The layout of the kitchen set is 9 square meters. Corner kitchen layout in beige tones

In most standard panel residential buildings, space for the kitchen area is allocated almost according to the principle of residual space. For this reason, kitchen interiors are almost the same. In fact, this is not an easy task at all - to come up with a unique and interesting kitchen design in an ordinary block apartment building, provided that the kitchen space occupies only 5 to 9 square meters. m. Kitchen design 9 sq m panel house 45 photos of interior ideas.

There are a few simple recommendations on how to decorate the kitchen space in a standard residential apartment beautifully, functionally and comfortably. As a result, you will be able to create a unique and unique kitchen design in a panel house. Kitchen design in a panel house apartment photo:

How to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen in a panel house?

The primary task that needs to be solved in the process of making changes to the layout of the kitchen area in a residential building is the maximum possible increase in space.
For all the complexity of the task, it is quite possible to solve it and achieve tangible results even without demolishing the partitions and combining the kitchen with the living room. To do this, you need to perform a few relatively simple steps.

  • First you need to dismantle the door and replace it with an arch. This will make the kitchen design space in the panel house a little more spacious.
  • It is necessary to replace outdated cast-iron batteries with modern, stylish and technologically advanced new generation radiators. You will be surprised when you see how much space the previous design radiators took up. Kitchen design 9 meters in a panel house photo ideas:

  • The presence of a pantry in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen is a great opportunity. You can punch a hole in the wall of the pantry, which is in contact with the kitchen, and install a sink there.
  • In a situation where there is a door to the loggia in the kitchen area, it is possible to dismantle it, and place a countertop or counter instead of a window sill, as in a bar. As a result, you can increase the area by approximately 2 square meters. m. See the design of the kitchen with a balcony in a panel house:

  • Kitchen design in a panel house with a window. The window can also be expanded due to the light opening. To make this possible, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of metal-plastic windows with a narrow sash.

If you have certain knowledge and experience, then all these changes in the layout can be made independently, besides, it will not take much time.

Effective kitchen solutions in a panel house

Kitchen design 9 meters in a panel house, after the issue with the layout is resolved, you should decide on the location of the furniture and related appliances. Of course, creating an interesting kitchen design in a panel house is not so easy, but it is quite real.
Despite the fact that the design in an ordinary residential building is dictated directly by the shape of the kitchen, it is possible to come up with several effective and at the same time interesting solutions.

  • If the kitchen space is narrow and long, then it would be appropriate to place the furniture in one row or U-shaped. At the same time, you can connect the tabletop on a short wall with a window sill, which will allow you to win usable space. Kitchen design in a panel house apartment photo:

  • The kitchen table that everyone is so used to is not always necessary. Instead of a table, you can mount a narrow countertop or bar counter.
  • Kitchen design 9m2 in a panel house. the most common location on a single line of a sink, stove and refrigerator is very inconvenient for working in the kitchen, since there is almost no working space between these items, and also during cooking you are forced to move tirelessly throughout the kitchen. To avoid this, it is necessary to place at least one of the listed elements against the opposite wall.

  • Buy a top-loading refrigerator if possible. Of course, the cost of such equipment will be tangible, however, in conditions of an acute shortage of space, such a solution will be the optimal and rational choice. Kitchen design with a balcony in a panel house, see interior ideas:

A few secrets of kitchen interior design

To implement an interesting kitchen design in a panel house, you will need knowledge of certain nuances and tricks. There is always an opportunity to visually enlarge the kitchen space. The use of some finishing techniques can also add spaciousness to the kitchen area.

  • It is better to make the wall decoration in the kitchen room of a panel residential building light, but you should not use white. Walls covered with white will quickly get dirty, and will also not look very expressive. It is worth opting for light shades.

  • Kitchen design 9 sq m panel house - vertical lines can visually make the kitchen a little higher. In addition, a combination of a dark color on the floor with a light tone on the ceiling can visually increase the height of the kitchen space.
  • You can resort to the use of elements made of glass or mirrors. For example, transparent kitchen fronts or a glass-coated worktop can visually reduce the tightness in the kitchen. Kitchen design 9 meters in a panel house:

  • A reasonable solution would be to use more than one light source. As an addition to a standard chandelier, you can use a headset lighting or a pair of lamps. This will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but will also provide comfort while cooking.

