Why does the iPhone 7 heat up. The iPhone heats up, heats up strongly or quickly while charging. Faulty software

Many owners of Apple smartphones are worried about the fact that their iPhone is heating up. Before thinking about a possible breakdown of the phone and visiting a service center, pay attention to the circumstances under which the iPhone heats up.

What is the norm

For example, if the iPhone is heating up while charging, there is no reason to worry at all. Apple phones are mini-computers that consume huge amounts of power. They have such a device that cannot but heat up when charging. It is also absolutely normal for the iPhone to heat up slightly under the following circumstances:

  • when watching a video for a long time
  • when browsing the Internet and viewing several pages at once
  • when using several programs at once (player, skype, geolocation)
  • when using the camera in recording mode for a long time

Also, iPhones often heat up in such cases:

  • when using various programs for video editing or photo processing
  • when playing games with modern graphics
  • while talking on a smartphone connected to the charger

In a word, the harder the processor works and the more tasks it processes in one unit of time, the hotter the iPhone heats up.


By itself, heating the iPhone in the situations listed above is not terrible. It is worth worrying only when, along with the heating of the iPhone case, there are other negative aspects of the operation of the mobile device. You may be thinking about repairing your apple if you notice the following signs of breakage:

  • iPhone taking unusually long time to charge
  • iPhone dies very fast
  • iPhone shuts down abruptly as soon as it gets hot
  • when the iPhone heats up, the display shows much worse, the speakers do not work well

The causes of heating in these cases may be battery malfunctions or other problems with the hardware of the device. Internal problems occur when the case is damaged or water enters the iPhone. The causes of internal problems in which the device is very hot can also be the repeated use of a charger that is not “native” for your “apple” model.

Prevention measures

If your iPhone is overheating and you suspect that it is unnaturally hot, make sure that you use it properly. Smartphones rarely get warm if you:

  • charge the iPhone with the “native” cord for the prescribed time (switch off immediately after the battery is full)
  • do not allow situations in which the smartphone is discharged to zero
  • do not leave the phone to overheat in the sun
  • turn off functions you do not need in standby mode (geolocation, search for Wi-Fi)
  • while playing games or watching videos, let the phone “rest” after several hours of constant work

These operating rules are especially relevant for owners of older models of Apple smartphones, which heat up much more often and faster than later versions of apples.

Repair types

Only a professional can determine the cause of your phone failure if it becomes unnaturally hot during operation. Most often, the battery is to blame in these cases, especially if the smartphone quickly sits down or involuntarily turns off after it has warmed up. The battery cannot be repaired, it is simply changed. The battery can be replaced within minutes, so you won't have to spend a lot of time on repairs.

You can fix the problem yourself by replacing the battery at home. However, at the same time, a professional will check the health of such phone modules as:

  • screen
  • touchscreen display
  • CPU
  • speakers

If your battery got very hot for a long time, some screen cables and other “stuffing” of the smartphone could be damaged. A professional master will not only quickly identify, but also eliminate the breakdown, which is quite difficult to determine on your own.

In the electronics market, there is a huge number of high-quality products that provide comfort and convenience of communication at work and at leisure. A prime example of such products is the iPhone.

This gadget is made of reliable materials and has many advantages in comparison with other smartphones. But in some cases, this device malfunctions and starts to heat up. Most often, with this problem in mobile phones, you need to replace the battery or fix the problem. But to fix the problem, you need to find out the reasons that lead to excessive heating of the gadget.

The described mobile device heats up for a number of reasons:

  • In some cases, heating occurs when the new iOS firmware is installed incorrectly. The operating system, when not working correctly, consumes a lot of energy, leads to accelerated battery consumption and heating of the phone.
  • When charging a mobile phone, the battery heats up if the universal charger is used. And to avoid the problem, the gadget must be charged with the original charger, otherwise it can lead to self-ignition of the iPhone.
  • High voltage when charging causes the temperature of the phone to rise. The battery must not be allowed to be completely discharged while using the gadget.
  • Inaccurate handling, such as falling and bumps, adversely affects the operation of the device.
  • The most common reason why the iPhone heats up is the penetration of moisture into the device case. The liquid, in addition to heating the gadget, leads to oxidation of the contacts or even a short circuit.

