Letter to Santa Claus - sample text. Letter from Santa Claus and a letter of commendation

All children love to write letters to Santa Claus, and sometimes adults dream of expressing all their desires on paper. In order for Santa Claus to receive the most beautiful envelope and send the gift for sure, you need to try hard. The letter should be pedantic, original, bright and interesting. Santa Claus does not like standard texts, so you need to surprise him with your excellent behavior, tell him about yourself and very diligently ask him to send the desired gift.

To make sure everything succeeds, we will help you arrange an envelope by providing Santa Claus with templates that you need to print at this link. Templates are selected for every taste and for any amount of text.

Postcard with the Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost's favorite granddaughter is the Snow Maiden, it is her grandfather will never get tired of looking at. Therefore, it is worth choosing this particular envelope. It must be decorated in soft blue and blue. On the reverse side is a beautiful Christmas tree. You will need to put a letter in the printed envelope and wait for an answer from the kindest grandfather in the world.

Christmas tree card

The tree is a New Year's attribute. With a Christmas tree, every new year becomes magical and fabulous. It's great to dress up the forest beauty with toys, garlands and gingerbread, having fun running around. It's great to sing songs under the Christmas tree, and if you have a desire to convey your New Year's mood to Santa Claus, then you should print a delicate salad envelope with a decorated Christmas tree. On the front of the envelope on the left is a Christmas tree, under which gifts will be waiting for you soon. Therefore, rather write a letter to the fabulous grandfather.

Postcard with a New Year's toy

Christmas toys are a great outfit for a forest Christmas tree. Toys make the Christmas tree rich. Soon it will be necessary to dress up the forest beauty, and in order for Santa Claus to see what toys you are using, you should choose an envelope with the image of a New Year's toy. Fairy-tale grandfather loves beautiful decorations, will appreciate your efforts and give you the best present. You just have to wait for the new year and the New Year's surprise.

red new year letter

The red color is very bright and noticeable. Red attracts attention and makes you want to look at this color, so it is possible that if you choose such an envelope, Santa Claus will read your letter first. It's not for nothing that his fur coat is red, and red decorations look great on the Christmas tree. Print the envelope on a color printer, glue it and attach your letter. Good luck to you.

Blue letter asking for a gift

The blue envelope beckons. Such a letter will immediately interest Santa Claus. He will be interested in who chooses bold colors and what this child wants to receive for the new year. Therefore, try to write a letter beautifully. Sign the letter carefully, and do not forget that grandfather lives in Veliky Ustyug and is already waiting for your letter with great pleasure.

Postcard with Santa Claus flying on a parachute

If you dream that Santa Claus will fly to you with a letter on a parachute. Then you need to choose just such an envelope. Remember, dreams do come true. Therefore, it is worth opening an envelope, writing a beautiful appeal to Santa Claus and promising that you will behave well and diligently in the coming year. Good luck and good gifts.

In the Middle Ages, houses were decorated with engravings depicting Christian motifs, they were given to relatives and friends for Easter and Christmas. Such engravings can be considered the progenitors of Christmas cards, however, they were very expensive.

It is generally accepted that the tradition of giving cards at Christmas originated in England at the end of the 18th century, when the English artist Dobson painted a small picture with a snowy winter forest and a happy family near the Christmas tree. Such pictures have become widely used for congratulations and gifts. And the first batch of printed postcards with a winter landscape was released in 1843.

In 1874, an international standard postcard size was established: 9x14 cm. Most states complied with this requirement.
Christmas and New Year cards came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century. At first they were only imported, English, and calligraphers wrote congratulations on them, and not the senders of the postcard themselves.

But soon the production of their postcards began in our country. Often they were a real work of art and interior decoration, they were designed as paintings, collected, pasted into albums. Pre-revolutionary postcards were decorated with dried flowers, ribbons, beads, boric acid sparkles that looked like real snow, and even flavored.

Postcards usually depicted angels, a decorated Christmas tree, old Russian fortune-telling and rituals, a winter forest and snow-covered peasant huts, churches, a Christmas grandfather and a Snow Maiden on a dashing troika of horses, cheerful kids playing snowballs and making a snowman. Often used plots of paintings by famous Russian artists Lev Bakst and Alexander Benois.

