Peter and Fevronia of Murom. story of eternal love. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

The question of the mention of Peter and Fevronia in the historical annals remains open - direct references, unfortunately, have not been preserved. But many are inclined to believe that the "Tale" refers to the famous Prince Davyd Yuryevich and his wife Euphrosyne, since in monasticism they took the names of Peter and Fevronia.

The well-known "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" in the form as we know it, appeared only by 1547. By order of Metropolitan Macarius, the writer Yermolai-Erasmus designed it for the Moscow church cathedral, at which the saints were canonized.

It's great that the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity appeared in Russia. The initiative is bright and kind, just love is sorely lacking today. But it is important that in the "Tale" there is not even a word about the "romance" between a man and a woman that we are used to.

Yes, the story is about loyalty, devotion and Christian love. But first of all - about loneliness in the face of God from birth to death, about the fact that the kingdom on earth is possible only after the recognition of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Peter is a "stone"

The story begins with the reign of Paul and his wife. The devil, "from time immemorial hating the human race," sent the poor woman a terrible seductive serpent in the guise of a husband.

Of course, the spouses did not like visiting the reptile, to put it mildly. At the instigation of her husband, the woman found out the terrible secret of the snake - that he was destined to die from Peter's shoulder and from Agrikov's sword. And Peter, the brother of Paul, hearing this, "without hesitation or doubt" took on the mission.

In the story, always pay attention to the names of the main characters. In this case, it is very important that in Greek the name Peter means "stone" (by the way, from French pierre is translated that way). The key reference is in the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus Christ addresses the apostle: "And I say to you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

Why "stone"? The Holy Fathers give different interpretations. Someone says that it means "strong in Christ" and the Church rests on the unshakable faith of ordinary people. And in the interpretation of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, under the main stone one must understand Jesus Christ himself - "the stone was Christ."

Peter from our story, with his faith, steadfastness and strength, justifies the name given to him. He defeats the snake with a sword found in the altar wall of the church (which is also an important symbol). So the snake Peter wins by the power of God.

It didn't start with romance

The beginning of the relationship between Peter and Fevronia is not entirely about love. Peter, infected with the poisonous blood of a dead snake, was mortally ill, and Fevronia (translated from Greek Efrosinya - "well-meaning, joyful") promises to cure a man if he marries her. The prince was embarrassed by the inequality of marriage: "Well, how can a prince take the daughter of a poison dart frog as his wife!" After the first treatment, he never married, for which he was punished with new scabs.

The second attempt was more successful. This time, Fevronia was given a "firm word", and after repeated treatment, Peter marries.

It is important to say that Peter's doubts were caused not by a whim, but by a sense of princely duty to marry an equal. After all, the ignoble origin of Fevronia becomes the cause of many strife, and the boyars are preparing a whole conspiracy against the spouses.

The story also teaches us that all earthly power is from God. The cunning boyars expelled the spouses from Murom and subsequently paid the price.

Peter faced a difficult choice. Giving up the reign and leaving everything to the unreliable boyars is an extremely irresponsible step for the ruler. But still "The blessed prince acted according to the Gospel: he neglected his reign, so as not to violate the commandments of God".

After all the vicissitudes, Peter and Fevronia return safely, "and they ruled in that city, observing all the commandments and instructions of the Lord impeccably, praying unceasingly and doing alms to all people."

Spouses but monks

The ideal life of a Christian is monasticism. Of course, in worldly life, the most correct solution is a large family, but one cannot represent it as an ontologically highest value. Everyone has their own lonely path on the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.

According to the story, before the meeting, Peter and Fevronia preferred to spend time alone: "Peter had a habit of walking alone in churches"; "A girl sat alone at the loom and wove a canvas".

Whether the spouses had children is a question. The story itself does not say this - only that Peter and Fevronia gave themselves entirely to God and served people, "like a loving father and mother." But if we accept the version about the prototype - Davyd Yurievich - then the couple still had three children.