Of course, it will not be possible to fully compensate for the lack of space using such techniques. However, you will have the opportunity to get rid of the stereotypes in the kitchen, and get a place with an interesting and functional design. Kitchen design 9 sq m panel house - see photo solutions for your interior:

Planning a kitchen design with an area of ​​​​9 square meters. meters - although not an easy task, it is quite standard and solvable. This material presents 10 tips on how to equip and decorate a small space, as well as 30 photos of modern kitchen interiors with an area of ​​​​8.5 - 9 square meters. meters for your inspiration.

Independently thinking over the repair, layout and design of the kitchen 9 sq. meters it is worth using the 3D design program. This will help you visualize your future environment, play with furniture arrangements, plan your wiring and lighting layouts, and see how different textures and shapes will look together.

Hint: you need to start creating a kitchen project with a sink and stove (if it is gas), since these strategically important points are most often best left in their rightful places.

In terms of interior design planning, it is very useful to make a collage of material samples (Material Board). To do this, you will need to pin samples of your favorite fabrics for curtains and furniture upholstery, wallpaper, floor and wall coverings, A4 sheet coloring, etc., purchased at the store, to any board. This way you can understand how textures and colors will be combined with each other , fabrics and finishing materials in real life.

When designing a future kitchen, try to place the sink, stove and refrigerator close to each other, but not too close. So you can create the most convenient space for cooking.

Tip 3. The best headset is built-in and corner, up to the ceiling

Perhaps it is this configuration of the headset that will allow you to save kitchen space and use it as efficiently as possible. An example of a built-in and corner kitchen up to the ceiling is presented in the following photo slider.

The interior of the kitchen area of ​​​​9 square meters. meters in the apartment in the "Stalin".


  • For a convenient place for storing things and cooking, it is best to choose a set with a trapezoidal corner floor stand;
  • Household appliances (including a refrigerator) in a small kitchen should also be built-in, not freestanding, then the unity of all facades will make the interior orderly.

Tip 4. If there is a desire and opportunity, combine the kitchen with a balcony or adjoining living room

If you have to overhaul the kitchen 9 sq. meters, why not in the process or? Yes, redevelopment is not always possible, and its coordination is quite troublesome, but you cannot find a more effective way to enlarge the kitchen.

Hint: if you like the idea of ​​attaching a balcony to the kitchen, but its “legalization” is difficult (or unlikely), then you can not dismantle the wall, but only the window and balcony door, as shown in the photo below.

Tip 5. Instead of a swing door, install a sliding door, or convert the doorway into an arch

The swing door takes up a lot of space, so making repairs in the kitchen of 9 square meters. m, consider installing a more compact sliding structure instead. Also, you can either just leave it without doors, having issued only platbands.

Tip 6. When leveling the floor, walls or ceiling, try to reduce the room as little as possible

It is better to level the floor with a bulk self-leveling mixture, and not with a cement screed.

As for the ceiling, in a kitchen of a standard height of 2.5-2.7 m, it is worth abandoning suspended structures, because even when installing stretch ceilings, the minimum height loss will be about 5-7 cm. However, sometimes without hinged structures in a small kitchen get by. So, for example, a drywall box can hide an air duct from an exhaust hood and other communications that clutter up the space.

If redevelopment and radical changes to the kitchen are not included in your plans, then you can visually enlarge it by decorating the interior in light or neutral colors. White, beige, cream, light shades of blue, gray and green will not dim the daylight, make the room more spacious and even neater in appearance. Examples of kitchen design 9 sq. m in bright colors are presented in the next photo slider.

In the kitchen 9 sq. m you should not hang only one ceiling chandelier - the central light will create shadows and narrow the room even more. Additional lamps will help to increase it, say, in the dining area and, of course, in the work area.

Hint: Do you want to decorate the interior of the kitchen in a modern way? Hang the chandelier not in the center of the ceiling, but directly above the table.

- salvation for small kitchens, which often receive guests. In doing so, keep in mind that

When decorating the interior, keep in mind that:

  • For small kitchens, it is better to choose simple curtains made of light, plain fabric or with a small pattern. Suitable types: Roman, roller, blinds, classic curtains without strong drapery.
  • A chandelier in a small kitchen is preferably compact and “airy”, for example, made of glass.
  • Wall decorations in the design of the kitchen 9 sq. m are needed in a small amount. It is enough to decorate the dining area with a couple of photos or, panels or hours.
  • The rest of the decor should also be present to a minimum. Houseplants in beautiful planters, a candle on the table, a candy bowl and a couple of accessories on the shelf will enliven the interior without overloading it.
  • Travel magnets often add unnecessary clutter and a sense of clutter to your decor, so it's best to collect them somewhere other than your small kitchen.

