Planning requirements, the composition of the premises of children's institutions. Hygienic principles of planning the building of preschool institutions

Planning requirements, the composition of the premises of children's institutions

When designing preschool institutions, it is necessary to strictly comply with the regulatory requirements for the composition, area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and their functional connections, orientation to the cardinal points, location of entrances, etc.

The buildings of kindergartens consist of the following groups of premises: for toddlers (up to three years old); for children aged three to six years; common to all children; administrative and service.

Each group of rooms must be sufficiently isolated from the other. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the connection of rooms for children of different ages with common rooms for all children and to provide convenient access from the administrative and service rooms to all group rooms (Fig. 1).

For better isolation of toddlers, each group should have its own entrance from the street. You can arrange a common entrance to two groups when they are located on the second floor.

For groups of kindergarten children, a common entrance is allowed for no more than three groups. As an exception for two such groups, a common dressing room is allowed. It is possible to combine the entrance to the administrative premises with the entrance to one of the children's groups.

The premises of children's groups include dressing rooms (in kindergartens) and reception rooms (in nurseries), group rooms (in kindergartens) and playing-dining rooms (in nurseries), bedrooms, toilets, and pantry rooms.

In the buildings of preschool institutions, children first of all enter the reception room or dressing room, where they are received from their parents, examined, and changed. In groups of younger toddlers, the reception room also serves as a place for mothers to breastfeed their children.

Rice. 1. Functional scheme of the kindergarten-nursery building:
1 - reception; 2-game; 3-tambour; 4-veranda; 5-bedroom-veranda; 6-toilet; 7-buffet; 8 pantry; 9-drying and ironing; 10-linen; 11 - dismantling and laundry; 12-kitchen; 13-cabinet of the manager; 14-lobby; 15-doctor's office; 16 staff room; 17-washroom; 18-latrine; 19-cloakroom; 20 group room; 21 bed

Dressing rooms and reception rooms are equipped with individual lockers for outerwear, ensuring its ventilation and drying.

From the reception room or dressing room, children go to the play-dining room or group room. These rooms are the main premises of the buildings of children's institutions. Such rooms should be well lit and insolated, so large windows should be provided here. Window sills can be made in the form of tape tables at a height of 50...60 cm from the floor level. Playing and group rooms are equipped with special furniture, convenient for various activities and games.

A bedroom or a bedroom-veranda is connected with the playing and group rooms, where beds for day (or night) sleep are located. In the older groups of the kindergarten, beds can be bunk, which allows for a more rational use of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and introduces a playful element into the organization of children's recreation. Playing or group rooms and bedrooms can be interconnected by glazed or sliding partitions.

From the premises of group and playing-dining rooms, it is recommended to arrange access to covered walking verandas, which, depending on the construction area, can be open or glazed. In a specific situation, verandas can be replaced by patios.

Directly to the playing-dining or group room adjoins the pantry, which in most cases is a niche with built-in cupboards for dishes and a double sink.

Toilet rooms should have an entrance from a playing or group room. The dressing room in the nursery is one room equipped with two washbasins for children, a drain (vie-duar), a shower tray, and for groups of infants - an adult washbasin, a drain, a children's bath. In kindergartens, the toilet consists of a washbasin and a toilet. Four washbasins and a shower tray are installed in the wash basin, three or four (depending on the age group) toilet bowls in the lavatory, placed in open cabins measuring 0.8X X0.75 m, separated by screens 1.2 m high (Fig. 2).

An example of the layout of the premises of children's groups is shown in (Fig. 9.3).

Common facilities for children of all groups include a hall for music and gymnastic classes, a methodological room, a pool for learning to swim, and medical facilities. They should be easily accessible from all group and gaming tables.

A hall for music and gymnastic classes is arranged in children's institutions with a capacity of up to 12 groups. In kindergartens for 12 groups and more, there are two separate rooms for music and gymnastic classes. They are located on any floor.

In nurseries-gardens for 200 seats and more, it is recommended to set up a swimming pool for teaching children to swim with a bathtub measuring 3X7 m, a dressing room, a shower room and a toilet. Along the perimeter of the bath, a board with a section of 0.15X X0.30 m and a bypass path 1.5 m wide are arranged. At the exit from the shower room to the bypass path - a foot bath 0.8 wide, 0.1 m deep.

Rice. 2. Layout of toilets in groups:
a - nursery; b - kindergarten; 1 - a rack for children's pots; 2 - a tank for dirty linen; 3 - washbasin; 4 - dressing table; 5 - shower with tray; 6 - drain; 7 - children's washbasins; 8 - shower with tray; 9 children's toilets; 10 - utility cabinet; 11 - towel rack

The methodical office is intended for storage of methodical materials, exhibitions of children's works, classes of educators.

The medical premises include a medical room (doctor's office), a fotarium and an isolation ward with a waiting room and wards. The medical room should be located adjacent to one of the isolation rooms. Between them, as well as between the chambers, it is recommended to arrange glazed partitions (starting from a height of 1 ... 1.2 m). It is advisable to place the photorium near the hall for gymnastics and the pool. Medical facilities are located on the ground floor, and the isolation ward must have a separate entrance.

