Spicy kimchi: traditional recipes for Chinese cabbage in Korean. How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage

Korean Snack

kimchi korean recipe


1 hour

20 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Korean kimchi recipe at home

Kitchen appliances and accessories:

  • plate;
  • saucepan (2 pcs.);
  • kettle;
  • gloves;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • Bowl;
  • blender;
  • teaspoon and tablespoon;
  • sieve;
  • dishes that are convenient for storage in the refrigerator (a bowl or a jar).


How to choose fresh Chinese cabbage

  • To maximize the quality of this vegetable, it is better to give preference to heads of cabbage that are not wrapped in cling film. If you can’t do without it, pay attention to the fact that there is no condensation on the film, its presence indicates that initially the cabbage was stored incorrectly.
  • It is important that the leaves are dry. Often, sellers spray water to preserve produce, but under such conditions, cabbage loses many of its nutrients.
  • Fresh Beijing cabbage is very healthy, but if black spots appear on it, the product begins to deteriorate, and in this form it can be hazardous to health. Therefore, you should not buy such a vegetable.
  • It is better to give preference to heads of small size, because a large size indicates that the vegetable is overripe, which means? and not as helpful.
  • It is also important to analyze the smell, normally it is practically absent.. But if you hear an unpleasant smell, you should not buy such a product.

kimchi step by step

  1. It is advisable to prepare well before starting cooking: wash your hands with soap and pour boiling water over the heads of cabbage for a few seconds. Then rinse it well in water and cut into 2 parts. If the fork is large, then it is worth cutting it into 4 parts.

  2. Now you need to salt it and we will do it as follows: you need to take ordinary coarse salt and sprinkle it on each leaf of cabbage. This approach helps to get a uniform ambassador.

    Remember, you don't need to put too much salt on each layer, otherwise you will get a very salty dish.

  3. Salted pieces should be put in a saucepan, pour boiled water at room temperature so that it covers the leaves.

  4. Put a small load on top, for example, put a plate, and place a liter jar of water on top of it. Leave the pot with the contents to ferment for 2-3 days.

  5. Now you can start preparing the dressing. We will need a whole, dry red chili pepper (10 pcs.). It must be cleaned of seeds, put in a large bowl and pour boiling water for 10 minutes (1-1.5 liters will be enough).

    Then drain the water. You can take fresh pepper, then you do not need to soak it, but you just need to clean it from the seeds.

  6. Peel the head of garlic and grind the cloves together with the pods using a blender into a coarse-grained mass. To make it not too thick and easier to mix, you can add a little boiling water.

  7. Add a little salt to the resulting sauce, 1 tsp. coriander and mix everything. You can also put cilantro and other spices that you like into it.

  8. It remains only to grease the salted leaves with ready-made sauce, transfer it to a container convenient for storage in the refrigerator, and let it brew for at least 3 days. To make it soak in the sauce faster, the leaves can be pre-cut into small pieces, and then the process will go faster, and in a day you can enjoy this dish.

Kimchi can be stored in the refrigerator for several months, and the longer you let the dish lie in the refrigerator, the tastier it will turn out.

Korean kimchi recipe video

If you want to learn in detail about each stage of preparing such a dish, I advise you to also familiarize yourself with this video, which describes the features and process of preparing kimchi very well.

Korean Kimchi - Step by Step Recipe (Kimchi, Kim Chi, Chimchi, Chimcha, Chim Cha)

Step-by-step Korean Kimchi recipe from Chinese cabbage.

Beijing cabbage - 2 kg.
Garlic - to taste
Ground coriander - 1 tsp
Salt (coarse)

Pickle (2 method):
Water - 1 l.
Salt - 1 tbsp.

Kankochi recipe - spicy and healthy Korean-style hot pepper condiment https://youtu.be/a2vqeVTFf00

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How and with what to serve the finished dish

This appetizer can be served as an independent dish or as an addition to a side dish. like rice or potatoes. Various salads are also made from it. This ingredient can even be added to hamburgers and pizzas. And kimchi perfectly complements and goes well with meat and fish dishes.

Other cooking options

For those who love fragrant and savory dishes, I advise you to get acquainted with the following recipes that you will definitely like.

  • If you do not like cabbage, do it, and if you prefer legumes, try cooking.
  • In Korean, you can also cook not only vegetables, for example, made in this way, it turns out very tasty.
  • If you are not indifferent to seafood, then try to cook, I am sure that such food will be a great snack for your table.

