Pie with frozen fruit in the oven. Cake with berries of berry

The most popular berries in demand in frozen form is cranberries, strawberry, currant, lingonberry and others. With them you can prepare various dishes and desserts, including such a baking as sweet pies. About them and will be discussed in this article.

On any day of the year, if you yourself have not frozen the berries in the summer, they can be bought in a frozen form in many major supermarkets. As a rule, most often on sale can be seen cherry, strawberries and cranberries, but if desired, it is possible to find and raspberry, and the gooseberry, and different types of currant, and blackberries, and blueberries, and a lingonberry, and Kalina. In general, today there is no lack of these products, and it's just wonderful, because you can enjoy them and dishes of them all year round. Previously, such a luxury as berry pies was available only in the season.

Berry pies are not only tasty, but also useful, because in correctly frozen berries, valuable substances and vitamins are preserved. So such a dessert can be enjoyed with double pleasure, and even with triple, if you think about not only about taste and benefits, but also about aesthetic pleasure - what a smell stands in the house where such a pie is baked, and what a comfort and feeling of heat is the most What is sometimes missing to all of us in winter.

In general, let's not walk around and about and consider the several most delicious recipes of pies that can be cooked from frozen berries.

Berries in recipes are interchangeable and complemented, so you can use any berry for cooking cake that you have at hand. The type of berry affects only the amount of sugar - if you take sour, increase the amount of sugar if the frozen years used is sweeter than the recipe required, reduce the amount of sugar.

Pretty Pie Recipe with Frozen Berries

It will take: 200g flour and butter / margarine, 150g sugar, 3 eggs, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. Busty, frozen berries any.

How to prepare a simple pie with frozen berries. Softening oil, beat with sugar, drive into a mixture of eggs, pour vanilla sugar, flour, baking powder, knead the dough - it should remind a thick sour cream on the consistency. Defrost berries. To deceive with vegetable oil shape for the cake, lay out the dough, to put the berries on top and slightly press them into it. Furnace Pie in a heated to 180 degrees oven half an hour.

Recipe for yeast pie with frozen berries

It will take: for the test - 10g yeast, 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of water and egg, 2 tbsp. Cream oil, 1-2 tbsp. Sugar, ½ tsp Salts, for filling - 3 glasses of raspberry frozen, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tsp. Starch.

How to prepare yeast pie with frozen berries. In warm water or milk, pushing the yeast, mix, pour half of the sifted flour, add a pinch of sugar, mix until homogeneity, leave the pole in heat for 2-3h. In the rising layer, enter the remaining sugar, drive the egg, spill, mix, then enter the remaining flour and knead the dough - it should be smooth, elastic, nelipe. Connect the dough with softened cream oil and resurrect again. Give the test to come 1-2 in warm, during which time 2-3 times to change. Roll the dough into a layer 1cm thick, lay out on a baking sheet, lubricated with oil, 10-15min to leave, sprinkle with a slightly starch, lay out starchy berries, leaving 1-2 cm of the edges of the test free, spray the edges of the starch filling, sprinkle with sugar berries, break the edges Test on a stuffing on 1cm and take off, bake the cake in the oven preheated to 220 marads until the dough is shred.

You can make such a tart closed: To do this, knead the dough not on the glass, but by one and a half glasses of the liquid and in accordance with this, increase the number of other products for the test in proportion. Third mixed test Use for top reservoir to cover berries.

You can prepare a berry pie in a very interesting version - on cottage cheese dough, but not just curd, but with the addition of bran and oatmeal, which will make such a cake even more useful.

Recipe Curd Cake with Frozen Berries

It will take: for the foundation - 200g of cottage cheese, ½ Package Vanillina, 3 tbsp. Oatmeal croup with hammer, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tbsp. Bran, filling - 360g cottage cheese, 300g mixtures of frozen berries, 1 egg, ½ Package Vanillina, 3 tbsp. Sahara.

How to prepare cottage cheese pie with frozen berries. Mix cottage cheese with bran, oatmeal, vaniline and sugar, lay the mixture into a shape, lubricated with oil, make fires, bake 10-12min in a heated to 180 degrees oven. For the filling of the frostbed berries, grind the blender, mix with cottage cheese, adding vanillin, put the filling on the basis, put in the oven and bake for another half an hour. Give the cake to cool in the form, if desired, arrange berries.

General principles of cooking berry pies from frozen and fresh berries

  • Most often for berry pies is preparing a terrible yeast dough, however, any freeziness is also suitable.
  • The filling from berries for such pies is selected as follows: Sweet and sour berries are mixed, then the cake is a pleasant sourness. However, acid berries should be 2 times less than sweet - then the filling does not have to add a lot of sugar, which too dilutes.
  • Frozen berries preferably defrosting before bookmarking in the cake on the colander so that the excess fluid flows down. If they are not enough to defrost them, then the filling will wet the dough very much.
  • In some shops sold in stores, thickeners for baking are added. They do not need to defrost, and immediately from the package should be laid on the dough and put the cake in the oven. Carefully read the inscriptions on the packages, usually on such packages with berries it is written "before baking not to defrost."
  • In the dough for any berry pie, you can add to the aromatization of the cake to the fragrance of lemon or orange, vanillin or vanilla sugar, dried cardamom.

Prepare a delicious pie from frozen berries very easily, it will not take much time and effort. Such a wonderful dessert will collect the whole family at the table, the feeling of comfort and heat will give, remind you of sunny summer due to berry aroma!

Pies frozen berries Or fresh always remind of summer. Favorite berries in a biscuit, creamy or yeast dough - joy for adults and children.

Pie "Croste with Strawberry"


  • lemon zest 2 art. l.
  • flour 210 g;
  • olive oil 30 g;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • apple juice 120 ml;
  • salt pinch.

For cream:

  • brynza 255 g;
  • 1 lemon juice.
  • strawberry 1/2 kg;
  • proteins 4 pcs.;
  • gelatin 11 g


  1. Mix sainted flour with sugar, pinch of salt and lemon sister.
  2. In flour, add olive oil and apple juice. Check elastic dough. Put the dough into the cellophane package, and remove into the fridge for half an hour.
  3. For cooking cream, boil the proteins to white stable foam. Grind the cheese and strawberries. Soak gelatin. Mix together juice lemon, cheese with strawberries, proteins and gelatin.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out a thin layer out of it. Put in a lubricated oil shape, bending the edges of the test in the form of a basket. Put in the hot oven, bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  5. Lay out the cream in the cooled basket of the dough, and clean the fridge for 2 hours. When the curd cream is freezing, the cake with berries can be eaten.