Administrative and utility rooms are a catering unit, a laundry room and rooms for the administration and teaching staff. The catering unit and the laundry room should be isolated from other rooms if possible. At the entrance to them from the common corridor, locks should be arranged. The catering unit must have an independent entrance from the site. The catering department includes a kitchen and pantries for vegetables and dry products.

Storerooms should be located next to the kitchen and have independent entrances from the corridor or vestibule. The harvesting, washing and distributing rooms are placed on the kitchen area, separated from it by equipment or a partition that does not reach the ceiling.

The washing and disassembling rooms, the drying and ironing room and the room for storing clean linen, which are part of the washed room, should be located adjacently. Entrances for putting in dirty and getting clean linen should be separated. Instead of entrances, it is better to arrange transfer windows, which are conveniently placed in the vestibule that separates the washed room from the common corridor.

Administrative and utility rooms are allowed to be located in the basement.

Increased fire safety requirements are imposed on the planning of buildings of children's institutions. In this regard, there must be at least two emergency exits from each group cell.

In buildings not lower than II degree of fire resistance, an external fire escape with a slope of no more than 45 ° is allowed as a second emergency exit from the second floor. The exit to this staircase is arranged from a group cell.

Staircases in buildings of preschool institutions must be closed and have natural light. In buildings of the II degree of fire resistance, the installation of staircases with overhead lighting is allowed. In a particularly cold climate, it is possible to install stairs without natural light (provided that they are provided with ventilation). In the hot climate region IV, open stairs are allowed. In all cases, stairs used by children must be fenced with railings 1.35 m high with handrails for children at a height of 0.5 and for adults - 0.85 m.

Children are our main wealth and this indisputable truth should be the main motive for the construction of preschool institutions. Features of the construction of kindergartens should be laid down at the stage of preparation and development of the project. They differ significantly from conventional public knowledge and have changed drastically since building practices a couple of decades ago.

In the general approach, the criteria in the formation of the number of groups, their composition, specialization and number of seats have changed. According to recent studies by sociological services, it is necessary to design preschool institutions with the number of places at the rate of 30 children per toddler group and 50 for older groups, per thousand residents of an average city. The project should have a pedagogical orientation and, in addition to the total number of groups, should provide for the possibility of placing additional specializations, such as the center for early development of the JSC.

The most basic requirement, which noticeably distinguishes the construction of kindergartens from other civil facilities, is the use of only environmentally friendly and exclusively neutral building materials, which, during long-term operation, should not decompose and release harmful substances.

Particular attention should be paid to energy efficiency - the maximum possible saving of electricity and heat, rational use of water, of course, not to the detriment of children. The style of building a kindergarten building should have an architectural solution with an increased glazing area, especially on the first floors. When working out the interior, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of different children. In the interior design of the bedrooms, light colors should prevail, and for the design of the playrooms, bright colors should be used that have a positive effect on the environment for the development of the child. The design of children's toilet rooms should be implemented in such a way that children feel comfortable and take care of their hygiene more willingly.

Indoor spaces for children should include many play areas and functional areas such as children's theatres, ateliers, racing tracks and living corners, as well as special physiotherapy rooms to improve children's motor skills. The medical block must contain all the necessary modern equipment. Designers and builders should not forget about teachers - the maximum number of amenities should be created for them - from a rest room to a separate kitchen.

It is necessary to achieve in the construction of kindergartens so that multifunctional playgrounds can be successfully implemented, the fusion of the natural landscape and the building is ensured, with a sufficiently open external space. It should be a work of architectural, design and landscape art organically and as smoothly as possible inscribed in the surrounding space.

The layout of a kindergarten, boarding school, or complex must, first of all, comply with hygienic standards. In any children's institution, maximum safety for the health and life of children should be ensured. For the aesthetic design of such premises, there are rules that must be followed. A children's institution can be equipped in a specially built building or a ready-made building can be replanned for this.

An example of a typical kindergarten plan

The main tasks of a private kindergarten are raising children, teaching them the basic skills of being in a team, communication, and social behavior. Primary preschool education and preparation for school is another important task of modern children's centers.

In addition, classes in various kinds of creative circles can be held in kindergarten. In them, children will learn to draw, sculpt from plasticine, etc. The main thing is to initially determine the main directions of the kindergarten's work, the range of services provided. This will help with childcare. In kindergarten, children are brought up in different age groups.

The layout of the kindergarten with the designation of the premises

For each group, a separate space is needed in which children will study with their teacher according to the main program, relax, and communicate with each other.

When planning kindergartens or centers, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between rooms for children and office space.

Premises for different purposes (children's, administrative, service, utility, etc.) must be located separately from each other. It is advisable to equip utility, utility rooms in a separate building. All interior decoration of children's centers is made only from environmentally friendly materials of high quality. In addition, rooms should be easy to clean. All surfaces should be durable and easy to clean. This will protect children from accidental injury and the spread of infection.

