant has racemose inflorescences similar to a bunch of grapes. The fruit is a drupe. Up to 50 berries with a pericarp are formed on each cluster;
  2. Capsicum - vegetable crops with a fleshy juicy fruit and a variety of colors (green, red, yellow, purple, etc.).

What kind of pepper crops can you potted at home?

  • Red and green chili peppers;
  • Bell pepper;

Popular varieties of hot chili peppers:

  • Chipotle;
  • Piri-piri;
  • Jalapeno.

Sweet peppers are the most delicious varieties:

  • Pimento;
  • Padron;
  • Apricot Favorite;
  • California miracle.

How to grow hot red peppers at home?

Growing hot peppers in indoor conditions is not only a cultivation, but also a decorative process. For planting use a special vegetable called "Little Miracle". The "wonderful" pepper comes from Holland, but in our country it has been bred for a long time. Gardeners love this variety for its abundant fruiting and original decorative appearance. The fruits of the "Little Miracle" are rather miniature, but this does not affect its taste in the least.

The tiny red pepper is hot and piquant and can be rolled up in jars, pickled, added to salads, soups and stir-fries. The bush itself looks unusually picturesque and attracts the eye. The plant is very compact in size, so it is grown even in a small kitchen in cramped conditions.

The grown bush is covered with small thick-walled fruits with a blunt cone shape. They are only 3 cm long and weigh five grams. In total, over 50 fruits can be harvested from one bush. At different stages of ripening, the peppercorns change color, the colors of which have many options: green, beige, yellowish, orange, red and purple. Variety "Little Miracle" in greenhouse conditions lives up to 5 years. When growing at home, you can achieve almost the same results if you care for the plant with great care.

There is a way to accelerate the ripening period by the end of spring. For this, various manipulations with lighting and thermal conditions are carried out. A vegetable planted in autumn is deliberately placed not in the most favorable conditions so that it does not waste energy on flowering and growing on cold days. As the duration of daylight hours increases, the pot is exposed to a bright window.: for this, the most adventurous gardeners "watch" sunny weather, moving the pot as close to warmth and light as possible. This method can speed up the appearance of ovaries, which grow to pods by May.

Planting seeds

Seeds of hot mini pepper are sown in February. A container with a volume of at least two liters is suitable as a pot, which is previously doused with boiling water for disinfection. A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pot, consisting of expanded clay or crushed stone and charcoal. The composition of the soil laid on top of the drain should include rotted foliage, leafy soil and river sand. The proportions of the mixture are 5: 3: 2. A little trick: before planting, the soil is spilled with boiling water and allowed to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

In the cooled soil layer, holes are closed, their diameter is 1 - 1.5 centimeters. Seeds, pre-soaked and swollen in water, are planted in a hole, two to three grains each. A thin layer of food or polyethylene film is stretched over the top of the pot or container. If the pot has a rectangular shape, instead of a film, you can use glass or a plastic lid, but each gardener himself decides what is more convenient for him to work with. The finished container with seedlings is removed to a warm place. The light source must be present, but not burn out the soil.

After five or seven days, the first shoots begin to break through the soil. The time has come to rearrange the seedlings on the kitchen window sill or balcony, where it will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, heat and fresh air. When leaves appear on the plants, you can pick and plant the strongest specimens in separate pots. Weak leaves are not needed, they should be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of the root system, taking resources from it.

In the near future, the planted bush will grow to 18 - 20 centimeters in height. During this period, he is pinched the top of his head. A pinched specimen will be branched and lush, which also contributes to better fruiting. Watering is carried out with warm (not hot) water as needed, about once every two days.


Conditions for keeping miniature hot peppers are determined based on the basic rules of agricultural technology:

  1. The "Little Miracle" variety requires a minimum of 18 hours of lighting every day. If there is not enough natural light, an ultraviolet lamp is additionally purchased for seedlings. A bush that lacks lighting, loses its ovaries and stretches upward;
  2. Window pepper does not tolerate constant drafts, temperature changes and temperature rises above 25 ° C;
  3. The bush can be sprayed with warm, settled water (see above for the soil moistening regime) 1 - 2 times a week;
  4. If ovaries have formed on the plant, the amount of watering must be increased;
  5. Before the ovaries appear, the shoots are fed with mineral or organic fertilizers every two to three weeks;
  6. Plants planted in February should bloom in June. Gardeners recommend shaking the bush occasionally during this period to stimulate pollination;
  7. Small hot peppers growing in a pot are transplanted into a larger container each year. The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method: a bush with a root system is pulled out of an old pot, shaken off, placed in a new container and soil is added.