Is it possible to imagine a Russian table without sauerkraut? In the same way, you can't imagine Korean without kimchi. Translated, with slight sound changes, this word means “salted vegetables”. But Koreans salt mostly lettuce. The dish is similar to Russian pickled vegetables, only much spicier. The recipe is different - the dish is fermented.

Two world-famous snacks - kimchi and Korean carrots - are similar in taste. Kimchi is not just sour. It is salted together with vegetables, ginger, sesame seeds, seaweed, pine nuts and chestnuts with the addition of hot peppers. Kimchi is also combined with seafood: not only with shrimp and fish, oysters are often added to it.

Koreans themselves use a spicy snack with unleavened boiled rice. Well, those who have adopted the love for the dish are already inventing a side dish themselves. In Russia, vegetable salting and potatoes are combined.

There are many recipes for making kimchi. At home, the dish is a family recipe that has been passed down for generations. Chefs from other countries make treats in their own way.

What is the difference between kimchi

Any salting has its own aroma, which you can’t confuse. In the case of kimchi, this is very pronounced. The specific smell and taste will surprise you at first, and then true gourmets fall in love with them.
Unlike sauerkraut, the leaves in the Korean dish are left whole. Beijing cabbage is softer, so the result is achieved faster. However, if the chopped version is more convenient - cut it.

The benefits of this product is a separate issue. Calcium, iron, vitamins and microelements lower cholesterol levels, fight cancer; vitamin C improves immunity, and vitamin A improves skin condition.

Variety of recipes and ingredients. Some people like kimchi sweeter, others do not add carrots. Everyone adjusts the level of spiciness in their own way. But there is a risk of spoiling the snack, for example, with an excess of garlic, because it gives bitterness. The classic composition includes radishes, sliced ​​onions and a fish ingredient, such as seafood pasta or seaweed.

How to cook it at home

In the restaurant, this dish is used in proper preparation. Is it possible to achieve the desired taste and sharpness at home? Do I need to add secret ingredients and what technology to cook? As the experience of the hostesses shows, there are no secrets if you follow the recipe.

  • Chinese cabbage - head
  • Daikon - 1 piece
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Chili peppers - 8 medium pieces, not too hot
  • fish sauce
  • Sugar, salt
  • bow feathers

There are three ways to salt the main product. Dry, in water and mixed. In three ways, it is better to use coarse sea salt. The waterless process speaks for itself. We rub the product with grains evenly on both sides, leave the natural juice to stand out for several hours.

In a humid environment, cabbage will not pickle so quickly, but evenly.

With a wet-dry method, you need to rub the leaves and pour water. In our recipe we use a common method - wet.

We cut the head of cabbage into large slices, along the core into quarters, and even across. Put in a saucepan, rub with salt and lightly squeeze. Salty grains will need two large spoons. Fill with water to cover the pieces. From above we press with a heavy oppression. The brine soaks the product overnight.

The next step is washing. Remove excess salt by rinsing with water. Let it flow.

The creative process begins - the preparation of the marinade. Grind a large piece of ginger and garlic cloves in a blender or on a grater. Throw hot peppercorns into the blender. If Korean cuisine is too spicy for you, remove some of the fruit.

We chop the radish into strips, like french fries.

Chop onion feathers.

We take dishes in which it is convenient to mix. Pour hot spices: chili, ginger, garlic. Pour in the fish sauce, sprinkle with sugar and grind. Next, radish and onions are sent to the marinade. And the last put the cabbage. We rub each piece so that the vegetable is covered with filling.

The mixture is peppered, so it is better to cook the dish with gloves, or treat the skin after cooking.

Store kimchi, like other sauerkraut, in a glass container. We take a jar a little larger in volume than the amount of snacks, we shift the contents into it. The cabbage will release juice that may overflow.

Seal the jar tightly to prevent bacteria from entering. We leave to spend the night in a cool place. It's best to go somewhere darker. We put the daily infusion in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but ideally, kimchi is infused for about a week to acquire a unique Korean taste.

Every day we take out a jar of kimchi and lightly press on the contents, stirring the brine.

How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage

Koreans have Beijing cabbage - a favorite. There are many salad recipes. This classic:

  • 10 kg Chinese cabbage
  • Water - 8 liters
  • Sea salt (coarse) - 800 gr
  • Garlic - 300 gr
  • Sugar - a large spoon
  • Red pepper flakes - a glass

We separate the leaves from the head and wash. While drying, prepare the brine from the prepared products. You need a capacious dish so that the whole cabbage pieces are included.