Variant of the project and layout of the kindergarten

Cleaning should only be done with chemicals approved for use in children's rooms. and should be carried out on the basis of the main purpose of the children's institution.

Hygienic requirements and safety standards

Kindergarten or boarding school should be located in a residential area among residential buildings. It is strictly forbidden to equip children's institutions near parking lots, roadways, boiler houses or production facilities.

Read also

Situational plan of the land plot

The basic sanitary and hygienic standards prescribe the following:

The main and additional premises of the kindergarten

The main premises in the buildings of kindergartens are:

Conditions for a full-fledged daytime sleep can be created in group rooms. In this case, it is better to purchase rollaway beds. To store beds and bedding, you will need a built-in wardrobe or a small closet. For a small kindergarten (no more than 30 children), you can equip a common dining room. For more children, it is more convenient to arrange a place for eating in a group room. At the same time, dining tables can also be used for classes or board games.

A medical office with an isolator is mandatory for kindergartens where children will stay all day or around the clock. If the institution operates in the "short day" mode, the first-aid post can be abandoned. It will be enough to conclude an agreement with a nearby clinic for the provision of medical care if necessary.

Group and sleeping quarters

Group rooms of the kindergarten should be isolated. It is desirable for each group room to equip a separate entrance from the adjacent territory. You can arrange a common entrance for two or three groups of different ages. Near the common entrance, it is desirable to equip a dressing room for outerwear and street shoes.

Reception of children should be carried out in a separate room or in a dressing room. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide conditions for examining children. Entry of parents into group rooms is discouraged in order to protect against infection and maintain cleanliness in the room.

In the group room, the arrangement of a sufficient number of window openings of the required size should be planned. This will provide good ventilation, natural light and access to ultraviolet rays, through which the room will be insolated.

It is preferable to equip the bedroom on a covered, insulated and or. You can allocate a place to sleep in the main room of the group, separating it with a sliding partition. For children aged 5-6, bunk beds are allowed. On the upper berth, the arrangement of a protective side is mandatory.

Restrooms and swimming pool

The toilet room is adjacent to the play area. It is advisable to equip a small separating corridor between them. For toddlers from nursery groups, pots are used. For older children, toilets are placed in open cabins. Cabin dimensions - 80 by 80 cm, dividing wall height - 120 cm.
When arranging a swimming pool in a kindergarten building, it is necessary to plan the arrangement of a shower cabin, a dressing room and a toilet room.

A special bathroom for learning to swim should be equipped with an area of ​​​​3 by 7 m or a little more.

Layout of a kindergarten in buildings of various shapes

The simplest option for planning a small kindergarten in a square building is done according to the following principles:

  • the front door leads to the hall;
  • the doors to the catering department, the first-aid post and the manager's office open into the hall;
  • from the catering unit, an external exit is required for the delivery of products;
  • a corridor from the hall leads to group rooms (no more than 4);
  • group rooms are located around the multipurpose room.

Additional group rooms are arranged on the 2nd floor. In the 3-storey building of the kindergarten, only utility rooms are located on the top floor. In this case, an attic can be additionally involved. Here you can equip the pantry. The layout of the elongated building of the kindergarten assumes the presence of a central corridor passing between the end walls.

Design and layout of a kindergarten for 150 children

The central entrance is located closer to the end wall. Nearby is the manager's office. Further along the corridor, on one side, there are utility rooms: a dressing room, a kitchen, a first-aid post, a toilet room for staff, a pantry for things and products. Along the opposite wall is a multi-purpose room that opens onto the lobby. Further along the corridor, rooms for children are being arranged: group and sleeping rooms, toilets for girls and boys, a washroom, etc. At the end of the corridor, you can equip another large room for sports, dancing or active games.

The building of a general preschool institution has no more than 3 floors. The number of storeys of the building of a preschool institution is selected depending on the capacity, natural and climatic town-planning conditions of use. One-story buildings of preschool institutions are recommended, as a rule, with a small capacity - up to 150 places for rural areas. Two-story buildings for preschool institutions with a capacity of more than 150 seats meet the necessary functional requirements to the greatest extent, are the most typical and common.

The most optimal is the placement of a preschool institution in a separate building. At the same time, according to the compositional technique, the structure of buildings can be divided into:

Centralized (compact), allowing you to create the shortest internal connections between the premises of individual group cells and general purpose;

Block, providing for the placement of functional groups of premises in separate blocks, directly adjacent to each other or with transitions.

The height of the premises of preschool institutions should be at least 3 m (from floor to ceiling).

In the buildings of preschool institutions, premises are allocated: group rooms, for physical education and music classes, medical and service rooms, a catering unit.

The floor arrangement of the premises inside the building should provide a convenient vertical connection of the premises, comply with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements.

All rooms for children should be located only on ground floors. In three-story buildings on the 3rd floor, it is recommended to have only the premises of senior preschool groups, halls for music classes, as well as service and amenity premises and walking verandas.

All rooms intended for long-term stay of children must have natural light. Without natural light, there may be pantry rooms, a reception room for an isolation ward, a staff room, a storage room for clean linen (if there is a wardrobe room in the building).