Kitchen design ideas 9 sq.m. - make the dream of comfort come true

A small apartment is not a reason to give up the dream of a stylish and comfortable home. And if it seems to us that the design of the kitchen is 9 square meters. m. should be extremely functional, since there is not enough space for decorative delights, it's time to dispel this misconception.

Yes, classic, art deco, or more appropriate in spacious interiors, but with proper planning, we may well use some of their characteristic techniques in the design of a small cooking room. As for modern styles, they are equally good in kitchens with any area - from miniature "Khrushchev" to rooms occupying 18 square meters. m or more.

What does planning depend on? We are looking for the optimal solution

Beginning kitchen renovation 9 sq. m., you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Is it possible to expand the premises at the expense of "neighboring territories": a balcony, living rooms or a hallway.
  1. Where is the dining area located? If directly in the kitchen, the U-shaped or island layout will have to be abandoned, in contrast to the option when the dining room is transferred to the living room.
  1. How often will the hostess cook? There are families who prefer to eat in a cafe or restaurant, and there are those who cannot imagine life without home cooking. In the first case, the working area can be reduced to the required minimum by refusing a dishwasher, a stove with an oven and a large refrigerator. It is more logical to replace the dining table with a bar counter - the layout and design will benefit significantly from this. It will be possible not only to save space, but also to give the room an elegant look.
  1. Families with small children will have to take extra precautions. At the entrance to the room there should not be furniture with sharp corners, countertops should not be placed near the window, and the stove must be protected with a special screen that does not allow reaching a hot kettle or pan.

After the priorities are set, they create a kitchen design project that will best meet the individual needs of the family.

Someone likes a kind of modern bar, someone prefers the unpretentious coziness of a country or a nostalgic retro-style interior, where it is pleasant to gather and have a leisurely lunch with the whole family - the main criterion for a successful design solution is the comfort of the created space.

Standard and not so layout ideas small kitchen:

Choice of finishing materials

Kitchen design 9 meters square is aimed primarily at the visual expansion of space. Therefore, regardless of the chosen style, the decoration of the walls and ceiling should be light, while it is recommended to make the floor opposite dark - this will make the room seem higher.

  • Suitable wallpaper with a small pattern: floral ornaments, abstract patterns or narrow vertical stripes. The latter option allows you to visually "raise" the ceiling.
  • For a kitchen apron, choose a medium-sized tile: square, hexagonal or "boar" type. If kitchen interior 9 sq.m. designed in nuanced colors, the wall in the work area can become a bright accent. In this case, either a mosaic panel is made, or skinned with a photo print.

Advice : You need to choose dense canvases from interlining or vinyl, with a smooth, waterproof coating. Embossed wallpapers are very beautiful, but it is better to save them for the dining area if it is placed in the living room. A large texture accumulates dust, and in the kitchen, particles of soot also join it, as a result of which the walls quickly lose their elegant appearance.

  • If floor tiles, laminate or parquet boards are laid out diagonally, the room will look more spacious.
  • Frescoes or photo wallpapers depicting multifaceted natural landscapes or a street stretching into the distance will also help create an additional perspective.

Important : In small kitchens it is not recommended to use too colorful pictures, they cause psychological discomfort. It is better if the wall painting or photographic image is designed in two or three contrasting and several shades close in tone.

  1. Waterproof plaster or paint is also good in wall decoration: they are hygienic, easily cleaned of dirt, withstand temperature changes and are highly environmentally friendly. Monochromatic surfaces will be an excellent backdrop for furniture with textured (imitating natural materials), glossy colored or printed fronts.
  2. A fashionable combination of several finishing materials today, for example, tiles with wallpaper or paint, is possible if they are as close as possible in color and tone.

How to furnish a kitchen 9 meters. We select furniture

Let's start with the kitchen set. For small spaces, linear or angular arrangement of furniture is optimal. The first option is convenient if the room is narrow, elongated in plan, the second - when it approaches a square in shape.

