Poles the ceiling on an old whitewash without problems. Packers of the ceiling with your own hands: a step-by-step method with a water-level paint Painting on an old whitewash

If you decide to make repairs with your own hands, then the first in such a repair is the whitening the ceiling with your own hands. And in order to correct this work correctly, you are offered the following actions algorithm.

Preparation of the ceiling to whitewash

If you skip this step, the new whirlpool will soon turn. Especially important is the preparation, if the ceiling was bitten by lime, and now you have decided to play it with chalk or paint, or vice versa. It is clear that mechanical pollution (fat stains, dust, etc.) also need to wash off if you want to whiten the ceiling yourself.

To determine what the ceiling is, you need to moisten the old blame. If she darkened and not dirt finger, then the whims were lime. If the surface is easily erased, there was a chalk whitewash. Water-level paint will remain unchanged.

Now let's look at how to quickly wash the old whitening from the ceiling:

  1. Shipping the floor and furniture that could not be submitted, polyethylene or other protective waterproof material;
  2. Prepare a warm soap solution, a sponge or brush;
  3. Moisturize the old blame in squares, because If you want to wet the whole ceiling, it will dry and the moisturization will have to repeat;
  4. Scraping wet areas with a rigid spatula, substitute the pallet to maximize the pollution of the floor;
  5. Remains whitewash, wash the wet sponge.

If even the old coating is not contaminated, it still needs to be moistened so that the new is better absorbed.

So, you were able to remove the whitewash, it's time to go to the next step:

  • Ceiling stoves when necessary, pierce with a special tape (sickle).
  • Washing ceiling, if necessary, prcribsente to align and eliminate possible cracks.
  • After drying the putty, set it to the sandpaper so that the entire surface is smooth, and boil the entire ceiling area.

Choose than to beat

a piece of chalk

One of the options for choosing is chalk ceiling. It is used by those who prefer whiteness and reduce. For the preparation of chalk 18 sq.m.:

  • In warm water, pour 30 g of glue (carpentry, pva or bustilat) or dissolve a finely unrigious economic soap;
  • Having thoroughly stirring, slowly sprinkled sophisticated chalk (about 3 kg);
  • To avoid a yellowish tint and to enhance whiteness, add about 20 g of blue to the solution.


Another option is to whiten by lime, which is chosen due to its bactericidal properties and the ability to fix small cracks. In this case, 10 sq.m are in warm water of 1.7 kg of lime and 40 g of blue.

To dilute whitewashing correctly, check its consistency. To do this, lower the metal object into the solution and, reversing, look - if the solution is too liquid, the whols will flush from it, not leaving the trace. Then add chalk or lime in small doses until the solution does not glare from the subject without a trace.

Tool preparation

We can produce a ceiling surface with brush, roller, spray or vacuum cleaner with air blowing function. However, an option with a spray or vacuum cleaner for home conditions is less suitable, because On a small area, splashes will be seen not only on the ceiling.

First you need to choose a brush for whitewash, because the quality of work depends on its state. It is better to buy a special brush-designed brush from a natural bristle with a width of 15-20 cm. Up to use, soak it in warm water for several hours. By this you will achieve the fact that the wooden handle of the brush will swell and secure the bristles. Then they will not stay on the whitewash surface. And after work, rinse it under the jet of water.

The rollers will allow the ceiling whipping faster, and the quality will be better. There are no features with their choice and they do not require a separate description. To use the roller, you will need to buy a special tray (ditch).

Process bliss

If you flit the ceiling with a brush, put the smears first perpendicular to the windows (to the light source), and the final layer is parallel to the windows. Then, when dried, there will be no bands.

The lighter process of blissing will ensure the use of roller:

Pour a solution for whitewash or paint into a special pallet (ditch), plunge into it and ride it along the slope of the pallet so that the solution (paint) is evenly distributed over the surface of the roller, and excess glass from the roller.

Making layers whitening with roller, send them as when painting with a brush - first to the windows, then parallel to the frames. Rocking a roller on the ceiling, make overhearsons about 5 cm so as not to leave the non-procrase areas. Do not forget that in the joints of the walls and ceilings, where the roller will not get, it is better to use a brush.

Alternative: Ceiling Poles "Water Immulsion"

The best thing is not to suffer with chalk or lime solutions, use the ceiling with a ceiling with a ceiling of water-mounted paint. It allows you to evenly paint the ceiling and looks more beautiful.

Only preparation of the ceiling to paint the ceiling after blissing, requires special care. Moreover, of all kinds of paints, only a water-emulsion will provide the best "sticking" to the old whitewash and will not be sewn.

The second layer of color is better to apply perpendicular to the first: so there will be less divorces

Also, to qualitatively apply paint on a whitewash, it is better to make a color in two layers, and the second layer can be applied only after drying the first.

  1. Calculate the cost of whitewash taking into account the number of required materials. To do this, knowing the consumption of paint, chalk or lime, glue, blue and other components, consider their cost. Add the value of the tool (brushes, rollers, pallet, etc.). It will still get cheaper than ordering suspended or stretch ceilings.
  2. During whitewashing and drying the ceiling, do not allow drafts and direct sunlight, otherwise the result of your work turns.
  3. Make sure that the solution (paint) is distributed during the ceiling without forming drops and influx during the ceiling.
  4. Do not forget about safety techniques - wear protective gloves and glasses, headdress.