The October Revolution, unfortunately, destroyed the already completely established and beloved tradition of giving Christmas cards and decorating Christmas trees in houses. Even any mention of favorite winter holidays was banned.

However, during the Great Patriotic War, the tradition of New Year's cards began to revive. So, in December 1941, the Art publishing house issued special postcards for sending to the front.

New Year's cards of the war years helped the soldiers and their families to believe in victory, united people, because instead of the usual wishes they wrote such inscriptions: "New Year's greetings to the heroic defenders of the Motherland!", "Happy New Year, comrade soldiers, commanders and political workers! In the name of the Motherland, forward, to the complete defeat of the enemy! The artists worked with only two colors - red and black - to speed up the printing process, and, naturally, images of military subjects prevailed.

But the real heyday of the Soviet New Year's card came in the 1960s. Along with the usual motifs of winter landscapes, Christmas trees and "Palekh" images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on a sleigh pulled by a troika, modern stories began to appear on the topic of space exploration and the development of technology. For example, Santa Claus carried his gifts on an airplane or a space rocket.

At the same time, postcards began to depict the Kremlin chimes and joyful families celebrating the New Year on Red Square.

Post offices could not cope with the influx of letters and postcards before the New Year. Older people remember that congratulatory letters and postcards had to be sent no later than mid-December (or even earlier), so that the congratulations could arrive before the New Year. And throughout January, belated congratulations “reached” ...

But even now, despite huge libraries of New Year's cards on the Internet and lightning-fast email, many of us sign "real", paper cards and send them to friends, family and loved ones. Yes, and a signed postcard enclosed as a gift will add human warmth to it and please the recipient. Postcards are needed for this - so that we remember each other.

Etiquette Center "European Format"

For the vast majority of children, direct communication with Santa Claus - one of the main fairy-tale elements of all childhood - will be a real miracle. Indeed, kids really want to believe that a fairy tale exists, but its visual manifestations can be seen only in December.

At the same time, children usually meet with a kind old man only at mass matinees, where, although they fall on the wizard’s knees, everything happens in a conveyor mode, due to which the feeling of a miracle is greatly lost. In addition, some kids deep down begin to suspect that, in general, Santa Claus exists, but somewhere far away, and this is just his assistant in disguise.

In a word, something more unusual is needed, which would reinforce faith in miracles.

More and more parents are trying to bring elements of a fairy tale into their children's lives in a simple but effective way, namely, they write a letter to the old man, in which the baby must indicate what he would like to receive as a gift, and why he thinks that he deserves such a gift. However, this is only a hope for the existence of magic, but you can, after all, confirm it one hundred percent - for this you need, for Grandpa to send an answer!

In fact, it is not nearly as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and there are several ways to organize such a small miracle at once - let's see how to do it in the best possible way!

We write ourselves

If you need to provide a child with an amazing holiday with communication with Santa Claus, but the family does not have the money to hire a special person, you can make the baby supposedly receive a message from the old man. You can get such a souvenir in different ways, but the most economical (and creative) way is, of course, to make it yourself.

It should be noted here that most parents still do not have a special design gift, so it would be best if a congratulatory letter "will come" along with a gift. This option is especially appropriate if the child is still small enough to sincerely believe in Santa Claus, just before that he wrote a letter to him asking him to give something specific, and it was the parents who prepared the desired gift for the baby.

In this case, it is no longer so important for the child how the response letter will look - after all, he had no doubts about the existence of a fairy tale, but now there is clear evidence in the form of a dream come true.

However, if it is possible to create a beautiful New Year's greeting, it is better to do just that, because you must admit: it is a bit strange that the omnipotent magician from a fairy tale writes his letters with a blue gel pen on a sheet torn from a school notebook.

In the end, it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel: parents can look in stores for a decent-looking New Year's card, and simply sign it as if it came from Santa Claus himself. In addition, you can stick the same small bow on it - and that's it, for the happiness of a small child, much is not required.

If parents or their good friends draw well, have good application skills or any other decoration, then this should definitely be used. In this case, the task of the designer is to individualize the message as much as possible, to make it so that it is obvious: this letter is for this particular child, and not for any other. In addition to the typical New Year's attributes, you can depict the child himself there(only under the condition of sufficient plausibility) and the gift he wanted - at least if the dream is still about to come true.

