A thick curtain instead of a door. Curtains on the door and doorway are an unusual decoration. Varieties of curtains for doorways

We are all accustomed to decorating window openings with curtains, but they can also effectively drape doorways. This technique will be especially relevant due to the inability to mount a traditional door leaf, and in addition to this, there are several more reasons in favor of decorative curtains for the doorway.

But, let's in order, for what purpose are such curtains used, and what decorative curtains on the doorway can be found on sale ?! All this and much more will be discussed in this review.

Decorative curtains on the door - functionality:

  1. Protect from the sun, as well as walking drafts.
  2. They create a sense of privacy, hiding from the eyes of those present in the next room.
  3. The room is zoned. Sometimes large arched openings are not enough to create certain zones in the room, so they can be supplemented with curtains that will definitely create the necessary impression.
  4. Decorative aspect. Not infrequently, after the finished repair, it seems as if something is missing, perhaps it is the curtains on the doorway that are missing.

Curtains for a doorway, photo.

The advantages of curtains on the doorway.

If there is no financial opportunity to install a door in the room, such curtains will be very useful. Still, textile draperies are cheaper than full-size doors.

In a walk-through room with several doors, such curtains will help to disguise one of the doors, and the room will look much more comfortable.

Unlike conventional doors, the curtains do not need to be constantly opened or closed, which means they will perfectly take root in the so-called guest rooms (dining room, living room, kitchen).

Curtains on the doorway will save space.

Such curtains on the doors create a feeling of security, while just a bare doorway seems empty and uncomfortable.

Curtains on the doorway, photo.

Varieties of decorative curtains for the doorway.

Bamboo. Such curtains are rectangular bamboo blocks, fastened together with connecting elements, in a long strip. One doorway can take about 100 of these strips. On such curtains, a wide variety of pictures can be depicted, with animals, nature, people, fruits, cities, etc.

Wooden. The essence of creating such curtains is identical to bamboo, that is, the same elements are cut out of wood or plywood, which are then strung on a strong fishing line or wire.

Thread. Very nice and modern look of the doorway decor. The curtains are indeed threads that are often complemented with beads or rhinestones.

With beads. Curtains with transparent, slightly tinted beads, for example, white and pink, look very beautiful. Such curtains can be created independently by purchasing the required number of beads and stringing them on a strong fishing line, and then fixing each row on a wooden plank.

Rolled. An excellent and practical type of curtains, they are often impregnated with special compounds that protect them from unnecessary dirt, fading and dust accumulation.

Textile. This type of curtains belongs to their traditional window curtains, only unlike wide window curtains, they should be narrower, lower and without tulle. They can be left straight or gathered, they can also be supplemented with a lambrequin.

Photo curtains. In principle, they can be classified as textile, but since they look incredibly impressive, we nevertheless decided to consider them in a separate paragraph. Any image can be applied to a gabardine or blackout fabric, for example, a view of a city street going into the distance. Now imagine what a chic effect of boundlessness will be created in a room if you hang them on a doorway.

Japanese panels. Such curtains are a straight piece of fabric, with a weighting bar at the bottom and a fastening bar at the top. A cornice is attached above the door, the required number of such panels (two or three jokes) is suspended on it, which can be moved to the side if unnecessary. Absolutely any image can be stuffed on such panels - nature, animals, people, birds, etc.

Textile curtains on the doorway. Bamboo curtains. Bamboo curtains on the doorway. Curtains made of beads.

Filament curtains on the doorway.
Filament curtains.
Japanese panels on the doorway.
Wooden curtains.
Photocurtains on the doorway.

Curtains on the doorway, photo.

How to make curtains from beads (video):

Decorative curtains on the doorway will not only bring some fresh exclusive notes to the design of the room, but also perfectly cope with the task of visual zoning of the room, eliminate the problem of walking drafts, and, of course, create a feeling of privacy in the walk-through rooms.