With proper care, the bush will quickly begin to bear fruit and will live for at least two to three seasons. The maximum life span in a window sill is about five years. To prevent the plant from developing fungal diseases and pests, spray it for preventive purposes with difokol or malathion. If traces of gray rot, aphids or spider mites appear on the leaves, the pepper, unfortunately, will have to be destroyed.

When will the pepper harvest be?

Pepper of the "Little Miracle" variety is considered ready to eat after acquiring a yellowish color. Plants planted in February bear fruit in early July and continue to harvest until early November. A fully ripe peppercorn has a red or orange hue. The ripening of the vegetable, if necessary, is carried out at a temperature of 20 ° C. To give the pepper an even more pronounced burning taste, you can dry it by stringing the stalks on a harsh branch.

What is the difference between growing sweet peppers at home

Chili pepper is not suitable for everyone, and it's not just about growing conditions and possibilities. The Capsicum annuum variety is considered the hottest spice, not suitable for use in the presence of problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you can try to cultivate bell peppers on the windowsill.

Suitable varieties

  • Sturdy;
  • Sweet chocolite;
  • Triton;
  • Western;
  • Carat;
  • Yova;
  • Red bell.

Bell peppers are not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C, so doctors consider it an excellent product with dietary properties, as well as a beneficial effect on the immune system.

What is sweet pepper famous for?

  • Free radicals contained in its fruit are indispensable for maintaining the body's cellular metabolism;
  • Heat treatment has little effect on the beneficial properties of pepper;
  • Eating pepper lowers blood cholesterol levels, prevents ischemia;
  • This pepper contains lycopene, a carotenoid pigment and antioxidant, which is characterized by antitumor and immunostimulating effects.

Planting seeds

The agricultural technique for growing sweet peppers at home is not much different from the greenhouse technique or the method of cultivating hot peppers. The process of sowing seeds and picking are carried out in a similar way.

When about six leaves appear in the pepper seedlings, it must be carefully transplanted into pots filled with fertile soil. A pot with a volume of at least 1.5 liters is taken, its bottom is covered with gravel, expanded clay or fine gravel.

For the growth of bell pepper, the moisture regime of the soil coma and air humidity are important.

Drying and overflow must not be allowed. The soil is irrigated with warm water, which has settled for several days. Tap water will kill the growth.

Sprout care

Top dressing is done every two weeks with a fertilizer based on trace elements. Once every 30 days, pepper is poured with an extract of wood ash, prepared in a proportion of 20 grams per liter of water. To stimulate the ovary, you can "help" the plant: to do this, walk over the flower with a cotton swab, transferring pollen from one inflorescence to another.

Bonsai-like bushes, neat and pretty pods of incredible colors and shades, this is how chili peppers look on a windowsill. The genus that unites all peppers is called capsicum, due to the content of the substance capsacin, which gives the fruits and seeds a pungent, burning taste.

These fruits can be used as a seasoning, making medicinal tinctures from them. The plant itself is also sometimes called capsicum.

Did you know? Capsacin, which is found in the fruit, is added to ship paints to reduce clam fouling on boat and ship bottoms.

Choosing a variety of chili peppers for growing on a windowsill

You will be surprised how easy it is to grow a plant at home if you choose the right variety. Exotic names: "Aladdin" "Dwarf" "Poinsettia", "Variegated Troll", as well as more familiar ones: "Bell", "Swallow" - varieties have different shapes and colors of the fruit, color of foliage, ripening time.

Fruits of early ripening varieties ripen in 90-120 days, mid-ripening - 120-140 days from the moment of planting.