Recipe products:

  • basin 1 p.;
  • flour 290 g;
  • berries 490 g;
  • oil 140 g;
  • vanilla sugar 2 g;
  • sugar 140 g;
  • milk 60 g;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • sukhari breading 60 g.


  1. In the sifted flour, put a soft butter creamy, pour sugar, scatter three eggs, add vanillin and baking powder.
  2. Berries can be taken any: strawberry, cherry, raspberry, currants, etc. If you are cooking from frozen it is necessary to pre-defrost in the bowl on the table and drain excess juice.
  3. Ground berries Mix with breadcrumbs. It must be done so that the crackers absorbed the juice (if it needs to merge much). Sour berries can be sweeten with sugar.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put the dough from the bowl in a lubricated shape, and sprinkle on top of the berries. Bake up ready.


  • 2 eggs,
  • ½ CHL salts
  • 1 cup of kefir or 2 natural yogurt,
  • 100 gragrin,
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • flour (the dough should be like thick sour cream) 250 gr,
  • 100 grams sugar,
  • little vanillina.
  • package of frozen berries Cherry 450 gr.,
  • sugar.


  1. beat the oil with sugar, add eggs and kefir, add flour, vanillin, baking powder
  2. pour the dough into a lubricated oil shape (I have a rectangular 20th 30cm) lay out on top of the berries (you can not defrost), sprinkle with sugar from above.
  3. bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees
  4. let cool in the form, you can decorate whipped cream - they will disperse and the cake will be creamy and beautiful.


  • 200 gr. Oils (margarine)
  • 150-180 gr. sugar (depends on berries)
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 gr. flour
  • 1 tsp. Basin
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar
  • frozen berries, fruits (I have black currant and raspberry)


  1. Softened oil to beat with sugar.
  2. Add eggs into the oil mixture, vanilla sugar, baking powder and flour.
  3. To stir thoroughly. As a consistency, the dough resembles a thick sour cream.
  4. Baking shape lubricate with vegetable oil. Dough distribute uniformly.
  5. To put the berries on top and slightly press them into the dough.
  6. Bake the cake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees of 30-35 minutes.
  7. Readiness to check the toothpick.

Lean Pie with Frozen Berries

Made with black currant. The pie is very fragrant, the dough is a bit crispy, the stuffing can be done with apples or with other any berries, as well as with dense jam. The recipe is designed for a small shape, a size of 19 cm.


  • 5 glasses of flour
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
  • 5 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil
  • 6 tbsp. Water spoons
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar
  • soda on the knife tip
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of frozen black currant
  • 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon flour


  1. Berries defrost.
  2. In a bowl of sift a glass of flour, add salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, water, vegetable oil, mix, add the rest of the sifted flour with soda. To knead the elastic dough, wrap in the film, remove into the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  3. In berries add flour and sugar, mix. Oven turn on 180 degrees, shape lubricate with vegetable oil.
  4. Dough divide into 2 parts, one is more than one less.
  5. Roll up most of the way, put in the form, make fires.
  6. Roll out a smaller part of the test, cover the cake from above, carefully shutting the edges, lubricate the cake with a tassel with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sugar, in the middle make a small hole to exit steam.
  7. Bake the Pie Mom to 30-35, it is poorly twisted, so you should not worry it in the oven, check only the dough itself pushing the toothpick if it is dry - the pie is ready.
    Cool the pie is a bit in shape, then shifting on the dish.

This beautiful festive dessert resembles cheesecake with cottage cheese, and the berries attach a juiciness and tenderness. It is preparing even easier cheesecake, and the result is much superior to taste.


  • flour (250 grams),
  • margarine (150 g),
  • sugar (1 cup + filling 150 grams),
  • egg,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • soda (floor teaspoon),
  • sour cream (250 grams),
  • powdered sugar
  • cottage cheese (200 grams),
  • starch (100 grams).
  • black currant or other berries (300 grams).


  1. We whip the eggs with sugar, add pieces of softened at room temperature of margarine, add soda. Suck the flour and starch, knead the dough. Soft dough, patient flour, is easily taken with hands. We send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, or kneading in a mixer or blender, add an egg and 2/3 of a cup of sugar, sour cream. Try cottage cheese with additives and get a creamy mass. The shape for baking by lubricate with oil, and sprinkle with flour. We lay the dough with a tortilla, forming flights and bottom. We lay out the curd mass on the dough, roll over the surface. Berries put on cottage cheese and put in the oven.
  3. Juicy berries that quickly bake (raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, we have black currant) can be postponed 20 minutes after the start of baking. Temperature - 180 degrees. The cake is just wonderful, not completely simple.

The yeast pie is the most hearty baking. Soft bobs are all the more pleasant that it is not much time spent on cooking. Standard set of products: yeast, sour cream, flour - and excellent addition to dinner or breakfast is provided.


  • milk (1 cup),
  • yeast (15 grams),
  • salt (floor tablespoon),
  • sugar (two glasses),
  • any fresh berries (1 kilogram),
  • flour,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • sour cream (1 cup).


  1. We dissolve yeast in half a glass of warm milk, salt and fall asleep a glass of sugar. Flour add to the consistency of the pancakes. In a warm place, we leave to roam our opar. When the dough rises well, add sifted flour, oil, milk and sugar to it, margarine and eggs at the end.
  2. Elastic dough should stand 20 minutes. To be resurrected to a homogeneous mass, rolling in a layer with a thickness of 3 mm. Mix in a form for baking.
  3. Stuffing: Flip the berries with a glass of sugar and give to stand for 15-20 minutes. Delete spokened juice, fall asleep into the form and dissolve. Bake 30-40 minutes.

Baking a puff pastry is essentially a caustious wand, as it makes great easier for the preparation of any dish. The main thing in time to defrost the dough, and everything else is already trivia.


  • puff pastry - 500 g. (This is a whole store packaging);
  • any berries and fruits - 500 g.;
  • potato starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.5 glasses.