Immerse the vegetable in the saline solution and press down on top. Beijing cabbage will be salted until the morning. If possible, turn the cabbage parts over after a few hours. Drain the liquid in the morning, reserving some for the sauce. Rinse the leaves from excess salt.

We prepare the pasta on the basis of brine, grated garlic, and put the pepper in the form of flakes, sugar.

Put on gloves before rubbing the leaves. We coat each piece with paste, put it on top of each other in one container, again press it with a load from above. The process of fermentation of the dish will go on for several days. Then we arrange the kimchi into portions in glass jars. They store snacks better. We remove to a cold place.

There is also a dry way to cook cabbage. Sprinkle cabbage with sea salt and remove for 4 hours. After that, sprinkle the other side of the leaves again and note the time. After 8 hours, wash off the grains and dry the vegetable.

Someone skillfully combines both methods: first wakes up, then soaks. It turns out faster.

More often, Chinese cabbage kimchi is made with the addition of vinegar and numerous spices.

One of the famous recipes is:

  • Chinese cabbage - 1 kg
  • 4 large spoons of salt
  • 1 chili pepper
  • Vinegar - 2 large spoons
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml
  • head of garlic
  • Ginger - 4 pieces
  • 3 onions
  • Sugar and paprika 2 large spoons

The processing of the main product is the same - cut into pieces. Salting in a dry way takes the time of the night.

After preparing the marinade, that is, a mixture of ingredients in a crushed form, we spread the leaves with a spicy paste. Fill the voids in the jars with water. In a cold place, kimchi is fermented for 2-3 days.

Gourmets appreciate the taste of pickled apples and pears, so they often pickle Beijing cabbage in fruit slices. Choose the best recipe for your own taste.

fish sauce

Sauces are ready-made. In addition to fish, anchovy and shrimp are suitable. You can combine both sauces. It depends on taste and desire. It is almost impossible to cook fish filling at home. This is a complex technological process. In Korea, such sauces are in abundance on the shelves. If you can't find it, you can do without it altogether. Koreans themselves sometimes replace the sauce with just salt or seaweed.

Is it necessary to use sea salt?

The peculiarity of kimchi is texture and taste. A simple seasoning won't work, so look for coarse sea salt. Small grains are washed out of the leaves, and the dish becomes lightly salted. Fermentation is not possible with iodized salt. We also refuse it.

What to do after the salting process

Rinse in a special way. Rinse several times in cold water. We cut the head of cabbage into large pieces, turn it over with a bottleneck down, that is, upside down, so that drops of liquid drain. If they stay inside, they will turn sour and spoil the marinade.

Make floury solution

Rice flour is brewed with a sweet aftertaste in the ratio - 1 small spoon for more than half a glass of water. We heat and cook on low heat so that it does not boil in lumps. Outwardly, it will resemble soup puree. Will thicken, remove and cool to a cool state.

Make gochugaru paste

Add hot pepper flakes to the flour puree. After a while, the pepper vegetable will give a rich red color to the solution. Chop garlic and ginger into small cubes. Pour into the paste and stir until smooth. We cut onion feathers and radish into thin plates. Together with vegetables, we combine dressing with leaves.


In an open container, combine fish sauce, pasta and cabbage pieces. Brush each inside with the mixture by hand. Spread so that the slices of radish and herbs are inside the pieces.


What is fermentation? This is a kind of fermentation process that occurs during sauerkraut. Lactic acid, which is secreted, helps the spread of beneficial microorganisms. These are lactobacilli that contribute to the digestion of food, the work of the stomach and intestines.

For infusion and impregnation, it is better to take a container or use a saucepan with a lid. We take into account that the product will give juice, and leave a place for it on top. We tamp, close tightly so that bacteria do not get in. A glass jar is also suitable for fermentation. But there are special dishes for this, in which the result will be much better. In a plastic container, the snack is stored less. If you are going to eat right away, then plastic will do. For storage, choose another dish.

kimchi preparation time

Kimchi takes a long time to cook. Not without reason cooks advise to stock up with patience.

A day or two takes the processing and salting of vegetables. Let's count on the example of a recipe how to cook kimchi from Chinese cabbage. So, put a pot of water on the fire, bring 3 liters of liquid to a boil. We cut the cabbage ourselves: along the base we divide into quarters, once again cut across into wide plates. Salt in the following proportions: 6 large spoons per our volume of water. Dip the future cabbage in Korean style into hot water, put it tightly, crush it.

While the water is hot, it seems that there is a lot of cabbage and it is not included. Wait until it cools down, then it becomes clear that the pieces are compacted. First we press the load, as it cools down, remove it. At home, put the pan on the floor and forget about it for a couple of days.

