Why the letter is called lowercase. Uppercase

Capital letters

Uppercase uppercase letters - letters that are increased in size relative to lowercase letters. Often they have a different grapheme.

In many languages, they are used at the beginning of the first word of a sentence, at the beginning of proper nouns or nouns, often at the beginning of each line of a poetic text. Caps are often used to highlight. So, for example, in headings, words or whole phrases can consist only of capital letters.

The division into uppercase and lowercase letters is present in the Greek alphabet and the Latin and Cyrillic letters that arose on its basis, as well as in the Armenian alphabet. In many alphabets (Arabic alphabet, Hebrew alphabet, Georgian alphabet, Korean alphabet, Glagolitic alphabet, Indian alphabets, Thai alphabet and many others) letters are not divided into uppercase and lowercase.

see also

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See what “Uppercase” is in other dictionaries:

    capital letters - (Upper Case, Uc) See Uppercase Letters ... Font terminology

    Uppercase - Letters that differ from lowercase in height, and sometimes in style. In capital letters they write the first word in the sentence, proper names and other words, in accordance with the spelling of the language. The English name comes from the fact that in ... ...

    - (uppercase) letters that differ from lowercase (see Lowercase letters) in height and sometimes in style (for example, Russian “A”, “B”, “G”; Latin G, Q, R). With P. b. write the first word at the beginning of the sentence, proper names, various headings ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Uppercase - Uppercase letters of most alphabets, which differ from lowercase letters in a larger size, as well as a different style of individual letters ... Brief Explanatory Dictionary of Printing

    - (uppercase), letters that differ from lowercase in height and sometimes in style (for example, Russian “A”, “B”, lat. G, Q). Capitalize the first word in the sentence, proper names and other words in accordance with the spelling of the language ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat., from uncia inch). Uppercase in inches. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. UNCTIONAL LETTERS lat. unciales sc. litterae, from uncia, the twelfth, that is, an inch. Capital letters,… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    For lowercase letters, see minuscule. Lowercase letters are letters that are smaller than uppercase. Used in European alphabets (Greek, Latin, Cyrillic and Armenian). For example, the letter “a” is lowercase, and the letter “A” is capitalized ... ... Wikipedia

    The concept of capital letters has two meanings: A capital letter is a printed sample of a letter for manual writing, which is mainly used in the copybooks of a special notebook for elementary school students. A capital letter is a capital letter ... Wikipedia

    - (uppercase) letters that differ from lowercase in height and sometimes in style (e.g., Russian A, B, Latin G, Q). Capitalize the first word in the sentence, proper names and other words in accordance with the spelling of the language ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Latin alphabet Type: consonantly vocalistic Languages: Originally Latin, languages \u200b\u200bof Western and Central Europe, some languages \u200b\u200bof Asia, many languages \u200b\u200bof Africa, America, Australia and Oceania Place of origin: Italy Territory ... Wikipedia

The word "register" came to us from the time of typewriters. It was a special key, when turned on, the printing of capital letters was switched to uppercase.

In fact, in our time, little has changed for the keyboard of personal computers and the shift register is now performed by the “Shift” and “Caps Lock” keys.

How to change the case in Word

In addition to the key on the keyboard, there are several commands in the menu ribbon to switch case. To see them, you need to open the tab "Home" and find the command "Register" in the toolbar "Font". The following items are part of this team:

  • As in the sentences. The command replaces the first letter in each sentence with an uppercase, and all others automatically become lowercase.
  • All lower case. After enabling this command, the entire selected fragment consists of only small (lowercase) letters.
  • All uppercase. This command replaces all letters with uppercase (lowercase) letters.
  • Start with capital letters. A command to write each word with a capital letter.
  • Change case. This command inverts letters, i.e. changes all letters to the opposite.

In addition, the Word editor has the ability to change the case of individual letters and assign them upper or lower case. Very useful when working with mathematical or chemical formulas.

You can change the case of letters to upper or lower, on the "Home" tab, the "Font" block with the same buttons:

  • Subscript;
  • Superscript

With the theoretical part, perhaps enough, let's get down to practice and with a few examples, we will figure out how the case change works.

How to make small letters large

It is not always possible to predict which register is appropriate in a particular case. Fortunately, a feature is provided in Word that can be used to convert small letters to large.

This procedure is performed using the tools in the ribbon of the Home menu, or using the Font advanced settings window.

Let us consider in more detail how the conceived in practice is carried out.

Uppercase lowercase letters

The function of replacing lowercase with capital letters at the scale of the entire text or fragment is useful to use to fill out questionnaires and other official documents, where there is an instruction to write data using capital letters. And also to highlight fragments of text, which should be paid special attention to the reader.

