Playboy has graced its cover with a transsexual for the first time. For the first time in Playboy history, a transgender model has become Playboy Playmate of the Month

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov appealed to the leadership of Roskomnadzor with a demand to prevent the distribution and sale in Russia of the circulation of Playboy magazine, the cover of which depicts a man who has changed sex.

It was previously reported that Milonov proposed, so the news that a transgender would appear on the cover of this magazine caused a response from the deputy.

Milonov urged Playboy to change the information policy

“The very fact of the appearance of a person who has performed some kind of surgical intervention on himself, thanks to which he began to remotely resemble a woman, is already an attempt to propagate deviation, a disrespectful gesture towards the traditional majority,” the deputy said in a statement.

In his opinion, the distribution of such a magazine in Russia "will mean the fall of another bastion of the morality of Russian society."

At the same time, Milonov emphasizes that Playboy "must change its information policy in Russia and prevent the appearance on its pages of propaganda of homosexuality, sex reassignment operations and other deviations that are on the verge of mental disorders."

The deputy also notes that this magazine in general "has never been distinguished by high moral criteria, but still it stood on the positions of heterosexual, natural relations between a man and a woman."

This trend was broken by the circulation with a transvestite on the cover, and therefore it should not end up on the shelves of Russian stores, the statement says.

"If the publishers persist, then Playboy may become undesirable for any kind of distribution of the magazine in our country," concludes Milonov.

Hefner memory transgender

Earlier it became known that the editors of the popular men's magazine Playboy announced that for the first time in the history of the "girl of the month" of this publication will be a transgender. This "honor" was given to 26-year-old French model Ines Rau.

Posted by Playboy (@playboy) Oct 18, 2017 at 2:38 PDT

Rau will appear in the centerfold of the November-December issue of the magazine, which will also include an in-depth interview with her. The cover of the issue will be dedicated to the memory of the founder and permanent publisher of the magazine in September 2017 at the age of 91.

Posted by Playboy (@playboy) Oct 18, 2017 at 6:04 pm PDT

The model, whose photos already appeared in the magazine in May 2014, said in an interview that during a photo shoot for Playboy, she recalled her difficult childhood. The title of "girl of the month" Rau compared with the most beautiful compliment in her life, like a giant bouquet of roses.

Rau, who is of North African descent, changed sex at the age of 15. She built her modeling career in the USA, performing as backup dancers for local DJs, one of whom was the famous David Guetta. Her pictures have appeared in many fashion magazines, including Vogue.

The very first transgender person in history to appear on the Playboy pages was in 1991 the model Caroline Cossey, who also starred in James Bond films.

According to the site, Ines Rau underwent sex reassignment surgery at the age of 15. Now the girl is 26, and she has already managed to light up on the covers of many fashion magazines and participate in glamorous photo shoots. The girl began her modeling career in New York, and then moved to France. Ines Rau will not only decorate the spread and number of the new issue of Playboy with her photographs, but will also give a detailed interview on the pages of the publication. This is the first time in its long history that this has happened.

Posted by Playboy (@playboy) Oct 18, 2017 at 2:38 PDT

A preview of pictures of a transgender model appeared on the Instagram social network, and a brief opinion about beauty from the lips of Ines Rau herself. According to the girl, "a naked body should not be something forbidden, and should be accepted in society, no matter if the body is male or female." In a few hours, the publication in the Playboy account gained almost 40 thousand likes.

In a short preview on the Playboy site, the shemale revealed that she has been living with the idea of ​​being a girl for a long time, goes on dates, and even forgot about the sex change operation. At first, Ines Rau was afraid of her rejection by others, and then she realized that the most important thing is to be who you are and accept yourself. According to the site, the girl also writes books and has already taken part in the filming of the film.

This is not Ines' debut in Playboy - in May 2014, the Frenchwoman appeared on the magazine's website in the Evolution project about gender identity. In an interview Rau gave last week, she admitted that being part of this project has changed her life in a big way.

Ines is not the first transgender model to appear on the cover of Playboy. In 1991, British trans woman Caroline Tula Cossey became one of the magazine's heroines. She starred as an extra in one of the James Bond films, but at that time she had not yet spoken openly about the fact that she was a man in the past.


Caroline "Tula" Cossey

Her story was unearthed by one of the tabloids - he placed an article about Caroline under the heading "Bond girl is actually a guy." Caroline was horrified that her secret was revealed, and even tried to commit suicide, but later got on the warpath with stereotypes.

