Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation. Corn - beneficial properties of the vegetable and what dangers can it pose? Adults cannot digest corn

This simple vegetable, which grows in almost everyone’s garden, is much healthier than ginseng, aloe, celandine, plantain and cyclamen! What exactly are the healing properties of corn, who needs it in their diet, and what it helps against - read on!

What are the benefits of corn and what does it contain?

In fact, corn contains many more vitamins, macronutrients and minerals than you realize. More than 30 vitamins that affect human health and are essential in the daily diet. 100 g of young corn (on the cob) contains 16.5 grams of carbohydrates, 2 g of fat, 3.6 g of protein and 3 grams of dietary fiber.

As for vitamins, the cobs contain the most niacin (aka B3) and thiamine, they have a positive effect on the body’s immune properties. The vitamin content is much more concentrated than in the echinacea tincture, which is prescribed in the hospital to anyone who needs to quickly and effectively increase the protective properties of the immune system.

It is also worth noting that 1 ear of young corn contains beta-carotene and riboflavin, and in sufficient quantities to provide the body with these components for several weeks ahead! Together with carotene (which is also found in corn), these components have a positive effect on human vision and 100 grams of cooked cob is equivalent to 4-5 kilograms of carrots, which are known for their healing properties for vision.

Pyridoxine with pantothenic acid is also important (content in mature corn is 0.76 mg and 0.05 mg, respectively), they improve metabolism in the body, have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system - the best sedative! Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is contained in 100 g of fresh corn in an amount of 7 mg, has a general strengthening effect on the body! Thus, corn is the most useful vegetable for strengthening the body and preventing viral diseases!

The cobs contain the following vitamins in smaller quantities:

  • B5 is an indispensable component for accelerating the metabolism of fats in the body, as well as for the absorption of carbohydrates.
  • B6 is a replenishable vitamin in the human body, needed for proper metabolism and absorption of protein in the body.
  • E - improves the absorption (absorption) of oxygen by muscle tissue, necessary during training and other types of physical activity.
  • K - vitamin is necessary for optimal blood clotting, accelerates metabolism and the dissolution of fats.

The usefulness of corn does not end there for the body, since the cobs also contain a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other macroelements that are necessary for humans, especially at an early age. Corn is indispensable for children, it promotes better formation of bone tissue, and the amount of phosphorus is no less than in fish!

The vegetable contains the most essential microelements for humans: magnesium, zinc, iron, without which proper metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system are impossible. In addition to the above, cobs contain more than 20 vitamins, which play an important role for human health!

Corn – harm and benefit or what is more?

In addition to the long list of corn benefits and nutrients, it can also cause harm to the body, especially if you consume it in excessive quantities in your diet. It is contraindicated to eat a lot of corn if:

  • There is a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting. As mentioned above, corn contains a lot of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting, so for people who have a tendency to form blood clots, corn is very dangerous.
  • Had gastritis or stomach problems. As a food, corn is quite heavy and for its digestion it is important to avoid problems with the stomach and the secretion of enzymes.
  • There are exacerbations of ulcers or problems with the duodenum. Corn grains can cause bloating in the intestines, which will aggravate the patient’s condition and may injure him.

People who are underweight are not recommended to eat corn, as it significantly reduces appetite. Moreover, it has been proven that underweight people have difficulty digesting corn due to a lack of the necessary enzymes to break it down. People who have severe allergic reactions are also not advised to consume corn - it aggravates the reaction to allergens.

The benefits of corn for weight loss

Corn is very filling, it is enough to eat only 200-300 grams of it until you are completely satisfied, but its main advantage is that 100 grams of product contains only 95 calories. That is, by eating cobs, you reduce the average calorie consumption in 1 day by several times.

Due to the fact that most of the macroelements and vitamins contained in corn contribute to better metabolism in the body, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins. Thus, 10-15 days after you started eating cobs just once a day, you can feel significant lightness. Your weight will gradually return to normal.

One of the main benefits of corn for weight loss is the ease of the process. You can eat it in any form, be it porridge, fresh boiled corn or cereal - there is no difference. Thus, you can lose weight not only quickly, but also quite pleasantly and without any effort or extreme stress on the body. Moreover, you can hardly find a weight loss product tastier than fresh corn cobs!

Is corn good for pregnancy?

Every expectant mother asks this question, especially when she wants to eat sweet young cobs, and her pregnancy is already quite long. But few people know how corn is beneficial for pregnant women! Let's take a closer look at the benefits of corn for the body of mother and child.