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Today we will talk about such an interesting way of decorating doorways as special curtains for doors.

In another article, we talked about curtains on the doorway, you can read the link.

Curtains that are designed to decorate the doors directly are a separate type of curtains that are used in the home interior as a completely independent one.

An unusual solution - compact cornices are fixed above the glass, the curtain fabric hangs freely, the bottom is not fixed

This is not to say that this is a completely borrowed, western decor for doors.
Suffice it to recall how in Soviet times zealous housewives hung simple chintz curtains on the wide glass in the kitchen door. Thus, they fenced off the space for evening meetings with friends, protected children from careless handling of an extensive glass canvas, and created a cozy home decor with their own hands.

Ideas for decorating a door with curtains

Today, the fashion for glazed doors is reviving again, in the company with the latest trends in room design, a very romantic, cozy tandem is obtained.

In most cases, door curtains are sewn by hand, although ready-made models can also be purchased.
Door curtains look good in styles such as Provence, country, Mediterranean, ethnic, eco-style. However, the laconic styles of minimalism, Scandinavian, Japanese are also loyal to this method of door design, because in this case the curtain acquires an appropriate, monolithic look, and the emphasis shifts to its functional purpose.
In general, curtains can be used to decorate any door, both glass and blind.

Double door, one of which is decorated with a curtain

Purpose of curtains on the door

The purpose of curtains for doors is not only decorative. Of course, expensive fabrics, and even beautifully draped and decorated with various decorative elements, will make any interior more luxurious and richer, but even a more modest decoration with a curtain will make the interior more unusual, cozy, and truly caring.

It is advisable to periodically cover both external and internal doors with glass instead of panels.

1. Doors to a bedroom or a nursery that go to a common walk-through corridor need such revision as curtains for the door.

The question may arise - why do we need such doors that will have to be shaded, if you can put solid, cast canvases? The answer is aesthetics and a sense of presence. In addition to the fact that the glazed door looks light and floating, the glass in it leaves the effect of a common space. For example, it will be much more comfortable for a child to fall asleep alone in a separate bedroom, if he is fenced off from the whole apartment by an almost floating fence with glass, and a cozy curtain through which the light of his native apartment glimmers.

Door pockets - functional decor

2. Doors with full glazing, panoramic views - they let in a lot of light into the house, therefore they are often used in the glazing of the hall, living rooms in private houses. For all their splendor, shading may be required in excess lighting, and so is privacy localization.

Sandy clay fabric for white doors with glass

Such curtains have an undeniable advantage over curtains on doorways. Exquisite volumetric decor is not always appropriate and convenient, simply put, it can get in the way too much, and quickly lose sight from the constant influence of household members.

Styles and styles

Here is a whole list of ideas and styles for curtains that you can hang on your door:

1. Roller blinds - for two thirds, or the upper half of the doors (when the lower part is solid wood);

Convenient and beautiful - roller blinds hang on the door evenly and tightly, a beautiful pattern is visible in a straightened form

2. Curtains in the Chinese style, tied with ribbons - it is enough to cover the upper 2/3 of the windows with them so that the roll is not too bulky in the assembly - it is easy to sew it yourself;

Chinese curtains with a roll on tapes, for an entrance door with glass

3. Blinds metal or plastic horizontal, which are fixed in deep grooves of the curtain with glazing;
4. Simple do-it-yourself curtains on the cornice - decor for loyal Provence, rustic, country styles, for children's rooms and bedrooms;

A simple curtain on the window in the door - the light does not take away, but hides from possible curiosity outside

5. Curtains on the eaves at the top and bottom;

Decorating with curtains of an interior door - pay attention to how the cornice looks like

6. The same curtains, but assembled in the middle by an interception - the model "Clock" is obtained;
7. Roman blinds - suitable for high doors, when the curtains in the assembled form are located above the head of a person of average height, otherwise such curtains will shade too much and visually clutter up the room;

Roman blinds on the door leaves - for easy opening and closing

8. Lambrequins, Austrian, Roman blinds for canvases with glass part up to 80% of the curtain.

Lambrequin-swag on the door

It is especially convenient that the curtains with a lifting mechanism and rich decor can be gently lifted in the daytime. Such doors, and, accordingly, curtains, have a place to be in warm countries - Europe, America. But it is possible to use them in domestic construction, for a particularly representative part of the house - it can be a hall, a living room, a winter garden on the second floor, a hall on the first floor.