After some time, we wash the cabbage billet from the brine. And on the same day we prepare the marinade for the next, most important stage - fermentation. Marinade based on hot peppercorns, bell pepper, garlic, coriander, ginger, fish sauce knead in a blender. We coat the cabbage pieces, put them in a glass container. The consumption is 1:1, that is, per kilo of cabbage - a liter jar.

And then a matter of taste. True gourmets let kimchi ferment for another 5 days so that the cabbage has a characteristic sauerkraut taste and smell. Who does not have enough patience, they take a sample the very next day. In jars, the snack should be left at room temperature, not put in the refrigerator. And only then, when the fermentation is completed, we put it away for storage in the cold.

Total, cooking time - at least 3 days, maximum - up to a week.

How long to store cooked kimchi

The traditional dishes for preserving treats are ong-gi. This is a product made of clay or breathable ceramics that supports the fermentation process. In such containers, cabbage is stored even in the ground for months.

In Russian cuisine, such dishes are rather an exception. Therefore, we use a plastic container that is tightly sealed.

Glass jars are also suitable for storing sauerkraut.

Up to six months, the result of one salting is used. True, every month kimchi becomes more sour, as fermentation intensifies. Harvesting "for a long time" is only suitable for the vegetable version. But with seafood, it is better to eat kimchi in a month.

By the way, kimchi is not just an appetizer, a salad for hot and a vegetable independent dish. Complex dishes are also prepared with its addition. So, kimchi will be an ideal addition to pilaf, stewed bigus is prepared on its basis, it goes to burgers and sandwiches as a vegetable supplement. The sour product is also indispensable for headaches, after holidays and heavy drinking.

Many people are attracted not by ordinary cabbage, but by Beijing cabbage. And not only due to its mild taste, but also due to the combination of the crispy middle of the leaf and its tender edges. Therefore, it is Beijing cabbage that is preserved or salted for the winter by many housewives.

Many people are attracted not by ordinary cabbage, but by Beijing

Most often, salads or main dishes are prepared from Beijing cabbage. Interestingly, Beijing cabbage goes well with seafood, sausages, other vegetables, fruits. In the process of preparing salads and dishes from this product, it should be noted that it cannot be combined with cream, milk and yogurt, otherwise such an interaction can cause gastrointestinal upset.

In the process of preparing second courses, Chinese cabbage should not be subjected to long-term processing. The best way to cook a vegetable is to blanch it for 10-20 seconds. This product will be an excellent ingredient for making cabbage rolls, stews, various rolls, casseroles. Such dishes should be served with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

Chinese cabbage recipes for the winter (video)

Chamcha for the winter

Chamcha is a rather spicy dish that helps to cope with various pathogens, as well as improve immunity.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.2 kilograms of Beijing cabbage;
  • 250 grams of daikon;
  • 120 grams of carrots;
  • 30 grams of ginger;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 50 grams of leek;
  • 50 grams of onions;
  • 30 milliliters of soy sauce;
  • 1 chili pod;
  • 30 grams of rice flour;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of salt.

Just as the hallmark of national gastronomy in Russia is caviar, in France - wine and cheeses, in Korea - kimchi pickled vegetables. This is one of the most characteristic symbols, which embodies Korea and its culture better than others. So, in any case, the people of Korea themselves believe. This spicy snack is an essential part of any Korean menu.

These are salted pickled cabbage, radish or other vegetables that are cooked with spices. They differ from each other in the set of ingredients and salting methods, moreover, Korean kimchi is prepared in different ways at different times of the year.

There are, according to experts, more than 100 types of kimchi. In Korea, it is served even in Western or Chinese restaurants, and even in pizzerias. You may be surprised, but now kimchi is even added to pizza and hamburgers. And children begin to give kimchi from about three years old, washing cabbage pieces in water, which somewhat softens the spiciness of this dish, although after this procedure it still remains very spicy.

In Korea itself, there is a huge industry of kimchi, festivals of this dish are held, museums have been created and a real cult of this truly national dish reigns. Jeonju University has the only faculty in the world to teach the technology of the production of this dish. Graduates during their studies are dismantled by companies engaged in the production of a national product. Every fall, the housewives of Seoul compete in the art of fermenting kimchi.

It's believed that a good Korean wife should be able to cook up to 30 (!) varieties of kimchi.And as the Koreans themselves say, the skill of a cook is often determined by his ability to cook this dish.