Under all the rules of the plain, the next repair of the ceiling will be needed in 3-5 years.

Until recent times, the whitic was the most popular option for designing the ceiling. It is chosen for a number of positive qualities. Such as low cost, simple applying and easy refreshment of the coating. Now, people began to pay more attention to this issue. The easiest way to change the blots to another cover is to paint it. In this article we will tell you how quickly and rightly do it.

Is it possible to paint whitewash?

Undoubtedly, it is possible, but only in some cases and in a certain way. The underlying condition is a good state of whitewash. Thin layer of application and absence of cracks. Otherwise, when applied paint, the whirlwinds will stick to the roller and turn.

How to paint bliss

To begin with, cover the blasting of the primer with the property of deep penetration. Waiting for it until it dry out. Then check how well it has fixed. If it is easily falling off, it is better not to paint the surface. In this case, you will have to completely clean the ceiling from the blots. If the surface of the primer turned out to be reliable, it can be painted.

Water-emulsion paint on the whitening ceiling

This type of paint can be blocked without pre-primer. Of course, if the chalk or lime layer is thin and smooth. This kind of paint itself can be a certain kind of primer. If you put another paint on it, the coverage will be very reliable and durable.

When it is better not to paint the ceiling on a whitewash

  • If the whits were installed for a long time.
  • It has irregularism, bloating.
  • If you are going to apply enamel or oil paint.

Preparation of the surface to color

Roughness or bloom can be tried to adjust with a rigid brush. Apply primer or emulsion paint. Before the procedure, make a carpet of upholstered furniture, interior items and personal belongings if possible. Butt the surface of the film. Wear protective clothing, building glasses, mask. You can proceed to staining. For saturation, repeat a few layers.

For dyeing, you can use any construction paint other than oil. Paint can be all sorts of colors and price categories.

As mentioned in the article, you can apply paint on the whitewash. But still we advise you to spend time to spend time and completely remove the whitewash before painting. We hope this information will be useful for you.

Performing repair in the apartment, it is important to pay special attention to the ceiling. Smooth and smooth surface can emphasize the merits of the room, filling the space by air and light that are so needed to create a cozy atmosphere. Among the variety of finishing materials used to repair and decorate the ceilings, the whots are in popularity.

The undoubted advantage is the material attractiveness of the process. In addition, many consumers make a choice in favor of whitening, focusing on its hygienic safety and health care, in opposition to mounted structures, stretch ceilings or ceiling tiles.

Beautiful gloss freshly dried ceiling is perfectly combined with any designer room solution, visually expanding the space (read on our website an article about a beautiful ceiling with your own hands). And finally, to whitewash the ceiling yourself - the task is quite satisfied, if you clearly adhere to the rules and instructions.

For whitames, ceilings most often apply chalk, lime or water-emulsion paint. Most often, when choosing a material is focused on what the ceiling was processed earlier. In order to determine this, it is enough to spend your finger on the dry surface: the lime whitening does not smear, but the chalk will remain on the finger.

However, if doubts remained, you can lose the ceiling with a wet hand - lime will darken, but it will not be left on the skin, but the chalk will smear after the hand. It is not recommended to play chalk over lime, due to the possibility of forming numerous divorces and stains, which will entail a repeated re-painting. Ideally, put the painting of the ceilings you need once a half or two years.

There are several types of emulsions:

  • satin emulsion allows you to hide the multiple defects of the ceiling surface due to the fact that the coating is obtained by several gloss, depending on the emulsion labeling, the degree of gloscure can be different;
  • matte emulsion has a more dense texture, which makes it possible to hide more significant flaws of the surface, but it dries significantly longer;
  • special types of emulsions intended for kitchens or bathrooms have reinforced moisture-resistant and bactericidal properties.

Another argument in favor of chalk or lime is when these materials are packed, the ceiling is not necessary to pre-prim.

Tools required for work

You can breed the ceilings by both roller and brush. These ways are optimal for apartments and small country houses and premises.

Tells using kraskopulture more time-consuming and costly, requires skills and skills to work with an aggregate, in addition, when painting, a paintopult creates a large amount of splashes that can interfere with work.

So, to conduct spinning work independently it will be necessary:

New brushes need to whole soak in warm water for several hours before use. The brush prepared in this way will not "lose" bristles. It is recommended to choose a natural hard bristle 12-15 cm wide.

The rollers are selected individually, based on personal preferences. The main thing is that the tool is used to be used for the bliss, in order to avoid defects and flaws of the coating.

The breeding of water-level paint most often does not represent a special difficulty, which you can not say about the preparation of a chalk or lime solution.

The solution is prepared from an approximate calculation, which for each square meter of the ceiling painted in one layer is required by half-liter mixtures. But most often the component compositions are listed on the area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m. The finished mixture can be stored no more than 36 hours, and dry ingredients are several years without damage and loss of their properties and qualities. If possible, the solution is mixed using a building mixer.