Pros and cons of headsets of different shapes

Each layout has its own advantages. For example, a linear headset:

  • It occupies a small area, located only along one wall.
  • Due to its compactness, it meets the basic requirements of ergonomics.
  • Leaves room for a dining group.
  • Allows you to use bright colors or contrasting combinations in decoration.

Advice : if you want juicy, rich colors for a small kitchen, you should choose facades with a laconic decor and a glossy finish. Light-reflecting surfaces contribute to the visual expansion of the space, compensating for the lack of light tones.

This recommendation applies to monochromatic headsets. With a contrasting finish, it is recommended to choose furniture with a dark "bottom" and a light "top" - this combination makes it lighter, "airier" and is perceived more harmoniously.

Line layout examples:

Advantages of a corner headset:

  • Large number of storage sections
  • Compliance with the rule of the “working triangle”, when the sink, refrigerator and stove are equally available to the hostess during cooking.
  • Kitchen design 9 square meters, as a rule, wins with the angular arrangement of furniture. They try to replace the dining table with a narrow bar counter or select folding models, which makes the interior look stylish and modern.

9 sq m with photo:

The U-shaped layout, as well as the device of a separate working "island" are uncharacteristic for a kitchen with an area 9 squares. This option is possible only if the dining area is taken out into the living room.

The location of the kitchen set along 3 adjacent walls is considered the most practical. It is easy to arrange household appliances on one side, storage sections on the other, and arrange a work surface near the window. U-shaped layout and the most ergonomic, so when it is worth paying priority attention.

"Island" is a stand-alone pedestal turned into a dining or work table with bar counter functions. Additional storage sections are built into the massive base. The curbstone table is convenient when it is necessary to separate a zone of preparation and rest.

Ideas for a kitchen of 9 square meters with an "island":

Dining group

The choice of a dining table depends on the following factors:

  1. If there are no small children or elderly people in the family, you can safely stop at the bar counter - it takes up less space and gives the interior a special charm. In addition to the usual models, there are also transformers that, when folded, hide under the worktop or between the floor cabinets.
  2. If the hostess likes to cook and there is a consolidated place in the kitchen, you can use a multifunctional two-level “island” rack. It is equipped with an additional table top that allows you to dine without climbing on high bar stools.
  3. Folding and folding tables are a great way out for a kitchen where there is a lack of space.
  4. Another option for a large family of different ages is a round or square table, which is installed in the corner. It is complemented by a small sofa, which is more spacious than chairs and also serves as a cabinet for cereals or dishes.

Advice : It is good if the stationary table and chairs are made of transparent materials. They seem to dissolve in space without cluttering it up.

With dining area:

His Majesty the Refrigerator

This large unit delivers a lot of trouble in small spaces. The layout of the kitchen of 9 meters with a refrigerator requires special ingenuity from designers. How to save space without sacrificing aesthetics by carefully fitting a home appliance into an existing environment?

There are several options:

  1. Use a built-in model that does not violate the style of the interior.
  2. Play in contrast by making the refrigerator one of the visual accents. For example, use a model of an unusual color, with a metallic coating, and so on.
  3. Buy a compact device that is easy to install under the worktop or mount on the wall, in the same row with wall cabinets (there are such varieties). Of course, a mini-fridge is designed for a family where there is little cooking and no food stocks.
  4. High models are placed in the same row with the kitchen set, sometimes hidden in a vertical pencil case, or in the corner at the entrance.

Creative solutions with a refrigerator - the most relevant design. Kitchen interior with photo (9 sq. Meters):

How to enlarge the kitchen due to the balcony

If the cooking room and the living room are separated not by a main wall, but by a partition, they try to demolish it, giving preference to a free layout.

This move has many benefits. And some disadvantages, such as kitchen noises and smells or the undesirable neighborhood of living rooms with a gas stove, can be easily eliminated by making sliding screens up to the ceiling at the border of two rooms.

Sometimes the kitchen area is expanded due to the adjacent loggia or balcony. The solution is popular, but difficult to implement. In multi-storey buildings, it is forbidden to transfer any common communications: water or gas risers and, most importantly in this case, heating appliances.

In addition, it is impossible to completely remove the outer wall, they only make an arch in it, reinforced along the perimeter with stiffeners. Most often, having decided to unite, the owners stop at half measures: they expand the doorway, while the window is partially left, turning it into a bar counter.