In ancient times, every autumn, several women gathered together to prepare kimchi for the future, so that it would be enough for several families for the whole winter. In traditional Korea, stocks of kimchi served in the daily diet of the family as the main source of vitamins in the winter. However, in our time, a small family has become common, and the townspeople living in apartments do not have the opportunity to gather together. Previously, kimchi was stored underground in clay vats or in pots that were buried in the courtyard of the house up to the neck in the ground, but now there are special vats for storing it and refrigerators. Thanks to them, many Koreans are able to cook small portions of kimchi throughout the year.

Why did kimchi come to Korea?

Kimchi appeared in Korea around the 7th century. At its earliest stage, kimchi was only salted vegetables, but during the 12th century
a new type of kimchi that included some spices and seasonings. In the 18th century, hot red pepper finally became one of the main spices used to make kimchi. In the 19th century, thanks to the importation of Chinese cabbage to Korea, we can taste the kimchi we know today.

Vegetable pickles can be found in all countries. But here are some possible reasons why kimchi as a pickle originated in Korea:(1) vegetables were loved by the ancient Koreans, whose main occupation was the cultivation of vegetables and fruits;(2) the Koreans had a wonderful technology for processing fish, which was often used as a condiment;(3) Beijing cabbage was grown in large quantities.

During the time of the Goryeo kingdom, cabbage was mentioned in an oriental medicine book called "Hanyakgugeupbang". During this time, there were two types of kimchi, zhangati (chopped radish preserved in soy sauce) and sunmu sogeumjeori (salted radish). Kimchi has begun to gain attention not only as a food that is convenient in winter, but also as a food that can be enjoyed regardless of the season. It is assumed that it was at this time that various seasonings began to be added to kimchi.

Three types of kimchi were served to the kings of the Joseon period: cabbage kimchi (“jeotgukji”), sliced ​​radish kimchi (“kkaktugi”), and water kimchi (“dongchimi”). To prepare "jeotgukji", a large amount of salted fish was added to kimchi. The recipe book of the Joseon period indicates the following method of cooking "jeotgukji".

First, cut thoroughly washed cabbage and radish into small pieces and salt them. Secondly, add ground red pepper, garlic, omezhnik (“minari”), mustard leaves (“gat”) and some seaweed to the prepared mass. Thirdly, boil the marinated fish and cool it. Fourth, add it to the above mass. Fifth, put the mass in a pot and bring to fermentation.

A large amount of spices were used to give the taste of "donchimi", the main products of which were radish and water. The radish used for this type of kimchi had to have a specially prescribed shape and size. In addition, it had to be washed and salted the day before pickling and burying in jugs underground. There is a legend that King Gochon, the penultimate king of Joseon, enjoyed cold noodles in dongchimi juice with beef broth as a winter evening snack. The royal chefs prepared a special water kimchi with pears for the king, which was used only for cold noodles.

Benefits of Kimchi

Well-fermented kimchi has antibiotic characteristics, since the lactic acid bacteria produced during the fermentation process inhibit the growth of kimchi.

st of harmful bacteria. These bacteria not only create the starter, but also prevent over-fermentation by keeping other bacteria from growing in the gut. Lactobacilli produced as a result of fermentation block the growth of harmful bacteria in the internal organs, stimulate the secretion of pepsin, a protein analysis enzyme in the stomach and intestines, helping digestion normalize the distribution of bacteria in the internal organs. Thus, kimchi inhibits the influence of harmful bacteria, reducing the acid index in the intestines like yogurt, and when kimchi ripens, the content of lactic acid bacteria increases.

Kimchi is an alkaline supplier that protects against acidic toxins formed by blood oxidation when there was too much meat at dinner and

whether sour food. Kimchi is also considered an effective hangover cure.

In addition, the lactic acid formed in kimchi is effective in preventing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer of the stomach and intestines.

According to recent studies, it was found that kimchi protects against atherosclerosis by reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Kimchi is an antioxidant and active ingredients such as vitamin C, carotene, phenolic compounds, and chlorophyll, etc., inhibit aging, especially of the skin.

Beijing cabbage, which is used to make kimchi, has the ability to prevent colon cancer, and garlic protects against stomach cancer. Garlic is used in almost all kinds of dishes in Korea and is a very important ingredient in kimchi. Due to its strong and pungent smell and taste, people avoid eating it, but various foods with garlic are quickly becoming healthy foods. Ground red pepper, the main component of kimchi, aids digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices.

a, and is an antioxidant with lots of vitamins A and C. The allicin found in garlic activates metabolism, helping the absorption of vitamin B. In addition, ginger increases appetite and stimulates blood circulation.