What other problems cause the iPhone to heat up

Once a month, the phone should be cleaned from accumulated dust and any other types of contaminants that have penetrated inside the device. If the iPhone heats up, then the battery needs to be replaced to fix the problem.

In order not to have to think about why the iPhone is heating up, you should pay attention to other problems:

  • the battery holds a charge for several hours;
  • a software failure occurred, manifesting itself as spontaneous menu switching, turning the gadget on or off, etc.;
  • the gadget freezes or slows down;
  • there are problems when turning off the phone.

All these reasons, to one degree or another, lead to partial or complete heating of the case, which further leads to the failure of the device.

Causes of heating "iPhone 5"

There are many reasons why your phone gets hot. If the "iPhone 5" is warming up, you can contact the service center, but first you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Why does the iPhone 5 get hot? If this happens when active work is not being done, then this is a clear cause for concern. And, as we have already said, there are quite a few reasons for heating: moisture ingress, mechanical damage, program malfunctions, problems with the power controller.

For example, if the battery is damaged, a red indicator appears on the battery. This battery must be replaced immediately. Excessive use of settings, applications (for example, update settings, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, various background programs and any other processes) will speed up the phone and the battery will drain faster.

When charging on the road, sudden changes in electricity, using powerful chargers, the phone in most cases starts to heat up. And connecting to the phone's network to the full in the future leads to the failure of the battery.

It also becomes clear why the iPhone heats up when entering a warm room from a cold street. Sudden changes in air temperature are detrimental to him. When entering from the street, where the air temperature is lower by 30-40 ° C than indoors, it is strictly forbidden to immediately turn on and even more so work with an iPhone!

Why does the iPhone 5S get hot?

You should be aware that most often the heating of the device can be eliminated after updating the program. And the sleep mode allows you to unload the operating system and saves energy.

In some cases, the reason why the iPhone 5 S heats up, just like a smartphone of another generation, is a manufacturing defect. And if this is detected, then the manufacturer quickly changes the device to a new one, the main thing is that the phone is purchased in a verified place.

Why does the iPhone 6 get hot?

In some cases, the "iPhone 6" becomes warmer than in standard cases, for simple, natural reasons. Using various additional functions, such as 3G or 4G, checking mail, leads to a slight heating of the gadget. A constantly working Wi-Fi leads to a rather strong heating of the device. In addition, at a remote point, the iPhone spends more energy on connecting to the network, which also leads to overheating.

Why does my iPhone get hot while charging? The temperature of the device rises slightly when connected to the charger. If it was completely discharged before connecting, this also leads to heating, since a large amount of energy is supplied.

Please note that you cannot work with an iPhone connected to the mains! This leads not only to excessive heating of the phone, but also to rapid deterioration of the battery.

Causes of overheating of the iPhone during its operation

Why does the iPhone get hot during operation? This can be facilitated by various processes, such as playing games, watching movies, listening to music or audio books. With additional load - the work of several applications at once - the gadget heats up much faster than under standard conditions.

If the phone gets very hot when talking, working with applications and other activities that load the gadget, then the problem must be fixed immediately. A slight increase in case temperature during such actions is the norm.

After a certain period of operation of the gadget, it becomes almost impossible to restore a damaged device. Breakdowns progress over time. After falls or impacts on the case, microcracks grow, traces of oxidation and corrosion become larger. Therefore, if the device starts to warm up, it must be shown to specialists.

In case of excessive heating of the case, the malfunction must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will directly affect the performance of the iPhone and can lead to costly repairs in the future.