9. Curtains made of natural materials - bamboo, straw, jute. It is enough to choose the right size in width, in a wide range of ready-made roller blinds. The curtains can be shortened in height with their own hands.

Bamboo roller blinds on the door

What fabric can be sewn curtains for doors

Door curtains are usually made of lightweight fabrics. This is due to their lightweight construction, a kind of floating design, and the need to leave sufficient lighting for the room, while obscuring the view;

Suitable fabrics - cotton, linen (for Provencal and eco-interiors), chintz, satin (country, related styles), tulle, voile, mesh (suitable for most styles), do not forget about the appropriate decor - ribbons, beads, fringes, wood trim;

A curtain in the form of a rigid stretched canvas is suitable for bright nurseries, for a kitchen, an office - it resembles a roll one, but it does not have a standard roller mechanism, which makes it more authentic to the chosen style;

Thick fabrics are used for entrance doors on the ground floors of private houses to convey the style and prestige of the house; in addition, often nothing else will suit the interior of the living room.

Classic lace tulle curtains on the door

Advantages of curtains for doors

If you doubt whether it is worth making a curtain on the door with your own hands, think again about the pros:
With the help of a curtain, you can visually adjust the size of the room - reduce or enlarge it. You can achieve this effect with the appropriate color of the product.
This is an inexpensive way to complement the style of a room, whether it's the delicate romance of voile curtains or elegant roman curtains.
This is an affordable way to temporarily change the environment.

Banal furniture can become an element of a design composition

Some cons:

  • The consequences of installing the curtains on the door leaf in case you want to subsequently remove the curtains - with rough installation, holes may remain that worsen its presentation;
  • To see what is happening behind the door, you will have to open it, especially from the side where the curtain does not hang, whereas before it was enough to look through the glass.

A simple curtain assembly on the door cornice from below and from above

As you can see, all curtains for doors can be sewn by hand, except for roller blinds. They are sewn according to a simple scheme, when a special tunnel is created under the cornices at the bottom and in the upper part of the canvas, processed along the edge on both sides.

In a separate article, we wrote in detail how to sew such curtains ourselves. Follow the link.

Curtains on the doorway are a great way to preserve the free space of your own territory and to design the entrance to the room exclusively. An original solution - refusal to install a door leaf - is not a disadvantage, but rather an advantage, because you not only save square meters, but also open up huge opportunities for yourself and your home, where there is room for creative ideas and original actions.

Why curtains on the doorway are preferable to the standard option? What problems will you face? How to correctly design a doorway so that interest in it does not fade away over time?

You decided to experiment, and now you know for sure that the absence of doors in the room is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing? We offer you to get acquainted with theoretically grounded ideas, which will once again help to make sure that the choice you made is the right solution to both functional and decorative issues at the same time. Decorative curtains are used on doorways when aesthetics are the determining factor, not functionality.

Why is it worth giving away the door?

Before giving life to creative and non-standard ideas, their owner weighs all the pros and cons. Convinced of the correctness of his decision, he begins the process of embodiment. Are you still in doubt? Explore all the advantages of a doorway without doors, and the solution will not take long.