The issue of heating the balcony is decided independently. Since it is forbidden to transfer batteries from the kitchen, they are trying to make a warm floor in the additional area and increase the thickness of the outer walls.

Important : It should be remembered that the balcony ceiling is not designed for heavy loads. It is highly undesirable to bring furniture or heavy household appliances here, such as a dishwasher and a refrigerator. It is best to equip the dining area and, enjoying delicious dishes, at the same time enjoy the view outside the window.

In the photo below - kitchen design with balcony:

And finally, interior novelties 2017. This is what a truly modern, trendy kitchen should be like. Refined aesthetics, a bit of nostalgia and, of course, high technology. Learn, get inspired and start creating!

A nine-square-meter kitchen is a common occurrence for modern panel high-rise buildings. In such a not very spacious room, there is enough space to put not only a compact set with a refrigerator, necessary household appliances, but also to comfortably equip the dining area. A variety of kitchen projects 9 sq. m. Photos with useful tips can be found in many design and interior design magazines.

In a small kitchen, you need to competently use literally every centimeter of free space.

Kitchen layout 9 sq. meters with a refrigerator (selection of photos)

The standard layout of the kitchen is 9 meters with a refrigerator in most of the photos, it assumes its placement between the suite and the kitchen door. The placement of all items here depends on the shape of the headset, but the main thing is to follow the rule of the “working triangle”: refrigerator-stove-sink. These elements are recommended to be placed in one row or at a short distance from each other.

The restructuring of the kitchen space must begin with a plan

If there is a loggia or a high-quality insulated balcony, the refrigerator is put there - this is especially convenient if it is large enough. Nearby, without fail, they put a small table, a cabinet where the products brought from the store will be sorted: some of them will “go” to the refrigerator, others will be placed on the shelves and cabinets of the headset, the rest will be cooked immediately.

Walking distance eliminates unnecessary movements and facilitates the process of cooking

The sink is best placed in the corner, there should be a small working area nearby

Tip: the refrigerator is not recommended to be placed in excessive proximity to any heating surfaces, such as a stove or oven, heating radiators, a strongly vibrating washing machine. This neighborhood can ruin an expensive refrigeration unit.

The refrigerator can be placed by the window if it does not fit right next to the radiator

Layout features

There are several options for kitchen layout:

Place for cooking

Where food is being prepared, all the items necessary for the hostess are placed close to each other - approximately at arm's length. A table for unloading purchased food is usually located in close proximity to the refrigerator and sink, where some of them will be washed. A little further they put a work surface on which cutting, preparation for heat treatment, etc. is carried out. Here, but not next to the refrigerator, there is an electric, gas stove. The latter is not recommended to be placed close to the sink, as accidentally getting water can extinguish the burner, which can lead to a fire when re-ignited.

An example of a successful layout - everything you need is at arm's length

The working area should be well lit, you can’t do without additional lighting

Place to pass

The minimum dimensions of passages in the kitchen room are dictated by the basic rules of ergonomics. The standard width of the doors leading to the kitchen is 80-90 cm. It should open easily, while not encountering obstacles on the way. When two or more paths lead to the room, their width is made at least 100-110 cm, and the working triangle is positioned so that it is not where they walk the most.

If the refrigerator is near the door, the latter should open towards the corridor

Washing by the window in the countertop of the dining table is a very extraordinary solution ...

... As a result of which the passage to the balcony was preserved and a working triangle was formed

It is equally important to observe the correct distance between the stove and refrigeration equipment, sink and refrigerator - 110-115 cm. Less is unacceptable according to safety rules, more requires additional physical costs for moving from object to object. If more than one person is planned to work in the kitchen at the same time, these parameters need to be increased to 120-130 cm.

Advice. The distance from the wall to the dining table is at least 75-85 cm, but if it is planned to walk here - 95-120 cm.

place to eat

The dining area in the kitchen, measuring nine square meters, is designed quite compactly - a small table with a couple of chairs, a comfortable sofa, is usually placed near a free wall. The island version is less common, but the headset should then be small.

A regular table can be replaced with a folding table top mounted on the wall

If there is an insulated balcony or loggia, the dining area is transferred there, it is only important to acquire thick curtains that can reliably hide diners from prying eyes. If there was not enough space, since everything was taken up by the headset, the option of eating at the bar counter, which can be stationary, folding, island, is considered. Chairs under it are selected at the appropriate height.