At the external entrances to the buildings of preschool institutions there must be vestibules with a depth of at least 1.6 m.

For buildings of preschool institutions, it is necessary to provide built-in furniture in the following rooms: in group rooms - tape tables under the windows and cabinets for manuals, fiction and methodical literature; in the bedrooms - built-in folding or roll-out beds and wardrobes for bed linen; in the locker rooms - wardrobes for children and group staff; in the toilets - utility cabinets; in the halls - a closet and shelves for storing manuals.

Each age group of children should be placed in the premises of the group cell, isolated from the premises of other group cells. At the same time, convenient communication of group cells with rooms for physical culture, music and specialized classes, as well as with medical rooms and a catering unit, should be ensured.

In the group cell, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for classes, recreation, games, food, hygiene of children, storage of clothes.

The group cell provides the following rooms:

Group - for games, activities, eating;

Bedroom - for day (and night) sleep of children;

Dressing room - for changing children and storing outerwear;


Pantry - for washing and storing dishes.

The premises of a group cell are designed in such a way that the interconnection of all premises is carried out through a group room, which should be functionally connected with the dressing room, bedroom, toilet and pantry rooms.

All rooms of the group cell should be located on the same floor. It is allowed to have locker rooms for preschool group cells on the 1st floor of the building.

The dressing room is intended for reception, examination, changing and storage of outerwear. When accepting the dressing room area should be at least 18 square meters. m.

When planning locker rooms, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of placing wardrobes around the perimeter of the premises for the convenience of monitoring children. When placing wardrobes along the walls, it is necessary to have at least 4.53 m (for 15 children), 6.04 m (for 20 children) and 7.55 m (for 25 children) of the front of the walls, free from window and door openings.

The width of the dressing rooms should be at least 3.4 m with wardrobes placed along opposite walls and two rows of benches for changing clothes; 3 m - when placing two rows of cabinets and one row of benches. In locker rooms, wardrobes with drying for children's clothes should be provided.

It is allowed to design a common entrance for no more than 2 nursery or 4 preschool groups.

For the storage of strollers, sledges, skis at the entrances to the premises of group cells, special places are allocated under the canopies with an area of ​​​​at least 8 square meters. m.

In preschool institutions, the group area should be at least one place: in nursery groups - 2.5 square meters. m, in preschool - 2 sq. m.

The most important requirement for a group room is the availability of good conditions for children to play and study, zoning the room into a play space and a space reserved for children to study and eat, equipped with tables and chairs. The placement of tables and chairs varies depending on the type of activity children have in the room.

In preschool institutions of a general type, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedrooms should be at least one place: in nursery groups - 1.8 square meters. m, in preschool groups - 2 sq. m. The bedrooms of nursery groups are equipped with fixed beds, the bedrooms of preschool groups are equipped with built-in or roll-out beds. Bunk beds are not recommended. It is possible to use folding, storage beds with a hard bed.

When designing buffet rooms in preschool institutions with an area of ​​at least 3 sq. m should provide for the possibility of placing built-in pantry equipment, consisting of two main compartments: a cabinet with a two-cup sink and a compartment with a retractable dispensing table. The length of the wall required to accommodate buffet equipment must be at least 1.8 m. The total height of the buffet is 1.9 m.

In preschool institutions of a general type, the acceptance of the toilet area should be carried out on the basis of one place: in nursery groups - at least 0.8 square meters. m, in preschool groups - at least 0.65 sq. m. Toilets are designed as a single room, consisting of a wash area and a lavatory. In the washing area, children's washbasins and a shower tray are placed, which has an approach from three sides. The washing area is equipped with washbasins, hangers for towels and toiletries. The most convenient is the placement of washbasins in the center of the room, as this increases the areas of free walls that can be used for arranging towel racks. To place hangers around the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to have 2.4 m (in nursery groups) and 3 m (in preschool groups) of the front of the walls, free from window and door openings. In the lavatory area, children's toilets are placed in cabins that close without constipation, and a toilet bowl for adults is placed in a cabin that closes on constipation. The size of the children's cabin in the plan is 0.8 x0.75 m. The drain (viduar) must be installed without a cabin.

Halls for physical education and music classes are provided in all preschool institutions with a capacity of 4 or more groups. In the halls for physical education and music classes, the aspect ratio is 1:1.5, but not more than 1:2. The best form of the hall is square. Windows are recommended to be placed on one side. Additionally, high windows for illumination or overhead light can be provided on the opposite side.

Preschool institutions provide facilities for medical care for children. These facilities include a medical room, a treatment room and an isolation room.

In buildings of preschool institutions of a general type for 150 places, a medical room and a treatment room can be located in the same room with an area of ​​8 square meters. m, in buildings with more than 150 seats - in separate rooms of 8 sq. m. The medical room should have an entrance from the corridor, be located adjacent to one of the chambers of the isolation ward, between them there should be a glass opening at a height of 1.2 m from the floor level.