    To prepare the chalk solution, you will need from 30 to 100 ml of glue (PVA or carbon monoxide), wipe on fine grater to soap soap Weight 50 g, as well as 3 kg of sifted through the sieve of the chalk (sifting - the required stage, allowing to remove the garbage and the largest particles from the intelligent material) and 10-20 g of ordinary sink to enhance the whiteness of the color and prevent the possible yellowing of the coating.
    First, in warm water, they dissolve soap chips and glue, then a finely uniform weapon with a constant stirring grip chalk, preheated with blue-eyed powder.

    The limestone mixture is preparing somewhat simpler: in warm water divorces 1.75 g wipe wipe, 100 g of the cooking salt and 40-45 g of blue. However, a saturated white light does not give such a mixture, paying for it with its masking properties.

The amount of water is taken arbitrary. Approximately 1 kg of chalk or lime requires 2 liters of warm water. To determine the optimal consistency of the mixture, we use such a reception: a metal object with a smooth surface (pin or knife) is descended to the solution, if the mixture flows, without leaving traces, the solution is not thick enough and the chalk or limes should be added. In the event case, the increase in the concentration of the mixture is produced gradually, after each addition checking the quality of the solution.

The finished mixture is left for 10-15 minutes, after which they are filled through a sieve or layer of the vehicle. A well-cooked mixture has no lumps and staining staining metal into white. Immediately in front of the whirlwind, the solution is well mixed.

Before paving the room, it is necessary to release the room as much as possible: make all the items, dismantle the eaves, chandeliers and other lighting devices. Large furniture and built-in items and decor elements are fairly covered with polyethylene film and salary scotch. With special care you need to be caught up with flooring - it will significantly save the cleaning time.

The floors can be made in several layers to be made with old newspapers or sheets, floor plinths - calery with painting scotch. If necessary, close the ceiling plinths and stucco.

Preparation of the ceiling. Step 1. Removing the old whitewash

Even if the former whitewashes did not crack and looks quite clean, it is better to remove it. To facilitate this task, there are special solutions, but you can use proven methods - warm water or weak soap solution and spatula.

Before starting work, you need to protect your face, body and hands by means of protection. Lime or chalk adversely affect unprotected skin, poorly washed off with hair.

Removing the White Process is painstaking and time-consuming, depending to a greater extent of the nature of the church mixture. The chalk layer is easier to clean, rather than limestone.

How to remove an old lime blotch?

Most often, it is simply scraped from the ceiling using a metal spatula, after having a cleaning area with a rubber hammer. To swing the lime blotch is inefficient, since the old layer will compete and smear the ceiling.

There is a method of cleaning the ceiling plate with alert, when the whole surface is thickly covered with a solution, and after it is considered a spatula along with whitewash.

How to remove a chalk blotch?

The chalk layer from the ceiling is removed with the help of hot water with the addition of 3% acetic acid and sponge (it is permissible to use a separate roller on a long handle). A thoroughly moistened flow is left for half an hour to swell the plating layer, and then carefully remove the spatula. If the layer is not soles enough, the ceiling is moistened again.

Chalk on problem places need to be lost with a sponge. And after the end of the ceiling stripping - give the surface to dry. The degree of purity is checked by the presence or absence of white traces on the palm when tapping the ceiling.

Step 2. Cleaning, correction of irregularities and primer

When the old slave layer was removed, the ceiling need to be cleaned from spots, traces of fat or rust, mold and fungus, if any.

Traces of rust and sublifting are easily eliminated with warm salt water and sponge. The dried place is desirable to be treated with a solution of copper mood (75 g per 1 liter of water).

Old traces of fat are purified by a rag moistened in a solznated salt solution that is sold in economic departments. After removing the spot, the area needs to be rinsed with water.

If the jokes of the slabs on the feet cause concerns, they can be sickled with sickle - it will retain the integrity of the coating from cracking. Gaps, recesses and cracks need to be scaled. It is best to eliminate the ceiling slabs defects, a homemade glue putty is suitable - it is well held and easy to use.

To obtain it, two parts of the joinery and plaster will be required and one part of the sifted chalk. The mixture is mixed on the water and applied to the ceiling with a spatula. After drying, the surface is maintained using sandpaper to a smooth state. The ceiling thus prepared is ground - this will give the surface additional moisture protection properties and facilitates the process itself. The projected ceiling is left for drying for 24 hours.

Step 3. Wholesale

With a well-prepared ceiling, there are enough two layers of bliss. It follows from the corners, mentally dividing the ceiling to the sectors. More convenient to start from the window, gradually moving towards the door. When working it is very important to eliminate drafts, otherwise the whirlwinds can turn.

Each plaster layer needs to dry well and only then begin to the next. There are some nuances when paving various tools.

Pooks with roller preferable, as it provides the best results, even in the absence of experience. Using the roller, you can stick to the v-ways to uniform stripping. And it is possible to apply multidirectional e layers: the lower perpendicular to the window, and the upper one - in parallel, carefully rolling the roller on the surface. This will avoid divorces. The width of the overweight between the smears should not be less than 5 cm.