  • Making a doorway without a door is much more economical than installing a door leaf.
  • Doorways can be of various shapes: in the form of an arch, a trapezoid. Acquiring doors of this shape is problematic.
  • There is a wide selection of materials for finishing the opening. It can be plastic, wood, glass, forging, drywall (used mainly for a figured opening), textiles.
  • The absence of a door in the opening visually increases the space.
  • Expansion of territory is indispensable for practical purposes. When installing doors in openings, you should be very careful about the planned area, because it is important to take into account the fact that the door should open and close freely. And these are all square meters, which, as usual, are not enough.

The curtains on the door are a hit of modern design. They make the room cozy and comfortable, radically change its external image, transforming and making its entire territory stylish and original. Discover the curtains on the doorway, and the small decorative details that make up the curtain will make the room unforgettable for guests, interesting and comfortable for you.

If we draw a comparison between the absence and the presence of a door in the opening, then there will definitely be a category of people who will see more disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, instead of door curtains, they prefer the standard version.

  • The absence of a line of demarcation of space. For example, you have an arch that connects the kitchen and hallway. The absence of a door in this case is more a minus than a plus. Visually, the room does not grow larger, and smells and soot from cooking easily penetrate the rooms. The presence of doors between these two zones delays the spread of odors.
  • Limited installation. Some room categories, such as a bathroom or restroom, private office or bedroom, do not accept openings. The owners of these rooms will definitely prefer doors instead of curtains.
  • Lack of a state of unity and individuality. Very often, newlyweds live in the same territory with their parents. How to leave a passage without a door? This possibility is excluded.

Types of door curtains: get to know and choose

The curtains on the door are not limited to a small number of options - there are many of them, they are interesting and beautiful, functional and practical, in a word, unforgettable. A very important point is related to the material used for the manufacture of door curtains. They can carry any stylistic character, so for creative people this is a springboard for the embodiment of desires. Such curtains can be strung on threads, can be glued or sewn - that is, instead of buying ready-made curtains, you can make them yourself, and even using your own method.

Curtains consisting of wooden elements have many advantages.

  • Eco-friendly and natural.
  • Beautiful.
  • Place the "right" accents in the room.
  • Suitable for any style.
  • Natural color.
  • Shaped diversity.
  • Assortment of texture and type of weaving.
  • Simple and comfortable.
  • Can be painted in any color you like

Wooden curtains on the doorway - a variant of curtains that combines wooden beads and threads, subtly emphasizing the naturalness of wood and the originality of the decorated threads.

Bamboo door curtains will also impress connoisseurs of the “green” lifestyle.

  • Their basis is environmentally friendly material.
  • They give a luxurious look to the whole room.
  • Contributes to the formation of an atmosphere of calm.

Do you like the east? African style is close to you? Interested in the tropics and jungle? Stop for a moment and look at the bamboo curtains for the doorway.

Filament curtains

Curtains on a door made of threads are a very popular type of "tool" for zoning and dividing space. No type of doorway curtain makes a room as bohemian as rope curtains. Their structure (threads are obtained synthetically from viscose fiber or polyester) can be thin and thick, in one or more weaves, of various colors and shades. Their mission is to darken the room without interfering with the flow of fresh air.

Rope curtains are most often in the form of thin threads, united into strong rope bundles, and forming a single thread tape. There are threads combined with sequins, bugles, beads. Instead of standard yarn curtains, there is a unique opportunity to become the owner of exclusive curtains. Hanging threads "play" from every blow of the wind, making the room airy and fresh. Recently, feathers "hanging" are gaining momentum.

Light chic and casual luxury are what the room will fill up with if you decorate the opening with a "hanging curtain" on the doorway.

Roller blinds on the door are curtains, the design of which includes a special chain control mechanism. The size of the solid sheet completely covers the doorway. Today, roller curtains are a fashionable trend in the world of curtains, an exclusive way of interior decoration. Among the design community, it is believed that roller curtains have a calming effect. Install roller curtains instead of a door, and you will become the owner of curtains that combine the practicality of the famous blinds and the aesthetics of classic curtains.