In 1991, Caroline released her second autobiography, My Story, in which she described in detail all the nuances of her transition. In September of the same year, she appeared on the pages of Playboy in a series of pictures "Transformation of Tula".

A future issue of Playboy will be dedicated to the legendary founder of the magazine, Hugh Hefner, who died last month at the age of 91.

Today, Ines is a world-famous model whose photos have graced the covers of magazines such as Luvre, Vogue and many others.

Derek Kettela/Playboy

Ines Rau was born in Paris. At birth she was a boy, but at the age of 16 she had sex reassignment surgery, inspired by the story of Caroline Cossey. After that, Rau lived with a female identity, but did not reveal that she was born a boy. Only at the age of 24 did Ines decide on a revelation.

At the age of 18, Rau moved to Ibiza, where she met the famous French DJ David Guetta. In 2013, she posed nude for the first time with American model Tyson Beckford for a spread by OOB, a French fashion magazine. In 2014, Rau became the second transgender model in Playboy and the first to openly talk about her transformation.

In October, Cooper Hefner, Hugh's son, announced Rau's "Girl of the Month" in the November-December issue.

Derek Kettela/Playboy

Ines loves to try on different images, but she admits that no matter who she is, no matter what mood she is in, awareness of her own sexuality for her is part of her personality. “I like to be sexy, but sexy is my sense of self. I don't know if I can put it this way, but I feel sexy all the time."

Ines emphasizes that she is not just a "glossy picture", the model fights for the rights of minorities and for the rights of women and even more. “I will always fight for LGBTQ people and women's rights,” she says, “but the most important thing for me is the environment. No topic touches me as much as the topic of global warming. I was created to fight for the planet: for the forest, for the animals, for the air. If I become famous, this battle will be the most important for me.”

In her latest interview with Playboy, Ines revealed which guys she likes. “I prefer original, sensitive guys. Reliable. I don't like pushers. The guy should be confident, but refined, with excellent manners. Also, I easily fall under the charm of the Americans.

Ines admitted that she is a “party girl”, it is important for her to meet new people, attend new events, especially those where people do not behave as constrained as usual, where they are relaxed and ready to communicate.

From music, Ines prefers hip-hop and house, but listens to both classical and opera with pleasure. Rau believes they are good "for the soul".

“Nudity should not be tabooed,” says Rau. “Nudity means a lot to me. I had surgery to be the way I want to be. Nudity for me is the triumph of a man who has broken barriers. This is not about sexuality, but about the beauty of the human body, male or female. Nudity doesn't lie."

For the first time in 64 years of Playboy magazine's existence, transgender model Ines Rau has become Playboy's Playmate of the Month.

The 26-year-old model has previously posed for the magazine. For example, two years ago there was a special issue dedicated to the progressive understanding of transgenderism.

Ines Rau. Photo:

Posted by Playboy (@playboy) Oct 18, 2017 at 2:38 PDT

REFERENCE. Playmate is a female model featured in the centerfold of Playboy magazine as Playmate of the Month. The central spread of the magazine features a nude photo of her, as well as a brief biography and basic data such as date of birth, height, weight, measurements, etc. At the end of each year, one Playmate of the Year is selected from twelve Playmate of the Month. Playboy Playmate of the Year).

  • On September 28, it became known that the legendary founder of Playboy magazine Hugh Hefner died at the age of 91.
  • In June, the Playboy stars recreated their iconic covers to prove that women can be sexy at any age.
  • On February 14, the son of the founder of the Playboy empire, Hugh Hefner Cooper, who is also the creative director of the publication, announced that the legendary magazine would again publish photos of nude models.
  • In October 2015, it was reported that America's most popular men's magazine, Playboy, would stop publishing photos of fully nude women.

In connection with the release of the next issue of Playboy, German editor-in-chief Florian Boitin said that the appearance on the cover of Giuliana Farfalla is a perfect example of how important the struggle for the right to self-determination is.

It is worth noting that the photo of a transgender woman in Playboy is no sensation either for the magazine or for its readers, the vast majority of whom are men. Because 21-year-old Juliana Farfalla is not the first transsexual to pose for Playboy.