  1. Cobs contain folic acid, which is needed not only by the young mother, but also by the fetus.
  2. Corn is very useful for toxicosis - its main property is precisely to reduce the toxic effect on the body, it significantly improves the well-being of the expectant mother and with periodic consumption of the cobs, toxicosis will stop in the shortest possible time.
  3. Sensitivity to fried foods and fish is reduced, so if you have not excluded corn from your diet, then you can eat all other foods without any problems!
  4. It has been repeatedly proven that it is corn that affects the amount of milk a mother has after giving birth. If you want your child to have good immunity and nutrition, then you should definitely eat corn!
  5. As you know, during pregnancy, almost all calcium leaves the body, since the fetus requires it to form the skeleton. Corn cobs will easily restore its deficiency and also saturate the body with other necessary macroelements.
  6. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, which prevents many diseases that can occur both during and after childbirth.

Eating corn is beneficial at any stage of pregnancy, both for the mother and the child. The only thing to remember is that you should not overuse the vegetable, as it is very hard on the stomach!

Corn and its derivatives can be found in nearly 90% of the foods consumed worldwide. French fries, chicken nuggets, mayonnaise and dressings, breakfast cereals, puddings or desserts, savory snacks, cookies, ketchup, sweeteners in soda water - corn is used in all of these products.

Because this grain is considered "natural", people do not pay attention to its presence in all their dishes. But it turned out that corn causes serious damage to health! Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Why shouldn't you overuse corn?

1. Hard to digest.

This quality of corn is due to its high content of fiber, cellulose, and a number of proteins called prolamines. Our digestive system does not have enzymes that can thoroughly digest this product. Therefore, a person may experience intestinal obstruction or constipation.

2. Weakens the immune system.

Corn does not contain gluten (gluten). When your body tries to process it, it mixes the corn proteins with the gluten - this throws your immune system into complete confusion.

3. Corn is a grain, but a unique one.

Corn is indeed a grain, but an unhealthy one. It has high levels of sugar and starch, which has almost no nutritional value.

4. Promotes bloating.

Corn has class A proteins called lectins. However, since we lack the necessary enzymes to digest them, this leads to intestinal irritation and inflammation.

5. Accumulates pesticides.

A 2011 Canadian study reported results showing that corn contains an insecticide called BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) and other harmful poisons.

They are all not of organic origin, but of artificial origin. It is said that BT toxin accumulates in our blood and can eventually interfere with the proper functioning of organs.

6. Genetically modified organism (GMO).

Corn was one of the first genetically modified crops that continues to threaten human health to this day.

The International Journal of Biological Sciences wanted to study the effects of genetically modified foods on the health of mammals.

Although about 85% of American corn is genetically modified to improve all its qualities, the results of the study showed that its consumption caused organ damage in the laboratory rats on which the study was conducted.

How often do you eat corn? Do you consider this plant dangerous to health? Share your opinion in the comments!

This cereal contains starch polysaccharides, as well as a significant amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial to humans. What are the benefits and harms of boiled corn?

  • In the composition of corn you can find a huge amount of groups C, B, E, PP.
  • Corn is a natural record holder for the amount of vital microelements - these important substances include iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, sodium, calcium and potassium, phosphorus and other equally useful components. It is precisely because of its unique composition that corn can be easily used for treatment and as a prevention of numerous diseases.
  • Corn contains mono- and disaccharides, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, starch and water, ash, and dietary fiber. Thanks to its extremely rich composition, corn is not only easily absorbed by the body, but also has an extremely delicate and sweet taste.

Due to the significant water content in its composition, corn has a delicate and incredibly sweet taste, which is so loved by both adults and children. The taste of boiled corn becomes even sweeter and more delicate due to the fact that during the cooking process it absorbs moisture. In this case we are talking exclusively about corn grains. What are the health benefits and harms of corn?

In addition, when mentioning the benefits and harms of boiled corn, it is worth noting that this cereal, when cooked, is much more beneficial for the human body than when raw. Of course, few people would think of eating raw corn. After the cooking process, this unique cereal plant is perfectly absorbed by the human body, while in its raw form, despite all the usefulness of corn, serious problems with this process can arise.

How does corn affect the human body?