At the end of their lives, according to the story, Peter and Fevronia became monks and died on the same day. Their bodies were transferred to a single coffin, but with a thin partition, symbolizing loneliness in death.

The story tells us about the main thing: the goal of the family is not at all cozy human happiness with children in their arms and a golden retriever by the fireplace. The goal is to look into immortality and give new little souls a chance to find the path to salvation.

The family is a small church where relatives help each other to live a righteous life. Think about death every day, especially if you are surrounded by cute children and a retriever. Love and take care of each other, rejoice but - memento mori. This is what the strong family of Peter and Fevronia teaches us.

Holy believers
Prince Pyotr and Princess FEVRONIA,
Murom wonderworkers (†1227)

The Holy Blessed Prince Peter (in monasticism David) and the Holy Blessed Princess Fevronia (in monasticism Euphrosyne) are Russian Orthodox saints, Miracle Workers of Murom.

The story of the life of the holy princes Peter and Fevronia is a story of fidelity, devotion and true love, capable of sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

The love story of this married couple is described in detail by the greatest author of the 16th century Yermolai Erasmus in the Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" . According to the Tale, the couple reigned in Murom at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, they lived happily and died on the same day.

Blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Prince Yury Vladimirovich of Murom. He ascended the throne of Murom in 1203. A few years before this, Saint Peter fell ill with leprosy - the prince's body became covered with scabs and ulcers. No one could heal Peter from a serious illness. Enduring torment with humility, the prince surrendered to God in everything.

In a sleepy vision, it was revealed to the prince that the pious maiden Fevronia, a peasant woman of the village of Laskovaya in the Ryazan land, could heal him. Saint Peter sent his people to that village.

Fevronia, as a payment for treatment, wished that the prince would marry her after the healing. Peter promised to marry, but in his heart he was cunning, since Fevronia was a commoner: "Well, how is it possible - for the prince to take the daughter of a poison dart frog as his wife!". Fevronia healed the prince, but since the beekeeper's daughter saw the cunning and pride of Peter, she ordered him to leave one scab unoiled as evidence of sin. Soon, from this scab, the whole disease resumed, and the prince again returned to Fevronia in shame. Fevronia again cured Peter, and even then he married her.

Together with the young princess, Peter returns to Murom.Prince Peter fell in love with Fevronia for her piety, wisdom and kindness. The holy spouses carried love for each other through all trials.

After the death of his brother, Peter became autocrat in the city. The boyars respected their prince, but the arrogant boyar wives disliked Fevronia and, not wanting to have a peasant woman as their ruler, taught their husbands unkind things. The proud boyars demanded that the prince let his wife go. Saint Peter refused, and the couple were expelled. They sailed on a boat along the Oka from their hometown. Saint Fevronia supported and consoled Saint Peter. But soon the wrath of God overtook the city of Murom, and the people demanded that the prince return with Saint Fevronia. Ambassadors arrived from Murom, begging Peter to return to reign. The boyars quarreled over power, shed blood, and now they were again looking for peace and tranquility. Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled happily ever after, observing all the commandments and instructions of the Lord impeccably, praying unceasingly and doing alms to all the people who were under their rule, like a child-loving father and mother.

The holy spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. Whether they had children - oral tradition did not convey information about this. They achieved holiness not by having many children, but by mutual love and keeping the sanctity of marriage. This is the meaning and purpose of it.

When old age came, they became monks with the names David and Euphrosyne and begged God to die at the same time. They bequeathed to bury themselves together in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle. Marriage vows, even after being tonsured, retain their power for them, because they also fulfill their last promise to each other - to die at the same time.

They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228 each in his cell. People considered it impious to bury monks in one coffin and dared to violate the will of the deceased. Twice their bodies were carried to different temples, but twice they miraculously ended up nearby. So they buried the holy spouses together in one coffin near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Thus, the Lord glorified not only His saints, but also once again sealed the holiness and dignity of marriage, the vows of which in this case turned out to be no lower than monastic ones.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized at a church council in 1547. The day of remembrance of the saints is June 25 (July 8).