The isolation ward should have a reception room, a ward, and a toilet. The number of places in the wards of the isolation ward should be up to 1.5% of the capacity of the institution. Chambers should be designed as single or double rooms, respectively, with an area of ​​4 and 6 square meters. m. Chambers should not be walk-through. The area of ​​the reception room in the presence of one chamber of the insulator is 4 square meters. m, in the presence of two chambers - 6 sq. m. In the reception area there should be a place for washing dishes. The area of ​​the toilet with a place for preparing disinfectants is 6 sq.m.

Office and amenity premises of preschool institutions - manager's office, caretaker's room, methodical office, utility pantry and pantry for clean linen, latrines for staff.

In the buildings of preschool institutions, a catering unit is needed that works on raw materials or semi-finished products. The composition of the catering unit in any form of production includes a kitchen with a distributing, washing kitchen utensils, a pantry of dry products, a loading room, a staff room, a shower room and a lavatory for staff. When the catering department works on raw materials, there must be an additional procurement workshop and a pantry of vegetables. When the catering unit operates on semi-finished products, a pre-cooking workshop and a place for storing and washing containers of semi-finished products are additionally provided.

Components of the project.

Project review.

I. Familiarize yourself with the components of the project.

II. Explanatory note: read and rewrite the general part, the architectural and planning part of the explanatory note. At the same time, find out the type of children's institution, its capacity, the general characteristics of the site, building, building material, types of sanitary devices.

III. General plan: consider the general plan, paying attention to the scale of the drawing, the “wind rose”, the shape of the land plot, the mutual placement of individual objects, the orientation of buildings in relation to nearby objects, roads.

Evaluate the master plan according to the following scheme:

1. Type of development (centralized, block, pavilion).

2. The total area of ​​the land plot (length, width).

3. Land area for 1 child.

4. Building area (determine the area of ​​all buildings).

5. Determine the percentage of development and the percentage of landscaping.

6. Determine the presence of the constituent elements of the site: playgrounds, sports grounds, a berry garden, a swimming pool, a corner for animals, a platform for studying traffic rules, green spaces, an economic yard.

7. Measure the area of ​​playgrounds for kindergarten and nursery children. Calculate the area per child.

8. Measure the area of ​​the sports ground.

9. Assess compliance with the principle of group isolation at the site.

10. Measure the distance from the garbage bin to the main building of the kindergarten.

11. The number of entrances and passages to the land plot, the presence of a separate passage to the utility yard.

The procedure for reviewing and evaluating floor plans.

The building of the children's institution consists of 3 groups of premises:

Rooms for preschool children

For preschool children

Administrative and economic premises.

1. The location of the building on the land (in depth or on the red line). Number of floors. A set of premises, their placement, relative position, the number of entrances used by children, other entrances.

2. A set of rooms for a group cell of children of pre-preschool and pre-school groups. Compliance with the principle of group isolation.

3. Group rooms: area and cubic capacity, area per child, window orientation.

4. Bedrooms, total area and area per child.

5. Pantry, changing rooms, toilets, their presence at each group cell.

6. Medical room, treatment room and isolation room: location, area, availability of a separate entrance.

7. The presence of a veranda, a hall for music lessons, a swimming pool.

8. Analyze the material and give a conclusion:

Does the project meet the requirements for proper physical and mental development;

Does the project meet the requirements for the prevention of infectious diseases;

Does the project create material conditions that ensure a high level of educational and recreational work with children.

Conclusion about the obtained results.

1. The draft can be accepted without changes.

2. The project can be accepted with the following changes.

3. The project is rejected for the following reasons.

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 Moscow
"On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations""
Published: July 19, 2013 in "RG" - Federal issue No. 6133
Effective: July 30, 2013
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2013.
Registration N 28564


2. From the moment SanPiN comes into force, the following sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations shall be considered invalid:
- SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool organizations", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2010 N 91 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 27, 2010, registration number 18267);
- SanPiN "Change N 1 to SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool organizations "approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2010 N 164 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2010, registration number 19342).

1.3. Preschool educational organizations operate in the mode of short stay (up to 5 hours a day), shortened day (8-10 hour stay), full day (10.5-12 hour stay), extended day (13-14 hour stay) and round-the-clock stay of children.
These sanitary rules do not apply to family groups located in residential apartments (residential buildings).

1.4. These sanitary rules are mandatory for all citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities of preschool educational organizations that carry out educational activities, as well as for preschool educational organizations that provide services for the development of children (hereinafter - preschool educational organizations).

1.5. These sanitary rules do not apply to facilities that are under design, construction, reconstruction and commissioning at the time of entry into force of these sanitary rules.
Previously built buildings of preschool educational organizations are operated in accordance with the project according to which they were built.

1.8. The preschool organization accepts children aged from 2 months to 7 years. The selection of a contingent of a mixed-age (mixed) group should take into account the possibility of organizing a daily routine in it that corresponds to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each age group.

1.9. The number of children in groups of a preschool educational organization of a general developmental orientation is determined based on the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe group (game) room - for early age groups (up to 3 years old) at least 2.5 square meters per 1 child and for preschool age (from 3 to 7 years old) - not less than 2.0 square meters per child actually in the group.