Combining kimchi with various foods

Fried rice with kimchi - This is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. You can add onions and carrots to kimchi.

Kimchi ramen- kimchi soup, which is also easy to prepare. Put the chopped kimchi into the pot of simmering ramen. This will give the soup a mixed flavor.Kimchi udonthe soup is similar to kimchi ramen. If you put some kimchi in udon soup, the invigorating taste of kimchi will make the soup taste much brighter. You can also add vegetables or mushrooms for a better taste.

Cold noodles with radish kimchi Good for when it's hot in the summer. The secret of this dish is the broth. Pour the radish kimchi brine into the boiling beef broth in a 50/50 ratio. Finish the dish by adding some vinegar or mustard to taste.

Kimchi and meatperfectly harmonize with each other. Low-calorie, high-vitamin, high-calorie, protein-rich, kimchi is an excellent food combination in every aspect. Refreshing kimchi with bulgogi is a wonderful combination. You can also mix kimchi with minced fried beef or chicken by adding chopped shallots, garlic and peppers.

Kimchi and tofumatch perfectly. They can be eaten both hot and cold. Here's an example: remove excess moisture and cut these products into small pieces. Fry for a few seconds in hot sesame oil. Unique taste guaranteed.

While numerous kimchi adherents appear around the world, and it is prepared by housewives in different countries, according to the latest polls in South Korea, 65% of modern Korean women living in megacities do not make kimchi themselves, but simply buy it in supermarkets and put it at home in special refrigerators. Making kimchi is a rather lengthy process. If you want to see it on the table the next day, you can buy kimchi from our store or make kimchi at home on your own, since we have all the components for kimchi.

Kimchi Recipe

Pyachukimchi (Kimchi made from Chinese cabbage)


1 PC. Chinese cabbage

1 PC. white radish (small)

100 g garlic

50 g green onions

3 pcs red hot pepper

1 tbsp sugar without a slide

1.5 tsp salt

1 red bell pepper

15 g roasted sesame seeds

This recipe is simplified. It does not include some specific Korean supplements that are hard to get in Russia!


Cut the cabbage lengthwise into two parts, if the head is large, then into four. Soak in salt water for a day (~ 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter).

Grind garlic, hot and sweet pepper in a food processor, add salt, sugar and a little water. Cut the radish into strips 4-5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick, chop the green onion 4 cm long and add to the spicy mixture. Thoroughly stuff the cabbage between the leaves with this mixture. Carefully wrap each part with the last (outer) sheet so that the filling is kept inside. Place tightly under oppression, pour the remaining juice from the filling on top. Keep at least 5 days at room temperature. Keep the finished kimchi in a cool place. Before eating, cut the salad into small pieces (3-4 cm). Enjoy your meal!

How to make sour kimchi less sour

Usually, kimchi mixed with many seasonings becomes too soft quickly. Therefore, in case you want to keep kimchi fresh for a long time, you need to use more salt and less spices such as garlic and ginger, do not use seafood (raw oysters and shrimp). So, rice porridge will make kimchi more delicious, but kimchi will turn sour faster. Therefore, it is better not to use porridge for kimchi, which is fermented for the winter.

There is a way to reduce the sour taste of kimchi. If you put two eggs in the center of a Chinese cabbage for about 12 hours, you will find that the kimchi has become less acidic and the eggshells have become soft. Instead of eggs, you can use clam shells.

Radish Kimchi (Kkaktugi)


2 pcs. large radish

30 g green onions

60 g garlic

10 g crushed ginger

250 g red ground pepper

150 g salted shrimp (optional)

15 g sugar

roasted sesame

peeled pine nuts



Rinse the radish, cut into small cubes, season with salt and keep for about an hour (so that it is slightly saturated with salt); then rinse several times. Cut the green onion into 3 cm pieces. Put the radish in a large bowl, add crushed garlic, ginger, pepper, sugar and shrimp and mix thoroughly.

Put green onions and parsley and stir lightly, salt to taste; put sesame seeds and pine nuts and stir.

Press everything well and keep in a closed vessel at room temperature for at least 4 days.

Nabakkimchi (radish kimchi cut into squares)


1 kg radish

300 g Asian pear

50 g green onions

30 g garlic (1 head)

5 g ginger

10 g red ground pepper

100 g salt


Cut the radish into flat squares with a side of 2 cm and a thickness of 0.2 cm. Peel the pears, also cut into thin squares with a side of 1 cm. Cut the green onion into 3 cm each. Chop and crush the ginger and garlic. Mix the radish with ground red pepper, grind and after it turns red, mix with pear and salt.