If a person is unwell, the main thing is to establish the correct diagnosis in time and prescribe the correct treatment. The same situation is with gadgets. If the iPhone starts to get very hot, this signals serious problems, therefore, you need to determine the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible. It depends on how long the smartphone will last and how expensive it will be to repair an Apple product. Moreover, if you delay with the "treatment" of your favorite gadget, its recovery may be impossible. Why does the iPhone get very hot when charging, during a conversation, or just in standby mode? Determine the cause of this and solve the problem quickly. And we'll help you figure it out.

Why the iPhone is warming up: we choose the reasons

Apple cannot be accused of dishonest work. They try to make their products not only functional and comfortable, but also safe and reliable. But nothing is perfect, so there are some nuances that have not yet been resolved. Very often on the forums you can hear from the owners of apple gadgets that their devices get very hot. The reason for this may be:

  1. An old battery that has already served its purpose.
  2. Automatic system and application updates.
  3. Geolocation enabled.
  4. Lots of apps running in the background.
  5. Screen brightness is set to maximum.
  6. Permanently active Airdrop function.
  7. iCloud services are running.
  8. Push notifications enabled.

The easiest and most reliable way to establish the true cause of the iPhone heating is to take it to the service. But you can try to figure it out yourself.

Symptoms of overheating problems

  • The whole phone or part of the case is hot.
  • Failure of the entire system or individual applications.
  • Spontaneous menu switching.
  • Hanging or slowing down the device.
  • Problems with turning on / off the gadget.

If one or more of the above symptoms occur, there is every reason to suspect problems with iPhone overheating. But it should be remembered that during operation the device can and should warm up.

Natural causes of heating

If the gadget starts to heat up after being connected to charging, then do not panic. During charging, the battery may heat up, as chemical processes take place inside, which causes the temperature of the battery itself to rise. And you also don’t need to immediately run to the workshop if the iPhone heats up while watching movies or while playing games, since heating occurs for the same reasons. This is normal and no need to worry.

The natural increase in iPhone temperature should also include a large number of simultaneously running tasks: games, videos or other applications.

In addition, the iPhone is prone to heat when Wi-Fi is on. This effect can be especially observed when the signal source is located at a considerable distance. The device is constantly looking for it, as a result of which it heats up, which is also considered a regular mode.

An increase in the temperature of the gadget can also be affected by automatic mail checking. If this function is enabled and the check timer is set for 5-15 minutes, then this also entails overheating of the battery. But if the iPhone not only heats up, but along with the heating, there is a rapid discharge of the battery, then there are some problems in the phone and something needs to be done.

Apple manufactures products designed for a wide temperature range. But for normal operation of the phone, the temperature should be between 16-22 ° C. The critical point is 35 °C and above. If the gadget passes this point, then this leads to a decrease in the performance of the device and a decrease in battery life.

Video: Useful iPhone Cooling App

Causes of unnatural overheating

If there were no force majeure situations with the iPhone, and it gets very hot and quickly loses battery power, then there are some malfunctions in the system. Determining the cause at home is extremely difficult. There are no external indicators of the gadget, according to which, with 100% certainty, it is possible to establish the factor that led to the problem. In no case should you ignore what is happening. In extreme conditions, the iPhone will still work for some time, but not for long, and the restoration is not cheap and there are situations when not all service centers will take up the resuscitation of the iPhone.

It is determined that if the device is very hot, it needs repair. In this case, you need to check the status of the iPhone and try to eliminate the cause as soon as possible. The easiest and most reliable way to solve this problem is to take it to a service center. But if you have confidence in your strengths and capabilities, you can try to establish for yourself the factors that led to this situation.

Reason 1. Battery wear

If the iPhone gets warm in standby mode, the battery is most likely the cause. Apple original batteries have a long lifespan, but they are coming to an end. Therefore, if the gadget gets very hot and the battery “flies away” quickly, it is possible that it has already served its age and needs to be changed. You can not believe the stories that you can somehow extend the battery life. A spent battery must be changed immediately, otherwise there is a risk not only for the device itself, but also for its owner.