Saints Peter and Fevronia are a model of Christian marriage. With their prayers, they bring down the heavenly blessing on those who are getting married.

The Holy Princes Peter and Fevronia are revered by the Church as patrons of Christian marriage. It is they who should pray for the sending of peace into the family, for the strengthening of marital ties, for the achievement of family happiness. They are placed on a par with the apostles and martyrs and other great saints. And they were honored with such glorification “for the sake of courage and humility”, shown by them in keeping the commandments of God regarding marriage. This means that each of those who labor in Christian marriage and follow their example can be placed in this rank and can acquire the crown that was awarded to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Them the relics are in the city of Murom in the Trinity Convent . The Day of Remembrance of the Murom Wonderworkers in pre-revolutionary times was one of the main citywide holidays. On this day, a fair was held in Murom, many surrounding residents flocked to the city. It can rightly be said that the relics of the holy princes were a city-wide shrine and the main Orthodox symbol of the city.

Located in Moscow revered icon of the holy princes Peter and Fevronia with a particle of relics in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on Bolshaya Nikitskaya("Small Ascension"), where every Sunday at 17.00 an akathist is served to them.

In 2008, with the support of the wife of the Russian President Svetlana Medvedeva, a new holiday was established - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity , falling on July 8 - the day of memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia. This holiday is part of the forgotten tradition of our people. Previously, engagements were made on this day, and after the end of Peter's Lent, couples got married in the church. A simple and close to everyone chamomile has become a symbol of the holiday - as a symbol of summer, warmth, comfort, purity and innocence.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion, tone 8
You were like a pious root, an honorable branch, / having lived well in piety, blessed Peter, / so with your wife, the wise Fevronia, / pleasing God in the world / and honored the reverend life. / Pray to the Lord with them / save your fatherland without harm, / let you be unceasingly revered.

Kontakion, tone 8
Temporarily contemplating reigning and glory of this world, / for this sake, you lived piously in the world, Peter, / together with your wife, the wise Fevronia, / pleasing God with alms and prayers. / and now pray to Christ, / / ​​save the city and the people who glorify you.

Prayer to the holy noble Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Murom
Oh, the great saints of God and the miraculous miracle-workers of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, intercessors and guardians, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God and ask us from His goodness all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies. Intercede with the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow, crying out to Him day and night, may the many-sick cry be heard and may our belly be driven out of death. Ask the Church of the Saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and well-being, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all the cities of Russia from all evil and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with might, overshadow the grace-filled action of your favorable prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered up to you with tenderness, but wake up intercessors for us to the Lord and make us worthy of your holy help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever and ever. A min.

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day appeared in our country relatively recently, but quickly became as popular as in the West. Unfortunately, a much smaller number of people know about another reason to confess their love to each other more often - Orthodox Feast of Saints Peter and Fevronia. July 8 proclaimed Happy family, love and fidelity and this holiday is called Slavic alternative to Valentine's Day. And why not arrange such holidays twice a year? Moreover, the story of Peter and Fevronia is really very interesting and deserves admiration.

Saint Valentine is the patron of all lovers, Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of conjugal love, family and marriage, because they lived together all their lives in harmony and fidelity, died on the same day and bequeathed to bury them side by side. Their history is known to us thanks to the Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", written in the 16th century. Yermolai Erasmus. At the same time, in 1547, the Murom spouses were canonized at a church council.

The Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" is a real anthem of marital love and fidelity, in addition, it is a glorification of female wisdom and male self-denial. Peter and Fevronia lived in the 13th century, but their history remains interesting and relevant for our contemporaries.

Peter was the brother of the ruler of Murom, Prince Paul. He helped him get rid of the evil serpent that overcame their family. Having killed the enemy, he suffered himself - the poisoned blood of the snake fell on Peter's skin, which caused it to become covered with scabs. None of the doctors could cure him of this disease.