  1. The finished puff pastry is removed in advance from the freezer and defrost. My berries are well and clean from branches and leaves right under running water. After, we cut large fruits, and we leave small as it is, falling asleep with sugar, and mix. Excess juice, which is formed in 10-15 minutes, must be merged, and add starch to the berries (it is done in order to have a starch in the baking a link for berries).
  2. We take a baking shape, I use a large baking sheet, lubricate with oil and set aside aside. Puff pastry rolled carefully in one direction, one layer put on a baking sheet, so that the edges crawl a little, and then leave on the table and make slots in it.
  3. Berries in Starch and Sugar lay out on the dough,
  4. we cover with a cutting plate from above, and the edges are pouring from all sides. The slots in the upper layer of the test must reveal a little to get holes. Future puff pastry cake with berries gently lubricate a whipped fork egg
  5. and we put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C, bakeing within 20-25 minutes.
  6. Puff pastry with berries is ready, but before removing the pie from the form, it must cool a little. In my opinion, the recipe for cooking cake is very simple. Use yourself and share with friends.

The crumbly sandbreaker is perfectly combined with a juicy berry filling. In addition, such a baking is an easy and fast way to please your favorite households. For the proposed version of the open sand cake, absolutely any berries can be used, which lie in the freezer with warm pores.

For sand dough and berry filling, it is necessary to prepare:

  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 270 g of sugar (of which 120 for the test);
  • 160 g of butter or margarine for baking;
  • 350 g of flour;
  • 450 g of frozen berries;
  • vanillin to taste (if only cherry is used for the filling, you can take cinnamon).


  1. Split chicken eggs on yolks and proteins. The first will be used for the test, the second - for the fill;
  2. Yolks are perfectly confused with the necessary amount of sugar. No need to seek lush foam, it will be enough if all the grains simply dissolve;
  3. Soft oil chop the knife (or using a blender) along with flour into the crumb. Then neatly pour yolks with sugar and knead the elastic dough;
  4. The resulting dough roll out between two sheets of parchment in a cake with a thickness of 1 cm. Then remove one sheet of paper and shift the dough into shape, distribute it so that it covers the bottom and walls. Excessive cut;
  5. Ground berries lay out in a shaped basket made of sand dough, take off vanilla and send everything for 35 minutes in the oven, the temperature of which is 200 degrees;
  6. Squirs to beat foam together with the remaining sugar. When the time is held for baking, cover the cake from above whipped proteins and another 5-10 minutes to send it into the oven.

Baking from puff pastry is obtained by air, crispy and at the same time incredibly tender. Another argument in favor of puff pastries is the speed of their preparation, because the dough can always be prepared in advance of the future or purchase a semi-finished product in the store. After that, it will only be for the fantasy and form of the future product.

For puff cake with frozen berries, you need to take:

  • 500 g ready (better yeast) puff pastry;
  • 500 g of frozen berries;
  • 200 g of sugar sand;
  • 40 g of flour;
  • 20 g starch.

How to bake:

  1. First of all, you need to defrost berries. It is better to hide them on a colander, so that the extra moisture is left immediately. If there are doubts about the purity of fruits, it is better to rinse them under running cold water;
  2. Puff pastry should be given to lie for 10 minutes at room temperature so that it becomes more elastic, but it is also not worth reworked;
  3. Flash shape flour flour. Half the test roll over in the reservoir (not thinner than 5 mm) and fasten them the bottom and wall shape;
  4. Freated berries mix with sugar and starch, put the basis of the test;
  5. The remaining dough roll out and cut into strips from which to form a grid on top of berries. Beautiful view of the finished baking will be, if the strips are cut with a curly knife, and the lattice shape the interweaving of the strips;
  6. So that the cake rose, the first 5-7 minutes it needs a furnace at 200 degrees, and then refund - to 180. At this temperature, the baking should take another 20 minutes.

Even to such a sour milk product, as a cottage cheese, many requirements are presented. It must be moderately as sour, gentle and soft, without grains. Only such a product is ideal for baking.

And what to do with imperfect cottage cheese, which turned out to be dry and with grains? Of course use, but already for another baking. From it you can cook a delicious pie with frozen berries, the juiciness of which will soften it and will give tenderness.

For dough and curd-berry filling, you need to have at hand:

  • 2 chicken eggs (1 - in dough, 1 - for filling);
  • 200 g of sugar (100 grams in dough and stuffing);
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 90 ml of vegetable (refined, odorless) oil;
  • 250 g of flour;
  • 80 g starch;
  • 5 g baking powder for test;
  • 350 g of frozen berries.

The order of the priority of work:

  1. One egg whipped with sugar, before dissolving all grains. Then pour milk and vegetable oil, stir so that the mixture becomes more uniform. To the resulting mixture, sift flour with a baking powder. All to wash and the dough is ready.
  2. For cottage cheese stratum in a bowl of the blender (kitchen combine), combine the egg, cottage cheese, half of the overall starch and remaining sugar. Catch the mass to a homogeneous state;
  3. Frozen berries to cut in the remaining starch. After that, you can proceed to the formation of the cake. For baking, the plug-in form is perfect. Its diameter can be up to 25 cm;
  4. A few drops of vegetable oil with silicone brush to distribute along the bottom and wall walls, then lay out and disperse soft slightly sticking to the hands of the dough. Then the curd interlayer follows, and on top - berries in starch;
  5. The baking process should pass at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, its duration is 45-50 minutes. Ready pie can be removed from the form only after its complete cooling.

For a rapid berry cake, it is necessary to take ingredients in such proportions:

  • large chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of white crystalline sugar;
  • 5-7 g of a bakery powder (he is a baking powder);
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 200 g assorted frozen berries;
  • 10 g of butter for lubrication of the multicooker bowl.

Preparatory preparatory processes will take no more than a quarter of an hour, and another hour takes a cake in a multicooker bowl.

Baking sequence of a berry dessert:

  1. The base of the cake is biscuit dough. For him, the eggs are entirely whipped with the prescription amount of sugar sand to a soft foam;
  2. Mix with a flour bundle for the test and, sifting the mixture through a fine sieve, introduce into the egg mixture. Interfere with the dough at this stage is better than a shovel;
  3. Multicooker's bowl with a piece of butter room temperature. No need to lubricate the walls of the form completely, enough 2/3 of the height;
  4. Carefully shifting the dough into a multi-stroke, to strip it with a shovel and to put frozen berries with a uniform layer;
  5. Bake using the appropriate options from the Programs menu (Baking / Cupcake / Steamer). The duration of the program must be 60 minutes;
  6. After the miracle assistant will notify the corresponding signal that she finished its work, you should not run to open the lid and remove the cake. He needs to give to stand 5-10 minutes, and already, helping the silicone spatula to get baking from the form;
  7. Ready dessert and so has a very appetizing look, so it can be served on a table without embellishment or with their minimum amount - lightly drinking sugar powder and carelessly scattering the green leaves of mint.