What to write?

If the desired gift is attached to the message, then the baby will have much fewer questions about the design of the letter, but he will definitely want to know the content of what he wrote - after all, a real nominal letter from a real magician! Hence, text matters a lot, and after all, not any parents are able to choose words in such a way as to completely charm the little one. In this situation, it remains only to search the Internet for an example of how a real Santa Claus could address a child.

First of all, kind letters are popular - the wizard is still kind, he will always support the baby and will never punish. As you know, for children, praise has always been an excellent incentive for further self-improvement, because this is a clear sign that you are not trying in vain. So the baby, even if his behavior was not absolutely perfect, should be emphasized in the letter “from Santa Claus” his best qualities- those that really could please both the old man and the parents.

Of course, if adults want to clearly point out to the little one certain expected actions on his part, you can compose a message with tasks - for example, next year to study even more diligently, obey mom and dad, and so on. As practice shows, a real wizard who really sends letters and gifts is perceived as a much more serious and strict authority than such ordinary parents.

Although a letter from Grandpa can be a great element of education, nevertheless don't turn it into a "spread". Santa Claus usually simply ignores those children who behaved very disgustingly, so even a naughty child should write at least a couple of warm lines.

In the text, you can scold him a little, but not much, and do not forget that the main goal is to still create a holiday for the baby, otherwise why would Santa Claus be needed at all?

There are usually no radical differences in letters to a boy and a girl, except that the girl usually gets a little more compliments and you can separately send greetings from the Snow Maiden, and boys, on average, are a little more likely to call for discipline.

If there are many children in the family, and all of them are quite small, you can write one general letter for several children. Such messages are usually funny, often contain useful competitions (like a competition about who will behave better next year).

The text of the message also depends heavily on the age of the child who should receive it. It would be foolish to ask a kid of 3-4 years old to study well - he still does not even perceive developmental activities as study, and it is too early to demand success and diligence from him. For such children, maximum fairy tales are usually added to the text, describing the beauty of the winter forest, in which the old wizard supposedly lives, and the magic of New Year's Eve.

A letter to a first-grader, or, moreover, to older children, should no longer contain too naive fairy-tale tricks - this way you can provoke rejection, they say, I'm already too old for this. But while faith in magic is still alive, you can use it to stimulate the achievement of very real success in life.

Actually, a dry theory will not be sufficient material for writing without appropriate examples. We will give only two, but in compliance with all of the above. The first letter is to a very young child, the second is to a primary school student, containing both a description of positive traits and guide to the right path.

Example 1

Hello dear Masha!

We, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, decided to write you this letter because you behaved very well all year and made us very happy with our granddaughter.

The New Year is coming soon - the Snow Maiden and I have already covered everything around with a warm white blanket, decorated the city with large icicles and prepared a gift for you.

In your letter, you wrote that you dream of getting a big doll - that's what we have prepared for you. We hope that next year you will become even more independent, learn to dress yourself and keep your toys in order.

On the night before the New Year, when a garland lights up on the festive Christmas tree, look for our gift under it.

With love, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Example 2

Hello Sasha!

Santa Claus welcomes you, the main wizard of winter and the New Year! I am subject to the fulfillment of the desires of all children who sincerely believe that New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and dreams come true!

You wrote to me that you love to draw very much, and even sent me a drawing made by yourself, which I really liked, so I will fulfill your desire and give you what you have been dreaming of for so long - new skates.

I know that some subjects at school are difficult for you, but still I hope that next year you will try even harder and be able to finish the school year without Cs.

Remember that everything is good in moderation, obey your parents and do not forget to play sports to grow big and strong!

Loving you, Santa Claus.

We create a letter using special sites

Modern technologies are aimed at making a person's life as comfortable as possible in any situation, including congratulating your own children on the New Year. Nowadays, there are a fairly large number of sites that offer to turn the process of creating a congratulatory letter from Santa Claus into a quick and simple procedure, and most importantly, to achieve a very attractive result.