It is important to follow, so that there are no influx and drops. To do this, overlooking the blade from the roller, it is necessary to remove the roller roller on the inclined part of the cuvette.

Inaccessible areas and angles are scratched with medium sized tassel.

Teaches with a tassel - the process is more painting and long. The principle is the same - the work begins from the window with short strokes, the layers are applied multidirectional e with the width of the interception of 5-6 cm.

The plains of the ceiling - the process of time consuming, but quite feasible.

Video - Ceiling

There are various repair materials and facing the ceiling. Of the modern options, we must take into account weighed and stresses of the structure. Most often you use white washing or dyeing.

These decorative methods themselves are economically recognized, quickly and easily. The surface that is raised, gives comfort in the room. You can refresh the ceilings using experts. But when they found out how much the master is, many apartment owners prefer to be red. How to do it, the article will tell.

Before you dig up the ceiling in the bathroom, you must prepare it.

The quality of work depends on it. If you do everything right and accurately, the white wash will be homogeneous, without divorce, there will be no rust or fat through it. The smallest error can lead to what everything needs to be done again.

How to prepare a white area for washing:

  • removal of the old coating layer;
  • Removal of traces of dirt, oily yellow spots;
  • aligning the ceiling.

Remove the old white washing with a sponge, soaked with soap solution, paste or a wide spatula.

The degree of complexity of this work directly depends on the type of old coating. For example, the chalk solution is simply removed, and the lime is difficult. To understand how the ceiling was painted, simply: Pull your finger on the surface - the chalk will leave the white mark.

After cleaning the ceiling of old paint, you must thoroughly examine the surface for mold, dirt, rust, fat spots.

Wash roses and lines with copper sulfate solution. Old spots are removed by conventional warm water. If the ceiling smokes after a fire, it must be cleaned with a 3% hydrochloric acid solution.

Scattered fats are simply washed with sodes dissolved in water.

The ceiling flatness depends on how high the wizard can restore the surface, so the ceiling must be aligned before painting.

Cracks, cracks and irrelevant anomalies filled with plaster. You can use a sticky kit. After fixing errors, perform a grout and filling, if necessary, processing the fungus.

Also read the article: Strengthening walls from painting, interference and wallpaper.

What materials are suitable?

For the preparation of sheet metal from drywall in the kitchen, limestone, chalk or watercolor is usually used. To determine which type of material is most suitable, it is worth considering the strengths and weaknesses of each option.

Positive aspects of lime white powder:

  1. environmental purity;
  2. the presence of antibacterial properties;
  3. The rotating layer has microscopic pores through which water passes well and evaporates;
  4. high resistance to abrasion;
  5. the layer is constant;
  6. suitable price.

From negative pages, specify the following:

Below are positive points in white:

  1. Environmental purity. The material does not contain harmful chemical compounds.
  2. Economical. This is the most profitable option for cladding the ceiling.

Disadvantages of this output:

The advantages of water-based paints are below:

  1. The presence of different shades allows you to make an interesting design.
  2. The possibility of visual increase in the ceiling.

    The effect is achieved by selecting a specific color composition.

  3. Color does not require preparation.

However, such material has some drawbacks:

  • High price. And, since the color is cheaper, it is more consumed.
  • Before the makeup is dried, breathing in the room is allowed only in a respiratory mask.

They produce water-based paints with various additives (latex, acrylic, acrylic copolymers).

Latex provides waterproofability and acrylic elasticity and strength of the composition.

List of necessary tools

The ceiling can be finely and evenly covered with a spray (sprayer), roller or brush. For beginners, it is better not to use a pistol-sprayer.

Because there is a big risk of splashing walls. It is better to prefer ordinary brushes. It should be made of natural wood with a length of at least 15 centimeters. A few hours before the start of work, the brush should be moistened in water. It will give you softness and strength. Cleaning with a brush is easy to wash with simple water.

A good choice is a roller.

It allows you to perform all your work quality and fast. If you buy a cylinder, you must not forget to buy a special tray. Color or color will be applied to it.

Brush and roller - the most common tools for ceiling facing. But if the surface area is large, it is better to use a sprayer or a garden sprayer. Some people use a vacuum cleaner.

The process of white ceiling and walls

Depending on the selected tool, how to properly compress the concrete ceiling. If you intend to use the brush, the first impact must be applied perpendicular to the windows.

It is advisable to use the rear layer in parallel with the open window. This technology removes the appearance of the strip after drying.

If a roller is used as a tool, the coating process is next.

Pour a bleaching solution into the tray. The roller is immersed in the mixture and gently deflects on the slope. In this case, the white cylinder is evenly distributed over the roller, all excess remain in the container.

Chalk and lime

After cleaning and leveling the ceiling, continue the preparation of the chalk solution.

To do this, take the chalk and dilute it in the water in the ratio of 1: 2. Add a bit blue to get blue. Some journalists are wondering if you can add pigment in the chalk mixture.

Experts answer that it is possible, but to keep the ceiling fresh and keep clean, it is recommended to use a blue tooth.

How to align the ceiling with chalk in the picture:

  1. The napkins of the first layer are the transverse beam of light, which are included in the room from the window.
  2. When the first layer is dried, use the second layer.