In search of a healer, the prince went to the Ryazan land, and in the village of Laskovo he found a wise girl beyond her years, the daughter of a tree frog. She promised to cure the prince if he later marries her. Peter promised, but did not keep his oath - the prince could not marry a peasant woman. After that, the disease returned to him. Peter again turned to Fevronia for help, and she again helped him. This time he kept his word and took her as his wife. So Fevronia became a princess.

Soon Prince Pavel died, and Peter began to rule in Murom. The boyar wives disliked Fevronia for her simple origin and decided to get rid of her. The boyars told Peter that their wives did not want to obey Fevronia and asked her to leave the city. Then Peter refused to reign and left with his wife.

When they sailed in the courts along the Oka, Fevronia noticed that one man, whose wife was on the same ship, was looking at her "with thought." Then she asked him to scoop up water from one side of the vessel and the other and tell if it tasted different. Of course, there were no differences. Then Fevronia said: “So the nature of women is the same. Why are you, forgetting about your wife, thinking about someone else?

Soon, the Murom nobles came to ask Peter to return - after his departure, confusion and strife began. The couple returned and ruled Murom in accordance with the commandments, "did not like cruelty and money-grubbing, did not spare perishable wealth." In old age, they took monasticism and agreed to leave on the same day. After their death on June 25 (according to the new style on July 8), they did not dare to put them in one coffin, as they asked. Their bodies were in different churches, but in the morning they ended up in the same tomb. So love was able to conquer even death, so the holiday began to be celebrated on this day.

The story of Peter and Fevronia has become an example of love, loyalty and respect for family values. Centuries later, she deserves the same admiration as many years ago. Whether to celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8 - you still have time to think, but for now The love story of Peter and Fevronia. Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Valentine's Day

On July 8, Orthodox Christians celebrate Valentine's Day. In the role of patrons of love and fidelity, the Russian Orthodox Church venerates Saints Peter and Fevronia. The newlyweds and especially young families are patronized by the Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia. The romantic love story of this married couple is described in detail by the greatest author of the 16th century, Yermolai Erasmus, in the Old Russian Tale of Peter and Fevronia. According to the "Tale", the couple reigned on Murom in the late 12th - early 13th centuries, they lived happily and died on the same day.

The legend of Peter and Fevronia tells that Prince Pavel lived in Murom with his wife, to whom a werewolf began to fly. The princess learned that the snake was destined to die at the hands of the prince's younger brother, Peter. Peter kills him with a sword, but the blood of the dragon, splashed on him, causes a serious illness - the hands and face of the prince are covered with ulcers.

Peter ordered to take himself to the Ryazan land, famous for its healers. There, going into one room, he saw a girl - she was sitting at a loom, and a hare was jumping in front of her. Fevronia impressed Prince Peter with her wisdom, solving the most difficult riddles. She agrees to heal the prince on condition that he takes her as his wife.

The exhausted prince agrees to everything. However, having recovered, the prince refuses to fulfill his promise, after which he again becomes covered with ulcers. Fevronia helped him again and became a princess. Gradually, the prince realizes that Fevronia is his only love.

And when the Murom boyars demanded that the prince abandon a simple village girl or give up the principality, he, without hesitation, leaves with his beloved wife for a distant village. However, disagreements and strife that arose between the boyars forced them to ask Peter and Fevronia to return home. The power of love between Peter and Fevronia defeated deceit and hatred.

The story of the death of this married couple is amazing: when dying, Prince Peter sends to his wife to say that she was ready to die with him. Fevronia, busy with embroidery, sticks a needle into the work, carefully folds it, lies down and dies with her husband ... They remained faithful to each other not only to the grave, but also beyond the grave.

Peter and Fevronia died at the same hour. Approximately 300 years after their death, in the 16th century, Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as saints. Orthodox "Valentine's Day" is not celebrated as romantically as Catholics do on February 14, Valentine's Day. On the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, in the Orthodox tradition, it is not customary to make any gifts in the shape of hearts or spend evenings by candlelight.