Fabric curtains - choose from a variety of options

Fabric curtains are a huge field of choice. Anything: linen and cotton, velvet and jacquard, silk and satin. Any desire with them is reality.

If you use a heavy and dense fabric for curtains on the door, be sure to pay attention to the hooks, they will facilitate the process of penetrating from room to room. If you want to hide the door frame, use a lambrequin.

Magnetic curtains: simple and concise

The magnetic curtain on the door is a fabric that is installed thanks to double-sided tape. Sometimes decorative buttons are used instead of adhesive tape. Both tape and buttons are included. In other words, magnetic curtains are improved mosquito blankets.

Cases of using curtains for a doorway

In full, the curtains on the door realize their functionality in the following cases.

  • The passages in the "kitchen - living room, living room - corridor, corridor - hallway, hallway - living room" system have an open view. Obviously, the color schemes of these rooms are clearly different from each other, therefore, delimiting the space is a necessary action. If you decide to divide it into zones, the curtains should be hung exclusively on the opening.
  • There is no door in the room, but you are not going to focus on the atom? Take advantage of curtains by hanging them from a ceiling or wall curtain rod. They help to hide unaesthetic details of the door frame.

When decorating a doorway, do not forget about harmony. The minimum deviation from the general style of the interior (from the color of other curtains, shades of wallpaper or flooring) can be a disaster. As a result, the interior is decorated with tasteless, boring and faded. To prevent this from happening, use the advice of competent specialists, and the room will acquire a unique image, and the curtains will delicately emphasize the sophistication of the owner's taste preferences.

Door opening curtains are the best way to design and avoid installing a door, which saves space. Such constructions perform the following functions:

  1. Decorative as they complement the interior and frame the opening.
  2. Serve for effective zoning of the room.
  3. They create a comfortable atmosphere.
  4. They mask the unevenness of the walls.

Benefits of curtains in doorways

In addition to the aesthetic function, the curtain has the following advantages:

  1. Cheapness, as installation than door installation.
  2. Framing an opening of any shape, for example, in the form of a dome or an arch.
  3. Various finishes.
  4. Saving space.
  5. There is no need to open the door.
  6. Also, curtains in the doorway can be used as a temporary measure when dismantling the door leaf.
  7. are used to visually divide a room into parts.
  8. The ability to quickly decorate the opening with your own hands.

Any room can be decorated with curtains. They are suitable for a kitchen, bedroom, children's room or living room.

The design of the curtains depends on its overall layout. Using curtains helps hide the cons of a small room. With the help of light shades, the space visually expands.

Choosing curtains for the door

After we have decided on the layout and design of the doorway, we choose the curtains. Doorway structures are available in various variations. They differ in materials and colors. You can also make your own wooden roller shutters.

There are many types of curtains.

Thread constructions

Filament curtains on the door appeared centuries ago in Eastern countries. Thread products are produced in different versions: multi-colored, metal, from natural materials, from rhinestones and beads.

A thread canopy is used for zoning a room and as a replacement for door structures.

There are several types of thread models:

  1. are made of threads made of fabric intertwined together. At the same time, the ends of the product remain free.
  2. Rope structures are made of solid raw materials, decorative elements are also used.

Thread products are used for the interior of a studio apartment. Such models are suitable for any furniture and equipment. Filament vertical blinds are used in the interior.

Beaded designs look good in the kitchen. Metal curtains are used in kitchen designs where chrome details are prevalent.

Fringe in tablecloths or in a floor lamp is combined with products in the form of muslin.

There are several methods for manufacturing such structures:

  1. represents sticks that collect in separate threads. The parts are attached to the rod using steel wire. The basis of the fastener is a cornice in the form of a bar. Can also be hand painted. These curtains are suitable for oriental-style rooms.
  2. Another type of vertical product is thin slats that are attached side by side.
  3. Horizontal structures consist of tightly spaced lamellas, woven with special threads. The applied drawing creates an original ornament. Such products can be used to decorate the door to the balcony, veranda.
  4. Bamboo material is combined with jute threads and various straws.