Useful tips:

  • Solving bake pie with frozen berries, each mistress wonders: Do I need to defrost berries? Especially if this moment is not specified in the recipe.
  • The filling of incasionable berries turns out more juicy, but there is a risk that there will be so much moisture in it that it will begin to flow out of the cake.
  • There will also need much more baking time in this case, so if it does not specify the recipe that the berries need to lay frozen, better to defrost them.
  • You can also create mixes of frozen berries, mixing their different types or adding fresh fruits to them, such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwi, etc.
  • The amount of sugar in any recipe can be adjusted depending on its preferences: reduce for fans of sour-sweet pies, zoom for sweets sweets.
  • You can decorate the finished pie with sugar powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder or chocolate chips. And if you sift the powder through the stencil on the baking, you can create whole pictures on the surface of the cake.

Pie with frozen berries is very convenient, simple, tasty and fast. On this entry, you can finish and immediately go to the recipes. But according to the tradition, I will also add a couple of lines of text, where I will share my thoughts. After all, this is not just some kind of culinary site with faceless articles, but something more like a blog, where Innokenti Pirozhkovsky shares good baking recipes with you.

If you have been preparing fresh berries in summer, placing them in the freezer, then in the subsequent can be prepared at any time to make some kind of baking, which will include these beery. It's comfortable. In the evening I prepared, and in the morning you enjoy a wonderful breakfast. On the street bad weather, no time, laziness? In the refrigerator there are berries, which means that you can pamper yourself with something very tasty and sweet.

Although, now without any problems, you can buy frozen berries in any grocery store. It is inexpensive, with the defrost you get juicy and relatively fresh berries.

Frozen berries retain all useful substances, which allows you to prepare not only tasty, but also useful.

They can be mixed with each other, getting amazing combinations, each pie will differ from the previous one.

Here I bring to your attention 6 step-by-step recipes of pies with frozen berries. They differ in ingredients and cooking technology. There are pies, both on yeast and on a sandy test. With a simple and sophisticated filling. Fast cooking and requiring a little longer. Choose what you like. I specifically placed several recipes in one article so that you do not spend time on wandering on the Internet, trying to find something worthwhile. Each recipe is attached photo so that the appearance can be estimated. Photos are real, it should be exactly what is described.

By the way, I advise you to look at this page dedicated to you. Approximately the same thing, but some nuances are still there. Go, look, and then return back to this article.

Yeast cake with frozen berries

Yeast pies with berries are delicious, simply and originally. Most often prepare yeast cakes, as they are more raw, dense. They are not collapsed and stored for a long time. So I decided to include such a recipe here, in which one of the minor features - ice cream berries.


  • Potato starch - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 60 ml.
  • Frozen berries - 300 g
  • Salt cook - a small pinch;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1-2 h. Spoons;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sour cream (any fat) - 60 ml.
  • Wheat flour - 290 g
  • Dry yeast - 1-1.5 h. Spoons;

Step-by-step cooking

  1. In the water, stir dry yeast and wait 10 minutes until the foam appears.
  2. In another cup, beat 3 tablespoons of sugar with one egg and sour cream. Add salt, vanilla sugar, water with yeast and mix again.
  3. Gradually pour flour and knead the thick elastic yeast dough for the cake. Now the test can be forgotten by the next 20-40 minutes. It should be more and more lure.
  4. While the dough is gaining volume, you can enjoy a berry stuffing. Sun is extremely simple in our case.
  5. Berries must be dropped, excess juice merge. If berries with bones, then you need to separate them.
  6. Stir starch with sugar. The resulting mixture you need to sprinkle the berry mass and mix neatly with a spoon. Filling from frozen berries is ready.
  7. Dough split into two pieces: one is a little more than the other. A larger piece is based on the cake, smaller on the top layer.
  8. The table sprinkle flour so that you can work more convenient. A larger piece of dough is finely rolled by a rolling pin.
  9. Live bait with oil. Put the dough by placing the wall of the cake.
  10. Lay out frosthed berries with a smooth layer.
  11. Another dough is finely rolled and divided into strips that need to cover berries. Must get a mesh. Although it is possible and just to cover the dough with the reservoir. Then it turns out a closed pie.
  12. The remaining egg is broken, separating yolks. Yolk beaten with a fork or a wedge, lubricate them a cake.
  13. Heat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Pie baking time - 30-40 minutes, until golden color.

Pie with frozen berries on sour cream

Delicious creamy sour cream pie with berries. Gentle, fragrant and easy to prepare. In general, sour cream is an optional ingredient. You can cook without it. There will be just a berry pie.


  • Frozen berries - 350 g
  • Flour - 220 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Dough breakdler - 1 h. Spoon;
  • Creamy butter - 180
  • Thick sour cream - 200 g

Cooking pie

  1. Creamy oil stirring with sugar (100 g). You can use a mixer.
  2. Drink eggs to the oil, continue stirring.
  3. Flour to connect with a baking powder, pour to the eggs and mix tight dough. It turned out the sandy dough.
  4. Matching for baking lubricate with oil, put the dough there.
  5. Berries defrost, save from excess juice. Stir with the remaining sugar and sour cream.
  6. Berry mass lay out on the dough.
  7. Heat the oven to 200 degrees, the time of baking the cake - 20-30 minutes. To Rumyanta.

Puff pastry with frozen berries

Crisp cake with puff pastry berries. You can't buy such tasty in the store!


  • Ready puff pastry (sweet) - 500 g
  • Berries are frosthed - 350-400 g.
  • Sugar - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • Creamy oil - 20 g
  • One chicken egg;

Cooking process

  1. Puff pastry need to defrost, promotion and roll out the rolling pin. There should be two layers.
  2. Lubricate with oil bastard. Share one dough layer. Crane carefully, arrange the cake.
  3. Berries get rid of water, bones and all sorts of branches, leaves. Stir with sugar.
  4. Lay berries with a single layer based on the cake.
  5. Hold the second piece of dough, take the edges. Make a few small holes in the upper layer with a fork or knife. This is to be able to quietly come out and did not inflate the cake.
  6. Send to preheated oven (190 degrees) for 20-30 minutes. The dough should be ruddy.