4.1. Newly constructed objects of preschool educational organizations are recommended to be located in a separate building.

Buildings of preschool educational organizations can be free-standing, attached to residential buildings, administrative and public buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises), as well as built into residential buildings and built-in attached to residential buildings, administrative public buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises). enterprises).

It is allowed to place preschool educational organizations in premises built into residential buildings, in built-in and attached premises (or attached), if there is a separately fenced area with an independent entrance for children and exit (entry) for vehicles.

4.3. The building of a preschool educational organization should have no more than three storeys.

On the third floors of the buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to place groups for children of older preschool age, as well as additional rooms for working with children.

4.4. When designing preschool educational organizations, the following set of premises is provided: group cells (isolated premises for each children's group); additional rooms for classes with children (music room, gym, speech therapist's office and others); related premises (medical unit, catering unit, laundry room); office and household purposes for staff.

4.5. Placement in the basement and basement floors of buildings of premises for the stay of children and premises for medical purposes is not allowed.

4.6. Buildings of preschool educational organizations can have a different configuration, including: a compact, block or pavilion structure, consist of several pavilion buildings, separate or interconnected by heated passages. Unheated passages and galleries are allowed only in the III B climatic subregion.

4.8. In order to maintain the air-thermal regime in the premises of preschool educational organizations, depending on the climatic regions, the entrances to the buildings must be equipped with vestibules.

4.9. Space-planning solutions for the premises of preschool educational organizations should provide conditions for observing the principle of group isolation. Group cells for infants and young children must have their own entrance to the playground.

4.10. It is allowed to equip the building of a preschool educational organization with a single entrance with a common staircase for groups for infants, toddlers and preschool children - no more than 4 groups, regardless of their location in the building.

When placing preschool educational organizations in educational organizations, in social and cultural buildings attached to residential buildings, administrative and public buildings, it is allowed to equip a single entrance to a preschool organization without division into groups.

4.11. The group cell includes: a dressing room (reception) (for receiving children and storing outerwear), a group cell (for playing games, classes and eating), a bedroom, a pantry (for preparing ready-made meals for distribution and washing tableware), a toilet ( combined with a washroom).

It is allowed to use a group bed for organizing sleep using pull-out beds or folding beds with a hard bed.

4.12. The areas of the premises included in the group cell are taken in accordance with the recommended areas of the premises of the group cell (table 1 of Appendix No. 1).

For newly constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to take the optimal area of ​​group and bedrooms based on the area standard per child (taking into account furniture and its placement) and based on the air exchange rate.

4.13. In preschool educational organizations for group cells located on the second and third floors, locker rooms for children are allowed to be located on the first floor.

In preschool educational organizations (groups), conditions must be provided for drying outerwear and shoes.

4.17. In newly built and reconstructed buildings of preschool educational organizations with a number of pupils of more than 120, it is recommended to provide two halls: one for music lessons, the other for physical education. Halls should not be walk-through.

In newly built and reconstructed buildings of preschool educational organizations with up to 120 pupils and existing buildings, one common room for music and physical education is allowed.

4.22. For newly constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, regardless of their capacity, a medical unit is provided, consisting of medical and treatment rooms, a toilet. The recommended area of ​​the premises of the medical block is given in Table 1 of Appendix N 1.

The toilet provides a place for the preparation of disinfectant solutions.

The medical unit (medical office) must have a separate entrance from the corridor.

For temporary isolation of the sick, it is allowed to use the premises of the medical block (medical or treatment room).

4.24. In newly built and reconstructed facilities of preschool educational organizations, it is necessary to provide a catering unit operating on raw materials or semi-finished products, or a buffet-distributing room, designed to receive ready-made meals and culinary products coming from public catering organizations and distribute them into groups.

The composition and area of ​​​​the premises of the catering unit (buffet-distributing room) are determined by the design task.

Space-planning solutions for the premises of the catering unit should provide for a sequence of technological processes that exclude oncoming flows of raw and finished products.

It is allowed to place the premises of the catering unit on the first and second floors, provided that it is designed in a separate block (building). Premises for receiving foodstuffs, a pantry for vegetables, primary processing of vegetables (including for peeling potatoes), washing containers and a waste chamber are designed on the ground floor.

Storerooms are not located under washing, shower and sanitary facilities, as well as industrial premises with ladders.

It is allowed to store food products (vegetables, canned food) in the basement provided that the necessary storage conditions established by the manufacturer are provided.

Food storage areas must be rodent-proof.

4.25. When designing a catering unit operating on raw materials, it is recommended to provide the following set of premises: a hot shop, a distributing room, a cold shop, a meat and fish shop, a primary vegetable processing shop, a washing kitchen utensils, a pantry for dry products, a pantry for vegetables, a room with refrigeration equipment for storage perishable products, loading.

In the hot shop, a functional division of the premises is allowed with the allocation of zones: processing of vegetable, meat and fish products and a zone of cold snacks, subject to compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for technological processes of cooking.