Bamboo products look good in ethnic or natural interiors.

Wicker things and mats are combined with them. Windows are decorated with the same material, but with variations. For example, the window opening is decorated with a chocolate-colored roller blind, and the doors are decorated with a vertical bamboo curtain in a beige tone.

Wooden crafts

A good option for zoning a room, due to its visual appeal, are curtains on a wooden door. They consist of vertical threads with attached decorative elements of wood. Such details may look like beads, squares, sticks or other shapes.

The wooden canopy has the following advantages:

  1. Easy to clean, do not collect dust.
  2. Environmentally friendly and safe, do not cause allergies.
  3. Ease of movement.
  4. Originality and practicality.
  5. Large selection of colors and textures.
  6. With proper care, the product will last a long time.
  7. Affordable to any budget.

Wooden curtains and blinds will be a great addition to the interior with ethnic or country style. They will also give comfort in modern, retro or classic design. Assembly of vertical blinds is easy.

Such curtains will organically look with wooden furniture, parquet flooring, wicker elements and laminate.

Natural material is durable and stylish. Such structures are made of linden, oak or beech.

Wooden blinds are of several types:

  • horizontal, consisting of strips connected with strings or fabric parts;
  • trees consist of wide slats, suitable for a room in ethnic or oriental style;
  • roll structures.

You can hang wooden curtains on a doorway as follows:

  1. A fishing line is prepared from a tree of a certain size.
  2. Decorative details are hung and fastened with knots or crimps.
  3. The threads are fixed to the bar with special rings.

Roman blinds made of wood are also suitable for a balcony, as they block out the daylight well.

You can make curtains from beads for an oval door arch. Such products block the sunlight and at the same time do not impede the free movement of air.

Fabric curtains

Fabric structures are used not only indoors, but are also considered an excellent option for decorating verandas and gazebos. They protect the veranda from dust and wind, as well as create coziness and privacy.

For decorating a room or gazebo with curtain cords. These are Austrian, English and Roman canopy varieties. Japanese curtains are made of dense fabric and move on a multi-row cornice.

There are the following types of curtain fabrics: they are decorated with fringes, garlands, frills, tassels and scallops. Embroidered door curtains are also used in the interior.

The color scheme for curtains is selected taking into account the color of the furniture upholstery. The shades of gray and blue create a cool feeling in the room. Orange, beige and other warm tones can bring in more sunlight. To prevent the curtains from blending in with the room, the color of the fabric should be lighter or darker than the main color.


Hanging curtains are used as a decorative element and as a way to divide the space.

They perform several tasks:

  1. Divide the space into zones.
  2. Serve as a screen for changing clothes.
  3. Helps to hide construction flaws.
  4. They create comfort in the room.
  5. Replace the door.

As a material for such products, beads, decorative stones, large beads and shells are used. Braided rings or plastic parts are also used.


Door metal blinds consist of special strips. The following varieties of this type of curtains are distinguished:

The advantage of this type of curtain is that it is possible to repair vertical blinds with your own hands.

Combining options

The combination of curtains will diversify the interior. When combining different types, it is worth sticking to the basic style in the room. Using beige, brown, red, white colors and shades, you can combine options. Such products will be combined with inserts of lighter colors, as well as complemented by transparent tulle.

Combined models on eyelets decorated with drapery will fit into any interior.

Roman shades can be successfully combined with air curtains.

A variety of options can be made using fabric curtains. They can be combined with almost all models.

A children's room for a girl can be decorated in lilac, pink or light green shades.

Combined models that combine blue, green and white colors are suitable for boys.