  • Tabasco: The pungent pulp of its fruit is the basis for the popular Tabasco sauce. It is grown on the window, and in industrial quantities - on plantations. The variety is prized for its early maturity.
  • "Salute" is one of the shortest varieties, its round compact bush grows up to 20 cm. Large, up to 5 cm fruits in the form of red and orange cones are directed upwards and have a strong aroma.
  • "Aladdin" - suitable for windowsills and open ground. Its numerous fruits in the process of ripening change from green color to cream, purple and red. Another advantage of this variety is early maturity and a long fruiting period.
  • "Bell" - red fruits of an unusual shape, ripen in 150 days. Fruit pungency is unevenly distributed.
Other early ripening varieties for growing at home are also popular: "Aquarelle", "Firstborn of Siberia", "Dwarf", "Treasure Island",

Important! There are inedible peppers that are grown only for decorative purposes: Clown, Goldfinger, Filius Blue, Orange, Red Rocket, Pepperoni.

Selection of capacity

Before planting at home, prepare the container. Pressed peat pots are ideal for seedlings. For each adult bush, you will need a separate container.

This can be a wide medium-deep flower pot, a wooden box covered with plastic, or a plastic container. A drainage layer, 3-4 cm, of expanded clay, gravel or charcoal must be placed on the bottom.

Soil mix

For breeding seedlings, a ready-made earthen mixture from a store is suitable. Optimal potting soil composition:

  • sod land, vegetable humus - 2 parts,
  • peat - 2 parts,
  • vermiculite - 1 part,
You can add a little calcined river sand to the mixture. The use of an additive or similar helps to retain moisture in the soil, which makes it easier to water and care for chili peppers at home.

Did you know? Pepper got this name for its bright red pod, "chili" in the Aztec language - "red". Archaeologists find traces of this plant during excavations of ancient cities in Peru.

Grows best in loose, light soils with good air permeability. In winter, to preserve the water balance of the soil and increase the illumination of the bush in a dim sun, it is recommended to cover the soil surface with perlite.

Preparing seeds for planting

When growing chili peppers for the first time, it is best to purchase seeds from a specialty store. Seeds from fruits purchased from the supermarket are not suitable. The stores sell fruits of industrial varieties bred for cultivation on plantations and in. You can plant them in the country, but they are not suitable for breeding at home.

Important! Inspect the seeds before planting. They must be large enough for their class, light-colored, free from damage, deformation, stains and discoloration.

To accelerate germination, the seeds are soaked for 3-4 days between two napkins soaked in water and left in a warm, but not hot place. When the swollen seeds begin to germinate, they are sown in the ground.

Sowing seeds in a pot

A drainage layer is placed in a peat pot, or other temporary container, with an earthen mixture on top. In the ground, make indentations of 0.5 cm with your finger, where two prepared seeds are placed. If the container is wide, you can make several such holes, retreating 5-6 cm from each other. The holes with seeds are covered with earth, watered, the container is covered with a transparent film.

After 7-15 days, seedlings appear from the ground. The film can be pierced in several places and removed completely when 3-4 leaves appear. Seedlings can be thinned by removing weak seedlings.

Did you know? Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place is called picking, because to stimulate the growth of roots during transplanting, the lower part of the plant root is removed.

The container into which the seedlings will be transplanted is prepared the day before the pick. A thick layer of drainage is placed in a suitable pot, an earthen mixture is placed on top, and watered abundantly.

A recess is formed in which the roots of the seedling with an earthy clod should fit. Leave for a day. On the day of the pick, the sprout is watered, after 1-1.5 hours it is carefully removed from the temporary container, without disturbing the lump of earth around the roots. The lower third of the central root is removed.

An earthen lump with roots is placed in a depression in the ground, the central root must be straightened. Add soil to the pot, so that the leaves are 2 cm above the soil level.

Conditions and care for chili peppers at home

Sharp temperature changes, drafts have a bad effect on the plant. Optimal conditions for growing a plant on a windowsill:

  • temperature + 25 ° С,
  • long, about 18 hours, daylight hours,
  • loose, moist, but not wet soil.

Important! Pepper is a self-pollinated plant, therefore, during the flowering period, different varieties should be kept at a distance from each other. Shaking the flowering peppers is recommended to maximize ovary formation.

In summer, the plant can be taken out onto a balcony or loggia. In winter, place in the apartment on a windowsill on the sunny side. To extend daylight hours, the plant is illuminated with lamps. Water the pepper under the root, as the soil dries.

When watering, use clean, settled water at room temperature. The foliage is also sprayed from a spray bottle.

To regulate the acidity of the soil, a solution is used once a month

The following varieties are suitable for growing in the house:

  • Treasure Island;
  • Swallow;
  • Sweeties;
  • Firstborn;
  • Firstborn of Siberia;
  • Boss peppercorn.