4.26. When designing a catering unit operating on semi-finished products, it is recommended to provide the following set of premises: loading, pre-cooking shop, hot shop, cold shop, dispensing room, storage room for bulk products, room with refrigeration equipment for storing perishable products, washing kitchen utensils. Pre-cooking, hot and cold shops can be combined in one room and separated by a partition.

Washed and / or peeled vegetables, semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness (meat, fish) should be supplied to the catering unit working on semi-finished products.

4.27. Dispensing buffets should provide space-planning solutions, premises and equipment that allow for the reception of ready-made dishes, culinary products and their distribution to group cells, as well as the preparation of hot drinks and individual dishes (boiling sausages, eggs, dressing salads, cutting ready-made products). Hand-washing facilities should be provided in buffets.

4.28. When designing a catering unit in the building of a preschool educational organization, a staff room, a locker room and a room for preparing cleaning and disinfecting solutions can be located outside the catering unit.

Employees of the catering unit are allowed to use the service (staff room, locker room) and sanitary (shower and toilet for staff) premises of a preschool educational organization.

Joint storage of cleaning equipment and the preparation of detergents and disinfectants intended for the catering unit and other premises of a preschool educational organization are allowed.

4.35. In preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to provide a laundry room. Washing and ironing rooms must be adjacent. Entrances (windows of acceptance and delivery) for the delivery of dirty and clean linen should be separate.

4.37. In the absence of a laundry in a preschool educational organization, it is possible to organize a centralized washing of bed linen in other laundries.

4.38. When organizing the work of groups of short-term stay of children, the following premises should be provided:

A room or place for undressing, equipped with lockers or hangers for outerwear and shoes for children and group staff. Conditions must be created in the room for drying clothes and shoes for children;
- group room for training sessions, games and meals for children;
- a room or place for cooking, as well as for washing and storing tableware and cutlery;
- children's toilet (with washbasin) for children.

It is allowed to equip a sanitary unit for personnel in the children's toilet in the form of a separate closed toilet cabin.

The children's toilet should be provided with personal pots for each child actually in the group, preschool educational organization, and for children aged 5-7 years with personal toilet seats made of materials that are harmless to children's health, allowing them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants , or disposable toilet seats.

6.16. Toilet facilities are divided into a wash area and a sanitary unit area. In the wash area there are children's washbasins and a shower tray. Toilets are located in the area of ​​sanitary facilities.

In previously built buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use the toilet room in accordance with the project.

6.16.1. A toilet for young children is equipped in one room, where 3 washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed, 1 washbasin for staff, a cabinet (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for processing them, a children's bath, utility cupboard. Pots must be labelled.

In toilets, washbasins are supplied with hot and cold water, water is supplied through a mixer.

6.16.2. In the toilet of the younger preschool and middle group in the wash area, 4 washbasins for children and 1 washbasin for adults, 4 children's toilets are installed.

6.16.3. In the toilets of the senior and preparatory groups in the wash area, washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed at the rate of 1 sink for 5 children, 1 washbasin for adults, children's toilet bowls or at the rate of 1 toilet bowl for 5 children. Children's toilets are recommended to be installed in lockable cabins, the height of the cabin fence is 1.2 m (from the floor), not reaching the floor level by 0.15 m.

When designing and reconstructing preschool educational organizations in rural areas, it is allowed to determine the equipment for the toilet and washroom areas by the design task.

6.16.4. When designing and reconstructing preschool educational organizations in senior and preparatory groups, separate toilet rooms (cabins) for boys and girls are provided.

6.17. When children stay around the clock, it is recommended to equip bathrooms for washing children, equipped with shower cabins (baths, trays with hot and cold water supply with a mixer).

Appendix No. 1
to SanPiN

Type of premises

Area indicators (not less than)

Group cells

dressing room

18 sq. m; for groups with a capacity of less than 10 people, the area of ​​the dressing room is allowed to be determined at the rate of 1.0 sq. m for 1 child, but not less than 6 sq. m


2.5 sq. m per 1 child in groups for infants and young children; 2.0 sq. m per 1 child in preschool groups


3.0 sq. m


1.8 sq. m per 1 child in groups for infants and young children, 2.0 sq. m per 1 child in preschool groups


12 sq. m for groups for infants and young children; 16 sq. m for preschool groups

Medical unit

medical office

at least 12 sq. m

treatment room

at least 8 sq. m

toilet with a place for preparing disinfectant solutions

at least 6 sq. m


up to 80 (1 - 4)

up to 150 (5 - 6)

up to 240 (7 - 12)

up to 350 (13 - 18)

Manager's office

Supply manager's office

methodical office

Household pantry

Pantry of clean linen

Warden's room

carpentry workshop

staff canteen

Toilets for staff


Area (m2) depending on capacity and number of groups

up to 80 (1 - 4)

up to 150 (5 - 6)

up to 240 (7 - 12)

up to 350 (13 - 18)









visually impaired

strabismus and amblyopia

dressing room




dressing room

12 sq. m for groups for infants and young children; 16 sq. m for preschool groups