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In the design of a doorway, different design ideas can be involved. The opening without a door can be designed in the form of an arch or left in the classic version. But in some situations, adjacent rooms need visual zoning, which entails the need to create a partition ... When building a new look rooms all think about how to close the doorway instead of the door. Curtains are the best option: they not only fulfill a functional role, but also decorate the interior, giving it completeness and harmony.

Doorway curtains do an excellent job of zoning. They visually hide adjacent rooms and give a sense of privacy; it is impossible to achieve such an effect with arches. In addition, such products do not overload the space with heavy elements and create a comfortable atmosphere. They replace door elements with great success., blending into the overall design of the premises.

Benefits of using curtains for doorways:

Thick and heavy curtains can protect from drafts, and in the summer even light curtains can prevent flying insects from entering the room.

But interior curtains have several nuances that should be considered before purchasing textiles:

  • Lack of soundproofing. Thin material is not able to drown out extraneous sounds, so curtains will be an unsuccessful option for separating the bedroom, nursery and study areas.
  • Lightweight and transparent curtains practically do not hide adjacent rooms from each other.

Varieties of curtains for doorways

Curtains on the doorway can transform the entire interior beyond recognition. In order for the element to fit into the overall style of the room, it is necessary to choose the right material for the curtains.

Basic on the doorway:

Door curtains

The curtains for the doorway are used even if there is a door. Some people just want to add a touch of home comfort with the help of airy tulle or wooden threads that create "chimes of the wind" when you pass through them.

Curtains will be relevant for wooden doors with glass inserts. In the living room, such a door can become a decorative element, but for an office adjacent to the hall, transparent material can become an obstacle; the same goes for the bedroom. In these cases, door curtains can help make the space personal and secluded.

Roller blinds on the doorway of the office will be the best solution. The curtains are easy to open and close. So that from the side of the living room the appearance of the glass inserts is not spoiled, on the other hand, textile curtains from translucent canvases of neutral shades should be used.

Macrame will look beautiful curtains on the bedroom door. In the design of this room, fabric curtains should be used, which, with a general design, will dispose to relaxation and rest.

How to choose the right curtains for a doorway

The variety of curtains is sometimes confusing and does not allow you to decide on the choice of a model suitable for the interior. When choosing curtains, you must use the following recommendations:

For stylish interiors, you should carefully consider the design of curtains, which are one of the main elements of decor.


Curtains are ideal for a classic interiormade of dense and heavy fabrics. The classics welcomes expensive materials, so the best solution is velvet, jacquard, silk and brocade, decorated with tassels or fringe. Designs can be multi-layered. Curtains can be supplemented with a lambrequin or transparent voile curtains, if the structure of such canvases does not interfere with free passage through the doorway.

For doorways in a room with light finishes, textiles in neutral shades are used; for catchy interiors, products of a rich shade are used, the depth of which can be fully revealed with a velvet material.

East style

Oriental styles, especially Japanese, are prone to minimalism, so a simple curtain model should be chosen for the doorway. A good solution would be Japanese panels, which are used for wide openings.

Other options would be translucent organza curtains., tulle, voile or chiffon. Solid curtains of neutral shades will not be conspicuous, but light colors will give lightness and freshness to the interior.

Contemporary styles

For modern, hi-tech, loft and minimalism, curtains made from modern materials in a stylish design are usually chosen. It can be air muslin or threads decorated with bugles.

Roman blinds and pleated blinds look organically in modern interior decoration, where they are often used glass door models or empty openings.

Country and exotic

For rustic styles, traditional curtain models are suitable, which can be printed with flowers or checked. Curtains-arches or curtains with a simple lambrequin will be appropriate. Chintz, cotton, linen or taffeta are usually chosen from fabrics.

For eco-style and exoticfor which natural motives are relevant, curtains made of wood or bamboo are suitable. They can be made with ordinary canvas, roller blinds or flowing threads, decorated with carved figures.

Doorways often look boring, so decorating them with curtains will be a good design move. With interior curtains, you can always create an atmospheric interior with exclusive notes.