    Towels are manufactured perpendicular to the direction of pre-processing.

  3. If necessary, use the third layer.
  4. Decorate the ceiling design.

Owners of apartments operating alone with the ceiling often face the problem of the appearance of lines, spots, bubbles and spots on the surface.

The result of the work largely depends on the quality of the material. Therefore, in order not to have arisen about what to do with errors, the coefficients should be taken into account when preparing a soft solution.

On the ceiling, which picked up lime, spots and departments appear. But this coating is more durable. That is why they prefer to bite lime anymore. The apple solution is prepared as follows: 0.4 kg of lime is diluted with 0.6 liters of water.

Sometimes add 5 g of salts and 1/3 tablespoons of dry oil to give water and strength. If you want white skin to be bluish, you need to add 25 grams of ultramarine.

This mixture is sufficient for 2.5 square meters of space.

As described lime whitening below:

  • Pour the ceiling with water slightly.
  • Pour the surface into two layers. In this case, the second layer refers to the dried first. It makes white wash longer.

After clogging a white flushing surface, you must use pure lime milk.

In water is diluted at a certain concentration, which depends on the ability of the coating to absorb moisture. The composition is not too thick. Otherwise, it will not be evenly distributed over the surface.

Alternative - water-based paint

If the surface is lined with ceiling tiles, background, then it is better to use water for lining. It's not hard. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

How to draw a surface with a roller or brush in the garage described below:

Here's how to shade the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner:

  • Bring a special nozzle to the vacuum cleaner, which squeezes the color composition;
  • mix color in a bucket and pour it into a glass;
  • attach the nozzle to the hose of the vacuum tube and secure it securely;
  • so the air does not leave, close the hole on the nozzle with your finger;
  • send a sprayer into the angle of the room and turn on the vacuum cleaner;
  • White bleaching is performed with circular motions.

Thus, there are various options for cladding the ceiling.

Some of them are suspended and stretched ceilings. Others prefer to insert wallpaper. The most economical, practical and easy to use is bleaching.

How to slam the ceiling on old white cakes?

It is made of chalk, lime mortar or water-based paint. To find out which option is most appropriate, you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each composition. If you know the rules of how white firing is done, even a novice can almost paint the ceiling with their own hands in accordance with the instructions.

Watch the video in the subject below.

Maxim Somin

How to whiten the ceiling

When the repair reaches the ceiling, the most interesting question is to pull or blame? The stretch ceiling allows you to give the will of fantasy, it can be enjoyed to order any color, texture, with a pattern or without, making multi-level, install built-in lamps, but most importantly - you do not need to take care of the surface preparation. However, the old good whitewash the ceiling also has its advantages!

For example, if you need to repair the room quickly and inexpensively or if you prefer environmentally friendly materials, the plains of the ceiling for you are the perfect option.

Wine or blot on an old whitewash?

If you make repairs in a new building with a rough finish, then all the preparation of the ceiling will be applied to putty.

But if the apartment is repaired not the first time, then something to do with the old coating.

Perhaps you have already thought about whether you can whitewash the ceiling on the old whitewash. This is possible, but it is worth considering that it is impossible to apply lime on the chalky whitewash, and on the contrary, it is impossible to cover the lime chalk - dirty divorces are formed.

To paint the chalk coating will not be released either, paint just fall off.

How to boil the ceiling - simple options for the transformation of a snow-white surface

If there are no cracks, stains and other explicit defects on the old whitelle, then in order to simply refresh the coating, it is enough to beat it over the old layer. All preparatory work at the same time will be reduced to carefully clean the ceiling from dust and cobwebs.

If the former coating was applied not qualitatively, somewhere passed or dropped, it is recommended, yet, completely removed it.

It is not difficult to remove the chalk blame to remove the limestone.

To understand how your ceiling is covered, just spend your finger on it. Finger white - Coverage of Cretaceous, lime whitewings leaves no traces.

The most common way to remove whitewash is flushing with warm water with a roller or sprayer and scraper.

After the old packed is completely removed, it is necessary to wash the ceiling thoroughly and wipe it dry.

Only then you can begin to cook and apply a fresh pawl layer.

How to break the ceiling in the room

We have already said that there are several variants of the material to whiten the ceiling. Let's choose the most suitable!

a piece of chalk

Cretaceous whitewash is still the most popular view of the ceiling coating.

This is an environmentally friendly and "breathable" material. Covered ceiling to become perfect white, straight shining. Of course, there are its drawbacks: moisture is afraid, dirty when touched, it can turn, creating a rather unpleasant dust.

Prepare the chalk solution is very easy and cheap: 10 liters of water, 5 kg of chalk, 50 g of joinery glue.

You can identify the desired consistency with a knife: while the solution is easy to flow from the blade, you need to add chalk to get the required viscosity. To completely eliminate the yellow shade, you can add blue.


The lime whiskers are not afraid of moisture, the truth has a very sharp smell and will dry for a long time.

Well closes fine cracks and cracks, has good bactericidal properties. Perfect white does not happen.