Put in a dish for salting. After an hour, pour in salted water to taste, season kimchi with onion, garlic and ginger, let it brew. When foam forms, dishes with kimchi should be put in a cold place. The nabakimchi needs to float on top, so a sufficient amount of brine is needed.

Kimchi is an essential part of many Korean dishes. This is the common Korean name for pickled vegetables. But in practice, when Koreans refer to kimchi, they usually talk about pickled Beijing cabbage, since it is the most common vegetable used in making this dish. For other variations, it is common to list the name of the vegetable before the general name (for example, O-ee Kimchi means it's a pickled cucumber appetizer). Kimchi is also used as an ingredient in many other Korean dishes, including some rather elaborate recipes. The step-by-step recipe for Beijing cabbage kimchi is quite simple: it is produced by lacto-fermentation. This is the same process that creates sauerkraut and traditional pickles.

At the first stage, the cabbage is soaked in a salty brine, which kills harmful bacteria. In the second step, the remaining Lactobacillus bacteria convert the sugars into lactic acid, which preserves the vegetables and gives them that wonderful tangy flavor.

What is the difference between kimchi

If you are trying this dish for the first time, you may be initially surprised by the strong smell and unusual taste. However, once you get used to kimchi, chances are you will really like it. This is not bad, because this snack is also famous for its health benefits. It is rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, thiamines (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and iron, and contains many beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Some studies say that kimchi is great for improving digestion, lowering cholesterol, fighting cancer, rejuvenation, and boosting immunity. In some markets, you can easily find ready-made kimchi. But you can also make your own appetizer, according to your personal taste and preferred spiciness.

If you look for Chinese cabbage kimchi recipes, you can find all sorts of options. Some add a little sugar, others avoid sweeteners entirely. There are people who include carrots in the composition, but some consider this unacceptable.

It can be confusing, but each of these options works really well. This means that you and your family can make the kimchi of your choice. Rely on your own sense of smell and taste, and you will get a great snack. However, some cautions apply to any recipe. So, too much garlic can make kimchi bitter, and too much ginger can make it sticky. As for gochaguru or red pepper, adjust the content to your liking. Kimchi can be mild or spicy as you choose.

Classic Beijing cabbage kimchi is made with radishes and onions, and dressed with aged paste of red pepper, garlic, ginger, sugar and fish sauce, salted shrimp or kelp.

The quality of sea salt and gochaguru (Quran pepper flakes) is the key to making great kimchi.

How to cook it at home

Korean cabbage kimchi recipe requires the use of the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of Beijing cabbage;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 cup sea salt (for brine)
  • 1/2 cup coarse sea salt (for sprinkling)
  • 1 teaspoon sweet rice flour (or plain)
  • 3/4 cup water (for flour)
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh garlic;
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh (grated) ginger
  • 230 grams of Korean radish;
  • 3 bunches of green onions;
  • 1/2 cup gochaguru (Korean hot pepper flakes)
  • 1 teaspoon anchovy fish sauce;
  • 2 teaspoons shrimp fish sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

How to cook kimchi from Chinese cabbage?

Use rubber gloves to cook the cabbage and apply the seasoning first. Otherwise, your hands may suffer from salt and pepper.

There are three ways to salt Chinese cabbage for Korean kimchi:

  1. dry method. You need to pour coarse sea salt between the cabbage leaves and leave them for 4 hours. Then turn the leaves over and leave for another 4 hours (8 hours total). Usually, 1 cup of salt is used for one whole Chinese cabbage. After the specified time, the leaves should be washed and drained.
  2. wet method. Make a salt solution and completely submerge the cabbage in it for 12-16 hours (turn it over after 6-8 hours). Place something heavy on top to keep the vegetable under the salt water. The optimal concentration of saline is 15-20%. The ratio of water / coarse salt is 5/1.
  3. A combination of dry and wet methods. Make a saline solution (water/coarse salt 16/1) in a bowl large enough to hold half a head of cabbage. Dip it on all sides, making sure all parts of the cabbage are moist. Then take the cabbage out of the salt solution and place it in a large empty bowl or roasting pan. Then sprinkle about ¼ cup of coarse salt (for each half) on top between the leaf layers. Leave for 4-6 hours. Turn the cabbage over and leave it for the same amount (8-12 hours in total).