When choosing chairs, give preference to models that can be pushed under the table.

Tip: for the convenience of residents, if there is not much space left, a TV is often placed opposite the eating area - usually it is hung on the wall away from the sink, hobs.

The original option for placing a TV inside a hanging cabinet

Options for redevelopment of a kitchen of 9 square meters. m. (selection of photos)

In the design projects of kitchens 9 sq. m. with a photo, there are many design options, even when such a room has an “irregular” shape - L-shaped, elongated, etc. If the kitchen seems too cramped, it is permissible to combine it with any room - living room, hallway, balcony, or simply move one of walls, change the location of the doors.

After combining the room with the loggia, the apartment will have a full-fledged kitchen for cooking and a spacious dining room for the whole family.

The design of a small kitchen should be dominated by light shades.

To unite, one of the walls is partially or completely dismantled, instead of which, as a zoning element, sliding glass partitions, textile screens are installed, a ceiling cornice with a curtain is mounted. Where the kitchen room borders on another, they often place a bar counter, a small rack, a sofa, to the back of which a countertop or several shelves are attached. Less commonly, zoning is done using a podium, which is also a place to store various kitchen utensils, and a difference in ceiling heights.

The heating battery can be left in place

If the dining area is moved to the living room, install a bar in the kitchen for quick snacks

A beautiful kitchen of 9 m2, the layout and design of the photo will neatly contain almost everything planned, it will also not be difficult to create coziness here. It can be designed in any style - minimalism and classic, Japanese and African, hi-tech and modern. The only exceptions are luxurious options that require abundant decor (baroque, rococo, empire) or require significant areas (loft).

The interior in oriental style implies a minimum amount of furniture, such a kitchen looks unusual and concise

The high-tech kitchen is dominated by plastic, glass and aluminum. Household appliances should be functional and ultra-modern

Luxury connoisseurs can choose an interior in a classic style.

To expand the space, use:

  • light, warm colors;
  • glossy surfaces;
  • mirrors;
  • multiple light sources;
  • built-in household appliances;
  • maximum use of the entire area from floor to ceiling;
  • storage systems under the window, in the sofa, etc.

The window sill can become a continuation of the furniture if you replace it with a wide table top.

A high set up to the ceiling will accommodate more kitchen utensils and save you from dusting on the upper cabinets


In the kitchen with an area of ​​about nine square meters, not only all the necessary furniture, but also household appliances will be conveniently located. Such a standard room for multi-storey panel houses, if desired, is subject to redevelopment. This will require the help of a specialist who will do everything, taking into account the wishes of the customer, as well as the coordination of the plan with local governments.

Create a unique and original kitchen design 9 sq. m, it's pretty hard. After all, it is very important that, in addition to beauty, it has comfort, warmth and coziness. After all, the kitchen in most houses is exactly the room that unites soul mates, the whole family gathers here, and friends or just close acquaintances are also received. Therefore, it is necessary to start creating a 9 m kitchen design with the correct layout of the room. After all, color design is important here, since some colors increase both mood and appetite, and some, on the contrary, have a negative effect. In this article, we will focus on exactly how to decorate the interior, and also see the design of the kitchen 9 square meters. m photo.

Each of us spends a lot of time in the kitchen, which is why we can safely say that it is the heart of any home! Of course, with regard to the total area of ​​​​the kitchen, this is a rather acute issue. However, for some people, a 9-square kitchen is just a dream! But if you happened to become the happy owner of such a space, take the organization of the space quite seriously and responsibly.

After all, if it is completely wrong to locate the room, then there will not be enough free meters at all! As for the owners of more miniature kitchens, everything that is indicated here will apply to them. The difference is that the dimensions of the kitchen set should be smaller.

How to start a kitchen renovation?

Since the kitchen of 9 meters should be comfortable. This is the most difficult achievement in the design of the entire room. No, it’s not about what furniture and equipment you need to pick up, since many other nuances can “emerge” here. Therefore, we draw up a thorough and precise action plan, the sequence of which should be as follows:

Color solution

For small kitchens, the main thing is to adhere to the basic principle - choose light, warm shades. For example, it can be beige, soft yellow, light blue shades and others like that. You can also combine different colors with each other. The most popular combinations will be when using basic basic colors, such as: white, black, gray, red. We combine white with all bright colors, but do not overdo it with the second shade. In order not to get regularly nervous overstrain, being in the kitchen, it should not be too bright. Otherwise, the design will quickly get bored, and repeated repairs will be very soon. In addition, you can combine even three different colors in the kitchen. But as a project, you will need to choose a ready-made plan created by a professional designer!