Orthodox Christians pray in cathedrals and churches on this day. In prayers, young people ask God for great love, and older people ask for family harmony.

Prayer to the Blessed Prince Peter, in monasticism David, and Princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, Miracle Workers of Murom

In Russia, until 1917, the holiday in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, personifying marital love and fidelity in Russian culture and since ancient times considered in Russia the patrons of the family and marriage, was celebrated very widely. On this day, it was customary to visit temples, where young people in their prayers asked for love, and older people - for family harmony. The day of Peter and Fevronia was considered lucky for marriage.

For more than five centuries, the legend of Peter and Fevronia has been living in Russia, a story of irresistible love, it is recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church as an example of a devoted marriage, and the spouses themselves were canonized as saints. They are especially revered on July 8, when, as the story says, they both died on the same day and hour (according to the annals - in April 1228). Cancer with the relics of a married couple is stored under the arches of the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Murom, which lies on the Oka River, three hundred kilometers southeast of Moscow.

About Peter and Fevronia of Murom
A. M. Remizov (1877-1957)

At the beginning of the 13th century, the noble prince Pavel ruled in the city of Murom. He was a kind and fair ruler, but one misfortune happened in his family: the devil's serpent began to fly to his wife at night and incline her to dishonor, and she did not have the strength to resist him. The serpent used to take the form of Paul. This was repeated many times, and one day the wife told her husband about everything. The prince began to look for a way to cope with the snake, but he could not think of anything. Then he told his wife to seduce the snake and ask him what he could die from. When the snake flew to her again, she tried to make it reveal its secret to her. He said: "My death - from Peter's shoulder, Agrikov's sword" (Agrik is a hero from the ancient Russian epic). The wife conveyed these words to her husband, and he began to ponder what this meant. Paul decided to open up to his younger brother Peter and told him about the serpent's words. Once, when Peter was praying alone in the church, a youth appeared to him and showed him the place in the altar wall where Agrikov's sword was kept. Peter took this sword and soon killed the snake, but poisonous snake blood fell on him, from which he was covered with scabs.

Having defeated the serpent himself, Peter could not overcome the disease he caused, and no one could heal him. (Perhaps, in reality, the prince fell ill with something like leprosy). And then one young man told him that in the village of Laskovo, which is not far from Ryazan, there lives a wise maiden who knows how to treat all sorts of difficult illnesses. Peter, together with those close to him, went to Laskovo with the last of his strength. The maiden, whose name was Fevronia, agreed to cure the prince, but set such a condition that the treatment would be valid if the prince married her. (She immediately understood the future: only with her would the prince be healthy both in body and soul). The prince agreed, and the maiden prepared an ointment, telling the prince to smear it all over his body, except for one scab. The next morning, the prince recovered, was delighted and got ready to go back, not attaching importance to his promise given to a simple girl, the daughter of a beekeeper (honey collector). She did not accept his gifts. Peter returned to Murom, but soon felt that the disease was returning to him. He had to go again to Laskovo, to bow to Fevronia, and she again cured him, and he married her.

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The icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia is an image in monasticism of David and Euphrosyne, who were the Orthodox patrons of the family. They are considered a model of perfect Christian marriage. This story is about how the prince fell in love with a girl from the people from the family of a tree climber, which caused the wrath of the boyars. For the sake of love, David renounced the princely throne for the sake of his beloved. Fate prepared many trials for them, but the couple coped with all the trials. A man and a woman became monks and after a while they were honored on the same day on June 25, 1228.

The meaning of the icon of Peter and Fevronia

This image is a symbol of fidelity to each other, devoted love, and that for the sake of true love, people are capable of sacrifice. This story is from the end of the twelfth to the beginning of the thirteenth century. It was for such qualities as kindness, devotion and wisdom that the prince fell in love with Fevronia. It remains unknown whether the couple had children or not.