Famous French transgender model Ines Rau even won Playboy's Playmate of the Month last year's November issue. Moreover, she proudly announced that the founder and long-term owner of the magazine, Hugh Hefner, shortly before his death in September last year, chose the issue in which her photographs were published. Reader response has been mixed positive. By the way, Ines Rau first undressed for Playboy in 2014. But she is not the first beauty who was born a man to appear in the magazine.


Even 37 years ago, in 1981, the American edition of Playboy published photographs of an English model, later one of the most famous transsexuals in the world, Caroline Cossey. Cossie had a small role in the twelfth film about British superspy James Bond, For Your Eyes Only. She was noticed by the Playboy employees and invited as a fashion model. After that, the yellow press "exposed" her, reporting that the Bond girl in the past was a boy named Barry Kenneth Cossey. But Caroline worked successfully in the modeling business, and later wrote an autobiographical book about the life of a model, a transgender actress called I Am a Woman.

Against discrimination

It should be noted that Playboy has always opposed any kind of discrimination and xenophobia. In the 1960s, for example, Hugh Hefner published a spread photo of 20-year-old African-American Jennifer Jackson for this very reason.

While many Americans applauded Playboy's boldness, there was a flurry of right-wing criticism of the magazine that called for a boycott of the popular men's magazine. Unsuccessfully.

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner was a vocal advocate for gay rights. In 2012, he published his article on the pages of the magazine, in which he called on the US authorities to recognize same-sex marriages and equate them with heterosexual ones. Three years later, this text appeared again on the pages of Playboy. The reason was the decision of the US Supreme Court to legalize homosexual unions as same-sex marriages.

juliana in the jungle

But back to Juliana Farfalla. She first appeared on the German TV screen a year ago during the casting for the TV show of the famous model Heidi Klum (Heidi Klum) "Germany's Next Top Model". Juliana was immediately noticed and she was invited to shoot for fashion glossy magazines not only in Germany, but in other countries.

In an interview with the private German television channel RTL, Juliana is proud that her photo appeared on the cover of the German edition of Playboy, although she suggests that readers will be especially critical of her. “And for sure there will be those who will point the finger and say: look, these signs of body structure suggest that this is a former man,” says Giuliana.

Juliana Farfalla, 21, has never made a secret of the fact that she was once a man and went by the name Pascal Radermacher. And she emphasizes at the same time: "The desire to become a woman did not suddenly arise in me. As far as I can remember, I always felt in a strange body."

At the age of sixteen, she underwent the first of a series of sex reassignment surgeries. Today Juliana is a woman. She is not only a successful fashion model, but also a participant in television projects. On January 19, the TV show Dschungelcamp starts, an analogue of the TV project known in Russia as "Big Brother", only the heroes live in the Australian jungle, Juliana will be one of the participants in the show. So the German viewers will be able to see her every evening for two weeks. And who knows, maybe she will become Germany's first transgender queen of the jungle.

See also:

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    Dutch beauty Loisa Lamers

    Loisa Lamers, a 20-year-old transgender woman, won the reality show "Dutch's Next Top Model" in 2015. "I want to get world fame and I will do everything that depends on me for this," she said in one of her first interviews. In order to start a career in modeling, she interrupted her training as a hairdresser.

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    Jenna Talakova from Canada

    Canadian Jenna Talakova underwent sex reassignment surgery at the age of 19. Jenna, who was voted the most beautiful woman in Vancouver in 2012, was banned from participating in the Canadian leg of the Miss Universe pageant due to being transgender. With the help of lawyers, the model managed to defend her rights. Having taken part in the national selection, she entered the top 12 most beautiful women in Canada.

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    Andrea Pejic is an Australian model of Serbo-Croatian descent. For several years at the beginning of his career, then Andrey demonstrated both men's and women's clothing. He decided on a sex change operation only at the age of 23, in 2014, already being a famous model.

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    Kira Sadovaya, the former Kirill, is called by the tabloid press the Russian Andrey Pejic. Kira also works in the modeling business. However, in a country that has a law banning LGBT propaganda, it is not easy for her to make a career. A graduate of the Moscow University of Culture earns a living as a dancer and model in three Moscow agencies.

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    Alexis Arquette, formerly Robert Arquette, has become known for episodes in many Hollywood films. The first serious work was the role of the drag queen Georgette in the film "Last Exit to Brooklyn" in 1989. The role turned out to be prophetic: soon Robert underwent a sex change operation. In 2007, Alexis starred in the music video for Robbie Williams' She's Madonna, and today she is an actress, singer and producer.