The solution is simply prepared: 2.5 kg of lime per 1 liter of water, 100 g of salts (pre-closed in water) and a little blue (already diluted).

The composition must be thoroughly mixed. To the resulting mass gradually add warm water. As a result, 9-10 liters of solution should be obtained. An allergic response to lime is possible.

Water-emulsion paint.

The water-level paint is an emulsion of water and another substance, depending on the properties of which the composition acquires certain characteristics - is amenable to cleaning or washing, it closes any spots, becoming resistant to the effects of temperature and direct sunlight.

Pros and Cons Painting Ceiling with water-level paint:


  • You do not have to be a professional, paint simply, and sometimes even interesting.
  • The stretch ceiling takes enough a lot of vertical space (5 or even 10 cm), the color does not take away anything;
  • You will need very little very simple and cheap tools;


  • The painted ceiling can be washed without negative consequences for coating only a few times;
  • If the neighbors flood you, yellow spots and divorces will appear on the ceiling, to eliminate which complete repainting will be required.

    Partially paint the ceiling of water-level paint can not be possible - it is impossible to accurately choose a shade;

  • Before painting, it will be necessary to conduct serious work to equalize the ceiling to get the perfect surface without small irregularities.

Types of waterfront paint:

  • acrylic paint - has increased wear resistance, well opposed abrasion and allows you to periodically wash the ceiling;
  • polyvinila acetate - the cheapest paint.

    Illegible. This ceiling wash fails. Also, it is impossible to use polyvinyl acetate paint in rooms with high humidity;

  • acrylo-latex - the most expensive coating for painting the ceiling. It aligns the surface as a putty, it can be washed, you can apply in wet rooms, for example in the kitchen or in the bathroom;
  • silicate - designed to apply for plaster, concrete, stone;
  • silicone - vapor permeable and resistant to fungus.

What you need to whiten the ceiling

Many tools and fixtures for whitewash ceiling will not need:

  • a container for the solution;
  • brush, roller or sprayer (choice);
  • gloves;
  • glasses to protect the eyes;
  • ladder.

Ceiling Pains

The solution is applied to the ceiling with brushes, roller or spacing.

Instead of the latter, a vacuum cleaner is sometimes used, this will require a suitable nozzle.

The ceiling whites layers. Before applying each layer, you must make sure that the previous layer is sufficient.

If you run the ceiling with a brush and roller, then first blame all uncomfortable places with a brush, then apply a whitewash on the main area of \u200b\u200bthe roller. Slide the layers perpendicular to each other. In this case, the penultimate layer must be perpendicular to the window, and the latter is applied from the window to the opposite wall.

When using a sprayer (vacuum cleaner or collapse), apply a solution slowly moving from one wall to another (opposite) circular motion.

How to paint the ceiling with snow, if it is covered with lime

With the onset of spring, many decide to update their home. Some make a major overhaul, and the second, they decide to simply cross the wallpaper and update the ceiling. This work is not at all difficult and does not require great effort, unless of course the ceiling canvas even has significant defects.

Here everything is simple, to close the mini flaw if they are available, and pinch them, and then paint the surface of the paint. An excellent option will be a snowy paint "Snowball". And how to paint the ceiling in the snow, if it is not at all new, has a lot of defects and besides, painted with lime, we will look at this article.

Positive sides of the paint "Snow

The snowball maker takes care that their covers will be in demand and characterized themselves from the best side.

Therefore, manufacturing paints, it cares for their materials can be used for different structural surfaces. In addition to wood, iron and concrete, snowball can be painted and ceilings. And how to paint the ceiling with snow, we look at a little lower.

Paints are environmentally friendly.

Price policy at the proper level in accordance with the quality of the goods.

There is a children's direction, the appointment of which rooms for children, bedrooms, school and pre-school institutions.

All products have quality certificates issued in Europe.

In addition to white and pastel tones, which produced production, a large range of other colors is produced.

Working with the "snowball" is quite simple.

Cooking the ceiling to paint

Before painting the ceiling with snowball, it follows its surface to prepare for this process.

Poles the ceiling on an old whitewash

Immediately note that it is impossible to put the paint on the layer of lime, so all the coating should be removed from the ceiling. In order to do this quickly, you should follow a certain technology.

We endure all the furniture from the room and cover the floor with polyethylene.

With the help of a sprayer, we apply warm water to the ceiling. In order for the process to go faster, divide the surface of the ceiling by 6 zones. The first part is abundantly sprayed with water, and after 20 minutes the process repeat on the first part, and also capture the second.

After another 20 minutes, it is possible to irrigate the second zone again, and the third, originally. So far, wet sections are fused, begin to shoot lime from the first plot. By such a scheme, we clean the entire ceiling.

The remaining areas are cleared with a sponge and water.

Now our ceiling appeared before us in its original form.

We give the surface to dry, and put the primer on it, the same brand as "snow".

The next step will be shtloving the surface of the ceiling by the starting mixture.

It is applied using a thin layer spatula.

After drying the putty, we drag the surface of the middle emery paper and again we are applied to the putty layer, only already the finish. When it dries, we produce grinding the ceiling with shallow sandpaper.

The final stage of preparatory work before painting is primer.