  • Despite its rather high calorie content (123 cal per 100 g), this cereal plant is still considered dietary. In no case should you exclude it from your diet due to its high calorie content - the benefit of boiled corn is that it is quickly and fully absorbed by the body, saturating it and preventing the feeling of hunger. That is why it is considered an excellent dietary product.
  • The benefit of boiled corn is that it has a slight diuretic effect, and therefore is often recommended for people with increased swelling.
  • Due to its extremely rich composition and the presence of 25 components of the periodic table, corn serves as an excellent stimulator of defenses, perfectly strengthening the immune system.
  • The benefit of boiled corn is that, which is largely present in this unique cereal, it has a cleansing effect, normalizing intestinal function and removing all waste and toxins.
  • Corn grains contain special pectins, which have a negative effect on cancer cells and prevent them from multiplying. That is why regular consumption of corn cobs is recommended for patients with.
  • Speaking about the benefits and harms of corn, it should be noted that this cereal has a positive effect on the most severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes.
  • And, of course, when mentioning the benefits and harms of corn, it is impossible not to remember that corn grains are an excellent and completely natural cosmetic product that can restore your skin to an impeccably youthful and radiant appearance. Homemade masks made from this cereal plant prevent the appearance of blackheads, tone and give the skin elasticity. This is the benefit of corn for beautiful skin.

Of course, you should not think that regular consumption of corn in any form is a panacea for all diseases. Like all other “natural medicines,” corn also has some contraindications. In what cases will the use of this cereal plant not bring the expected benefit?

Harm of corn to the human body

  1. Excessive consumption of corn cobs in any form can cause serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract and lead to various intestinal disorders. Therefore, it is imperative to observe moderation in consuming even such a healthy and vitamin-rich product as corn.
  2. In some cases, a person may develop a banal allergy to corn - in this case, you should immediately exclude this grain from your diet. Manifestations of allergies can include redness, rashes on the skin, and itching.
  3. Frequent consumption of corn grains is completely undesirable for people who have diseases such as thrombophlebitis, thrombosis - in such cases, this grain can have the most negative effect on the human body.
  4. Also, you should not often consume corn in any form if you have a stomach ulcer.

The benefits and harms of canned corn

The main benefit of canned corn is that during the cooking process it retains vitamins and microelements vital for the human body. The benefit and harm of canned corn is that it is extremely rich in magnesium and magnesium, which is why it is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this cereal has the unique property of quickly saturating the body with many useful substances, relieving the feeling of hunger for a long time. This is why canned corn is perfect for people trying to shed a few extra pounds.

The harm of canned corn is that such a product is completely unsuitable for people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it can cause stomach upset. The aromatic and sweet cereal can relieve the feeling of hunger, which is completely undesirable if the body is exhausted or weakened. Therefore, you should consume corn in any form in moderation.

Is corn good for the Aztecs, but bad for us? Let's try to figure out what the first inhabitants of modern Mexico valued.

In fact, corn is a herbaceous plant of the grass family with a tall, up to four meters, stem and large linear-lanceolate leaves. The plant has “male” flowers (collected in panicles at the top) and “female” flowers (cobs). The latter always have an even number of grain stripes on a fleshy core in a dense wrapper of leaves and fibers (stigma). Grains can be of different shapes:

  • round;
  • elongated;
  • tooth-like;
  • beak-shaped.

Why does the bran husk of corn kernels resist digestion? Don't be scared! The answer is simple: high content of cellulose - fiber that our body cannot digest due to the lack of the necessary enzyme.

Like other grains, it contains prolamins, lectins - proteins that cannot be processed properly. There is nothing wrong with this, unless you have a sensitive intestine. Unpleasant symptoms are possible: bloating, heaviness.

Top 5 unexpected and beneficial properties of corn

It is not digested, but why is it still useful? The Aztecs also used corn for medicinal purposes. Grains, cobs and stigmas were used. Not all of the beneficial properties of corn have been studied, but those that are known are amazing.

  1. Effect on intestinal function. The cereal helps get rid of constipation and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (in the absence of gastric and duodenal ulcers). Indigestible fiber works as a scrub, cleansing the intestines of unnecessary residues.
  2. Choleretic effect, effect on the liver. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of use in increasing the secretion of low-viscosity bile, in some cases the dissolution of gallstones was observed. Boiled stigmas alleviate diseases of the gallbladder, ducts and some types of hepatitis.
  3. Effects on the pancreas and kidneys. Eating boiled young corn has a positive effect on the destruction of kidney stones, and a glass of broth a day will help with problems with the pancreas.
  4. Heart and more. Eating cereal helps strengthen blood vessels, stabilize heart function (do not use in case of thrombosis), normalize blood pressure, and relieve attacks of gout and nephritis.
  5. The product can be the basis of a diet.

The grains contain substances necessary for the functioning of the body.