Everything is done very simply. A typical site for designing "original Dead Moroz" letters reduces the choice of message design to a couple of mouse clicks - you just need to choose the template you like among several ready-made ones. Professional designers have worked on the appearance of each sample, so it looks like Stylish large size New Year's card, decorated with typical winter attributes, but at the same time - with a specially allocated space for entering text.

Everything is decorated very beautifully - so that even a real wizard would not be ashamed to appear like that.

What to do with such a preparation further, it is up to the parents themselves to decide. You can simply print the blank and write congratulations into it by hand with beautiful letters that real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden could come up with. But then again, for this you would have to come up with the text yourself, and smart sites are quite capable of doing this task for parents.

You don’t even always have to manually rewrite from the Internet - many platforms allow you to choose online also the text of congratulations, in the special fields of which you only need to indicate the name of the child and, possibly, some other information about him. There are usually at least a dozen texts to choose from, written by people who are confident in pen and ink, and at least one of the samples will necessarily correspond to what can be said about this particular child. After the design and text are selected, the system forms a single document from them, which remains easy to print on any color printer.

Another thing is that if the printer is in the apartment and it is often used, the child may suspect something is wrong. After all, he is probably already familiar with the capabilities of this device and may notice that the message is printed on the most ordinary paper. Often, printers have individual characteristics in the form of light smearing of ink in a certain part of the page, which can betray parents and finally open the baby's eyes to the terrible truth about who actually gives him gifts for the New Year.

To avoid such disappointment, it is worth typing the congratulations away from home, or, alternatively, resorting to a distraction, as is the case with writing a regular letter by hand.

In particular, you can stage the arrival of such a message by courier - of course, immediately with a gift from Santa Claus. Ideally, exactly the one that the baby dreamed of. It will cost clearly cheaper than ordering a real children's animator, even if you turn to a real delivery service. In addition, cunning parents can organize such a trick for free - for this you just need to connect another adult, unknown to the baby, who will play the role of such a courier.

His task is not at all difficult, he does not have to dress in any special way, because he is just an assistant to Santa Claus, an ordinary person who simply has the opportunity to communicate directly with the wizard. Playing a role is also not difficult - you just need to ring the doorbell, give a gift and a message, wish you a Happy New Year and leave. Parents, by the way, can settle accounts with a kind person very easily if the father of the child simply agrees to provide a similar reciprocal service.

Needless to say, the child must to see such a courier in person whoever he really is? For a kid, the fairy tale lies precisely in this, and if he does not personally see the real assistant of Santa Claus, who handed over the gift with a diploma literally from hand to hand, then there is no point in connecting an additional person.

Getting a real answer

In the modern world, where the service sector is very developed, there was a place even for such unusual institutions as the offices of Santa Claus. Yes, even if you do not really believe in the existence of this kind New Year's Eve old man, this does not mean that he cannot quite officially send a letter by the real mail. Since there is a special address for this, you should not be surprised that special people really sit there, ready to write a letter in response.

It is difficult to say who finances such projects, but the result is very natural, because such Grandfather's assistants have special equipment that allows them to produce very magical-looking forms; in addition, a response letter often comes immediately with a small gift, to which the child's parents really have nothing to do - for example, with a magnet or other souvenir.

Everything is done in a very natural way. the envelope can even be sealed with a wax seal, and parents can only quietly receive this letter and put it under the Christmas tree along with a gift. This option is great for both the little ones, who, thanks to this, plunge into a real fairy tale, and for schoolchildren, who have already begun to doubt - this is the proof that everything is really happening.

The main thing here is to be sure that the Internet and comrades did not tell the kid what the real nature of such a letter is.

Of course, a response message can only be received if the child himself wrote to Santa Claus before. Therefore, it is worthwhile to sit down with the baby in advance and try to write a letter to the magician, whose offices are represented in many countries of the world, including Russia. At the same time, it’s better not to tell the child yet that we are specifically waiting for an answer, because he will be disappointed if nothing comes, and both the office itself, which for some reason ignored this appeal, and the Russian Post, which lost or delayed answer.

Enough to hint to the child that his dream of a certain gift may come true, and if the answer with a real postmark comes, and comes on time, it will be a chic bonus. In the end, in an emergency, you can try to replace a real letter from Santa Claus's assistants with a hand-made one, as we have already said.