Puff pastry cake with frozen berries is ready!

As you can see, this cake is very simple in preparation and does not require much time. Of course, provided that the puff pastry has a bought, well, or you have ever done it.

Sand Pie with Frozen Berries

The basis of this cake is a special dough, sandy. Thanks to the sand test, the cake has a porous structure, crusts well and pleasantly lies in the stomach.


  • Ice cream berries - 1 cup.
  • Jam or jam - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Dough dough - 0.5 h. Spoons;
  • Starch - 70
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • Butter cream - 130 g

Steps of cooking

  1. In a cup, drive the egg, pour sugar. Drink a fork or a wedge.
  2. Add a warm butter, starch, salt, baking powder, flour. To knead the hands is dense, but at the same time elastic dough.
  3. Shortbread dough is ready. Now it needs to be divided into two pieces, one slightly more than the other. Little piece put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Shape lubricate with oil. A larger piece of dough roll out, lay in the form, issuing flights.
  5. Now you need to smear the layer of jam. Top to lay berries.
  6. Get the dough from the refrigerator, grate it on a large grater so that the whole surface of the cake is covered with these small pieces.
  7. Put the cake in the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 25-30 minutes. The cake must get yellow, but not to be brown. This I say so that you do not overpower it and have not burned.

Pie with frozen berries from sand dough is ready and waiting for it to eat it. Bon Appetit!

Cottage cheese and frozen berries

Curd pie with frozen berries is a wonderful dessert! Air tender baking, which will go well to tea or coffee.


On the dough:

  • Basin - 1 h. Spoon;
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Creamy oil - 140 g
  • Wheat flour - 200 g.


  • Cottage cheese - 450-500 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 120 g
  • Frozen berries - 250-350 g.

How to cook this cake

  1. The first stage is the dough. We use the appropriate ingredients and their proportions.
  2. Mix flour with a baking powder. Cut the oil into pieces, add to flour and grind. Drink egg there, sugar sugar. Knead the dough.
  3. Now it is necessary to prepare a berry stuffing. Cottage cheese fork, mix with sour cream, eggs, sugar. Best, if you beat the blender, well, or a mixer.
  4. Baking shape Lubricate with butter or clamping paper. Put the dough.
  5. Pour the cottage cheese. Top to lay berries that need to be slightly drown.
  6. Heat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Bake the cake about 30-40 minutes.

Fast Frozen Berries Pie

Want to cook a berry pie? Try this fastest cake with frozen berries. Lush, gentle and very juicy due to the fact that the dough is preparing at kefir.


  • Kefir - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 1-2 glasses. Depending on your sweet preferences.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 h. Spoon;
  • Wheat flour - 650-700 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 h. Spoons;
  • Frozen berries - 400-500 g

Cooking pie

  1. Eggs to beat with sugar, add vanilla sugar. Pour the same kefir, pour soda. Add flour, mix well to homogeneous mass. The dough should be not too thick, but not too liquid.
  2. Berries can be disappeared in advance, go through. Drain excess juice.
  3. Baking the baking shape. Pour half the dough there. Lay a layer of berries and pour the test again.
  4. Heat the oven is standard, up to 180-190 degrees. This cake bakes about 40-60 minutes. Look at color and consistency. You can check the readiness of the toothpick or match. Tnuli, pulled out - dough stuck? So the cake is not ready yet.

How to cook delicious pie with frozen berries

  • Defrost berries or not? Here are two opinions, and which one is more correct, I can not say, since everyone has its own preferences. If the berries do not defrost, but immediately add to the dough, then the pie will succeed. But there is also the risk that the juice will begin to flow out of the cake, and he will prepare for a very long time. For example, I always defrust the berries and mix them with starch so that there was a thick mass.
  • Use different berries, mix them with each other. This will allow you to discover new tastes and impressions.
  • In addition to berries, you can add any fresh fruit. Apples, oranges, pears - the choice is wide!

In biology, berries are considered fruits with juicy flesh and small seeds. From a scientific point of view, this is not only a currant, gooseberry, grapes, but also watermelon and tomato. But cherry and olive is not berries, but bone, strawberries, raspberries and strawberries - multi-stakes and multi-core. However, one thing is a scientific definition, and the other - our familiar culinary ideas, especially when it comes to such a process as the preparation of a berry cake.

Berries for a berry cake can be taken absolutely any, regardless of their botanical description. In the summer you need to indulge yourself with fresh Malinka or strawberries, blackberry, gooseberry, and then for the whole year you are in vitamins, which means health. Despite the fact that this is a summer pleasure, and the season of each of them is breeding, you can collect and freeze them in the freezer, cook compotes and jam, berry pie will be the same delicious all year and every time different.

Berry Pie - Product Preparation

For the test it will take a standard set of products - flour, sugar sour cream and eggs. Berries for filling should be carefully overlooked, separating the bones, damaged copies and cuttings. Give them well through a sieve or colander.

Berry Pie - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Curd-berry cake with black currant

This beautiful festive dessert resembles cheesecake with cottage cheese, and the berries attach a juiciness and tenderness. It is preparing even easier cheesecake, and the result is much superior to taste.

Ingredients: flour (250 grams), margarine (150 g), sugar (1 cup + filling 150 grams), egg, vanilla sugar, soda (floor teaspoon), sour cream (250 grams), cottage cheese sugar powder (200 grams), Starch (100 grams). Filling is a black currant (300 grams).

Cooking method

We whip the eggs with sugar, add pieces of softened at room temperature of margarine, add soda. Suck the flour and starch, knead the dough. Soft dough, patient flour, is easily taken with hands. We send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, or kneading in a mixer or blender, add an egg and 2/3 of a cup of sugar, sour cream. Try cottage cheese with additives and get a creamy mass. The shape for baking by lubricate with oil, and sprinkle with flour. We lay the dough with a tortilla, forming flights and bottom. We lay out the curd mass on the dough, roll over the surface. Berries put on cottage cheese and put in the oven. Juicy berries that quickly bake (raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, we have black currant) can be postponed 20 minutes after the start of baking. Temperature - 180 degrees. The cake is just wonderful, not completely simple.