To prolong the life of the battery, you can only properly charge it, prevent the battery from completely discharging, and immediately disconnect it from the mains after charging.


Replace the battery with a new one.

Reason 2. Moisture ingress

The device may increase the heating temperature also due to the fact that moisture has got inside. Liquid can enter for various reasons:

  • spilled tea, water, juice, coffee, etc.
  • splashing water in the bathroom or near the fountain.

If moisture gets inside the iPhone, this leads to oxidation of the elements, which, in turn, can lead to minor short circuits in the system, and this leads to overheating of the device.


  1. Stop work immediately so as not to aggravate the situation.
  2. Disable iPhone.
  3. Disconnect the battery from the device.
  4. Take it to the workshop, where specialists will clean the oxidized contacts, dry and remove moisture.

You can try all these steps yourself, but there is a risk of damaging small parts. Therefore, before you start fixing this trouble yourself, weigh your options and the risk of damaging your favorite device.

iPhone models released after 2006 are equipped with Liquid Contact Indicators (LCI). It works after direct contact with any liquid. It's built into the side of the iPhone.

Reason 3. Failure of internal parts

It happens that the device starts to warm up after mechanical damage, for example, after a fall. If such a case took place and after that the phone began to warm up, you should immediately carry it to the workshop. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation.

Reason 4. Unreasonable heating of the device

If the battery is new, the background is not overloaded, there was no third-party interference in the gadget’s stuffing, and the iPhone is still warming up, you can take the following steps to fix the problem.

  • Reset all settings on the device. It is important to back up all data via iTunes or iCloud before resetting. this procedure helps in most cases. If this step does not help, go to the next step.
  • New iPhone firmware. This step must be done even if the firmware is the latest. It is important to update the device not from a backup, but as a completely new device. This method also works. If he didn’t help, you need to carefully review all the iPhone settings.
  • Analysis of phone settings. Incorrect settings can also affect the increased temperature of the device. Carefully review geolocation, network settings, etc. If there are incorrect commands or inaccurate settings, you need to correct them. Perhaps that's the point.
  • When all the steps have been taken, but the situation has not changed, most likely the reason is more complex. Maybe the processor or motherboard is out of order. But such a diagnosis can only be established at a service center.

Why does the iPhone get very hot when charging?

There are times when the iPhone starts to warm up when charging the battery. The reason for this may be:

  • malfunction of phone contacts, connector or charger;
  • use of universal or non-original charger;
  • violation within the device.


It is difficult to establish what exactly is the cause of the iPhone overheating when charging, even in a service center, since a rigorous analysis of many factors is needed. Check for foreign objects or particles in the charging connector or on the contacts of the battery and phone. Are the contacts oxidized? Whether the battery is swollen and whether there are any visual defects in the device.

  1. Use only original or branded chargers. Never use non-native devices. This is dangerous not only for the device, but also for the user, as they can ignite.
  2. Do not drain the battery completely.
  3. Do not leave the gadget for a long time in the network when it is already charged.
  4. Do not keep your iPhone in a case while charging.
  5. It is highly undesirable to use the iPhone when it is charging.

Using an iPhone while charging is life-threatening. There are cases when people were struck by electric shock during a conversation at the very moment of charging the gadget.

Overheating of the device during a call

During a long conversation, the phone, of course, can heat up. But if only one part of it is heated, for example, the top or back cover, then this indicates unnatural heating.


For starters, you can try changing the operator. If it doesn't help, reflash with system restore. If this does not solve the problem - carry it to the service.

Video: Causes and Troubleshooting of Phone Overheating Problems

The iPhone can and should get warm during operation. It's quite normal. But if the device gets very hot for no apparent reason, then there are problems that should be solved as soon as possible. In no case should such a symptom be neglected, since this can lead to many much more serious consequences.

November 3, 2017 the official release of the iPhone X in the world! But already in the first hours after the sale of smartphones, users began to notice the high temperature of their devices. It was rather strange, because exactly the same smartphone worked properly in the hands of another person. In this article, we have published the most popular reasons why the iPhone X (iPhone 8, 8 Plus) is heating up and, of course, solutions to these problems.