If, however, you still want to receive an answer in a timely manner from exactly where the letter was sent to Grandfather, you should take care of this in advance. If one of the addresses of the old man in Russia is chosen, then he needs to send a letter approximately in the second half of November or early December, otherwise there is a risk that the answer will come after the New Year. As for foreign addresses, you need to write there even earlier - and the mail will not work so quickly, and on average there are much more calls there.

People who have experience in writing such letters to Santa Claus from Russia abroad note that in some cases the answer came more than a year later, when all hope of receiving it had long been lost.

Experienced parents also point out that the answer received from abroad is on average much more impressive than the one that sends the classic Russian Santa Claus or his national counterparts, popular among the peoples of Russia. However, communicating with foreign wizards will require a little more effort. First, as already mentioned, prepare in advance, and even less than usual, count on a positive and timely result. Secondly, to spend a little more, because you need to purchase a special international envelope.

Thirdly, it is probably desirable that the recipient of the letter to Santa Claus understand the language in which the appeal is written, and not many people know Russian abroad. For international communication, parents usually choose quite logical English, but there is a small nuance here: although a huge number of people around the world understand it, Santa Claus's foreign helpers may simply not have a form where you can enter an answer in English. Then the response message may be written in the language spoken in that country.

True, everything is allegedly clear thanks to colorful pictures, and in its own way such a souvenir is even more curious, but the whole family may have problems reading the text itself.

Where to write to get a real answer?

There are quite a lot of addresses for assistants of Santa Claus or foreign Santa Claus, and theoretically you can write to any of them, or even find some other ones on the Internet. We will give a few proven ones that really work. In addition to Veliky Ustyug, the address at which (162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost’s house) is considered the main address for Russian miracle lovers, there is a whole a number of other addresses where you can try your luck:

  • In Russia. In addition to Veliky Ustyug, another address is also successful, to which residents of the capital and neighboring regions write mainly - 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky Forest, to Santa Claus. A little unusual, but also directly related to the New Year theme, is the Lapland Reserve, which is not a representation of Santa Claus, but sometimes it can play along - 184506, Lapland Reserve, Murmansk Region, Monchegorsk, per. Green, 8.

The most chic gift for any child is to give him the opportunity to get into a fairy tale at least for a while. Despite the fact that kids receive gifts from their parents all the time, they value more those received from Santa Claus.

Any child wants not only to believe that the gift is part of the fairy tale, but also to see the fairy tale itself, and ideally, also to participate in it.

Fortunately, in the modern world, where the needs of even the smallest members of society are given considerable attention, such an opportunity exists: today you can write a letter to the real Santa Claus and even get an answer! If you want to give your child an unforgettable childhood, help him write a letter to Grandfather at least once, because he will not be able to find out about the most secret wishes of the child in another way.

At the same time, such an important letter cannot be written at random - there are a number of rules that will increase the chances that the real Santa Claus will read it!

Message Structure

Theoretically, the point of sending a letter is for the kind grandfather to bring the children, who have been obedient for a whole year, exactly the gifts they want.

Such a wish can be described in a single sentence, but surely even small children, if they are really well-mannered and good, will agree that it is hardly polite to write a letter consisting of one line, in which there is only a demand. It is worth trying and writing a real letter, and if there are difficulties with his composition, navigate according to the plan that is proposed below:

  1. Every letter starts with greetings, which also provides for the question of how the person receiving the letter is doing. Grandpa will certainly be pleased with such attention, and he will try to please the author.
  2. If grandfather gave a gift last year, you should thank him for it.
  3. Naturally, in order to keep the conversation going, tell a little about yourself- give your name and age, describe your activities and hobbies, and most importantly, talk about your behavior, which was good enough to qualify for a gift.
  4. At the end of the letter, you need to briefly indicate what you would like to see under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.
  5. You can write wishes to Grandfather, they will be very pleasant to him.
  6. The rules for writing letters also provide for the date at the very bottom.

But you should not take such mail as a boring adult letter, where there is nothing but text. Experts considered that Santa Claus's helpers in our country receive hundreds of thousands of letters from children every year, and it happens that a kind old man simply does not have time to read everything.