  1. Fats about 1.35 g per 100 g of product.
  2. Carbohydrates – 18.7 g.
  3. Proteins – 3.3 g.
  4. Water – 76.05 g.

Grains are processed during the digestion process, so we receive and absorb all the vitamins and microelements from the grain. Although there is dietary fiber, the bulk of it is the digestible nutrients in the corn.


  • retinol
  • group B;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K


  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium.

Just imagine, corn contains gold! Although the amount is small, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the immune system and participate in hormonal processes. Other microelements:

  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • iron;

Corn is the queen of fields! It not only brings pleasant sensations to the taste buds. When consumed correctly, cereal helps build muscle mass naturally and nourishes the body, so it is an integral part of the diet, especially for children.

Be sure to read about it

One of the favorite summer delicacies is corn. It can be boiled, grilled, or even microwaved. Like everything tasty, it is considered not very healthy. Isn't it time to figure out what we know about corn that is a myth? Corn is used not only in the food industry. A few years ago the corporation even left it.

Dietician Jennifer McDaniel, public relations representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told The Huffington Post columnist Amanda Chan a lot of interesting things about the delicious food that children and adults are accustomed to enjoying during the summer.

Myth one: Corn is bad for your health.

This is wrong! Corn contains many nutrients. The idea that corn is unhealthy most likely came about because it contains a lot of starch, which is a carbohydrate. According to the nutritionist, corn, along with the beloved potato, has suffered from mass carbohydrate phobia that has spread in the past few years.

Myth two: The human body does not digest corn

Yes, corn contains a lot of indigestible fiber that simply passes through the intestines. But this is not a bad thing, since indigestible fiber serves as a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. That is, in fact, these fibers are needed. While not food for humans, they feed beneficial bacteria.

Myth three: Corn is not rich in nutrients.

Needless to say, the reputation of spinach among connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle is much higher than that of corn. These foods are considered the most nutrient dense. But corn also contains a lot of what the human body needs. These include vitamins B and vitamin C, as well as magnesium and potassium. Yellow corn is a good source of two antioxidants (antioxidants), zeaxanthin and lutein, that are beneficial for eye health.

Myth four: Corn is genetically modified

Jennifer McDaniel says that's not true. Most sweet corn is unmodified. If they are modified, it is mainly not the sweet corn, but the corn that is harvested later and processed into oil. This doesn't mean genetically modified sweet corn doesn't exist, but it is rare.

Myth #5: You can't eat corn because it's too rich in sugar.

In order to understand how untrue this myth is, you just need to compare corn... with a banana. The same banana, which is considered very healthy and even dietary. Few people consider bananas to be too rich in sugar. Meanwhile, one banana contains approximately 15 grams of sugar, while an ear of corn contains only 6 to 8 grams.

Corn is just food. Neither great benefit nor great harm

Obviously, even after these explanations from the nutritionist, corn has to be considered a product that should not be consumed in large quantities, especially if you are prone to excess weight. But the main question has been clarified - corn is not some particularly harmful product that no one should ever eat. However, nowadays everything tasty is considered harmful. This is partly true, but not always true.

In fact, in nutrition, as in everything else, it is desirable to have a sense of proportion. Good nutrition is a varied diet that contains foods that contain the maximum amount of nutrients beneficial to the body.

If you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that corn got its “bad reputation” along with another popular product - potatoes. This starch-rich root vegetable has been (and remains) the basis of the diet of different peoples for many centuries.

Meat - with potatoes, fish - with potatoes, vegetables - with potatoes. Potatoes fried, boiled, baked and fries. And, of course, chips, the addiction to eating which has become such a widespread phenomenon that... In a word, potatoes always, everywhere and for every taste! This happened because potatoes are easy to grow and prepare and are quite cheap, while remaining nutritious and tasty. Possessing all the necessary qualities for mass popularity, it has become the main dish of the dinner table. Then it turned out that you shouldn’t eat potatoes every day, just as you shouldn’t eat one thing all the time.

As a result, some supporters of a healthy lifestyle decided that it was better to exclude potatoes from the diet altogether. And at the same time, corn! Then experts began to find out to what extent the popular perceptions about these products correspond to reality. And it turned out that there is only a small grain of truth in them, nothing more. Corn is a common product that, like all other foods, should be consumed in moderation and alternating with other foods. And completely exclude from the diet only those things for which there are direct medical contraindications.

What do our readers think about corn? Should you not eat it at all, allow yourself a delicacy only occasionally, or can you eat it, especially in season, without thinking about what myths have developed about it? Have you ever had to reconsider your opinion about a food product or a method of preparing it? Which foods do you consider the most harmful and which are the most beneficial for humans?