Furniture selection

It has to be done right. You can choose open cabinets and shelves, but only if there are no children in your house. In the case of a small kitchenette, it is better to order furniture "for yourself". Of course, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts so that everything is framed as it should be, and there is a lot of free space left. If there are hanging shelves, then on the top row it is better to do them with glass facades, or even without doors at all. Indeed, today you can make to order almost everything that your soul desires! Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to choose the classic furniture options that are offered in every furniture store. Of course, this issue may rather rest on the budget. But if you have the opportunity, then you can turn a variety of ideas into reality!

Choose the right lighting for your kitchen!

In a small room, it is better to make several of its sources at once. One of them must be installed in the working area (cooking), as well as in the meal reception area. You can also hang a central lamp or chandelier. The main thing is that it should not be too big and bulky, otherwise it will clutter up the space too much.

Choose the style that suits you best

Be sure to see the design of a modern kitchen photo 9 sq. meters! It can be classic style, modern, minimalism, or maybe Hi-tech or Provence…. Anything you wish! Based on what style you prefer, then a cozy and original kitchen is created.

The color scheme of the kitchen 9 squares

As for the solution of this issue, not only large details are important here, but also any little things. This also includes: the area, the chosen style, as well as all the nuances that, at first glance, may seem completely inconspicuous and not so significant to you. See kitchens 9 sq. meters photo design to understand what you would like to see in your kitchen.

Regardless of the chosen style in which you prefer to decorate the kitchen interior, there are main color schemes. See below for matching color and style:

· Minimalism, where white or gray colors, beige or black are most often used. To create a bright accent, you can use the main soft range of colors.

· Classic. Here the design is quite simple. Only a natural palette is used. The essence of the classic style here is properly selected furniture and accessories.

· Hi-tech style. Color does not play the most important role here. It is important to equip the kitchen with modern and smart appliances. As for colors, use pastels and neutrals, as a bright accent, one of the walls can be decorated brightly. There are also glass and metal surfaces.

· Mediterranean style, where the most appropriate would be such as: terracotta, olive, soft yellow, pink and other warm shades of pink.

Be sure to view the design of the kitchen 9 square meters. m photo news!

If you have just such a layout, where from the kitchen there is access to a balcony or loggia, you are very lucky! This must be taken into account when creating a stylish interior space. After all, the design here can be much more diversified, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen is significantly increased! But here it is important to first carry out the insulation work of the balcony, and very high quality.

If we talk about attaching a loggia to the kitchen, then such an agreement must be documented!

In this case, there can be a lot of red tape. After all, the issue of redevelopment is a rather complicated “paper” process. And without obtaining permission with supporting documents, it is not only unreasonable, but also not safe!

For example, if a house consists of a large number of apartments, it may begin to collapse due to inconsistent redevelopment. And even more so if you do not have any experience. But this is very serious and responsible!

Warming of the loggia is carried out in stages:

  1. Obtaining documentary permission to carry out redevelopment works. In particular, this applies to those cases when it is necessary to destroy load-bearing walls. But it is precisely the partition between the wall and the loggia that is it! Of course, if you just equip the insulation of the balcony, this item can be skipped.
  2. Install new double-glazed windows, insulate additional kitchen area. To do this, it is best to use the most modern insulating materials, as well as waterproofing. At the same time, in a specialized store they will tell you everything and help you choose the appropriate materials, because their assortment today is quite large and diverse.
  3. Surface leveling for finishing materials. The floor, ceiling, and walls of the insulated balcony are sheathed with slabs of wood-based materials or using drywall. The resulting joints must be puttied, and after the putty has dried, it is necessary to repeat the same procedure, applying one or two more layers. As for wiring, etc., everything must be done in advance.

Given all the rules and design features of kitchens, even a corner kitchen of 9 square meters. m design you will be able to create the most unique and comfortable. The main thing that should not be forgotten is to draw up a thorough plan of action.