We must try to make the letter bright and stand out from the background of others - for example, it was written in verse, accompanied by a drawing made by one's own hand, or was otherwise unusually designed.

Which sample to focus on?

For those who want to design a message beautifully, but have not yet matured to serious creativity, you can use a ready-made template or form in which both the words and the design for the New Year's letter are correctly selected.

There are dozens of such options, but all of them, whatever one may say, are only a copy, and a truly touching message will turn out only if the child has put his own soul into it, even if it does not resemble an aesthetic masterpiece. The main thing is the sincerity and truthfulness of what is written.

You can still give a few examples to give the kids a guide on how to express in ordinary words everything that is needed to fulfill a dream.

Example 1

Dear Santa Claus, hello!

My name is Misha, I am 9 years old, I am from the city of Tula.

Last year you gave me an airplane. I played it all this year with my dad. Thank you very much for it!

Now I am in the third grade, all subjects are good for me, except for mathematics, but I will try to improve next year.

In my free time, I really like to walk with friends on the street, and my dad and I really like to watch hockey on TV.

I really want to learn how to skate, but I don't have them yet. Could you give them to me, Grandpa? I really believe that you will make my dream come true.

I wish you good health and excellent mood!

Example 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

How are you, Grandpa? Masha is writing to you from Nefteyugansk.

I'm 8 years old and I go to the second grade, but it's very cold here, so I wanted to ask you for a big beautiful hat!

I behaved very well all year, and my mother said that for this you will grant my wish. Next year I will try even harder not to let you down.

I wish you and your assistants to have a great New Year's Eve and cope with all the tasks that you always have a lot of before the holiday!

classic letter in an envelope

Although modern technologies are spreading more and more around the world, Grandfather Frost still comes from the old days, so the vast majority of letters for him are still delivered the old fashioned way - by ordinary mail. So it’s clearer to him, and it’s easier for the sender to show imagination and create a truly unique message.

However, in order for the result to really please Grandfather, you need to try.

It is important to follow a number of rules that will make writing more interesting and attractive than other children.

We write by hand

Not all children are able to write beautifully, but here you really have to try your best to write in large and neat letters - after all, grandfather is old, it will be difficult for him to make out sloppy scribbles.

In addition, he loves those children who have made significant efforts to get good grades at school - and what kind of an excellent student or a good student who cannot write beautifully? No, so the winter wizard will not believe in the diligence of the child and will not send him a gift!

Even today, most children are more comfortable with a pen or pencil than they are with a computer keyboard—at least when it comes to writing. That is why so many New Year's letters are still compiled in the old fashioned way - in capital letters.

The same applies to errors with blots. You need to think carefully about what will be written in the message, and try to write all the words correctly. It is not very good if some words are crossed out, and others are written above them - this, after all, complicates the task of reading what is written.

Where to print?

No matter how old Grandfather Frost may be, technology still touched him - he receives not only those letters that are written by hand, but also typed on a computer.

In addition, there are many ready-made forms, on top of which you just need to enter your text, and that's it - a beautifully designed letter, in no way inferior to old letters from fairy tales, is ready.

Unfortunately, such a design is unlikely to be truly original, but if you search for a long time, you may be able to find something unusual.

Keep in mind that a bright color image on the template will not look so interesting in black and white. That is why you need to make sure that the letter is printed on a color printer that will allow you to convey the fullness of the colors.

By the way, the color version can be printed without text, remaining a blank form until the text is manually applied to it.

The message will certainly look more believable if the text is not printed, but hand-scribbled by a baby; in addition, a form of this type can be quite easily supplemented with the author's drawings of the child, which will demonstrate the creativity of the little designer, turning the letter into an original sample through the efforts of the child.

How beautiful to arrange?

A simple piece of paper with letters can only look normal in the world of adults, and the attention of the fabulous Santa Claus can only be attracted by an unusually designed, truly beautiful and unique aftermath.

In any case, children love to create, and in this case, they are given all the opportunities for creativity, especially since it directly depends on whether Grandfather will appreciate the efforts of the baby or not. There are a number of ways to achieve an unusual look of a letter addressed to Santa Claus.


The easiest and most obvious option is to supplement the written text with the baby's drawings. At the same time, the image must be colorful and bright, touch on the theme of winter, snow, New Year and Santa Claus.