The holding time may vary depending on the temperature, the amount of salt, and the thickness of the Chinese cabbage used. In summer, salting is faster, in winter this process lasts much longer. How do you know that the vegetable is ready, and you can continue to cook Chinese cabbage kimchi? When you bend a cabbage leaf with a stalk, it should not be brittle and crispy. After rinsing 2-3 times, the salinity should remain more than desired, as it decreases during the fermentation process.

However, if too much salt is added, the Chinese cabbage will lose its sweet taste. If there is too little of it, your kimchi will not be very tasty. In addition, insufficiently salted cabbage can later become bitter or start to rot.

fish sauce

You can use different proportions of Anchovy Fish Sauce and Salted Shrimp Sauce to make chinese kimchi depending on your preference. In the southern parts of Korea, more anchovy fish sauce is usually used. However, its excess gives kimchi a bitter taste. Other types of fish sauce are also used in different parts of Korea, but shrimp and anchovy sauces are the most common. If you have made more seasoning than you need, you can freeze the excess.

Is it necessary to use sea salt?

Remember also that coarse sea salt is an essential component of kimchi. Table salt won't give you the same taste and texture.

You can use kosher, but only large. If the salt particles are too small, this can speed up the process of leaching from the leaves. It is not recommended to use table (iodized) salt, because iodine prevents fermentation, and the texture and color of kimchi may not be correct. The photo of Beijing cabbage kimchi presented in the article clearly shows the correct color of the finished product.

What to do after the salting process?

Rinse the Chinese cabbage 3 times in cold water. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces 5-6 cm in size, without separating the leaves from each other. Drain all the water by placing the cabbage upside down in a strainer for 4-5 hours. If this is not done, excess liquid can lead to unwanted odors. There must be some space between the bottom of the filter and the surface of the sink so that the water can escape.

Make floury solution

In a small saucepan, add sweet rice flour to cold water (1 teaspoon of flour to 3/4 cup of water) and stir until all lumps are dissolved. Heat over medium heat, bring to a boil and continue to cook until creamy soup. Remove the mass from the heat and let it cool for at least 40 minutes.

Make gochugaru paste

Add all the hot pepper flakes to the flour mixture and mix well. Leave on for approximately 20 minutes for a more vibrant color. Mince the garlic and ginger. The smaller the pieces, the more evenly they will be distributed over the kimchi. Wash and cut the green onion and radish into thin pieces. After that, you can season the chinese cabbage kimchi.


When the cabbage is rid of excess liquid, mix the gochagur paste with anchovy fish and shrimp sauces, minced ginger, garlic, sugar, chopped green onions and radishes.

Wear disposable gloves to protect your hands. Place the cabbage on a large tray and rub the seasoning mixture between the leaves. Run your fingers over each layer, leaving the radish and green onion chunks in the white part of the sheet so they don't fall out.


Place the prepared cabbage in a container with a good tight lid. Once it is full, compact the leaves with your hands. Fill the container to 80% or less. Otherwise, it may start to leak as kimchi produces liquid and gas during fermentation. You can use any glass jar or high-quality plastic container, but for best results, use special utensils that induce probiotic fermentation and keep the product in optimal condition.

Cover the top of the container with a plastic sheet (wrap with foil) and close the lid. If you're making a small amount of kale and intend to use it in a week or two, you don't need to use the plastic wrap.

How long does kimchi take to cook?

The fermentation time depends on the temperature and the amount of salt in the kimchi. Lower temperatures and less salt slow down the fermentation process. Experts say that slow fermentation at +5...+10 °C for 15-20 days allows you to get the most delicious kimchi from Beijing cabbage.

Cooking time also depends on your personal preferences. Some people like fresh, almost unfermented kale, others like it heavily fermented and sour. In any case, once the kimchi has reached the stage of doneness you like, put it in the refrigerator.

Keep in mind that Chinese cabbage will produce gas and liquid as it is actively fermented. Leave some space in the container or it will quickly overflow.

How to store cooked kimchi and for how long

Traditionally, kimchi was stored in a pottery called ong-gi. Ong-gi/Onggi is a breathable ceramic that keeps cabbage and other fermented foods in optimal condition. In the old days, Koreans made kimchi in the fall and then placed it in ong-gi and buried it in the ground to keep the product all winter.

Today, most Koreans use a plastic container to store kimchi and put it in the refrigerator.

The product can be stored for 6 months or longer in the refrigerator, but it may take on a sour taste. In this form, kimchi is ideal for cooking vegetable stews, rice with vegetables, etc. If you add fresh seafood to a salad, chinese cabbage kimchi is best consumed within a month.