To make the text in capital letters, you must fulfill the conditions:

  1. Select the text to be converted.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab, in the “Font” section, click on the arrow of the “Register” button (looks like “Aa”);
  3. From the list of available options, select “All uppercase”.

Note. You can change the letters to uppercase if, after selecting a fragment or a document, put a daw in the line “All uppercase”. To find it, you must follow the command selection chain: “Home” → “Font” (arrow in the lower right corner) → Font window → “Modify” → “All uppercase”.

This command replaces all text with letters of standard size.

If you want the text to be typed in capital letters, but their height matches the size of lowercase letters, you can put a daw in front of the line "small uppercase" in the advanced settings window "Font".

Capitalize the first letter automatically

When typing text quickly, typos slip through every now and then. One of the most common is the lowercase first letter of the new sentence.

In Word, it is possible to automatically replace the first letter from lowercase to uppercase. Converting only the first letter of a word to a capital letter can be performed using two tools from the Register command:

  1. Select the desired text fragment.
  2. In the "Home" tab, find the "Register" tool and select "Start with capital letters" from the possible options.

This tool is used for text that uses proper names, or other words, the spelling of which begins with a capital letter.

When the text is not case-sensitive, but there is a beginning and an end to the sentence (there are dots at the end of the sentence), you can change the case from small letters to uppercase if you apply the “Like in sentences” command to such text.

Remove auto-capitalization of the first letter

To remove the automatic conversion of the first letter of each sentence to uppercase when entering text, you need to change the default auto-replace settings:

  1. Open the “AutoCorrect: Russian” window: “File” → “Options” → “Spelling” → “AutoCorrect Options”;
  2. In the window, open the "AutoCorrect" tab and uncheck the line "Make the first letters of sentences capital."

How to make capital letters small in Word

Replacing uppercase letters with lowercase is used in cases where the Caps Lock key is accidentally pressed, or you need to change the font size or type.

For examples, we will understand how this is implemented.

Superscript and subscript

Sometimes it is required that individual words or characters be located above or below the main line of a line in a document. For example, the designation of mathematical degrees, chemical elements. In the corporate document flow, explanations for blank lines are also written in superscript to separate them from the main text.

You can configure the display of a superscript as follows:

  1. Select text or individual letters to change;
  2. Open the “Font” advanced settings window (“Home” → “Font” → arrow in the lower right corner);
  3. In the section "Modification" put a daw in the line "superscript".

Note: this tool is also located on the menu ribbon in the "Font" section or is activated by pressing the three keys "Ctrl" + "Shift" ++.

To display the interlinear view of writing text, you must perform the same algorithm, but just put a daw in front of the line "interlinear", or press the key combination "Ctrl" + \u003d.

Change font size

A large letter can be changed to a small one, you can reduce the font size without changing the case of the letters. To perform a quick change to a smaller font, you need to use the “Reduce Size” tool, which is located in the “Home” menu ribbon in the “Font” section.

It looks like "A ▼". Works for selected text, or for text typed after clicking on the specified button. Each press decreases the font by 0.5 pt.

You can increase the font using the “Increase Font” tool, which is located on the menu bar next to the “Decrease Font” tool and looks like “A ▲”. Increases the font by 0.5 pt.

Capitalize lowercase

When the Caps Lock key is accidentally turned on, and after that the text is mistakenly typed, then you do not need to re-type it. In this case, the use of the “Change Register” function will effectively and quickly correct the situation.

Using this function, you can convert uppercase letters to lowercase and then, lowercase letters will be capitalized, and uppercase letters will be lowercase.

You can also find this function in the list of options for replacing the Register tool.

In order for the selected text to be written in lowercase in full, it is necessary to use the “all lowercase” tool (“Home” → “Font” → “Register”) after selecting the text.

Uppercase and lowercase letters are letters used daily for writing. The first is the capital letter (large), and the second is smaller in size (small).

A bit of history

Initially, when writing, they were used only for which the boundaries (upper and lower) were clearly defined. Over time, cursive writing developed, letters took on a more rounded shape. So the basics of the so-called Carolingian minuscule writing, which was developed by the scientist Alcuin, arose. They used it at the court of Charlemagne, and over time this letter spread throughout Europe. So for the first time a single text began to contain lowercase and capital letters.

Uppercase and lowercase letters

The use of uppercase and lowercase letters is one of the most difficult problems of modern Russian spelling. A constant change in reality entails a change in the spelling of these letters. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly study new editions of directories and dictionaries, which must necessarily reflect such innovations.