Pleopto-orthoptic room

speech therapy room

Table 5
Recommended composition and floor space
group preschool educational organizations for children
with a violation of the musculoskeletal system in sq. m
for 1 child


Group cells for children under 3 years old

Group cells for children from 3 to 7 years old

Dressing room (reception)

Room for personal belongings of children

Playing (dining room)


Room for serving food and washing dishes (pantry)

Toilet (potted)



speech therapist room



Unheated veranda (for 50% of children)

Appendix No. 4
to SanPiN

The name of a room


Warehouses (pantries)

Shelving, underware, medium and low temperature refrigerated cabinets (if necessary)

Vegetable shop (primary processing of vegetables)

Production tables (at least two), potato peeler and vegetable cutter, wash tubs, hand wash sink

Vegetable shop (secondary processing of vegetables)

Production tables (at least two), washing tub, universal mechanical drive and/or vegetable cutter, hand washing sink

cold shop

Production tables (at least two), control scales, medium-temperature refrigerated cabinets (in an amount that ensures the possibility of observing the "commodity neighborhood" and storing the required volume of food products), a universal mechanical drive and (and) a vegetable cutter, a bactericidal installation for air disinfection, a washing bath for the reprocessing of non-cooked vegetables, herbs and fruits, a sink for washing hands

Meat and fish shop

Production tables (for cutting meat, fish and poultry) - at least two, control scales, medium-temperature and, if necessary, low-temperature refrigerated cabinets (in an amount that ensures the observance of the "commodity neighborhood" and storage of the required volume of food products), electric meat grinder, deck for cutting meat, washing baths, sink for washing hands

Hot shop

Production tables (at least two: for raw and finished products), electric stove, electric frying pan, oven (roasting) cabinet, electric drive for finished products, electric boiler, control scales, sink for washing hands

Washing kitchen utensils

Production table, wash tubs, rack, hand wash basin

Washing containers

washing bath


Sanitary and epidemiologicalrequirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock

1.2. These sanitary rules apply to the following types of preschool groups:
- groups of a general developmental orientation, in which the implementation of the educational program of preschool education is carried out;
- groups for supervision, care and development, in which the implementation of the educational program of preschool education is not carried out;
- family preschool groups in order to meet the needs of the population in the services of preschool education in families that are of a general developmental orientation or provide supervision and care for children without implementing an educational program of preschool education.
Allowed accommodation in residential premises:
- compensatory preschool groups for children with disabilities, in which the implementation of an adapted educational program of preschool education and / or supervision and care is carried out;
- preschool groups of a combined orientation, in which joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities and / or supervision and care is carried out.

1.4. Residential premises, when placing preschool groups in them, must meet the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises and these sanitary rules.

1.5. Preschool groups accept children up to the age of 8 years. The number of children is determined based on the calculation of an area of ​​at least 2.0 square meters in the playroom for one child actually in the group. Groups of different ages are allowed.

2.3. The levels of natural and artificial lighting in the premises where children stay must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
With one-sided lighting of a room with a depth of more than 6 meters, places for games and classes on the implementation of educational programs of preschool education should be provided with additional sources of artificial lighting.

2.5. A set of premises for preschool groups and their equipment is provided taking into account the mode of their functioning.

2.5.1. For preschool groups of short-term stay of children up to 5 hours, the following set of premises is provided or places are allocated in the premises:

and storage of dishes, cutting equipment and cutlery when catering;
- a place to store towels;

- toilet;
- washroom.
It is allowed not to organize meals in the daily routine and not to equip the kitchen, as well as the room (place) for sleeping, for preschool groups in which children stay up to 4 hours and in the daily routine of which the organization of food and sleep for children is not provided.

2.5.2. For preschool groups of reduced, full and extended day stay of children (from 5 to 14 hours), the following set of premises and / or places is provided:
- a place (room) equipped with lockers or hangers for outerwear and shelves for shoes;
- game room for classes, games;
- room (place in the playroom) for sleeping;
- kitchen for food storage, cooking, washing
and storage of dishes, cutting equipment and cutlery;
- a room (a place in the playroom or in the kitchen) for children to eat;
- a place (in the kitchen or playroom) for the organization of the drinking regime;
- a room (place) for storing linen;
- a place (cabinet) for storing cleaning equipment;
- toilet;
- washroom.
It is allowed to equip a place for eating in the playroom and / or kitchen.
The use of the toilet and washroom by the staff of the preschool group is allowed.
2.5.3. The toilet intended for children is equipped with a toilet bowl. Each child actually in the preschool group aged 5-8 years is provided with a personal (or disposable) toilet seat made of materials that are harmless to human health and allow them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants. Children under the age of 5, who are actually in the preschool group, are provided with personal pots. It is allowed to provide children aged 4 to 5 years with a personal (or disposable) toilet seat.
It is possible to combine in one toilet room a toilet for children and staff of a preschool group.
2.5.4. Towel hangers are installed in the washrooms. Each child actually in the preschool group is provided with an individual hand towel, and when organizing sleep - with an individual foot towel. Disposable hand towels are allowed.
It is possible to combine a toilet and a washroom in one room.