Pray the ceiling "Snowball"

The painting of the ceiling is not a complex process and if the preparatory work is made correctly, as a result, a high-quality ceiling canvas should turn out.

But before painting the ceiling in the snow, it follows it to dilute with water to the desired consistency. Cancel the ceiling follows three layers. The first is superimposed by the width of the room, the second, by its length. The last layer should be painted from the window to the door, it will provide an opportunity to overlap all flaws, and there will not be allocated spaces. After each staining, the ceiling area should dry. It should not be painted on a still ashes of the surface, otherwise the coating can be attached to the roller and disappear.

Tips that should be held

Follow the temperature at which it is possible to paint.

Paint should be applied only after the primer is dry.

Painting is produced in three layers.

Staining the cloth of the ceiling with a roller, keep the brush, for painting hard-to-reach areas.

Starting the painting of one layer, you should not interrupt the work.

It is necessary to add to the end to the end, otherwise the paint on dried plots and the layer is superimposed by the wet.

Kept the ceiling must in vivo, without heating and drafts.

How to repair the ceiling in the kitchen

Ceiling repair in the kitchen The case is very painstaking and a little unpleasant. And in the kitchen, remake something often, since the temperature and humidity constantly changes in this room, which is not good reflected on wallpaper and coatings.

You firmly decided to make repairs? Make! It should begin to start with the top - this is what is noted, and, and, in general, it is correct to start the alteration from top to bottom. This article is an instruction for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen.

We choose the material

First you need to decide on the finish material that you will use, decide on the kitchen style, so that everything is in your place and the top does not feel like a "white crow". Nowadays, a huge number of finishing methods is offered and they are all good in their own way.

Of course, it is good that you can choose from anything and can be implemented in the reality of any design. But the trouble is that when choosing a eye, they run in different directions.

Determining with the choice of ceiling coating, see first of all on that material that is not afraid of moisture drops and temperature. The kitchen constantly works the stove on which something is brewed.

And from the saucepan, valite couples, which increases moisture. If this is not taken into account, the surface may not withstand such a test. The following lists all the factors to which you need to watch when buying:

  • Resistance to moisture. The coating should not absorb moisture and somehow react to increased humidity;
  • Durability.

    The finish must simultane at least 5-7 years without any changes. Durability is, in turn, and the quality of the coating. Most likely, you do not want to rework every 2 years, so buying goods, look at its service life;

  • Fitness to cleaning.

    You still have to wipe the top from time to time so that it glisters as a new one, and was not a place for reproduction of microbes. Therefore, see such options that are not afraid of direct contact with water;

  • Design. Be sure to look at the product design so that it fit exactly into your interior, and in the future pleased your eyes with clarity of design.

Tools for painting ceiling

Choose the right finishing technology

  • You can paint the top of the waterproof room.

    Very good choice, since this coating is not afraid of moisture, it is inexpensive and does not require large volumes of paint.

  • The ceiling, like the wall in the kitchen, can be placed by wallpaper.

    Wallpaper is also a good choice, since they can be washed, if they are blocked. But occasionally it happens that they are partially dug in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gas stove, since there are hot steam on them.

  • The polystyrene tiles are a good choice, because they are not difficult to mount them to the ceiling, they are cheap, but for the years such a material can be blocked well.
  • Stretch ceiling.

    It turns out very beautiful, but only professionals are installed. The cost can scare, but the quality of such a finish is high. Moisture is not afraid, it is possible to wash, and it is not laeled almost.

  • Rack ceiling.

    How to whiten the ceiling without causing a master

    Very comfortable and beautiful in appearance, besides very quickly installed. For the kitchen, this option is probably the most suitable, as no moisture is afraid, no temperature and at any moment you can wipe from dust and dirt.

  • Ceiling with suspended plasterboard or any other suspended design. Also a very good choice for kitchen finishing, but do not forget that you need moisture-proof drywall or other material.

Cleaning the ceiling

Let's analyze a few examples of the repair of the kitchen ceiling.

Suppose you will paint or wanted to take the top with wallpaper:

  • First you need to remove the old structure (if any), close all cracks and correct irregularities with putty and sickle tape. The operation will have to be performed repeatedly until complete alignment. Attention! The new layer of putty can only be laid after complete drying of the previous layer;
  • After drying, treat the entire surface with sandpaper.

    The surface must be perfectly smooth, without any defects;

  • Only after that you can safely paint or glue wallpaper;
  • Glue wallpaper is very difficult especially if there is some kind of drawing.

    So that the drawing coincided, it is necessary to numbered all parts in advance;

  • Sut wallpaper with a margin. It is better to cut a little more, and then cut off than to make a 2 cm and throw out;
  • During the adhesive of wallpaper and during their drying, you must eliminate the presence of drafts.

Stowing wallpaper on the ceiling

Installation of the suspended ceiling

For the kitchen, the most appropriate option is a suspended design with PVC panels.

  • On the perimeter of the kitchen, a P-shaped guide is installed;
  • Marking and set the suspensions by means of a dowel;
  • It remains only to establish transverse, docking and longitudinal profiles that are inserted into the ends into the guides;
  • Install PVC panels.