But, despite this, there are basic principles for the use of uppercase and lowercase letters. They help to understand the spelling of capital and small letters, even if some word in the dictionary is missing.

Capitalization Rules

With a capital letter are written:

Lowercase rules

A lowercase letter is written if it is a component:

  • articles, prepositions, particles in Western European names and (Ludwig van Beethoven);
  • personal names that pursue the goal of an ironic or negative assessment (newly appeared puddles);
  • nouns formed from surnames and personal names (Oblomovism);
  • components of Turkic and Arabic names that indicate kinship or social status (al, zade, bey, yeah);
  • names of units of measure that were given by the name of the scientist (amperes);
  • the words earth, moon, sun, which are not astronomical names;
  • suffix adjectives -sk-, denoting affiliation, formed from proper names (Chekhov pages);
  • titles and ranks (deputy minister, mayor);
  • abbreviations formed from common nouns (university - higher education institution).

Also, a lowercase letter is written in the names:

  • geological eras and periods, archaeological cultures and eras (Mesozoic era);
  • positions and titles, international organizations, as well as the highest foreign elected institutions (Emperor of Japan, Major General, Ambassador);
  • plural authorities (ministries of Russia);
  • animal breeds (keeshond dog);
  • institutions whose names are not proper names (school No. 592).

Lowercase and uppercase principles

Having studied the above rules, you can identify the basic principles on the basis of which lowercase and uppercase letters are used. So:

  • The allocation of specific segments of sentences (text) is a syntactic principle.
  • Highlighting certain words in the text:

1) A lowercase letter is written in capital - in proper names - the morphological principle.

2) A capital letter is written in common names, endowed with special symbols or pathetics (Man, Fatherland), in the names of the holidays (New Year, Victory Day) - the semantic principle.

3) A capital letter is used in abbreviations made up of the first letters.

Need to distinguish

As already mentioned, a lowercase letter is written in the names of adjectives that contain a suffix -sk-denoting affiliation and formed from proper names. Therefore, "Pushkin's prose" is written with a small letter. But with a suffix -sk-that have a name in honor of someone’s memory are capitalized. For example, "Lomonosov readings."

Word: lowercase and uppercase letters

In connection with the rapid development of information technology, Microsoft Office Word, which is practically indispensable in the labor and educational process, gained wide popularity. But few people know how to make lowercase letters from capital letters and vice versa with one click of certain keys.

So, write the following text in capital letters:


Now you need to select the text and press the Schift and F3 keys simultaneously. After that we will succeed:

After pressing the combination of these keys again, we get the following:

"Lowercase Letters of the Russian Alphabet".

And to return to the source text, you must press Schift + F3 again.

Hello everyone, dear readers and visitors of this resource. In today's short article, I will tell you what lowercase and capital letters are in the password created for your iOS-based mobile gadget: iPhone or iPad.

Uppercase and lowercase letters

The lowercase letters in the iPhone are the letters written in lower case, i.e. small letters. For example, the following letters are lowercase, written in lowercase: a, b, c.

Uppercase letters are letters written in upper case, i.e. uppercase, capital letters. For example, the following letters are uppercase, written in upper case: A, B, C.

I hope you understand what lowercase and uppercase letters mean when creating a password for your mobile iOS gadget, whether it's an iPhone or an iPad.

How to enable uppercase letters

In order to enable capitalization, you need to do the following:

The security of your Apple account directly depends on the reliability and quality of your password. I think it’s not worth reminding how important this is, i.e. a credit card is attached to your Apple account, and its security is above all. So pay maximum attention to the security and strength of the password. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Any password must consist of lowercase, uppercase letters, as well as special characters (for example, the% sign). If this condition is met, cracking your password through brute force will be almost impossible;
  2. The password should not be tied to your data and dates. For example, some people like to make passwords derived from birthdays or birthdays of loved ones. In no case should you do this, because attackers will pick up passwords of this type in the first place;
  3. Change passwords from your account as often as possible. This simple action will nullify all actions aimed at selecting your password before replacing it. Do not be lazy, safety is above everything, the more you can do it, literally, in a few minutes;
  4. Be sure to use antivirus software. This simple tip, and most importantly its implementation, will help you increase the security level of your password and your Apple account. Also, for security reasons, I do not recommend you save your passwords in a browser.

That's all for me, if you have any questions regarding today's material, you can ask them in the comments on this post. See you in the following articles.

In specific rules that have a syntactic basis, capital letters are made dependent on punctuation marks. But there are also such names in which only the first word is written with a capital letter: Moscow State University. Of particular note are cases of capitalization of whole words. Initial-letter abbreviations are written in capital letters: UN, NTR, ATS, etc.