Recipe 2: Sand Pie with Frozen Berries.

Take yourself at the notes of this recipe if there are enough fridge of berries in your refrigerator. All year round you can indulge yourself with this wonderful sandy-biscuit dough cake. The upper torn layer after baking becomes more crumbling and just melting, and from berries you can make assorted or prefer one grade - in any case, it is very tasty.

Ingredients: Margarine (200 gr.), Sugar (1 cup), Soda (Paul teaspoon), Egg (1 PC), Flour (3.5 glasses), Sugar powder for decoration, sour cream (250 grams), berries (800 gram).

Cooking method

Raster egg with sugar, add other ingredients: flour, sour cream, soda. It turns out a soft fuel dough. We divide it into two unequal parts. In a greased margarine, we lay out most of the test, forming flights, then filling. For filling, we knew frozen berries and whipped with sugar. The second piece we take off with small pieces and close gradually filling. The dough sticking to the hands is easy to remove with flour. We bake in a hot oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, sprinkle with sugar powder.

Recipe 3: yeast cake with berries

The yeast pie is the most hearty baking. Soft bobs are all the more pleasant that it is not much time spent on cooking. Standard set of products: yeast, sour cream, flour - and excellent addition to dinner or breakfast is provided.

Ingredients: Milk (1 cup), yeast (15 grams), salt (table spoon), sugar (two glasses), any fresh berries (1 kilogram), flour, vanilla sugar, sour cream (1 cup).

Cooking method

We dissolve yeast in half a glass of warm milk, salt and fall asleep a glass of sugar. Flour add to the consistency of the pancakes. In a warm place, we leave to roam our opar. When the dough rises well, add sifted flour, oil, milk and sugar to it, margarine and eggs at the end. Elastic dough should stand 20 minutes. To be resurrected to a homogeneous mass, rolling in a layer with a thickness of 3 mm. Mix in a form for baking. Stuffing: Flip the berries with a glass of sugar and give to stand for 15-20 minutes. Delete spokened juice, fall asleep into the form and dissolve. Bake 30-40 minutes.

How to freeze yagoda

Before freezing the berries, you need to carefully go through and rinse. Water drain and decompose on a sheet of paper into one layer, put in the freezer. As soon as they are fastened, shipping into the container or package and leave in the refrigerator. Storage container must be tightly closed so that the berries do not absorb smells, for example, meat or fish. Different types of berries are stored separately.

Strawberry: decompose into one layer, sprinkle sugar. Collect in container and close.

Raspberry: Dark varieties take freezing. Maline beetle larvae can be destroyed if you load purified berries for several minutes in the saline solution, then remove the neglected larvae and rinse twice in the colander under running water. Inside the raspberry and peeping sugar to frost with one layer.

Currant: Put into the package washed and move currants or make a puree with sugar. Store in small tanks in the freezer.

Gooseberry: Remove frozen and bone. Rinse and put in a plastic bag.

Cranberry: This berry is the most unpretentious, it is well kept to the most frosts and without freezer. Whole berries do not lose their useful properties until the spring, in this respect it can only compete with a lingonberry, which is stored without freezing until spring.

The container of the freezer is used more rationally if storage containers have a rectangular shape. You can also remove frozen briquettes from the container and store them by packing into several plastic packages.

Even at home kitchen professionals sometimes lack time to prepare some grand dessert, therefore such simple recipes like pies with frozen berries become a real find. Moreover, if in the freezer lie billets from, containers with frozen raspberries, blueberry berries, currant, strawberries and other. Let's delight native aromatic tasty!

Frozen Cherry Pie

In the autumn-winter period, unfortunately, it is not possible to pamper yourself and native delicious fresh berries, but you can always enjoy fast and easy-to-cook cake with frozen cherry. Finished sweetness will taste, as if with fresh berries. For the preparation of the cake you need:

  • Cherry frozen - 2 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • 1 tbsp. (about 150-200 g) sugar;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. softened cream oil;
  • Vanillin (optional) - taste;
  • Dough dough - 1 tsp.

You can immediately turn on the oven so that it warmed up 200 ° C.

Sugar is whipped well with eggs, you can add and add vanillin at will, then add sour cream and oil to the mixture, which is in advance from the refrigerator and add to the already softened form. Basin mix with flour and then send a sifted mixture here. Next, you can prepare a form for baking - nothing needs to do anything with the silicone form, if there is no one, then we sprinkle with a semi with a molding form, pre-lubricating it with oil.

The dough is laid out in the form and only after that the cherry gets out of the freezer, it must be frozen. Berries collapse in the mixture of starch and sugar and spread evenly over the test. Cherry can be quite a bit, carefully, without giving them to lose their shape and crush.

We send a form with a future cake in the oven for half an hour, you can take 40 minutes, you will look at its rosy. When the cake is ready, after cooling it can be made with sweet cream or sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut the gentle pie with frozen cherries is recommended in the cooled state. Pleasant tea drinking!

Frozen Strawberry Pie

Many planned hostesses froze such a useful and delicious berry as strawberry. To feel the taste of summer, you can cook fragrant pie with frozen strawberries - it is very tasty!

It is necessary to take the following ingredients:

  • Strawberry - 300g;
  • 3/4 Sugar glasses;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. Wheat flour;
  • Oil - 50 g (creamy);
  • Basin - 1 tsp.

We first get the oil, it should be softened for further preparation. Soft oil is already whipped with eggs, adding sugar, with a mixer. Flour mix with a breakdler and send a mass in a whipped mixer, sieving through a sieve. All together again mix the mixer before getting thick as sour cream mass.

Next, we take a lubricated oil shape for the cake and slightly sprinkle with it with flour (you can use the semolina). With the silicone form, everything is much easier, it will only be enough to sprinkle it with a slightly water. Then part of the test is poured into our shape, the strawberry is laid on top of it or chopped out. On top of the berries, we pour the remaining dough, filling them evenly the whole form.

Heat the oven for 180 ° C and bake our pie approximately 30-40 minutes. You can check the readiness of baking in the old manner with a match or toothpick, if the tart is poured and remains dry at the exit, then the pie is ready.

Cake with frozen strawberry from yeast dough

You can cook a delicious strawberry cake from yeast dough. For this we take:

  • Yeast - 10 g;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • Water (can be milk) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Strawberry - 3 tbsp.;
  • Oil - 2 tbsp. l. (creamy in a softened form);
  • Salt - 0.5 h.;
  • Starch - 1 tsp.