All these varieties are small-leaved, and therefore they feel great when grown on a windowsill, where, unlike open air, there is little sunlight.

In addition, the listed varieties are self-pollinated, which means they can form fruits in the room.

Seed preparation

ATTENTION. For the purpose of disinfection, it is recommended to spill any soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to plant chili peppers from seeds at home

  1. Landing on is carried out in wide shallow containers at a distance of 5 cm in a row.
  2. Seeds are laid out on the surface, then sprinkled a small layer of soil (0.5-1cm).
  3. From above, the crops are moistened with a spray bottle.
  4. Seed boxes are covered with foil or glass to create greenhouse conditions. For germination of seeds need a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

IMPORTANT. During germination, make sure that no direct rays fall on the surface, otherwise a greenhouse effect will be created inside the box and the seeds will weld.

IMPORTANT. It should not be used for feeding a mixture with a high nitrogen content, the plants from this will increase the leaf mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Chili peppers fruiting

As soon as the pepper begins to form fruits. The bushes, covered with flowers and fruits at the same time, acquire a special decorative effect. When sowing in winter, the first peppers appear in May - June... Depending on the variety, they have red, yellow or green color.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to select and dry some of the prettiest specimens to get seed for next season.

Growing chili peppers indoors does not require any special effort. Give him a little attention and he will delight you with sharp, aromatic fruits.

Pepperamong vegetable crops is best suited for growing at home... This plant develops rapidly, forms a compact green bush, blooms within 50-60 days after germination, and its fruits ripen and acquire a bright color in the 4-5th month of the plant's life. The green pepper bush with bright fruits is very decorative, besides, certain varieties of peppers can be eaten.

In order to grow a harvest of delicious and beautiful peppers on the windowsill, it is necessary to study the plant's requirements for maintenance and care. After the first experience of growing pepper on the windowsill, you will already acquire skills, study the whims of this culture and the next year you can get even more beautiful plants and more fruit harvest.

If you decide grow indoor peppers on the windowsill, carefully consider the choice of seeds. The seed package must state that the pepper can be grown as a pot crop. Early maturing varieties of pepper are best suited for indoor cultivation, which form compact, low, branched bushes with small numerous fruits.

In early maturing varieties of pepper, the fruits are formed on the 85-100th day after germination, and ripen, acquiring a bright color on the 115-125th day. Low-growing varieties of pepper do not form, the stems of these plants begin to branch, forming forks, reaching a certain height. High varieties of pepper above 60-80 cm, you need to tie up and install a support.

In terms of taste, pepper is sweet and hot. Bell peppers are highly palatable and can be eaten raw, added to salads or when cooking. Hot peppers are used mainly as a seasoning; you can learn more about growing hot indoor peppers.

Indoor pepper varieties "Yarik»Has sweet fruits, very early ripening, technical ripeness of fruits occurs on the 85-100th day, and biological ripeness on the 120-125th day from germination. The bush is up to 60-80 cm high, has a high fruit load and needs a garter and support. Fruits are conical, yellow, hanging downwards, 4 cm in diameter and 6 cm in length. Plants are adapted for growing in various conditions - in a greenhouse, in the open field, indoors and on a balcony.

Indoor pepperF1 "Sweetie»With sweet decorative fruits, with thick pulp, spherical shape, small size, weighing 40-50 g, have a bright red color in the phase of full ripeness. The variety is early maturing, the fruits fully ripen 115-130 days after germination, undersized up to 40-60 cm in height, does not require a garter and formation. Recommended for growing in pots and greenhouses.

Lighting. Peppers can be grown at home all year round. Plants will develop better in the spring-summer period, since at this time they receive enough natural light on the windowsills with a southern direction, and pots with plants can also be taken out into fresh air, where they will feel better. When sown in autumn and winter, the plants will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps for up to 12-14 hours of daylight hours. Young plants need a long day to grow, and adult bushes will find it useful to shorten their light hours to speed up their flowering and fruit formation. With a lack of lighting, the leaves of plants turn yellow, buds, flowers and young ovaries fall off.

Temperature. Pepper is a heat-loving plant, it develops normally and bears fruit at temperatures not lower than +18 0 С and dies even with light frosts. Does not like peppers and heat, plants look depressed, buds and flowers fall off at temperatures above +30 0 C.