An uppercase letter, or initial, is the element with which the text begins. In antiquity, it was distinguished by painting. Another name for this element is an initial letter. Medieval tradition influenced the style and fonts. Today, the initial letter is a simple element of decorating a book publication.

An interesting fact is that not everyone in the world has entered capital letters in their spelling. Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished only in Greeks, Latins, Armenians, as well as in Cyrillic spelling. Uppercase letters are written in the text according to certain spelling rules. Unlike uppercase, lowercase letters in the text are much larger, because they are much more often used and used by default (an exception is those cases in which capital is written according to the rules). All those letters that do not fall under the rules for using capital letters are arranged on one line, which is why they are called "lowercase". The size. The uppercase (capital) letter is approximately twice as large in size as the other letters (lowercase). For example, the letter “a” will be lowercase in this case, and “A” will be uppercase. ”

§2. Letter C

We begin to write the letter from the middle of the additional line. It differs from the capital letter only in size. Combine the capital and lowercase letters C, with other letters we will be the same. Top connection: lead the end of the letter to the top line of the working line, from where the next letter will be written. The bottom connection is not separately written out.

But few people know how to make lowercase letters from capital letters and vice versa with one click of certain keys. CAPITAL LETTERS OF RUSSIAN ALPHABET. "

In German writing, all nouns are written with a capital letter, in English they are used at the beginning of each full-valued word in the headings. Lower case letters, letters of usual sizes and styles, contrasted with capital letters in modern scripts on a Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Armenian graphic basis.

Uppercase letters in a special stylistic use

Uppercase, or capital letter is a letter whose size is increased compared to smaller, lowercase, ordinary letters. The concepts of "lowercase letters" and "capital letters" should be distinguished very clearly, otherwise there may be utter confusion in your letter. A capital letter is a capital letter, that is, large in size. Lowercase letters are those. which are written in a line, since we mainly write in small letters, then lowercase letters are ordinary, small size letters. Uppercase letters are not capital (or uppercase) letters, but they have a handwriting, designed for continuous writing.

In many languages, capital letters are used at the beginning of the first word of a sentence, at the beginning of proper nouns or nouns, often at the beginning of each line of a poetic text. So, for example, in headings, words or entire phrases can consist only of capital letters. Capital letters or a combination of uppercase and lowercase can be written abbreviations. The division into uppercase and lowercase letters is present in the Greek, Latin, Armenian alphabet, as well as in the Cyrillic alphabet.

For example, this can be seen in the letters A, B, E, in the variant of lower case letters they will look: a, b, e. Differences in spelling are noticeable. In some languages \u200b\u200bthere is no division into lowercase and uppercase letters, as for example it is not in the Georgian letter.

Let's move from history to the practical use of capital letters in texts. At the beginning of the words designating posts, both capital and lowercase letters are used. It all depends on the context.

Spelling the names of the holidays

Uppercase (large, capital) letter is used in two different functions. For this purpose, the first word of the text is written with a capital letter, as well as the first word after the period, ellipsis, question mark and exclamation point ending the sentence. Secondly, an uppercase letter is used to highlight individual words, regardless of the structure of the text. Proper names can be used to generically denote homogeneous objects, becoming a household word; in this case, the capital letter in many cases is replaced by a lowercase.

The difficulty is also spelling the names of the holidays. Immediately make a reservation that only the first words of the name are written with a capital letter. An uppercase letter is also written in date names that begin with a number. So, the correct option is March 8th.

The name of the organization itself, of course, is included in the section “Capitalized Words”. It can consist of several words, when writing which you must also refer to the rules of grammar.

12.1. Names of elected institutions are written with a lowercase letter. 15. The first word in the names of historical eras and events is capitalized.

Teacher's Day, Days of Slavic writing and culture. Kalke (but: Battle of the Nations, 1813). The word year is also written in names such as the year of the Snake, the year of the Dragon. Perov, Oginsky polonaise (but: Palace of Congresses, Palace of Nations). The USSR capitalizes all words except the word order, for example: the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the October Revolution.

Adjectives in n, which are part of names that have the meaning of "name of such and such." The first word and all proper names in the names of congresses and congresses. The first word and proper names in the compound names of the most important documents, state laws, architectural monuments, works of art.

The letter C was the fairest, most radiant, happiest letter of the Russian alphabet. Oh, I understood, I understood - you can’t do without you in the Russian alphabet! The capital letter C is written in proper names, which include: first names, patronymics, last names of people, animal names and geographical names.