Yeast is groping in warm water, they are well stirred, then half of the flour and a pinch of sugar are sieved. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and left for a couple of hours in a warm place. When our opara rises, add sugar sand there (1-2 art. L.) And drive the egg. We spit and mix, after which we add flour, which remained, and knead the dough.

As a result, the dough should be exit rather elastic, it should not stick to the hands. Add softened oil and wash again. The dough is suitable for a couple more hours in warm, periodically the dough needs to be filled (a couple of times). Then rolled out in 1 cm thick dough laying on a nailed baking sheet with a pre-oil, and after 10 minutes we sprinkle it with starch and lay the berries mixed with starch and sugar (2 tbsp.).

The edges of the yeast pie with frozen strawberries are protected by making sides, and bake it before shutting in the oven, heated to 220 ° C.

Closed grated pie with frozen currants

Delicious and original dessert for tea will be obtained by each mistress - closed grated pie with frozen currants. Time on its preparation, like ingredients, you need quite a bit. There is nothing unusual in the recipe, the main thing is that frozen berries are currants. For cooking, we take the following products:

  • Flour - 45 g;
  • Salt - 5 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Oil - 200 g (creamy);
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • Currant berries (black) - 500 g;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • Starch - 3 tbsp. l.

Wheat flour must be sifted through a sieve and mix with her baking powder, after which the mass of salt. Oil in the already softened form you need to cut into pieces. If the oil was only taken out of the refrigerator and there was no time to wait, then you can still grate it. Eggs need to mix with sugar and grind well, but not to beat.

Then the resulting masses mix together, kneading the elastic dough, from which two balls need to form. Each ball is packaged in the food film or put in an ordinary plastic bag and send to the freezer for 60 minutes. You can prepare so the test of the future, it can be stored in the freezer for a long time.

The oven is heating 180 ° C, and at this time we prepare the shape for the cake. They lay off the bakery paper and lubricate it with oil. Next one dough ball in a frozen form rubbed over the shape on the grater, distributing the chips throughout the bottom. We rinse a slightly thumping berries in the water, we succeed in a kitchen towel and sprinkle with sugar and starch. After that, we lay the currant in the shape on top of the shavings layer of the dough.

Now it came to the queue of the second dough ball, it is also rubbed over the berries and gently distribute evenly along the shape of the blade. The furnace pie with frozen currants in a preheated oven is needed about 50 minutes. See when a beautiful crust is formed with a ruddy tip. Please note can be baked in two navigations: first one layer, and after laying out the berries and the second layer again. Ready smorodine pie is perfect for tea. Bon Appetit!

Pie with frozen sand dough berries

We offer to prepare a simple and fast sandy berry pie. For him, the following products will be needed:

  • Frozen berries - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar or powder (it dissolves faster);
  • 200 g margarine (can be butter);
  • 2 eggs (1 protein will not need);
  • 2 tbsp. Wheat flour;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1.5 h.

How to cook sand dough cake with frozen berries

You can take any kind of cake with a cake, or rather in the freezer: raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, currant, and so on. The main thing for more acidic berries is thoroughly measured sugar so that the cake does not come out as sour. So, the berries are defrosting and rinse, then throwing into the colander.

In the leaning berry, we snatch 0.5 cups of sugar and mix well with a sweet berry mass. Now you can knead the dough. To do this, in a separate container, we split 1 egg and 1 yolk egg. To them, we pour out the rest of the usual and vanilla sugar and all thoroughly mix. Then put margarine in the eggs sweet mass and rub it all. Convenient to make a fork.

The next ingredient is flour, which is sieved to eggs with sugar and margarine, gradually rubbing for a fork. After that, there are already the hands of the dough tight on the consistency, which is removed in the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, you can prepare a shape for the cake, smearing it with oil (silicone can not be lubricated, but only to sprinkle with water).

After 20-30 minutes, remove the dough and divide into two pieces - more and smaller. 1 \\ 4 part will go to the decoration - the grid, and the rest is the cake itself. Fingers, distributing most of the dough in shape, make sides of the cake that will help the juice with a berry not to escape from the form. In an improvised flour bowl, we lay out our berries, pre-draining juice from them. Now you need to make a lattice from the remaining piece of dough.

Especially laying into the shape of berries and proceed to the manufacture of the lattice. To do this, you need to roll a few long sausages from the dough residue and put them on top of the berries, fixing the sides so that they create a mesh on top of the cake. Almost ready-made pie to be seeded at 180 ° C overseas cabinet for half an hour. We look when the dough is wrapped, you can get our dessert.

Cranberry Pie Frozen - Simple Delicious Dessert Recipe

Cranberry is a very useful berry, but to taste a little acid. Therefore, you can bake from it pies, and even in the frozen form of berries will not be spoiled, nor the fragrance of the dessert. For the preparation of a pie with frozen cranberries on a simple recipe take the following products:

  • Cranberry - 200 g;
  • 1 \\ 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • 1 egg;
  • White crackers - 25 g;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

The berries are defrosting and rinsed under running water, throwing the cranberry on the colander. After that, the cranberry needs to be confused and twisted with cooked sugar. Berries welcome until thickening on slow fire. After that, the pan is removed from the stove and cool the cranberry syrup.

A kefir is poured into a separate container and an egg and a baking powder is added to it. Then we pour melted oil and mix well all. Gradually, in the mass siege flour. The mixture of the mixture is mounted soft and elastic. He needs to give some time to climb, after which the layer can roll.

The layer is placed in the shape, pre-lubricated oil, forming smooth sides and cutting extra pieces of dough. They can go for a wicker decoration for a cake. Now we return to our berries, they have already cooled and you can add crackers, previously crushed into the crumb. They will become an excellent replacement of starch.

The resulting filling of berries and superstars are poured into the form. From the pieces of the remaining dough, we create a grid, which cover the cake. The form can be sent to the oven. The dessert is baked about 30 minutes until it is shoved. At the end, the cake can be lubricating sour cream and drove some more, then it will be softer.

In order for the finished cake to not, after cooking, you need to get it right away and lay out onto a wooden board. Such a recipe for delicious and simple frozen cranberry pie is perfect for tea or milk.