The drawing can be either completely separate and put into an envelope along with the letter, or it can be drawn on the same page where the text is written, but in such a way as not to interfere with the reading of what is written.

You can even cut out a black and white outline, which will then be pasted on the letter and painted by hand - such a "coloring" will create an attractive drawing even for those kids who find it difficult to draw.


You can depict this or that winter or New Year's scene not only with the help of paints or pencils, but also with the help of cut-out pictures from magazines or even self-made applications from ordinary colored paper. These decorate either the letter itself or the envelope in which it will be sent.

The application can even be made convex - for this, small pieces of paper are left outside the edges of each figure, which are wrapped inside.

At the same time, great attention must be paid to ensuring that the composition is glued firmly and does not break during the shipment.


This is also a kind of application, but somewhat reminiscent of a montage from modern science fiction films.

Theoretically, you can combine anything, but most often they make clippings of photographs of the child who sent the letter, the gift that he expects to receive, and Santa Claus himself. This is a clear hint to the magician: this is how what the baby dreams of should look like!


It is not necessary to write a letter either on a blank sheet or on a printed one, which was originally intended for this purpose. A beautiful postcard can also quite successfully cope with the function of the basis for the message - you just need to write the same text on it as in a regular letter.

Of course, for such purposes it is better to choose the postcard, the image on which is already dedicated to winter or the New Year.

What envelope to buy?

There are no special requirements for the envelope in which the letter for Santa Claus will be sent, so you need to start only from what exactly will be sent in this envelope.

If the message does not contain any complex structures - for example, there is only one sheet with a letter or the letter itself with a picture, you can purchase the most ordinary envelope and send the message in this form.

Another thing is if the sender tried and put his whole soul into the letter, adding crafts to the letter. In this case, you need to make sure that the child’s creative idea reaches the addressee in complete safety, because only in this way the latter will be able to appreciate it.

There are large format envelopes - in particular, designed specifically for A4 sheets.

If the message contains complex applications or large collages that are undesirable to fold in order to avoid breaking the structure, it is better to purchase just such an envelope.

Finally, it is also worth choosing envelopes according to where this letter is sent.

Most often, Russian children send a letter to the domestic Santa Claus - then the message goes only through the territory of Russia and an internal Russian envelope is enough for it.

Nevertheless, the international Santa Claus is also very popular among Russian children, and he lives abroad, so the letter will reach him only if it is sent in an international envelope.

Addresses for sending songs

For Santa Claus

There is not a single exact indication as to where Grandfather Frost lives, because he is a character in a fairy tale, so you can visit him only theoretically. At the same time, he has quite a few assistants who will gladly convey messages from children, so it is best to send a letter to them. But even such helpers are not located at any one point.

They say that the easiest way is to simply write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, and experienced postmen themselves know where to send such mail. However, it’s still not worth relying on chance in such important matters, so it’s better to know at least one of the addresses where the assistants of the main winter wizard are located.

For Russian children, the old and rather well-known address is relevant: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Santa Claus.

So many letters come there every year that the old man took care of creating another of his Russian "offices", which will allow residents of Moscow and the Moscow region get an answer a little faster. For those who live in this region, it is recommended to write to the following address: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky Forest, Grandfather Frost.

At the same time, Roskomnadzor draws the attention of users to the fact that the World Wide Web is a space in which there is always a risk of encountering intruders.

By the fact of writing a letter, even to obvious scammers, nothing terrible is likely to happen, but in no case should you indicate your full name, exact address, or any other personal information that can be used to harm. It is possible that the "exposed" mailbox will be subjected to increased attacks from spammers.

You should not indicate personal data in an e-mail even if there is one hundred percent certainty that this site was not developed by scammers - Santa Claus does not need them.

Communication channels on the World Wide Web are not always properly protected, so information can be stolen both from the site dedicated to the New Year holidays, and at any point along the way to it.

Nevertheless, it is the online versions of letters that are the fastest growing in terms of the number of items sent to Santa Claus. There are several reasons for this, and first of all - a quick response, because a message sent by e-mail is delivered in a matter of seconds, which means that feedback can often be received on the same day.