The manual is brief, as all designs have their own nuances, but the installation principle is the same.


There is no cheaper option than to whiten the ceiling in the kitchen.

On this advantages of this method of finishing end.

  • Remove the old coating layer, otherwise stains and divorces may appear;
  • Prepare a solution. A slightly joinery glue is advised to add to the solution so that the coating takes place a strong state;
  • Moisten the surface.

    So the whits will sit down much better;

  • After the first three points, you can safely begin the whitewash. Do not forget to protect the floor from the solution, as well as your own head.

Ceiling over the kitchen


This instruction shows one of the most popular types of ceiling repair of the kitchen with their own hands.

Most likely, now you will do it successfully. The main thing is to choose the appropriate and high-quality material that needs to be well installed.

During the repair, we face various types of finishes, one of which is the whitening the ceiling. If the repair is not performed in the new home, and the previously decorated, often the need to remove old finishing materials.

The ceiling is no exception. With the final finish, depending on the material possibilities, the appointment of the room and can be used by the following compositions: water-level paint, chalk, lime mortar.


How to whitewashing the ceiling on an old whitewash interests very many, since the removal of chalk clearing though does not require serious material costs, but it causes household inconvenience.

Is it possible to break the ceiling on an old whitewash?

We will immediately say: carry out any finishing work, except for a frame, not removing the chalk, it is extremely not desirable. This is due to the fact that the glasses prevent the adhesion of the new material with the basis, which can lead to detachments, swollen and other undesirable consequences. But if there is no other way out, consider the better to produce a ceiling whitewash and how best to do it.

First of all, we find out where to bleach the ceiling, without flushing the blotch, it is impossible:

  1. The presence of non-selected cracks.
  2. The presence of spots, especially rusty, or not treated fungus.
  3. Multiple previous whitewashing.
  4. Not a dense grip with the basis of the old layer.

If you are dealing with such a position, better. However, there are cases at which it is possible to either completely leave it, or to conduct its partial repair:

  1. The thickness of the old layer is minimal, or not significant.
  2. There is no shower of blots and other detachments.
  3. The ceiling does not need additional repairs.

In these cases, it is enough or simply to treat the surface of the acrylic primer of deep penetration or to carry out local repairs, to progress and you can begin the ceiling whitewash.

Before starting finishing works, you must necessarily follow these steps:

  1. Depending on your situation, or delete the old blame, or perform the necessary local repairs. Of particular danger are spots, protruding fittings and various mold cultures.
  2. With the help of chalk or plaster powders, remove small defects, and if necessary, fully treat the ceiling.
  3. Completely led by its acrylic primer.
  4. Wait for drying and proceed to painting.

Poles the ceiling with a waterproof roller

You can use or, as well as a simple painting brush. If we are talking about whitewashing the sea ceiling, it is necessary to take into account its type, so, the chalk coating cannot be covered with the water makeup, the ceiling is necessary, or removed to the base, but lime and old latex coatings are sufficiently primed by acrylic primer. Followed by:

  • Pour the water-emulsion composition in the cuvette.
  • Mock the cushion into the cuvette, and, evenly distributing the paint on the fur coat, flow the excess of paint.
  • The whits of the first layer of paint produced depending on the parameters of the ceiling with such a calculation so that the second layer is as possible, along it.
  • Hold the time specified by the paint manufacturer.
  • After that, you can bother the second layer.
  • Getting Started Potions of the ceiling in places of docking with walls.

If you are going to break the ceiling, consider: the smallest consumption will be using a sprayer, but this method requires special professional skills and special equipment. In addition, the paint should be without lumps and more liquid, so its shelter ability decreases. From positive moments, you can note the uniformity of painting and the absence of strips.

How to beat the ceiling chalk

First of all, for this you need to prepare a chalk solution and strain it thoroughly. The usual proportion is prepared: for 10 liters of water 5kg chalk and 50g joinery glue, you can add a little blue.

The technology of ceiling ceiling with chalk does not differ from the application of the water-generation composition, apply the chalk composition to a smooth layer, wait for complete drying and repeat the process. In the case of applying it to the ceiling by the sprayer, the application of the second layer can be avoided by paving duration, but be sure to achieve uniformity of the coating.

Such a coating will have a pleasant matte structure, it is much cheaper, but it has its own drawbacks, with time, the chalk coating may turn, it is not resistant to wear and high humidity.

How to whiten the ceiling of lime

The limestral solution has sufficient moisture resistance, besides this, they may be hidden small ceiling defects, cracks and cracks are strengthened. Also, the lime has antibacterial properties, which makes it suitable for work in rooms with elevated dampness.

A significant disadvantage of a lime solution is the ability to cause allergies. And slowed over compared to the chalk duration of drying.

The plains of the ceiling of lime are made in the same way as chalky, however, compliance with the more stringent security measures, due to the characteristics of the most lime solution, can cause allergies, and it is more dangerous for the eyes.

Thus, we looked at several options, how to whitewash the ceiling with water-made paint, lime, chalk. Which one to choose is to solve you, but still remember that if you have the opportunity to remove the old whitewash, it is better to do it.