Why does iPhone X, 8, 7 heat up?

There are a large number of factors that lead to iPhone overheating. This can be external damage, such as: falling, short-term stay of the smartphone in some liquid, long-term external impact on the smartphone (long-term stay of the smartphone in cold or heat). So are internal ones, for example: faulty software, simultaneously running applications, etc.

Prolonged use of the smartphone wears out the battery.

I don't think that iPhone X owners will face this problem now. However, this problem is very common among other versions of the iPhone. Due to prolonged use of the iPhone, when using cheap Chinese chargers or constant temperature changes, the iPhone battery may become unusable. It will stop holding a charge and will get very hot. The only solution to this problem will be to replace the battery or smartphone. If you have the proper skills, you can replace the battery of your device yourself, after disassembling it. It will come out much cheaper (the battery costs around $ 17 - 1000 rubles).

Continuous use of a smartphone.

Like a computer, your iPhone also has a Central Processing Unit. The processor is an extremely powerful chip that handles every task, processing all input and output data. In this case, the processor is one component, quite small in size. Just imagine what happens if you use your iPhone for hours without stopping. The answer is obvious - it will start to overheat. Unlike a PC or laptop, the iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus and earlier do not come with a cooler or any good cooling system.

Faulty software.

Perhaps your iPhone X, 8, 7 is heating up due to prolonged use - a large number of applications appear on it. With the simultaneous operation of several applications, they can easily load the maximum processor up to one hundred percent.

In order to solve this problem, you need to find out which applications are using the processor the most and disable them. In order to do this, you need to go: Settings -> battery -> turn off the application that loads the system the most.

Wrong case fitted.

At first glance, this may sound like a very stupid joke. However, practice shows that when using low-quality cases, the average temperature of the smartphone (in active mode) increases by several degrees. Yes, a case protects your iPhone from scratches, bumps, external influences, but sometimes, wearing such an accessory can lead to unpleasant consequences. You can purchase high-quality cases for iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 7 Plus in the online store.

For iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus cases are available in , and .

Third party features.

It is possible that the iPhone X is heating up due to functions that you are not currently using, such as: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, Handoff, iCloude drive, photo functions, location services. Disabling unused system functions will help cool down your smartphone. Most of the above features are simply not used by iPhone owners. How often would you use Bluetooth? I doubt that you are sitting at work with headphones or a portable speaker. And this feature is enabled and loads your smartphone constantly.

Just in case the above methods don't help!

If none of the above methods did not help and your iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus, etc. is still heating up, the problem may lie in the crooked version of iOS, but before we move on to reinstalling the system, let's try to disable a couple more unnecessary functions.

Step 1: Remove all unnecessary applications.

If closing applications did not help you a bit and you can still heat up food on your iPhone, try to remember how long ago your smartphone started to get so warm? If the problem started after you installed a certain application, then try to remove it, because it is it that may be the hero of the occasion. In order to remove the REQUIRED application, follow these steps:

1.From the settings menu, click on “General”.
2.Scroll down the page, click "Storage and iCloud".
3. Click "Manage"
4.Remove dangerous and unnecessary applications.

Step 2: Update iOS to a new version or roll back to a previous one.

If your iPhone's temperature problem persists for a long period of time, then updating your iPhone software can help you. Apple periodically releases software updates. These updates fix bugs that were in previous versions, improve performance and application compatibility with the OS. To check if your iPhone needs an update, do the following:

1. Go to "Settings".
2. Click "General".
3. Click “Software Update” .

If an update is available, try installing it. In case you are unable to install the over-the-air update on your iOS device, you can update manually via iTunes on your computer. If your computer is connected to the Internet using a modem through the device you are updating, connect your computer to a different WiFi or Ethernet network prior to updating.

1. Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
2. Connect your device to your computer.
3. Open iTunes and select your device.
4. Click the “Browse” button, then click the Check for Updates button.
5. Click the Download and Update button.

If your iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus is still getting warm after downloading and installing the IOS update, try giving it some time to complete the update process. At least a day. Otherwise, you can resort to downgrading the IOS or waiting for the next IOS update. If you choose the latter, then you should immediately contact Apple Support to inform them of your problem.

Step 3. Reset all settings.

If the problem persists and your iPhone X, 8, 7 is still overheating after you tried the above methods, then the next thing you need to do is do a factory reset. To reset, do the following.

1. Go to "Settings" and swipe down to click "iCloud".
2. Then click “Find my iPhone”.
3. Toggle the slider to OFF by entering your PIN.
4. Go back with two clicks and click “General”.
5. Scroll down and press "Reset"
6. Click “Reset All Settings” and enter the pin code. After that, confirm your actions and wait. The phone will automatically reboot.

Step 4Restore iPhone

This is the latest method that will result in data loss. If you are sure that there is no external damage and the problem is in the software, then you need to reset your device.

The problem may be much deeper (it may be a malicious application) and in order to fix it, we will have to do a hard reset. Before you start the reset process, don't forget to back up your iPhone to iCloud beforehand. Once you have created a backup, you can restore your iPhone using iTunes or iCloud backup afterwards. To properly restore yours, follow this .

Other Useful Tips to Help Avoid iPhone Overheating

The following tips and suggestions will help you avoid overheating issues on your new iPhone:

Do not bring your iPhone to extremely warm places (such as an oven, iron, inside a car left under the sun), and also avoid direct sunlight on the smartphone screen.

When the temperature of your device rises, stop interacting with it and let it cool down.

If your iPhone gets hot while charging, disconnect your iPhone from the charger. After charging, watch what happens to your smartphone. If the problem persists, then check the charging cable and adapter. Be sure to use genuine (Apple) or OEM-provided charging accessories for your iPhone.

Perform a soft reset. Turning off your iPhone is also an effective way to reset the temperature, especially if the problem is caused by an app. Just press and hold the power button until the red slider appears, slide it to turn off your iPhone, wait a minute, and then turn it back on by pressing the power button for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears.

Remove the shroud or accessories as they can also cause overheating problems. For some reason, the design and material of the housing may also affect the function of the device. To determine if this is the cause, try removing the case and leaving it there until the device cools down, then try using it again to see what happens afterwards.

Set up or disable Personal Hotspot and other connectivity features that are enabled. If you use your iPhone as a personal hotspot or share an Internet connection with other devices. You can disable this feature by going to: “Settings -> Hotspot”.

If your battery is no longer holding a charge, you can purchase a PowerBank to extend battery life.

It is considered normal if the iPhone heats up when:

  • ● charging, especially if a device is used;
  • ● long conversation;
  • ● using wi-fi at a great distance from the router (for this, the phone needs to spend a significant amount of energy);
  • ● long video viewing;
  • ● use of energy-intensive applications and games;
  • ● Situations where many applications are running in the background.

If the iPhone 6S or any device heats up in the above circumstances, and there are no other complaints about the operation of the device, there is no reason for concern, this is a consequence of the active operation of the smartphone and battery.

There are cases when the iPhone 10 heats up due to a device malfunction:

  • ● the occurrence of a malfunction was preceded by contact with water;
  • ● there are other complaints about the operation of the device in the form of a quick loss of charge, shutdowns, freezes, etc.

Why does the iPhone 7 heat up | 7 plus?

Problems due to which the iPhone heats up:

  • ● the battery is out of order;
  • ● the power controller is faulty;
  • ● damage to the processor or circuit board.

The hardest case is when iPhone 7 gets hot due to a defective processor or motherboard. Depending on the degree of damage, the situation will be resolved by repairing or replacing the iPhone with a new one.

Does the iPhone heat up in combination with other device malfunctions? Don't put off repairs. Overheating of the electronics of the phone can cause the device to fail.