Humidity. The homeland of pepper is the tropics, where it is not only warm, but also humid, therefore, when growing pepper at home, it is necessary to create a humid atmosphere for the plants, often spraying them. Most of all, dry air oppresses plants at high temperatures, low humidity can cause flowers and young ovaries to fall off.

Watering. Peppers consume a lot of water, especially during flowering and harvest formation. Water the plants evenly, preventing the soil from drying out or waterlogging. For watering, use settled water at room temperature.

Fertilizers. A good harvest of pepper can only be obtained using high-quality fertile land. When growing peppers in a hill, the plant has a limited amount of land for root development and absorption of nutrients, therefore, during the entire growing season, peppers in pots are fed with complex fertilizer.

At the initial stage, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen are used for the growth of greenery and the development of the root system. During the period of flowering and fruit formation, plants need phosphorus and potassium. When feeding indoor plants, you should adhere to the norm, since an excess of nutrients will lead to salting of the soil and will give a negative result instead of a positive effect.

Reproduction. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak pepper seeds for a day in a warm place. Pepper seeds are tough-growing, so many people prefer to germinate them in damp cloth bags and carefully sow them in pots with delicate sprouts.

When sown with dry seeds, they can germinate up to 2-3 weeks, while germination requires a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 0 С and constant soil moisture.

Transfer. Pepper does not like transplants, if the root system is damaged and the earthen coma is destroyed during transplantation, the plants take root for a long time and get sick. Therefore, it is better to sow pepper seeds in 1-2 pieces in separate pots. As soon as the seedlings have two true leaves, they are transplanted into a larger pot by transferring them.

Peppers should be grown in pots with a volume of at least 4 liters, a height of 30 cm and a diameter of 20-25 cm.

The soil for planting pepper can be prepared independently by mixing turf and humus in equal parts, adding 1/6 of the sand. The land can be enriched with wood ash.

Pepper is a perennial plant, but after fruiting it loses its decorative effect, therefore they are often thrown away and sown to replace new ones.

Bitter pepper is not only a useful spice, which is difficult to do without when preparing meat dishes, but also a bright, beautiful plant that can give joy and admiration. How to grow healthy plants and get an amazing bush with colorful peppers at home? This is not difficult if you know how to choose a variety and properly care for young seedlings.

Varieties and features of the plant

The bushes of hot peppers of the varieties Adjika, Ogonyok, Chili reach a height of 50 cm. Multi-colored fruits can grow on one plant: white, green, orange, purple, yellow. - long-liver. The bush can bear fruit for 5-6 years.

It is interesting

In Europe, pots of decorative peppers for Christmas are displayed on the balcony, windowsill, near the house.

In shape, the pods on the bush are round, flattened, similar to a pyramid or cylinder. Chili has long, pointed fruits, and Ogonyok will delight you with cone-shaped, bright peppers. On one plant, about fifty fruits can ripen at the same time.

Hot pepper properties

Both garden red peppers and decorative peppers of the varieties Chile, Ogonyok, Adjika, Indian Summer are used in cooking for preserving and preparing delicious dishes. For those who are engaged in the cultivation of such plants, a balcony or a windowsill is also a spice shop.

  • The fruits have antibacterial properties and protect the premises from the harmful effects of microbes.
  • Vases with the plant are placed on the balcony near indoor flowers, which are affected by aphids and ticks. Pests disappear in a few days. Chili peppers do this well.
  • Food with the addition of a small amount of pepper improves appetite and boosts immunity.

You can buy a hot pepper bush in a store or market. In the spring, flower markets sell young seedlings of the Ogonyok, Coral, For Mother-in-law varieties. But it is best to grow hot hot peppers at home from seeds and decorate the balcony and windowsill with elegant bushes.

Secrets of growing hot pepper

Have you decided to grow hot peppers on the windowsill? First you need to choose the type of pepper: indoor or hot red, which grows in the gardens. Some varieties of open ground have shown themselves well in indoor conditions: Chile, Adjika, Coral. They grow well indoors and delight with a rich harvest.

All types of ornamental peppers are designed for indoor cultivation. A balcony is also suitable for successful maintenance. Plants with multi-colored pods look beautiful on the window. The cultivation of bitter pepper Ogonyok, Indian Summer, Bolivia, Dark Olive, Mambo, Medusa will create a bright parade of colors on the balcony.