What helps the icon of Peter and Fevronia

The faces of the saints are asked:

  • about having children in the family;
  • about a happy marriage and peace in the family;
  • about the health of the unborn child during pregnancy and after;
  • in search of their "half";
  • about the blessing of marriage and the strengthening of marital ties.

Many talk about the results of prayers: family relationships are being established, a long-awaited child is born, etc. One has only to ask the saints and they will help you.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

“O saints of God, pious Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: exalt us sinners ( names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, prosperity in good deeds. Intercede to us from the King of Heaven for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up for us to intercede with the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever. Amen".

Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Their face is on a par with other great martyrs and saints. There is a Day of family, love and fidelity, which is celebrated on the eighth of July. The church celebrates this holiday in memory of the saints of Murom. Many on this day go to church to pray to the images. When visiting the monastery, women should wear a long skirt and a blouse that will cover their shoulders. Don't forget the scarf.

Where is the icon of Peter and Fevronia

The relics of the saints are in the Holy Trinity Monastery: Vladimir Region, Murom, Krestyanin Square, 3/A. The line starts outside the walls of the temple, but women with children are allowed in from the other side. Here, on the eighth of July, a liturgy is held, which begins at six in the morning. After you have been in the service, confessed and received communion, you must approach the relics and ask for what you need.

It is worth asking sincerely and sincerely for everything that you need. If you are asking for love, then it is worth clarifying that you need a happy family, and not just mutual sympathy. Miraculous saints prefer married couples. The best gratitude for their help to your requests is to come and thank, if you wish, you can even get married in the monastery.

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You can ask for happiness not only about your own, but also about people close and dear to you. Remember this.

Miraculous icon of Peter and Fevronia

The story of one family, which was helped by the image of not a single generation. “Grandma was about to get married and the godmother presented the face of the saints before the wedding. Grandmother prayed before the icon. At night, Peter had a dream, who said that the grandmother was in no hurry to get married, since this was not her man. In the morning she told her dream to her fiancé.

He was the chairman of the Komsomol cell. This story angered him and he said that she should remove the cross and get rid of all the icons in the house. Grandma made her choice. They separated. But soon she met her grandfather and they got married very soon. Happy in marriage for over sixty years.

My mom couldn't get pregnant. The doctors diagnosed her as infertile. It was decided to go to Moscow to see the relics of the saints. They have been looking for them for a long time. The day passed very quickly and without result. Parents could not get settled in a hotel. On the street, an old woman offered to help them, who said that they would be through prayers. In the morning they went to the museum to the holy relics and prayed. Once home, they realized that mom was already pregnant.

I met my husband in my twenties. We have two wonderful kids. Before marriage, we were blessed with the face of saints. After a while, the husband was replaced, he changed a lot, became rude. It turned out that he was dating a married woman. My meeting with her did not change anything, and the decision was made to go to the temple. We prayed for the preservation of the family.

God heard our prayers. The husband of that woman was sent on a business trip, where she also went. My husband and I forgave each other and started life from scratch. This is how the miraculous face helped us.”

Second Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

“Oh, the greatness of the servant of God and the wonderworkers of the future, the faithfulness of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the intercessor and guardian, and for all of us, zealous prayer books to the Lord! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God, and ask His goodness for all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, in good deeds prosperity, pacification of the world, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Intercede from the King of Heaven, the Church of Saints and the entire power of Russia, peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with your holy relics, overshadow the grace-filled action of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, which are lifted up to you today with tenderness, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to improve eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, in ages of ages. Amen."

Where to hang the icon of Peter and Fevronia at home

  • The image can not only be hung on the walls, but also put on the shelves.
  • There should not be anything superfluous next to it - posters, photographs, calendars.
  • If you decide to hang the image of the saints on the wall in the corner, then there should be free space.
  • If you decide to put it on a shelf, then such a place is decorated with embroidered towels, fresh flowers in a vase.
  • Not many people know that you should not put the faces of saints next to books, even church ones, since they are ritual paraphernalia.

God bless you!

Watch the video story about the icon of Peter and Fevronia: