Why do people drink alcohol so often? Reasons for drinking alcohol

Most people who drink alcohol change their behavior drastically. They seem to have no sense of fear at all. That is why fights between drunk people are very common. Aggression can cause even a minor event.

Experts identify several categories of citizens who belong to a special risk zone. Aggression mainly appears in chronic alcoholics, in persons suffering from certain mental illnesses and in those who have been depressed for a long time.

A situation familiar to many, when after drinking alcohol it is difficult to remember the events that have occurred, this is a serious disease, which in medicine is called Korsakov's disease.

Alcohol, entering the human body within a short period of time, spreads from the stomach throughout the body, while getting into the brain and having an adverse effect on the central nervous system. Experts have proven that when drinking 100 g of an alcoholic drink, several thousand nerve cells die. With severe intoxication, the human brain gradually decreases in size, all reflexes and intelligence are largely impaired. The courage that appears under the influence of alcohol is a violation of thinking. The brain is simply not able to "think" about actions, their consequences and assess situations adequately.

Scientists have proven that excessive alcohol consumption causes brain toxicity. Due to this impact is gradual as a person. The consequence of such a process can be both uncontrolled aggression and a desire to end life.

According to legend, God Deonis first planted a vine in a bird bone, then in a lion and a donkey. Alcohol turns a person first into a "merry bird", then into a "fearless lion", and then into a "stupid donkey".

Stages of the effects of alcohol on a person

A person's behavior under the influence of alcohol can change several times in a fairly short period of time. First, vigor and courage appear in the body. This is primarily due to the action of ethyl alcohol. In minimal quantities, this substance is able to relieve a person from feeling tired, from pain and give so-called lightness.

At the second stage, the components of alcohol penetrate into the blood vessels and begin an active movement to the brain. At this point, a component similar to adrenaline is produced in the human body. This factor causes not only courage, but also aggression. A person tries in every way to be in the center of attention, he hears sounds more clearly and is in an extremely relaxed state.

The third stage is protest. Any remarks or criticism in the direction of an intoxicated person cause him to have a fit of rage. The brain at this moment is in the so-called state of hypnosis. The work of the nervous system is disrupted, which causes an almost complete lack of sensitivity.

The final stage of the impact of alcohol is awareness of their actions. It should be noted that such a moment is quite rare. It depends solely on the individual factors of a person's life.

Fraudsters and dishonest individuals using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming techniques can be found in almost any large city. And often not the most stupid people fall under their influence. To resist hypnotists, use the advice of psychologists.


Do not allow suspicious individuals to invade your personal space - without visual contact, hypnotic influence is impossible. Most often, hypnotists attract attention under the pretext of discovering an important secret, removing damage. In this case, do not be afraid to be impolite with strangers - leave immediately. Sometimes scammers ask for an insignificant favor, for example, to show you the way, give you a light, etc. If you decide to help - avoid looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Recognize the hypnotist at the initial stage of communication. Most likely, he will use neurolinguistic methods of inducing a trance state. Among these methods are mirroring body position, adjusting the conversation to your breathing rhythm (the hypnotist speaks on the exhalation of the interlocutor), monotonous speech, forcing you to make an instant decision, repeating the same information until it becomes meaningless to you, incomprehensible gestures , manipulation of shiny objects. To maintain eye contact with your eyes, the hypnotist may begin to hold you physically, grabbing your hands.

Interrupt the hypnotic influence if the conversation has already begun. Such signs as a sudden sympathy for a stranger, an unreasonable feeling of guilt in front of him, drowsiness, and dullness of consciousness should alert you. One of the most effective methods is an annoying song. Start humming some hit to yourself, in extreme cases - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." As soon as you turn your attention to the lyrics of the song, the impact on your sensory system will stop. In addition to the song, in this case, reading poetry, prayers, counting down helps. Most importantly, stop delving into the speech of the hypnotist and start listening to yourself.

“Build” a wall between yourself and the interlocutor if you are forced to communicate with a hypnotist, for example, at work. While talking, imagine a pile of bricks and cement mortar. "Take" these building materials and "erect" a solid wall between you and the hypnotist, trying to fully concentrate on this work. A closed posture will also help you interrupt the hypnotic effect when talking with a colleague or boss - cross your arms and legs, lower your eyes.

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Useful advice

If you're going to a place where you might meet gypsies or other hypnotic scammers, put on your sunglasses and turn on the music on your walkman.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that destroys the psyche and body of the drinking person. Relatives of an alcoholic live in constant stress, as a result of which they also develop nervous disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, we can safely call alcoholism a disease from which not only the patient himself suffers, but also all household members.

You will need

  • - vitamins;
  • - St. John's wort.


If sick alcoholism is in the stage, he will get out of this state. This can be done in a specialized clinic or at home. The main task is to eliminate from and the products of its decay, as well as to restore the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The treatment phase will take from three to ten days (depending on the severity of the condition). sick).

Then, outpatient rehabilitation therapy is carried out, which is aimed at normalizing the work of all organs and systems affected after long-term alcohol consumption. The doctor prescribes vitamins, antidepressants, antioxidants and physiotherapy. With consent sick the doctor may conduct anti-relapse therapy (coding or other methods). Remember what to cure

Alcohol addiction is a problem not only for the family, but for the whole society. Now we can see how strong this problem is and how big it is. But what are the reasons for the uncontrolled intake of strong drinks and what consequences can this entail? Let's take a closer look.

What drives people who drink alcohol in large quantities and often? Why do they even drink it? Perhaps even inveterate drunkards who are unable to live a day without vodka can hardly answer this question. Most often, such vague explanations are given, which are hardly true. A hard life, difficult circumstances, a way to relax - all these are just excuses, usually designed to hide the true reason. Let's try to figure out the reasons that may prompt this. And it’s worth starting with those people who, almost from childhood, can embark on a slippery slope.

Aspects of. How to recognize predisposition?

Often people judge prejudicedly about children from disadvantaged families who drink. And, unfortunately, such judgments often turn out to be true. According to statistics, a greater percentage of citizens who drink alcohol have close relatives with alcohol addiction. Why do people drink it, knowing that such drinks carry so much negativity? Here the psychological aspect and upbringing play an important role, since from an early age a person still absorbs this way of “relaxing” and avoiding problems.

It has also been proven that addiction can be recognized already at school. If you say that most often drunkards become losers, you will be right, but not completely. Alcohol is also dangerous for excellent students, who are usually busy with cramming and participate little in everyday life with their peers. Such people are not ready for the future life, because they do not delve into the knowledge that is presented to them, but only memorize it. Why do people drink alcohol in this case? The main answer is disappointment in life. The world turns out not to be the way teachers present it, and expectations are not justified.

But many losers who, after school, have not found their place in life, usually also embark on such a slippery path, thus trying to relax, find friends and occupy themselves.

Main reasons

Why do people start drinking alcohol? There are many answers to this question. All of them, as a rule, are joyless. Most often, it is the following reasons that become a springboard for the development of this kind of addiction:

  • Deprivation of the opportunity to do what you love. In many cases, this is what causes it. As evidence, we can take the example of forgotten artists, since almost all of them begin to drink.
  • Idleness. It has been proven that people who are not passionate about anything start drinking alcohol much faster than any other people.
  • Lack of orientation in life, desires, aspirations.
  • Environment. In fact, it plays one of the most important roles, since a person who constantly communicates with people who drink will soon gradually become “one of their own” in their company.
  • Disappointment in life. This point can also be called the main one. Unjustified hopes, excessive ambitions - this can lead a person into a pit called "alcohol addiction". Unfortunately, only the strongest can get out of it.
  • Warmth in the cold. Indeed, those who work in unheated rooms often drink alcohol to keep warm. However, such an addiction can be addictive, which is why a person will drink it even in warm weather.
  • Losses. This can include both the loss of loved ones, and material ones - a house, a business.
  • Congenital low tone. In some people, the production of endorphins is disrupted, which is why they are constantly in a depressed mood. Why such people drink alcohol is clear, because alcohol can completely replace the production of this hormone.

When alcohol has already taken its place in a person's life and replaced all hobbies, the problem gradually develops into a disease. Dealing with it is much more difficult, but many will say that there is nothing difficult in this, it is enough just to stop drinking at last. However, not everything can be as simple as it seems. In a drinking person, over time, the chemical processes of the body are adjusted so that he experiences a state of euphoria and happiness only at the moments of drinking alcohol. The self-production of hormones responsible for this gradually stops, which causes prolonged and severe depression that a person experiences. Therefore, one of the reasons why people drink alcohol is precisely raising their spirits, avoiding a bad mental and physical state. However, in the case of a complete rejection of alcohol, the production system in the body gradually returns to normal.

Causes of teenage alcoholism

Oddly enough, but it is traditions that play the most serious role in shaping the idea among people that a celebration that takes place without alcohol cannot be a full-fledged holiday. Why does such an idea arise and, most importantly, where does it come from? The source of the problem lies in the habit of putting a child at a common festive table, where juice is poured into his glass and he, clinking glasses with everyone, feels like an adult. Before adolescence, exposure to alcohol can be casual, but the older the child gets, the more it is allowed. Alcohol can also be attributed to this statement, because parents sometimes allow him to drink in small quantities on holidays. Based on this, children form the idea of ​​alcohol as something forbidden, but very important.

As a rule, people start drinking strong drinks from adolescence. What could be the reason? After all, neither disappointments, nor, as a rule, losses, they still experience in full. Indeed, the motives are somewhat different from adults. Most often it is:

  1. Unwillingness to lag behind peers, look like a "black sheep" and be the object of ridicule;
  2. A remedy for shyness. Quite often, strong drinks are taken by teenagers for courage, thus getting rid of internal fears;
  3. The need for new sensations, following traditions;
  4. The desire to get rid of boredom, diversify life. This reason has the greatest impact on children who live in rural areas, since their leisure usually turns out to be not only not formed, but can even be absent altogether;
  5. Self-assertion. In an attempt to prove something (including their adulthood) to their peers or parents, teenagers also often start drinking;
  6. Liberation from experiences, a way to survive alienation during a difficult age, when the child considers himself abandoned.

Types of addiction

It is customary to divide alcohol addiction into several stages:

  • Alpha alcoholism. This is the initial stage of the disease and it is expressed in psychological dependence on alcohol. Often it becomes a way of avoiding problems, a means of improving mood.
  • This is alcoholism. It is also a psychological type of addiction, but drinking occurs already in companies. At the same time, prepositions of tradition, holidays and any other occasions are often used. A characteristic difference is that any celebration and celebration will definitely be associated with strong drinks.
  • Iota-alcoholism. In this case, a person is driven by the same motives - the desire to relax, to move away from reality. But in this case, neurotic manifestations are already noticeable, when alcohol is necessary to relieve stress and fears.
  • Kappa alcoholism. In this case, alcohol acts as a means of getting rid of mental problems, or when experiences are psychotic in nature.
  • Epsilon alcoholism. Strong drinks in this case are taken quite rarely, but they are intense in nature, they can be long (binge drinking). In the normal state, people, as a rule, do not experience strong cravings for alcohol.
  • Gamma alcoholism. Alcohol acts as a catalyst for "uncontrolled drunkenness" when, after the first dose, memory abruptly breaks off and the person no longer remembers the entire chain of events.
  • Zeta alcoholism. A form in which frequent, but small amounts of strong drinks are used. Loss of self-control, as a rule, does not occur.
  • Delta alcoholism. At this stage, a person feels the need to constantly be in a state of intoxication, physically dependent on alcohol intake. In this case, there may be no pronounced signs of intoxication. A characteristic feature is the possibility of a secretive course of the disease, when during the day a person gradually takes beer, wine and other low-alcohol drinks.

beer alcoholism

Usually, people do not consider beer a harmful drink at all, believing that if the degree of alcohol in it is low, then it can be consumed uncontrollably, since this will not entail serious consequences. However, many experts argue that beer is much more dangerous than even vodka. This is explained not only by the presence of alcohol in it, but also by cobalt, which can destroy the esophagus, heart, and stomach. Some of its components also provoke the death of brain cells. Along with this, the rapid development of psychological dependence is characteristic, which is why not only the need for alcohol intake increases every day, but also to increase its dose.

The peculiarity of this type of alcoholism lies in the fact that a person usually does not recognize the due seriousness of an alcoholic drink, considering it to be very weak and incapable of greatly affecting health. At the same time, it gradually begins to affect not only the personality, causing changes in her behavior, psychological deviations, but also affects the reproductive system in women, and potency in men.

The consequences of excessive intake of beer can be colon cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. The heart eventually becomes loose, unable to pump blood.


Alcohol is not able to have a beneficial effect on any organ. Even on appetite, contrary to the recommendations, it affects badly, gradually starting to block normal digestion. With prolonged use of alcohol, even in small quantities, over time, negative processes begin to appear in the organs, and the degradation of the personality becomes more noticeable. Most often, alcohol can lead to the following negative aspects:

  1. Loss of control, serious manifestations of aggressiveness;
  2. Development of cirrhosis of the liver;
  3. Family breakdown, conflicts in it;
  4. Poisoning provoked by alcohol;
  5. Loss of ability to work;
  6. Increased risk of developing malignant tumors and vascular diseases;
  7. Increasing risk of an accident;
  8. reproduction of unhealthy offspring.

The list, alas, is incomplete and can be continued indefinitely. It is only important to note that none of the consequences will be positive.

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Many are interested in the question of why people start drinking. What factors push them to this and is it possible to save yourself from cravings for alcohol?

Most people believe that alcoholism is just a person's desire to drink, which can be controlled and easily abandoned if something happens. But in fact, everything is not so simple. No alcoholic can easily stop drinking. The reason is that this is a psychological addiction, which is treated either with the help of a specialist, or if a person has good willpower and, most importantly, desire.

Due to the fact that the problem of alcoholism now affects almost everyone, the question arises as to why people drink alcohol.

The question about the causes of cravings for alcoholic beverages is most often asked by women. This does not mean that they cannot be addicted to alcohol, it is just that this disease is much less common among women. Unfortunately, many men like to spend evenings with friends and bottles of vodka. Although, in many developed European countries, it is considered acceptable when a man after work goes to a bar with friends and drinks a glass of beer there. In our country, such an amount is considered very small, it is only a “warm-up”.

In the course of research, doctors have identified 5 main reasons that push people to drink alcohol:

After analyzing these factors, one can notice the fact that they go in time with the increase in the stage of alcohol dependence. Indeed, for a person who drinks every day, the reason for drinking cannot be an interest or a desire not to stand out from the company. Similarly, in young people who have never tasted alcohol, the cause cannot be the removal of hangover symptoms. Therefore, you need to understand that everyone has their own motives.

In addition to the above five main motives for which a person starts drinking, there are a number of less obvious, but more serious ones. They are rooted in psychology. After all, if things are going well, there is a friendly family and friends, then hardly anyone will drink in order to once again feel the feeling of intoxication. Therefore, you need to understand this and be very attentive to your loved ones.

The first psychological reason is the feeling of loneliness. When there is no one to talk to about your problems and joys, then there is a desire to drink, because then the world seems not so hostile, and this feeling disappears. But only for as long as there is a state of intoxication.

Also, many people come to alcoholism by hiding their shortcomings or self-doubt. If a person has some kind of physical defect (speech, walking), then he is embarrassed by this and they feel like an inferior member of society, they feel constrained there. Another common reason is for courage (for example, before intimacy). When any fears or anxieties are present, a person can also drink to calm them.

Often there is such an excuse as the desire to achieve relaxation, to defuse the situation. Alcohol really lifts the mood at first, causing a kind of euphoria.

And when asked why people drink beer, men usually have the same answer: they like the taste of this drink.

In addition to psychological, there are also social causes:

  • Dissatisfaction with their work or lack of it;
  • Low social status;
  • It is a tradition to drink at all holidays and celebrations without exception;
  • Inability to resist not always benevolent society.

The list of these reasons is endless. And everyone will have their own individual story, which ends with the fact that a person has turned into an alcoholic.

Among the above factors of alcoholism, there are a number of those that can be easily refuted.

For example, drinking to cheer up. The catch here is that a person actually enjoys, but it ends very quickly. This is followed by severe depression and irritability. It is enough to drink another glass, and the world again acquires a positive color.

Also in such a situation, there is a pattern: the greater the amount of alcohol drunk, the stronger the craving for it becomes. In chronic cases, a person is ready to literally cut his throat in order to get another portion of alcohol. Indeed, if you remember a lot of drunk people, you can hardly call him happy and in a good mood. Usually it's quite the opposite.

In addition, it should be said that alcoholic euphoria is available only to people in the early stages of addiction. In the latter, these drinks do not cause any good mood, but only create the appearance of improving health, which has been “planted” here for a long time.

If we talk about the fact that alcohol helps to establish relationships with someone, to become more sociable, then we should say about its ability to destroy brain cells, slow down the movement of nerve cells. In such a situation, a person’s speech is incoherent and illogical. And only the same drunken man (or woman) will understand him.

The myth that alcohol makes people bolder is easy to dispel if we remember that most suicides, accidents, and crimes are committed while intoxicated. It would be more correct to say here about the loss of a sense of self-preservation, inadequate perception of the environment.

Alcohol is also not very effective for raising the mood. This is a short-term process that will very quickly give way to anger, irritability and resentment at everyone.

To remove the symptoms of a hangover, it would be better to drink a special drug than a glass of vodka. After all, the body is already trying with all its might to remove the poison, and more is poured into it. The only exception is the situation when it happened. Then a person simply needs a dose of ethyl alcohol, which will neutralize the source of intoxication.

The question of whether it is possible to protect oneself from alcoholism worries many women. After all, they suffer the most. Usually drunk by a man or children in their teens. In order for them not to become dependent, it is necessary to ensure that none of them is present in the life of the family. Frequent feasts (which is generally desirable to avoid) are constantly accompanied by drinking. Instead, you can go to the forest, park, another city. Fresh air will benefit health, and spending time together will bring the family closer, eliminating the psychological factors of addiction.

So, the question of why men or women drink alcoholic beverages cannot be answered unambiguously. For each reason is individual. In addition, the stage of the disease also affects it. If we talk about the initial stages, then the pretexts for which a person drinks are only psychological or social. This is usually a feeling of misunderstanding, loneliness on the part of society. Therefore, close people should be very attentive to each other, because the consequences can be irreversible.

“Alcohol does more harm to humanity than war, famine
and the plague combined.” (Charles Darwin)

Stupid features, irritability, insecurity, an extinct look, a sense of guilt and shame ... All this can be read on the face of a drinking person.

Why do people drink alcohol if it brings so much trouble and grief that even war does not bring? Murder, robbery, fight, betrayal, accident, broken family, loss of job - these are just a fraction of what comes along with alcohol.

There are 4 main reasons that explain why people drink alcohol:

1. The subconscious alcohol program is a set of beliefs and beliefs that drinking is normal and even necessary;
2. The habit of celebrating any occasion and drinking on weekends, holidays, at meetings, after work;
3. The need for alcohol;
4. Dependence on alcohol.

Let's look at them in more detail.

1. People drink alcohol because there is an alcohol program.

This program of the subconscious is formed from childhood. The child sees how close people drink alcohol on holidays, rejoice, sing songs, dance. They are good and fun. The kid notices that if dad drank, he becomes kinder, buys toys and laughs more often.

Children sit at a common festive table, listen to toasts and clink glasses with adults. Yes, there is juice in a children's glass, but the belief is already being laid in the head that you can only celebrate with alcohol.

"Ratatouille" (cartoon for children)

There were cases when kids came to the kindergarten after the New Year holidays and played on a holiday: they sat down at the table and clinked glasses with their toy cups.

The alcohol program is also laid down through television, magazines, films, songs, sayings. Think of any movie or series - everywhere people drink. “Enjoy Your Bath”, “Old New Year”, “Diamond Hand”, “Kitchen”, “Interns”, “Univer” ...

Everywhere people go through various life tests, adventures, events and drink alcohol. This forms deep-seated beliefs in the viewer's subconscious that drinking alcohol is not only possible, but also necessary.

"Diamond Hand" (cult Soviet film for the whole family)

The same is true for songs and sayings. “Wine is given to us for joy”, “He who does not smoke and does not drink will die healthy”, “The drunken sea is knee-deep”, “I got drunk drunk ...”, “I drink to the bottom for those who are in the sea”. There are hundreds and thousands of examples. And each time, listening and singing along, a person strengthens his subconscious alcohol program.

2. People drink alcohol because they have a habit.

Culture and traditions shape the drinking program that creates drinking habits. If we meet with friends, then we definitely drink. If we celebrate a holiday, then we drink. We go fishing, go to a sauna, go to nature, go to a disco - we drink.

When a person begins to drink regularly: on holidays, weekends, after work, he develops a habit of drinking. And the question no longer arises: to drink or not to drink, but the question arises: what to drink? Beer or wine, vodka or whiskey. That is, the question already falls into another plane, where any choice is false.

There was a time when every evening after work I took a commuter train and went home from Moscow. I bought beer to relax and distract myself on the road. At first it was one bottle, then two, three ... And I no longer imagined that I could go home from work and not drink. It has become a daily habit.

3. People drink alcohol because they need it.

This happens when a person can no longer refuse alcohol. He drinks regularly, once a week or more.

Yes, he can regularly go to work, raise children, drive a car, manage people, that is, be a normal worker, husband, father. But without alcohol, this person can no longer rest, relax, he always lacks something. He is already looking for an excuse to drink. Finds and drinks.

I was just at this stage when I realized what a trap I was being pulled into.

4. People drink alcohol because they are addicted.

The need turns into addiction. A person can no longer control himself, he is controlled by alcohol. At first, he is ashamed of his addiction and drinks on the sly. Then he no longer hides and drinks in front of everyone.

Alcohol becomes the meaning of his life. Relations with loved ones collapse, he loses his job. Now he is surrounded by alcoholic drinking companions. They gather in the morning somewhere on the "patch" near the store or in the yard on a bench and figure out how to buy something to drink. They ask passers-by for money, they take out everything that can be sold from the house ...

And it all started so beautifully: a glass of champagne, cold beer with fish ... Moderate "cultural" drinking creates alcohol habits that lead to need and addiction.

In order to get rid of alcohol habits, needs and addictions, it is important to start with changing the alcohol program that is embedded in the subconscious. It is this program - a set of false beliefs and beliefs - that is the root of all problems with alcohol.

To change these beliefs and change the program of the subconscious, you just need to find out the truth about alcohol.

What is alcohol and how does it work?

Alcohol, or wine alcohol, is an ethanol drug with the formula C2H5OH. Doctors around the world have long recognized its effects as toxic and narcotic.

Alcohol is also a huge serious business that earns billions. The cost of a bottle of vodka is about 20 rubles. The cost in the store is from 200 rubles and more. More profitable - only trade in drugs and weapons. Alcohol tycoons are investing fabulous amounts of money in promoting the so-called "cultural" drinking.

But in society, alcohol is perceived as a food product that is served for the holiday. He amuses, fools, with him a person experiences various adventures. And most importantly, he justifies the stupidity that a person commits when drunk: "Well, I was drunk, what to take from me."

There is not a single organ in the human body that does not suffer from alcohol. But the brain suffers the most.

Let me explain how it happens.

There are capillaries in the human body - the thinnest vessels through which oxygen and nutrients enter all organs. Red blood cells move through the capillaries, which carry oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body. Red blood cells are covered with a lipid layer - a lubricant that allows them to easily slide through the capillaries.

Alcohol removes the lipid layer from red blood cells, and they begin to stick together. And they are already going through the capillaries not one at a time, but in lumps, in the form of a bunch of grapes.

There are areas in the brain tissue in the head where the capillaries are so thin that erythrocytes (blood cells) can only pass through them one at a time. And when a lump of red blood cells that stick together under the influence of alcohol enters this capillary, a blood clot forms there. Like a traffic jam or a plug in a pipe.

The next morning, dead cells leave the body with water. Why is it so thirsty in the morning with a hangover? Because the body needs water to wash the corpses of decaying cells out of the head. They literally come off the brain tissue, which is why a hangover gives me such a headache. Dead cells are excreted in the urine. Any conscious doctor will confirm this to you - a drunkard urinates with his brains in the morning.

And it doesn't depend on the dose. Any dose of alcohol - a glass of champagne, a bottle of beer, a can of cocktail or a glass of vodka - destroys the brain. It's just that the more a person drank, the more destruction.

Look at the face of the drinking person - everything is written on it. From such a face, you want to quickly look away. Why do you think? Because it, like in a mirror, reflects what you do not want to accept in yourself. Any dose of alcohol brings you closer to such a face. And this process is irreversible, brain cells are not restored.

Think about it the next time you pick up a bottle of beer or a glass of wine. Remember the face of the drinking man, his gloomy life, his terrible appearance, his depression and helplessness.

Do you want to be the same?

Everyone will answer this question differently. Some will say: “To cheer up”, others will note that “alcohol makes it possible to relax”, others will argue that alcoholic drinks help them feel the fullness of life, and others are trying to escape their problems in this way. How many people, so many opinions. And each of them is true to some extent.

The fact that alcohol is harmful, we will not tell. We will analyze only the most popular cases of drinking strong drinks, trying to understand from a psychological point of view why people drink alcohol.

The most interesting thing is that not only “upright man” consumes alcoholic beverages. It also happens in the animal world that the four-legged ones find a special intoxicating weed, fermented fruits or dig out “laughing roots”, eat it to satiety, bring themselves into a state of drunken euphoria, sleep, rage, fight among themselves, that is, they behave in exactly the same way. , as well as the person who "went over".

There are several reasons why we start drinking hard liquor.

Reason one

We simply do not have enough holidays in our lives. So we are trying to make them artificially for ourselves. After all, in a state of intoxication, life seems brighter, easier and more fun. Alcohol “beats” those parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, gives a ghostly feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence, makes you throw off the mask that a person wears in everyday life and makes it possible, at least for a little, but to be yourself, releasing all the negativity and long-hidden desires.

While we are in this state, we want to live, love, create and do something good. But the next morning comes, and we understand that not only has nothing changed, but a new one, popularly called “hangover”, has been added to all existing problems. And then people who are weaker in spirit go to “hangover” in order to regain the feeling of a holiday, while the stronger ones pull themselves together and begin to solve pressing problems, rightly believing that alcohol will not get rid of them.

A holiday in booze is an illusion. If you think like that, then soon you will no longer be able to sincerely have fun without irritating the nerve receptors of the brain, and life will become just a surrogate for life.

Reason two

We start drinking alcohol to prove to ourselves that we are already adults/independent/corresponding to a certain environment. So, in order to "join" the new team, we begin to visit pubs or restaurants with colleagues. To prove that we are worthy of the bohemian life, we visit nightclubs and lazily sip cocktails there. To "get on the same wavelength" with friends, we drink vodka while fishing and port wine on a bench near the house. We cannot say “no” to something that is of no value to us at all, but which, as we think, can raise our status in the eyes of others.

In this case, you need to separate yourself, your personality, from companies. To each his own. If they like to spend time over a bottle of beer, discussing how Kolka got into a fight yesterday, then God is with them. You don't have to listen to it or do the same. You must understand that such a pastime will not only “plant” your health, reduce it, but also reduce the years of your life by several years. But everyone wants to live. And to live fully and joyfully. Don't try to be like others. You are different. Unique, special and inimitable. Decide for yourself what is important to you and do only what you are really interested in.

Reason three

With the help of alcohol, we try to escape from life's adversities, to forget and be distracted. With the first glass drunk, the most global problem begins to decrease in size, and this is exactly what we are waiting for. In an intoxicated brain, dozens of solutions and ways out of the current situation immediately jump through, or, which very often happens, we begin to believe that all this is not worth a damn, we convince ourselves of this and rejoice that everything ended so beautifully.

But it's in a state of intoxication. As soon as the hops disappear, everything returns to its “full circles”, and we understand that the problems have not gone away. They just lay low and wait for the right moment to attack us again.

But the very feeling of liberation from adversity is what a person is looking for when he starts drinking. And he likes this state, so he does not stop, but continues to drink alcohol again and again.

So many people turned into alcoholics, who simply did not find the strength to look directly into the eyes of the difficulties that arose and find a solution how to overcome them. After all, it is much easier to drink 150 grams of something strong, and life becomes beautiful, than to work hard for several weeks so that life really becomes beautiful.

Reason four

Thanks to the media, "cool" American action movies and modern TV series, in which we see how the main characters drink alcohol with grief and joy, the idea that alcohol is a faithful assistant in any life situation is hammered into our subconscious . When the heart hurts - you need to drink 50 grams of cognac, when you are very cold - vodka. If it’s a holiday, champagne is good, but at a bachelorette party, you just need a sweet liquor. And so latently the idea is driven into our heads that life is easier with alcohol.

And we are used to believing everything that the “black box” broadcasts. And it’s worth trying once, the brain got pleasure, sent signals to the body that “drinking is a thrill” and that’s it, the chain is closed. Breaking it becomes very difficult, because in order to convince your subconscious that there are much more pleasant things than gatherings with alcohol, you need to do something. But how? But what about the desire to relax, but not? Another option is “Today I drink, and tomorrow I quit.”

We deceive ourselves, and continue to drink alcohol, enriching the liquor magnates. Maybe it's time to take a sober look at your life and make the decision that will be a turning point in your destiny?

Find your reason why you drink alcohol, do not look at others. You shouldn't be wondering why people drink alcohol, you should be wondering why YOU drink hard liquors.

Understand yourself. I am sure that you will find the right solution and the best way out of any situation, because you want to live a long, healthy and happy life surrounded by those who are dear to you and whom you yourself love madly.