Many are also captivated by the maximum simplicity of such communication with the winter wizard, because this does not require absolutely anything but a gadget connected to the Internet. On sites, as a rule, there are already ready-made design samples - both visual and text itself, where you need to add only personal data - the name of the child and his age.

For such a contact with a fairy tale, you don’t need to invent anything special, you don’t even need pencils and envelopes, so this is the shortest path to success.

Finally, look at a few tips that will help you create an almost “adult” style letter, make it more elegant and interesting, which will further increase the likelihood of wish fulfillment.


Children want everything and more, and they do not always know the concept of modesty. Santa Claus is a real wizard, he can do anything!

At the same time, we must not forget that greed is a character trait that does not paint a person, and Grandfather may not like it, and then he will completely leave the author of the letter without a gift.

It is better to show yourself on the good side and ask for one thing, but really important. Then the grandfather and his assistants will have enough time to fulfill the wishes of other children, and he will have no objection to making our letter writer happy too.

Promise to behave well

On the one hand, Santa Claus gives gifts to those children who have already earned them, on the other hand, he is unlikely to be happy if the child, who finally got the desired gift, decides that now you can stop following any rules and start behaving like horrible.

It is assumed that the baby, counting on a gift from Santa Claus, will promise something in return. If there is something to strive for, you need to promise to do everything possible to make it even better next year. If everything is already fine now, you need to make a promise and in the future not to lower the bar raised high.

You need to be obedient, help your parents, not offend the younger ones, study well and so on. And, of course, keep your promises.

Remember that Santa Claus cannot be deceived even unintentionally - he is a magician!

The ratio of wishes and promises

Promises should at least approximately correspond to wishes. If the gift is expensive and unusual, then the baby should promise to do something that makes him worthy of such a valuable present.

It would be wrong to ask for a new gadget and at the same time promise to take grandmother across the road once - it’s a completely different matter that such an “action” for a whole year could already cost quite serious gifts.

The second option is to make a response letter from Santa Claus yourself. Surely you can write it even better than our good wizard!

You can also learn how to write a beautiful letter to Santa Claus, and what you need for this, by watching the video below.

Each of us is familiar with the tremulous expectation of the New Year. And most of all, we were waiting not for the holiday itself, but for a gift that a kind bearded grandfather would leave under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. But how does Santa Claus know who to give what? Right! From children's letters! And if your child is still a baby and it is not yet possible for him to write and beautifully design a letter, you can use letterheads to Santa Claus, which you can print directly from this page.
Here are both letterheads with text and without text.

If the student himself can express his thoughts on paper, then the kid of 4-5 years old is most likely not yet able to write. Therefore, older children just need to look at a sample letter to Santa Claus, come up with some of their own details, and add their own text. Children of preschool age also want to order a long-awaited gift to a famous grandfather, and for this it is easier for them to use a letter form to Santa Claus with a text where mom or dad will help enter the name of the baby, the desired gift and other missing information.

In order to print a letter to Santa Claus, you must first save it to your computer by right-clicking on the picture and selecting “save picture as” from the context menu.

Letter templates to Santa Claus without text

Coloring letters

How to write a letter to Santa Claus

Of course, there can be no strict rules here, but there is a certain sequence of actions with which it will be much easier to cope with the task.

  • Greetings. Every letter begins with it, because at the beginning it is necessary to indicate the addressee so that it is clear for whom this letter is. In this case, we address the message to Grandfather Frost, which means that in the first line it is worth writing something like “Dear Santa Claus” or “Dear Grandfather Frost”, or simply “Dear Grandfather”.
  • A short story about myself. Before asking for gifts, you should write a little about yourself: what the child likes, what he is interested in. You can also write a little about your family.
  • Did you behave well? Everyone knows that a kind grandfather brings gifts to those who behaved well all year and did good deeds, which means that it is worth writing about this in a letter so that Santa Claus is sure that the child deserves this gift.
  • And finally, about the gift. Now is the time to tell grandpa about the gift you want. It is advisable to describe as accurately as possible what you want to receive from your grandfather, so that he does not make a mistake and brings exactly what you need.
  • Completion of the letter. Here you can promise that next year the child will behave as well as this year, listen to adults, help them.