If you know the secrets of caring for this plant, then it is easy to get beautiful bushes that will delight the eye and give a rich harvest.

  • The key to a rich harvest is seeds. Their quality determines the strength of growth and the capabilities of the plant. Seeds that have been stored for a long time will not grow a strong plant. An important point before sowing is seed calibration. To do this, take a glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of salt to it. The water is stirred and waited for several minutes. After pre-drying, sow the part of the seeds that sank to the bottom of the glass.
  • An important point is soil preparation. Hot peppers are undemanding to the soil and grows well on ordinary garden land, but it is better to create comfortable conditions for the plant. Indeed, in the garden soil there may be pests or an infection that will lead to the loss of seeds even before the emergence of shoots. For sowing, purchased peat or a mixture based on it is suitable.
  • Moisten the soil before sowing. It should crumble in your hand and be damp. Sow peppers in small containers with holes at the bottom. A bowl or seed pot is suitable for this. Seeds are laid out in a checkerboard pattern and covered with a low layer of earth (up to 2 cm). The earth is compacted, the dish is covered with film or glass.
  • For quick emergence of shoots, maintain a high temperature (up to 25 degrees), constant humidity and ventilate. Until the sprouts appear, the soil is not watered, but only sprayed from the sprayer.
  • When the first shoots appear, the container is opened and placed in a greenhouse or simply put on the balcony. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that a black leg does not appear: you need to limit watering and not lower the temperature below 22 degrees.

On some seedlings, a seed film may remain, which sticks together the cotyledons. It cannot always be removed so as not to harm the plant. Try to moisten the skin with water and after a few minutes gently pull it off the leaves.

Pick and plant peppers in a permanent place

They start picking seedlings at home when the third true leaf appears on the plant. The soil is watered so that the entire earthen mixture is saturated, a day before the procedure. Dive seedlings into moist, but not wet soil. It is better to transplant the plants so as not to injure the roots. This can be done with a garden trowel or a regular spoon. After transplanting, the cups are placed in a greenhouse on the windowsill so that the seedlings take root quickly. A new leaf after a pick is a signal that the pepper has successfully rooted and you can start feeding.

At the first stage, the peppers need nitrogen and potassium supplements for the development of the vegetative system. But do not get carried away: an overdose can destroy the plant.

Top dressing is carried out one day after watering, with wet soil. Plants with signs of the disease should not be fed. First you need to find out the reason for the poor condition of the bush, eliminate errors in cultivation - and only after that add minerals.

Hot pepper transplant rules

As soon as the roots of the pepper wrap the soil in the cup, they begin to plant in a permanent place. How to do it right?

  • For the first planting, take a pot with a capacity of no more than one liter, put drainage on the bottom (expanded clay, bark, pebbles) and pour an earthen pillow. Planting mix is \u200b\u200bpurchased at the store.
  • The plant is buried so that the root collar is lowered into the ground by no more than 2 centimeters. Over time, the soil will sink, and the root collar will be at ground level. With a strong deepening, the plant may die or late enter the fruiting phase.
  • Top dressing begins two weeks after transshipment. When grown at home, chili peppers react very well to fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, calcium, and magnesium. In order not to get confused with dosages, it is better to buy ready-made fertilizers for indoor peppers. If chili peppers are grown for culinary purposes, it is best to use organic fertilizers.
  • At home, for successful fruit setting, it is necessary to shake the bushes during flowering so that pollination occurs.

Indoor pepper Spark does not tolerate drying out of the soil. It reacts especially sharply to lack of water during flowering. If the soil in the pot is dry, then the plant can shed its buds or ugly fruits will tie.

Drafts and dry air are detrimental to the Chili and Ogonyok peppers when grown at home. Then the plants shed their leaves and hibernate. If this happens, do not be alarmed. You just need to create comfortable conditions on the balcony or windowsill. Then the growth of Chile and Ogonyok will quickly resume.

So, a small step-by-step instruction on breeding hot pepper on the balcony will help even beginners to cope with this task. Growing pepper on a windowsill does not require special attention, it is only important to remember that during the sun period it is necessary to shade the plant and water it with warm, settled water. We must not forget about the annual transfer to a larger pot - this will allow the bush to build up a healthy root system.