Delicious pie with frozen blueberries

Juicy sweet and fragrant pie with berries can be tried not only in the summer, when nature gifts us with fresh useful bests of vitamins in the form of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and other berries, but in winter. To do this, you only need to stock up the berries in advance, freezing them for the winter.

To prepare a savory cake with frozen blueberries, you will need:

  • 0.5 h. L. baking powder;
  • Flour - approximately 1 tbsp.;
  • Starch (potato) - 1 tsp;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Sour cream - 150 g;
  • Creamy oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • Blueberry - Fullack.

For the preparation of the cake you need about 45 minutes. First of all, you can immediately set the temperature in the oven cabinet at 200 ° C, let it be warm, and we will still be engaged in the following ingredients. Creamy oil must be left for a while in the freezer, so that you can grate it on the grater.

To grated oil add a half-table of ordinary sugar and mix fork. Eggs we divide on yolks and proteins, first shipping to the oil mixture, having stirred a lot. Bellas leave for cooking filling for our cake. Next, we send wheat flour into the oil mixture and stirred by the same fork, rubbing and getting a crumb.

Sour cream, about 2-3 cent. l., We also send to our crumb and knead the dough for our delicacy. The dough is cleaned with the refrigerator and we take for the preparation of the blueberry filling. 2 The protein is whipped to the receipt of a strong foam, after which the remaining sugar is added, continuing to beat until all sugar is dissolved.

In our filling, add approximately 1 tbsp. l. Flour, about 100 g of the remaining sour cream and starch, everyone whipped. Frozen blueberries catch in flour and mix with a mixture of sour cream and proteins. Roll over the dough into the reservoir about 6 mm thick. In the shape of stealing paper for baking and lubricate it with oil.

We shift the dough into the prepared form and form our future basting cake about 2 cm in height. In this improvised flour plate lay out our filling, then we put the pie with a frozen blueberry in the oven for half an hour.

Frozen Malina Recipe

Malina is the most sweet and fragrant summer berry. It is not surprising that Pie with Frozen Malina enjoys success for many years.

Products for fragrant cake:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • Basin (1 tsp);
  • 200 g of butter cream;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Vanillin - to taste;
  • ¾ Art. Sahara;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Malina - 200 g;
  • Haired soda - half a part of l.

In this recipe, we leave oil in heat so that it softened, after which we beat it well with sugar and vanilla. To the resulting oil mixture, add eggs, flour, baking powder, salt and haired soda. All mix, getting homogeneous dough. Half of the berry add to the resulting dough and lay out the whole mass into the form.

If the form is ordinary, then its walls need to be lubricated with oil, and silicone can simply be mixed with water. Top of the berry-test mass lay the remaining raspberry, evenly distributing berries across the form. Gray oven up to 180 ° C and send cake to it for 40 minutes. Check ready delicacy or not can be ordinary toothpick. The cake is very simple, but at the same time and very tasty, pleasant tea drinking!

Cake grated with frozen berries

One of the fastest desserts, which can be cooked from the girlfriend ingredients, is a grated pie with frozen berries. Moreover, berries can use any, which you can navigate, which means such a delicacy is available all year round.


  • 3-4 tbsp. flour;
  • Bundle pack (about 10 g);
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g margarine (oil can be possible;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • Chipping soda and salt to taste.

In addition to frozen berries for the recipe, you can take any other sour-sweet stuffing - jam or jam. First of all, we turn on 170-180 ° with the oven, it must warm up well. But margarine, on the contrary, you need to cool, you can even remove it for 5 minutes in the freezer.

Pour the breakdown in the sifted flour (it can also be replaced with mixed citric acid and soda). When Margarine froze, cut it into pieces of small sizes. Slices are collapsed in flour, after which it is neatly chopped by a knife, forming an oil crumb. Mix the crumb with salt and cold water with an egg, kneading the dough.

In the end, a soft, but strong dough, which will not stick to the hands. The resulting ball of the test is divided into parts in a 2: 1 ratio and remove into the freezer. Cherry defrost, rinse and fold on a colander. When the cherry glass can get a majority of the dough and grate it over the shape.

The form can be previously strong and not lubricated, as in the test, so many oil. Over the pasting layer of the dough, we sweep the berries evenly, you can sprinkle them with sugar or powder if the berries are too sour or you are waiting for a visit to a sweet bowl.

On top of the berries we rub a smaller ball of the test and put the cake in the oven. Baked about half an hour, look by rosy. You can pierce the toothpick. When a grated pie with frozen berries is ready, it is necessary to cut it in a warm form until it has acquired a hardness inherent in sand test.

Puff pastry cake with different berries frozen

Puff pastry allows you to get a cake at the same time air, crisp and incredibly gentle. It is suitable for meat and sweet recipes. And most importantly, it is possible to make delicious pies at any time with the prepared part.

Ingredients for puff pastry with frozen berries:

  • Dough - 0.5 kg;
  • Berries - 0, 5 kg;
  • Starch - 2 h.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 200 g of sugar.

For this recipe, absolutely any frozen berries will be suitable. The prepared shape for the future cake is slightly peeling with flour and turn on the oven by 200 ° С warmer. It is more convenient to do this with the help of a hand-made small kitchen sieves. Now we take for the preparation of the filling.

Frozen berries defrost, rinse and leave in colander in order to stack unnecessary juice and water. If the berries were well washed before freezing and sucked, you can simply defrost and merge allocated juice.

Then the kitchen board sprinkle with flour and lay two pieces of puff pastry on it. It should stand at a room temperature of 10 minutes to purchase a large plasticity. After that, a slightly sprinkled with the dough with flour, the rasters quickly roll off at 0.5 cm. The speed is important, since the dough should not be too soft.

One layer lifted the form with the formation of sides of the cake. A half potato starch is sprinkled on top of the dough so that in the future the dough does not die from the juice flowing down from the filling. Now in the form lay out the berries and sprinkle with the remaining starch and sugar, we all distribute evenly.

The second piece of the test goes to create a lattice. To do this, it is cut on long strips and put on top of a berry, forming a grid on the cake. You can use a special confectionery knife so that the edges of the strips come out figured, and the grid "weave".

Pie send in the already preheated oven for minutes by 6, after which the dough is slightly rolled. Now you can drop the temperature to 185 ° C and bake the dessert for another 20 minutes. The finished cake with frozen berries made of puff pastry should purchase a golden color, and the fragrance of baked filling will be proof of delicacy.